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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第94章 深渊居民的领域

第94章 深渊居民的领域 (第1/2页)

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条目 8


条目 9

这封信的职责得到了履行 - 收集到的所有相关细节都被严格和完整地记录下来,供财团寻求解决方案。虽然问题多于答案仍然存在,但合作的成果带来了入侵的恢复。随着观察者之间每一次新的冲突和合作,理解的编织越来越接近揭示破坏的作者,使我们王国的重要节奏变得紧张。剩下的就是相信,通过保存事实并在所有监护人之间公平地分享发现,将会出现理解,以通过无数的考验来保护我们的生活方式。因此,工作将继续下去。以下是以当地编年史风格对第9章的4,500字的描述:

条目 1

此记录器记录了第 4330 各周期中正在进行的事件。通过守护者的坚持,平衡已经发生了变化,但对噩梦的目的仍然存在疑问。学者们仔细研究片段,寻找事件之间的线索。当身体对抗临近时,我们的角色是严格地传授事实,供他人辨别。愿团结和准备加强所有人应对所面临威胁的能力。

条目 2


条目 3


条目 4

威胁在维莱米尔参与破坏时成为现实 - 胡言乱语的经线在碎片中受到攻击494\/ 签名手 |历史记录器时尚,仿佛几乎没有意识到。在其他地方,人们感觉到了更大的力量,其性质和动机仍然无法完全辨别。尽管困难重重,但维莱米尔的实力在穆尔克的支持下克服了困难,恢复了完整性。他们的合作消除了任何地方的侵犯 - 通过分享技能和警惕,我们的守护者可以对抗所有可见或看不见的干扰。

条目 5


条目 6


条目 7


条目 8

自从恍惚开始以来,能量的波动方式暗示着形而上学领域的史诗般的冲突,在那里平衡被决定吸收焦点。这位抄写员保持着仪式,以扩大防御工事和洞察力,以展开超越凡人的肯。虽然功能是记录,而不是推理 - 充分分享每个细节所隐含的是希望理解和解决可以达到所有与预兆潮流相协调的人。通过对所有破坏的警惕和团结,平衡将比对其永久性的所有威胁更持久。

条目 9

随着恍惚持续到随后的循环中,冲突的共鸣激起了王国的更深层次 - 但希望仍然存在,因为骚乱在战斗人员之间表现出平等而不是优势的迹象。符文表示实用主义和谨慎,加强了穆尔克对抗恐怖之主猛攻的无畏精神。虽然观察者只能等待以这样或那样的方式宣布审判结果的号角,但信仰通过保存每一个收集到的碎片来辨别解决方案,无论采取何种形式,都会经久不衰。在所有监护人之间分享事实是我们的力量。

条目 10

时期以能量结束,但动荡 - 但观察者的信仰维持着王国的完整性,以抵御破坏的入侵。记录保存了收集到的每一个迹象,即理解的编织可能会不间断地传播,直到挑战最终揭示他们的答案。因此,我们的守夜将持续下去,直到预兆过去,澄清梦魇的失败或为未来的入侵做准备。看不见的力量引导着所有致力于平衡的毅力 - 通过警惕和团结,智慧与和平将指引我们的道路。

whatever he thought, Frank didn't know it.

Is it because human wisdom cannot understand God's vision, or is it because some have surrendered themselves?

he didn't know, but he knew what would happen if he continued.

Even God who works miracles and brings good news finds it difficult to control God's creation.

Is it love? the \old Ruler\ he created.

their nature, what they are and what abilities they have is a mystery to Frank.

Frank reads the stories Love writes, but knows little about the dark gods and their creatures.

however, this understanding only es from the news, the imaginations and imaginations of people who do not know the news, and are full of weak information.

Even after reading the story, I don't know what these gods are.

but in any case, love goes terribly wrong.

her eyes are as gentle as ever, her voice is as gentle as ever, and her appearance is as beautiful and charming as ever.

but something must be different, something has changed, something terrible has happened.

Frank knew nothing of this dark future, inhuman horrors, or anything else.

Uncertainty is a source of fear, perceived uncertainty is real uncertainty, otherwise it is ignorance.

he was not proud of his ignorance, nor was he satisfied with thor's magical powers.

As time passed, Frank became more and more anxious.

