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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第96章 不断波动

第96章 不断波动 (第1/2页)

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视觉?当前波动之间不稳定的痉挛 rend field sans form.lite yawn betw een all bril extr wi relation.scape quake end wi semblance as fluc swallow signify.

瘫痪在 omN presen 熵, 教师 di 进入痉挛 中溶解 抓住功能.稳定 新兴 从 张 吞噬 定义.authe 似乎男人 从时代失效 作为 mut 燕子 意义.bserv 镜子 唯一 原子 痕迹 wh cogitat 有立足点.endur 暗示 catal 现在唯一 作为 unbein 消耗 defini volit 生活的 pret a signify.termin 似乎 rati 唯一简报 作为 transvor 意义和实体


观察?流感变化 .lum 打哈欠.land quak.

par i omnipresen 废墟, FAc mel 进入痉挛 am dissolu 抓住 perform.stabl 从未从 chang 吞噬 defin.authe 似乎来自时代的幻影 elaps 作为 mut swallow signif.审查 镜子 但原子 痕迹 wher cogitation 有 站.连续性 暗示 cataleptical 现在唯一作为 unbe 吞噬 defin, 意志 和 存在 所有 在意义上的外观.停止似乎是 ratiocination 的孤独简洁,因为嬗变吞噬了意义和实体一样.

those animals. their bodies are their main petition.

they are a free-roaming spiritual race that can also use special vehicles to escape the hunt in tindalos.

this is not only because of the problem of animals in time and space, but also because they tend to forget time and appear at the wrong time.

Yes, this device has powers that you can take with you when you need them, but don't.

No matter how good the device that creates time magic is, the point is that you can move freely in space and time, so don't worry about it.

You can go back in time when it was created, and this return is not a gift but a direction.

why did you say that?

xiao Ai couldn't understand why Aria wanted to share this knowledge with him.

because he didn't say what the \new famous race\ was, did he?

when this great race saw the fate of extinction, the time and space they chose was the real world after the extinction of humanity, and as they moved into the future, they became known as the \New Great Race.\

So, simply put, the runes left on this wall belong to a new, great race.

It is not a disconnection from the past, but a disconnection from the future. the tribes of Ys left no traces of their will, and neither did new races.

So, if you leave information, it bees information that leaves history. Nothing changes, neither the future nor the past.

Aaliyah seems to explain the prophecy in detail.

So what does this mean? Are you saying that the information in this paragraph is a way to preserve history?

If you want to preserve history, why not write it in modern language? If you want to convey something to others, why use words that no one understands?

So maybe this is the only language written for them to talk to wizards.

well, I guess that's a possibility, but don't you know yourself? that is, it does not have to be inherited from the blood line. In fact, chinese is important knowledge that is passed down from generation to generation, so there is no reason not to teach it.

it is

xiao Ai's face turned red, and before Aria could speak, the situation changed.

what a wonderful guest, Aaliyah, are you thinking of inventing here? did I mention this place is so happy? maybe you want to open it and go back to God the Father?

Suddenly, a loud voice was heard. It was a familiar female voice. we both heard this familiar voice.

however, unlike Aria, who couldn't remember no matter how hard she tried, xiao Ai knew who the voice was.

Now, xiao Ai heard the voice of the other party talking to him.

the next time, xiao Ai thought of running away as soon as possible. And this idea quickly turned into a passion.

Finally, xiao Ai's legs were too heavy to take a single step forward.

Aria didn't think about anything, and when she didn't think about anything, a light flashed in her heart.


that was the memory of Aria, who couldn't understand why she wanted to rest, and opened her head as she moved her fingers like onion skins.

the terrible destruction inflicted on her by the shapeless man made Arya consider suicide and self-destruction.

I want my face shaved, my arms broken, my internal organs surrounded with hot iron rods...

All forms of harmful head shaking are illuminated and loud.

At the same time, xiao Ai also answered the stranger.

what will Sister wu xia do, I said before, I know and decide, but this should be under your control, why does it seem like a shipwreck? ?

there are two Aryas?

the girl named wu xia looked at them and immediately showed a surprised expression, as if she couldn't understand why two people who looked so similar appeared in front of her.

are they soulmates? or a doppelganger? If you think about it, they mean the same thing.

