
关灯 护眼
六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第97章 混乱中瘫痪

第97章 混乱中瘫痪 (第2/2页)

Suddenly, Love's voice reached Amy's ears, and when she saw it, Love brought a magic book.

\Now, you're not wrong in what you think. Usually this 'infinity' ends at some point. besides, now that Angel's love is gone, you can change without pressure.\ It's endless. , but having unlimited power is something that is very important to you and me.

\this is the nature of all true demons: they are limitless, but not infinite.\

Love was quick to point out Amy's concerns.

\but it's mon sense.\

Saying that, Love took out a magic book.

\the book of Asatatoto?\

when Amy looked at it, she discovered that the magical book in Love's hand was not a cthulhu mythos.

\why this book? Is there anything in it?\

Amy asked impatiently because Love had discussed this before.

however, under Love's gaze, Amy cannot resist him, even though she has infinite magical power.

the will of another person is stronger than yours, and the power of love, which mands the most, is infinite, limitless, and a force that defies reason.

Love is stronger than itself, regardless of character or strength of will.

Amy doesn't consider using God's powers to fight him, because she knows the consequences.

\of course, there are mistakes. the planned ``book of heaven'' was never created, and it is just a gray magic book. It is a magic book for summoning and restraining machine gods. Even although it is precious, by God, it's just a joke.\

\he doesn't have infinite power, he's just a number. Even if he can destroy the mysterious universe in an instant, it means nothing.\

Love ends in regret.

\So I have no choice but to use this book instead. As one of the thirteen terrors of the future world, the book of Azathoth acts as an alternative to the default plan, but something is missing.\

\It's the devil. without the absolute devil as a controller and central hub, it doesn't work.\

After Love said, Amy's beautiful face turned black.

Apparently, Amy thinks he's the love demon she needs to find.

Love's eyes were still open, and his cold eyes seemed to penetrate Amy's body.

this time, Amy didn't dare to laugh anymore, the smile disappeared from her face.

\of course you're not the devil I'm talking about.\

Love noticed Amy's anxiety and quickly reacted causing Amy to fall.

Love moved forward slowly and soon came to Amy's side.

one day, two days, three days

time and space seem to stand still.

then, Love kissed Amy on the lips.

many magics were released, and the light of divine power spread throughout the universe.

the divine power of ``the book of Azathoth'' began to develop.

\Now, now, God, God, do you notice? do you notice?\

\here he is, here he is, God!\

\All life plays as it pleases, be it proud or an evil god.\

\o first Lord of the mighty life, accept the ``Umr!''

Shadow's face was angry, but he knew it was useless, so he showed it for a few seconds before calming down.

when he calmed down, Amy gently caressed his chest with her small hand.

\Are you okay now?\

\okay, thank you for your concern.\

Love answered calmly, but the shaking of his hands showed that he was not at peace inside.

\Amy, don't hold anything back, you have to do your purpose, even if it's in front of me.\

\why all of a sudden?\

Embarrassed, Amy didn't answer, asked again, and said she would remember.

\do you agree?\

\I and I\

Amy couldn't find an answer and her mind didn't seem to work.

\After a while, I won't. If you don't like that, go to hell.\

when the cold words came out, Amy felt a feeling of love.

the next ray will shine, and each ray will easily destroy the solar system.

As Nancy says, her mind aligns with the evil god's intentions, and a terrible event occurs.

\Infinite mind, infinite body, and infinite divine power; these three will be the god of eternal evil.\

\whether the wickedness of God is 10,000 or 100,000,000, there is no difference in capacity. 100,000,000 is unlimited, interest is unlimited, no part of the capital is unlimited, everything is excessive. Unity and the Infinite Self.'' organization. \

\to live like this is to live with an evil god.\

Something like a dream began to fill the sky, and love fell.

\Got it? taber yat umr!\

After a while, the voice of love began to e out.

