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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第91章 Ygrakh的部落知识

第91章 Ygrakh的部落知识 (第2/2页)

No extra time!

he was convinced that there was nothing he could do but open the door and didn't think about what else to do.

of course, bana came first because he was still attached to her because it was too much.

however, when Ani did this, she immediately regretted it.

Good morning, Angie.

there was a woman at the door.

Long hair is dark until midnight. his skin was as white as snow. her face is so soft that you would mistake it for an expensive doll.

his pupils were as green as emeralds. A pure white dress decorated with intricate layers. the most impressive thing about him is the belt on his chest. It was like someone was covering himself.

She is a perfect woman in every way.

but the biggest problem is that An ii knows this person perfectly.

Soon, Angel found in his hands a magical book called the Forbidden book, which has the power to bind others.

the truth is, once a gift is given, it is yours.

but the sudden appearance of this point should show what is happening.

Furthermore, An Yi was convinced that the arrival of the other party was never a good thing based on the previous attempts.

Aria whatley, if her words were not false, must be another of the dunwich horrors, the eldest daughter of the beast, the ugly brother of will bob whatley.

As far as I understand, this woman has nothing to do with Jishin.

If you reappear here after receiving the gift, it means something terrible.

he believes his biggest dream is to join another team here.

he must have e here to make a magic book.

how do I get someone to return a magic book?

At this time, Angel could not remember the power of the grimoire.

As the title suggests, ``the Secret of Soul Exchange'' is not a magical book about the exchange of souls, but it deals with the secrets of the ritual that pletes resurrection through the exchange of souls.

In short, killing people to wake others up is cheap and easy to do.

the fairy magic and resurrection techniques he knows are so simple that even a child can do them.

of course, the only possible effects are that it takes time to develop and that the magic must be used according to the magic book.

however, these are not big mistakes for Ani, and she is satisfied with this magical book.

So don't let your opponent take this magical book until your dreams e true. this is pletely unacceptable.

but seeing the people you resurrect die and e back to life every day doesn't mean you can kill someone every time you cast this type of spell.

he had fully planned to put up with her, so why did he e before her again at this time?

Aria didn't say a word and didn't seem to mean what she meant, but Annie was already thinking of different ideas.

moreover, he was afraid of tears because of his own thoughts, which revealed the terrible evil in his eyes.

Aria was sweating and didn't understand why someone else was looking at her like that or how she was being looked at.

Alya couldn't help but think again and finally thought of the reason.

(oh, I wonder when it will be revived?)

(of course, it may not be good for a normal person to watch a loved one die and be resurrected every day, only to die the next day.)

Aria discovered that the reason was that she probably felt that this magical book was bringing her loved ones back to the experience of death and making them angry.

A happy ending bees a constant nightmare, and it can be a little brutal.

In Alya's eyes, Angel is just a child, there is no difference in appearance or heart.

perhaps in the mind of a person, something like resurrection must be something amazing, and it cannot be a repetition of the events of death.

Aria thought it over.

this probably happened because the other party knew the truth about resurrection magic and was not affected by it.

Aria started to wonder if someone who couldn't get the forbidden book could use this magic book. If not, you should take care of it immediately and find a good person who knows how to use the power of forbidden books?

that's a good idea.

As Alya said that, the pain emanating from Annie felt more intense and terrifying, as if she was staring at the man who killed her.

he realized again that his eyes were wrong.

he knew it was just an illusion, but if he exposed his evil deeds, it would soon bee true.

It took me a while to calm down, no, wait a minute.

A day passed and you suddenly appeared here, is that a lie?

It must be an illusion that strikes fear into my heart.

besides, I couldn't help it because I thought I wouldn't use the magic book anymore, so I had stupid and stupid dreams.

It is an illusion, so there is no need to worry about it.

An Yi continued to make signs to himself and quickly closed the door.

calm down, Angie, calm down, I must be delusional. the other was so happy that he immediately closed the door.

what do you mean?