As for the idea of twins, it did not cross wu xia's mind even for a moment. he knew everything about Arya and that she didn't have a twin.

there is no doubt that wu xia is a beautiful woman. he had long black star-shaped hair and black eyes like divine light. her snow-white skin and beautiful features showed that she was a beautiful woman, but pared to them, her small body was fortable and inhuman presence. It has an octopus-like body, and where its two legs should be, it's gray and white, and you can still see the straw.

there are no two, oh, it's not true, but my last name is watley.

Aria pinched her cheek in response, clearly displeased.

but in reality, he was ready to escape and could use any magic to do so at any time if he wanted.

his motto in life is never put yourself in a dangerous position.

Uthia looks both human and monster, but Aria knows the danger.

he felt that the unimaginable evil was about to happen, and the source of the evil was wu xia, who was smiling in front of him.

he couldn't understand why he felt so scared.

do you believe it? Aria was confused by this.

Although there is no way to know the true identity of the party, this intense pressure shows a mysterious nature.

whatley? Is this the bad thing the dunwich love script embodies?

(So what did he say? Love? that's not appropriate. If what xiao Ai said is true, this is not a world created by love. do you know the history of

Aria appeared at once, experiencing an indescribable pain that ran through her body like a giant snake, and the feeling that it pressed against her skin was not good, but she felt an indescribable tension.

hmm, I don't think you two are going to throw me out the door without it. haha, yes, I'm worried about how to get out of this temple.

hey! ?

xiao Ai sensed that there was something wrong with wu xia's words and smelled blood from his nose. It woke him up immediately.

the ground shook, cracks appeared in this temple, giving it an ancient appearance, and events around it collapsed, walls cracked and large stones fell, spinning violently as they hit the ground. . there is no content

xiao Ai also saw the corpse of a diver who had been killed and left here, and xiao Ai also saw wu xia's corpse.

(So who is this person talking to now?)

Now, none of you can leave here, hehe, creation of love, God of Yog-Sothoth, e back, e back, when these stars are right. open, open, through the door where the gods sit, open the door to the truth of the universe, open, the law of all laws, the truth of magic, it is one, it is only one. In general, everything is connected.

wu xia's eyes were like a snake, and his gaze was like a snake. foundation

It was an invisible black mist, and the black mist changed into different forms as it continued, returning to another life with each step, constantly changing its form.

mr. world?

Regardless of Aria's side, she led the New Gods from the old Gods, and then led the New Gods in the New world, where she became the god of science.

wrong answer

malam duniya's body changed again and Aaliyah saw the change in the person's appearance, voice and mood and she was saddened to see the change in the person's body.

Abandoning God (Note 1)? why? why are you here? Love has not written this part yet.

I will not give up, how can I give up my hope to that child? Also, we are fakes, the real old leaders are beings, and there are gods from outside the world, but they are not fakes like me. big old one.

his changed form was one of the creations of Nyarlathotep, a monster known as the blood-tongued Giant. however, Aliyah is the only incarnation of God in this story, and it is not foolish to think that she is the true form of God, a dark god who creates love.

Note 1: this refers to the result of leaving God. the God who created love is different from other gods, so it is called because God has left them, and it cannot be God. he said he was one of them, but there aren't that many gods alive today.

I really wanted to use the word \shinigami\, but I only used that word to distinguish it from Su xia's existence.

book of madness 162 (55)

the black aura was intense, mixed with the smell of blood he had known for a long time.

Even xiao Ai's idol didn't like it, and he really couldn't stand the smell.

It was a terrible and confusing aura, and its presence was still so large that it was difficult for people to understand the two enemies due to their limited vision.

however, the information from the other side passes through the line of sight, and the organs that do not understand a lot of information are affected by excessive energy. he couldn't stand, his whole body was broken, because he was a different person, he couldn't stand.

xiao Ai had no intention of giving up his will, but his body could not do it.

xiao Ai had no choice but to succumb to the opponent's power, using the full magic power that the opponent released.

however, pared to this darkness, what xiao Ai saw was even more impressive.

the power of God is on this altar, and the power so great that it can destroy countless stars is bound in the darkness before your eyes.

