
关灯 护眼
六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第81章 探险开始

第81章 探险开始 (第2/2页)

Excuse me, do we know each other?

Aria asked her blue eyes shining as she met the older woman's eyes.

the other person's eyes were very clear, and in front of the strict students, it was very difficult for Aria to accept evil.

however, the other person was unknown to Aria.

Although it has bee smaller, its personality remains the same.

No, Aria's idea was the first, because other people's personalities affect their appearance.

I don't know him.

the old woman was not lying, she was telling the truth.

Aria also heard laughter on the other side.

however, Aria couldn't understand what the other person was thinking, like why she was smiling at this moment.

In addition to that, the disobedience caused by the other side also made Ali feel good.

Even though we don't know each other.

the old lady smiled kindly, as she wanted to explain.

this smile shows that he loves his grandson very much.

Aria was so surprised that she almost lost herself in her smile.

Verdict: 5044, win.

however, Alia soon abandoned this kindness and felt no pleasure in strangers.

As Arya regained consciousness, the old woman moved.

but since I'm not in a hurry, I'll give it to you.

there is no writing on the scratched black card.

Like black cardboard, it is very hard and won't break easily even if you cut it with a knife.

his expression was a little strange, but his words were serious.

Aria reached out and wagged her finger.

At the same time, different boxes also caught his eye.


but Aliya's question was not answered. because when he asked the old owl, he disappeared.

dejected, Alia could do nothing but put the box in her bag.

however, when he looked at the cards, he did not notice any letters or symbols written on the black cards.

Its structure is very strange, as it seems to be posed of various arcane runes; a quick calculation shows that there are at least 38 of them, but the runes overlap and cannot be seen. one thing.

If you're familiar with magic or the cthulhu mythos, you've probably seen at least a dozen symbols of the evil god.

older versions are also included.

however, unlike stamps, where different stamps overlap, the text on the card is clearly written.

wele to the privacy watchers Group. You are now our member.

this sentence makes no sense and seems to have a bad meaning.

And below is written the name Kumesh trojan.

thirty seconds after I put it in my pocket, the entire card was gone.

Aria knew nothing about this strange situation, but she had no way of feeling it.

because the plane finally arrived.

Ah, it's time.

the noise of the train was so loud that when the train stopped, Aria went to the fifth box because this is the station. And to my surprise, when I arrived, I looked for him and sat down. .

the train looks like a white and silver high-speed train, and while it's a mystery how it was made, it may be time for the pany to make changes to the planes underneath. Let's make some style changes.

So, Arya didn't care about anything.

About 3 minutes after departure, a new train arrived, and although it was a regular train, many passengers got off when the doors opened, causing confusion among the passengers inside the train.

It's 8 o'clock on the train.

inside the silver train

right? Is it weird that my watch looks 3 minutes early?

Aria looked at the silver clock on her left hand and suspiciously saw three minutes left. but his watch is 8 o'clock. three minutes later, it was eight o'clock to his right.

the second hand rotates the time clockwise and shows every second. during one revolution of the second hand, the minute hand moves one frame to reach the minute position.

Aria shook her head. this is normal. the watch is intact and works safely.

maybe it's stupid, but even if it's a real problem, my magic is enough to solve it, unless I meet a monster that can summon a ghost lord.

Aria couldn't understand what was happening as she watched the clock ticking faster.

the flight was faster than expected, almost an hour to reach Arya.

It is called curry city, a rural town.

It seems to be surrounded by factories, and tall chimneys spewing gas can be seen near small houses and farms.

It is a town of factories and farms.

but Aria has no place here.

About 30 minutes later, Aliyah was walking on the side of town when she saw a trail of thick grass and broken stones that looked like they had been trampled by horse hooves. that's it. It looks like someone is going to walk.

Aria stood there and softly chanted the spirit of the word. the wind appeared before him, the sky thundered, and the heavens opened, as if the waters were divided by the magic of moses. the best scene appeared in front of Alya. It was a wide path paved with stones, and although it was short, it was more beautiful than anything he had seen.

As Aria stepped forward and entered the road, there was a soft spot, and Aria's figure and the road suddenly disappeared.

the deserted mountain road appeared again.

