
关灯 护眼
六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第94章 深渊居民的领域

第94章 深渊居民的领域 (第2/2页)

Aria knew from yesterday's story that a deep diver named Norman appeared before her.

(does this kind of terrifying magic only appear when you transform? Are you kidding me? of course, such terrifying magic did not exist when I graduated from miskatonic University.)

(I'm surprised I didn't go to miskatonic University. why would I have an idea?)

(this is not true, maybe it is a problem caused by this situation. this kind of error makes you think that something is wrong).

Aaliyah immediately threw away any doubts about going to this place, but she seemed to find no reason to deny it except for this reason.

God knows these memories that he didn't e out of nowhere, he didn't think of the right reason and Aaliyah only had that weird reason.

however, Aria also knows that if she continues to be nervous, she will die.

Even if it's Aria now, even if she's just a clone, or a human-like clone, what will happen to her when she dies? please think about it.

sorry. then I entered.

Aria walks into Innsmouth, not wanting to reveal that she's dating the wrong guy.

the deep divers guarding the area did not participate and apparently did not attack.

this confused Aria. In fact, he didn't know why he got in so quickly.

Usually, this is the start of a quick battle.

but the strange thing is that these deep hunters, no doubt, actually know the wrong person.

(do you think these animals are extinct?)

It was full of chaos and confusion, but eventually Aria entered without a hitch.

this town, called Innsmouth, is exactly what Love wrote about. clearly a fishing village.

the old style can be seen everywhere.

more precisely, there is no other place than the factory where the latest technology is available.

If so, it is not only a backward place, but a place of poverty.

but the opposite is true.

he is not only poor here, he is suddenly rich.

As a proof of this, you can see gold ornaments everywhere.

Aria also saw a private house made of pure gold.

Gold here is no different than stone anywhere else.

It doesn't even have the most important anti-theft feature, which is often available for free.

these precious metals are worthless.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with these words.

because even if you get the gold, these villagers have no interest in your business.

because as a believer of dagon, you can easily get twice the amount of gold than the entire city with the help of this evil god.

the price of gold is high, so you will never run out of money.

because money is inevitable here.

of course, if you want to find gold here, you must first turn to the deep divers, who are full of nameless malice towards foreigners.

this is because the people of the deep sea use an ancient method to appease the evil gods, which is sacrifice.

I fear that if gold has little value in the outside world and there is too much desire for gold, then gold jewelry will no longer be seen in Innsmouth. please take them. they are. Like the rocks around it. Exit\/break.

well, they still feel that the touch and feel of gold is not as good as stone.

however, as mentioned before, for people outside the world, money is enough and causes excessive desire.

clearly, Arya is not human and does not feel that she has a human past.

but surprisingly, Aaliyah is now interested in humanity.

Its vision was so bright that it was indistinguishable from an evil dragon, and even though her thoughts had changed, the true nature of her greed struck Aria like an instinct.

Although it is a small street in the main town of Innsmouth, the preserved and unspoiled gold makes this place very attractive.

At this time, Aria was shocked to see what was in front of her and screamed without realizing it.

Alia thinks that this place is really beautiful and there is nothing better.

beautifully reflecting the golden sun, Aria's heart was filled with something and she was very happy.

At this time, some people in the village looked at Aria with curious or strange eyes, but there were no evil thoughts like killing intent or hatred.

Aliya accepts the bracelet, but all she gets is a kind greeting from Fukamura.

(weird, no, weird. what happened?)

Alya's mind was confused by the big change and she couldn't understand it, but the gold in her hand made her very happy.

because of Aria's theft of a large amount of money, Aria has an awkward way of walking despite her large body, and due to inevitable physical problems, she walks unnaturally and has difficulty moving. Go to another house.

