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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第91章 Ygrakh的部落知识

第91章 Ygrakh的部落知识 (第1/2页)

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本条目是在Scribe Zyy'nash的Klothys'Rising的第二天提交的,忠实地记录了人类思想和舌头所允许的事件,在这样一个完全阴影和无法理解的神秘的地方。我们的脚步声回荡在深渊中。这是一个虚构的地下世界观,我命名为xatharia:


xatharia的居民不是白天和黑夜,而是将时间分为唤醒 - 当发光的苔藓达到顶点时 - 和睡眠,当它变暗时。醒来持续约12小时,睡眠时间稍长。这个循环已经重复了无数个时代。





条目 1

这位编年史家在第 4327 个周期开始工作,对梦神宫殿的清算。我的任务是记录在xatharia发生的事件,供后代了解。


Arya is a member of the wortley family, the monster of dunwich, the younger brother of Grand master tryon, a descendant of the evil god Yog-Sothoth, and a true demon.

In other words, the other party was bad, and Frank didn't deny it, he accepted that fact.

At this point, Frank ignores the others rude ments and Aria continues.

why do you want to know about me? do you love me?

Aria did not accept those words as truth.

I'm a monster and I can't love anyone.

Even love as a creator can only survive through the cause and effect of its creation.

the person in front of him was probably holding back to keep an eye on Love.

So Aria knew that what he said was not true at all.

It's just a funny joke.

No condescension, it's simple and easy to understand.

whether it's Eternity or God, in the eyes of the world, it's just a monster.

If we need something, we kneel and pray, but if we don't, we return like the devil or an evil spirit and plan evil intentions.

For Aria, people are creatures that are separated when there is no difference between good and bad.

For example, isn't it different from the lack and deception of various idiots, such as race, religion, ethnicity, etc.? Are there any pros or cons to this plete nonsense? couldn't it be put on the lowest thing?

Even unimportant characteristics can be used as a criterion for judgment, so strength can also be used. they are simply animals with extraordinary powers.

In particular, these animals still have free will and are not enslaved by humans.

who likes animals? that's nothing. In fact, it is a plete curse.

huh? why is this?

Frank rolled his eyes and looked away, and Aria answered, as angry as ever.

how is this really possible?

but soon Alia was happy.

well, my actions have nothing to do with you.

Alya looked angry and spoke again.

don't worry, I'm not doing anything bad, I'm doing something hopeful, redemptive, and fun.

Aria spoke her mind honestly and there was nothing wrong with it.

however, Frank, with more experience, definitely felt something was wrong.

It's clear that Frank has a bad feeling, and that's not a good thing.

If the man's face wasn't Love's, Frank probably coached him by force.

that said, I'm worried.

but in the end, says Frank, there is no beginning when it es to violence and the like.

however, after hearing Frank's words, Aaliyah's cheeks were pletely swollen.

he was not happy.

the reason is that the other party is already telling the truth, so why would the other party express such disbelief?

Ali was very happy because he felt guilty.

what do you mean?

Not that it doesn't have special meaning, it's just a bad idea, e on baby, I still need to find someone to stop loving.

huh? why did you do that?

Aria tilted her head in confusion and clicked her tongue.

So what do I do? do you think you have more talent than passion?

Aliya seems to have a hard time understanding why another person would do this.

Love does not know that the final battle will begin, so it eliminates those who are not involved, and no matter how good or bad we are, does it affect the result?

what should we do about it? that's why I don't understand.

did he really believe what he said?

Aria doesn't believe Love is right, but Frank doesn't.

So he had no choice but to continue explaining.

by the time the script is finished, the history of cthulhu will be plete and more interesting to those involved in cthulhu work than to you.

they will not accept it because they all know that it depends on the love of God whom they worship in the world.

Also, love foresees all things.

what the crazy woman said with a smile after speaking.

So, there is no need to worry at all. Everything is under control.

therefore, it is very interesting that uncontrolled changes occur in the text that controls everything, causing great confusion.

Aria thought, but her face was blank.

An ending that is pletely inconsistent, no matter how interesting and entertaining, can be more interesting than a straight ending.

Authority? wish.

Frank turned away in response to Alya's words.