104 Emmys

Aria walked down the street in front of him.

the sudden fear of this strange path is terrifying.

but Aria is well trained and knows where the road ends.

this is the only way to the kingdom of man.

Aria knew that this place existed, so she decided to go in that direction without fear.

he turned around, but the door was gone, the entrance was gone, like a star in the sky.

A little way to find out where.

Aria had no intention of returning, and had no idea what was being sung across the street.

because the danger here is stronger than in the real world.

Aria felt like she was in a pit of fear.

the sky is dark and full of stars.

the brightest interstellar gap is the moon, which emits a soft glow at its center.

but surprisingly, this new moon is blue.

It was like a night in another world.

still morning

A strange sound was heard in the forest near the road.

If you listen closely, you will see that it is a child crying for help.

the scream was terrifying, it was as if I had just encountered the most terrifying thing in the world.

A spirit-like voice could be heard behind the screams.

If you are a good person, these sounds will definitely attract your attention and save people of conscience.

but unfortunately, Aria is a pletely ruthless person.

because this wasn't the first time Arya had tried this method.

the way cannibals attract people's attention has not changed for a long time.

If you listen carefully, you will see that there is magic in the sound.

It is a kind of magic that promotes kindness.

Alya's indifference was unaffected by this magical power.

he changed this path with a heart of stone.

because his mysticism and mythology make it clear that this is not the cry of a child.

this is the sound of an animal named Jukwi when it is hungry.

besides, there were no other children here.

because the truth lies in between.

And there are demonic gods on earth called the old Gods and the outer Gods.

of course, the universe is big, just as the universe is big.

the Ancients exist here, in a place called the court of chaos, in a war between dimensions.

the distance from here to space is enormous.

however, there are still many animals here, especially the descendants of other gods, which are like insects, and no matter how you kill them, they are still there.

maybe that's why the rulers of this kingdom have no intention of cleaning the animals.

If the owner does not place an entrance\/exit here, Aria's magical power cannot pass through the barrier and enter the space gap.

demons and gods live in this world.

the gods of hatred always guard this place.

Aria knew that she wasn't feeling well right now and that she shouldn't be here.

but I have no choice but to e here without thinking.

Arya is in the middle of the universe, but it is safer than chaos, because a wizard changed the place with the technology of the light of the kingdom of God and it is now a place of peace.

however, the demonic god known as the old man may want to instill pride in the seemingly sick.

It is like a fairy tale paradise, and the existence of a paradise is also similar.

the only difference is that this is a realm between universes and these mythical creatures exist in a place called dreams.

this place is so strong and the spiritual energy is moving around it that even if the womb is removed, people do not feel that it returns.

In this infinite outer world, whatever happens is not accidental.

Aria breathed in slowly and absorbed this spiritual energy, feeling the mystery within it.

he knew that the mystery here was the stuff of dreams.

It is a forbidden fruit that people cannot refuse.

but every breath, every breath was in this mysterious aura, and Aria's body could not resist this temptation.

his body attracted more attention, and the air around him gave him an unbearable energy.

Aliyah knew that this was a carnal concept of entering the kingdom of God.

So he ran faster.

well, this is not my first time here, but every time I hear this voice, I feel good.

At this time, Aria's face was ugly. Although this place is as safe as anywhere else - at least in Fantasyland, there are no monsters roaming around aimlessly, and there really aren't any. there are no evil gods. passed.

but in reality, like the real world, it is bad, dangerous, unstable, and pointless. because you can't get everything here.

Although the old Gods hid their magic in the middle of the universe, in a place called the courtyard of chaos, it was not easy for their magic to penetrate anything other than themselves, other than the path. I can't do it. In other words, he can bring everything in the world, but he can't get everything.

the theme is that Arya is unable to take anything from the world, not even her clothes, as a result of knowing that she is a wizard.

So when Arya came here, she didn't bring anything, especially magic books, and she didn't want her magic books to disappear from the world forever.

he doesn't have a magic book, but because his powers are low, he can't sympathize or ask for help, and even if he dies, he cares about their lives. true or not, false or not, he didn't care now.