Seeing his actions, Aria felt helpless and felt that her basic beliefs were wrong.

when you get angry, don't do what the other person did and close the door.

he must know that that door is of no use to him, and in fact, even if he does not open it, he can always enter without any difficulty.

Also, pared to the folly of closing the door, going to war is the safest option.

Aria didn't understand what the other person was doing, but at least she understood that An chi wasn't dreaming and didn't believe in the true secret process of soul transformation.

It is pletely against you.

(did I do something wrong?)

Aria thought hard, but realized that if she wasn't interested in An chi, she must not be very popular.

I'm not pretty, I don't know anyone, I don't care how I look, and it's impossible for others to like me.

Such a beast is enough to put him on the list of unknowns, it is better to kill him.

Judging from his appearance, it was impossible for anyone to love him except for the dragon boy, who could really be called a pervert.

therefore, it seems that it is not difficult to accept what is not acceptable to you.

Aaliyah once again felt unfortable thinking about her body image.

In addition, it was clear that Alya had given the forbidden book to the other party yesterday, and the other party had the same attitude, which hurt it.

Aria was a bit angry. Just one day, why did you turn around so quickly? how cruel and heartless can people be to do something like this?

As a hybrid, an animal that is neither human nor god, Arya considers herself an evil and wicked existence.

In the end, none of us could understand the situation, and we were a group of idiots.

After a while, the door opened again and Angel poked his head in.

Ah, the dream got worse, is it true that waking up in the morning is disgusting, or the dream is disgusting? or have hallucinations.

does that mean I'm full of hate in your eyes? In fact, the wickedness of God's faith is an abomination to people.

Aria seemed shocked to hear this.

No, I didn't say that, I think talking is abominable, and I think talking to someone is the stupidest of stupid people.

Angels may notice something strange, like hallucinations caused by past dreams, even if they don't remember them.

Idiot, seriously, if you think he's a scammer, isn't it enough to give him a punch and break everything?

Aria smiled, spoke harsh words, and raised her small hand as if to punch the other side.

of course, Alia can act like this because she is a 'junar kiyaya', and even though anger may seem like an instinct, it is a real nature, and letting go is something that every human has. this is a technique that must be used. . It is very easy to control yourself and let go of your instincts.

malaika slowly started to shake, but before she could, she realized that it was ridiculous that she stopped moving because of her decision at that moment.

he actually hit her hand, so Alia took pity and pulled her hand away, but stopped when she looked to the other side.

You beat me to it here.

In this case, the shrimp-like head should be slightly open.

It is true that the sound is not malicious and can be said to be beautiful, but the inside is dirty.

do you want to e here and ask? At least she can show her personality as a princess.

Isn't it embarrassing to upload your own fantasies of whatever you want? that being said, malaika, don't you feel a little ashamed?

he smiled openly and had a beautiful voice like a bluebird, but his words were pletely uncensored and full of sarcasm, making people think that the number of rotten stomachs is terrible, and they It did not harm others. they look very rotten and smelly inside - a terrible lack of character.

of course not, it is the basis of human society to mislead others, and other people's eyes and other people's thoughts are society, so there are some people who cannot improve the thoughts of others . society. society. do you hate it?

So it's not something to be ashamed of, it's Adam's nature.

when I said that without even looking at her, Alya's response was cold.

In an instant, pippi's humanity was reduced to the point where she could no longer use it.

haha they are beautiful but what should I do here?

when Annie said that, her voice was very cold, as if she was warning someone.

You came to play with me, didn't you?

he quickly closed the door in one breath. of course it's not true, he's ashamed of who he is now, why would he believe that someone else is right? that is not appropriate. he's still shy to talk to her, especially when he opens the door and talks to the air outside, and it totally kicks him in the face.

So how could he accidentally open the door and talk to the wind?

Isn't this a dream? Angel doesn't believe that demons are interesting, but Angel knows that tryon, the chief advisor of the black Sanctuary, is the demon of arts and magic in Arcane city, so that's a possibility. It's low. the Silver trojans previously used the \military Intelligence\ plan as a copy.