I don't know if Arya heard about it, but she knew that this guy, this girl, this character was pletely off script.

this is the creator and the love behind the text.

his presence finally destroys everything, he is strong and powerful.

but at that moment, Aria felt she had to do something.

he was confused and felt he should return the email.

then, as Arya walked to the other side, the shadow beneath her feet suddenly split.

the split part didn't last.

After half a second, the part immediately flashed like lightning, flowed into the darkness, and appeared in the darkness.

It suddenly changed from simple to three-dimensional, and the black body began to take on color.

here, a person who looked like Alya appeared.

his eyes and legs were very hard and lifeless in his eyes.

She was no different from the doll that Frank described.

however, those words quickly changed and soon became intelligent and indistinguishable from real bodies.

however, he did not limit himself deliberately, but was not cut off from people, not his former self, connected to the Source, full of dreams and madness.

they seem no different from real people.

he smiled and said that Aria is a different person.

how can you be stupid not to participate in something so interesting? the result remains the same. when something fun and big happens? who cares? I don't care.

when Aaliyah uttered those terrible words, her feet looked like they were covered in oil and quickly disappeared.

Looks like someone passed by today?

Suddenly, Frank turned and asked Aria, clearly surprised, and after thinking for a moment, opened his eyes and answered.

did something like that happen? Yes, it's probably freezing and I need two more drinks.

why did you take so long to reply to me?

huh? Since when did this fool bee wise? Aria grumbled, not sure what question had e up, and thought for a moment before speaking.

don't memories last long? don't you have to think about it? Like you, widows have brains and can speak quickly without thinking, right?

Aaliyah tried to seduce him with words full of pure love, but there was doubt in Frank's eyes and Aaliyah realized she couldn't take him anymore.

think what you want, it's your choice.

Aria shamelessly takes the look on her face when she accuses someone, which angers Frank.

of course, it is very suspicious and pletely stinks - Frank looked into the man's eyes, but when he saw Aria's eyes shining with a strange light, he doubted that the man was lying. this. . how to lie..

we don't know what Aaliyah is hiding, but she's still Love's daughter, so Frank doesn't blame her. of course, Frank wouldn't blame Aaliyah if he knew what she had done.

but since they were all in the same camp, everyone had something they didn't want others to know, so Frank wasn't too suspicious.

Aria's initial expression didn't seem to change from suspicion, and she took a slow breath as if to control herself.

book of fools 139 (32)

Red blood, blood flows like fire.

he will fall from the throne of heaven and flow like an alpine spring.

I looked up to the sky and saw blood pouring out like a fountain.

his nose was bloody, but it was definitely human blood.

Logically speaking, the word \good\ has nothing to do with it, and the smell of rust lingering in your nose will not make you happy no matter how you look at it.

however, at this time, this strange smell of blood has a mysterious power that attracts others, and they smell the smell of wine, which is the exact opposite of the smell of blood, but the smell is the same.

In fact, my head and heart can clearly understand something. the fiery liquid that fell from the sky was only blood.

but why am I hurt? there was no way he was reacting to the smell of blood like this.

Angel has an amazing sense of his personality and everyone he understands.

Is it really hard to understand why your body and mind behave the way they do?

It is difficult to understand and there is no way to understand it.

his eyes became less clear and more confused.

his gaze was so intense that his soul seemed to be half asleep and half awake.

At this time, the heart and mind seem to be asleep.

but despite this, An Yi understood that the place he was in was a strange place.

one is lost and wandering aimlessly.

he didn't know why he was here, what this place was, or what he was looking for.

A strange and contradictory world where even what people consider mon sense collides.

this world is pletely against reason.

he just walked around, his eyes and body confused.

the face of the earth is red, red like fire, inseparable from the blood that is always dripping.

the sky was strange, no stars, no sun, no moon, it was like a red carpet.

however, if you look closely, you will see that the sky is collapsing and burning blood is falling from a small tube below.

this land of the world is not new and different from the known places, but whether it can be translated as \the world\ is also a question.

Like the human body, it has a strong color, so when you study it, it makes a sound that cannot be distinguished from the real internal organs, and the ground collapses, causing wonderful things that can be seen on earth. placement is not included in this.

Everything in heaven and earth is alive and inseparable from reality.

there is no way to see the borders of the world, no way to see the end of the world. No buildings, endless fields and rain of blood.

the body of an angel must walk in such a world, but no watery blood touches his body.

No, indeed, the body of an angel passed through blood.

