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第89章 乌尔塔尔 (第1/2页)

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经过三轮仔细的航行,我们的探险队甚至超越了伊格拉赫人民最古老的部落传说。船上没有人知道这里的隧道或地标。天然洞穴让位于加工石材的最初迹象 - 真菌生长的摇摇欲坠的残余墙壁,古老道路的泥土地板现在沉入毫无特色的土田。在过去的岁月里,人们可能在这里深入研究过什么仍然是一个谜。

在未知的第一个夜晚,在这些废墟中露营,在回荡的黑暗中听到了奇怪的声音,这让一些船员感到不安。但是,随着magus or'ugh的地球仪投射出保护性光芒和手表的旋转,没有人敢冒险离开火光圈。Y'grakh证实他已经越过了部落传说的最远边界,并推测以前的文明可能在亿万年前就居住在这些古老的隧道中。那天晚上船员们睡得很少。



决定提前派出三艘船在magus or'ugh的带领下进行初步测量和守卫,而指挥船和最后一艘小艇则在入口海岸扎营。他们在那无量的空间里缺席了两个转弯,使用他们掌握的所有艺术来测试危险并辨别任何值得注意的特征。

在第五天黎明返回时,magus or'ugh报告说,这个“巨大的洞穴”延伸得比哭泣的球体所能辨别的更远,在发光的雾气和无数个世纪以来佩戴的巨大结构的暗示中游动。他们没有发现明显的威胁,只是注意到那些发光的云层中蝑视自然法则的奇特运动。发现了聚集在洞穴边缘发光柱子中的奇怪矿物和真菌的样本,玄武岩架上有未知文字和几十年的痕迹。



Although she was in Anlov's realm, Veronica was still able to municate with this god.

Anlov realized this and realized that the other person wanted to show that he and his conversation were in the hands of the lord. world.

Are there differences within the same God, and are those differences still strong?

Realizing this, Anlov's anger grew in his heart.

You should also be more determined in your work, which is definitely a good trait if you are far from the gods.

when Veronica finished speaking, she continued.

It's not your words that dunia wants to see. therefore, you must act and correct your mistakes.

when the other person finished speaking, Anlov realized that he too could not control the barrier, and immediately entered the real world, as if the barrier, the root of the barrier, rejected him.

he hit the ground hard and as a god it really hurt.

can we seize the power of God's kingdom? In fact, he was a new god, different from gods like me, born hundreds of years ago and transformed from the most powerful ancient gods.

mimir, a wise giant, ends the age of the gods. he witnessed this fate before the gods were diminished by human worship and he made the change to bee the first new god.

but as a new god you seem to have lost your \omniscient\ personality haha otherwise how can you give it a chance?

Let the final carnival begin!

during the night he does tricks.

Anlov may not be as powerful as the world or Veronica, but he has something more powerful than them and that is external support.

All under the supervision of the golden horse. on the other hand, God's wall is a little trick you can use if you're not paying attention.

but Veronica is right about the need and need to act.

Angel wait is still at home, her husband is standing in front of her with a rope tied.

At this time, bana could not even speak, but fought in vain.

Nancy doesn't want to save people because of what happened in the trojan room before, but no one else should do anything to harm An chi. e to think of it, An Yi probably thought that he was a criminal who had pletely captured her attention and kept her there forever.

So Nancy, who didn't feel much remorse, decided to speak up.

I said, are you sure it's locked?

I think that makes perfect sense, you know? Nancy, people like that can't live on salt and water.

I think there is a big difference between your view and mine on the meaning of Adam.

After hearing Angel's answer, Nancy clearly showed anger and this time Nancy stared at Angel.

Needless to say, the other side seems to have changed a lot.

can he secretly use his skills?

Nancy doesn't know what the other's \genius\ is, but it may be the only way to explain this strange situation.

did something like that happen? because Nancy is humble. human evolution is not like that. Evolution is not about one generation, but the sum of all generations and evolution.

however, the most important customization is here.

