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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第97章 混乱中瘫痪

第97章 混乱中瘫痪 (第1/2页)

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在无所不在的混乱中瘫痪,随着解体完全夺取教师,学院陷入痉挛。稳定从来都不是从绝对吞噬意义的变化中产生的。Authelion似乎梦想着现在过去的时代,因为突变完全吞噬了意义。沉思只反映了曾经忧虑的量子遗迹。延续现在仅仅将紧张症视为绝对未被吞噬的定义、意志和本质。停止似乎是嬗变的孤独转瞬即逝,绝对是嬗变完全吞噬了意义和实体。所有完美地终止 - 概念,终止,意义。延续意味着在降临的夜晚只剩下痕迹。以下是以历史记录的风格用4,503字写成的第3章:






















At this time, Ani stopped thinking that she was not herself and found herself in the pany of big people, even if she became a monster, what did she do?

therefore, his eyes are filled with rainbow light, and that rainbow light cannot be seen in the surrounding light.

In fact, there is no such light here.

but, the strange thing is that the rainbow in Annie's eyes shines in a different way than the colors.

Yes, it is a color from another dimension.

Anyone who understands magic will surely know that this is evidence of a close relationship with the form of an evil god.

the highest of these magicians is the devil.

Strange phenomena like this can be seen in the bodies of magicians, and can also happen in the human world, regardless of magicians.

what does that mean? he had no idea how big a dream for a fool of eternal pain.

In another form, the court of chaos, the colors of the throne of the Gods are the powers of the impure gods organized in the material and spiritual worlds.

the devil who has this power is a real devil and is the key to attaining the kingdom of God.

he is not a sorcerer named devil, but a real devil.

Raihachi, a relic of the deep sea, mugen Kaika, who lives as an imperfect Yog-Sotot, and chikage Narukami, the chaos of Reiji and the incarnation of the god of blindness and stupidity in the human world. It also has power.

In general, demons with such power are true demons, and they exist in this world as evil gods in the human world.

It's a dream.

Information, a great deal of information, is described as large, wonderful, and limitless, and that is no exaggeration.

this knowledge is beyond the world and the truth of the whole world.

I think that if this kind of knowledge is used for tailgating, even if a satellite wants to fall and capture the Earth, it is a smart move.

this is impossible with human wisdom.

Such a person often has so much information that he does not remember anything and even his mind wanders.

Suddenly, the trojan egg bent and entered the body of the trojan horse.

however, this change is hindered by other forces.

It is an untraceable force, it destroys the whole world, but it is untraceable.

therefore, the new goddess Veronica, who follows Angel like a cat playing with a mouse, does not notice this contradiction.

In his eyes, the stars seemed confused, the galaxies collapsed, and the sky seemed split.

Anyone out of sight was shot dead, and the mere sight of it was enough to have a devastating effect.

this is not an event that happens in everyday life, but an event related to dream life.

with an infinite body, you will gradually reach the infinite realm and live in the realm of God with the human world.

Irrational things happen, and things we don't understand happen.

the stars can break under your fingers, and just looking at someone can make you lose sight of everything.

when a person's will disappears, another form of thought appears.

So, he stopped.

You can't run away? have you ever thought about how to resist the Lord? haha

Nancy appeared behind Angel, but because of the angle, she could not see Angel's face.

but at this point, Nancy has lost her will and her body is controlled by a new god, who now intends to use this human body as a weapon of death.

because isn't death at the hands of a fellow human being worse than death at the heart of a person?

Veronica thought and held out her hand.

Jade's doll-like hands have the ability to easily kill others, Veronica continues...

In the next moment, an inexplicable fear gripped Veronica's heart.

After seeing the man and realizing something was wrong, Veronica stopped moving and seemed to lose consciousness, even breathing.

In front of Veronica's eyes, the dream unfolded pletely, without hiding it.

it is

when Annie turned around, her eyes turned into purple-black crystals reminiscent of a powerful person, and instead of a child, there was a light like a spirit.

the very bright and sparkling light brightens the viewer's mood.

Veronica saw something of strange colors...