\okay, it's okay, Shaoff.\

however, the speaker is not the master of this body, but tavel Yat Umr, the evil god of Suxia, the first eternal god, eternal love.

\Now that you know this, why did you do this? please know that for God there is no difference between life and death, and only you humans, all living things, can make a difference.\

Lovetavel fell silent.

his eyes seemed to see the end of what he understood.

As the all-knowing and all-powerful God, tavel still stands, undifferentiated at the center of the universe.

this body is infinite, love is infinite, and the body is infinite.

the Supreme and Infinite God is the true ruler of this age and the source of God's kingdom.

\this is interesting and exciting. only 100 million people are separated from 'me'. Is it fun to defeat me like this? Even if the main body has 100 million power, I have the same power. `` the power of limitation''

Seeing Amy, the evil god An Yi changed and Veronica confronted the evil god, tabel laughed.

the pages of the book of Azathoth became spiritual, and the powerful forces of God continued to appear, as if trying to repel taber.

but tavel's little hands did not move for half an hour.

pared to the \holy\ power of God, the power of the book of Azathoth pales in parison to its weakness.

\why should we fight? there's no point.\

talvi bowed his head and showed nothing.

\If you want to stand out, disappear.\

A fire erupted, and the book of Azathoth was soon reduced to ashes.

the demon clone disappeared without incident.

\well, Amy wagster, that's the right name.\

\You can do it!\

hearing tavel's question, Amy felt a cold feeling spread throughout her body.

God's power erupted and he slashed with all his might, turning the divine power into a sword and stabbing it like a falling sword.

tavel couldn't even fight back and stabbed his opponent's holy sword into his body.

the master's sword was broken, but tabel's body was pletely unharmed.

Amy's body is two-thirds open.

blood and flesh flowed everywhere like the bloody wind.

\Like an unconscious reaction? well, yes. was it a conscious decision? Let a demon like you die? that's ridiculous.\

tabel laughed and said that as a member of the gods, he didn't feel like being called a god, and he was no different from a human.

\Let's talk about what hasn't been done yet. Are you interested in visiting Su xia?\

tabel made the call, pletely ignoring his usual attack, but to his surprise, everyone answered.

but tavel's hitting seems to be a pattern.

the angel, who had turned into an evil god, suddenly moved and attacked with a huge star-like polymer foam.

Nancy, who is associated with the evil god, is also associated with An chi. In the next moment, ``God'' appeared in front of tavel.

A \god\ who can fight against the old taber.

both have acquired divine power and have eternal power.

Infinite forces collided, and the world collapsed without stopping for a moment.

however, during the destruction, a new world was born and the two gods were reunited.

worlds are created many times, worlds are sealed, and worlds are sealed.

cosmos and cosmos continue to merge, being a huge box with two pillars of God.

tavel looked at him and laughed.

\oh, is this a simulation of a light polyhedron? but is it true that only the dragon god is weak?\

tabel raised his hand and looked at the evil god while slowly waving it.

when he encounters an angelic figure, there are no winners or losers, and as a result, the world continues to destroy.

however, the rate of destruction is not as fast as the rate of growth.

however, how much such progress will exceed the number of times the two idols have fought is another question.

however, tavel's idea of love seems different, and he seems to think that ``God'' is nothing more than an animal with infinite power.

Evil gods like angels were created in imitation of Yog-Sothoth.

Simply put, all elders have Yog-Sothoth.

this \God\ was created based on this substance.

the real Seal is not the world he created using the \cthulhu mythos\.

this is a place created for a world where talwi can at least understand the level of strikes.

the energy obtained through recycling is used only once.

the power that became nothing all broke the box.

tavel couldn't get his hands back.


Angel's body returned to the prison, from the back to the front, and finally returned to infinity, including tabel.

A loud sound rang out, and his body continued to disintegrate, causing the eternal body to disintegrate.

If you don't look closely, Annie is dead.