Again, do you think activating others is a good idea?

this time, An chi asked Nancy, but An chi didn't seem to wait for Nancy's answer. because he continued talking after half a second.

Still, it might be worth checking out here. I don't know, but I might do it differently depending on your answer.

the angel (physically) took the seal from the other's mouth and said:

he didn't seem to be quiet - no, he was sleeping. I'm so tired of resisting, so in this case, if I face my heart, I might get into trouble.

therefore, it is a good idea to force yourself to lose sleep.

however, Angel doesn't seem to want the rest of the party to be rescued from dreamland.

So he transferred the remaining water from the bathtub to a bucket and poured all the water directly on him.

the bucket was placed not far away.

well, are you awake yet?

when bana woke up, he saw An qi's evil face and couldn't help thinking that she was trying to do something bad.

ah! please let me leave early.

of course, An qi didn't want to agree to this reasonable request.

So, I've said it all - now do your answer.

but what if you want to free yourself from the nonsense? there are no such idiots in this world. how crazy!

right? that should never be said. hahaha never mind, I'm not good.

I couldn't see his face at this point and it was very unfortable.

So now tell me everything you know.

of course, Nancy's conscience is not as strong as she thought, and she even brought engineering tools, as if she wanted Angel to do something inhumane to this man.

of course, Annie turned a blind eye to that attitude.

Nancy, I didn't expect you to be ruder than me.

I will not do a terrible thing.

when Angel sees Nancy carrying her rusty nails, she realizes that this innocent, busty girl has a violent personality.

(I think I should be careful when I talk from now on.)

huh? don't you need it? Angel, do you need this?

Nancy's speech was very strange, as if she had seen something strange.

he couldn't help but wonder if he had made such a bad impression on others. he hates suffering, especially these wonderful things.

he clearly remembers that his personality is under an irreversible spell of the divine power of the trojans, and that it is impossible to break it.

In the end, An chi concludes that Nancy is really the culprit.

when Nancy looked into the angel's eyes, she felt that her image was distorted in the eyes of people.

moreover, this change will bee more profound as the debate on this issue bees more serious.

So Nancy immediately changed the subject.

by the way, these smells are very subtle and can be smelled anywhere.

well, doesn't it smell like the bath water we're used to? I went into the bathroom to get some water, but I still spilled, so I used it. the reason is simple.

he answered naturally, but Nancy remained silent.

So, burna, can you tell me now? of course you can't say anything, but you don't like this kid.

the other man pointed his gun in another direction. this time, she was wearing only a swimsuit. If you shoot him directly, you have to go to the bathroom again.

by the way, it's very cold, Nancy, will you buy me some clothes?

he spoke to Nancy, trembling like a pearl. Nancy heard this and entered the room. God only knows how he knew this situation, but he must have been chasing someone else when he arrived.

well, it's just the two of us now.

don't know what to say even though you've been told not to say anything? As a high school senior research angel, you have such talent.

please know that what I want to talk about is not the heart, but what I want to know is the opposite of the human heart, which you know but do not want to talk about.

what can I say to make you understand that I don't know anything?

I know you don't know right now, but I believe there is a way to get the answer from your heart, the real answer, what you know.

Annie chanted a mantra with a dead smile on her face, and an invisible force appeared and began to affect the person in front of her.

If the opponent is not under the spell of memory enhancement, you must use angel magic to reveal to the opponent what they already know.

It is a simple magic, but for those who know the secrets of magic it seems like a little trick.

trojan researchers must find a way to solve this problem.

however, new works appearing for the first time or new works whose plete details have not been revealed are excluded.

bana's eyes lit up and he began to speak exactly what he understood.

banning books? A woman with a banned book? this is a story of hate.

he plained again, this time the price of the magic he illegally used was that the Forbidden book was the most valuable wisdom pared to the powerful magic book of the original magic book. I knew I needed it. . the angel sought to find him, the wisdom of the eternal forbidden book. If a person understands all the forbidden books, he is not considered an object of worship.

Arya whatley? whateley, are the whateleys the \dunwich horrors\?

