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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第90章 广袤洞穴中的奇怪事件

第90章 广袤洞穴中的奇怪事件 (第2/2页)

haha, so fast, what could be easier than killing people?

his speech was unchanged and his mind was under the influence of the magic of the forbidden book. hope is a kind of poison that always leads to death without anyone knowing it, and there is no difference between waiting for it and waiting for death. because of this, malaika's hope is poisoned by the forbidden book and her mind is damaged.

the power of the Forbidden book is strong, but the Forbidden book also has a will, and in fact, the original source is the same, and when a Forbidden book is found, a magician can control the magic . this book also includes a wizard's magic book. the power of books is to inspire.

For example, at this time her mind entered her and seemed to forget that she was not only a talented woman and a magician, but also a magician who could not use magic. he.

At this time, his silver number ring also glowed like a talisman, and after half an hour, it pletely disappeared except for his fingers, but I felt the power of the angelic silver ring .

Angel knew what the power of the Silver Lantern Ring was, it was justice, but it meant his justice, not any particular justice. In other words, what you think is right. In his view, educating the people you care about is the highest form of justice.

what he answered was a silver number ring. Influenced by the power of the Forbidden book, Angel's quest for justice already follows the rules of the Silver Number from the Lord of the Rings. Angel can be a real member of the Silver Legion if he wants to.

In fact, this is the best, there is nothing more than this beauty, wait, my sister will soon return to the room from the world.

with the help of his silver lantern ring and the power of the Forbidden book, he turned around with a smile.

Angel, city determine the value of the heart Appearance, Appearance: 40, below

<pain> 1d20, target: 15

the sky was dark, no moon or stars to be seen, total darkness, no light except the street lights.

Aria walked here for about 10 minutes and found herself in a cemetery.

is that so? haha, that's really cool.

Alya confirmed the name of the cemetery, then laughed as she took some purple water and placed it on top of the tombstone.

this is a special surprise, hope you enjoy it, Angie.

As the girl laughed loudly, a voice came from behind her.

Excuse me, do you know where it is?

Aria turned around and saw a nine-year-old girl wearing a gray cotton dress.

the long golden hair is as beautiful as a crown, and the skin is soft and white as snow.

Especially the baby's face has a milky tone, but it gives a mature impression.

his eyes were like sapphire blue.

here? tomb

when Aria answered, the young woman was surprised, but she believed it, and it wasn't Aria's words. the girl immediately ran to get Aria.

oh, what are you doing, idiot? It's really stupid for someone you don't know to do this when you first meet them.

Aria bit her tongue in disapproval.

please be patient. It's so much fun to meet people you know when you go to a new place. do you still wear contact lenses? have blacks bee evil?

said the famous woman Amy wagster.

Note: he is the main character in \the Last Spell\ of the cthulhu mythos.

book of fools 137 (30)

the golden girl looked at Aria, and Aria felt that there were other eyes on her, and at the same time, she had strong doubts about her own actions.

(does he know me?)

Aria looked into the man's eyes, but she didn't see anything strange about him, and she didn't mean to either.

Aria has strong emotions as a monster.

however, Aria felt no feelings towards this man.

It looks like a stone statue.

For a moment, Aria couldn't help but wonder if she had lost her instinct.

but no matter what, Arya felt no malice or alienation towards this man.

Although he didn't trust the woman who suddenly appeared, he had never harbored any grudges until now.

Above all, Aria felt strange when she saw the girl.

he knows the person very well, his looks, his smell, his smile, everything has meaning to know him.

but Aria didn't remember.

Aria didn't know the reason for this indifference, and she couldn't find a valid reason.

In other words, Arya is full of doubts, but she doesn't turn those doubts into powerful actions.

of course, the reason for this was that he thought that if Arya actually attacked, it would end badly.

Alya seemed to realize the idea.

So at this point Aria put her question into words.

who are you and do we know each other?