Aria doesn't know why she knows this place, but maybe this is the reason. Aria happened to find a key under the white girl and used it to open the room and open the door. . he entered. An honest one

by God, who are you and why is the door closed?

the speaker was a woman who looked like Aria, and she was sleeping on the couch in the living room. Aria woke up hearing many golden sounds on the floor when she heard the door open, she heard that he was not happy. he was not satisfied.

well, maybe it's a natural reaction.

Aria lifted her finger and placed it on her cheek, looking confused, and thought about this answer before asking again.

but why were you born like me?

that's a good question. I ask you this question. this is witch d's Ailey beat. called So who Are You? why are you like me? don't say you, our souls are different.

the girl asked again, and Alya shook her head in concern before answering.

myself? my name is Aria whatley. I don't know how to answer your question. In fact, I don't know how I got here.

right? You idiot, you don't know how you got here? how confused you are, I'm lucky the guards didn't kill me, unless you're like me, I'm d-priestess, but I don't want proof.

but was he talking about whatley? whAt

the woman repeated wateri's name and then said that she suddenly had an idea.

did a family of idiots try to create a demon in dunwich? of course, no magic can summon a god, and if you have the ability to summon a god, you don't even have to think about it. haha, calling a god is not a joke, does it mean creating a demon?

Aria frowned unsatisfied, then replied:

I feel sorry for the crazy family, but the wortley family has no magic to summon gods, demons, or evil gods; they don't have the power to do it. If wortley. As a kind of magic, the wilbur brothers did not need the miskatonic to steal the secrets of morality, but in the end he failed to call the master, died because of his helplessness, and during the call, was even killed even he is a demon. the dog attacked and bit.

Let me introduce myself. I am Aria whatley, the eldest daughter of the whatley family.

Alya answered as the girl in front of her chanted.

well, when we first met, I was the wizard of Innsmouth, a wizard who existed to summon evil gods. the only reason I exist is because I am God incarnate, a man full of God's power. he lost his way, lost his love, this is the ing of the will of God, entering the body of an evil god, it's over, I'm a witch, a great witch .

So, as a whately monster, how important is a visit to Innsmouth to you?

the woman answered, bowing her head.

It might just be for the gold, so don't do it. but if you're like me, you'll have no problem walking here. they are all villagers. the deep and evil gods are like priests to me, they are just slaves, so don't worry, and there is no gold for us, don't worry.

the girl smiled, then slowly turned and fell asleep. It is like life without energy for a person who has only a few days left to live.

what do you call yourself? do you call me xiao Ai? I remember everyone in this village calling you that.

hearing Alya's question, xiao Ai frowned.

I don't like that name but it's yours but for those who are about to die, you like it or not.

(Finally, I gave the annoying name to someone else. I'm really glad.)

Aria thought before continuing.

So, do you have hope? do you have hope because you know that your future is the embodiment of an evil god?

they tried hard to break the evil god's curse, but the magic of the monks and magicians had no effect. well, it doesn't help that the rebel science, the Eternal order of the Eastern monks, or the black magic of the witches made my curse worse.

I have tried every possible method, but has anything changed besides the severity?

As the noise echoed, xiao Ai ran towards Aria.

book of madness 156 (49)

here he is

this time, there was no white mist in front of An Yi.

moreover, his attitude is right and unmistakable.

but at this point, he wondered if there was something in his eyes.

mr. looked. Yi as if he saw something that he did not understand.

there is no way to believe or understand it, and your brain refuses to think about why.

Anki's eyes matched his thoughts.

this caused a chill, a terrible chill, in An Yi's heart.

A university town with countless schools and buildings.

From the perspective of others, it should be called the top city of university and hope.

In short, it is the \Academy of hope.\

the most mon word, it should be a mon legend for all students called ``Super high School Level''.

of course, it is impossible for a researcher like Ani, who has not lived there for even a week, to have an opinion about it.

but the truth is the opposite.

Annie saw what was happening before her eyes and she remembered many things from her past.

the worst part is that it is not Angel's memory.

Undoubtedly, it really es from the heart of the angelic actor, and the people of this world must know it.