It also made him feel cold-blooded.

Aria is not the type of person to risk her life to save another person. this is his world, so who can explain it?

After about 10 minutes of walking, a villa appeared in front of me. Although it is called a residence, it looks like a large building from the 18th or 19th century.

the whole atmosphere was a bit chaotic, like a palace built over 600 years.

the man Aria is looking for is in this fortress.

he also believes in the content of the other party, otherwise he cannot participate.

because even the maximum physical distance is not here.

If he doesn't like you, no matter how you run away, he won't change.

Aria ran to the door of her house and looked at the door in front of her.

Aria cried and put her hand on the door.

Sometimes my hands sweat.

An inexplicable fear filled Aaliyah's body.

the surroundings seemed to be covered in darkness.

A voice was heard from the darkness.

She is beautiful, acts like a mermaid, and has a beautiful voice that has no regrets even if she is swallowed by a monster.

Solution: 60\/61, failed.

but this time, Aria was engulfed in eternal darkness.

In the darkness, in a dreamlike sleep, Aria realized the root of darkness, the root of the world.

It is guarded by a demon named cthulhu, a dead king.

he arrived. he's ing, he's on the other side. is in your heart.

A thought crossed Aria's mind.

the song seems to be an ode to the world.

A dark and violent party has begun.

this christmas is black, black.

Aria slept quietly for a long time in the dark river.

however, cold smoke came out from his fingers.

Aaliyah cries seeing the carnival gone and everything destroyed like a bridge.

what happens after the explosion of people is the kingdom of God.

Aria stood at the front door of her house.

An invisible fear covered him with cold, fear gripped him, fear embraced him.

If it hadn't been for the sudden pain, Aria would have lost herself in the eternal darkness.

Sleep in the dreams of the past and follow the path of madness in the song of the evil god.

but that is not the case.

Aria wakes up in the shadow of a demon and realizes that her memories have been erased.

the memory of this dream gradually faded.

then he fully woke up, forgot the darkness, the Gospel of cthulhu, the devil's smile and despair, the appearance of despair and the roots of the world.

All the mystery was gone from her, so Aria rolled her eyes.

this is the power of the kingdom of God, the power of the devil rejected by the Lord of the kingdom, and the power of the old rulers is destroyed.

this is a power derived from the Seal of the old Gods, and is particularly effective against the power of the evil gods who lack freedom.

however, this power is meaningless in the face of real power.

Are you angry because I've been here for so long?

Aria was confused by the pain he had caused her.

he did not know that the doorkeeper was the one who saved him, and he did not know that he fell into eternal darkness.

tonight's experience did not remind Aliyah of the goodness of God's kingdom.

but that goodness is unknown to others.

Aria put her right hand on the door.

his body seemed to flow through the door like water, as if the door in front of him never existed.

Space has no limits, and even the power of matter cannot stop Aria's actions.

his body seemed to have no mass when he passed through the gate.

Aria looked at the corpse on the ground.

there is no blood or traces of blood on the body.

but it's not funny and looks dead.

the corpses were dressed in clothes similar to those used centuries ago.

their heads were cut off, and the heads of others were not visible.

It's not alive, but it's not dead either.

their bodies do not last forever because their souls are sealed in their bodies.

A body that has lost its soul will rot and lose its appearance.

however, their souls are attached to their bodies, so no matter what they are, their bodies are indestructible.

however, this condition itself is not human, and this method of maintaining an immortal soul instead of a corpse seems absurd.

but Aria knew that the owner here could do such a thing.

perhaps it was difficult to satisfy the parties, so he returned to the corpse, which could not be separated from them.

Arya didn't need such an eternity, and she was eternal.

the center of Eden?

Aria took a closer look at the corpse's clothing and immediately realized that it was real.

but that was two hundred years ago.

the feeling is so magical.

that's not a bad idea. magic that raises the dead eternally on earth is an important consideration regarding resurrection.

I call this spell Immortality of the dead, but it can only be cast while the dead are alive, and the target will be a corpse.