Aria put aside the idea of fighting for a moment, hoping to get a verbal response from her opponent.

of course, I don't think there's any need to doubt that. your name? Amy wagster, this is the second time I have used my name.

Amy seemed confused by Aria's words and seemed a little different from the Aria she knew.

however, Emi quickly abandons this idea as she notices other people's souls as the twelve demons and takes you to the new world treasure chest of salvation. m\/Yu.

because of this, Amy cannot admit her mistakes or be sensitive to the wishes of others.

In other words, the woman in front of him was definitely Aaliyah.

of course, Amy is very confident.

this time your eyes are not full of fear and patience with me, but it is pride and nothing else.

but you are you and there is no way to change that fact.

arrogance? You can say it's confidence.

Aria didn't remember anything about the other person, so she ignored the second part of his sentence.

Alya felt a shudder at the realization that she was someone else, but she didn't know why.

how could Yog-Sothoth, a god born from the divine power of his lover, fear humanity?

consider what Amy said. Aria immediately denied the other side's claim.

however, by subconsciously vibrating your body, you can confirm that what the other person is saying is true.

Aria Amy couldn't believe that fear invaded her mind.

It doesn't exist. more importantly, do you know why I suddenly came here?

Amy asked, thinking of something.

Aria was surprised to hear Amy's question, but quickly realized what she meant.

So the mad woman laughed.

You said you didn't know how you got here, right? are you stupid?

Aria laughed, but Amy didn't seem offended. Is there a look on his face as if he's seen something interesting?

Alia does not believe that there is a political party that made such a statement because she is just a fool.

of course, it's very clear that he's on one side of the man she's worried about, and Aaliyah can't help but be insulted by someone so evil and so close to God that she's worried about the other side. this means you have to feel it. night

No matter how sad someone is, you can feel it.

So why is the speech of a person different from the speech of an ordinary celebrity?

Such indifference finally shows up in Aria.

however, Aria didn't have time to think badly, and Amy kept quiet and didn't curse or channel her magic.

No, that's not what I want.

Amy immediately reacted to the insult, but she thought she understood what the other person was saying.

Amy wants to know why she suddenly came to this world and was brought here.

but I don't know you.

Aria didn't answer Amy's questions directly, her mood was very cold, and she spoke in a voice similar to hers.

but Amy didn't seem satisfied with what Aria said. No, according to tradition, no one is satisfied with it.

we don't know each other

Amy paused as she typed the words.

but in fact, it only changes the sound because it is not the sound made by human voices.

Amy read their names. It was a language unknown to the world, and even Arya, who had managed to fuse the Sidekick, could not understand it.

that's exactly how it should be.

but surprisingly, Aria knew the meaning of this name.

this is babcock.

this is the real name of Arya's main library, ``Junar qiyaya'', and is an otherworldly name.

(why does he know?)

Ellie is very difficult to understand.

how do you know that name?

Alya rolled her eyes because such stupidity pletely changed her eyes.

his eyes were pletely focused on the woman in front of him, no, this woman, this young woman.

this is my original little love, so even if you control it, it doesn't mean it's yours.

then something came out of my body, but how did it e out?

the properties were explained in this way, but to Aria's surprise, one part was not a library, and the other was not a library.

wait, who are you talking to, xiao Ai?


Aria was in a bad mood, so she seemed curious about the name. that name seems to be related to my nightmares.

however, Arya cannot remember what this memory is because she has no memory.

but if not, why does it hurt him?

Amy seemed to see such thoughts and pity was visible in her eyes.

however, that look seemed to insult Aria, and she hated it when she realized who was looking at her.

After thinking about it, Aria decided that she wanted to do that.

but it didn't work out in the end because Aaliyah's body kept telling itself that it wasn't something she could do.

there was no way to attack, and Arya had no way to perform such a feat.

he was obviously only human, but to Arya he looked like a filthy animal.

he heard the cries of countless evil spirits, heard the curses of the dead against the living, and saw the source of all life on earth, the \source of self-existence.\

that confusion was evident when Arya tried to move.

