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十月 12th, 1925




十月 19th, 1925

我继续履行职责,公正地记录我们饱受折磨的因斯茅斯镇内发生的事件。最近几天,调查人员撒迪厄斯·索恩(thaddeus thorn)和玛莎·巴恩斯(martha barnes)加倍寻找指向黑暗根源的迹象。









十月 26th, 1925

我附上一份简短的报告,调查人员撒迪厄斯·索恩(thaddeus thorn)和玛莎·巴恩斯(martha barnes)在过去一周里一直在检查从沉没城市中取回的文物。虽然由于感知到的敏感性而无法分享细节,但两人都进一步表示确信因斯茅斯的事件与一些长期埋藏的秘密组织有关,这些秘密组织在城市淹没在海浪下之前在这些外星隧道和大厅内进行了亵渎仪式。

线索似乎也与曾经从内陆进入的地下建筑群有关,也许将这个神秘的海底大都市与我们自己教区内的洞穴地区联系起来。现在计划冒险进入附近的爆破荒原,搜索粗糙标记的隧道入口,希望像在海底一样在地下找到答案。愿上帝保护他们,并揭示这种传染病的根源。以下是历史记录员以当地编年史的风格讲述的第 5 章:

十一月 2nd, 1925

我继续履行庄严的职责,公正地记录我们陷入困境的因斯茅斯镇内正在发生的事件。调查人员thaddeus thorn和martha barnes花了数周时间对从近海及地下探索的废墟中取出的文物进行了彻底的分析。







God who thought of making the summer should spend money, it is just a torture, but even with such torture the miracle has not e, how can I get salvation from the mosquito God?

Nancy went to Angel's house, where there is a temperature difference, 24-hour air conditioning, and the temperature is set at 11 degrees, so she feels that she is in heaven.

For smart people, this temperature should be called refrigerator temperature.

but for Nancy, who is hot outside, the temperature here is perfect and she feels better.

but the main problem here is that Nancy's knocker hit the door, leaving a big gap in the door.

this is enough for a ball with a diameter of 20 centimeters to pass straight through. Nancy realizes that this evil space has absorbed the conditioner and sent it to the outside world.

Since the electricity bill is someone else's, there is no need to worry about it, and Nancy does not have to worry about electricity problems either.

but that means that the temperature here gradually increased, so Nancy quickly took off her clothes and sat here naked.

Anyway, if it's a one-way trip, you won't be bored even if the temperature drops.

Nancy looked familiar, but she ignored the owner of the house. An evil stranger who broke down the door and showed no courtesy or knowledge found someone else's electronic equipment? Especially when the bad guy never pays the electricity bill.

of course, An qi was at home this time, but he had sound-isolating headphones on his ears, and the music was playing because the movie player in front of him was playing \haa chu\. Song he watches soap operas.

Even though he was in his room on the second floor, he didn't notice Nancy's arrival and he didn't see anyone enter the house.

however, this is normal in this day and age, because even the cheapest sound-isolating headphones can achieve 100% sound differentiation. he heard a terrible noise outside.

the headphones improved by An i not only maintain perfect sound isolation function and maintain perfect sound quality, but also very powerful tV and full power. If it's 9 degrees celsius, it's heaven. who cares what happens in a fire outside?

As someone who knows what life is like for people in hell and wants to help people, Ani's heart breaks. indifferent

there was a glass of chilled wine on the table next to An chi, with ice cubes half the size of the glass.

I don't think anyone would believe me even if I had enough to drink.

So malaika, who is physically and mentally unique, has to hide at home and secretly drink like a woman to kill her innocent smile.

that can't be done. when you go to a bar, nobody sells alcohol. And I was angry that I woke up and was hit without a glass of cold wine. quietly, he must have been angry, and between the alcohol and the cryotherapy, it seemed like he couldn't afford to hurt her any more.

where hasn't it been that long since the earthquake? but it shouldn't be, if the earthquake happens, don't rush, but if it doesn't, what will happen?

Again, that was a no-brainer after the earthquake that spilled the beer out of my cup and onto the table.

