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第90章 广袤洞穴中的奇怪事件 (第1/2页)

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条目 147 第三卷 - 广袤洞穴中的奇怪事件



更令人烦恼的是,带回来的真菌和微小的长者样本开始在研究中迅速变异,甚至出现了困扰magus or'ugh的方面。一名抄写员突然神志不清,不得不被禁锢,在客观玻璃中看到的幻象——不可能的城市,无法感知的声音,以及半瞥见的不可思议的形状在迷雾中移动。









在那里,通过洞察力和疯狂地抛弃点燃的球体发现了一个狭窄的裂缝 - 只有他们剩下的两艘船才能航行的裂缝。在这个狭窄的通道里,惊慌失措的船员们挤满了自己,就像发光的雾气完全融合成一个令人憎恶的狩猎群的传真,奴隶和嚎叫的声音像尖叫的灵魂。黑暗在他们周围关闭,当船只刮入那条狭窄的隧道时,逃离那天在浩瀚洞穴无光的心脏中选择揭开面纱的任何更大的邪恶。


本文由抄写员Zyy'nash在xylac's waning的第20天提交,相信随着时间的揭示,更大的智慧和洞察力可能会出现。现在,我们的心仍然沉重,那个无光的地方的谜语和它深不可测的深处一样深。探险仍在继续,尽管在什么新的主持下仍然看不到。

条目150,第三卷 - 追寻进入深海洞穴的神器



of course, this is a simple method, but if a person wakes up in this way, it is cheap and not expensive. how can it be absolutely magical?

Note: \Awakening the God\ is a powerful ritual that manifests the body of a god before the caster's eyes. cults can use it to eat and worship ritual offerings to the gods they worship.

book of madness 135 (28)

this was different from Annie's idea.

what Aliya said was not a requirement for the deceased, but it was an easy step.

people can be resurrected even if they are killed, and there are no restrictions on resurrection.

No whole body, age limit at death, etc. they have nothing to do with it.

how can something so simple and unreasonable appear before me?

Easier than the gods.

however, after receiving this information, he appeared disbelieving.

Seriously, is this really necessary? Is there anything wrong with this simplicity? Are there any restrictions on use?

mr.'s expression seems to have lost its usual calmness. Yi.

Yes, it's easy.

different from the previous challenge, this time Aria smiled and laughed with a cute face.

After hearing this satisfying answer, An Yi opened this book in his heart, this magical book called \the Secret path of the Soul.\

After hearing Aaliyah's response, angry because of the banned book, malaika herself denied it.

because malaika can't take hate towards someone who made her dreams e true and doesn't want such unknown thoughts to affect her while chasing her dreams.

If An chi can achieve this goal even if he mits suicide, then there is no doubt that he can do it.

Annie, who saw the forbidden book, also secretly made a decision and became very aware.

how you use this magical book is up to you. I will not interfere and I will not stop.

however, if you have no way to reuse a discontinued book or you will no longer use it, then you are recycling the book. wherever you are.

If you are still using it, it is actually yours and I have not taken that right away.

Alya said to Annie in a cold voice.

At this time, An Yi did not understand the meaning of the forbidden books.

he had no idea how bad, horrible, and evil it was.

but even if he found out, I don't think he will regret his decision.

pared to the fact that there was no way to ask God for help, a grimoire with terrifying magical power might be the best help.

don't worry, such instances are rare.

pearl answered awkwardly.

malaika was pletely unfamiliar with resurrection magic, and had never heard of any simple magic that ordinary people could use that was good enough to awaken others freely.

this magical book was able to raise the dead in ancient times, as long as the other person did not lie.

Either the famous race of Ys, who once lived in ancient times and were killed by flying polyps, or the people of toth, who built Lulich and were worshiped by the fools as \old Lords,\ or the more ancient which sexes. . people die until they are raised from the dead.

the angel who holds this forbidden book has such confidence.

however, what is necessary for this resurrection is that the other person must understand that they have died.