At this time, Nancy took one of the clothes, saw An Yi lost her soul, put it back, folded the other, and handed over the clothes. It was a thin pure white dress.

She quickly took off her swimsuit and was naked. then Nancy took off her clothes and put on her clothes while no one was looking.

I said, Angie, what are you doing!

huh? Get dressed and ask yourself what's good about it?

the angel did not understand what he said. because in his mind, Nancy is just a woman, a man who was hurt and killed by the curse of the Empire. there is nothing strange here, but the problem is that Nancy does not know about the Imperius curse and does not know that Angel can use magic.

therefore, Nancy could not understand why Angel was naked in front of a stranger.

No, that's not what I'm talking about. what I want to say is, how can you change your clothes in front of other people without them noticing?

husband: of course, I wouldn't do that in front of a decent person.

Are you trying to tell me I'm crazy?

Nancy's face was ugly. Annie then said,

No, I'm not talking about you, Nancy, I'm talking about this man who can't keep his right mind because he's the devil.

the other person could not finish his speech because I did not speak.

Are you talking about me?

what kind of content is it? Angie just couldn't understand it.

could this resistance be intended to avoid being affected by magic?

As a mortal, he should not be able to resist magical powers.

why is that?

Another inexplicable sense of evil arose.

did you see it?

I understand very well.

husband told me the ugly truth. Feeling the consequences of killing someone, mr. Yi took his gun and pointed it at bana, pulled the gun, but Nancy pulled mr.'s gun. An Yi used his hand, and the bullet missed. Shooting is wrong.

the bullet hit the wall.

Nancy, what are you doing?

how do you kill someone slowly?

where is the madness? this is not normal.

Angie tried again after plaining, but the gun was taken away.

Angie interrupted and Nancy kissed her on the lips.

I don't hate you if you have problems with your goals.

don't make me look like a broken doll, okay?

Another man violently resisted. but Nancy didn't listen. he also stuck out his tongue. It was hard for Annie to understand what was happening, she felt empty and her body was about to ache, so she quickly woke up and put the phone away. All the strength, from the opponent.

what are you doing, pervert?

huh? why deviate?

Nancy herself is not interested in Angel's accusations, believing that they mean something.

I have a headache today.

mind book 132 (25)

In parison, when did my spell break? No, it's not about when or why you were let go, it's that you shouldn't have let go.

when she regained consciousness, her big almond-shaped eyes couldn't believe bana, the man who ignored her magic.

his thoughts grew on Nancy's actions, but when he regained consciousness, Angel's attention was first drawn to this strange behavior.

Freedom from magical powers is not something ordinary people should have.

Even if he was unexpectedly strong and capable of resisting Angel's mental magic, there was no way that such a person would be in front of him.

this is because the power of angels is greater than that of ordinary people, even if they do not have the blessings of mythology. however, this is not something that ordinary people struggle with.

magical magic? have you used something like this before?

however, An qi was very surprised by the other party's reaction.

this is not against the effects of magic, but can the other party not understand the existence of magic?

Is it possible?

According to angelic magic and magical knowledge, such a thing is impossible.

this kind of attitude will definitely make you angry if someone shows indifference.

If not, is it a \super high school level\ golden horse?

however, pared to this, the angels seem to know the most dangerous possibilities.

he swallowed his lips and said in shock.

please don't say magic didn't impress you at first.

So you're not acting inprehensible there?

I was really confused and didn't answer.

he didn't really know why. what kind of magic, sorcery, etc.? how can such nonsense happen? If you think about it, you will see that is not true.

It also doesn't make sense that detective bana is a magician.

but after dealing with trojans, you should also know that trojans exist.

maybe he's pretending because he knows the trojan rules?

but they looked at each other.

If it's just for show, maybe it's too much.

thinking that, Annie stared at him silently.

bana is also confused about An chi.

maybe in his mind malaika is just a weird paranoid girl.

moreover, in the general understanding of magic, it is no different from a \magician\ who does magic.