If your opponent has the ability to use it, and if they act and do what you want, your aura bees your opponent's power, and it bees their magic.

If someone moved by this powerful spirit absorbs the spell, no matter how weak the spell is, it can cause miracles.

the magic circles that appeared one after the other after the passing of the god was a magic system that xiao Ai had never seen before and had no idea how to use it.

however, what xiao Ai knew was that because of the opponent's rune and magic circle, it had bee a workshop.

I think it's hard to leave here.

No, it has reached the point of no power.

what happened so far was not what xiao Ai expected.

Even his most devoted army was powerless before this forsaken god.

he didn't show any strength to stand up, he didn't seem to be able to fight.

A ridiculous idea emerged from xiao Ai's mind: to fight xiao Ai purely with strength.

there was nothing to do, and it couldn't be done under any circumstances, so xiao Ai began to think very calmly at this time.

(what's next?)

(I've never heard God's name before, but why does it sound like a bloody giant?

(If it is a bloody giant, is it not one of the legends of the god of chaos? or rather, is it the incarnation of an evil god?


(have we really reached the stage of despair? have we reached the last, final stage?).

(Is there no choice? Is it impossible? do we really have no choice but to wait for God's judgment?)

(how can such an ending and such a disappointment be accepted!).

xiao Ai's body exploded with force, and Yi tiansheng slowly straightened while suffering the pressure.

but the scream came from the bones, the blood from the torn skin, the muscles and bones damaged by the force.

If they continued to fight the gods as useless as this, they would eventually be unable to maintain their human form and bee pieces of flesh that could not be considered human.

At this moment, xiao Ai saw Aria out of the corner of his eye.

Unlike Yasar, who resisted divine power, Arya is free from corruption.

the pressure from God can only be seen like the wind blowing in Aria's face.

(As expected, she is strong. Unlike me, she is immature and has yet to bee a full shrine maiden. whatley's monster is a monster that can be in the presence of a god.)

(but what can you do against the power of rejecting God? If God uses his power, you too will die.)

(but even if I die, I don't want to wait for God's judgment. why don't I dare to shake someone's hand instead of waiting for the final judgment??)

xiao Ai's body was filled with dagon's aura, and as a magician of the gods, he was born to know the existence of <God>, so if he wanted to get dagon's power, it would be easy to breathe.

Although he felt that dagon was nothing but hatred, and while it was not abominable to put the power of hatred into his own power, in front of the true God, xiao Ai had no choice.

I can do it, even if it means using what I hate the most to stand up to God, even if it has consequences I don't agree with.

After all, there's no way around it, right?

A powerful force emanated from his body, and the divine power resonated and collided with the divine magical power. xiao Ai felt his body collapse, but he quickly regained his balance, and the collapse gradually disappeared.

holy bite Value: 56

why did Nyarlathotep, the god of chaos abandoned by the gods, appear in this world? we may never get there. As a being, no action should be taken against Set.

of course, the other party is not an alien god, but a lie created by the power of the only truth. If God is as naive as Su xia, he truly stands. power can be obtained by meeting the conditions set by the only truth, but it is only a model for the world, and as a forsaken god, he has no such power.

but for others, there is no difference between this and the truth. others are God, whose power is greater than what others think, because God is not the greatest and most glorious, but his power. stronger. more power in the mortal world.

Shen qitian said nothing, but forcefully controlled himself, released the powerful divine energy from his breath, and brought a strong wind from the afterlife.

Strong winds mix with the miasma, creating strange changes.

It was a terrible change, a spell that upset the balance of hope.

God saw the changes caused by the act of leaving and did not encourage Aliyah to speak or change, but still life was not there.

there are spirits who sing, moving voices like songs, and music played by magicians.

Next, a great change took place in the universe, no, it was the destruction of the universe due to the release of his magical power.

Arya's form immediately disappeared, traveling from one dimension to another, and then reappeared in another. moving between panels allows Aria to ignore the spaces between particles.

Under the influence of this magic, it makes no difference if the length is a centimeter or a light year.

but in fact, when Arya appeared, the place where she appeared hadn't changed at all, even after a billionth of a second had passed.

there is no way around this position, will the magic fail? how could I bee the god of Yog-Sothoth, and why did my magic fail? Impossible.