It must be a sealed memory. the trojan horse has been shut down.

but at this point, everything seems to be closed and no longer a dark memory.

(does it exist and not a false memory?)

(I thought it was the work of a trojan horse, but I did not expect such a thing to happen.)

(of course, trojans can look back on the past and see the future.)

the other believed his words and swallowed his tongue at the same time.

his hands were stiff, and his tongue, which should have been flexible, seemed frozen and immobile.

his mind was as stiff as his body, no longer bent as before.

Even if nothing happens, God only knows when the angels will do it.

but the changes were quickly seen.

why did you e back? wouldn't it be great if it didn't exist anymore?

It was a familiar sound, and qi was glad to remember where it came from.

As I thought about it, my body became so stiff and swollen that I couldn't move and felt like it would melt like ice or snow in the sun.

the other person quickly turned around and realized that the speaker was Nancy, who had disappeared into the white mist.

It's definitely satisfying to suddenly see a familiar person in a different place.

right? Nancy? are you still there? what about this person?

I don't know, it was there until recently, why is it now gone?

Nancy did not answer Angel's question directly.

because almost no one can see the white fog.

In fact, Nancy doesn't even know how she got there, nor does she know her condition. Asking him what happened to the others is a difficult task, so let's do it.

moreover, Ani seemed to notice this as well, as her mood rapidly changed from happiness to sadness and finally despair.

because he finally realized that the man in front of him was neither a savior nor pregnant, but an ignorant fool like himself.

this is pletely, pletely unnecessary.

he did not enjoy seeing people he knew and cried, plaining why the problem was getting worse.

this kind of talk is so boring and I want to slap someone's beautiful face as hard as I can.

however, this time, Nancy didn't notice qi's words.

he was no different then and he was horrified by what was in front of him.

I'm afraid that my brain is on ice.

(what is this?)

Nancy's head was full of questions and she was so serious about what was in her hand that she couldn't relax.

If you have a reason, it's because I can't let go of something weird.

(Isn't it weird that hope Academy is closing?)

(So what happens before my eyes?)

A long time ago, Nancy returned to the location of hope University, but it was only a ruin, a desert-like ruin.

the future for Nancy is not a ruin, but a working university town.

As Nancy often told herself, it was just someone else's toy.

but Nancy, from this strange land, had nothing interesting to say. Even if he tells you, you will have a hard time believing it.

You want to admit it Nancy - yes, it's a joke, a joke from God.

Such thoughts are definitely a sign of despair.

humans cannot pete with God, so if possible, we don't need miracles or hope, just work.

I don't know why, but when Nancy heard this thought, a cold wind suddenly entered her heart.

It goes away quickly and Nancy finally thinks it's a hallucination.

besides, there seems to be no reason to explain my feelings now.

Nancy slowly let go of what she was thinking and reluctantly nodded.

Isn't that amazing? why do places that do not exist now appear to our eyes? Isn't that amazing?

Nancy suddenly let out a small cry.

If it's a simple enemy, you can attack it without thinking.

whether it is effective or not, if you succeed, you don't have to think about anything, and if you fail, the time will e when you will attain buddhahood, and you will only have to think about others.

however, the current situation is not easy at all.

Enemies are invisible and non-existent, and nothing can be seen unless unlocked.

Everything seemed to be shrouded in mystery, and even though she wanted to attack, Nancy had no idea where she was going.

he didn't know where to attack or what to do.

I didn't know what to do, but eventually the fear rose in my chest that I couldn't do it anymore.

If this goes on and he doesn't have it, Nancy will go crazy.

but before going crazy, such desires inevitably turn into all kinds of madness.

thinking like that seemed unacceptable to Anii.

Angel still wants to live.

At this moment, An Yi gently touched his magic book, the magic book that revealed the hope of resurrection, called \the Secret of changing hearts\.

he had a reason not to be killed, so An chi wouldn't let Nancy think that he was here by chance.

he had to find words to distract Nancy.