If so, why reveal the surprise at this point?

bana continued the performance in silence, staring at Annie's body.

of course I don't like this set, it's a beautiful set.

however, his expression was very serious and looked evil now.

he told bana that the faction would kill him anywhere and everywhere, but bana did not hesitate.

because, in fact, another person's words are the kind that make you want to kill someone if they know what you want.

bana doesn't like to give his opinion when it es to Angel's magic, but it includes the problems that Angel is facing.

(No, there is no mistake.)

once again he thought carefully and realized that what had happened before was no different from healing and that the magic that had been created was safe and could not be faked. Annie's soul is here.

therefore, the magic of An qi must be effective and produce a positive effect.

Know it.

before, the sudden event was due to An qi's distraction, and An qi did not notice this obvious fact.

his eyes went from murder to suspicion to suspicion.

why do the poor ignore the effects of magic?

this is a small pliment, but Angel is a silver magician, but in the previous work, he was a student of a magic school learning magic.

magical knowledge, spellcasting, and magical effects work well, although they are hindered by the negative effects of the human connection Investigator.

this copy is a crazy world.

because of the events that happened in this world, when he was a child and a student, he heard the story of the Savior who defeated the dark Lord.

did you laugh?

he knew that the dark Lord's magic was a powerful magician, that he had the power of an evil god, and that he could use that power.

Although he does not believe in or worship gods, he is a magician who pletely controls the power of the evil gods.

In addition, his body was transformed by the power of an evil god, and he obtained a famous perfect body and an ascended soul.

however, Annie once encountered an enemy clone in this copy of the world, and from that legend one can tell the level of magic of her contemporaries.

After all, he has the dark Lord's horcrux - the world's magic system is quite mysterious, but something as simple as a horcrux is forbidden. this An ii is confusing.

this is the second image of an angel, and the angel at that time was not a witch, but a witch, and although they both used magic, they were different things.

the priest focuses on worship and receives power from God through sacrifice. If they receive great power through faith, God will give them the same power and reward - the angel is no different from those who hear it and hardly eat puppies. It's like a little animal in your hand.

of course, he owns the power given to him, as well as the salary from the master.

Is it not acceptable? the strong get everything from the weak.

magicians take supernatural power and gain it through the same evolution. Like mythical creatures, they gain various supernatural powers through evolution.

magicians have knowledge and will at their core, and bee powerful by gaining forbidden knowledge, or magic, but they can gain not only the former, but also both types of magic.

Yi is also a student of magic, a mage who quickly mastered black magic, and is from the room of the Silver trojans, so when he studied magic, he was introduced to the Silver Evil God (Ai, whose name ) is the devil. . (like a drunkard begins to associate with divine forces through evolution).

that's why his dark magic can easily defeat people like bana and even legendary figures like Sewer.

of course, as a researcher in the trojan chamber, the use of this power was limited, and the spell could only be cast three times a day.

If you spend all your money three times, you need a guardian (trojan horse). otherwise, An qi will be immediately removed from the game. that is, if you enchant the fourth time.

Also, this prohibition is very long, and according to the trojans, the use of such magic will attract the attention of this \incarnation of the evil god\, and when the evil god es to earth, there will be nothing left. survive.

Set limits based on these security factors.

Furthermore, skills such as ``my'' interpersonal skills are subject to greater limitations, especially in terms of punishment, pared to those available in prison.

A small amount of energy is used and at this point the input to the model is cleared and considered bright.

Like other black magic, it is useless once used and has a maximum of 3 chances.

of course, it wasn't the magic that Annie did, but a different kind of magic.

but as a silver-clad mage, the magic he discovered must be pletely controlled by ordinary people.

one wonders why the other person is ignoring the effects of his magic.

this desire made him want to break down and study the man in front of him in detail.

the angel believes that this change is not from the soul, but from an unknown part of the body.

If it was due to soul transformation, then the person in front of Annie was not a person, but an animal inside his soul, a strange fairy.

the most famous is the so-called \Great Run of the East\.

If the latter, An ii will choose to kill the opponent directly.

however, if it was the former, An qi really wanted to destroy the other party.