I kept walking with nowhere to go. Ani followed the same path, but did not know what to do, had no heart, and was not very thoughtful.

the almost headless angels are flesh puppets, dolls unrecognizable from real people.

As he walked, a strange feeling arose in his body.

It was an aura of \darkness\, a proof of being a wizard, an aura that only wizards possessed.

As if affected by that aura, this \living\ world began to roar.

Next time the world changes.

these visceral objects are spinning and many buildings in Angel's vision are slowly growing there.

this is mon sense, unsuitable for architecture, and obviously impossible to build using conventional methods.

Strictly speaking, there seems to be a feeling that gives people the same feeling that this world should not exist.

In fact, such a terrible and disgusting building can only be seen here.

perhaps because the mage's mind was different from others, even when he witnessed such a creature, his actions, signs, and body did not show any negative effects.

obviously these buildings have been there from the beginning, have been here since the beginning, and it's like living here.

maybe because at this point Angel is a lost child in this world, a walking demon that doesn't exist.

Apart from these two reasons, such a thing seems inprehensible.

however, things have changed this time.


Suddenly he heard a voice. It wasn't the voice he was used to, definitely from a different life.

Affected by that voice, he suddenly changed.

his eyes lit up and everyone turned in the direction of the voice.

the main body also rotates depending on the orientation.

his body was staring straight at the man, the boy with the different hair.

he is not strong and he is not thin. the clothes he was wearing were torn, and even his shoes had many holes.

No matter how you look at him, he's just a man.

So it seems strange.

why do such people appear in the world? why do such people live so long?

Such questions arose in my mind, and when doubts arose, the head that should have been wiped began to return.

of course they are human, I thought they were just animals in this world, thank God.

Just like that, Kyou II's other eye saw a foreign object that shouldn't be here.

If I had to keep quiet here, I'm sure I'd feel bad about what others might think of me.

he might get hit hard.

of course, due to this mysterious and unknown event, it is possible that An qi has stopped this movement by accident.

You will also be asked about this person.

For example, could the blobs produced by this mutation really be what they are?

or is it an animal that looks like a human?

Such a sudden thought must have occurred to An chi.

but unfortunately, An ii was half asleep at this time, so it was impossible for him to experience such a normal situation.

I can't answer.

but surprisingly, Annie replied:

but it seems out of his hand.

maybe there are no animals here, so they treat normal life like animals. maybe the animal you are looking at is a normal animal.

Adam? what will happen?

asked the boy in surprise and fear.

these reactions are normal.

In this man's vision, everything here looked like the body of an animal, and the sky, earth, and buildings all looked like the hands of an animal.

of course, only animals live here.

the sound is dirty, the smell is bad, and the presence is different.

the boy then asked:

If what you said is true and the animal I saw was a human, then you standing in front of me today is no different from a beautiful woman, but who are you?

After speaking, the boy swallowed and retreated.

this time, listening to the child's words, his speech was not the same as before.

on the contrary, unreasonable power will be imposed.

one answered the child's question with a smile.

If man is animal, animal is also man.

If the person you see is an animal, the person you see is real

Vani didn't finish his sentence because he was about to answer with his own words next.

A silver flame appeared in the angel's body.

his heart beat faster and I could feel it beating.

Apparently, an animal tried to take his body.

the silver light does not leave the mirror.

It was as if An Yi was looking at himself at this moment through a silver mirror.

It was a strange person, a woman with long silver hair.

Another noticed that the woman's ear was similar to that of a normal person, but he thought that if he did not consider the differences, he would soon be forgotten.

the girl saw the light and smiled.

but Ani felt that what this strange woman saw was not the silver flame of God's power.

he looked at himself.

Angel, wake up, wake up.

At this moment, An Yi heard a familiar voice, and An Yi immediately realized that there was darkness in front of him.

he opened his eyes a little, a weak bruise pierced his pupils, and he cried.

then he looked at the caller with no satisfaction.

(wow, did I fall asleep?)

An qi felt that his thoughts were strange, but at that moment, everyone in front of him realized that he was actually sleeping.

For example, the bed I sleep on and this clock have special shapes.

All this indicated that he was in his room but fast asleep.

After the speech, mr. Yasui began to speak.

what are you doing, what time is it, is it time to ask the others to stand up? Look, it's only 2pm.

he didn't realize that he slept at odd hours and forgot his bad dreams.

therefore, normal people should not sleep until this time.