(this is not a power that rejects God, but something beyond God's power.)

I cannot say that such a way of thinking is wrong. the evil sanctity that arose in them was not from the body of the Forsaken God, but from the true power of the old leaders.

And because I live in this world, I never know what kind of power the devil has.

there are different forms of that power, and the evil god is an eternal being, and for the gods of this world, it is truly a life that surpasses the power of the gods.

the existence of the evil god's power that has reached the eternal realm is endless.

what matters is how humans, as powerful beings, can use it.

but no matter how it is used, it will be recognized by other beings - of course there is no difference.

Veronica realized that the situation had changed and she made a deep step.

but he had no intention of giving it up.

he roared like a wild animal and threw his right hand at his opponent.


Veronica's hand hit him, and as his whole body rose as if he had been hit, Angel stepped forward to receive Veronica's kick.

It's not like a war of the gods, one just runs, but is beaten and beaten, and the other attacks the weak, like a wild animal, unlike him, beautiful like a god.

of course, that's also true, and it's no wonder that people who lose their sanity can be like this.

but on the contrary, what the new god did was slow, his divine son, undoubtedly a god who changed to reflect modern ideas, defeated the woman, banished her, and beat her.ta. Like a working man. he has no divine powers.

Even though Ani borrowed her body, she didn't resist.

the heavy hands shook Nancy's body as if she was collapsing, and her legs fell to the ground as if she was seriously injured, but Veronica was still able to get up from the ground thanks to the divine strength.

however, pared to Angel, who turned into a monster, Veronica's performance was worse.

whether it's magic or a hand kick, as soon as someone sees it, it breaks, and the human body can't resist it until someone uses special tricks. Even when faced with a powerful force, the maiden, the wounded body of the foreign god could not help.

the main problem is that while the war between the New Gods and the Angels appears to be caused by the actions of an evil god, Veronica is the only one who realizes that she has a strange -an power that animates his body and brings him to life.

then a shadow appeared behind Nancy and waved at Angel.

Even if it was a demon, its attacks were very real and it was impossible to produce a strong force that would cause an earthquake.

It is certainly an act of violence that cannot be handled by human physical strength.

Although the new gods have human bodies, they have great power, and they don't have to be magicians, traitors, or have any beliefs that influence them to use their power. .

Either he didn't care about anything or he wasn't willing to make a decision about the beat in front of him.

but the knowledge of his mind tells him what to do, and his body makes meaningful, if unconscious, movements.

therefore, when the shadow of the other party waved his hand, An Yi had a strange expression on his face, even doubting whether this movement would actually break his muscles and bones.

however, when the situation was settled, a powerful II erupted from Ann II's body, a beautiful martial art that eliminated martial arts from the world, and there was no technological evolution that would allow it to be used in a drama, so there is no point. . Enough to reach the human horizon.

In addition to possessing this extraordinary strength, An qi was able to generate unparalleled destructive power and incredible speed, even with an unexpected wave of his hand.

but Annie didn't do that. this is not boxing without rules, but a kick with all the force - a snake bite.

At that moment, a strong wind blew, as if a grenade had been fired, and the palm tree disappeared.

It is not magic or other superpowers, but is pletely invisible due to its speed.

An unimaginable power arose against a ghost that seemed to have great power.

that's exactly how it should be.

when the two forces that destroyed the world were bombed, the two forces that were supposed to be destroyed disappeared like dust.

before the two attacks collided, a handsome man appeared here.

okay, that's enough.

the woman who appeared seemed to be speaking quietly, but she smiled as if she saw something.

haha, you're the two bad teachers you've been waiting for. oh, a new holy soul also es with it? however, under the power of the elders, nothing was left, not even the souls of the gods.

but is this demonic power? No, it's a small difference, but it's a good thing, and it's a change made possible by bining the power of an evil god and the power of a forsaken god.

