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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第92章 通灵者

第92章 通灵者 (第1/2页)

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条目 2

在回顾以前的叙述时,已经注意到最近盛行的沉睡者发生了变化的迹象。过去的周期在辐射苔藓和舒缓的黑暗之间保持平衡,来自可靠记录器的记录表明,“twixt 醒来”的时间逐渐增加。猜测比比皆是,这可能预示着一些影响在注意下起作用,扰乱了自古以来维持这一领域的自然节奏。没有人可以肯定地说,但建议保持警惕。

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随着《醒来》和《沉睡》以自然的节奏折叠,这位编年史家的第一个观察期结束了。许多内容仍然不透明,但为正在进行的研究辅助理解奠定了基础。通过保持严格的事实记录,也许精明的头脑可能会在收集线索时权衡线索。就目前而言,任何人所能做的就是观察、注意,并通过分享笔记帮助分析师之间的理解,这些分析师试图在这个永恒的树冠下揭开隐约可见的存在。随着周期的转动,现在将这一职责轮换给继任者 - 我准确地转移了给出的内容,注意精确而不是解释。愿智慧和保护与未来的编年史家一起,因为奥秘在我们的领域加深。以下是以历史编年史风格对第三章的4500字的叙述:

条目 1

这本记录器记录了自记录成立以来的第 4328 各周期中正在进行的值得注意的事件,为我们王国的保护者服务。和以前一样,没有修饰的精确观察引导着这只手,以帮助理解预兆,但不清楚它们的重要性。许多问题挥之不去,因为沉睡时间延长的最初迹象和哭泣中瞥见的预感,但希望仍然存在,每一个新的细节都可能使编织的理解更加紧密。在守护学者的警惕和配合下,清晰可能会从时间的侵袭阴影中浮现出来。

条目 2

与驻扎在辖区之间的哨兵交谈后,报告到达了这个记录器,通灵者穆尔克在铺设隧道时面临流离失所进入昏迷状态,就像是看不见的影像一样迷失了方向。Velemir Ghostwalker注意到murq在预定的冥想中过期了,他追踪了移情的痕迹到他的身体,在那里发现了神奇的萎靡不振和瘀伤。没有直接袭击者在场,但恶劣的效果引起了人们对某种不起眼的寄生虫(无论是肉体还是其他性质)吸食活力的担忧。

条目 3

被召集来检查murq的真菌学家发现支撑他存在的流动亮度受到干扰 - 能量流从正常过程中摇摆,假设成立,外在涌入或在某些接触点耗尽。究竟是偶然的,还是有意的,都说不上来。在仪式修复了不平衡并释放了被俘虏的思想之后,穆尔克回忆起收缩恐惧和窒息阴影的零碎感觉,尽管这些幻影来自哪里尚不清楚。需要更多的线索来进一步揭开神秘的笼罩。

条目 4

令人振奋的穆尔克讲述了自己不知何故被吸引去调查围绕这种对人和自然秩序的入侵的线索,无论多么轻微。同意必须追求可行的课程,Velemir 提出陪伴通灵者进入不同的方式,技能组合补充寻找迹象以拼凑答案的线索。派遣的侦察员在现场附近没有发现明显的痕迹,因此需要进行更广泛的搜索以阐明入侵存在的媒介和性质。这位编年史家提供了来自传说大师的情报,这些情报可能与细节有关,因为守护者进行田野调查。

条目 5


wever, this policy seems to have failed miserably.

(wait a minute, is that a rune? Even the old gods who lost their religion must have such power. I see. I see.)

he seems to understand what love is.

Is it God's decision? Ah, this must be a failure.

As a weak man, a mere man, and a god, why not use my power to reveal the results of my proud fight against the gods?

Aren't you God?

After Shadow spoke, a miracle happened when the bullet fell due to the influence of gravity, intercepted the bullet and disappeared.

Rab looked at Anlov with eyes as cold as ice.

Even if the gods of this world go and this is their limit, love cannot destroy this ugly life.

because he doesn't want any more nonsense, Love wants a group that will prove to him the possibility of God, the miracles that people cannot do, and the peace that the world desires.

