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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第80章 北洞穴网络

第80章 北洞穴网络 (第1/2页)

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加。一切都如预期的那样出现在北洞内。但是,在第九天的晚餐后,扎克报告了引发新问题的迹象。划痕的标记被窥探在露头的石头上,清晰地描绘并朝外 - 不是自然侵蚀,而是故意留下的标记。我们已知的档案中没有记录以前在这些洞穴中看到的这种迹象。难道前面的旅行者已经从这条路上经过了,还有人在附近逗留吗?谜团似乎越深,他们的任务就越深。



记录结束,抄写员古尔塔斯,6283年 10月13日









- by the way, I should have met him.

therefore, if you want to learn magic, you must first put your mind above human thoughts, or at least have a mind like animals.

therefore, in the eyes of the people, the sorcerer is an animal in human skin.

And hardegger is definitely a clean man inside and out.

therefore, without cultivating a good heart, it is difficult to understand the secrets of magic. how do we understand?

It is like a non-scientist who can look at a good car and understand that it is a miracle.

he has the ability to read magic books, but considering history, he cannot read magic books, which is a heretical technology.

why can't you understand?

hardeg looked closely at the clock to his left and saw that the time was five minutes earlier than usual.

Are you worried?

It was almost a miracle.

there is no better siren song than this.

but hardeg wasn't just confused by the sound, he was really angry.

he vented his inpetent anger at the owner of this beautiful voice.

he himself did not know why he did it, or why he revealed his lack to people who had nothing to do with him.

maybe the other person acted inappropriately because it showed up at the wrong time.

It is a cause and an effect.

therefore, the guilty person bees another party.

while he was thinking about this, cadegu was always angry with the speaker.

but the observers laughed.

It's not a smile, it's not a sneer, and there's no malice involved.

It is so transparent, pure and pure that no one can find it.

hardegger thought to himself: because aren't emotions in the human world like dirt?

You are the first person to hear my voice and catch my negative emotions.

the girl finished her speech without taking the man seriously.

but his eyes were always on hardegger.

- Is he happy?

there was indescribable joy in hardegger's eyes, and he was as happy as he was angry.

but in truth, hardeg's anger disappeared when he looked on the other side.

because the other person is a woman.

For hardegger, there is nothing more disgusting than being cast like an innocent child.

his long, straight black hair was as black as ink and reached down to his neck like silk.

her face is beautiful, soft, and moves like a precious doll.

her snow-colored skin was as thick and smooth as milk mixed with honey.

It is very different from the average head.

mr. hardeg how he looks, but unfortunately he is indifferent and does not know what to say.

She was wearing a beautiful little dress and had eyes as dark as night.

hardeg got angry and turned to his opponent.

If you think about it, the library here seems free and open.

this requires reading at least a few magic books.

And this is definitely not something that women can handle.

who are you?

hardegger asked a smart question.

but she clearly understood that it was not a man.

Look closely, how does one get a beautiful body?

besides man-eating animals, are there other beautiful creatures that try to kill people?

In other words, hardeg knew that the second half of the sentence sounded strange.

however, the other party did not notice.

hello, my name is Alia devi. Never mind my name, there's no reason to care.

please call me love if you can.

I like this name because it is more familiar.

Love said with a smile.

her tone is perfect and her voice is as beautiful as a fairy tale.

I felt nothing but kindness.

It seems that such pure thoughts bee light.

but the more things happened, the more shocked hardegger became.

Such beauty and such pure emotion is not something humans can do.

but he didn't hate it.

hardegger does not hate saints.

however, not everyone goes to the miskatonic Library. You better get out of here before someone finds out.

mr. hardegger kindly reminds me.

don't worry, no one knows.

If I don't like it, even if I go out in front of people, no one will notice the miracles I have done and people will accept it.

hardegger was surprised by the words of love and did not realize that it was a lie.

but can we do things that even spiritual bodies cannot do?

whenever hardeg thought this, Rab seemed to hear them.

don't worry, if you don't have spiritual knowledge in this area, you won't feel it.

people consider God's position in heaven and earth to be neutral, and consider disasters to be God's power.

Soyaya then read a text that had nothing to do with her.

hardeg thought for a moment.

do you want to call yourself God? God's position is invisible to others, and God's power is a natural disaster or natural phenomenon.

this sentence makes no sense.