For these indescribable creatures, the angels cannot tell whether one is dead or alive.

of course, An qi had no such plans. because it is necessary to wake up the most important to him. Also, An qi didn't mind waking up.

It was difficult for Annie to fulfill that little wish.

he does not have enough magical power to overe his enemies.

At this time, An Yi had this power in his hands.

Until she was given another forbidden book, Ani didn't mind using it, regardless of Alya's purpose or what she needed to do.

Also, if you give someone a magic book, they can no longer use the magic book.

So did he allow himself to be taken advantage of?

No, it's not like someone else has any particular reason.

but none of these questions exist.

these conspiracies and deceptions are nothing pared to hope. Although Ani loves her life, she does not think about the problems and stops caring about the burdens of life, what remains is her life. Just understand the other side of your dreams.

After that there was nothing left.

At this time, An qi was able to use this magic book.

Although Angel did not return the trojan horse to his room, he was free to use it.

this trojan did not shut him down. Not even a trojan horse can stop your mind.

this is possible because the trojan itself is immune to magic.

maybe because the world is starting to move away from the power of the Secret Guard.

this could be because the trojans are not interested in using this magical book.

but whatever it was, at least for now it was fine and he felt hopeful.

but at this point you're still in the trojan horse game, so you can't raise another one, and you can die at any time in this strange space against the big world, so there's no point.

I can't do something terrible to wake up my loved one in a place like this, and I can't bear to stay here even if I go back.

that's because once the plan is plete, one party will destroy the trojan world, and he knows he can't do it.

(but speaking of the power of this grimoire, it is like the salvation of God. why is it called a grimoire?

Very stupid, stupid. the girl laughed out loud when she realized what she was thinking.

what's the problem

the other gave Arya a disapproving look.

Even though they were both girls, An chi couldn't deny that one was beautiful, but that was no reason to call her a fool in front of him.

there, Annie waited for the other party to explain.

A Yi is not interested in the nature of the book, but always feels that it will be the \main plot\ of the system.

If there is still a mon story, An Yi knows what it is.

however, it seems that such information is just off the wall and cannot be generalized.

An angel who gets something that can make a wish e true also represents fighting spirit and strength.

If there is a magic book, it should not only be \devils\ but \gods\.

Aria laughed.


Speaking of gods, An chi saw at least one god, but what did he have to do with it? An Yi didn't answer at first, but seeing the man's eyes looking at the fool, An Yi didn't ask the right question.

I mean, is there anyone like you?

An qi answered immediately.

Yes, this student who protected the heaven of wisdom proved to be different from the magic book I had, which everyone hated and considered a heretic. It is a book of great beings, such as the dead and gods, and a book of magical powers in myths and legends.

Aria seems to deliberately mislead others, speaks softly and seems a bit out of character.

Annie knows almost nothing about the history of this world, and can only remember the information she heard from others.

however, thinking about such things was not to Annie's liking, and she was not interested in it at all.

In other words, do the gods use grimoires? what did you say

No, this is not a magical book, but something more sinister and inexplicable.

Aria shook her head, quickly denying Annie's words.

Aria answered immediately.

If these can be called ``books,'' then they are God himself, and indeed God is similar to, but different from, the God of this world, and indeed is God.

of course, at this point, it is true that the Gods Arya is talking about are not the old Gods or the devils, but the old Gods, who are called the \weak gods of the world\ in this great world. Figures of gods depicted in myths.

however, Annie laughed after hearing Aliya's words.

haha, so <book> is God? did something like that happen? books can only be trusted, so how to bee gods?

the words of the angel are normal, your cat or dog at home is the ruler of the world, people are pets, such words are not what people think, I agree with his words. I accept it.

It's crazy, it's true, the mountains and clouds in the story can be immortal, the cauldron can be heaven, but don't you believe that a book can be divine?

Aria, who was a bit surprised by his provocation, also reacted strongly.

but I don't know why I lost faith.

<qualify>, <continue> unless you look elsewhere. Aria had no intention of listening to someone else's insults here.