\It is truly amazing that humans have e this far, but the evil gods born from humans are not evil gods. when they reach their limit, they leave their position and fall among the man.\

\Give me your hope back, you bastard.\

the angel, returning to human form, struck tabel.

the handshake would have had no effect, but tavel's body became silent.

\You're back? You're back?\

the angel's body is full of cracks, like porcelain that is about to break.

his bones are weak and he is not God.

the angel became an evil god, but the evil element living in its body became a \god\ inseparable from hadamon.

however, angels are also only human.

what tabel did was cut the connection between the angels and \God.\ A \god\ with no connection returns to the court of chaos.

there are only people here.

\In other words, if you can stay here, you will not bee a true god. You must be channeling your power through an eternal medium.\

\because, they say you're a devil who calls himself an evil god. once you get close to god, you can't go back. the fact that you're here means there's nothing left. \please find. In that case, he is no different from a true evil god. If you know him, it is difficult to solve him, but of course, if there is no way, it cannot be solved. Resisting God is not the same. \

\who are you?\

taber looked at the new people that appeared here.

She is a beautiful woman with a beautiful smile, long snow-white hair, and white skin.

\Yes? Sister, have you forgotten me? It's me, Alice.\

the woman who called herself Alice was surprised.

\therefore, those who appear here are limited evil god bodies, or evil gods until the end.\

\It is hard to fight in the end, but easy to chase when you know the way.\

\maybe you're bored, sis. You're just playing around.\

As Alice said that, she caught up with Amy, who was about a third of the way through.

\but now, we have no idea if you don't want to do this because you inherited the brotherhood, or if there are other restrictions.\

\If I do this, I must have done something very powerful.\

\Even though I know it's pointless to kill you here, I did it to show my determination and because I'm happy, like this sister.\

- So who is your sister?

tavel stared at Alice without finishing her sentence.

\You took his body.\

\can you do that?\

\You don't know anything about it until you live it. who else can do that but you?\

\my dead sister, immortal sister, and monster girl are all the same people. As an evil god, I understand that. of course.\

Alice did not answer tavel's questions, but surprisingly tavel, a \god\, did not know anything.

the existence of this halftone divine animal is also questioned.

why did the man named Angel beat tavel?

why didn't tavel, as a \god\, kill Amy with a normal blow?

too many questions lead to redundant and silly results.

but, strange as it may be, this is the only logical answer.

tavel didn't understand the question and Alice started to get angry.

\After all, when you left your brother 'Allah', you were so stubborn that you didn't even think about the doll? why did you do that even though you missed her and Azaina?\

\then, little brother, help me get back to where you are.\

After making that promise, Alice took a deep breath and quickly left.

Its power, attacking a body indistinguishable from a celestial being, was at the god level of a ghost weapon, no different from the rebel's Reikis.

As for the ``gods,'' even if they take the form of evil gods, they cannot harm their enemies with their power.

however, tavel is injured and Alice's kick injures tavel.

\what is this\

\what are you waiting for? Let's try!\

book of madness 168 (61)

Alice's invitation did not cause miracles, in fact, nothing happened after that.

Alice stared at tavel without saying a word.

Alice then took the book of Azathoth from her back and tapped it twice.

\why don't you want to do this? this fight is so much fun every time you bring me here. why don't you want to do something at an important time?\

\this book\

\the book of Azathoth\.

Alice immediately answered tavel's question.

Alice from the book of Azathoth, a demon from the future. If there is nothing unexpected, it is because the book of Azathoth is in the hands of love, and it is love that brings Alice there. please call us here.

however, it was a bit too much when he met the demon tabel, who appeared, became a god, and called himself a god.

the opponent is a creature owned by an evil god with an infinite number of powers, and an animal with the power of a god.

this is not the same idea as the incarnation of the evil god.

\You hurt? I hurt too?\

however, this demon who is not separated from \God\ seems lazy.

Alice stared at him in confusion, as if considering the possibility of breaking someone else's head.

this man had a broken head, but Alice didn't care. because one is her sister and no matter what happens to the other, Alice will never hate anyone and will never leave her.