A voice explained from the front. Aria looked ahead.

on the other hand, he will look for me, he is beautiful.

her golden hair reached her waist and her snow white skin made her look like a snow doll.

her blue eyes were like jewels in a delicate dress.

he looks very good, in fact he is only 9 years old, but he doesn't have to be like that.

the woman Aaliyah is looking for is Amy wagster.

Although they are called vampires, they are different from the animals that existed in ancient times.

According to his explanation, he was originally a human, but he was turned into a monster by the people in the Garden of Eden 200 years ago.

this is one of the first victims of the fusion of art and magic, and of course from a modern point of view it should be a happy one.

of course, the woman herself did not think so.

his expression was very curious, and he looked at Alya like he looked at his own family.

It was the first time that Aaliyah had seen something like that, that time when Amy was ignoring Aaliyah.

because Amy is a demon, she doesn't consider other creatures human.

but Amy looked so good right now that her vibrant beauty almost made Aria nervous.

that perfection made Arya feel unreal.

he was afraid that these were just his words.

So why you now? If he had angel hair, the division hadn't used it yet, so there was no way to call him personally.

Angel Feather is a fragrant peony and is very addictive to people.

For people, extraordinary beauty is not a stable thing, because the feelings it brings to others are more than heaven.

It is human nature to seek the beauty of heaven.

therefore, the enjoyment of magical power is the trouble of human life, it is better than money, beauty, power, it is better than all beauty.

of course, for magicians like them, such beauty is only beautiful, and it is impossible to see a magician.

Such a mystery cannot be pared to the mystery of the Source, and cannot be pared to the demon god, the ancient ruler, who passed through the Source.

was visiting old classmates weird?

when confronted with Aaliyah's words, Amy disagreed.

he knew Arya better than anyone, and even himself better than anyone.

And as the Lord of the kingdom of God, he does not know what happened to another person.

For example, Amy can now understand call of cthulhu.

but Amy didn't show any anger at Aaliyah's lies, and she didn't care about it either.

Amy's mercy still endured this lie.

because he loves his kind and the devil.

however, the Aria in front of her was not a person, but a demon that Amy knew.

the other group became demons and Amy knew she was destined to bee one.

Amy is very kind and loving to others and no one seems to hurt her.

no. So, you brought a new drug?

Although Angel pillar and Amy's mouth are new drugs, they are powerful legal drugs that will make you feel like you have ascended to heaven the moment it is released.

of course, these drugs are truly magical drugs, and it is a waste to use them as legal drugs, and the prices of the products are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

New medicine? of course there is, and you're wele.

Aria said as she took a pink secret potion from her bag. this is a special elixir made by Liao dan that has the same effect as the legend, which appears to people on the street.

In fact, it is the only medical divination that shows people the magic of divination.

there is no need to pay for the user's magic power or use magic, and magic power is granted by picking up a peony.

Amy asked, reaching out to take it and bowing her head.

hey, what do you think you're here all of a sudden? because I remember, you always hated me, didn't you?

Aaliya denies it as it is true.

Amy wagster, this person has the same idea as twelve devils. third, it is called the Ark of Salvation. body fluids or mental radiation.

however, in return, he has the ability to grant his will. In other words, unlike the other 12 demons who can bind others to themselves, he can bind others to himself, as tilyun did to Amy's soul. . Infinite demons.

Aria must have heard the screams of evil ghosts from her body, that her body contained countless souls, that her body was a temporary fairy tale, that the dead were in her body. You can be born again inside, and eternal life will be born with his body.

that's why Aria was so scared of him in second grade.

Not only that, but Aria could remember that man's face every time she saw him.

this rust-red look was what Aria remembered.

It's like a shadow of his childhood, and he's pletely dreaming of it.

Aaliyah is 5 years old, so it's no wonder a 5-year-old has such fears and anxieties.

but he has now overe that fear - he can destroy evil spirits and magical objects. however, this shadow made it difficult for him to talk to the person in front of him.

when it es to potions, of course you have to pay, and you also need someone to share your financial worries with. because potions like angel wings are actually magic potions that increase magical power, and magical power is energy in nature. For Amy, who has taken countless souls and lives, these drugs can share heartache.

this is a problem because of Amy's refusal to merge souls. If he has to do this, he will not suffer, even if he takes the souls of people all over the world.

however, Amy refused. because for him, his spirit has a special meaning.

there is no point in adding to it.