Indeed, at this moment he has no human time, only the memory of God's sins, written by love.

Not that Love did it before, my writing memory has changed.

After all, he's the one who shouldn't be and isn't at the same time. Like the gods of this world, they are beings that are considered illusions by other beings.

therefore, the one who can speak well even while laughing has a moderate level of resistance. If there was anyone else, Arya would beat him to death.

As a monster, Arya has the power to do this, but she doesn't use that power.

however, you clearly heard the power of the Forbidden book, so why do you think it is not God?

Aria's voice was confused at this point. Vani clicked her tongue, then asked in disbelief.

what is God in your heart?

No doubt, that's how Ani thought at this time - according to others, God is different from God of understanding.

during this time, Arya also expressed her views on the gods.

So what on earth are you talking about?

In other words, God is a beast beyond this world, and no matter how weak it is, God is truly a being beyond this world.

It doesn't mean anything bad, it doesn't mean anything that hasn't been revealed yet, but it means that everything can pass itself. Roads belong to this category, even if their performance is not good.

No matter what you say, it cannot be clearly explained in human words. And the power of banned books is the same.

we can clearly see the consequences of these creations, but we know nothing about the events themselves. on the other hand, if you understand that, I don't think you will have a good race.

the power of scripture is equal to the power of God, it is beyond the world, it does not raise new questions, it cannot even be called a miracle, it is more mysterious than responsible. . living in a dream .

It is not difficult to understand if you can fully grasp its power.

For An qi, nothing could be more confusing than this information. want to tell others?

A qi knows that his Iq is not that high, but it is not and there is no reason for it.

Simply put, Ani does not understand the language.

he was surprised at how stupid she was because she didn't understand him at all.

there was confusion on his face.

but at least Ani knows that they have big problems in understanding God.

At the very least, what Aliya's god said was probably more generous than Annie thought.

does that mean the magic book is more powerful than I thought?

You didn't notice?

Angel doesn't know the difference between \theme\ and reality.

huh? do you have any ideas?

Alya asked surprised to notice his silence.

Yes, because the God I understand is different from what you think.

tell me.

Aria gave Angel a chance to speak.

If the heart is true, then all gods are also true.

Aria was silent at first, but then she laughed.

how the woman laughed like a fool!

Is it like this? do you think that God only takes care of people and worships them, or do you believe that people's faith gives God power and thus created God?

No matter how much you create the illusion of powerlessness, it is still a powerless life.

can such garbage, weakness, worthlessness, and lifelessness really be called God? Asking God for help is a dream.

It is foolish to think of such a God.

this is the answer given by the sinner Aaliyah.

of course, after laughing so much, chi gets really angry.

but despite Ani's persistence, Aria has no intention of giving up.

do you really understand what you are saying? Are you like a cat and man thinks that he was created from his thoughts and proud because God has mercy on man? Really interesting.

It is difficult to imagine how a beautiful woman can smile proudly.

of course, such insults are based on a pletely different point of view.

maybe that's just a joke for him.

End of joke.

this is no joke; I really met the Lord God.

Vani was not satisfied, her cheeks puffed up, scared and beautiful like a fat fish.

what he said surely meant the gods of the world.

Since then, An chi felt no sign of the existence of any gods other than the gods of this world.

however, even though the gods in this world are very powerful, their independent laws and auras that pletely drive people crazy show that the gods themselves are not powerless.

In fact, this may be the difference between the new gods and the old gods.

God? No, there is no perfect god in this world. their home was not in the space that people could understand, and no one knew when he would return. only Yog-Sothoth knows the time, and when the star es, he es, and then Yog-Sothoth remains. once you release all the evil gods, they will return to the world and bee the guardians of the world again.

cthulhu myth? Isn't this just a story?

Angel, an investigator, does not know about the cthulhu mythos, but Angel, a citizen, knows about the cthulhu mythos, but it is only fiction and a false story.

So the mad woman laughed.

what's funny?

