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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第85章 奇怪的事件

第85章 奇怪的事件 (第1/2页)

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九月 20th, 1925

我继续编年史,记录最近发生在我们因斯茅斯社区的奇怪事件。五天前,调查人员thaddeus thorn和martha barnes加倍努力,以发现全镇报告的异常来源。在市政大楼筛选文件时,他们注意到几十年来内陆沼泽地的古怪之处一再被提及。







九月 27th, 1925


更令人不安的是社区内流传的袭击谣言。据说调查人员thaddeus thorn和martha barnes自己在检查沼泽边界附近发现的奇怪ichor时遇到了可怕的事情。两人都勉强在一次奇怪的袭击中幸存下来,使他们因发烧的伤口和痕迹住院,这与医学上已知的任何疾病都不同。



十月 5th, 1925






今天,调查员撒迪厄斯·索恩(thaddeus thorn)和玛莎·巴恩斯(martha barnes)已经恢复了足够的力量,可以恢复他们的重要工作,尽管尸体尚未完全愈合。他们仍然决心揭示这些变化是如何传播的,以及可能潜伏在我们海岸下方或之外与这些迹象相关的古老邪恶。愿上帝引导他们努力为我们受苦的城镇带来救济和恢复秩序。此帐户将关闭,直到出现新的见解。

wouldn't it be better to let them know in advance? he was beaten in vain.

hen the Lord clapped his hands, he felt that all the scars on his body disappeared and his face made of a pig's head returned to its original shape.

his hands covered his face, being normal.

however, when he touched his right eye, he experienced severe pain, and the black eye remained.

the other said in a crying voice.

You didn't say that was good? why is it still so painful?

he has no respect for God or buddha and he wants to die before God for those people.

but he realized that if the gods wanted to kill him, they would, and of course the angels would use magic.

how can it be, this is a punishment for angering the gods, if I help him heal, it is well thought of, the darkness of your right eye reminds you. maybe.

please don't be angry with me and don't leave forever.

Kami-sama's voice sounded like a defiant bully.

the angel wanted to be angry, but he knew he wouldn't use that gift if he didn't think about losing it.

malaika has dreams that are more important than life, so how can she waste her time chasing her dreams for something interesting? he would not tolerate such a situation.

Angel: Golden trojan, what happened in the world?

Golden horse: Really? this is the beginning of a tradition, I am not a silver trojan. Essentially, you need a way for your puter to access programs easily.

me: hello! Is this kit still available?

Golden horse: You can actually create your own design before you collect it. of course, it's up to you if you want to save the plot or not, hehehe.

You oppress people.

when he woke up in the morning, he angrily said that his insults must have hurt.

Even though Angel is not a detective or an actor, he is still boring.

Another looked at God but received only an expression of indifference.

perhaps human anger is not important to the gods. human emotions are not to be discussed with God.

If you are truly God, your meaning will probably appeal to people like watching a tV show.

Seriously, you couldn't ask for something more meaningful? It is strange when God requires the faith of men. then God will do a miracle for people and if they are religious they will be saved.

however, such good things are not possible, and miracles are far from man.

God will not do anything to people because God does not trust them and does not need them.

At least he can act like a fool on stage to get God's attention and hope like a pet dog.

but if this world was created by trojan horses, wouldn't things be different?

without a doubt, this place can be called a miraculous place. God is necessary for laws that do not exist in this world. do the gods want to send miraculous help to mankind?

the angel was very interested in this, but when he saw the gods in front of him, he realized that regardless of the human world, it was difficult for humans to understand the thoughts of the gods.

munication with the gods is no different from a disaster.

disasters, disappointments, and calamities created by God are not the fault of people, and if God is alive and faith is necessary to live, then fear is naturally the first thought of man, and it is natural. people's first belief. be strong and it must be great faith. Let faith be the beginning and end of so-called fear and despair.

An Yi was so worried that he didn't think.

did you open it? haha, who asked you to hurt me?

God laughed.

there were tears in his eyes and he was beaten in the morning.

As I looked at God with plex eyes, different emotions came to my mind.

but God seems to be very happy.

At this time, Ani definitely became a force of faith in God, anger, despair, and fear.

Good emotions are good, bad emotions are not. the meaning is to believe that no matter how you feel, the more power you have in God, the more power you have in God.

or, who is angry?


Ira looked at him in his eyes, yes, he was afraid, he immediately lowered his head with his two hands, yes, he was afraid again. In fact, he was a researcher, not a warrior, and even God could not ask him for a fighting spirit.

he is empowered and when he reaches hell, slander is unthinkable, he is a real angel, so he can live safely in the Silver trojan horse. Just as the great trojan ruler did not need people to oppose him, the Silver trojan was a man who wanted to attack those who wanted to oppose him.