It is not an illusion because an illusion cannot change the body's response.

he put on his headphones, but wasn't ready to go out to watch, so he grabbed a bag of potatoes.

pared to these interesting things, I usually enjoy tV shows from another world, but Angel hasn't been here for a long time and has just been beaten, so I don't like it. Go to work everyone.

No one cares, this is not my real home.

bani said hesitantly, opened the package of potatoes with both hands, put on headphones, ate the potato, watched a tV show, and managed to find Ah without paying attention to even what thing how easy is it to go?

Nancy stayed in the room for a while. If you think of it as normal, there should be a reaction because you are not at home. As soon as this idea occurred to her, Nancy killed it and looked as if there was no one else in the room.

besides, Veronica's God wouldn't lead her here without anyone. So, Nancy was pretty sure there was someone in the room.

this prompts Nancy to move, and she leaves the room and walks sometimes to the kitchen, sometimes to the living room, sometimes to the bathroom to do laundry. After changing my clothes, I continued on my way.

this time I went up the stairs to the first floor. the first floor was nicer than she expected, so Nancy went to her room.

I'll look for it next time.

Nancy said from the doorway. only the sound is unknown, but so far only four rooms have been searched, and the probability is 1\/4, so this time the probability is higher than before.

Nancy knocked on the door. I waited a minute and still no answer.

Nancy put her hand on the door and turned. I couldn't hear him on the floor because it was locked.

Nancy smiled, thinking she had found the right place, but it was hard to find and she had to go through several rooms before she realized she was there.

I raised my hand vigorously, but there was almost no fat left on my body, so it didn't spread. After careful consideration, Nancy decided enough was enough.

he nodded, then stepped back and slammed the door so hard that it flew off and hit the ceiling, so hard that a stone fell.


malaika fell and the impact caused her to fall off the rocking chair and part of her foot landed on the potato foot without socks.

very painful.

the other man, wearing sound-isolating headphones, looked up and gave a friendly smile.

are you going? he has a background as a super high school level boxer and is very strong.

he was not interrupted by the arrival of another party, but Anlov's god told him some important things. the other person's name.

however, I don't think my partner is a nice person, but a smart and disciplined person.

the other pointed to the door in the ceiling, then he walked quietly, the door was controlled by the pull, and he fell immediately.

If he hits someone, they die. For example, even the weak Yasui can surely attain buddhahood in this room.

right? Am I popular?

A smile appeared on Nancy's face, convinced that her glory was beyond her imagination.

his dark face:

Actually, I used to be a boxer in high school, and I think you've figured out a way to make me pay.


For example, things like this.

on the screen behind Angel, Nancy shows the damage to her house.

my house has a timeless charm. And God's eyes are on your actions, so for the glory of God, you don't have to pay for my loss of sanity, but my work, my equipment, my precious You have to pay for your personal time. the hourly cost is approximately $300 per hour, which corresponds to this price.

Angel is really ready to hurt him and prepares an excuse in his mind that will be used to increase his ine. If he hadn't been fat, his last name wouldn't have been werther.

of course, all of this perfectly reflected An qi's personality. the same goes for her counterpart, Nancy, whose acting skills are highly praised and familiarity doesn't change An chi's demeanor. must be skilled.

well, no problem. I don't know about money. please list them. the money will be given to the pany, but all wages will be exempt.

So, is there anything you want to break? we will deliver it to you today.

of course, this time we are talking about your salary. because it's not something you spend money on. haha.

this boss Nancy is obviously joking, but if you think about your abilities, if you speak here, you might lose again.

because of this, Annie started expressing her anger. Like watching a liar play with the emotions on the victim's face.

oh, I was wrong, please don't look at me like that.

Nancy recoiled from the onslaught of her opponent's eyes.

many years ago.

this is the season of miracles.

Love looked at the girl in front of him, brought her to his cheek, and kissed her again. that creates a unique situation.

A miracle occurred from Shadow's body, and something miraculous and inprehensible appeared in front of the girl like a living thing.

there is no way to see what is happening above the human eye, and it is impossible to detect turbulence in the air.