Is it a novel? A very small story? Are you thinking? Angels

Aria's words came to her mind like a baseball game, and Angel's answer stopped, and she looked at the girl as if she was asking for an answer, and as Annie expected, the girl answered happily.

the \God\ you see (let's call him God for now) came to you for a reason, and you know it.

what else do you not know? No, how do you know that?

when malaika was surprised, Aaliya replied:

please consider my last name carefully.


Angel thought the girl's last name was watley, as the girl said. her full name is Aaliyah watley.

of course, Annie knew that was his real name.

he also considers it part of the cthulhu mythos.

however, Ani also feels that there is no such story.

So, in the end he didn't accept it.

but now, after being reminded of this by the other side, An Yi seemed to realize that the impression he left was not an illusion or a hallucination.

this certainly reflects the truth.

whatley: \danviro is dangerous\? Are you the monster in this story? No, this person does not appear in this story.

hearing Annie's words, Aria replied with angry eyes.

Yes, wherever I am, there is no news about me.

Nothing wrong with that. wouldn't it be great to be a character in a horror novel?

would you be happy if it appeared in a history book? the stories written by the people are not lies in the characters, but for them it can be a book of history or a book of magic that records the future.

I explained them.

the girl came and gently covered Angel's mouth.

Some things are good for you to know, but others are not.

Vani didn't answer this time, she covered her mouth with the other side.

the woman let go of Annie's hand and made her speak again, but Annie began to cry.

Let me give you one last piece of advice. Yog-Sothoth knows all the secrets, but where can I get information from this wise seer? If you want to go where you want, you better go there, and you'll get what you want. I can get it.

Aria finished speaking with a happy smile and hid in the shadows. In the middle, he disappeared pletely, as if swallowed by a shadow, but Annie knew the opposite.

Yog-Sothoth related area?

what more do we need to say? there is only one place that can be physically reached and that is dunwich. A place belonging to Yog-Sothoth. boots, banned books, old people, romance. what kind of relationship are these four people?

Yi didn't know and didn't know the answer, but he knew that An qi could definitely solve this mystery.

book of fools 136 (29)

Everything seemed like a dream, and all I smelled was exhaustion.

when Annie regained consciousness, the woman who was supposed to appear in front of her had pletely disappeared. All he saw was the room, and there was no one in the room until he was taken away.

that's what this room should be like, he thought.

but one thing is certain: everything that Annie knows now is not a dream, and even if it is true, it is a real dream.

the proof of this idea is in the hands of An Yi - a magical book called \the Secret of Soul transformation.\

In fact, he is a mythical being with demonic powers that is the opposite of God.

the angel felt a power similar to a miraculous rest, but it wasn't a miracle like Aria said, and it didn't seem like it had enough power to change the world.

but soon he found a logical reason.

however, this magical book is still a work in progress.

of course, it didn't matter to Annie what kind of power this grimoire contained; what he prayed for was only a small miracle.

he sometimes needs God's mercy to get what he wants.

Angel realized that even though it was written in an inplete grimoire, there was enough power flowing through the book to work miracles.

there is no need to pray to God or supplicate to unworthy people or other mysterious beings. hope is now in the hands of the angels.

with this confidence, he realized at this moment that he would not die here.

but pared to the first, Angel has some things to believe.

hello, are you still there?

the sound is beautiful, like a silver bell, but the quality of the sound is not good, Angel shouted at the top of his lungs.

but this time, An Yi couldn't get any answers, nor could he hear the godlike laughter of death.

he knew he had to leave.

did the girl finally bring a magic book?

I can't understand what the other person wants to do, and I don't have the energy to think about it in the first place.

It was clear that he used the skill, but Angel knew that the last time he used the skill, if he knew that there was something mysterious about it, he would reach the same result.

Aria is a beautiful woman in the eyes of an angel, but that appearance can be a lie, such a creature is not only a monster, but the miasma is closer to her than the monster that opened the monster. After the hole.

All this undoubtedly reveals the name of the opponent directly connected to the root of forbidden existence.