\Ahahaha, don't worry, it's just a small problem.\

but you may also feel that you are sorry.

\will I die pared to this?\

Annie asked, their fight not drawing her attention and the evil energy in her body was pletely gone.

with no one around her, Nancy's body was cut and it looked like there was no hope.

And when his heart meets an evil god, he ceases to exist and, in fact, the gods bring him back.

It is impossible for Angel, a mortal woman, to exist in the universe. If the evil god loses his power and reaches his true death, Angel's life will also be lost.

but Ani asked with hope, even though she knew the oute.

\Yes, it is impossible to live. If you e to the world of God as a human being and are forced to break the eternal, the result is impossible. Since then - you have not reached the world of God. but yes, it connects to the eternal God which was created from the gods.

``Even if the result seems ``God'', it can be solved. If you really get the power of God, even if you can, you can be punished with death.''You can bee ``God'','' he said, reaffirming his thoughts. \

tavel answered, not Alice.

he touched the head where Alice hit him.

\Yes, I am a 'god', but that is why I am angry, because I am not a real 'hair-art-umr'. but, angel, like you, we all bee divine in our connection with gods.\

\Like the people called 'Amashima Saints' in the book?\

he asked curiously, feeling so helpless at the end of his life that he didn't have the courage to face his fate.

\maybe. I mean, I'm a 'devil' now. No wonder I'm hurt.\

\what's the point?\

\that's you.\

tavel's body glowed with divine power, and invisible chains appeared around him.

It made a loud noise due to the influence of God's power, but in the end the chain was not broken.

Alice saw tavel glowing with divine power and instinctively took a few steps back, and a divine wind hit her with divine power.

but when she turned around, Alice appeared beside Annie, holding Amy's severed hand in her left hand.

Amy's body sounded like it was expanding.

with the sound of \Karagu\, a different figure than before emerged from the ruins.

\I thought I was going to die.\

Amy looked relaxed.

\Even if others die, you will not die. You are the devil who lives and dies.\

Alice is like that, but apparently she wants to kill the man but can't.

\why does your voice always sound scary? No, no. who are you, where is xiao Ai?\

Amy almost mistakes Alice for Aaliyah. this is because even though they look alike, their eye and hair colors are different.

\what about me? I bee Alice darby, or darby watley. I don't care. As you can see, I'm Arya's sister.\

but instead, Amy's eyes were filled with disbelief.

Amy couldn't believe it. he knew Aria and he knew she wasn't his sister.

In this case, who is the person claiming to be his brother?

Amy's mind was full of questions.

but he didn't wait until he had doubts.

\then let's change places.\

tavel stood at the gates of Fomalhaut, watching them from afar.

Although the distance was far, tavel's voice reached three ears.

Suddenly the scene in front of me changed and everything seemed to collapse.

After they recovered, they were seen in the western United States.

the three figures continued to descend, and when they reached the ground, they were caught in a veil of light.

\Isn't it here? Isn't the world about to end?\

this shocked An chi, who saw the galaxy collapse as the evil god lost its power.

\that's not 'now' but 'then'.\

Alice closed her eyes.

Amy's small hand slowly came out and pushed Annie causing the corpse to return to its original position, but she couldn't stop it from falling.

he didn't last long, and the decline of divine power was evident.

\hey, you're still desperate.\

\Golden trojan horse\

his eyes seemed to be closed and his vision began to deteriorate, causing him to struggle to maintain the physical strength as well as the mental strength to revive the dead.

humanly impossible.

\So I'm not a trojan or anything. who's the real Golden trojan? You probably haven't seen it yet. I'm a 'devil' pretending to be a trojan.\ besides, what else is there? And me? \

Amy looked at Annie and let go, saying for a moment that she didn't want to say anything because she could see the end of her life.