It's no wonder Arya has this fantasy. he is supposed to be the god who keeps the \Key of the Ancient Gods\, but why does he scare the other party?

why does Aria feel threatened by migenshin?

Aria couldn't understand this nonsense.

however, Amy ultimately doesn't care about anything but other people's actions.

Alia darby, that's your name, and even when you wear colored lenses, you look and feel the same.

No, I'm not the one you're talking about.

when Aria heard Amy's words, she felt like she wanted to emphasize something or take something away from her, but what kind of effect could such weak actions have on a child?

It is impossible to remember that we are human, but even if we have the body of an animal, humans are also weak creatures, and we can never pass without knowing them.

As for Amy, this person is inpetent and powerless.

things like this and her resistance mean nothing to Amy.

this world has no interest for Amy. It's not like his country. Not even interesting to Amy.

but he went through it because he wanted to know its roots, he wanted the truth here, he wanted the magical truth.

because of this, Amy cannot listen to the words of others and uses magic to escape from the weak actions of others.

my name is Aaliyah watley. this is no joke.

whatley? Is this family from dunwich? brother of wilbur whatley? No, you don't have to. because you were there too, afraid of brother wilbur's death.

why did I make my cousin afraid? It's so stupid.

Aaliyah seems displeased and Amy asks her to confirm something.

but Aria felt as if she was teasing the puppy with one eye, and this feeling was not an illusion, so she looked away and hid her feelings.

So do you know how wilbur whatley died?

maybe the guard dog bit him.

Aria spoke as if she was telling the truth, and then said:

All this is recorded in the 'dunwich peril'.

Normally, if a stranger had said that to Aaliyah, she would have said something cruel instead of calling it crazy.

If she had to face a strong enemy, Aria would definitely use her magic to easily defeat them.

but the strange thing is, whether it's the first or the last time, Aria is not like that.

he himself did not know why.

Even Aliya was not happy with the woman in front of her when she was with him.

but another feeling arose.

he knew this wasn't normal, but he didn't know what to do until Aria was feeling better.

the basis of this sentiment, of course, is that Aaliyah's soul is linked to the Library of hatred at this point. First is about Amy. Like Lord babcock, Amy really is. Aaliya gets angry.

of course, it is only physiological, but psychology and physiology are connected, so Alya does not want to face this person, because of the desire to influence babosik.

there is no way out of paradise to hate Aaliyah.

So no matter what Aria does, connecting with hate paradise in the end she wants Amy to listen to her opinion.

however, due to the power of the ``Forsaken God'' (Attachment 1) who now rules this world, Aria will not fall immediately.

\dunwich horror\? I have never heard of him.

A questioning look clearly appeared on Amy's face.

this is a famous story in the cthulhu mythos that I had never heard of. No, you probably know the origin of my last name.

because you told me when I was at miskatonic University.

Isn't this a myth?

Apparently he has the same last name as the dunwich horror monster, but he calls it virtual. Amy senses that Aaliyah is in danger.

I say, do you think you are from a fairy tale, a novel or something?

Although she clearly knows nothing, Amy tells Aaliyah in response that she is a prophet.

Are you asking the question knowingly?

Aria said through gritted teeth, realizing that the other person knew a lot of things she didn't need to know. before Aaliyah could say the second sentence, Amy said:

Is it like this? I want you to bring it.

Aria couldn't understand human thoughts, but what did this person understand? Amy is a stranger to Aliyah, she knows nothing about this man and doesn't know who he is.

but the party understood him, and Alia did not find anything strange, contradictory and confusing in the opponent's mind.

but Aria remembered the chains she remembered, even all the books in the paradise of hatred could not break that chain, it was interesting, magic, Aria, she didn't know what it was. that's why he can. Stronger than the Forbidden book I hope for help from the Forbidden book

but the woman in front of him was very strange, her mind was different from his, she didn't know anything about the legend of cthulhu, but she answered correctly, this strange thing also applies to Arya. Very doubtful.