At least Nancy's efforts should be in the right direction.

Yeah, that's not possible. but are there many moving areas of white fog?

It is impossible to jump to hope International college from this small town.


does it reset?

No, that's not possible.

At first Nancy rejects Angel's idea.

Even if such amazing work was done at close range, I could not notice.

So, nothing happened near it.

he nodded and said second chance.

but even if you jump into the white mist now, that ghostly white mist will fly away in an instant.

Although Angel denied the previous reason, Nancy immediately thought of a better method and felt that the chances of success were not very high.

Angel, didn't you use your brain to analyze this?

the problem, of course, is that someone has to make sacrifices.

No, even if I wanted to, my head told me it wasn't a good choice.

Angel ignored Nancy's advice.

An qi wondered what it was, but An Yi did not experience the consequences of using the forbidden talent.

Such grief is like an animal that es out of its shell, breaks down, and claims to have been born and lost.

he did not want to experience that feeling of hopelessness and helplessness in this world again.

Although this dream did not e true, Ani decided to take advantage of this unique talent.

the angel looked up to the stars in the sky, as if waiting for guidance from them.

but of course it is impossible to be guided by the stars.

I could not hear the angel's guidance.

At this time, An Yi proposed.

I have no choice but to stop here, I will go in and check it out, but I'm sure I will find out if this is really the school that hope Academy is doing.

After he finished speaking, his confusion and curiosity disappeared.

he then headed to the city opposite the academy.

he stopped thinking about the danger.

Annie believes that if she stays here, danger will e more quickly.

For example, Nancy's violence forces her to use her skills.

that's why Angel left so quickly, and Nancy who made that decision was considered dangerous by Angel.

dan had not yet regained consciousness, and An Yi regretted greatly if he could not escape at this point.

Seeing that An chi entered hope University, Nancy couldn't see him.

Even if we separate and move on at this point, it doesn't seem like a big deal.

but if he doesn't ply, it won't be good for Nancy if the data collection party dies.

but before Nancy could find Angel's location, someone had already seen him.

So sis, do you know how tall you are? this field is so plex that it can be confusing.

pearl? why are you standing here?

Nancy turned and realized that the speaker was An Yi, who had to disappear.

he also called himself my brother.

(this is a joke.)

Even though Nancy thought that in her heart, she couldn't help but smile happily when she saw the confusion of the people involved.

do we know each other? but why don't I know?

the boy who didn't leave his side didn't understand why he was reacting like that and there was a suspicion on his face.

No, why does the other person recognize the name directly?

the little angel was shocked and surprised.

but soon, little Anki had to think of an answer, so she put the question aside.

(If a person is an employee here, it will not be surprising if he is recognized as a new student.)

(Even more surprising is what he said when he realized this.)

(who came in and when?)

(No, this is not possible, and neither are twin souls. In this case, there is only one result. only one side is in conflict with the other.)

Little Anki, who was a poor child, quickly graduated and passed the certificate.

this is your access certificate. You must be an employee here, or you won't know my name. So this is your only chance, take me there. VoLUNtARY


(why on earth do volunteers call themselves? Isn't hope Academy a school where people with negative energy gather?)

Nancy did not understand what the little angel said.

what's with that confused look? As promised, isn't this place well written? my family will starve because they don't have money, if I don't e, they will be in trouble, who is calling me? I just sent it here. I'm here because I'm worth more than selling myself.

(Is it charity or human trafficking?)

Nancy was confused.

You are a newbie, you have no luck, but at least you know the field, if you know please take me there, you can't volunteer, we only hired 10 people this time, 4 children under age. in 1. old man

do you know what you are doing?

of course, somehow we know that the best oute for human lives and souls is to end up in a holy paradise, and the worst oute is to return to hell for eternity, but nothing money in the world. this is eternal hell. If so, shouldn't I be used for the happiness of the whole family? Let's stop talking here, can you take me with you now?

(No? why is it different from what I know?)