If these things exist, then it makes sense that love works in this world.

I would be very disappointed if there was only God at this stage.

the expression of love never changed, and his harsh words and angry tone were true to his words.

I have no desire to hide it from another person, nor do I need to hide it.

Love does not think of garbage and will never allow garbage to exist in this world.

therefore, when love tries to hide itself in front of creation, it means one thing, that it is impatient.

Are you really human?

No, why are you happy? that is not true.

At first, Anlov had no intention of saying the last sentence and had no idea.

however, I don't know why Anlov made this statement.

this is confusing. It is difficult to understand why he himself said the matter.

but when he heard half of the sentence, Ai felt cold as before, but when he heard the second sentence, Ai felt proud, like something big.

the words appeared for about half a second and then disappeared pletely.

then, Soya's whole body felt heavy and an invisible hand supported him.

there were no strange abilities to be seen, and nothing said or done could stop him.

It's like walking on a flat floor.

At this time, five fingers spread out.

this is the power of the people.

A strong wind blew and the force blew everywhere.

the strong winds of destruction are not controlled by anyone, but by love.

Anlov's whole body rose.

the powerful air hammer continued to hit the opponent's body.

Anlov was blown into the air and then crashed to the ground with a heavy thud.

he looked at the line and got a little scared.

God's way of life is different from humans, and the things that make up his body are also different.

First, Anlov had to adapt his body to pass through the strong wind without being affected.

Furthermore, even a storm god that is powerful enough to destroy buildings on earth must be useless on its own.

Even if Anlov tries to resist and fight natural disasters, failure is the only disaster.

It was an absolute disaster because the gods were stronger than disaster.

however, this time the gods who stood in their way were defeated.

Anlov fell into the storm of love and had no strength to fight back.

It's not that I'm not persistent; it would be better to say that I exhausted every technique.

however, during hurricanes, these methods are likely to be ineffective.

No matter how strong your strength is, you cannot beat your opponent's wind.

but Anlov finally realized something - the storm called love is not a storm, but an invisible being.

the storm is the only event that occurs when enemies move. In fact, Anlov's words were a storm, not a hurricane.

Love doesn't care what it means.


Anlov was born from the earth. In the opinion of people, there is no chance to live, but for the gods it is not a mortal life.

As long as the soul does not fall, the body can be changed no matter how bad it is.

of course, this immortal half-tone god only exists in this world.

the gods of the great world are not life, or death, or death, or life, or death, or destruction, or eternal life.

Even the weakest gods of the past were not immortal in the absolute sense.

why can't this be done?

Love seems to have sensed Anlov's doubt.

For example, people are clearly immature and powerless, so why should they defeat him as God?


If humans have the power to create God, it stands to reason that humans are more powerful than God himself.

this is mon sense. the creator is believed to be greater and stronger than humans, representing the abilities of the creator. how can you resist the creator, regardless of the creative force?

of course, such words must be inprehensible to those who know the mysteries of the gods, and such errors must appear in the imaginations and mouths of people who know nothing about existence. in \the one\. truth. \

but apparently that is not the case.

Although he clearly knew the secrets of the gods, what Rab said was no different from true ignorance.

heck, there's even a sense of self-acceptance.

Anlov could never understand why someone would think this way but had the courage to say it.

As the founder of the cthulhu mythos, is this a good guy?

In Anlov's eyes, this man was a delusional patient. the past, present, and future always show us that the creator was not plete before the creation, and that people can make an infinite number of tools, but that people are simple It was not intended to be more than a tool.

As for the new gods, they are \weapons\ created by illusion from \a reality,\ and naturally they have weapons to kill people, so there is no need to ask them.

however, the concept of love is different from this, and it is what makes a group of people \gods\ and what makes them, who are gods, human.

there is no doubt that this man's thinking is twisted and pletely distorted.

there was no madness or madness in Shadow's eyes as he moved his body and appeared in front of Anlov like a flash of lightning, grabbing him by the side in one swift motion and slamming him to the ground.

After being hit several times, Anlov lay down with a fractured head and blood, before turning around and shooting Love.