\well, trojan Room Explorer, you're doing well.\

the angel's body was crushed and split into human forms.

the atmosphere of the sky suddenly changed, a huge mass appeared from the thin air, and a thin figure appeared in the sky.

She looks like a doll, similar to Alice.

the girl's face is beautiful, like a fairy tale, her long hair is blowing in the wind, and she seems to be very stressed at night.

\It's time to stop arguing. It's clearly useless. I don't understand why people do that.\

\but you don't want to be in a relationship with him, right? why am I telling you? wouldn't it be better if everyone continued their relationship?\

tabel said that he could not believe that his divine power was following his thoughts, as if the foundation of the world had been replaced by a divine power on the other side.

\Really? Sister, what are you talking about? You're not a 'god' at this point. that's why you think like a human and therefore have human emotions.\

\I'm sure you've felt it since you were summoned, but what does that mean?\

Alice's light voice caught tavel at the same time responding to her words.

Alice ignites her fighting spirit as a secret warrior.

(It's been a long time since I fought with my sister. It's the first time. I don't play games, I fight with the intention of killing the opponent and twisting my hand.)

Ignoring the thoughts of others, tabel raised his right hand, and countless magical objects appeared behind him, then turned into countless pillars of light, each of which had the power to awaken the soul. . Standing on the continent.

the light goes out and Amy fights against the power of the gods.

however, when Amy's divine power met tavel's attack, she naturally broke, her divine power was broken, and she was unable to stop the light.

\of course, it still won't work.\

Amy sighed and quickly dodged the enemy's attack.

A bright ray of light fell on the earth and the entire continent of America disappeared.

countries in Europe, Asia and Africa are facing a similar fate.

the entire continent was pletely destroyed by tabel's beam. this is a pair.

\If someone gets hit, it can be fatal.\

when Alice starts to run away, she says that she can walk freely in space without any restrictions.

Alice can walk as slowly as if she were on the ground, even when there is nothing under her feet.

\Even among demons, we are open to humans.\

Amy turns her powers into psychic bullets and shoots them, but tavel's powers block her.

\because she is my sister, she is one of the strongest demons in the future, and the monster that bined the ancient immortality became a holy monster.\

\At this point he's a demon and not a 'god', but he's still powerful. Right now, he's just struggling because he doesn't have the power to use it.\

could this be interpreted as a person not being able to use their power rather than not being able to use their own power?

Amy asked this.

\Impossible. A demon's power has no effect on anything, not even the world.\

\So, how did the other part change from 'god' to 'devil'?\

Amy asked again.


Alice thought for a moment, and at that moment the sea boiled, and the whole sea turned into boiling water.

\that's probably because of the devil's power. when taber severed Annie's connection to the evil god, the devil's power severed Annie's connection to 'god'.\

\No, it should have been done before. the other person's sanctity is gone and it's a living animal.\

\It must be an instinctive reaction to be able to fight the gods. the angels at that time had not yet reached the level of the gods. they had infinite intelligence, infinite power, and infinite powers. body. You could say he's an angel.\ Kingdom. God.\

\At that time tavel had these three, but the second one had a problem with his heart. he was infinite, but his heart was not God's, but the heart of man.\

\the confidence to do things that have no meaning in nature es from false forces. this is an opportunity presented by demonic forces.\

\I see, is this what the ``first hope'' at the beginning of the book of Azathoth means? the fall of the evil god does not mean that the evil god will e down to the earth, but that the evil god will e down to the earth. bee one mortal man. this means the fall.\ what does this mean? \

\If evil is God, then the devil is as strong as a hole.\

\If you do that, you will probably defeat your opponent.\

Amy suddenly felt confident, which naturally made Alice look sheepish.

\where is your confidence? You can never defeat a human body like ours.\

\one blow by tavel is enough to kill me and you, but our attacks will not harm the other.\

\Impossible opponent.\

Alice exaggerates because even if she gets hit, it's not a big deal as long as she doesn't get hit.

with the body described above, even if you lose one-tenth of your body, the rest can be instantly transformed.

the devil's body is infinite, but the power of the evil thing called the devil is infinite, so there is no limit.

however, the devil's body cannot do so forever for them, but the devil does not need to worry about this problem.

