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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第81章 探险开始

第81章 探险开始 (第1/2页)

六七看书 67ks.com,最快更新克苏鲁地方志!


我的同事Scribe Nzall随后询问Zaq是否注意到制作标志的位置与地理之间的任何相关性,以辨别模式或目的。扎克查阅了他完美的心理记录,他说这两个地点都出现在更宽阔的开放区域,允许多种通道选择,高度非常适合从远处看到信息。这种相关性引起了圣贤们的兴趣,引发了关于战略位置是仪式还是航海目的的理论。


















记录结束,抄写员古尔塔斯,6283年 11月5日





As for her actions, Aria probably lost her life and woke up in the same bed. because this is not the first time he has experienced this kind of situation.

however, Aria thinks the man knows something. otherwise, Azathoth's book is not true.

with a little consideration from Aliya, I was able to confirm that the person in front of me is unnecessary.

but at the same time, I lost meaning at that time.

At this, Aria's doubts disappeared.

Kuroba-san, it's too late. I don't think it will be popular.

Aaliya says her face is not happy.

right? It's early, it's only ten o'clock, it's probably normal at this time, why are you staring at someone you don't like?

bailian turned his head, but the smile did not disappear from his face. Aria had never seen this man smile for a day, but how a person should live had nothing to do with Aria.

oh, I see it.


right? will he forget all this?

If not, who will explain the other side?

wait, if someone remembers, they should bother you next time.

Leia's body could not bear to think about this possibility and stared at Villian with strong eyes, but with the so-called tenacity and courage, the box easily won in the hands of the opponent.

Raised by hunger and the magic of money, Aria doesn't expect to know anyone she meets at this point, except those Aria met before this mindless desire. - who is he?

Richlian slowly took off his clothes and threw them on the couch.

No matter how old your bed is or how effective it is.

however, this causes the lockbox to open.

Aria never thought that the key to this box was unreliable.

It must be intentional and done for the purpose of showing off.

however, Aria did not answer this question.

because Aaliyah can't say everything she wants to say just inside the box.

this vegetable collection embodies the magic of Frankly.

It represents the beauty of wealth.

Aria absolutely couldn't stand this inner beauty.

And such attraction is not bad for Alya, it is difficult to resist him.

Arya immediately fell in love with Kuroi because of his kind and caring nature.

It is good for smart people to give money.

but I'm hungry, so can you give me some food?

that's what Aria thought as her inner cry brought out the truth from Frankly's inner beauty.

Aria sighed, looking at this amount of money, she didn't think even RbG could buy it.

but Aaliyah also knows these pitfalls, and they are full of charm, and maybe even delicious.

No, it should be like that even if you fall into a hole.

xiao heiyu knew that Aria was not a good person.

So Aaliyah spun around the fire first.

then he looked from Franklin and back to Vailian, who was pouring tea and eating cookies.

Are you waiting for cookies?

Aria wondered when she got such cookies at home.

So, Kuroba-sama, why are you here?

Aria looked at him like a puppy waiting to be fed.

by the way, why not look at the cookies? which aisle has cookies?

he finished his meal.

Aria watched as Vailian slowly put the last biscuit in her mouth.

hearing this, Alia wondered if he was trying to get the food from the other mouth.

however, the opponent does not give him such a chance, and in the future he will directly hit the water.

Alya's stomach rumbled again.

Saidai bai Lian didn't listen and just stared at Alya as she lost the last biscuit and screamed.

Aria knew her mate meant it, so she gritted her teeth and stared at bylian with angry eyes.

You don't want someone to eat in front of you when you're hungry, even though you know that person has no responsibility to take care of you.

Especially do not give yourself oil or water.

Arya doesn't mind taking food from other people's mouths.

however, he did not give hope to the opponent.

this made Aliya read the tafseer and kiss another person in the fire.

well, it's not fun, this time there's money at stake. this time, I did not do anything to exchange the banknotes into single-digit yen, nor did I exchange them for Renminbi. this time it's real US dollars, right? Nothing interesting.