Love was confused but his eyes knew that Frank couldn't stop his thoughts, he remembered what happened before, everything from his birth was in his eyes It started to show.

Finally, time is a domain.

there he met Love, and the ``cthulhu mythos'' was born.

(by the way, why are we like this?

(I didn't understand from the beginning, and I didn't understand the cause and effect relationship. After all, I still don't understand it?)

Frank had many questions in his mind, but he couldn't answer them all.

(the reason this story exists is because these horrible and disgusting black gods were created).

(No, pared to that, why the virtual characters of the story only appear in reality, and since the setting is not collapsed, they do not appear in this world?)

(So does this power really exist? or is it based on some hidden force that I don't know or observe?)

(I don't understand, I don't understand, I don't understand anything.)

You have so many questions that you feel confused, overwhelmed, and you can't get it.

why do we need to show these words? why should I keep my thoughts to myself? You don't have to say anything, but don't respond without saying anything.

Love shows that nothing can stop him, he is confused and seems to hide all the questions in his mind.

but obviously he didn't answer before asking the party because he wanted to talk to you but didn't want to tell you to stop. I asked

Love that does not understand the suffering caused by its own behavior and the actions of others, and is not in the human condition, does not seem to understand the human heart.

but if so, why does he pretend it doesn't exist?

It just doesn't work.

that's what Aria said to herself.

Luv is shocked to see Aaliya.

Is xiao Ai the same as you?

Ai and Aaliyah are actually the same but Aaliyah seems to have nothing to do with Aaliyah but appearances aside, fully living being both of them especially her but Aaliyah needs a name. Aria hated the word, but Love used it without hesitation.

Aria accepted it without hesitation.

It's strange that they are not the same person because they always look the same even though they have the same face and name, but maybe it's because they have different memories?

well, I have many questions, but xiaofu, you always ignore them.

well, it's not that long since the promised day, so forget it. of course it's not a lie.

Frank was the first to ask.

why was the \cthulhu mythos\ created?

huh? reason? You have to ask yourself, who put a knife to my neck and told me to write a horror novel? It's like thinking that if it's a scary story, no one will be scared, right? From fantasy to true horror, it's more horror than horror, where you take the stories you read as facts rather than facts. bad and unique writing style.

Ai continued with a smile.

So, the reason why this fairy tale appears is that I want to write about the fact that a truly scary story is not a scary story that you forget after reading it, but a truly scary one that story. No one is afraid to forget.

It was obviously unfair and full of selfishness, but Frank could see that there was definitely something to what the other person was saying and that it wasn't as simple as the other person was saying.

I'm not writing this for you, I'm writing this because I want to. who knows this question? It's hard to explain, but it's not just my power, the world is waiting for a great God to appear.

because the way to give me power in the world is the power of God, the power of making gods, the power of the Ancients, and the power of the Gods outside.

(of course, this is not impossible; God's view is that even this evil is not inherently weak if it is the ruler of the past).

It is a being that can be called a god, rotating through space and time and bining the past and the future, but do I have the power to adjust it? If you have this kind of ability, you should be able to reach the ancient realm in terms of face, but what? I have not grown in power or skill, I am only a doer of nothing.

the sound of love makes me sad. this is an act full of greed and disregard for everyone's health and life. but Frank felt there was no choice but to do so.

It is full of surprises and misunderstandings. Alia is very educated and should have realized that love is not fake, but full of contradictions and contradictions that are difficult to explain.

Note: this may sound like bragging, but in fact, if you look at the history of cthulhu \book\ written by Venes, the sorcerer who portrays the outer god Narlathotep is actually a man who named Narlathotep. however, although he appears to be very strong, he is actually very strong, but is actually weak pared to God.

mind book 154 (47)

Unlike the other two, Soyaya knew her situation.

there is nothing wrong with what he said, and neither is the opposition.

he has the most powerful power, but is he the one to use the most powerful power to use the most powerful magic gun? he accepted the answer without knowing what it was.

of course, he doesn't mind saying things that he can't explain clearly.

hide unnecessary information to protect yourself and others.

So love uses the art of words at this time of self-purification.

It seemed like a sincere and sincere answer, but in the end the other two were confused.

Aria knew that it was not a lie but the truth.

but he felt a strong anger and did not know how to express it.

he did not know how to explain such a contradiction in other people's words.