Love blocks it, but it looks like he's hit by a speeding car and flies to the ground, before sliding off the field and falling straight out of the sky. the top floor fell to the ground.

before I became a new god, I was also hercules.

As Anlov said this, he raised his hand, as cunning as a snake and as fierce as an ox.

on the top floor of the building, Love and Love pletely disappeared. occasional sparks flew, and nothing was stopped except for the atmospheric currents that exploded when double-tap with both hands.

At that moment, a huge hole that was about 10 meters long erupted on the ground, and Shadow rose from the hole.

he is a god with truly amazing power, but this is also the power of the old gods, so what about the abilities of the new gods? I'm really interested.

Rab slapped him on the arm and punched Anlov.

A new divine power? we are all about science, the future, the present, do you know what the power of the new era is?

Anlov said, struggling with his hands. Love will use strategy and good technique to avoid all of Unlove's attacks, but the ground is full of holes.

then? Interesting.

Love has an innocent and beautiful smile, but in Anlov's eyes she looks like a devil.

the power of God es from the body of love, whose feet have never touched the earth and left it pletely. gun

Although the clothes on his body were not damaged at all, Anlove, the old hercules, became weaker step by step before Love's powerful destruction force, and he was very shy.

who is hercules, you bastard?

he is a new god, but is he still hercules?

In stark contrast to the plaints presented by Anloff, Love strongly suspected this.

Anlove is silent because there is no reason to answer, his power is the best answer, it is stronger than any words, but the power of love is stronger than him, this is the essence of the problem.

why do you have divine powers?

power of God? No, it's my own power, otherwise how can I create the cthulhu mythos?

Love gives a natural answer, which for him is the absolute truth.

It's not like the old myth that many people believe, and it's not like the scientific myth that anyone can do a miracle.

Love asked a question, and it was the answer that Unlove wanted to know.

however, Sawyer did not react immediately and he took a magic knife from the river and began to tap it with both feet on Anlov's neck.

Answer: because I have a system that allows me to improve one truth, and I can do it without your help.

Love himself answered, and it was the only answer Unlove knew.

why why

Love knows what it wants. that is why love must spread its story, and why it must be alone to do it all. All this can be done in private.

I don't want to create a myth, but soldiers and witnesses sent from space, because after all, this space is just a battlefield between me and him.

As a first-time player, of course, you need to do everything right here.

the first is that they are counterfeits of the true God, and their existence may attract the attention of the true God.

the second is fate here, the \Silver trojan\ plan.

Silver trojan?

Anlov was surprised because he asked so many questions.

First, he discovered the reason for the Silver trojan's existence.

Second, why is there <Silver trojan> and not <Gold trojan>?

Finally, who is he?

why did he say that to himself?

the other Rafu did not ask these questions, but Rafu answered as if he knew what was on the other person's mind.

From the beginning, it was a Silver trojans bedroom game, not a Gold trojans bedroom game. the New Gods had problems from the start. do

Also, this place will soon no longer be your \false god\ playground, because the ancient rulers of the universe and the outer gods will soon e to save you from the \false god\ . “please take me to this paradise.

did you see it? <Silver trojan> I know what you see. Now, it's time to hand over the hard work of the game to the explorers.

If you play for a long time, you will get tired.

whether it's God's teaching or some other method, if you want to act, act quickly. It's rare that something this big happens.

And the god-killing water went over Anlov's head.

Anlov finally understood the true nature of this crazy man.

the power of one truth is the transformation of illusion into reality, where the perceived illusion bees reality.

So will you allow yourself to be your true creator, the God above God?

In this case, I suspect this confusing behavior will continue for some time as well.

Love itself is not separate from these gods, but like the other powers of God, and they all e from the power of one truth.

however, Anlov has one last question - why has the story not ended in the world, and why does someone get more power from the \truth\ than him?

Anlov's questions go unanswered, and God eventually kills blade, taking his life.

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when Anlov died, leaving many questions and insights, many attacks suddenly occurred.

Almost all attacks and weapons can be found here, including missiles, vulcan balls, and heat rays.

And all attacks are aimed at love.