Love smiled as if he had no intention at all.

but I can e to you especially.

I don't remember having that kind of love or divine desire, and I don't know you either.

hardegger answered seriously.

Even though I didn't know this before, is it okay for me to know now? hardeg hexter.

hardegger's full name is spelled love correctly.

but hardegger avoided telling him his name.

but if you think about it, your name is not really important and it is not difficult to decide whether you like it or not, so there is nothing surprising here.

but why does this man like his name? this practice is impossible because members of the same class do not know each other.

It's not hard to figure out, but friendship starts with getting to know each other. I know you very well.

he was quite happy to see hardeg.

Shadow slowly raised his hand, and hadegar jumped in fear, but quickly returned to his seat.

however, in the future, hardeg returns to his old self.

It is no coincidence that you met a talented person, not a useless person.

Like I said before, please believe that I am not here to hurt you, I am here to help you.

help me?

You can think of it as a blessing from God that happens every now and then, or you can think of it as an early christmas present from Santa claus. You can think of this image as a bodhisattva.

there is no reason to deceive you, and you should not be deceived.

words of love became sharp arrows that pierced hardeg's heart.

but hardeg knows that his opponent is innocent.

First of all, you know that there are different levels of magic books.

before he could explain, Love started asking questions.

Ironically, hardegger has no intention of escaping this irony.

because he will understand that this is an event that will change his life.

perhaps this is a true God who suddenly shows mercy.

perhaps it is a game played by a mysterious animal.

but no matter what happened, hardeg never left his extraordinary life like ordinary people.

Nothing beats the idea that a normal and fortable life is good.

After all, he is also a magician who wants to reach God.

he still can't use magic.

So hardeg nodded to show that he knew.

It's easy to understand when you know that the differences between magic books are the same as the differences between people.

Even fairy tales for children are not listened to by everyone, because children are happy when they see the death of the magician, and sad when the princess dies.

different alignments require different treatments.

the cost of this part decreases with the purchase, but does not increase.

For example, a person who is hard of hearing may have a disability for some reason, but just because a person with a disability is trying hard does not mean they are dumb.

this is a frequently asked question

you are there to make me laugh.

hardegger heard the beautiful woman in front of him trying to say that he was crippled and no matter what he did, he would bee crippled, so what the examples of others said.

If he did not understand the perversions of his party members, hardeg immediately beat him.

No, so it's normal.

but there are always surprises in the world.

however, this does not separate us from God's great mercy.


hardegger tried to figure out the answer in his head.

Love shook his head in protest.

- And this is not mon sense.

It's a magic book, the power of a magic book can restore human nature, even a magician who can't do magic bees more powerful when faced with the magic book he describes.

For example, a future necromancer.

the talent of the magician is very important, but the thoughts that determine the fate, if not properly thought, will be useless even if you reach the door of magic, and it is impossible to prevent it.

It's not like some crazy magical transformation.

but where can you get this magical book using the power of the magic book? the secret of necromanism you are talking about is the original book, right? this is also a magical transformation. Is there a difference?

mr. hardeg seems to agree with mr. Soyaya's statement that he considers himself a disciplined person and does not believe that one party is a liar, but why should he be patient and listen to what the other party has to say? this is absurd.

but Love didn't care.

Yes, magic has its curses. magic is the power to create things, and science is the power to control things. but what I'm talking about is the power above the world, that's it. It destroys the work itself. , includes surprises but excludes them.

what did you say

Your mind often gets in the way of thinking, but if you try some things yourself, you will find that it is more helpful than anyone's words or proofs. Your personal feelings are yours, whether they are evidence or tactics, they are all given to you and implanted in your memory by others.

After Souya finished speaking, he silently pointed to the ribbon on his chest with his white finger.

then the light hit.

the tape opened and part of the dress fell off.

Under hardegger's close supervision, Love had all of her breasts removed.

but there's nothing wrong with expecting a girl, so that's not the fun part.

It's like stepping into another world.

what is this?

Are you listening to it?

Love pointed her cute finger at the ribbon and said:

do you want to hear it?

I am the sky, the sky of wisdom.

In Eastern mythology, some enlightened beings ascend to another world, another world, and sometimes take their friends with them. his body changed and he was called a monster in his mind.