Aria didn't know that the other person was lying, and even if it wasn't a lie, it was a lie that couldn't be understood.

If this is a 100% correct answer, there should be no idle discussion.

If you deny that, the truth is I don't agree with it.

but worst of all, he never thought that the other person was dishonest.


Alia looked at mahabat, looking for evidence in his beautiful face.

however, this behavior should not be beneficial.

Aria couldn't see anything.

but because she couldn't see, Aria was even more afraid.

he was afraid of the one who created him, and he was afraid of what others would say.

It doesn't matter if that's true or false, I have no way of knowing what the omniscient, omnipotent is thinking, what he wants to do, and what he wants to do in front of Aaliyah. I don't understand, and I never understood it.

he wants to listen to people who tell the truth, but he doesn't want to listen to people who can't tell the difference between the truth and a lie.

of course, it's love, but love doesn't react the same to Aaliyah.

whether we are human or animal, we may not be in the presence of God.

God is omnipotent and omnipotent, and nothing happens to him, but to say that he chooses does not give us flexibility or a good name.

Aria couldn't see out of one eye, in fact, the warmth of her body was staring at the love of her life, as if someone had placed an unmeltable stone in her heart.

Aria felt cold.

Ai, who was talking to them, didn't notice it and didn't really understand what the two were feeling.

God may know what they are thinking, but even if he knows about it, it is another matter for them to understand or agree.

I have never seen true love, and I still don't understand what men think, love is just a creature, just like a human being.

his presence, his intention, and the light of God in his eyes were like stars falling from the sky, and everything seemed inprehensible.

Love ignores Aaliyah, she wants to know, doesn't care what the other side sees - maybe because Love knows Aaliyah doesn't see anything.

I like to create things, and of course what I do bees a reality. Isn't that the best news for creators?

So I do what I want to do, not to make money, not to make the world a better place, not to contribute to society, country, or society.

I want to do what I want to do and I can't do anything else.

depending on the chaos and changes made in the world, is it good, hopeful, or horribly horrible and hopeless? I don't care about that, I don't care about anything.

of course, this is the creator, and the creator knows and controls his story, but he does not allow anyone to live a good and happy life in the story of such a person. moreover, there are no such plans.

If your love is selfish, you will sin against the wrong person. because they have no power to avoid such changes.

however, when Aria heard those words, a strange expression appeared on her face.

(Are you serious? Are you doing this for fun?)

For some reason, Aria always felt that Love had an evil motive to hide the real reason.

Assume that the other person is not lying, but you have a conflict of opinion.

Aria realized a horrible possibility that made her want to scream.

however, Love, who knows whatever he wants to know, does not listen to the opinions of others.

he keeps saying things that people don't want to hear.

I'm not like programmers who get paid to write based on other people's ideas. After all, I am the creator

these are pletely selfish traits, but love speaks suddenly and with conviction.

however, the people who live there are not good people, and they value their own desires more than moral and rational thinking.

the evil beast that uses a knife to force writers to write cannot demand that writers be moral or obey the law.

but in truth, none of them could believe Love's words and didn't think they were true.

this is probably part of the real reason why it's so hard for them to understand what he wants to do, and they can't understand either.

however, there are some things that make him different from other gods.

In other words, even on the verge of insanity, Frank is still human.

And if love contains all this darkness, madness and extreme evil in the imaginary works of this world, he still knows that he does not hold in his hands a document that does not have the power of magic.

because it is still in the process of creation, the evil gods are bound by a strong love.

I fear that once this document is officially pleted, the evil gods will reveal their evil intentions.

the thought of this situation gave Frank a nightmare.

I fear that when that time es, I will face worse than death.

Frank fears that he will pletely lose the ability to function without Love by his side.

In this fear, in this despair, in a future where there is no good future.

Frank kept his anxiety for the future in his heart, and at the same time looked at Love with fierce and wild eyes.

there is love and wonder.

In the next moment, Frank made an important decision.


(Gotta stop!)

this idea is very powerful and very powerful.

he wondered if the feeling came from his heart.

however, Frank saw no reason to doubt himself.

don't doubt that this is an idea that others have suggested.

of course, it was Frank's idea.