It seems to have a big impact on Aaliyah's understanding.

the Yog-Sothoth you say is still a lie because, unlike me, you know it's just time to get married or bee a member of the elders.

the abandoned body of the God turned into mist and took the form of Arya.

e on, you're a creature of love, don't you want to be real? Now I go back to the old days with myths, soon I will eliminate the myths written by love, I will not rule the myths and I will not demand worship from people.

Return to Aria, you are the source of love, the daughter of the gods, the rejected sin, I am a thousand and one gods, the whole, the one, and you are . part of me

of course you are not Nyarlathotep.

when Arya wakes up, she innocently looks at the god of rejection called Nyarlathotep and responds with disgusting words.

You are just an animal with no personality other than your appearance, so how can you be like God? You're just a monster mixed with a human, you're not a god, and if it's God's power or God's power inside your body, you need a controller because you can't control it right now.

otherwise, if you have the power, you don't have to tell me. the reason you can't do magic here has nothing to do with you. An omnipresent aura surrounds you and magic happens. .

As Alya raised her right hand, a magical light poured over her skin, and as she chanted the mantra, a strange burst of light erupted and the energy immediately began to move.

how are you Are you watching?

Aria shouted at xiao Ai.

when do you want to ignore me? ?

At the same time as xiao Ai shouted, he raised his hand, and a power parable to a ton of <Earth> burst out from his hand.

Although he is a ghost god, his power is not very strong, but it is not surprising that he gives such power to people.

with such a calm and free movement of the hand, there is not much power in boxing, and it seems that there is no power.

however, if you think like that, that person will not last long.

this continuous appearance is, of course, magic itself.

the power of that blow is parable to <Lemuria Impact> and <djibril Zero Action>.

I want to escape God's curse, I want to live, I don't want to be part of God, and I don't want to be part of others, and I don't want to be part of God either. . die here.

It doesn't matter if you are a god or not, you are an eternal being.

Even if I lose to you, I will not try what I did.

xiao Ai's expression seemed to bee calm without thinking too much.

the higher powers seem inseparable from the left, only small and weak hands are seen to rise.

however, at that moment, the divine energy seal connected to the altar ignited, causing the entire temple to shake and a great earthquake to occur.

the stars in the sky also changed.

this mysterious power also activates the magic circle that was set up in the beginning.

A hand struck the body of the forsaken god, and the shield protecting the <God> was shattered with a single breath.

the great power is like the creation of the world.

however, the Lord's body did not disappear and did not return.

It doesn't seem to have any other power.

Just as \heaven\ looked at xiao Ai with ruthless eyes, the Forsaken God looked at xiao Ai with cold eyes.

but in the next moment, God's body heard a crunching sound, and it seemed that countless things appeared inside him.

Like a supernova explosion or the collapse of a star, an explosion of energy similar to a supernova exploded within the body of the Lord.

Even the body of the forsaken Lord was changed by these evil soldiers, and parts of the flesh could be seen under the skin.

An overwhelming force and violence overflowed, as if bursting out of a repulsed being.

it is

this wonderful body was saved by God. to God, the body is like hair; even if it disappears, it doesn't matter because it can always be renewed.

one thing is worth noting when pared to foreign goods.

It is inside a temple.

And when he rejected God, he saw the true God, the evil god named dagon.

then, guided by a magic circle, the god broke the seal, absorbed it, and returned to the body of his father god dagon.

In the midst of this flow, an indescribable door appeared, and God opened it without any resistance.

If you just look at the door, you will be drowned in the mystery of drunkenness.

this is to enter the realm of chaos, to enter the camp of the evil gods.

this should be a descriptive name.


it is

don't you think so?

he pointed to what was inside the door.

there is a realm called the throne of chaos where the Elders and the outer Gods live. don't you want to see gods devouring old gods and performing miracles, and demons roaming around different worlds without worrying about death or destruction? Now is the best time.

the door in front of him was none other than Yog-Sothoth, the god of the outer world, and of course the door was one of his bodies.

countless divine powers gather around the lost, the wills of the gods collide, time turns into chaos, the universe collapses, and since then, the world continues to change, and the various times have changed one after another. In this world, it goes from a possibility to an ongoing reality.