Even though Nancy saw a big difference, her first decision was to attend hope college. that's not the problem at all.

how are you

Nancy even adopted little Angel and buried it in her chest.

After all, don't you want to go upstairs? So I'll take you there because the main entrance is there and not far from the main overpass, so go to the front first, get in the limousine, and then go to the station. when you e, you go. to the station. . Area 18, continued. It will take 15 minutes to plete.

So why do you want to make it big? It's very difficult and only in one place, so why should I take the bus? well, if you do that, kill me before you go there, and report me to the holy Land.

I can't do anything about it, I can't help you, I'm sorry, of course you don't want to e back.

Nancy looked amazing as she felt the little angel in her arms.

After walking for about five minutes, Nancy and Little Angel saw a limousine parked without a driver. because it drives itself.

it's too late, where are you going? right? why are people like me born?

Are they really twins? am i dead

I'm still here even if I die

Yi and Annie both start fighting and separate from each other.

what kind of content is it?

Suddenly they both pointed at Nancy.

how do I know why you asked me? only God knows what happened.

Nancy was stunned and quickly turned on the button of the limousine.

It is the main terminal of hope University and is located on the 632nd floor of the main elevation. people in white do great things here.

In the middle of this layer is a glass column filled with a strange liquid, like a nutrient solution.

there is a man on one of the pillars here. he was not old enough, about 12 or 13 years old, and was a boy with long green hair and black eyes, and seemed to have no sight.

the director of the control room said:

Even with the added weight of the supernatural elements, it still doesn't seem like enough.

director, if this increases, it will be too much for the androids to withstand.

the speaker is a brown-haired researcher.

this is unrelated, but are there still no volunteers because there are so many temporary workers?

the director said that it doesn't matter, his life is not human, of course consumers these days are cheap people, but it seems he doesn't want to spend money on it. real people.

hey, the test result doesn't seem very good, director, this test should be done by the people as soon as possible, how can the power of the evil god and these temporary people exist? no. do you have a soul? It affects not only the physical body but also the mental aspect.

the speaker was a beautiful blonde woman who appeared immediately. She is supposed to be a girl, even though she is 9 years old and has not finished high school, but she is beautiful in fairy tales and reads books to others like Sapphire.

who are you?

Amy, Amy wagster, that's my name, have you forgotten me? do you still remember who sent you that nasty message?

why do we have systems that produce non-humans? don't know the answer to this question?

(how many times did this happen? oh, anyway, it happened many times, and I never found it again, but often enough it should have been. . that promise was still alive, suddenly born and became another person)

Even though Amy thought that in her heart, she didn't make any strange faces, she said with a smile.

Are you like those people who give you hope? but never mind, the Android game is almost plete, and I think many animals have been created, but I have high hopes. that's different. movement.


do you remember him? So.

Amy said with a happy smile.

mind book 157 (50)

Suddenly, there was a loud explosion.

It was a wake-up call for research centers, and the sound alarmed some people, definitely a red flag.

this indicates that something bad is going on.

Upon hearing this alarm, the director stopped his work, immediately turned on the device, and turned his attention to Area b, the source of the alarm, through the research center's systems.

Androids are housed here, and it serves as a testing ground for evil things before they are implanted in the human body.

there was no plan to use real people from the beginning, and the director intended to use people to plete the investigation from the beginning.

however, judging from modern scriptures, an android cannot bear the responsibility of an evil god and the presence of God's power.

Even the best people can fail.

those who were imbued with evil god elements but did not plete the fusion did not die, but most did not end well.

currently, most of the failed organs are stored in landfills.

however, in this situation it is not mon for such a situation to occur suddenly.

Recent research in this area should also be stopped. b.

It es from nowhere, but does it mean that your previous research has produced some results?

thinking this, the director stared intently at the image on the monitor.

what emerged from there was an inhuman creature.

he was not wearing any clothes, and there was no nourishing fluid left on his skin.

his arms did not have amazing strength, instead they were very weak.