And Angel doesn't know Grandmaster tryon's mother.

however, the angel saw the descendants of Yog-Sothoth in human form and realized that this was a manifestation of the evil god's absolute power.

because the evil god has no flesh and blood, this amazing scene crushes the power of the evil god.

And when they were able to control their evil powers and eliminate the evil powers of God that destroyed their bodies, the self-healing elements in their bodies erased all the signs and gained the ability to change. You will get a perfect body. acquired by man. that. he was a perfect man pared to men.

And Aria believes that that devil is the real devil born in the wartli house. that way, the other person's actions will not be in vain. Yog-Sothoth is the path of all, no danger, only necessary, because all is an external God.

book of fools 141 (34)

A qi cannot be confirmed if what he discovers is pletely predictable.

but one thing is certain: what I do is not fantasy.

therefore, it is expected that the actions of an angel will attract the attention of others.

Annie, does it sound like someone is knocking on the door?

Nancy asked ignoring the voices outside.

Nancy felt clear, but at first she couldn't tell what Angie was feeling.

he seemed to be on fire even though he had never witnessed it like before.

Everything is back to normal except for Ani.

he definitely shouldn't be here, but it's the right thing to do.

however, this time, An Yi put his shock and attention elsewhere.

huh? how is this possible? maybe you heard it wrong, or maybe I heard it wrong.

well, Nancy's biggest problem seems to be that this is a fantasy in her mind.

however, when he noticed it, he felt a stiff neck, and when he turned, he heard a voice similar to cal's.

wait, you said you heard a bell, right?

of course I listened carefully. You didn't hear me? I think I'll have to make the doorbell bigger next time. people don't need to hear that.

Isn't that an illusion?

hearing Nancy's immediate reaction, Angel finally realized that she wasn't the only one who heard the voice, and so was Nancy.

Although we cannot exclude the possibility of speculation, it is unlikely.

Angel then made a final attempt.

It might not pletely break the illusion spell, but it should cause a minor reaction.

man's divine ability has a great limit, and man does not want to waste it, and he is also a coward.

but when An Yi thought about the magic book she had just received, she stopped thinking about her little family.

(If you don't get killed right away, what else can you think of? Getting a grimoire should be the first thing in your world. besides, do you have it? It?)

thinking of that, Angel decided to use magic.

Although it was a simple magic, it was of little use in Anne's hands.

he chanted the words with all his heart and cast the spell \dispel Illusions\.

when chanted, the power of the spell is absorbed, meaning the spell bees effective.

however, nothing happened and I don't know where the magic power I used went.

Everyone told me that there is no such thing as cheating, I repeat it, or this pride, I don't need a shadow on the door.

this is not true.

then he remembered the man he had left at his door.

If this is not an illusion, then the man outside the door must be real.

the changes in the seed made by Yog-Sothoth's demons were not false.

As he thought about it, he felt a chill down his spine.

this is because it means that chi's predictions can e true in the beginning.

this is something you don't want to see.

however, Angel wasn't so foolish as to think that a door that couldn't be stopped by his magic or Nancy's hands would work.

At this critical moment, Ani realized that she was probably facing the worst.

of course, at this point I still don't consider myself single, and I don't have a dining partner yet.

he turned again and headed for the door.

this time he opened the door without realizing what he was experiencing.

All this showed that An qi was not an illusion that he had encountered before.

the other, still like Arya, stood in the doorway, as before, still unhappy.

And surprisingly, he didn't just walk through the door and get here.

but he waited outside in the hot sun.

however, I saw that there was not a single drop of sweat on Aaliyah's body. the whole person seems very dry.

this should not happen.

but An ii thinks that this is a normal case considering that the other is not normal.

And thinking about it made him so angry that he thought An ii should do something harder and longer.

his hand reached out and rested on Aaliyah's face, squeezing it tightly.

It's really nice.

pain, let me go, let me go.

however, Aria was never happy with Angel as a shrink.

the happiness of others depends on their suffering.

he began to wonder if he had done something bad to deserve such attention.

however, a person has no intention of returning the magic book, so don't think it's a matter of a party not being happy with the magic book.

So what is the reason?