It must have been Nancy who used that terrible metaphor.

he looked at her angrily.

At this time, the long golden hair shines, it shines like a crown on the head of a king, which, of course, is only a reflection of the sun. because the evil man opened all the windows of the angel, great sunlight. It shines.

malaika's cheeks are swollen and she says she is not satisfied like a child who steals fried bread.

the dead will not rise again.

Yes, you don't know how to fly.

Nancy answered loudly that if Nancy hadn't e, Angel would have slept until nine o'clock at night and then slept again.

this is a real person who only wakes up one hour a day.

If Nancy couldn't find this information, she would be ashamed to be here.

So should you let someone sleep through the night if you don't wake them up at this time? how does this happen?

of course, this seems pointless to Annie.

An angel who thinks of himself as pure and beautiful, innocent and beautiful, can understand that a person has a heart as evil as the devil - another person does not know the evil of waking up early in virgin skin. Isn't it?

If he has progeria, maybe there is something wrong.

this type of action is written on the symbol card, but this time the symbol card is done at the beginning before entering troy's room.

An angel is a person who needs more sleep.

this is because Angel knew magic before he entered and knew the truth about magic.

he went around the idols in his house, made many idols, and turned his house into idols.

without more sleep, he would probably die of obsession in his quest for magical truth.

the use of magic and the study of magic had a profound effect on his young soul. Research into magic is life-threatening, even deadly.

If you don't get enough sleep during the day, your brain will suffer irreversible damage.

of course, as a wizard at this point, there was no need for that.

however, over the years he developed this habit.

whatever you don't want to do that day, you can change your behavior later in the day.

For example, at this point, An qi saw no reason to change his behavior.

In particular, he felt that he needed to sleep again to understand some things about himself.

when magical reality falls asleep, Angel must sleep again to rediscover reality and meet the source of all laws.

Nancy blushed as Angel packed her dress like a teacup hidden in a grave. of course, it's not scary at all at this point, but it's fun.

I tell you, I don't want to wake up, I want to sleep in heaven.

No, I was so scared that I wet the bed.

what? what kind of nonsense is this?

Nancy's words hit Annie's mind like thunder, and soon her body began to shake and suddenly spread to her brain.

he realized that these things probably came from their beds, knees, and even private parts, and that these things happened recently.

the proof is that the water in Ani's thigh has not gone away, and the heat still continues, and it is not foolish to think that it is the heat of the sun. Angels are very wise.

because of this, his brain stopped for about a minute, and when he woke up again, his beautiful face was red, as if he was trying to cook.

Annie didn't care about other people's opinions, but she would be embarrassed if someone saw her like that.

this shame soon turns to anger.

Get out of here!

the other shouted angrily, and Nancy hid her smile with her left hand and opened the door. closing the door, qi frowned as he heard the other's soft laughter...but the situation was the same. As if he was trying to kill someone.

Yes, Annie felt like killing someone this time, and couldn't keep laughing forever, so she kept quiet.

God, it hurts to think, every day before I wake up, like the strength of my mouth, the good mood is pletely gone and es one after another, full of negative emotions.

but I quickly rejected this crazy idea. because everyone here is looking at the Golden trojan horse. God only knows if there are other trojans and how these shameful things spread in the great trojan house. It's too early.

but why did the angel believe that this would happen? - because he always finds funny things.

Angel then shows up in trojan's room, believing it to be a prank. that kind of special dependence is something angels don't like. confidence? So many.

but why is this? was he confused, was he confused and thought it was a bad dream of silver lightning?

while he was thinking, the angel immediately saw the magic ring of the ring - the magic ring of a silver lamp, a car with the same power as the silver horse, which in legend is the silver horse, but in indeed it is the same lord Gods! however, Army Rings are designed to a higher standard than other rings.

but as expected, the Lord of the Rings held in his hand suddenly disappeared, as if falling into a hole.

where did he go?

his mind was full of confusion, but he still felt that the Lord of the Rings was there, but not near, not far, not in front of him, somewhere, but not. available everywhere

this sense of contradiction can be dismissed, according to some fools, by saying that there are no contradictions, and that even if there were contradictions, they would be meaningless. but I hope An chi has magical abilities too, or at least she doesn't have to get hurt so much.

but no such magic happens.

however, it is better to say that if you have mental resistance in your mind, when this magic is activated, you must first remove it.

once again he tried to remember the unforgettable dream.

he believed these things were connected, but he couldn't put them all together at the moment.

he is in danger - what is happening to the world and to himself is pletely beyond troyan's calculation.