After absorbing all the energy, the girl opened her eyes.

the first birth is acpanied by foolishness and fear.

he gradually realized who the person in front of him was.

Finally, these eyes are narrow enough to see family members.

how can emotions change?

did you wake up? good. my daughter.

Aria, from now on you'll be called Aria wortley, that's your name. Not so good, it's gone.

You are my ex, you are my daughter, and you are me, like the christian theory of the trinity, which, although stupid, can explain the absurdity of the current situation.

of course, no explanation is needed, but babies are difficult to understand, and people with no sense can't hear what children say.

but Souya wasn't worried, he seemed to understand that they were both secretive.

A personal manuscript on love is lost. divorced and deprived of the priesthood, she became a virgin to Rab, Aria whatley.

Love smiled softly.

carnival in your heart, I will not stop you and I will not give you any obstacle.

You are a god born with knowledge, but as stupid and naive as pippikael. You know all the answers yourself.

It bees the voice of God, the turning of a turning point, the turning of an axe, but it is not something to be understood.

this is my blessing and my curse.

do you want to hate me? It's okay, I gave birth to you, so you have the right to hate me.


After hearing what Ai said about Aaliyah, he showed confusion in his eyes and read her name again.

Is it like this? have you ever lost your mind? there's nothing wrong with starting over. It's okay if you haven't thought about it. Aria, my child, do not forget anything, you must be yourself, and that is the best oute, your name will be called, because you will be like christ, plete, plete.

this is a mon curse.

Frank shouted.

well, that's a blessing and a curse, so I can't deny it.

the myth of cthulhu is not a beautiful myth, it is dirty and dusty and as crazy as the mind of pippi particle, so how can it be good if it is born?

what is interesting about him is that he has always lived an innocent life. he loves the beauty of life, but he is also obsessed with the beauty that destroys it, and even though he loves to create, he also loves to destroy.

Nothing wrong with that.

but it seems you still don't understand, but you don't need to understand or answer because later you won't understand if you think about what I said.

You can't see the future, so naturally you don't know now, and you'll be in pain forever, but you don't know it, you're jealous. dIE

After declaring his love, he kissed Aaliyah again on the lips.

but at this point the strange aura does not last, it is a way of expressing love between family members.

Soya's words are cold and warm, silly and wise, but her appearance is so beautiful that people can't ignore her words.

there is a mysterious charm that makes you want to follow what he says, and this magical power, love, can understand the magic that he wants to know.

So, Soyaya uses her magical powers to insert her words into the minds of her listeners, leading people to mistakenly think that they e from her heart.

book of madness 121 (14)

of course, for An qi, apologizing doesn't matter, the most important thing is when the other party es with the payment.

besides his character he couldn't see what was happening, even though much of the house was destroyed, even the door was pletely gone.

Angel's eyes looked at Nancy, and the other said, \Sorry, this seems like a drama.\

If so, when can I get my money back?

or are there no such plans at all?

his words seemed inhuman. Unfortunately for him, it was a case of wanting to kill someone.

detectives is more than a show, and none of the actors are actors. Its core text is the largest evidence of this group.

there are no human side changes in this Golden horse game, so no special development is required. Just follow your heart.

what would you do if you were yourself?

writing from my heart allows me to see myself without any barriers in this world.

therefore, Ani is pletely sad at this moment and thinks that she will not worry for a long time, but it seems that her misfortune is not a coincidence.

If he doesn't get paid, he will surely be very sad. he admits it.

but even if you say that, I can't do it.

I don't own, so the house is rented and I didn't buy it myself, but since I don't own or own land, it can't be considered an asset.

If you have money, how can you work here in the heat? people sit and enjoy the air conditioning.

Nancy was pletely unaware of seeing others killed and did not tell the truth.

then Nancy refused to pay. Impossible. Nancy is not stupid, she knows her skills in this game.

It's not a big deal, but it's the perfect time to find a solution.

Seemingly understanding the other man's actions, An Yi was more afraid of Nancy than before.