Since when did this man bee kind?

maybe someone was released, and even though the corpse is still alive, nothing seems to happen.

well, whether it's good or not can be different.

the old love has long been lost in the game of others.

It was so disrespectful that Aria wanted to hide it forever.

therefore, he had no intention of contacting this person.

So Alia's son was easily fascinated by the US dollar's appreciation

however, his mind is still intact and I can't believe he accidentally gave it to someone, and it's weird no matter what you think about it.

hey, when did this happen?

I know that Kuroba-senpai is a bad person.

I'm always like this, xiao Ai, do you have a question? No matter what I am, I am a kind and caring person.

byrian looked at Aria unfortably, but the man's eyes were the same as before.

Aria noticed that the other person's attitude did not change at all.

As a result, Aria realizes that someone must have put something more sinister on her.

For Arya, there was no question.

because the nature of this man is that every dollar given to one person should result in more than $10 of benefit to others.

I hope it doesn't take 10 times this time.

Arya thought it was impossible, but Arya couldn't defeat her opponent.

For example, the witch in demon Soldier is supposed to be like the demon of God, but Aria is not like that yet.

things like the spine are very important for 5 year olds.

Aria found a reason not to be afraid. of course, it's not because she's a weak woman.

So, even if Villian is satisfied with the money he gave before, he doesn't feel threatened even if Arya bees mortal.

Aria now hoped that the man would finish what he wanted to say soon.

but going to a close friend's place is nonsense, I hear, even a fool like Aria won't agree to such a story, and I can understand Kuroba Shirei's bad attitude because Aria is a college student.

wait, college?

Aria thought of something and reached out and took one of her hands.

So, do you understand? Everything you did in college?

right? Are you losing your memory? A little love.

bailian was confused. but it's more curiosity than confusion, like asking why others have forgotten this memory.

how did this moment happen? bai Lian felt that he had left the group with memories that he would never forget.

have you forgotten?


bai Lian suddenly felt that he had to give the other party an unforgettable memory.

Not knowing what Kurio was thinking, Aria looked at him with those same pure eyes.

Secretly making a decision, bai Lian quickly put the idea on the back burner, knowing that Aria was in danger.

It's like a bomb that can go off at any time.

It was as if the big man sleeping inside Aria's body was slowly waking up.

If bailian continues to inspire other parties like this, he will surely be finished soon.

So byakuren decided to follow his opponent for a while.

I have to ask, but we met in second grade. you forgot what happened when we first met? this is the beginning of a beautiful dream.

this is a dream.

Aria didn't think she was satisfied.

however, Aria could tell that the other person wasn't lying.

bailian has no memory of his past, has just been attacked by the Supreme demon and the Eternal God, and salvation is now in danger.

bailian thought it was impossible to imagine himself in the real world.

So Aria nodded and said:

Is it like this?

Yes, indeed, is it necessary to lie about these little things?

Rich Lian answered honestly. Aria wasn't sure if she agreed.

Arya seems to have no reason to stop him from doing business with other parties, but he lacks sympathy.

Aria thought to herself as she ate some grilled feet.

by the way, is there anyone else?

Aria hoped that the other side would bring food.

No more. how much did you eat? do you still want to eat?

bai Lian did not believe the man's story. It seems difficult to understand why so much food can enter a man's stomach.

It is true that the human body is small. how can I eat more?

Aria looked shocked, so she nodded shyly.

At this time, bai Lian also left Aiya's table, looking confused.

Aria thought, bailian didn't wake up, Aria went to work, received the text written by someone else and looked at it.

I said, have you been looking to write a novel lately?

Aria had not yet regained consciousness so she answered slowly.