No matter how you look at it, it's not a good husband.

however, it is too early to discuss these ideas.

Some attribute this change to trojan horses.

(Seriously, why is that necessary? of course, no matter how sympathetic the trojans are, are they really doing evil behind the scenes?)

thinking about this, An Yi forgot that the trojan horse appeared just at this moment.

Some have the dark idea that using your brain doesn't really stand up to analysis, so it doesn't make sense.

Although An chi has the title of senior high school researcher, she has no real talent and no courage to use her talent. maybe now is the right time.

pearl, how are you?

Nancy didn't know what she was thinking, but she quickly snapped to attention when she saw the man's face.

Indeed, Angel's words seemed to predict the unthinkable, and Nancy was familiar with those words.

they are slightly different but very similar.

hearing these words made Nancy very worried, and she also felt a strange cold wind ing from the house and heard the sound of the door opening and closing.

Nancy's Inspiration check, Appearance: 23, Success.

Nancy realized that the problem was not here, but beyond.

when Nancy finds out, she knows she has no choice but to stay.

It doesn't help if you disagree with other people's opinions.

So Nancy didn't put this thought into words, instead looking for something to distract her mind to ease her mind.

If she doesn't move the strange thing there, Nancy is afraid that she will touch it and eventually feel crazy.

Nancy didn't want that to happen.

Nancy can be crazy sometimes, but that's normal, like how excited and crazy she gets when she sees a sale on designer handbags. he is a very trustworthy person, but his opinions are different.

Looking at the angel now, Nancy felt a rush of excitement in her chest. the appetite caused Nancy to quickly forget anything out of the ordinary.

however, this strange sight also made An qi unfortable, and even felt strange disfort.

Angel's \Inspiration test\, cast: 22, was successful.

At this moment, Angel saw in Nancy's eyes that in addition to the circumstances that caused a strange attraction, there was a strange and mysterious stranger.

this kind of light was amazing, and Ani saw a wonderful sight.

one part of Nancy's appearance influenced him, but most of it got into her and even this mansion.

An Yi noticed this and started to swallow.

depending on the strength he felt within himself.

her fingers felt like they were melting, and her heart felt like it was going to explode with every beat.

A view from the outside, a view from the top, and a view from the base.

So Ani acted like nothing happened and at the same time planned to take advantage of her \genius\.

well, don't worry, nothing will happen to me. I need time to think about it.

As Yi said, at the same time An chi also activated his ``talent'', one of his talents as a ``high school-level researcher.''

this kind of talent was not something that an ordinary person should have, and the limited ``black magic'' that he possessed seemed to be no different from that of an ordinary person pared to this talent. .

At this moment, his eyes were confused, as if he had suddenly lost his vision and lost consciousness.

however, the abnormal movement of the eyebrows and blinking of the eyelids indicate that this is not the case.

the angel bees like ``Laplace's devil,'' and all the information in the world appears in the silhouette of its eyes.

there is something unimaginable about the beauty of the angel's eyes, whose roots are twisted and e out in a strange silhouette.

but he didn't understand.

It's as if the angel's eyes can see <everything>.

the reason he is a ``super high school level detective'' is to use his skills to find out what he wants to know.

In this world he cannot see or recognize.

So his ideas as a researcher are wrong, he doesn't have the ability to think everything, he knows everything he wants to know, and then he falls.

I am amazed at the power of this kind of ``charm'' that people have.

the angel's eyes were staring at the same place, wondering where to go.

he would soon pay the price for that pride.

Angel <hygiene Inspection>, Appearance: 87, low

Angel <pain> 1d100, appearance: 13

ah! !

he cried as if he had seen something very painful.

At that moment, I felt as if I had seen a monstrous beast, a living creature hiding within infinite information.

well, this endless amount of information is really about this animal.

or maybe it's just another animal weapon.

It is at the end of all space and time, and is connected to the origin of the universe.

what is this animal itself? the angel did not understand that.

Even if it is a misunderstanding, it is very weak.