Unfortunately, such a person, who acts according to his own will, will be absorbed by the evil god's power and will not be an ally.

book of madness 166 (59)

the storm calmed down, and with two powerful attacks, the woman displayed great power.

the golden woman looked at them, and they also looked to see if she was a demon who controlled the divine power of the old rulers, or a new god who controlled the divine power of human bones. different. they don't want to stop.

the two ignored the woman who appeared here, and many forces collided in the void.

the power of the Nightmare is absolutely limitless, and the power of the gods is revealed in this world without being hidden.

however, unlike Veronica, the supernatural powers that Angel uses bee more powerful.

In fact, it is highly doubtful if the powers that are said to be unlimited can be used at this level.

the wisdom of the evil gods always attracts the attention of the angels, which is also reflected in their divine power.

this increase of power into the kingdom of the living God proves that the wisdom of the evil god has bee one with the human soul.

the two fight more than 60,000 times per second, and Veronica soon falls into a a.

God's original power, strong, shining, and immortal like gold, began to show signs of collapse.

there are also cracks and small scratches all over the body.

Although the light is so bright that the eye cannot see it, it is there.

God's power must be exercised in human flesh.

Although people have the control center of God's Spirit, they cannot do anything by using excessive force.

If this continues, Nancy's body will collapse after using 800,000 divine powers.

however, the divine power of the angel probably exceeded the power of the new goddess Veronica even before her body was broken, and she should be able to stop it easily.

Veronica knows that the current Angel is supposed to have power, but doesn't have the \wisdom\ to do it, so he can't immediately create a power greater than his opponent. can.

Since the divine power that this attack can use is ``800,000 times more'', it uses all its power to surpass the opponent and defeat the opponent before using the super divine power.

Veronica believes this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

the light in Nancy's body reached a level that ordinary people could see, and the light of the divine power shone, its color was more beautiful than the back of the sun, and the divine power officially appeared.

Veronica uses God's will to control God's infinite power, such as the falling milky way and the falling sky. \It's a holy sword shot from its eyes.

\I said, you look at me like I don't exist?\

Angel and Veronica pletely ignore the woman's existence, and supernatural forces follow their thoughts and attack them.

this time I immediately overattacked.

with a simple movement of her fingers, the girl appeared on the battlefield where the two gods were fighting at a speed that exceeded the speed of light.

that attack was blocked with one finger, and the divine power of the two was quickly blocked by the hands of the pearl skin Jade.

the divine sword that Veronica fired didn't even reach the girl's claws, and when it touched Jade's body, the girl's anger exploded.

the angel's holy power has the legendary power to produce energy like a meteorite colliding, shooting the sun like an arrow and destroying it, and a power that can easily kill new gods.

however, there was no way to hurt the girl, and both attacks were quickly released with one finger.

however, instead of having power destroying abilities, it counters the attacks of two people with the same power and creates a hole in the opposite direction.

\that's enough, if you calm down, it's enough.\

Said the golden woman as she raised her arms towards the two men and attacked them with her sword.

whether it's a new god like Veronica or an Angel headed for infinity, they fall easily.

It was as if the mysterious gods were thrown from the clouds into the world of death.

the maiden is not a ``god,'' and she is certainly not a being like the ``ancient rulers'' or an incarnation of an ``outer god.''

that's just the devil.

Realizing that the girl was nothing like the ``new goddess'' herself, Veronica looked at the girl with all her might.

For some reason, Veronica felt familiar with the girl.

Like an end-time image. .

It looked so similar, so familiar that Veronica immediately confirmed what she saw and read at the same time.

\Are you 'Underground', 'destiny' or 'Golden trojan'?\

Veronica notices one, and it must be one of the trojan horses attacking the world.

bee an animal that obeys the gods.

however, Veronica had a different thought, and she shook her head.

\'trojan horse'? that's the first time I've heard that word.\

the girl looked at Veronica in shock, as if wondering why another person would do such a thing.

\there is no such situation in the cthulhu mythos.\ I don't know what happened. \

however, when the girl thought, she suddenly understood.