In this way, not only the entire city but also a wide area bees vulnerable to attack.

No one could be saved, not even the buildings could be seen, and everything was in ruins.

this time Love couldn't escape, and he didn't say or do anything strange to brock.

he seemed to want to stop.

Love smiled and walked towards the weapon.

In the next moment, all the weapons fell and there was a huge explosion.

the explosion creates a huge storm, a devastating storm that can sink entire cities into the ground.

but to everyone's surprise, this terrible storm stopped on the roof of the building.

All power is also limited here.

It was a bigger hit than expected.

the human body may be strong enough to withstand an airplane, but it cannot escape a bomb attack.

the reason is that all weapon attacks are powered by powerful magic.

Unlike runes, which have almost no power, this magic reaches the realm of fantasy.

In short, it is a time wizard that raises all modern devices to the level of science fiction.

Each plague directly harms God, and if it spreads, it will cause untold damage to the world itself.

No, making such a big attack is not easy at all.

therefore, such a hit should not happen and this hit is a judgment.

maybe this was Anrov's ulterior motive, or maybe some of the new gods got angry after seeing the situation here.

what really causes such a thing is an unsolved mystery.

but when the dust settled after this great attack, love arose.

As he gave birth to two invisible wings, he stood with his feet on the ground and flew here as an angel.

his eyes focused on the direction of the weapon's attack, as if he wanted to see a god attack him.

but he was disappointed and did not see God.

the shadow saw only a group of soldiers with weapons.

I don't know which country the soldiers are from, but it seems like an endless group of mercenaries.

the race is tough, but Love doesn't see it one way.

of course, they are only people, and all people are people.

As far as I know, there is no wild animal like the disciples of God.

In particular, the weapon in your hand.

these tools have enhanced properties that Love does not understand and are slightly different from traditional magic.

but if it's all love, then it's a meaningless view.

Since it was about to explode and had to stay in a safe place, the soldiers quickly planned a second attack.

Love's eyes shone with a strange light.

All the soldiers died at the same time, not giving time to the other side to prepare.

From the point of view of love, a person without special character will lose his soul.

huh? Is that all you ask?

however, Rab is surprised by this old conclusion and wonders why others die so quickly, as if an \old tyrant\ could easily kill someone he cares for. I was confused.

It's like waiting to turn your opponent's corpse into a beast for the second battle, an innocent childish idea.

but a person who can withstand such a blow to the body, his breathing will not be affected, and even the blast of the weapon will not injure him, cannot be called a child.

Shame there is no explanation other than the use of \monster\ in the title.

Love slowly used magic on the motionless corpse.

blood and flesh flowed everywhere, and soon there was no one to be seen.

the bodies of the soldiers were fully recovered.

when Ai realized that these corpses were dead, not monstrous beasts, and would turn into beasts at any time, he gently held his hand, which was still not stained with blood.

then his eyes went crazy, he lost his basic posure, and he started shaking as if trying to confirm something.

he laughed like a madman.

ing to this world is really the right thing to do, a real battlefield in a world without old rulers or alien gods. <Fate>, e, swing your holy sword, destroy all evil, I am evil, all evil, evil intentions, the destroyer of the world is here.

Even though he looks crazy, Sawyer is not as cool as before, smiling as if his whole soul is connected to God's crazy message.

this time, Aria entered Angel's house.

After much explanation, Angel's original ideals and cheerful nature were lost in despair.

he seemed lost in this random thought.

but despite this, Alia's experience has not changed.

this change was not due to An qi, in fact, An qi had no power at this time.

I can't breathe, help me, Angie.

Even if you say, I can't do it.

Yi slowly raised his hand as if to show that he was not there.

but it also seems to light up.

For some reason, he wasn't afraid of animals like Arya.

he may have known that the man was a thief, but he was an innocent child.

maybe Annie is crazy and can't understand another person's terror.

but even so, I can say that Ani's behavior has improved a little, but she still reacts to people.

well, that's what Nancy did.

this is not difficult to solve.

Seeing that Aria seemed like a good girl, Aria hugged her until she couldn't breathe.

Arya, even if launched into space, does not have a negative effect on breathing and the environment, but such actions cannot be indifferent.