Alice's left leg was frozen, and the rest of her body felt hot and humid, but in the next moment she was fine.

however, the pain I suffered did not go away for even half an hour.

\It hurts, it's horrible.\

Alice screamed in pain, then sped up.

when the missing beam disappears, it disappears and reappears the next time.

If this continues, there will be little to protect.

the right way to do this is to use your body to take advantage of the size of the tree, such as cutting it and bumping into it.

It was the most logical method, but if it was done in the real way, no one knew what would happen if tavel cast a spell from afar.

Like a former immortal demon, tavel, with no way to escape, could cross the space at will, no matter how futile.

however, at that time, it would be easy if the visitor sent an infinite device, but it was impossible for Alice, who had Yog-Sothoth's blood.

If we can do that, we won't have to rely on the book of Azathoth for time travel.

the reason I'm not impressed with this tree today is because taber's man is trying to find out if everything he says is true.

(Is it true that you can't do anything?)

Alice couldn't think like that, because she could be a powerful demon even in front of others.

but even in Exodus 13, he knows that demons like him are equivalent to urchins.

he is powerless pared to demons, who are parable to unfinished \gods.\

Amy looked at tavel and Alice and narrowed her eyes in curiosity.

well, it seems that the inpetent devil is not as easy as it really is.

his eyes were looking at a place that no one had seen before, and what he was thinking about was not the current situation.

he seemed to be calculating and giving instructions.

In the end, it all means nothing.

(Excuse me, what should I do?)

Alice screamed in her mind, and she had nowhere to turn.

the distance between it and taber is at least three beijing diameters.

covering such a distance is not easy, especially when shooting countless hooks from a distance.

You will be surprised when you touch it.

Alice believes that with her opponent's strength, she can do it.

Even as Alice continues to call her sister, she realizes that tavel is up to something.

perhaps only an animal possessed his soul.

but at least the essence of a man's soul is still a brother.

I didn't expect one of them to remember what happened after the price adjustment, and I also didn't expect the other to treat me calmly and kindly either.

From the beginning to the end, Alice expected only one thing.


the sky cleared and tavel appeared above them in the farthest part.

when he opened his left hand, a huge ball of energy appeared in his hand, and with a breath it stuck to Amy's body.

the ball of light was swallowed by Amy, and when the ball of light hit Alice, she blacked out.

I can't think of anything and hardly have the energy to do anything.

there was no way Alice could control the power that surpassed the ball of energy in front of her.

this power cannot be obtained even if all stars are multiplied by 5.

without any strategy, it was used in the worst way, but Alice, being a demon, had no way to resist it.

Skill is meaningless in the face of absolute power.

therefore, there is no control over the gods, and those who have unlimited power are powerless and helpless.

however, the ball of light finally stopped right in front of Alice.

tabel's perfect hands also stopped, revealing veins.

\my love, aren't you dead and still in this body?\

Isn't it natural for us to use our body as we want?

the power of the demon god that collided with the power of the evil god was limitless and could be used by an unlimited number of people.

however, the fear created by the two forces using Love's body as a battlefield is terrifying.

tabel's whole body was covered in cracks and blood vessels.

\o Gu Immortal, who controls Su xia's future, if there is a law set by you, the professor will abandon me because I am an unfinished product.\

Love's voice was cold and full of anger.

\but you are not an unfinished tool, but a person filled with seven emotions and six desires. why do you need anger? I will give a help from fate that will destroy you, and you I was born in this world. , so why should I be angry? why should I hate you? don't you think that your malice is directed against the wrong person?

\It's all because of you, because of you, I'm like this, even though I know you're not part of \God\ and not a clone of a limited realm. because I. I don't.


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