And the memories of these taoists will be recorded, because everything is in the tao and they will never die.

this is the place of their knowledge, the heaven where the wisdom of all the enlightened people of the world is preserved, that is the paradise of the philosophers.

here you can get all the knowledge, wisdom and power you need, knowledge is power, there is nothing wrong with this sentence, it is different from the understanding of ordinary people.

with the wisdom of celestial beings, even a stone can think enough to bee the first mage.


asked hardeg.

It all depends on what you want, but why study magic or new technology?

they want love. then he gave out different books depending on the person's answer.

hardeg then explained the reason, and at the same time Rab took the book from space.

So think carefully about this book. Although it is a magic book, it is not a real book, but it is not inferior to any other book.

Rab shouted, leaving hardeg shocked.

So what do we call it? why are you helping me?

Is it a man? You can call it a mind book or a fiction document. of course, its real name is the map of mountains and rivers created by the wisdom of celestial maidens. because these are not real books, they are only books learned from the memory of intelligent celestial beings. philosopher, are these books magic? maybe because the true grimoire has all the power.

however, not everyone can be his boss. You can try to create your own paradise with it, but remember that whatever happens, you don't have to sign a contract with these magical books.

You can also try to use Grimoire wisdom, but you don't need to own it, because you need the grimoire you find.

when the magic book leaves you, the created paradise bees your gateway and you lose time. then your kingdom and yourself will disappear before everyone's eyes.

but if you just read, he'll be happy to lend his energy. the reason books exist is to read.

Rab smiled and hardeg's face turned red.

he closed the gates of wisdom heaven and became a ribbon again. then he turned and walked out the door of the library. however, when he made his first move, hardeg stopped him too late.

what else?

this is a magic book, and you, where did it e from?

we tell you everything you need to know, but people always have specific knowledge they need to know, such as whether each situation is suitable for human life.

but if you want to know what it is

Ai came back with a beautiful smile.

Jinnoyomi is a puppet who hides the wisdom of the gods of another world. my job is to make it available and read by those who need it. but, unfortunately, the owner of the banned book was not found.

Are books banned?

well, I think these books are forbidden because they are based on the will of heaven and human wisdom.

only by mastering the Forbidden book can you control the heaven of wisdom. I am the door and he is the gatekeeper.

own a banned book?

of course I couldn't find it.

I need a man like I need a partner.

when Love finished speaking, he left.

After some time, hajar also left miskatonic University.

A village was born through the power of the forbidden book, and it became the law of the village.

Like God, he can do whatever he wants through this realm.

At that time, he mishandled the sealed forbidden book of the kingdom and sought help from the devil, and learned of the existence of the thirteen Fears.

Note: Silver Leader cannot be used with Shattered Leader or Flambell. It was from the bookshelf of danteria, also known as the Shattered Leader, who called himself Fallen. this is a tradition from dinfreek, because the color is used to represent evil gods. In this work, he is the Silver overlord, and refers to the Eternal Lord of the First Age of Umru.

Note: the \Forbidden book Lord\ here refers to Su xia's world Library, \true Love\, and the queen of Forbidden books Love. the two went with Souya, whose name was Yomi.

Appendix 2: A brief history of my student days

It was a long time ago.

A regular magic class began in the classrooms of miskatonic University.

magic cannot be taught.

It is almost impossible for a student to study and get a master's degree based on their studies.

of course, for many students, even if they take good classes, achieving that level of education is difficult.

therefore, occult students must attend classes in addition to their study time to read magic books.

basically, we not only introduce different magic courses, but the course content also covers different topics.

Fun and hassle-free.

Alia did not understand why she took these courses.

For example, we are currently teaching cave architecture.

God only knows why magicians need to learn such things.

So he closed his eyes and lay down on the table.

Long live Aria's spirit.

most importantly, the closest thing to his life was gone: free meals distributed by a nearby church.

because yesterday an evil person threw a bomb in the church.

And Aria has no money to eat.

After spending the night starving, Aria truly believed he was dead.

how can I increase my motivation to learn the basics?

As a result, I daydream even during class.

he has yet to master basic magic.

If you leave class without sleep, it's over.

A soft voice echoed in Alya's ears.