Amy couldn't believe it.

So, even though the headache subsided, Amy did not return her soul to her body.

Aria didn't know why or what it meant.

however, the medicine could help someone else, so Aria sold it.

therefore, the two can be considered friends.

of course, Emi thinks the other person is a drug addict, and since the other person knows Kuroi, she decides to talk to the other one.

but now it's different.

because Aria is a devil now.

Amy wagster is a monster who owns countless animals and has plete control over them.

what wanders around him are not just ghosts, but scenes of strange encounters.

105 magic

Arya had no such fear at this point.

It's not even worth talking about because it's just fear of death.

At this point, Sanaria had not yet reached the level of a mage, and it was not difficult to understand why the Superhuman beast and the Superhuman beast would cause panic.

however, at this point, Aria began to turn into a demon, and her body also began to show the characteristics of a celestial being.

he still remembered this shadow from his past, but the shadow gave him a terrible feeling.

but Aria controlled herself not to forget these things. controlling your emotions as a magician is an important skill, and it's important to control your thoughts in appropriate situations.

this way, Aria can meet Amy in a normal way, accept her affection, and feel safe meeting others.

the place was filled with a strange atmosphere, and there was a sound that sounded like the movement of a demon.

Aria also listens to this scary music, and when she pays attention to where the sound is ing from, she realizes that it is from a traditional gramophone.

A black plastic disc rotates on top of it, and the pointer follows the rotation and is attracted to the plastic disc.

It sounds like the scream of an evil spirit, and even though it's background music in a horror movie, it can also be the voice of people who have lost hope and want to mit suicide.

this song lifts the strength of the people to heaven, beyond a cruel world where only physical pain and death seem to bring peace.

Suddenly the music started and Aria asked.

but Amy opened her eyes and smiled.

this is beautiful music, pagan music, and an ancient movement.

I have bee as stupid and stupid as ever, but I have to admit that even if human wisdom and technology lasts until the end of the world, they will never find or gain wisdom. It's hard to know about wisdom gods and ancient trees. Although it is a backward song in their eyes, it is perfect in the eyes of the people, even those who believe in them. there is no way a god of art could be like him.

Amy looked happy and drunk as the music played in front of her.

Aria didn't know how to express herself after seeing Amy's condition. Even if you think you're not good, you're ugly, you're not good looking, and there's no point in messing with it.

but Aria knows that menting on people's preferences is foolish and easy to offend.

there was something Aria was looking forward to this time, so she couldn't do something stupid like this.

but he didn't know how to respond to what Amy said. on the one hand, I know it sounds like I hate dishonest people, even if it's a lie.

Aria suppressed the anger in her eyes, not daring to look at anyone for fear that someone would see her true thoughts in her eyes.

You cannot expose him. If found out, Amy could be embarrassed and fired.

when Aria thought about this possibility, she was so scared that she turned back.

Amy looked at Alya.

Amy knows that the other groups are not funny and even expresses her distaste for their music.

You can also find out how it works on a person's skin.

to know the inner world of a person, it is foolish if we do not use our eyes and do not need to understand the sight, human organs, breathing, muscles, skin, and the heartbeat .

It was equally revealing of the human mind, and in front of Amy he couldn't touch her even though he was thinking about Aria.

but Amy didn't really hate Aria, she just smiled.

on the other hand, he was not mad without music, and the devil's music did not make him feel any emotion. harsin had no chance of survival.

In other words, it is a state that transcends the human mind.

(this is a good thing that will humble people in mind and body.)

Amy believes that creatures like humans are alien and that only superhuman animals are equal.

demons are of the same sex, and in Amy's case, the beasts are yellow to black, both human, but not of the same sex.

with people, Amy is doing really badly.

this strange behavior made Aria unfortable, but she didn't know why.

however, for the sake of his sister and to live together again in the future, Arya is ready to distance himself from human consciousness, even if he is no more than a piece of meat.