If that is true.

Amy smiled slyly and decided to try an experiment as if she had an idea.

then he chanted the words like a magician.

my question is, are you human? about it.

In front of Aria, Amy pretends to see a ghost.

Is it true? have you heard from Su xia?

Su xia? where did it e from?

Aria asked Amy who was also holding her dress with her hands.

I don't know, I just asked where? how can I know such a thing? I am not an omniscient, omnipotent God, but it would be easier if I were an omniscient, omnipotent God.

he clearly read the second part of Amy's words in his head and avoided Aria's hand.

hmm, do you want to know?

he said defiantly, but Aria pletely ignored the one voice, looked at the other like a beard, and said loudly:

Yes, I want to know, tell me everything you know, think outside my head.

well, do what you want, but until then I'll be your guardian.

As if there was a place, Aria's words suddenly hardened and her malice exploded.

of course you want to find banned books in the bookstore, but what you say is just a lie.

this is not a lie.

Amy was confused and answered how she knew that what she said was wrong, but when Amy saw the condition of the other, Amy realized that the Lord Guardian had something to stop her. Like that.

If Amy had known, she might have said something different, but she already said it, so there's no need to worry.

Aria reached out and snapped her fingers, and a book miraculously appeared, which she quickly opened and read.

Amy heard something and turned to her left, her whole body slid like a roller, and this time a gray liquid appeared.

these waters are alive and dissolve the earth as they move.

If you want to be a great philanthropist, this is also the test you must meet, and yes, it is a test.

Like a wise counselor, Alya spoke loudly, then read the contents of the forbidden book, and the gray water hit Amy like a fever.

the water scattered like an explosion and disappeared.

As they passed the strange creature, they saw that Amy's right hand was pinched.

however, he still defeated a monster that could destroy stones indiscriminately, and xiaoxu's hand, which entered the picture, was not injured.

It's like a special effect.

Aaliyah then quickly stood up, her feet off the ground, and pulled herself upright. Amy was behind Aaliyah so she could touch her neck with her fingers. he took Aaliyah's dress and lifted it. panion in the sky.

Is that enough?

Amy said innocently and confused, as Alya sat there blankly, not noticing that she had followed her.

Although he was still in awe of the mythical creature known as the Killer, he also didn't notice that Amy soon followed Arya and quickly took her away.

perhaps because Amy's attack was not intended to kill, Aaliyah's neck was unlikely to break if it was heavy.

Aria didn't hear any of her opponent's attacks, and when her vision changed she noticed Amy moving.

Aria lost immediately.

of course, it's unacceptable to use a banned book if you don't own it, but what's the point? 100,000 kilos. will your efforts lead to rewards from God? Are you a disciple of God or a priest?

Aria hesitated not realizing that the woman in front of her did not have the power of a god, nor did she have the power of a super high school level pet.

how can this be done without the power of God?

Aria couldn't understand.

Undoubtedly, at this moment he forgot all the previous confusion that seemed to be caused by a force.

Amy felt that way and stopped thinking about an explanation.

this page appears as the result of a special process.

Amy said.

Nothing, I'm an infidel.

don't you believe in God?

I'm not a believer in God, I'm just an unbeliever.

Amy said something that was not good in public.

Note 1: the Forsaken by God is used to distinguish between the true demonic gods and the ancient rulers of this world and foreign demons, and is abbreviated as ``forsaken god.'' this description is taken from \God destroyed\, \A Girl's Love Is Undefended\.

Evil God and devil (Nichijou Series)

In an infinite and measured world, and many forms that are always determined by measurements, there are gods who are all-knowing and all-powerful.

the outer gods, the ancient rulers, these evil gods are the true God in eternal forms.

the world is infinite, and no matter how broken it is, it is only an appearance. the evil gods who represent the world are also infinite, but the disasters caused by their sleep are infinite.

the death of an evil god can have dire consequences, and the world it affects is vast, mysterious, and indescribable. problem

the evil god, and even his image, was created by Azathoth, the all-knowing and all-powerful god who is the leader of the demons.