As he walked, he felt very weak and felt like he was about to faint.

his face was pletely disfigured, and there was a burning pain in one part of his body, as if he had been bitten by countless ants.

maybe that's how he feels.

Amy looked at the situation the same way, but her heart remained unchanged.

this is not because the image created by the viewer is different from reality.

Just because it's just an image on a tablet doesn't mean it's not effective enough to get people to respond.

For Amy, no matter how cruel it was, it probably wasn't in her mind.

No good person would feel sorry for a pet pig that died in a slaughterhouse, but even if they saw animals being slaughtered for food, they would not change their minds and bee vegetarians.

pared to these images, demons and ghosts roared in the ocean of Amy's mind, and despair, fear, and hatred arose. this episode is mere entertainment pared to the dark heart behind it.

Even the demons in his heart, the evil, the light of hatred, maybe even Amy's thoughts could not be shaken.

Like mythical creatures, demons like Amy have no empathy for emotions, and even if there is such a thing as passion, it doesn't apply to humans.

Apparently, even androids can lose control of themselves.

It doesn't have to be a lucky coincidence. For some reason it is impossible, so if you repeat it a few times, you will definitely succeed.

Is the cause this time an unexpected event close to zero? Even if you go back in time and start again, not everything will be the same and you will inevitably repeat the same parameters, but you will not plete it.

congratulations, the result of raising an android with the power of God is perfect for humans.

Amy sounded strange when she said that, but it was as if she was saying that she was innocent.

the principal did not notice anything unusual about the other person.

he just looked at her and the next moment something strange happened.

the green haired android suddenly changed.

black spots appeared on his skin, like stars in the sky, pletely hiding his true color.

whether they are muscles or bones, they have pletely lost their status as human beings due to the influence of invisible forces, and even the existence of bones, flesh, and blood is doubted.

the light continues to distort this twisted and mysterious source of light.

when he reached the border, he suddenly exploded and it was like a dream that came out immediately.

And the android is gone.

Rather, it was a dark-skinned human creature.

If you look closely, you will see strange movement, fear, and inexplicable changes in the darkness.

this creates a strange illusion where the black lines look like tiny insects stacked on top of each other.

true growth happened as Amy said, her green fake hair changed, blue-black spots appeared on her skin, and her entire appearance, including her bones and muscles, suddenly deteriorated. . then the ball exploded.

It really is a dream-like life.

Amy said. It is a perfect harmony of man-made and divine forces.

of course, this does not bring one closer to God.

It is an ordinary animal, a magical animal indistinguishable from mythical creatures.

And unlike normal animals, they lack self-awareness and seem to thrive on ignorance.

It has no goal or purpose.

but this kind of confusion, a monster that doesn't know what it wants to do, a monster that needs to get out of control.

there is no possibility of munication and no possibility to interact with the parties through munication.

this ghostly creature has nothing but innate and unthinkable malice towards humans.

If there is a reason, it's because cthulhu is a magical beast transformed by the power of a god.

In ancient mythology, there was no reason for cthulhu to be evil to humans.

It was a prank to some, but the sleeping gods didn't think of anything until they woke up, and the animal gods who couldn't think would do evil to anyone who tried to touch them or wake them.

this seems to be the first reaction of a sleeping person when someone wakes him up.

the evil power of the sleeping god seems to amplify this attribute.

however, if the evil god's army has a will, no matter how strong the cage is, nothing can be done.

No box can surpass the knowledge of the evil god, and if the box is not wise, the soul will be possessed by the power of the evil god. this is the principle of the magic book and depends on it. magic It should be dead, it's alive.

So there's nothing wrong with what Amy said, and that's the best conclusion.

Until the end, the evil power of God is sleeping, deep sleep, so the power of God has no basket.

however, it shows that the quality of this basket is so good that a cheap piece, artificially processed and never found in the secrets, can have a quality that can truly be called a miracle.


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