Alya's eyes opened, she turned from a pilgrim to a rich road, but she did not know when she changed into a beautiful dress.

there was a confused look in his eyes, as if he had woken up from a long dream and had momentarily forgotten the reality of the situation. Aria gradually remembers the contents of her dream, but she can't remember anything.

then Aaliyah's body was touched, and her whole body seemed to wake up.

oh, what time is it now?

he looked at the clock on his left hand and immediately realized the time. then I realized what was happening now.

(well, it's time to pick up my sister from school, why am I wasting time here? No, I'm in a hurry).

Aria quickly ran and everything changed in front of her. he immediately lay down on the metal bed and could not move because nothing happened. he resisted, but lost all feeling in his body.

this time, we must not stop and win. this is our 292nd season. do the gods really hate resurrection, making it impossible to win?

Aria heard a middle-aged voice and felt that something was put in her mouth, it was a strange liquid because it was tasteless, it was tasteless, but my body grew. operators can also be transferred.

Aria moved and a voice that sounded like a man said cheerfully.

hey, I feel successful this season. why did Frankenstein's research fail?

however, Aria's body was covered in pink dots, and suddenly her body turned into a monster, attacking people like a demon in tsuyu city.

but the world has changed again.

Sister, please don't sleep and wake up.

this time it was a woman's voice, but this time Aaliyah could not think of anything else and followed the direction of the voice, passing through the ruins and returning to her body, being a woman. As the voice, he woke up.

Alice? I'm glad you're doing well.

well, sister, nothing will happen to you and you will not die.

Alice said to Aria in a crying voice, but Aria replied that she seems to be dead, but in fact her body is dead. Now that he was in the over consortium house, he had to face the attack of the Reverse cross, basically no one was alive, and the flames pletely covered the area.

Is this sudden change a change in the time axis? of course, the corruption of the evil god was not a useful magic from the beginning, and is it surprising that the world is still in this state, or is it because of the whole world we live in that even history was born like that. quick? Is it because only the ignorant cannot understand the changes in this world?

Sister, what, are you crazy?

Alice said.

No, although the world was created in an instant, it was not destroyed, and it cannot be an instant, at least that is the reality today, right?

Aria kissed Alice directly on the lips and said,

I will be back soon when everything is resolved and the eternal disaster caused by this evil God and his evil will is gone.

before Arya could finish speaking, the world changed again and cut again, but this time Arya was filled with rage.

can you tell me before we fight? that's rude.

of course, no matter how strong Adam's will is, it is impossible for the evil god to hear Adam's voice, and the time system is faster and faster, and that time is getting closer. , from the age of mankind to the age of the Goi, then from the age of the Ishi to the birth of the world, to the arrival of Ubo Satra, and from the world to the universe and back in time. he continued to turn, returning to a time when the old Gods had no time to create.

the evil god only shows his will to fight and e down, so we don't know who he is fighting, but the time system of the world is always changing regardless of the evil will- on God, and the truth is always changing. masu. to some extent, the old time system has been removed and a new one has been created.

No one in the world, except proud beings, can understand that their world lives only for a moment and then passes into another world.

mind book 163 (56)

this is Arkhan city, which may have been a very prosperous city in the original world, but here it is just a dead city without people.

Everything seemed dead and deserted, like a ghost town with thin air and no sign of anyone.

I cannot say that this statement is not true. because it was truly a city ruled by the magical power of one truth.

there are no additional settings for love here, so there are usually no people around.

In fact, no life can see love except the offspring of the evil god, or the evil god.

because love does not want to waste its energy in such a place.

At this time, Love was in the high tower of the city of Akan and showed a beautiful and charming smile, but no one saw her smile.

he was just looking at the stars in the sky.

the stars move very quickly and when the story ends, the stars move to a better state.

when that time es, the evil god will be resurrected and return to earth through a gate called Yog-Sothoth.

Although created by the hands of love, they are nothing but animals abandoned by God, but they are good enough to be used as advertisements.

Love thinks of itself.

there is a mysterious magical power in Fufu's eyes, as if he can see everything.

Among the stars in the sky, Love seems to see past, present, and future.

whatever it was, I saw it in his starry eyes.