No, what are you doing? what are you reading? don't read what other people write.

however, during the interview, Alia discovered that someone was looking inside other people without the owner's permission.

when Villian finished reading once, Aria stopped reading another.

these posts include my experiences and three true stories.

well, finally I think you should stop thinking about it, stories like yours will be famous after your death.

he is no different from your grandfather Edward darby.

bai Lian also made a similar ment after reading the script, and although it wasn't a nice ment, Alya felt that the other person was right.

because Aria thought so.

more to the point, if he thought he could make money writing, which he did, how could he not be grateful?

but this is no time for idle talk.

Alia was able to overe hunger with courage and a bucket enough for 10 of her family.

So why did you e to me at this time? what happened?

Aria tries to hurry up and get things done.

After eating, it's time to sleep.

Aria didn't want to discuss the idea of going to 12 o'clock with the crew.

No. can't I visit my friends?

but bailian didn't try to be polite and kept repeating the same nonsense to Arya.

of course, Alia won't accept a single letter of English.

I mean, you saw him, michele buenato, you saw the man.

there seemed to be a mysterious magical power in bailian's eyes, but it was a little different from the magic that manipulated spirits. After thinking that this was not a strange question, Aria answered:

what happened?

where is he now? xiao Ai, I think you still remember what a mission is.

Ah, I think the problem here is on the other side.

Alya reached up and shook her head, feeling her hair unfortably tangled.

don't worry, I'm not here to bother you, but it looks like you won't be long, I'll give you some money to help you out.

when Vailian said these words, Arya didn't believe him and didn't believe him very much.

At least we can have fun this week.

a week?

Aria accepted those words and grabbed someone's hand with strength and determination.

what do you know in the world?

very painful.

bailian suddenly cried out in pain, and Aria saw that her opponent's hands were red from the abuse.

Is it any wonder I'm so strong?

Aria never expected her power to grow this much.

when he played with others, he was no match for the boy's strength, and without pochi's protection, his body was weaker than the boy's.

All of his physical strength es from protecting animals or directly using God's powers.

despite this, his body was at the level of a child.

however, the other person's words were not like him, and the red mark on his hands was not a lie.

he had a lot of questions he wanted to ask the contestants, so Aria let him ask them.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

what's your problem

bai Lian held her small hand and said in fear.

why do you say a week? why is so much money being brought back?

counting time, your work starts in a week, little love. See here.

when byrian moved the little finger of his left hand, a magic book appeared next to him, but Aria threw it away as if it had been hit by fire.

Is this the book of Azathoth?

Although the appearance was different, the magic power was different, and the love that covered it was also different, and Aria understood what this grimoire was.

however, it was actually just another group, the book of Azathoth.

In other words, the other person has to play God's game.

Aria was shocked.

I don't know why, but there seems to be a reaction in his body.

Aria looked at Villian.

he looked into Alya's eyes again and spoke quietly.

Yes, but since they don't know you own the book, the money can be considered payment.

because what you do really depends on what you encounter.

when bai Lian said this, Alia still couldn't think of anything other than her two main tasks.

If it has anything to do with Arcane city, it's the letter my sister forced on me, and if it has anything to do with windmill town, it's probably human agency.

why did I receive such an invitation and why did I e to windmill town? It's the man's fault.

Alia dismissed these crazy thoughts.

but these far-fetched ideas are not true.

but even more frightening than this unique idea is its connection with other ideas.

In other words, the dreams built into the book of Azathoth are exactly what others have created for themselves.

because the opponent is a demon related to the book of Azathoth. At one point, he became the true leader of Azathoth's book.

however, Aria did not know that the person in front of her was one of the owners of the book of Azathoth, and thought that no one would be as lucky to be cursed as he was.

103 ships

Aria asked about Kuroba.

however, Aaliyah's questions aren't always answered thanks to someone else's words and wisdom.

meanwhile, all the answers have been given.

when the others came out and Arya thought about it, she realized that she didn't ask for anything.

(that's when I realized how stupid I was.)

Arya finally realized that she thought less of others.

No, no idiot would do this, but he did.

Aria admits she's a little crazy.