In other words, there is no money available for payment.

A ii said so, but they are not interested in money, but only as a researcher on both sides, want to understand the meaning of both sides.

of course, Nancy knows what to say to the other person.

Yes, no offense, that's right.

At this point, Nancy didn't seem to understand what the other person was saying.

therefore, I believe that you are preparing well to be sold as a slave.

are you talking?

After hearing An Yi's words, Nancy's head shot up, and suddenly she couldn't look at anyone, and thought that even a person might not have a meter.

Nancy's mind went blank and she silently stared at Angel.

the person on the other end was just smiling, and I don't know what he was thinking, but Nancy's smile was not kind, and you could say it was just a devilish ugly smile.

Nancy knew that the man had bad intentions.

After all, we're all pretty good researchers, so it's no wonder we have bad ideas.

we love each other and thought we could work together and win the game, but it was just a dream.

Friends, along with canals, were the three most mon exhibits in antiquity.

Nancy does not think that unity or unity is the solution, but if we do not create such a situation, how can we be foolish enough to kill ourselves?

but this time, Nancy didn't want to act against the other side, but An chi didn't seem like that.

he doesn't believe in himself.

Nancy didn't think that was a bad idea or assumption. because he was a trojan veteran and someone who had been around longer than him he couldn't be stupid enough to accept what his friend had done. you can't.

A golden horse appeared in the room, but he didn't believe it at all.

however, the question is how much faith the party has in it.

All Nancy has to do this time is convince Angel to be her partner, and it's a different game than the other trojan Rooms.

You don't need to change any information, but at least let the other person know that the game here is not one of bullying each other.

when making such a decision, Nancy did not think about continuing the conflict. the original here is a lie. therefore, Nancy does not mind selling herself as a slave, but she is pletely free. there was nothing like it before.

Nancy thought for a moment and then remembered what God had told her before she came here.

the origin of the angel here is the \former high school detective\ how does this power manifest technically? It's hard to fully understand Nancy, but she's less a vision of the future than an ability to reflect on the past.

wise Nancy realizes that the other person is trying to wake her up.

maybe it was because of a momentary feeling of disfort, but he looked like a child on the outside.

Nancy learned this from a dream.

An qi did not know how he survived so many games, but everything was given to him by the Golden trojan horse, and it was not a lie. Important: we don't talk about unimportant things.

therefore, Nancy believed in An chi's true identity.

After 3 seconds of talking to the group above, Nancy began to speak.

No, not the old society.

but I don't care.

he narrowed his eyes at Nancy again, his eyes showing true evil.

hey, there are many ways to e back as a super high school level boxer, but the easiest one is to pretend to be a new boxer and box again. then you have to win a lot of money games.

So how does this happen?

Nancy's tone was slightly nervous, and An Yi seemed to be joking rather than serious at this point.

this is a regular program, so there is no particular connection.

Yes, first of all, please take a moment to introduce yourself. of course, please do not mention these things on the official website. I don't have time to listen to your bullshit. As a former high school senior, I don't think your information will be disclosed immediately. this is not possible on the official website.

what do you like

Nancy bowed her head in confusion, unable to understand what the man was thinking.

well, I buy information for a living, everyone has something they want to know, so I need researchers, unlike ordinary researchers, the ability to judge like God No, I have a job to do. that. It looks perfectly straight forward from the outside, but to me it's not.

I was a research major in high school, but I didn't have the same ability as people in science books.

because of my disability, I always find another way to eat, otherwise my life would be difficult.

many people opened their hands, and there was something white and soft in their hands.

he reached out and found more gold coins between his fingers.

For example, I understand these little tricks.

his words told Nancy that her abilities were useless and that she should not expect too much from herself.

Nancy couldn't understand why An chi would do such a thing, but she could imagine what the other person wanted to do.

but if you look closely, it's not there.

magic? have you been a street magician for a while?

Street magic?

the other plained, as if he didn't care.

how is this possible? I went out. I go to work or something. what should I do? Remember this.