Aria couldn't understand why the other person was like this.

then his words became more angry.

It's really painful, it's human.

(huh? what does that mean!)

that's stupid and from a logical point of view you should pinch yourself. you are a big idiot.

but when Aaliyah answered she looked stupid.

It hurts, how can I strangle myself? the easiest way is to squeeze someone.

As I said, Annie had no expression, but suddenly her expression changed.

Everyone was curled up like grass, with their heads bowed.

Aria pushed her opponent hard inside.

the reason why she looks like Ani is related to Aaliyah's characteristics.

however, this time Aria managed to kick the floor like a dragon without using much energy.

he had no intention of hitting on Annie, and Aria couldn't stand another man's actions.

this is a bad way to play.

Is your head clear?

he carried An chi to the bed and held her on the other side.

the prisoner looked at the man with angry eyes.

why did you punch me, it hurts.

Aria feels that the group doesn't know anything about her, but is she really the so-called ``former super high school level detective''?

but if you look closely, are the angel's followers filled with fear and despair?

hearing that look, Aria was confused as to why she couldn't understand the other person's feelings.

there is no way to understand it, and I really don't understand it.

(Actually, it is very difficult to understand human emotions.)

(Is it really right for such a person to hand over a forbidden book to another? If he wants to close the forbidden book himself, it will be difficult. because he is human. the book burner himself is looking for it.) A forbidden book. that's why he appeared. )

but if the owner of a banned book is in a perfectly good state of mind, does that mean that the skills required to ban that book are stupid?

Aria, not knowing what Angel was thinking, looked away.

(however, be careful. It's not good to make rash decisions.)

while thinking about this, Aria thought of another possibility.

(maybe because my eyesight is bad?)

. If the goal is achieved, this step is considered good. In general, one can get lost in the \universal theory\.

After thinking for a while, Aria refused to believe him and finally realized that the man was angry.

Now you can go, everyone.

he closed the door with renewed determination.

At this moment, Aria felt that this was her last chance.

otherwise, no matter what you do, you will not make him do something stupid like that.

of course, Aria had no intention of letting the party close the door.

he reached up and gently pushed the door open, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't officially close it.

Aria's mysterious power is stronger than An chi's, so chi can't do anything to her.

Even though he was scared to death, Angel didn't seem to care.

what else happened this time?

he spoke quietly, but Aria could hear the panic in his voice.

Is it right to turn away from such people?

huh? You gave me a banned book, and I used that banned book, that's the deal.

Yiyi treats him like a disaster and does not want anyone to enter his house.

Furthermore, An qi had some idea of the other party's intentions, so there was no doubt that the oute would be the worst.

based on this, An qi could handle it calmly.

but apparently, that \silence\ made things worse.

my starved brain can't seem to e up with friendship solutions.

however, no matter how you look at it, this unfriendly solution does not seem to get a positive response.

Aria can't quit her job because of this, especially since there are parts of her that are weak and inpetent.

Instead of defeating the opponent with all your strength, it's meaningless, it's a pity.

It is difficult to pray for healing above.

you have no heart

does this person have a question?

the other person said to Alia that it was unfortable, pressed her hand, but she didn't want to let go of Alia's hand, so Ania couldn't close the door.

here human power does not play a sufficient role, and in the face of increasing power it loses its effectiveness.

Surely he understood this question without doubt.

however, it is not a habit to do nothing, because if you do not do it, it is the same as giving to someone.

the grimoire cannot be returned to the other party, and if the other party accepts it, Anne II will also be in a very dangerous situation.

don't worry, we're friends.

I don't remember a time when God was part of an evil family.

It was a natural expression, and An qi did not forget that a new god had entered his house and was giving orders.

the search for the creator of the cthulhu mythos was supposed to be the main plot of this system.

If qi considers the other party as a friend, Anzai's disaster will surely e.

these gods are not good gods to believe in, and Ani doesn't think her actions are acceptable.

the ancient rulers and foreign gods, whoever they were or in what form they appeared in this world, were not beautiful beings, nor were they like goodness. connection

do you have a good relationship with these animals? Remember this.