Ever since Angel saw this outlaw walking the earth, all he thought of was the black pharaoh he saw in ancient Egypt.

the feeling is different, but the nature is the same.

the myth created by this illegal presence is the highest ine of the system.

So Ani was relieved to know that Aliya was not in that room.

he slowly sat down and put the magic book on the floor in his hand.

After a while, Annie took a deep breath, a feeling of weakness began to flow through her body, making her tired, and she took the forbidden book and put it on the table. he also pulled out a chair and sat down.

the angel opened the forbidden book, but as expected, there was no strange phenomenon like a magic spray, and the book he opened was a normal book without abnormalities.

one knows that it is only an illusion.

the words in the book are also literal.

when you look directly at these letters, you realize that the words written on the page have mystical power.

only by reading with meditative concentration can we bring the magical world of words, and magical knowledge can only be understood through magical books.

without mystical experiences, it can be difficult.

these verses cannot be understood by scientific minds. because I fear that if it does, these verses will bee like a magical encyclopedia.

Not really useful for the dark knowledge you want to read. because the words in the book are the only key to that darkness.

however, this is only part of the original text, and if it is a fake text or something like that, finding the mantra in the book will actually require some work of manipulation.

of course, there is not much to gain from the words written in such pseudoscripts.

most of the powerful magic books require this method to understand the true meaning of the magic book.

It was clear that the grimoire before me was an unbroken original.

Its magical power was strong enough to summon a natural weapon god, and it was at a pletely acceptable level that it could also be successfully used as a ghost weapon god source. It is a rare treasure placed in the great world.

And those who give such wealth to others are richer than they can imagine.

but perhaps such magical books are popular because of their seemingly forbidden existence.

to maintain Aliyah's words, the power of \secret transformation\ must be some kind of magic that raises the dead through holy sacrifice.

this kind of sacrifice is easier and cheaper than killing someone.

Exchanging one life for another is like giving it up.

magic that could revive the dead existed, but aside from those limited spells, it was difficult to find a wizard who could raise the dead naturally and without decay.

over the years, An chi has learned that, although not everyone understands, the only person in the world who is willing to do such a thing is margulis, the incarnation of the \Ancient Ruler\. It is possible.

he has stopped receiving that kind of love because he has been receiving this kind of magic for a long time that awakens his lover and saves his entire life.

he did not continue to expand into different forms through the ages, like the old ones, his power was always growing, his skills and knowledge were always growing.

he is only human, and even if he has the power to transform into things, bee immortal, or travel through time and space, he loses his mind and forgets that time has passed. only they became powerful animals, and those magicians who lost humanity were eternal gods and goddesses. between the two natures of God and man is the nature of God.

It was difficult for An qi to experience such a revival, and he didn't think it would last that long.

that is why we must pray for God's help.

but this time, this magical book told me that the things I worry about and can't do are not easy to do.

Yi doesn't believe such nonsense, but An qi has no doubts at this point.

As Angel read, he was more moved by the wisdom of the author of this book.

Angel is not the person who created this book. Even magicians who lived before humans and understood the mysteries of time believed that they could not make this book.

this cannot in any way be achieved by destroying the power of magic.

this deep and inparable mystery made the angel understand that this magic book could not fall into the hands of a mere magician in the field of knowledge.

Entering the kingdom of God is strictly forbidden.

For the first time, Angel really believed in Aria's words.

Angel is interested in the miracles caused by the magic book, but at the same time he cannot leave the magic book.

this shows how difficult it is to find the magic that awakens people in this world. Anne does not believe that the forbidden book she holds has the power to awaken others. this is contrary to his knowledge.

he knows that progress rejects itself, that scientific progress rejects the laws from geocentric to heliocentric, but this progress requires that the second must destroy the first. .

qi, the silver-clad mage, must have digested the past events in an instant and changed his thinking, instead of accepting the past events like foolish people. the eternal truth of the whole world.