Luckily I still have a plush forter sitting on my couch.

Aria looked at the money box with love.

he looked upon bad luck with the greatest love.

In fact, he had never seen such a great treasure.

It is like a dream to use this money as you want.

Aria carefully counted the treasures in the box. It has approximately US$800,000.

For the first time, he felt that bailian was a good person. he was very happy with this gift.

I'm not going to lie, that's what Aria wanted to say.

however, Aria suddenly became angry.

A strange thought occurred to him.

Aria thought hard.

this gift seems to have an untold evil in it.

he looked at the pile of papers again and saw Franklin's once cheerful eyes turn to be charming.

It's like a treasure hunt.

Suddenly, a strange sensation occurred.

this fear is the same for those who suffer and cannot eat.

Aria put her things in her suitcase and calmed herself down by looking at the banknotes scattered inside.

the terrible wind blew through broken windows, papers and papers.

but Aria ignored it and slowly chanted a mantra.

the wind stopped, and papers and documents were scattered on the ground.

but Aria didn't pass.

he sat quietly on the sofa.

Aria wondered, could it be gold silk?

this is a baseless assumption. however, Alia wants to burn all the banknotes.

Aria overes this terrible desire.

he must have been angry for a long time.

to stop this nonsense, Aria sang again.

In the next moment, a small piece of ice froze to room temperature and fell into Aria's lap.

thorns of the storm entered the palm tree, and a red dot appeared on the small palm tree.

this shows that the small storm has fully penetrated.

the heat from the ice pick wakes Aliya up, but the sudden urge to turn causes Aliya's body to move involuntarily, making her injury worse.

however, Alya's thoughts almost ignored this madness and the pain quickly flared up and she was pletely on fire.

Aria did not feel the weight of her body.

he noticed that his body was slowly disappearing from anger.

he saw a confusing and unfathomable darkness, the darkest he had seen in years.

It was as if the darkness reached out and grabbed Aria, pulling her into a darkness she couldn't imagine.

the mocking voice of the devil reached his ears, and the sound penetrated his ears like an insect.

the body disappeared, melted in a terrible fire and disappeared into the darkness.

Suddenly, Alya was brought back to reality with a thump.

that worst and ugliest scene is over.

It's like a dream.

Arya's crazy dream spread like a bridge.

but he knows that this is not a dream, this is reality, and there is the darkest, most terrible darkness.

that fear was always with him.

At that moment, Aria saw where the screams were ing from.

that was the sound ing from his palm.

blood flowed from the palm where the thorns had pierced, and Aria's body temperature melted into the thorns.

he only did emergency medical care, dropped off medical supplies, and threw away boxes without hesitation.

things were left on the sofa.

but something strange happened this time.

the couch, which had been there for some time, made another horrible noise.

It sounds like a scream.

Such unusual noises indicate that the sofa has reached the end of its life.

when Aaliyah noticed this, the couch started to collapse, seemingly out of shape from the slightest push.

After half a second, it pletely disappeared, and where the chair was, there was rotten wood, cloth, and other black things.

Aria looked at the black donation box and saw what she saw there.

he had to accept that this was his legacy.

there is no other option.

(Am I bad?

Aria walked up to him and held out her hand.

Everything seemed normal except for the pain in the wound.

Nothing strange happened.

Aria shook her head at this miracle, and after thinking about it seriously, she came to the following conclusion.

the last grave of this legacy must be trash.

It is used for burning and heating, but it is sold as a poisonous gas, and no one will take it back even if it is sold.

then something worse happened.

the wood of the sofa suddenly split open, revealing the remains of a dead insect.

Autumn sounds like spring thunder.

Aria finally lost control of herself and clearly understood what the idiot was doing.

Aria cried when she saw it.


In front of Aliya's eyes, the mountain that had been piled up finally broke and collapsed.

Aria could do nothing to save him.

there is no magic that can turn this situation around.

there is nothing interesting in this world that can make such an event.