Azathoth is a god of the outer world, a demon, and even an evil god, and is the only god among demons who has all knowledge and power, and is able to create endless and endless concentration. Love is also part of Azathoth. consciousness, embodiment.

Azathoth is infinite and independent beyond imagination, but he is also omniscient, omnipotent, omnipotent, infinite, infinite, and supreme.

Everything that happens happens through the power of Azathoth.

there are many different types of demons, such as wanting to create a demon stronger than yourself, defeating a demon stronger than yourself, defeating a demon that you cannot defeat , or create a different form.

All these impossible things were done by his hands, contrary to reason and contrary to reason.

however, for the demons that exist today, their will expands and manifests - they are evil gods themselves.

According to currently available information, most demons are Azathoth. demons are universal and powerful beings created by the mighty power of Azathoth.

the conflicting ideas between the gods, who came from the Lord of all things and created the strong and the buffalo, and the gods who created the strong despite being the Lord of all, and Azathoth, the strong, who not in their lives. . And strong. omniscience is the book of Azathoth.

Even when that word is used, there is no way to describe what he is, other than to describe him as knowing and in control of everything, parable to his status and abilities. there is no way to do that.

Azathoth's thoughts, feelings, and dreams will cause conflicts that will shake the seeds, the seeds, and the seeds forever.

the Vortex Road, which destroys all evil gods, and evil gods, which destroy diversity, is nothing but the shocking claws of Azathoth, the demon god of the court of chaos. Azathoth, the sleeping god of the outer world, spends his days in the dream fragments of the demon Azathoth.

book of Fools 138 (31)

where are you very long.

this is the location of KFc city where Frank saw Aria and he couldn't stop thinking.

there was a small smile on the other's face, but Frank didn't think anyone in the world could hurt him.

In fact, as a god, he would never back down even when faced with these goddesses.

Aria didn't answer when she heard the other person's question.

huh? where do I go? I'm not you, I don't need to explain where I'm going.

Aria looked at him evilly, as if she was used to being rude.

Aria didn't like how she was treated, and she knew the other person didn't think so, but she didn't want to tell anyone about her situation.

For Aaliyah, there is nothing more boring in this world. he was not one of those exhibitionists who wanted to tell everyone everything.

when asked such a question, I feel angry and have the ability to be rude.

As a result of the power of divine love, he must live deliberately and according to his will.

In short, it's just a giant baby.

So we never know where he is.

he can show friendship to anyone, but he must distinguish between good and bad.

For Arya, it was natural and unnecessary.

You don't have to pretend to be anyone or reveal anything about yourself.

I don't reveal myself even if I have to, especially when meeting people I know.

So if you are familiar with Aaliyah, you will be very worried.

A fake smile is always better than a look of disapproval.

Use a smile to hide your disfort.

be polite and hide your malice.

It's not just about hiding evil or misfortune.

If it's not a lie, I'm in hell.

there are certainly reasons to be angry about such things.

on the contrary, there is absolutely no reason to be angry.

If you get over it, it's usually because the other person is strong and you have to deal with the other person's anger.

but for Frank, that possibility was not real.

the same is true of Aria, who shares the power of love, and as a popularizer of the cthulhu mythos, she naturally shares a portion of the Force.

Even if I can't defeat Arya, at least I won't be defeated.

therefore, power is not the reason why Frank condones the actions of others.

In fact, Aria doesn't understand why other people can't stand it.

whoever they are, there is no doubt that they are selfish, lawless, god-like, and powerful enough to surpass everyone in their morals and desires.

when it es to idols, there is no need to hold back unless another person mits suicide to protect themselves.

however, Aria couldn't remember when she gained such power.

but at least for him, the other person's reaction can be understood from the beginning.

Frank's answer was exactly what Aria expected, and he was definitely right.