Silver trojan horse of Justice - I do justice in my heart, and anything that goes against my will is evil.

he had his own way of thinking, but Angel didn't understand it yet, so he had no choice but to obey pletely.

of course, Annie, the trojan ruler, had no problem using the divine power of the silver lampring, but it was useless.

Now he was like everyone else, trying to judge better, and even with his high school brain he realized that the boy in front of him looked like a silver man. of course, this does not refer to their righteousness, but to the idea that those who do not follow them will be destroyed.

As a former member of the Silver Football team, An Yi understood that if he continued his stubbornness, he would surely be kicked out of the game by accident. what he went through after that.

As beautiful as the Golden horse is, who expects it to be as good a kill as the Silver Ruler, which is not fun at all.

So what do you need?

Yai looked serious, but there was a dark circle in his right eye, which made him look a little strange, and the young man couldn't help but laugh. this time malaika doesn't show her anger, but remembers her actions and has to use her high school talent to e up with a series of bad plans to avenge this humiliation. Silver Legion, Silver dominator - Angel is proud to be a member of the Silver trojans.

don't laugh.

God is real.

I am Anlov, as you can see, I am God.

Anloff says he is mentally ill because only mentally ill people in the world think they are gods.

there is only one magician in Angel's heart, and the beautiful angel has seen magicians many times, but unlike Angel, he has never seen a magician stronger than those who call themselves gods.

what happened? you agree

If you suddenly say you are God, who do you think will believe you?

can't the two people around you attest to the power of the Lord?

Isn't this a totalitarian world? then I remembered that the car supplies were mine.

one felt that something had suddenly happened and tried to pretend that he did not know, but there were some things he could not act like a fool.

well, if you step back and look into your darkness, you'll see that it's not a lie, but believe it or not, I have a job for you.

work? Is it really effective? oh, work is hell, God, why did you bring me the fire of hell?

because you are a talented person, an angel, a graduate of hope hole. holy angel? that's a great name, high School Senior Researcher.

In fact, this person is a top NEEt examiner.


Anlov was surprised. pearl answered.

because my philosophy in life is to never leave the house if I don't have to, and most of the information can be found on the internet, legal or not, so I'll leave it to you. For better to e. better to e. Nowadays, there is no human work or brainstorming, we only need a machine, but not enough brain to predict the mind. you

So remember, I'm a policeman at home, Jue! move! he does not leave the house to work.

before the fallen investigator lost his soul, the angel shamelessly said:

At first, he thought that a god named Anlov would mand them to move.

but this master laughed, clapped his hands, and said:

this person is right and needs your wisdom.

I am a god, but unlike the old gods who lost their faith and worshiped men, I represent the present and the future.

I am science, the fantasy version, not me, we are the gods of science, we are the new gods, we --- science.

the god Arafu said this, and so did the Gindan angels and the main forces. we have our first encounter with the new gods that appear in science fiction.

book of fools 117 (10)

what kind of crazy world is this?

this was a good and bad thing for the gods of the world, and the fear of being attacked again kept the angels from saying anything.

In other words, at this point, Annie shoves the self-proclaimed god in front of her.

Either he thought about it, or he just continued his thoughts. but after witnessing another person's self-proclaimed god and truly understanding what that being is, shame is inevitable.

Such a twisted world does not obey the laws of reason and has nothing to do with the will of man, which is the order that God must have.

Fallen angels have no heart to obey God.

It's anger, it's hopelessness, it's hopelessness, it's anger that there is no Savior in the world, not even a miracle in a meaningless world.

however, no matter how much anger and despair I felt inside, it often led to physical weakness.

In the end, he could only see God with his eyes.

of course, if only machines or a few people can do it, then your presence is unnecessary.

So please don't ask me to do anything that God or man cannot do, not even a miracle.

we see that it is the people who pray to God and ask for salvation, not God. why does God need human help? did you laugh?

You are a divine being, but how do you show God what to do? If there are things that even God and people cannot do, how can we speak before God?

I can't understand another person's intentions, let alone another person's intentions.

but if you think about it, Angel couldn't think of anything else to do but have fun playing God games to kill time.

It is impossible for people to perform miracles that people pray for, just as others need human help.

the angel believed in this with all his heart, so he believed in the trojan rulers, the great beings who lived in the court of chaos, the elders, these animals called outside gods.

For the God in front of him, Ani did not even know the slightest fort, and even though he was clearly in the presence of God, he could not get any fort, and could only endure God's mands here. .

the silver number rings emit an inparable light that cannot be seen by humans and gods.