If you're like me, you have to turn on your camera to play these games. I don't think the audience will see a magic trick. It doesn't matter, if you can make money, you can do it. there is no problem in doing that.

No advanced strategy required. this amount of coins is enough. Even if the game is not fun, people will laugh at you if you say you are a magician.

when he finished speaking, he dropped the gold coins into the coins he held in his right hand, caught all the gold coins in a wooden bowl, and threw them into the air. however, it is God who spreads the flowers. a If all the gold coins are collected in the wooden bowl, all the gold coins will be lost.

It's really interesting how you make money at this level.

A gold coin appeared behind his hand, and when he put it in his mouth and bit it with his silver teeth, the entire gold coin split in half, revealing a mouth that resembled a real one. chin. therefore

there are chocolates and sugar-free dark chocolates available, but you don't need to worry too much about them because they are effective.

he said with another smile.

Now, can I say this now?

well, no problem.

the character Nancy may not understand why Angel would do this, but as an actor and an investigator in the Golden horse room, she definitely understands - Angel is the gift of the Golden trojan. want to know what it is.

this type of information cannot be discovered through normal means, and Nancy Angell makes decisions based on her work.

If the other person can do the same, there is no need to ask yourself this question.

of course, if you know this in advance, but deliberately asked such a question, then maybe he wants to think that there is a secret.

but as we all know, there is no power, so Nancy doesn't care.

when faced with this power, he can only defeat himself by openly destroying it.

this gift from the wooden horse is from the God of salvation who gives miracles to people.

If you want to show that Golden horse is a game based on cooperation and collaboration to raise, it shows it - don't hide anything here.

Nancy uses this opportunity to remind chi if she has something to hide.

but do not forget this question, this is not another world where you can move freely, but a world bound by fate, assembled by the creators of the Golden horse.

therefore, there is a reason for everything you do, and that reason must match your actions.

It is impossible to assume that everything is serious from the beginning.

there is absolutely no reason to do this, so even if Nancy doesn't want to say anything, she won't take the lead in saying what she knows and what others have asked or what the donor hasn't said. . don't count on it. to speak

Nancy is a person who loves small children, so Angel cheers her up and tells her everything.

If he does, I don't think it will be easy for the trojans.

but this is already a generous game.

because if this happens to Silver trojan researchers, there might be something dangerous inside your system.

For example, hidden settings.

browsers don't know about other people's settings, or even yours.

because of this, they can be seen as enemies or natural enemies of each other.

maybe there was a shadow at first.

this information is gradually revealed as the story unfolds, but the detective work is relevant to these settings; that is, these hidden settings influence the work of the detective.

Even the person you trust the most will betray you or hurt you with lies, depending on who you are.

Even the person you hate can now accept you and bee your true partner.

one pup who cannot fully control his own destiny, or even his own actions, is the trojan silver explorer himself.

So Ani knows that these programs are trojans, so he doesn't blame anyone, but he still wants to make sure that batch is included in the list of included items.

In situations with new people, it should be easy to understand.

the intellectual distance between the trojan wards is so great that one cannot understand what the other is thinking.

I can only say that I understand half of it.

however, I must say that pared to the silver horse game, the golden horse game is soft and gentle, like a kindergarten game.

while this is clearly a game of tricking and harming each other, the Golden trojan leaves this choice in the hands of researchers, whether they want to be \friends\ or \friends\; this is the researcher's choice. As a judge.

the researchers themselves determined that the Golden trojans do not interfere at all, at least the good and evil between the characters, the actions between the characters are not limited to the fate of the Golden trojans as residents here.

but Nancy could not help recognizing this mercy as the most loving fort that the trojans gave to a researcher.

Angel waited in silence as she waited for Nancy to say something. because it determines what the angel will do in the future.

however, Nancy reacted quickly and did not miss Angel's story. Angel has the talent he got from troyan, the ability called \Super high School Level\, the effect of the healing power given to him, and the golden horse.

Next, you need to know that the other person is lying.

For former mid-career researcher An Yi, this question is not an easy one.