Now, Aria tries to change the conversation so that the other person doesn't understand the song and refuses to respond to Amy's words.

I didn't e specifically to see you this time.

Aria turned around.

but since you came here, why don't you clean it up? many corpses are kept here, but not all are pleasing to the eye.

well, this corpse is incorruptible, dead, still alive, and nothing will change even after a hundred years.

however, even such immortality is a gospel that is difficult for ordinary people to accept.

I hate to say it, but you can get it as a fertilizer.

Amy explained quietly, looking at Aria with kind eyes as she ruffled her hair.

then Amy said quietly.

but did you e here? Is there anything worth noting here?

It's also a more plex environment than dreamland. In a world inhabited by demons, there is no place for you to roam freely, and if you are not careful, you will die.

Amy addresses the problem, but her tone is neither accusatory nor negative.

however, there is concern.

Aria looked into the other man's eyes and felt nothing but self-loathing.

Given the difficult situation Arya is in, it's hard to feel bad for her.

but what Alya said wasn't a plete lie and she tried to explain, but Amy didn't want to waste this opportunity.

they will feel your presence when they enter this world.

what are they

Aria didn't understand what the other person was saying, but she was sure that what Amy said didn't mean there were demons.

when Amy says demons exist in the same way as the Ancient ones, that doesn't make sense.

For people they are not real or powerful, but knowledgeable and powerful, but for people they are no different from God.

because they can do anything but the ability to break basic logic.

No, change, other gods do crazy things.

but when you face a dangerous life that violates the foundations of all forms, there is no need to use the word \memo.\

because these powerful gods can solve almost every problem in the world through their thoughts.

So Aria knew the other person meant something else.

Ami said.

Yes, they are alien animals (note) and should interact with humans and be friendly, but even the Gatelord family died with their system.

gatelord family

Arya realizes what that means, that this dunwich monster is a threat, and that's why she leaves Grancrest cro miskatonic college.

I am hiding here because I am in their sight, I do not want to participate in their plans, they prevent anyone from reaching God, and prevent the devil from being born before the devil. he became a demon lord who entered time, and even the time machine after the victory could not stop him, because the ancients invaded the past and future.

that is why they are very careful in their actions, they are ready to kill even innocent people, and they do not let a single fish enter their nets.

And in this barrier between these places, anyone who enters here will be blacklisted.

when Amy said this, her eyes showed infinite passion.

but really, Amy didn't do anything.

Not a great place, but if you e here for fun, it's a shame.

Amy's voice sounded a little sad, and Alya knew it was because someone else was trapped here.

but Aria couldn't understand what kind of beast had such power, and even a powerful mage could withstand this realm?

the existence of this divine power shows that Emi's power has reached at least the level of the ancient gods, that is, the native gods of the world.

A god like this could not be called a god, but it was something that the average beast could not pete with.

the Star Family discovers the limits of magic and fulfills their visions, but when they meet Amy, they die a horrible death.

Arya must spit in her opponent's mouth and turn into a spear to stab the monster.

So I was surprised by what he said.

however, Aaliyah doesn't feel appreciated. the situation is difficult for Aaliyah because no one really cares about her, even though she is loved. .

A girl like her would be beautiful if she wasn't bullied by others.

So this time Aria answered the other party's question seriously.

there may be many disadvantages in this world, but there are advantages, right?

So here I am, this is not a lie, this is the truth, I will not lie to you.

Aaliyah looked closely at Amy and Amy exuded confidence, which impressed Aaliyah.

Getting here is a goal, not a plan, and now more than half of the goal has been achieved.

Aria continued innocently, but the content was different from her words.

that sounds like a plan.

Amy understands the will of the people, and because fairy tales and mysticism are beautiful, she understands what Aaliyah wants to say.

In other words, something strange has happened to you, but is it a curse? they intend to use the result to seal you forever in this universe.

that's not a good idea, and if you e here for it, you'll find more hate than curses, so don't give up.

Aria knew that Amy was talking about observing animals from another world.

but Aria also knew that Amy didn't understand what she was going through, and that a normal curse couldn't explain it.

this is because these demons are related to the gods, and this is a barrier created by the ancient


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