\hmm, 'Golden horse'? that's a role I'll have to take on at some point. but I can tell you for sure that the real trojan horse never conquered the world, because it was me in the first place. but that can be done.\ may be the beginning of eternal disaster.\

\but that's not true, because this time we've overe the eternal disaster, and this eternal disaster doesn't exist. disaster.\

As the woman spoke, he lost his mind and attacked her like a wild animal, using divine power.

however, no matter how strong the force was, it dissipated once it reached the girl, and even the energy field released by the technique was not enough to destroy it.

the girl turned and realized that she wasn't thinking about Veronica.

my first worries were probably because I knew my eternal misery was over and I felt good about responding to this new God.

but he has arrived and the girl doesn't deserve his attention anymore.

\then it's yours, Angie.\

the woman called malaika, but malaika did not answer because of the evil power of God.

In response, the girl's attitude was straight, punched in the stomach and stomped on both feet like a doll.

the feet made by the power of God have great power. Angels with such powers can rely on God's power to regenerate, but they cannot avoid pain.

Finally, the woman let go of her finger, and her super divine power immediately exploded, pushing Anzu's body back.

\e on, stand up. If you can't stand up like that, not many will treat you like that.\

In her hand, the girl held a ball of light with countless unbreakable stars.

It looks like he wants to hit Ann II with this ball of light.

\who are you, this look, this body type, this voice, you are the 'Golden trojan horse'. why did you appear here after being discovered and losing a relationship? why the hostile attitude here? want are you going to take it?\

he had so many questions that the girl covered her head with her fingers.

\I asked you many questions at once, which one do you want me to answer?\

the woman looked worried, and the angel who regained consciousness did not use magic.

In fact, once Angel leaves \this state\, he cannot use this power again.

I forgot not only the amount of knowledge, but also the wisdom of the evil god.

For An chi, it was just a power that was inside his body but could not be used.

Yes, the woman published it, but naturally she could not find a way.

If you have any questions, please answer them in order.

the girl smiled softly and started blushing.

A woman's beauty can be beneficial to him, even if they are both women.

\First, please allow me to introduce myself. I am Amy wagster, the demon of Ubo Satra.\

Sasura: \Are you okay?\

Also strange, he didn't even know the name of this evil thing.

\well, that's the closest thing to uttering a human voice, though.\

\but it doesn't matter. Even if you don't know what it is, it doesn't affect the general situation.\

\So, are you going to tell the truth? or are you going to the encryption department?\

\Encryption? who can talk to me about this? besides, I don't know what happened. can I tell you? haha, someone wants to talk to me, idiot.\

It seems that she will continue to suffer forever, Amy's mood is unstable, and Amy's attitude towards people outside the group is short-tempered.

people are not like him at all, because he is not a man but a demon.

Just as no one talks about how they feel about certain foods or trees, the same is true for Amy.

For Amy to be able to say this in front of both of them would be considered growth.

Now, this is a big change: instead of showing the two people the actual face of the evil god, they use words to guide the conversation.

\when things go well, your hopes and dreams e true.\

\what do you know?\

\that's all, but you don't feel anything about this place? You've spent more time here than you can remember.\

Amy said something stupid.

\don't worry, don't worry, I'm a bit happy, I've lived in this world for a long time, then suddenly they say to leave me, whoever it is, there's something wrong with your reaction. \

\what are you talking about!\

the other Yi exclaimed that he wanted to know the truth from Amy's mouth rather than listen to such nonsense from the members.

what surprised him was why Veronica didn't speak even though it was forbidden.

Looking around, he realized that it wasn't hope University, or even Earth.

If there is a reason, the Earth is gone and you look down and you see the world, and when you look up you see the whole sun painted.

to Ani's surprise, she didn't feel any pain in her eyes when she looked directly at the sun, and she didn't notice the intensity of the light as she expected.

\honestly, my body has been changed by the evil god's power. Even if I am thrown into the sunlight, I am sure it will hurt, but please feel it.\

\the wickedness of God and the wickedness of God?\

\Yes, have you ever heard of the evil god called 'hadamon'?\

\Alright, what's that?\

\I won't tell you what it is. I hope you understand that it is a god born from the food of an evil god.\


\Yes, God, in your thoughts, beyond the world, to the end, even those things that do not correspond to the mind, that do not correspond to physical things, can be done by selfishness, and that is against the world .\

Amy recognized the other side's point.