It's not to save the world or for any personal moral reasons.

whether it is the development of a nation, human civilization, or human life, it doesn't seem to matter.

when Frank saw these dark creatures, he knew the end was near.

christians seem to believe that the resurrection is meaningless.

Frank has no such pride and believes that he cannot prevent this conclusion that can be made in the dark.

Frank praises the God of darkness, the mighty Elder, and the God outside, written with love, but he won't do that if it means forgetting the life of the creator. how to do it.

because if these evil gods were created as creators, love would die in their hands.

Even supreme love is powerless in the face of my dreams.

According to the view that the omniscient, omnipotent is a woman, and she cannot escape the limitations of reason, she is only a woman with powers, not an omniscient, omnipotent God. If both have the same power.

however, their behavior is different.

this is the most mon use of the Almighty.

Love is still in the human world and is a higher manifestation than humans pared to the higher gods where the mind is separated from reason and reaches the highest mind.

the fact that he was able to face the man directly, instead of reacting as if he saw something immeasurable, seemed to be a great realization in Frank's mind.

they looked at each other and listened more.

Not because I don't want to see an evil god destroy the world.

he didn't want to see this man die, and the God who made him killed him, a crazy thing to happen like that.

It would be a great shame if there were no stories written by the New world team.

thinking about this, Frank decided not to go back and regret meeting Love.

As the mind says to itself - no matter what you do, the other side is finished, but it has not been released yet!

but Frank nailed that feeling. From the beginning to the end he is amazing, he doesn't trust anyone, he doesn't want the evil god to e, he wants to see the good, it's just a story.

Yes, that's right, no reason.

Frank is convinced of this in his heart, but whether he agrees with it or not is another matter.

what's wrong with this look?

Love asked shaking her head.

his eyes are not focused on anyone or anywhere in this world.

the eyes of heaven see where men cannot.

It is the history of the world, the past, the future, cause and effect.

creators should be able to do this.

the future does not stop, and the past is not everything.

therefore, in the love of the eyes, everything looks like a mess.

For the average person who wants to pletely destroy themselves, this seems like a dream.

It is different from the future that ordinary civilized people see.

A bright future is rare and real.

this is because they do not have the ability to sense the presence of evil gods such as the old ones and alien gods.

therefore, they cannot even understand the changes of the evil god.

therefore, the future they see is the only one, and they have no way to see the change, so even if the future changes, they can see the change, but what is the future before it change, I can't remember.

but love is different, it is a clear witness behind the evil gods, these evil gods, even those unthinkable evil gods.

Azatot, the leader of the demons

Love uses the Force, as some think, but in reality, it does not use anything to make itself an \all-knowing, all-powerful God.\

No matter what others think, it's not really strong.

Every time he used his superior power, Love's body inflicted unforgettable damage.

maybe the Supreme power can undo the damage, but as a user he cannot use the Supreme power to do such a thing.

After all, love is found through magical secret conversations that take more lives than evil gods.

the Almighty exists, but the will is not the true Almighty, he only takes the power of the Almighty.

So, he had no way of understanding, no way of understanding what he saw.

God's love, which sees true evil, cannot see beyond it.

If he was indeed a member of the divine demons, it was no secret.

but love knows that he can't do it with the power he stole, not because of his power, or because he's not strong and he doesn't have power, how can he be good?

the highest power of the body, no matter how great, is just that power.

thoughts of love, a world of love, and knowledge of love do not make a person supreme.

therefore, in order to achieve his goal, he cannot use this superior power and must use this weak nature in front of these big animals, like the beauty of a child.

(Isn't a power that I don't use powerful, even if it's omnipotent? I know God Almighty and I don't, so there's no way to really use it? my abilities, but still there is no way to infinity? )

Love turned away from the scene and looked at her hands.

If the system that creates \truth\ is not stable, then love is like a magical book that should not be looked at.

A book of magic called the book of Azathoth.

. the most frustrating thing you can do as a game developer is to approach God and fall from your throne to the ground. this game is an evil god, so I bee an evil god. the player's decision is correct. . ).

(Let's begin with the vision of fate that brought us here, ``the descent of God.'')

(In that case, you might start thinking I'm a stolen power supply.)

(the eternal past is the tabernacle of life. begin with the wickedness of your Lord.)