Is the answer still the same? honestly, why do we get angry when we get old? he was in a good relationship before, hopefully he won't be like you.

Frank responded with his usual grunts, but he didn't attack.

Aria should not be angry with her opponent.

honestly, Aaliyah had never seen herself so angry since she was born.

he didn't seem to care, and Aria didn't understand why that part happened, but upon reflection, there didn't seem to be anything wrong with the change.

Undoubtedly, he is a person who initially did not think about life as he thought and put his opinion above others.

Sorry, I don't want to. but I don't want to make anyone happy, and I don't want to force my feelings on anyone, so if I want to do that, why stop me like that?

then again, shouldn't that be? why am I not fortable with myself?

As Frank realized, Aliya's reaction was the same as before, filled with selfish thoughts.

From the beginning, he didn't care what others thought.

perhaps in his mind, things are divided into two parts: necessary and unimportant, and the unimportant is placed in a place where it is not important. knock down

but for someone who has no love, Aria can't find any reason to love others.

because he doesn't have to worry about what others think of him or how others see him, and it doesn't affect his identity, his power, or his thoughts.

because he doesn't have to do that, his mind bees like a child, like a child.

when Frank saw something like this, he wanted to teach someone how to do it.

however, the opponent is not a person from the beginning, but an evil beast.

then why do you reveal your wickedness in front of me?

Is it an insult? are you there haha, don't people think hypocrisy is worse than being truly evil?

of course, since they were still children, it was difficult for them to pletely ignore each other's actions, but they still acted pletely of their own free will.

who are you asking? In any case, any fool who thinks that a lie is better than true evil, or despair is better than a lie, must have a brain problem.

Frank, on the other hand, denies that \truth\, which is unnecessary.

of course, you would never say what he said in front of your children.

Isn't perfect obedience and the ability to do what people look for in their children?

therefore, in this case, we must use force to negotiate, and unless they understand what terrorism is, they will not ply.

obedience and obedience is the most important thing for a child, everything that happens is deceptive and the best is the icing on the cake.

Frank's words fail again this time, because what is required of knowledge is not truth, but absolute violence and terror that will never be forgotten.

before speaking, he should be honest, cultivate what he wants and let it go. then the devil, who is not clothed in truth, kindness and beauty, will lose everything. I understand the true thoughts of Satan.

however, people are often powerless and obedience is easily learned in environments of violence and social oppression, but aliyah is different. because he has the power to be a god with truth. the forces of evil have great capital in disobedience.

of course, Frank knew that too.

So stupid, what do others think of me? If you don't want to aim at the enemy, you don't need a smile, it's tired, tired, tired.

Aria confides how she feels about Frank's prank, and after that, aside from Love, who has been by her side since birth, Aria is the only person she knows.

of course, no one is saying that it is impossible to live with self-satisfaction, or that people who cannot be who others want them to be are weak and cannot live. of course, there are other factors from other cultures.

of course, this man is love, and after every move he makes, he uses it to lie to Arya and sincerely hates superficial power.

In addition, Sawyer had many things he wanted to keep from himself, and no matter what Aaliyah asked on the other side, he couldn't get an answer.

he does not like to be deceived, he does not want to deceive others, he does not want to hide his opinion.

Even if he had to change himself, that was the only reason he would do it.

Is this impossible creature the only people who do not understand their true value and collapse at the first sight of their true nature, if they love us and not for fun? REALLY? that's the reason.

however, pared to this character, Frank can be considered an outsider and an active outsider. about you

A lot is known about the lie of love. there are some things in this world you don't need to know, and it's a shame if you do. I won't tell you because I hope you will survive.

of course, a crime occurs if you use those words to deceive others, even children cannot be deceived.

but he has no intention of hating Love.

because he is the God who created him and was born within the pages of his book, born in the power of truth.

however, curses are often born from negative emotions, so Aria is a difficult child.

Unfortunately, Frank ends up being drawn to the other side to remove the curse from his soul.


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