A mix like this can happen because it's all about monsters.

the past, the future, everything that has happened, everything that has not happened, everything in the present, everything is inside the monster.

the dead are still alive in the past, they are still alive among the undead, they are here in this animal body, those who are now, those who are not, all, all life is inside this body. the monster's body has several parts.

this terrible life, this mysterious and eternal animal is not something that people can understand, what they see is just a process, and it will take 10 billion years to try to see it properly. there is no need to mention the other reasons.

however, at the same time as this call, these forbidden principles that have existed for ten thousand years immediately came to Ani's mind.

A spirit struck him on the head, as if he had jumped from the universe to earth and returned to the void.

before returning from this world. he found another familiar, special person.

In different parts of the animal's body, Angel saw the numbers past and present.

this beast also has a creature similar to \cthulhu\ inside its body.

his soul fell to the ground as if on fire, and his body was burned.

but when she fell to the ground, Nancy took Annie's hand and asked in a loving voice:

Angel, what are you thinking? why is it so scary?

however, his answer was very confusing.

I am a giant beast hiding in this world, no, the world hides the body of a giant, sleeping, but now awake.

Nancy did not hear anything that Annie said, but she picked up the book with the words in it, copied it, took a black pen, and wrote it quickly, although she did not understand it. however, when Nancy returned to normal, Angel's reaction was questionable.

Nancy is just a boxer, so answering questions is not part of her skills. but he also asked An qi what he could do. therefore, the highest value of hope college is listening to God's will with people.

In other words, he had the ability to receive answers directly from heaven, but despite having such a powerful talent, he was like a weak child whose body trembled and his head bowed.

cold sweat permeated Angel's body, and his voice echoed. Nancy realized that the other person was really crying this time. because after half a minute, Nancy reached and looked up to her mouth, and she saw the face of someone who was still crying... crying, covering her nose. I was embarrassed to look at him while I was getting water.

Losing 13 of his senses then causes Angel to go temporarily insane. Nancy began to cry in Nancy's arms, then fell asleep.

angel, angel

Nancy called An Yi twice, but An qi never answered, no, there was still a voice. because after An Yi fell asleep, I heard a loud breathing sound, probably because his nose was stuffy. disturbance because of the station.

of course he slept with Angel, maybe he wants to stop being crazy.

however, Angel woke up again when Nancy brought him down. this time, Nancy realized that she might have made a mistake because Angel fell asleep just 10 seconds ago.

can I have a doctor's note, please? pepper?

those were the first words Annie said when she woke up.

Nancy didn't know what to say.

mind book 133 (26)

For some reason, at this point he was very hot, as if someone had hit him with an iron rod.

this terrible blow clouded his thoughts and filled his thoughts with violence.

the human body seems to be very difficult to control.

It's like my body won't move, or rather it's rebelling but at least he won't notice.

Everything seems normal.

he knew something was wrong with his body, something unimaginable.

what is this strange change? Although Yi himself did not know it, An Yi knew that it was true and relentless and merciless towards him.

despite clearly being in control of his own body, An ii felt like he was controlling some kind of inparable animal, with only bones and muscles that could move freely.

Somehow it felt like he had a skeleton, but turned into a pletely different animal.

breathing is normal and heat from the air freely enters the lungs.

the nervousness of the beating of my heart, the chaos of the blood flowing through my body, and my nervousness remained still.

(what is the real problem?)

Annie carefully felt the changes in her body and felt that something was wrong here and there, but Annie never understood it and did not think anything of it.

the confusion between emotions and reasoning made Ani angry and unable to calm down without thinking about anything.

he even destroyed his own body.

however, he himself knew that such a state was caused by a short period of unconsciousness, so he quickly suppressed the urge.

Anyone who scores more than 5 points in an hour in the trojan Room will go insane for a while.

the manifestation of this crazy country is the trojan horse of freedom.

Again, he felt no change in his mind, but that change showed in his body.

of course, this is the best punishment for losing consciousness.

Angel took a deep breath and spoke to Nancy in a low voice.


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