Aria was very disappointed when she realized that she had to spend money to buy another sofa.

with such a strong character, his eyes were filled with balls and they suddenly fell.

Aria cried and wondered if she could use anything.

At the highest level, he will even invite other animals to use him as a chair.

however, this false impression quickly disappeared.

the best way is to buy the chair yourself.

however, this spending plan was not in Alia's mind.

because, in his opinion, something as good as the US dollar should only be used for his sister.

It will be used elsewhere and everything will be interrupted.

You can use this with your sister to adjust the value of the US dollar.

In Aaliyah's case, she has a younger sister and although the skin is foamy, Aaliyah doesn't care.

whoever she fell in love with, it was just an illusion that didn't exist, and Aria would never regret it.

therefore, Arya has no intention of taking advantage of this wealth.

however, this idea quickly failed.

this misunderstanding is my fault, Aria thought to herself.

wasting your coins on furniture is an unforgivable sin.

Aria confirmed her sense of spending and finally made the decision to use the crazy animal as a chair with peace of mind.

whoever said that these were the windows of the research institute, Aria couldn't believe that such things didn't exist.

Aria believes that with good craftsmanship, guests won't notice that the couch they're sitting on is a monster on the ground.

After the program, Aria went to bed at 3 am.

this time it wasn't a dream, it was just another dream.

At first, Aria thought it was a dream, but she was wrong, because the apparition she knew before had nothing to do with the dream world.

otherwise, he will definitely leave the dream world and return to the dream world of fantasy.

the sun came out soon.

the magical clock that Aria had set was faithfully using its main body.

this invisible effect caused Aria to fall from her chair to the floor.

he looked at her cheek and touched it.

After carefully checking the time, Aria took hot water and quickly cooked the soup, which she ate right at the door.

Aria didn't have much time left, but she found out where the one she was looking for lived.

If you act at the wrong time, you will not get the desired results.

therefore, Aria was able to rush there as soon as possible and get ready early.

when Aliya came out, she greeted the neighbors as usual, but the others did not notice her arrival.

After such a situation, you need to be careful and act wisely.

Not far from the airport, Aria arrived here in about 10 minutes.

At 8 in the morning the train he was waiting for left.

It's exactly 7:46 now.

there is still time, but the train hasn't arrived yet.

however, this strange thought may have arisen from Arya's fear.

In fact, it is not possible to wait 15 minutes before boarding a local train, and 5 minutes is generally considered a good arrival time.

So, Aria is not in the room at the moment.

time moves in minutes. Aria watched the moment in the hallway.

I know this is the last time, I have no regrets, and I can't do anything but examine my thoughts and examine my journey.

Aria took a deep breath, looked at her watch, and focused on listening to the movement of the plane.

Unfortunately, the train hasn't arrived yet, and the difference between a second and a second is longer than Aria's maximum laugh.

think, think, think every second.

matter seems to be separated from consciousness, and spirit from matter.

during this time, a dark and unimaginable evil happened that no one knew about.

Aria couldn't feel him or her body.

but a tap on his shoulder pulled him back from the spiritual world for a moment.

Aria turned around.

So what do I do?

when Aria looked at the person, she saw that she was a well-dressed old woman with silver hair.

however, Aria felt conflicted somewhere.

this misconception es from women's skin.

because his skin is softer and harder than a child's.

It is not an old man's skin.

Aria couldn't see the mole on her mate's body, but she was an old woman in the first place, so it was no wonder why she was there.

one eye stared at Aria without any tension.

there was no malice or knowledge in his eyes.

there is only one vision, and it includes eternal mercy.

Amman noticed that Alia was not looking at him, but her eyes were on him.

A kind of darkness forced Arya against her will until she stopped breathing.

the old woman said in a low voice.

Are you in a hurry?

Aria didn't find the old woman's question strange. because there are so many strange things, and he doesn't have time to answer strange things.

Aria asked without answering the other person's question.


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