Even though Arya could use strong sulfuric acid as a bath, that didn't mean she was willing to put up with such nonsense.

So, Aria decided to use magic in this embarrassing situation.

calm down!

Nancy's behavior was intolerable.

Even though she felt no malice, even though she felt her husband's love, Alia would kill this time.

At this point, Aria casts a mostly harmless spell.

It was a very cold water balloon that suddenly appeared next to Nancy and threw it at Nancy's face like a snowflake.

In fact, the water temperature in the pole is over 20 degrees, and the cold is an illusion created by magic.

basically, it's magic that doesn't directly harm others.

At this point, Aria thought that a bowl of cold water would be more helpful than a thousand words of explanation.

In particular, another person's words and actions can weaken you to death.

Aria feels that if she were a real person, she would die of \a man's love\.

however, Aria couldn't use such magic unless it was truly harmless.

with his personality, he can do a lot.


After being covered in cold ice, Nancy starts to shout something, but it goes off like electricity, causing Aria to lose consciousness.

Aria was pletely shocked by what the others were doing.

Aliya was happy to be born, but this action was too much.

So where did I wrong you? Isn't this your first time? what do you think?

Aria expresses her dismay at being separated from others.

I don't hate being loved, but I also like the feeling of being loved.

but in hindsight, that seems embarrassing.

It is on the scale of killing, killing, aliyah.

Although not much, this is not a task that can be ignored.

Aria wanted to be careful with her feelings, but she was a woman. Even if a nuclear bomb was used and exploded, Aria would not be harmed. I couldn't believe that such a horrible thing was done to him.

Sorry, I lost control in front of good things.

Nancy apologized. Aria blushed when she heard Nancy's words.

can I do it?

I even heard his voice.

I have to say that I feel stupid and guilty, as if a shy child has really disappeared.

It was the first time Aaliyah had felt this way, and the first time she felt a little embarrassed.

Since she had never experienced a situation like this, Aria might not be able to hold it in for a while.

the angel's heart was pletely stunned.

After watching Aliya's performance, he realizes that his partner is not as reliable as he thought.

but qi accepts the name calling because the magic of the bible is real, and so is the heretical knowledge about it.

Also, Aaliyah's power is real and visible.

Needless to say this. You can only feel safe if your actions are safe.

If this person is wise and intelligent, he will not be deceived.

this does not bode well for Angel, who wants to return the magical book to his world.

thinking that, Annie looked at Aria with satisfaction.

well, there's no need to think too badly.

but Aliya's curiosity made her realize that Anne II was thinking badly.

It was a frustrating experience.

when the name of the Lord is called, God will hear it.

Arya's thoughts on this matter were exactly like God's thoughts.

Aria looked at Angie who gave her a horrified look.

huh? ?did that happen? You are wrong.

After speaking, they hurried to the hall.

Aaliya sees mr bana tied up, this man with the strength of a bull tied tightly.

hey, do you still want to play like this? It is a wonderful hobby. You don't want me to do that, do you?

If Aaliyah saw this scene for the first time, she would definitely ment on it as an outsider.

but after halftime, Aria realized something.

his position here seems to be related to the five flowers.

In other words, he is also a foreigner.

As for the person in prison, Aria probably knew who he was.

It turned out to be one of the black chess pieces sent here by An ii and his panion Aliya.

however, Aria did not understand their cruelty when she saw the current situation.

oh, God, isn't it a problem to treat people like that?

thinking of that, Aria was a little scared.

the reason he had such a scary thought was because Aaliyah wasn't her real self at the moment, but her physical body, and in fact, she didn't know who would win if she and Nancy fought. .

It is impossible to abuse aliyah when she appears in this body.

Angel is an unforgettable character, but Aria doesn't think anything will happen to her.

but Aliya doesn't want to underestimate Nancy's ability to beat her this time.

If she chooses to play this way, Aria will soon find herself tied up in an embarrassing situation.

God, that's a terrible thought.

he is a member of the evil gods, the force that unites Yog-Sothoth and humanity, and is a god who loves no one, but that does not mean that he has such desires.

what will happen? don't exaggerate, why? Angel, tell me.