I used to be a boxer in high school. As a representative of this gift, the gods flow into my body like a gift from the gods, and I can control it, dominate it, and use it in every part of my body. hair, fingers, toes, etc. no problem.

In other words, I can control this life through my will, just like the power of God. I don't know how to use certain techniques. If you understand the nature of this gift, you will probably understand it. You will fall into a deep hole. mad at myself

depending on your configuration, you can defeat, kill, or surprise your opponent.

this is a powerful gift of life, the power it brings is irresistible to the poor, no doubt, it is really powerful, what can this gift do?

Again, we can see that what the other side is trying to say is that the trojans have given themselves a lot of power, so what are they going to do with that power?

of course, such a force is not \perfect\, so there must be an \upper limit\. After all, I'm not perfect, and when it es to \destroy the world,\ I'm not perfect either. In my situation, I fear that if I use my power to acplish my goals, God's power will answer my prayers and give me peace.

of course, I don't understand such indifference, and if it goes too far, I can't react in any way.

however, I noticed that every time I used this power, a part of my personality disappeared. It does not bring happiness, it brings despair, but you must use this power before taking the last step.

In other words, even if it looks strong at first glance, is it useless against a strong enemy?

For malaika, anything beyond reason is magic, even if it is magic.

Usually there is a big difference in the eyes of the public, but this is like a miracle.

A man without a vision calls everything that he does not understand a delusion and says that he trusts in reliable and imaginary things, but this is nonsense, he says it without explaining it.

Also, what people couldn't say back then was that it was a miracle of God, and civilization has e so far, so why are there still so many idiots?

but for this reason it can be called a trick or a trick, as it is used in magic, or as it is to make the stars fall, or as the angels of God are called. In any case, follow that trick and the others. You can do that. however, that is the way it is - ordinary people do not know the right path and make pletely stupid decisions, relying on their foolish and foolish hearts.

of course, it was like malaika used to do magic, but no one understood it. I think this is a trick. he doesn't know the theory. why does he still show such ments and thoughts? . --Indeed, this is true magic.

Angel kept his disappointment to himself and looked at Nancy and smiled.

Very good, this kind of talent is beyond me, and I am weak, even if each other is at the super high school level, the difference in the game is still huge, which separates countless people around the world one thing like that. . In society, there are two types of people: smart and poor, in terms of intelligence, appearance, education, etc. there is a great difference between people, whether they are poor or smart. that's why I hate super talented people like you. this is the result of ordinary people working hard in life, training endlessly, and ruining their skills.

Effort is important, but it can be overe by individual differences, such as when a character doesn't even reach half of their maximum level by the end of the game. oh, I hate people like that.

Angie makes her usual mean, mean, mean ments. how much self-loathing are high school seniors who hate smart people?

mind book 122 (15)

contrast this with unhelpful negative ments

After hearing Angel's pletely unhelpful words of negative energy, Nancy approaches Angel's testimony and gives her own testimony.

After Nancy talked to the gods here, when Nancy went home, she had no idea what happened. And then he realized what his purpose in the world was and what was happening.

therefore, it is impossible for Nancy to allow Angel to remain worthless.

No matter how talented Adam is, if he does not work, his reason for living will be as meaningless as any other creature without talent.

talent is innate and natural, and wasting that natural talent is more than suicidal. will you let me live my life here?

From what she said earlier, I felt that Nancy was trying to say that people like me who have no talent should not e near me, and people who have talent can do their own work.

For example, when he explains his failures as a researcher to Nancy in order to understand her, it seems that he is trying to explain something that is nonsense.

Nancy doesn't know Angel's skills or what he got from troyan, but after seeing the other's work, she realizes that the other's power in her must be stronger than hers, and at the same time asks and payment. the salary is even higher.

that's why I want to avoid my responsibility.

but are the angel's talents useless? this possibility can be pletely ruled out if you remember what the Golden horse said well, Nancy cannot believe that the other party is not an inexperienced person.

Instead, Nancy believes that her new powers are of no practical use.

however, Nancy does not have high expectations for beginners. because people above the entry level cannot get their daily needs without going through the first order.


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