At that moment, I heard the sound of a small hand patting Aaliyah on the back.

his anger was not strong, it was as if he was trying to wake up Aria, who was already starving.

however, it does not have the power to fly.

then it acted like a bug and stopped.

do you want to eat?

I love that!

Aria quickly gathered her strength and answered, but by halftime, she was at the limit of her physical strength and was about to collapse.

he grabbed Aaliyah with both hands before she fell.

At that moment, Aria realized that what she saw was not a dream; he felt as if someone was talking to him.

Aria stared at him with sleepy eyes.

She is a girl about 16 to 17 years old.

Soft and smooth black hair, smooth and white skin.

there seems to be disfort in my chest due to secondary growth.

Aria thought it was a waste of space and pletely pointless.

when he watched the second half, he couldn't hold his breath and cried.

It breaks Aaliyah's heart to think that she is only 16 years old and has yet to grow.

what happened? you are good

to Alya's surprise, the woman she was talking to bowed her head in confusion.

At that time, the girl heard a voice ing from inside Aria.

At that moment, the girl realized that because she was hungry, so was her partner.

the girl lifted Aaliyah's cheek and their eyes met.

wake up and don't sleep.

he slapped Aaliyah's cheeks with both palms causing Aaliyah to look at the girl and she liked Aaliyah.


who are you talking to, Kuroba-senpai?

what did I do to get his attention? I'm sure I'm not doing anything weird.

As Aria thought about this, she heard his strange scream.

Aria seems to understand why someone is attracted to her.

when Aaliyah heard this, her face turned red as if she was bleeding.

Aria felt pain and shame.

we are in the same grade, but don't you know that I am older than you?

however, the woman known as Kuroba Aria-senpai was not intimidated by her opponent.

maybe it was because of the tender relationship that he didn't tell others about his problems.

but Aria also knew the other wasn't, and that was impossible.

what the other person said didn't take long to explain what was needed at the moment.

therefore, it will be passion and consideration for others.

Aria thought.

At the same time, the girl who called herself Kuroba stretched out her fingers and caressed his cheek.

Strike the injured side.

And he was angry, as if he regretted what had happened.

the Kuroba woman looked confused and touched the other person's cheek with her finger.

is it hot I'm sorry, I see you lost and hopeless.

Aria listened to the other party's explanation and also looked at the condition of the party members.

he lost his temper.

my opponent is a genius in the magic department, and has mastered at least two magic systems in two years.

It is very difficult to master the magic system until you bee a wizard.

pared to Aaliyah, it's like a star and dust.

because Aria has no spells on her.

he's not really smart, he's just stupid.

Aria, who had the chance to talk to this man, was not offended by his behavior.

of course, the most important reason is the truth

Now, you want to eat me?

So Aria decided to eat somewhere else because she was starving and almost dying here.

No, I lost once and got hit again.

did I say please?

Kuroi's words made Aria faint for a moment.

Aliya was very hungry and very sad.

I was so hungry that I thought it was okay to run around naked if someone asked me for something tasty.

It's scary and shocking.

however, on the other hand, Aria still harbors a desire to eat people.

try to slow your opponent down.

please forget to go to sleep. You will not be hungry while sleeping. Not just not eating for a few days, nothing else.

After that, Aria seemed to fall asleep instantly, which could be pared to a a.

Seeing this scene, black cotton was helpless.

well, this time I'll take care of you.

Aria also remembered that she was not used to it, but her excitement grew when she heard that there was free food.

Let's go then.

Aria took Kuryu's hand and headed to the most expensive restaurant.

are you on the right track?

huh? don't you want to go to the store?

Aria was confused and didn't think about the other bag.

the school cafeteria at this university is expensive, so the daily meals available are almost like a buffet.

It's really delicious.

why go to a restaurant? how can we get all this cheap food into our stomachs?

however, Kuroba's answer surprised Aria.

right? what did you say

Kuroi didn't repeat his words and directly dragged Aliya to the room after halftime.

Aria was hungry and running out of energy, so she couldn't accept such a cat.

but he thought he wouldn't prepare anything for her, and when Aria brought food, she took it without looking.

the trip took about five minutes and they returned to the room, back to Kurobane, frankly.

Aaliyah didn't have her own room, so she didn't ask for anything and no extra money.

he was always looking for a place to sleep and even bathed in the pool bathroom.