Nancy was about to explain when she suddenly asked Angel a question that shocked Angel. Angel immediately remembered something and answered.

because this person has signs of witchcraft.

he said it boldly, but Aria could tell one thing in the man's eyes, it was a lie.

this is a lie, but why?

Aria didn't know she didn't have the ability to read minds.

So, Aria doesn't know why Annie did this, but looking at the other person's behavior, it seems like she doesn't understand why she gave her magic.

Aria thought for a moment and then said.


can you be more specific about these things?

For some reason, without waiting for Alya to think about the conversation, she spoke immediately. of course, Nancy's attention was immediately captured.

what? do you know

of course I didn't say anything

At first, Aaliyah wanted to say that, but she quickly changed her tune when Nancy attacked her.

In the end, Aria didn't say anything like that.

of course, I used to be a high school librarian.

Aria confidently says she doesn't have a kit, but Nancy says something really confusing.

of course, that's because it's not a plete set, and it's okay to be skeptical.

however, he openly accepts the deal, which Aliya finds strange.

Aria didn't want to be involved in such nonsense.

but when he saw Nancy's eyes staring at him, he had no choice but to fight Aaliyah.

<high school teacher: Is there such a thing? I've never heard of you.<Super high School Level> can you call me your friend?

pletely unconscious, Nancy was about to hit the crowd with her answer, but Aaliyah happily nodded.

of course, we are friends and as high schoolers, we know every book in the world, including all the cthulhu mythos.

want to know where Lovecraft is? don't you want to know the secret here? I've been to Innsmouth before.

Aria's words were similar to the series of words Nancy and Annie suddenly shared. then Annie said:

Innsmouth? It's a fictional place from the cthulhu mythos, but have you ever been to a place that doesn't really exist?

Although it was a question, Angel knew that the rest of the parties in the cthulhu mythos were unknown, so he did not doubt Arya's word, but his question was if it was true. this is a problem that can be seen in the world of the cthulhu mythos and in the real world.

but is this Innsmouth man? there is no doubt that Angel himself is the Innsmouth of this world.

of course, in the real world, it's not just what you learn from reading books, it's the same as what is written in books.

do you understand the purpose?

Angie responded knowingly, and Aaliyah responded with mon sense.

It represents creation from nothing, but what is it? It has nothing to do with your goals, right?

why can't he do anything?

Angel was not too scared and Nancy was very happy. I woke up hearing his voice slapping the wooden table. So you can imagine what it sounds like.

he also thought that invisible sound waves could enter his ears at the same time, but his dream was inplete. but his eardrums seem to be destroyed, as if listening to the music of the \court of Azathoth\.

Sorry, I've already stated the obvious.

bana didn't wake up and protested loudly, but Aria also took this opportunity to ignore Nancy's words and screamed with fake fear on her face.

this is not a drama you do in secret.

didn't you say at the beginning?

Angel saw Aaliyah try to change the conversation and immediately responded with a shudder. Nancy's mind must have returned.

won't you let him go? don't you think it is disrespectful to imprison such a person?

here, a worthless person is not respected by others. Aria uses this method to change the subject, but it also reminds Nancy of something she's forgotten.

I swear to God, have you ever thought about things in this world that drive you crazy?


one was confused because he did not expect the conversation to e to him.

I want to know too.

Aria also thinks that the tragedy alone is not enough, so she talks about it in detail.

book of fools 144 (37)

this and this

Regarding their question, An qi thought of many ways to avoid it.

this is not impossible if one of the two human interrogators is a strong personality and the other is an animal whose enemy is unknown and whose purpose is not understood. Get in front of him and avoid him. I want

No matter how you think, it's impossible.

I'm worried that things will get worse if chi finds an excuse to cheat.

therefore, he never does such stupid things, and still he wants to get into problems in his life.

he himself had no intention of facing such a dark day.

Also, information about Aaliyah will not be disclosed.

his attitude towards her was very bad, but it was because of the magic book.

of course, since he was young, he did not respect the woman in front of him, and nothing like that would happen.


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