As a result, I felt a sad feeling in my heart, but the urine stain on my butt was the biggest disfort.

So Ani quickly took the bed and undressed inappropriately, and quickly entered the bathroom. Fortunately, Ani slept naked so she didn't wear any clothes and was taken to be thrown away.

After showering and changing, she went out and knocked on the door again (this time, Angel's door was repaired, Nancy found the repairman, and she personally took Angel's door, and she took the wallet). I paid).

oh, I feel good, and of course there is no door, why does everyone use the bell?

It happened this morning, so Angie had no idea what Nancy was doing.

book of madness 140 (33)

Although angelic spirits temporarily exist in the human world, they are also magicians who can perform magic, unlike magicians who cannot perform basic magic. in darkness, and the angels will know him.

Usually, angels don't notice anything until these bad things happen.

however, when An chi heard a bad prediction, under normal circumstances it would e true.

this is true.

this is why An qi is known. Your Khan is not wrong.

Again, this is not a good thing for me.

we didn't know what it was until An ii opened the door himself.

I don't know when the door was installed.

Vani stared at the door in front of her, confused, waiting for the door to never appear before her.

Again, Nancy vividly remembered that she had to break down the door.

It was decided before An ii went to sleep, and there was no doubt about it.

the other person took a finger and touched the door, and sure enough, it wasn't a superglued door.

but it doesn't have to be that way, does it?

I didn't expect to finish repairing the car while I was sleeping, but when I saw the door, I realized it.

of course, at this point I couldn't understand how this guy was so strong that he could smash through an entire door with one kick, or hit me until I was paralyzed.

when you think about it, when random attacks have that much power, you really should be able to defeat the corpses you encounter with one kick.

In my mind, I heard another knock, maybe the previous knock on the door malfunctioned, it was just an illusion.

So what was in front of him at the moment was a large door.

but if you look closely, this door is not what it used to be.

memory error? Some people think that this door should not be repaired as they slept from the beginning to the end.

however, no matter what, An chi knows from the previous film that Nancy's arm strength is useless when dealing with a mythical creature that looks like a walking corpse. boxing petitor.

If everything outside this door is a myth, nothing you do will change their behavior.

So far there is no reduction, which must be an incredible blessing.

however, errors should not be due to unknown sources.

No, you don't need to think about what's outside the door at this point, but why are you dead?

It sounds funny, but if this had happened, Angel would probably have left the show.

Even in this world, the magic that can be used is limited, and I can only imagine what this system would be like if magic could be used without limits.

there is nothing wrong with this simple assumption.

based on this scenario, there are many mythical creatures that can be created using magic.

In other words, magic must have some limits.

In a peaceful system where God exists, there is a possibility that there is a higher limit.

number of dead bodies.

there was no way to find many bodies that were not destroyed, only a few strayed.

No, just knowing that doesn't help.

Yiyi stood in front of the door and kept thinking, but pared to what he thought, it seemed that he didn't want to open the door.

he couldn't believe it and he was afraid of the man outside the door.

Yi didn't know who it was, but Annie didn't want to open the door because of a strange feeling, but she was also embarrassed to stay here, so Yi was found. work for yourself.

For example, consider this method.

First of all, he can't be a guest, and even if he is, he's probably the one who rang the bell.

the second point is that there is no cat's eye here.

he didn't see who was at the door.

why are there no doors on Earth? this is a broken door, did some idiot buy it and put it here? doesn't that offend people?

Something screamed inside him.

before Ani could think hard to avoid the problem, the doorbell rang again, getting louder, as if the people outside were getting impatient.

In the next moment, a bad feeling began to form in his heart, and he realized that if he didn't open the door, something bad would happen.

If qi returns to the room at this point, An qi must use the puter in the room and connect all the devices in the house so that he can see the real person. outside the door.

however, after a few rings, Angel tells you that he doesn't have much time and spends his free time thinking of a strategy.

A lot of time is wasted thinking about interesting things.

At this point, almost all my time is spent.


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