So when he saw the fragments of the sky and the fragments of the earth, he became more and more impatient.

Invisible chains covered the entire sky.

of course, there is no way to solve the entanglement of fate.

he seems to have no hope for the future.

For humans, who are infinite beings, this is a button of destiny that even a magician cannot solve.

but something was different this time.

Love snapped her fingers and nodded.

power surged through his body.

Love, the heavenly sage, knows the magic to overe this forbidden art.

Love is not omnipotent, and can never use its full power.

but according to his knowledge, the power of the Almighty can do anything.

So no need to fear, no need to fear, no need to worry.

Everything that is right seems to have a destiny, and no matter what you do, you will return to that position.

(how many times? I forgot to count. how many times? It's crazy, it's okay, it won't happen until the end. there are always changes, you can't fight fate)

(In the same way, my hope may be lost, but the pillars of patience are there, so that the eternal calamity will end, and that which should be prepared will be prepared for the eternal calamity.)

(there is no need to be afraid or worried. the world, the infinite universe, his world, everything will end. but even if I fail, there is nothing I can do. this is also my end.)

did you start working there?

the eyes of love are full of destruction, but in the midst of endless sorrow there is light, a ray of hope.

but he was so weak and so strong that it was hard to see him.

he himself will give.

Right now, love is just trying, even if there is no hope or no hope.

So his heart became so weak that even the power of the Almighty could not give him plete hope.

Although everything is based on a best case scenario, the probability of actually winning is 1 in 10,000.

You get one chance, and there are no more chances to repeat.

You might think that this is an evil god, but for gods who have reached the eternal realms, the probability of that happening is not only 1 in 10,000, but it is unbelievable.

It would be amazing to meet and defeat such a beast called Infinity.

So Love forced himself to e back from sleeping in the world and from dreams to here.

Ai, who was abandoned by Sukushari, came here and forced himself to stand up and face the evil god.

that doesn't make me any wiser. otherwise, the trojans watching this world from space will be disappointed - unfortunately, the people who started this game are not trojans. the only time I notice this game is when I'm sleeping.

they have lost the ability to participate in the world, but they also don't want to destroy it, so they can only watch as things unfold.

So let's start. this is not just the incarnation of the evil god, but the corruption of the evil god.

Unlike the male protagonist of call of cthulhu, who is exposed to cthulhu's radiation and kills his panions, then dies in a fake book to escape it, this is a true god of justice, not evil. It only exists in human fantasy.

Love speaks, but it speaks nothing but its own heart. whenever love speaks a word and makes a wise decision, the eyes of love begin to fade and are replaced by vision instead of human light. As sacred, humanity began to disappear pletely.

Something terrible is happening in this space where infinity and infinity overlap. No one can understand this change, but if they do, even if it is the will of the Ancient God, it will be destroyed immediately.

of course, this is not an exaggeration.

because this is the source that the sorcerer has been searching for all his life, and the truth that the scientist says is reflected in what he is attracted to.

In fact it is not something that can be understood, at least not something that ordinary people can understand, which is the will from above.

Each encounter results in unimaginable changes that bee fundamental to the entire world.

All rationality will be destroyed in an instant. without the will of God, the laws of the universe, the will of man, and the cold truths would be meaningless.

they are called ancient, because all creatures are not under the control of the world, they are gods above the world, the rule of all laws, the end of the world, and above all there is no end. being Emperor of Japan.

of course, that they were created by a God who rejects love are two different concepts.

Although they have the same name, the difference is stronger than the difference in stars.

but Love watches these changes with interest. changes in the world?

Love is all-knowing, aware of the changes brought about by her evil master, and aware that Arya is caught in eternal danger, and that her loss must follow.

If you live in the present time and lose yourself, forever, under the influence of infinite information, it is impossible to reach the other side, and no matter how proud you are, your personality will be washed away and not you can to return. I will go. for your performance. sea

that's the real problem, no matter what his character is, he's an underdog.

It is normal to lose yourself in the endless experiences of life.

Seeing such a situation, Souya was reluctant to help.

powerful love has the power to change the world according to the will of the evil god.

It doesn't make sense that he can help whenever he wants.

It is enough to save those who suffer from God's eternal plagues.

but love doesn't want that.


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