Even Naiya turned out to be a cute girl (footnote)

others feel that there is no difference between good and bad in these animals.

It is impossible to think that they are inpetent.

God does not care, in fact, he knows.

however, the woman in front of him was clearly not a goddess, at least she was just a messenger of an old king.

I have never heard that it is a divine being, but at least he is a powerful magical beast, a mythical creature.

Not God, not ordinary people.

pared to the ancient gods who are inparable, which one should we put first? As humans, we need to be able to respond realistically.

the angels of mystical science have never heard that the human mind can interpret God, but they are indeed arrogant. If such a thing were to happen, a good and powerful God would be able to reverse all the calamities. oh, but it's an angel. he lived a miserable life and could not even appreciate the beauty that the gods sent him. but this is the reality of this world.

After a while, Annie suddenly remembered this system.

the devil here is not the devil I know that came into the world.

So here is the devil

where did the world e from? could it be that my world has been invaded by Avatars and evolved from them? Is cthulhu the Great a character created by someone?

At this moment, Annie had doubts in her heart. I don't want to investigate, so I avoid it whenever possible - especially since I've been successful. his own dream.

Fortunately, Nancy's attitude seems to have no reservations. or he thought the trojans wouldn't let him off the hook.

therefore, the angel may have a bad attitude in heaven, but the power of evil in his body is always ready to act, of course, because this power is his, he has no limits. In fact, he is not a god above miracles, nor does he have the magic to perform miracles. All he has to do is take advantage of the power that God has given him. God's power is controlled by God. Angels are magicians, not demons. therefore, angels cannot control evil divine power like demons, and cannot change it, ignore it, or break certain laws. world..

what if I bring something you want to know?

No, I don't want to know anything.

Angel answered well, but no one knows this game better than Angel, and Nancy's ears are perfect, and Aaliyah's beautiful voice convinces her that she will pass.

angel? who is this guy?

before Nancy could speak, she wrapped herself around herself like a blanket and rubbed the face of her body.

Nancy had long hair like gold, shining like a crown on a king's head, beautiful skin, and a mature and soft face. She can be described as a beautiful and classy girl, but her personality is right. doesn't match her looks.

help me! who is this stupid cow to die first?

when I opened my eyes again and saw what was in front of me, I immediately thought that if a bad person does that, it's not a big deal. I hoped, but then he seemed to notice that the black woman in front of him was a little different from the one he saw last night.

he used to be a poisonous doll, but now he is a man.

maybe this is a way for the Evil Family of God to hurt people. but I must say that qi is not as careful as before.

Arkham city was a city that didn't exist, but it appeared out of nowhere in America after I wrote the cthulhu mythos.

there is love in this city, it rings like a silver bell, the crazy musical score of this world is quickly written, this is the last chapter of the cthulhu mythos and the old Kingdom, the story is about others. . he traveled from space to space, through Yog-Sothoth, and returned to a world unknown to mankind.

Another Rafu appeared behind him, but Rafu didn't turn around or say a word. however, Shadow seems to have eyes on the sky behind him and refuses to look back.

have you reached the end? Is it too late for a new god to be born as a god in this world? If I remember correctly, those agents were smoke bombs. otherwise, it is not acceptable for a person to bee the leader of a group without reason.

Love's voice was beautiful like a bluebird, but Anlov closed his eyes.

bomb? No, it's better to get the attention of the trojans outside by saying it's a lamp, a lamp, a smoke bomb. Apparently they had known corpses before, but this was pletely different. I didn't care or move, so I had no choice but to go.

please say hello to dunia.

Love did not ment on Unloh's remarks, but made an unrelated ment to which Unloh responded:

ok I'll take it, I hope I still have a chance.

the Lord of the world in the mouth of love does not conform to the world. As I said before, the main thing in this world is that if the heart is true, then all the gods are true. therefore, not only the gods created by the current beliefs of Scientology, but also the gods of ancient mythology, were all created from the structures left behind by the one truth. truth. \

Lord Earth was once responsible for the history of the world tree and the Akashic Records, and is now the mind-awakening deity of the great records. his heart is close.