Is there anything to eat here?

Aliya was surprised, her stomach rumbled, and she felt like she would die if she continued training without eating.


Kurui replied with a smile, seemingly oblivious to the other man's rudeness.

No flavor here.

Kuryu opened the door and saw Alya's room.

he hopes there will be no further charges.

Aliyah prayed fervently.

Arya immediately realized that her prayer was wrong.

Aria noticed that there were other people in the room.

Eye sensitivity: 70\/83, failed

Reflection View - Exit: 60\/64, bottom

Loss of mind is the visual number: 6

when Aria saw the man, she felt an unbearable fear.

Aaliyah seemed to lose sight of him.

Kango, the desert awaits you.

It is none other than myself.

An evil shadow wind blew across the desert.

Aria looked up at the sky, but there were no stars.

No, there are such things as stars.

this is a copper world.

turn around, turn around.

the world is revealing its true face.

this is the eye.

they stared at them with black eyes.

the bodies disappeared in an instant.

the mind seems to follow the body and disappear.

All scenes will disappear.

All five roads were destroyed.

however, in the future, Aria wakes up to hear Kuroi's voice.

Aria finally understood what this world was like.

- this is a kind of despair


Aria let out a strange scream, an unknown force filling her body, and rushed out the door.

however, in the next moment, Kuryuu placed his hand on Alya's body, and a great force immediately stole Alya's power.

I immediately lost my courage.

Aliya's legs went weak and her whole body collapsed.

but Kurio caught his opponent and saved him.

Amy, can someone give me more attention? you are afraid of him.

Kuroba's wife Emmy calls Aria an immature child.

her golden hair reached her waist and her snow white skin made her look like a snow doll.

her blue eyes were like jewels in a delicate dress.

he looks beautiful, he is only 9 years old

they are both girls, but one is different on Aaliyah's level.

I apologize. I don't think Kuroba is bringing anyone here, and what he is bringing (majin) is not a friend.

It hasn't happened yet, but it will soon.

Kuroba replied with a smile.

So we're bringing it now, and that opportunity isn't here, we have to bring it here.

only in this way you can enjoy its beauty.

when you bee a friend (devil), it can be difficult to move on.

In addition, he must be taught how to bee a demon by an evil god.

I don't want this devil to take revenge on me.

So what do you think about Elized's magic mirror?

Kuryu wanted to give Emi some ideas, but before Emi could answer, Aria seemed to hear Kuroi's words.

right? Kuroba-senpai, what did you say?

Aria heard that their conversation was a dream.

however, at that moment, Kuroi seemed to tear off his mask.

he turned to Aaliyah and kissed her profusely before sliding his tongue into her.

their tongues swirled and struck like lightning.

Alya tried to back away, but Kuryu stopped her.

how are you

Alya blushed and shivered at what the cat did.

Even if one is ugly and the other is beautiful, it's too much.

don't do it, I'll make you pay.

As if by magic, Aria discovered that once upon a time, delicious food and wonderful smells appeared.

when he smelled it, his mood increased and the demon began to resemble him.

Aria put all the food she saw in her stomach.

but at this point, Amy was determined to speak up.

mr. Kuroba, is this okay? Just transform white bread into something else using baking techniques. once he finds out, he will definitely want to beat you up.

don't worry, how can you tell what someone eats while sleeping on an empty stomach? As long as it smells and looks good, you don't have to worry about texture or taste.

said Kuryu with a smile.

Adds well to it.

Is it good?

Amy shook her head in confusion.

Yes, it is a magical drink that makes people dream sweet dreams.

Kuroba was right.

but for us (genies), it's like candy. but it is also a powerful medicine for the dead.

It is a good idea to sleep at least one full day, unless your sleep causes you to fall into a dream.

my opponent's argument makes no sense to me, but I think it's more fun to play dumb before your opponent tells you.

Kurui said this in a stern tone, but his face was as pure as an angel.

you are the bad one

don't say that, Amy. this is very difficult.

his dark eyes emitted a strange light, as if he was trying to explain something in detail.

Under this light, even the most beautiful faces look distorted and dangerous.

Isn't it fun and interesting to play freely with paints when the leader is not old?

I've been waiting for something as exciting as this for years.


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