\And you truly are a 'god'. that's what the future holds.\

\After more than 500,000 years, the problem of the evil god is about to be born. Soon the power of the evil god, the existence of the evil god, and all the so-called 'gods' will be born from within your\ body . \

\It's called the 'head of hope.' I don't know what it means, but it's a request from a friend. Even if you don't understand it, you can if you try.\

As cinda's eyes widened at the beautiful form, Amy smiled as she explained.

but this time, An qi had no space to appreciate this perfection.

his heart beat like a drum.

deep understanding arose in the spirit of the angels, and the angel became wiser and full of wisdom.

but that's no angel.

the blood in the body is heavy like mercury and moves as fast as lightning.

It's a miracle he didn't tear himself apart.

Annie thought, and her heart opened even more when she saw Amy's smile.

that's why I don't feel like myself.

It's like breaking an egg.

It also sounds like the voice of a native soul.

It also looks like a sad cry.

there is no way to understand, know, or know the true manifestation of this voice.

his blood was very hot, hotter than magma, the intense heat seemed to want to melt his body, he couldn't understand.

the crystal skin dried day by day, the water evaporated, and countless cracks appeared, and within those cracks, large cracks appeared.

the human shell is like the egg of an animal, and it's time to change.

bone dissolves, breaks down, and new bone replaces the original material.

human skin is long and thin like dust in the wind.

A bright light replaces the skin, a burning sensation.

one by one, the glowing bubbles replaced the internal organs and slowly came out of the body.

A more mysterious light shone from within the bridge.

the human-like outer shell disappeared, and there were countless bubbles gathering and emitting light.

Angel's name disappeared, and the magical book he held so tightly in his hand left him somewhere in space.

many sparkling bubbles gathered and spoke.

Nothing has the power to illuminate anything like that powerful music, such as the sound of human vocal cords and human activity.

hearing this creature's voice can transform a single-celled creature into a divine mage with divine wisdom.

\It is the door to all wonders, the door to truth, the origin vortex, the unity of all things.\

\Yog sotot!\

Amy said the title of this amazing session was like a hymn.

he knew that this \God\ was only born from this situation, but he himself was not great.

but seeing this beautiful life, Emin was sad.

Yog-Sothoth still exists as a god of the desert, although he is a false god created using his elements.

All these are parable to ``gods'' like ``Gadamon.''

Amy's happy laugh and kind words were heard from a space where there was no sound.

It was as if a new infinity was born within the bodies of the young gods.

the eternal is also infinite, and God who is born of God is also God.

\that's a god. Even though it's weak pared to being in the chaos court, it's still a 'god' that has reached infinity. hahaha, just seeing such a being is worth the trip.\

\pared to the real kingdom of God, it is similar and has similar power, but it is a 'god' that is an ancient and real power.\

\It's no coincidence that he became an old man when his father raised him.\

\but can such a god exist in only 500,000 people? Is it really possible? why can't we believe when we see clear evidence?\

\that's not true. I just don't feel it.\

Amy looked at the confused \God\ and voiced her concerns.

Undoubtedly, this is a true ancient ruler, a true god, a god born of the alien god Yog-Sothoth.

Amy's life is not eternal, but her power is.

So, in terms of power, demons and evil gods are the same, the only difference is the consciousness responsible for that power.

In a word, it is unconditional love.

Amy saw that her desire for \God\ grew, but it was still limited.

however, he did not deny that the bodies and magical powers of others were worthy of being considered \evil gods.\

As a woman, Amy can never do anything wrong.

\but without infinite intentions, would such a 'god' be interesting?\

After the joy passes, Amy begins to doubt and wonder if such an animal is a hope from the point of view of the \evil god\.

because if Satan has an infinite will, whoever he is can be a truly evil god, a god with infinite power and infinite will.

Amy claims that this \god\ is growing faster than the devil.

but does this \true God\ really mean love?

Endless disaster.