In this gentle and beautiful light, the negative emotions in his heart began to subside and were replaced by unparalleled strength.

Yi's eyes showed this strange light and this god saw himself in front of a man called An Ruof.

It was the first time that God smiled in front of Annie, and it was like God smiling at the heroes of the stories, instead of mocking the helpless and tired people who wandered the world.

It was great. he did nothing, did not understand the other person's situation, did not understand what happened to him.

this is help from God, help from God called trojan silver.

there was no way to know if the Silver trojan's power was there and when it took effect, even if the god Anlov didn't know.

but one thing is certain.

In other words, God is with you.

Anlov immediately realized that the other person was what he was looking for and that he had not made a mistake this time.

but now is not the time to explain all this. Even if God, God is not the God he thinks, cannot be separated from the will of man, and cannot be an illusion. man-made object. monster.

If that God is real, and if people need worship to live, then that God has no power to save his creator.

God has no way to save man and has no role in man's problems. this is the culture of the world, this is the basic principle of the trojan room system.

Although he is a god of science, he has powerful magical powers, but he is not as powerful as Annie thinks, because he is actually a human illusion that disrupts the world. In such a world.

the angel, who did not know that the gods of this world were not as powerful as he thought, did not know that the gods in front of him only appeared through the worship of people.

people have no power or ability, born from illusions of weakness, unstable and certainly not worthy of attention. to understand

Some wondered if the god in front of him was playing with him.

therefore, the desire for revenge is not difficult to understand. Given the possibilities, An chi really wanted to inflict human wrath on this god.

Annie suppressed the anger that rose in her chest for a moment and spoke calmly.

So what do you want from me?

If you were obedient before, unfortunately now you don't have to hit me, but now you can listen to others in silence.

the god Anruof smiled, but An Yi thought it was a joke. he almost broke his teeth, but he smiled in front of someone.

Anything like a god, whatever it is, is a disaster for humanity.

Not knowing what god is in this world, he made a wise decision and answered with a smile like a priest.

he considered himself a priest dedicated to God.

Yeah, yeah, so what's the big deal?

he repeated again, a professional smile on his face. deep down he wanted to kill God, but this anger did not change his feelings.

but for God, who depends on the will of man to live and gain divine power, human emotions are easy to understand.

Even if someone doesn't show it, you can tell when someone's heart has changed.

however, this did not affect the mood of the gods. whether it's a good or a bad emotion, it is faith that gives God power, even if it is the only power given by the original system.

I think this is a concern for you too. on the other hand, if it is a simple task, God does not need to appear before you or beat you to understand the importance of the task.

An Rou's words were meant to anger An qi.

this was definitely not good, and of course Anlov also saw Anh qi's words and directly told her that he didn't like it and didn't want to do that. . I don't want to work for someone who can beat me in half.

It wasn't appropriate, but Anlov could actually see the evil looks on other people's faces when they told him this.

It's interesting that you can express your anger on such a plex issue.

but if the other person hates, gets angry, or is afraid, none of that can affect God's decision.

because he is God, he must trust people for his salvation, even unworthy people, God means all people, God loves no one, and now but we all need of God, and that applies to everyone. the people big love is not little love.

human emotions are misunderstood and underestimated.

Also, from a human perspective instead of a divine perspective, aristocrats do not care what the mon people think, and tyrants cannot change for the mon people. At this time, workplace leaders do not care about the feelings of their employees and demand excessive work and stressful work as if it is a miracle.

things like this happen in relationships between people, and of course even Anlov and people are capable of acting beyond their limits.

whether you don't need it or not.

Unfortunately, this issue concerns the future of one party and also its unfriendliness if the other party does not want to work or even refuses to work.

God doesn't care about these effects, but that doesn't mean he condones them as a good thing.

And Anlov, the god, doesn't like rebellious people either. the boy wasn't as worried as the thief, but he didn't want him to worry.

he needs a horse that is pletely loyal to him, not submissive. he has many torture devices that he can use to subjugate people to his will.

check out the other side to find out if you should try these wonderful supplements for yourself.

of course, he never said those words.

did you hear the news? the existence of the cthulhu mythos.

Are you talking about Kushulf?

he thought about leaving, but waited for information from the Golden trojans. of course, all information about the cthulhu mythos will be carried over to the next season.

this? It seems like a series of stories. maybe it was released a few years ago. but I don't like horror books, so I've never read it, and I've heard some people say that it's a horror story written in science fiction even though it's in the science fiction section . chemistry.

Good thing I didn't lie this time. honesty is always a good start.