After Anlov spoke, a red light flashed in the distance. It was a sniper rifle shot. bullets fired from fire are nine times louder than sound.

Although he is the founder of the cthulhu mythos, he only uses a reality system and is still human, and as a human, such attacks are sure to e against him. he will die

Note: this means that the highest rolling Red queen in the app.

book of madness 142 (35)

that is a very powerful bullet.

As the bullet travels through the air, it creates an invisible red flame.

that is, such an image should be displayed only after the bullet hits the target.

because its speed is faster than light.

however, no matter how fast the bullet was, it was just a magic-enhanced bullet.

For those who don't know anything about protective magic, it can be called \resistance and consequences\ or \reduction of the cause.\

Although it has such a name, it cannot be an exaggeration.

but such forces need not struggle to deal with the \strangeness\ of the world. Love as the creator of the cthulhu mythos.

however, Love seems unaware of the sudden attack at this point.

In human understanding, God's wrath must be swift, and even the knowledge of its existence must wait until death.

however, for Anlov, a member of the Fantastic Gods and a member of the New Gods, this small action took a while.

As Anlov saw it. the love body penetrates directly into the shell and dissolves into the physical body.

but really, if you can accept this assumption as fact and feel at ease. You may say such behavior is foolish, but it is easier said than done.

there was no smile on Anlov's face. It wasn't the right time to celebrate, but it was the right time.

If you want to celebrate, relax, be happy, of course you have to wait until the result turns from fantasy to reality. that will definitely happen.

but for Anlov this right moment did not appear before him.

If there's a reason, it's because the results weren't as good as I expected.

colored light curtains.

A high-speed bullet hit, but the bullet's high energy and magical light did not penetrate the light.

A loud sound was heard as the two collided.

however, because of this, the bullet that stopped within the veil of light was pletely covered by the veil of light, like the prey caught in the web of the spider, could not move forward or backward, and stopped when it lost its power. ta. with a bright screen. .

Even though I fell, nothing happened.

this curtain is more than a protective shield.

If it was a normal defensive shield, the magic word of the bullet thrown by the demonic Rune would have been destroyed.

Even if a shield was created using such magic, it would be stuck and unable to move.

It's not a shield or anything, it's supposed to be a tool for hunting mysterious life forms.

did those creatures really e from humans, ignoring even the magic created by the gods and summoning strange creatures that the gods couldn't see?

Anlov was very skeptical.

As God, we must know human weakness and powerlessness.

It is said that the human mind creates God, but this statement is taken pletely out of context.

In fact, because the \only truth\ system can understand the delusion of man, the system uses its power to verify illusions, further mixing chaos and creating a path that is unbearable for its creatures. . rule.

the more <creativity> worships, the closer it is to itself in <collection>.

Finally, he became the god of stupid and stupid animals.

that future is the end of godlike illusions.

It cannot be done in the future.

but it shows that the \creator\ people are not the real creators, but the real creators, a \special reality\ without which there is no life.

Anlov believes that these demons are the same as themselves.

therefore, Lovecraft, the creator and the woman who calls herself Love, must also be only one person.

Even if they are protected by the devil that is ``existence,'' these living gods, who are not sufficiently worshiped, can be pared to themselves in the age of science and superstition.

As a sci-fi god, Anlov's powers must defeat the power wielded by these dark forces, even if they can't.

this is how it should be.

however, the situation in front of Anlov at that time changed his decision.

this time, things won't be over until we meet, that's for sure.

Realizing this, Anlov's first thought was to escape.

when faced with something he does not fully understand, Anlov, not a warrior, has no reason to fight the enemy at any cost.

but this time, the right to act was not in Anlov's hands.

contempt was on his face.

Apparently, he could not defend against the attacks of the god Anlov.

You can't do that without hurting yourself.

Is God really a miracle worker?

If you rely on the power of \just the truth\ of others, you will be disappointed in love.

he sincerely desires to witness the power of God so that love can trust his future works.


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