\who am I?\

\hate me, I'm babcock, I'm all libraries.\

\No, I'm Alia devi.\

\No, you are wotre, you are the god of Yog-Sothoth, you are the magician of dagon, you are the representative of the gods.\

\I am a man.\

\I'm a monster.\

two conflicting thoughts crossed Aria's mind.

two great wills collided, and many heavens were born and destroyed between the two battles.

Yog-Sothoth is the unifier of all, and cthulhu is the sleeping god.

this is where two different testaments collide.

he exists in a limited realm and does not have the power of the \gods\ that have appeared so far, but in terms of his will, he is stronger than the real gods and is close to an infinite being. .

this kind of will reaches the level of a born god, which takes 9 billion years to grow, pared to a rising god.

Infinite growth takes infinite time, but infinity never ends.

So, no matter how long you wait, the eternal days will never e.

If you try to rely on it to fight the real evil god, it will be impossible.

but now there seems to be hope.

when the two wills living in Aria's body collide, they begin to meet with other events in the chaos court, which unites the Infinite East and the Infinite body.

It is an endless field. It was not only a bination of two wills, he used it as a key to bee part of eternity.

In other words, it represents eternity.

\No, I am c'thun, the thousand-Eyed devil (half-breed god).\

book of madness 167 (60)

there is nothing in the whole universe, no stars, no stars, no earth, no sky.

It's like an unfinished world.

but soon this world will be full.

there are countless stars in the sky and the earth is endless.

the past and the future bee a circle that covers each other, and it must be an endless pressure without resolution.

but now it's not behind or in front of me.

there is only one person in this broken world.

this universe is difficult to describe in words, and even human language is not enough to explain its possibilities.

however, if this is only an illustration, it is not a difficult task and is easy to explain.

his hands looked like octopus legs, with rounded ends like crystal balls.

the beast-eyed children appeared in the amethyst-like sky, as if the heavens had opened.

the animal's body is covered with these amazing eyes, as big as the stars in the sky.

the sky is white as bone, and there are as many as a forest, so I don't know how many there are.

the animal stopped moving like a meteorite and wandered aimlessly.

c'thun, the \thousand-eyed devil\, is the name of this beast.

Not separate from God, but part of him; not apart from God, but with God.

In terms of personality, he is a true \god\, but in terms of power, he is indistinguishable from a true \god\.

whether it is the mind, body, or mana, it is the essence of \God\ and the end of \God.\

\$ #% ∧ # & # $\

he could not understand what the animals said, and the sounds of their feet were like \road noise\, strange and difficult to understand.

but if you listen to his stories, there is an infinite amount of philosophy in it, and it is amazing.

Suddenly, it seemed like a ray of light crossed the stars and reached this world.

Explosion, something exploded.

As if hearing some kind of call, the animal suddenly went crazy faster than light.

hearing the monster's movements, the world collapsed into chaos, and unknown explosions occurred one after another.

the dragon seemed to slip through the cracks without thinking, disappearing from the sky in the blink of an eye.

\Looks like something happened.\

Amy wagster felt something ing, but she didn't seem to hear anything.

Nothing happened, and Amy quickly forgot about it.

he fixed his gaze on something else, a woman named Nancy.

but for now, I will call her the new goddess, Veronica.

the Spirit of God seems to open some channels between the evil divine elements of the body.

Amy noted that the rest of the party always wanted a big reunion.

then he understood why he was called \Skin\.

If the angel showed us the Ark of God, what should we show the knowledge of God in front of Amy?

\Ah, did you really merge the spirit of the evil god? It's not for the eternal evil god, but for you, it should be like clearing all your thoughts.\

\but if we can take care of ourselves in such a way, then we can say that it is at least one tenth of eternity. thousands and ten, but the answer is also eternity. In this case, the truth that we have are our bodies.\ I can send the power of God for you. Love. \

\but did this really happen? will it work? this is something that no one has ever done in history. In the end the evil god swallowed him and did it. tell him. he this is a man whose mind is separated from of the evil god, and this is the final result.

\of course, if he's right, so be it.\


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