Anlov just answered Annie's words.

why do you ask me what you know?

because I want to know if you can lie directly, even if seen on the internet, I don't know, for a homebody like you, I don't know if you know you better than you know yourself. . do

this is NEEt.

Angel corrected.

well, what you call it is up to you. but even in heaven, I know you better for what kind of person you are.

top? one was a bit scared and after staring at him he felt watched.

we will talk about these things after we wake up. Now I don't talk or whisper, but I'm very busy. I'm not your friend.

Anlov spoke kindly, but he wanted to punch her first. that thought was so strong in Annie's heart that she almost lost the will to attack directly.

but he finally gave in, took a deep breath, and finally calmed down.

this requires a more careful roll.

So what's the deal this time? the other said quietly, and it took a while for him to finally return to normal.

please don't worry. this is a very low risk legal activity.

the questions and answers are not contradictory, what Anne II wants to do is about the content of the work, and Anloff's answer is about the merits of the work, without really giving any information. Faithfulness

the other shouted in anger.

You have to know what you want to hear. his gaze pierced Anlov, his eyes filled with impatience and anger.

but God was not afraid of what others would think and finally agreed to be cruel.

what happened? God said.

Angie nodded, indicating that it was okay this time.

Yes, I want to know, I am beaten by this nonsense!

the silence only lasted half a second before An qi shouted.

but despite Annie's cries, Anlov didn't hear any strange reaction.

haha, are you interested?

No, I'm not really interested, but I don't want to say it.

Some did not plete their sentences. I don't know the time. All the enemies of the kingdom are staring at him, and the eyes of those who are not disciples send a terrible evil.

Angel <mind check>, appearance: 22, luck.

but maybe because he is a witness of God, Angel was able to protect his will from the evil will of his acquaintances.

but he thought that if he continued to speak, he would surely be beaten by the people who knew him.

the steel evil crushed An Yi, and An Yi understood what they meant without saying a word.

Such a terrible act that An ii did not have the courage to stand up and face him. he sat quietly and looked at him with joy, but it seemed that God did not like him either. As I sat up, I felt a burning pain. on my button.

you! It was sick and disrespectful.

I said send it?

God spoke well to me, but my attitude was not good.

the man next to him let out another snort, this time with more force, and he started to panic a little.

Angel health checkup, appearance: 81, failed.

<pain> 1d4, target: 2

Fear weakened Anne II and lay weak and weak.

Yes, how about that? this is for a short break.

the other man seemed to faint at this point, probably from fear.

however, it seems that God liked Ani's words.

As if hearing God's thoughts, they began to calm down, and An Yi, thinking that he would be beaten again, also began to calm down.

but even after hearing this, he was out of breath because of the physical terror that drove him crazy.

If 5 or more intelligences are lost within an hour, the person goes insane for a moment, loses 2 points, and causes other reactions.


we need your help to find out where the vengeful tyrant, author of the cthulhu mythos, is hiding.

You can do it yourself, right?

Some ii asked in confusion, as one party said, he should find the information he needs from the internet, he has such a possibility, if there really is another god If there is a part of it, II cannot deny it. this is what if.

Unfortunately, according to the description of the golden horse, this may be the new god on the wall.

truly unlucky, a fate prepared for the Golden trojans.

because there is no other way, we need you, high school researcher. Yes, you are human, and your inpetent and crazy nature is what makes you useful.


he read the important points. Anlov nodded.

of course, we are also looking for other high school students, these are the ones who graduated.

treat others like children, even if they are not like you.

of course, we will see them soon. Not all super high school students are like that. And the groups you put together are ads that help us.

Anloff still makes a good point, but it's a mon trait to treat others like tools.

the cthulhu mythos is like crazy words written in a mental hospital while smoking.

Anlov hates the author of the cthulhu mythos and his works.

basically nothing, but strange, strange things appeared in the world.

what does that mean?

Ian looked at Ruof, feeling bitterness in his heart. As expected, he was actually in the opening scene.

Unfortunately no one can escape from it! I screamed my heart out again.

In fact, that is, the novel of this mad writer has bee a history book, more exaggerated than the bible. At least the crazy book is inplete, but Amma is this crazy story that turns out to be true. .

Stupid books seem to refer to the bible, and stupid stories refer to the cthulhu mythos.

In fact, chi had never heard of this series - at least not in the wider world.

but there was no way the angels didn't know about cthulhu, this great god of the magical world, the dark god who slept in Rekk, the Lord of Sleep.

Is this myth about this dark god, this demon, true? that's what I thought of the name, but there was a thoughtful expression on his face.