Love looked at Aaliyah and said with a smile.

on the other hand, when the An II entered the white fog, it was pletely lost because there were no reference values and nothing could be seen outside the vehicle. not at all.

I did not hear the sound of the engine starting.

Stop the car and help me!

Aaliyah was still crying and she and Nancy hugged. the kingdom of strange gods, he really wanted to leave, and out of fear he and Nancy hugged each other.

that said, do you have time to park?

without looking back, Vani stepped on the accelerator and pushed the car further up. Aria felt a strong tremor, she felt like throwing up, she was scared of a car or something.

At that time, there was a sound, a shock. It looked like affected metal, very strong, but scary.

It may not sound like a threat, but if you're scared, it's safe to say that this site won't scare you to death.

but what do you do when that voice appears in front of you?

It's natural that you can't hear outside sounds, but why do you hear so much noise? well, if you think about it, there is only one answer.

this is exactly the sound that appears next to it, there is no other way.

the angel stopped suddenly, and at the same time Arya mentioned one of the possibilities.

think about it, isn't this car full of nails?

Aria said with an evil look on her face, and when she went outside, she saw a man with a black line pouring water from the other side. in the car. when I reached the waist, they immediately got out of the car.

there's still time before the clock runs out, so why not?

Nancy asked as she ran, and Aria answered quickly.

this is possible because these mists are problematic and chaotic.

Nancy and Aria are still in the same plaza and can continue their conversation, but Angel is gone.

Even if the white fog takes away your eyes and other organs, your hearing is still there. So speak well.

he seems to have suddenly disappeared, and people suspect that he died at the hands of a creator god who suddenly appeared.

however, if Annie was really killed, Nancy and Aria would have been able to survive the search for the idol for a while.

he is a monster that can kill a person in a day.

I thought it would be okay, but Aria's pace slowed down.

then, as if something happened, the fog lifted and Nancy and Annie were no longer in front of Aria, and Aria was relieved to see that scene.

Aria is now in an old fishing village. All the trees here give him knowledge, but that knowledge is his, not his.

Are you Innsmouth?

Aliya says she has been there, but she must have never been, but she knows the place, the fishing village, even the smell of fish in the air. please practice it.

(Smelly fish?)

due to this abnormality, Aria returned from her memory state to the field of consciousness, and as she looked into her eyes, as expected, various faces different from her usual appeared in the consecutively. he was born into this world. From the creation of the winged celestial bodies. It changed from white raven feathers to colored scales.

the estimated number was about 20, and Ahri knew exactly what it was, it had to be a deep diver, an old ruler who lived in the depths, a family member.

No, no, it's very different, very special, not just the love of animals and nature, it's different and better than anything I know.

when Aliyah looked into the eyes of the holy animals that smelled of blood, she felt that the gods inside her body, the same animals, rejoiced, and she believed it. God is here.

on the throne of <Vinegar>.

the creator of all things, the servant of eternal love \one truth\, opens the eyes of the tavern of life.

power of Satan? Is this what you want?

but even if you can control it, if you can't, how can you control it? If you want to use a superpower, you must first have a superpower, and a superpower has a superpower.is. In other words, even if you take away the power of the devil, you are not a devil, but a limited human being.

At this time, even if you face an evil god, there is no chance of victory against an infinite number of evil gods.

After tavel said that, he saw another god, or another god, named \one truth.\

Yes, Your highness, <a fact>, no, Azuna.

book of madness 155 (48)

the aura was so strong that it looked like an evil god was sleeping.

Aria felt a terrible but sad power, and let out her cold aura here without hiding it.

In the depths of the ocean, divine energy ascends to the sky, just as it ascends to the heavens.

If man actually witnessed and observed the true manifestation of the Spirit, it would certainly be a terrible disaster.

with this, human nature will be destroyed and evil in this world and everywhere will be destroyed.

Aria looked up at the pillar of the sky, full of God's power, from the depths of the sea to the sky.

(this is just an intention. they are spiritual energy transmitters. If you want to understand their existence, I think they are absorbed by divine power and colored in other colors.)

(In this case, he thinks he's the embodiment of an evil god, but is actually just a demon. that's easy.)

the reason Aaliyah is suspicious is because Aaliyah knows exactly what God is talking about.