If the contents of the book were true as Alya said, there would be no reason for Angel to participate in the Silver trojan Game, so the book was very heavy in his hand. Angel's mission is to raise the dead to receive a call from the Silver trojans.

\the secret that will change your life\

he read the title of the book again, and this time read most of the contents of the book.

Just reading a magic book will bring out your angel energy.

therefore, he did not fully understand this call, and it could not be pleted in a short time.

this means that Angel will spend a year studying before mastering the knowledge contained in this magical book.

In the previous copies, An chi was pletely dependent on the dark Lord's horcruxes to learn the dark arts, but now his magic lacked the power he thought.

At this time, An qi knew nothing about this magic book.

Such a good is never a merciful God.

but sometimes you only know after reading the contents of the magical book.

So An Yi also calmed down.

It was because this ritual was supposed to have the effect of awakening others, but it was different from Annie's idea.

of course, we know that there is no such thing as cheap and convenient magic.

he knew that there was no lie in Alya's words, that the \method of changing lives\ was really a magic that would awaken others, and that the method was as simple as Alya said... because it had to be he will sacrifice his own death. for that magic. the book is good, but this resurrection lasts for one day, and if you die after one day, you have to find another living victim.

In other words, this resurrection has just begun, and it requires sacrifices in daily life to keep it alive.

Angel thinks at this point that this action has no meaning for magic, it's just that the magic book wants to do it.

this is a magic book, because real magicians are not magicians.

If a suitable sacrifice is not offered, there is no such resurrection, and the dead person bees a mere creature.

Angel cannot deny that the price is unrealistic.

Even a mage or person with a certain level of ability can meet the conditions if they can do it.

In addition, there are no restrictions on magic, and there is no problem with using it to raise animals that are almost forbidden.

however, the power controlled by this magic book does not have the power to manipulate the dead, and those who are resurrected are not controlled by the ``secret soul replacement technique'' and do not obey the words of the dead.

For An, these plans, which had nothing to do with resurrection, were of course meaningless and only hindered An chi's plan to pass this magical book on the stage.

Angel remembers that he received so much information at once that he still needed time to remember before reading the next thing.

About care after recovery.

this pletely validates the original idea.

the angel's first idea was to use the resurrected one to resurrect the slain and then use the victim to resurrect another before the one-day period of resurrection was over.

the ``mystery of Life Exchange'' is a type of resurrection that is pleted through the exchange of souls, and when two people e back to life for a long period of time, their souls gradually slowly ing together.

After all, the person who will be resurrected is not your loved one, but a monster, an animal without intelligence or reason.

Even if you have a new mission at that time, unless you find a unique way to survive it and change the space-time to expand and balance it, the things you grow will bee monsters and disappear. . It went through time and space. otherwise, the person you want to revive will be an animal while alive, and will always be a monster after resurrection.

this is the message Aaliyah leaves behind in \the Secret of changing hearts\, which destroys Angel's good idea of leaving only one person to make her happy.

of course, it's a forbidden book, but reading it doesn't make me want to keep killing people?

he didn't mind doing that, but forcing something like that was too much.

Resurrection must be used until the dead dies, and it can be resurrected whether it is destroyed or not, but regardless, it cannot be used without this worship. Yesterday is alive.

So no matter what happens, you have to watch someone die before you can use your magic to wake them up.

So An ii felt too much.

In this copy, the rest of the configuration remains the same as the original, except for the information related to the trojan horse.

therefore, when faced with such things, he does not have to act, but express his feelings in a safe and secure way.

So, no matter what he says, as long as there is no lie here, the rules will not be broken.

A ii's biggest regret is that the most important person in the world is not alive, but dead. otherwise, An ii will not be able to meet that person in this world.

the changes made to this trojan horse system are related to the \super high school level\ problem; other than that, there are no major changes.

there is no limit to the magical rewards you can receive in this system. therefore, if there were no further restrictions on the magic book, An qi could directly consider using this copy of the \Secret Art of hiding Life.\

however, at this point, Ani decides to go back and use this magical book with magical powers.


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