For example, our people have now discovered the Reich Kingdom under the sea.


the other qi had a strange look - it was not a lie, he felt that he understood the main line: could this be a copy of the evil god's world conquest?

today, this cursed writer is still writing chapters of madness, and these dark gods in the minds of mentally ill people are also seen in the world.

Attempts to prevent the publication of this series were unsuccessful for unknown reasons. this article will be published in the Science world Library despite efforts to have it removed. by the way, the parts that are not included in the magazine will also be published.

It's amazing and nothing stops crazy books from being published.

Anlov fell into a powerful position.

we still have no way to find him, nothing, we succeeded, but he looked at us, saw our behavior, and even said: fake smell, even I You can smell it and it seems bad. . .

when Anlov repeated these words, his expression became very angry.

book of fools 118 (11)

this is definitely the stupidest statement in the world.

he believed it and he could not deny that answer.

the god must have been angry in front of me.

this kind of emotion definitely told him that there was a big difference between the man in front of him, who had human-like emotions, and the God he thought of.

he believed that even the gods of dreams were not like this man in front of him.

Furthermore, to Annie's ears, there was no doubt that what the other person was saying was different from what she was saying in her heart, and there was no strategy involved.

this story is worse than something written by a group of elementary school students, but is this really what God said? he felt something strange again, and wondered if something like a dream had happened this time too.

It was very difficult for An qi, and he didn't want to understand either. In fact, it is difficult to understand and accept him, and he will deliberately find reasons to drive him crazy.

It was very dark and very disturbing. Vani thought about it.

If it wasn't a god falling into the abyss of madness, then it was a miracle caused by Kaneki's horse power.

when he arrived here, An Yi remembered that he was not a person of this world, and he could not think about it in his previous thoughts.

the mind does not work because this is the world of the Golden trojans, that beautiful place.

therefore, An Yi could only bear the disfort in his heart.

I passed Angel's \Safety test\, questions: 50.

Fortunately, An ii showed some resistance due to the same dream last time, so I didn't feel stupid this time.

At this time, Anlov also quickly returned to his normal state and did not show any feeling like a crazy person.

however, even though he felt that he was a true god to the people, An Yi, who had no respect for saints or buddhas, was ultimately afraid of it. terrible.

my feeling returned to its original tenderness, but it was not as tender as it had been in my dreams.

So, now you need to understand what you need to do and what your job is. Anlov said, but this time his tone did not change, it was smooth.

Instead, it is terrifying, frightening, and frightening, giving Annie the fear that the god before her may shed his human shell at any moment and reveal his true form beyond words.

Fortunately, that was not the case. then, An II, who was scared, gradually relaxed.

but next time, that peace will be gone.

official duties have ended and private time has begun.

don't worry, the gold genie doesn't care.

So you need to understand what your job is?

before Anlov could say these words, his arms and legs flashed like lightning, and a new barrier opened up from him.

At this moment, An Yi also felt the disfort of the barrier, which seemed to be swirling in the chaos of the sky.

the disease has wiped out the world of galleries that once resembled children's doodles.

Instead, it's a Raleigh-style mansion.

No, this is the real Le Ruie. Especially looking at it and its parts, there is no doubt that this building must be under the sea and ancient. they are sleeping.

Even Isti, who was not versed in mysticism, heard poseidon's law that Rellek was the burial place of all ancient rulers. the magic barrier saves the souls of the gods.

of course, such a far-fetched explanation is not convincing, but the obstacles standing in the way of An II seem to be based on this myth.

Idol tomb? he felt the terrible sensation of the spell on his body, and his consciousness was swallowed up again.

that fear, that fear covered him like a vine.


to my surprise, no voice alerted me this time.

At this time, his darkness disappeared, there were no signs of his body, he was not tired, he felt as if he had injected himself to increase his strength, and his spirit was still intact.

but in contrast to this immorality and misery, Angel saw God before his eyes changing his character.

his appearance hasn't changed at all, but now he doesn't look like a god, and of course he's not a demon either, he's what you'd call a human.

Surprisingly, he looked like a saint.

Unable to understand why this place suddenly returned to Riley, An Yi also doubted his words.

who is the Golden God?

First question. Anlov seemed to want to answer.

I am an imaginary god, a family god in this world, and actually, as a god, it is not difficult to borrow the power of the god, and as I said before, Rory appeared in the world. what is my problem, God, did I use a fence to connect the two?

So the second question is, who is the Golden God? that's what we call a trojan horse.

when Anlov took this name, there was something called a trojan horse. Angel was afraid that it must be a member of the trojan chamber as an investigator and not a senior guard. themselves.


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