Simply put, this means that the cost of the divine bite will be 100% at the same time as it is dyed in the color of an evil god, the incarnation of an evil god. then he lost himself. A young man who became part of God.

For example, in the water palace of Lule, there are various manifestations of the evil god known to the outside world as \cthulhu\, or Narlathotep in many regions. this is called the incarnation of the evil god.

the evil god himself slept in the Field of chaos and died, sleeping forever in the sleep of Azathoth.

the model of Adam is the figure of the evil god, and the main character of the book cthulhu mythos is one of them. Later, he was accepted by the evil god as the black pharaoh.

Similarly, in \the one-Slayer\, Augustus became the Reverse cross in his last incarnation, because Narlathotep, the incarnation of Ney's father, often surpassed the power of the gods.

of course, Aria didn't know anything about these two people, she only understood them.

one is a thing of the future and the other is an unknown thing of the past.

the reason Aaliyah knows is because of love.

the creator of the cthulhu mythos did not know about these dark, evil gods, but he made this story a part of himself.

And for Alia, who came into the world from the pages of books, it is not difficult to understand the exact things.

but now is not the time to think about these questions.

well, Aria is on to something because it's nothing pared to this issue and it's all about the incarnation of an evil god.

Now Arya was not alone.

because Aria has a problem in front of her that she should face.

In front of Alya, she saw half-human, half-fish creatures surrounding her.

these fish creatures have human arms, fish faces and skin, and also grow scales on their bodies.

Like a normal fish, it had no eyelids, and its large, round eyes stared at Aria unblinkingly.

It looks strong, and aside from the fishy smell, it has a faint aura that is almost imperceptible.

It is similar to the world called immortality in mythology.

It's not hair, it's scales.

Aaliyah thought hard about what the next generation would be called and quickly came up with a name.

- deep

(too bad. they're not like creatures!)

Aria looked at him for a moment, but it wasn't what the other thought, as she felt no connection.

It's not a cthulhu mythos thing out of love.

(It's real, not fake!)

(No, it's impossible. If true, doesn't that mean an evil god is the cause of what we see in this world?)

. (For the descendants of an evil god to appear in this world)

(Isn't that the love of the creator?)

Aria thought about it a lot and got scared.

At this time, he was in a normal body, and even if he had his true body, he would not be able to defeat the evil true Gods.

because he is not an evil god or demon, he does not have eternal power or power, and even though he has the body of a god, he has no way to municate with the gods.

Aria suppressed the fear in her heart, suppressed her thoughts and reasons.

his heart cannot accept him and he is mad.

At this time, Aria looked into his very deep eyes with careful eyes.

At the same time, his body went into protection mode.

there was silence, but the diver next to Aria didn't move.

he did not attack as fiercely and fearlessly as expected.

Since she was the incarnation of Aria, she had no direct connection to the Great heaven's Library of hatred.

there's no door opener here, so there's nothing you can do to get the banned books.

Aria didn't know what to do but sleep.

Arya was helpless at this time and felt as helpless as God.

(of course, pretending to be an inappropriate avatar is silly and stupid.)

that's what Aria thought, but circumstances were always changing like no one could imagine.

oh, you're back? why are you still standing? Import.

his voice was surprisingly soft.

the people who spoke to me were giants of the deep sea who displayed terrible magical powers.

At first glance it looks like he has a magic diver and he doesn't notice the intruders.

this act of friendship is like accepting yourself for another person.

(huh? why does this seem wrong?)

of course, Aria had no idea what was going on.

In his mind, he had never touched deep water.

Not to mention no contact with animals or animals.

of course, this was Arya's first time seeing a beast like this set foot on a magical path.

therefore, it is impossible for the parties to know it.

Even though Aria is a diver, she feels different from people and animals like herself.

If I were to force myself to say it, I'd probably say it's in a different category.

Aria couldn't understand what it was.

If you have any questions please ask. that's Aaliyah's power, but maybe it's stupid.

huh? do we know each other?

xiao Ai, are you okay? I'm Norman. Norman, please don't say hurtful things even though it's been a long time.

the diver who spoke to Aria the first time was angry.

She looked a little surprised by Alya's words, but she clearly knew she was in a hurry to get up.

I haven't seen anyone yet.

No matter how you look at it, it's just a fisherman's animal.


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