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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第84章 深红地穴

第84章 深红地穴 (第1/2页)

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在高级观察者阿格扎尔的批准下,扎克提议进行一次探险,以调查干扰地点。加入的是mappers Vrth和Lr'sh以及三名助手进行指导。食物在灯光下收集,并在黎明的第一缕闪烁时提供祝福。

它们稳定的路径包括重叠,揭示了以前看到的蚀刻隧道之间的连通性。Vrth 和 Lr'sh 一致认为,所有这些都与矿物完美契合,这意味着从上古时代开始就引导旅行者的安排中超越了偶然的意图。










在沉没的城市R'lyeh下方,有一个庞大的洞穴地穴网络,被称为crimson crypts。地穴由未知的古老力量雕刻在活的岩石上,向各个方向跨越数百英里。诡异的深红色光芒从覆盖洞穴墙壁的奇怪发光真菌中散发出来,将一切都沐浴在超凡脱俗的红色光芒中。

地穴中的生命比比皆是,但这是一种不同于地表世界所知道的生命。奇怪的杂交生物潜伏在这里,被渗透到地下环境中的奇异真菌和矿物质扭曲和变异。deep one杂交种的遗传物质与地下哺乳动物,昆虫和水生生物以怪诞的合并形式混合。








接下来的一个月,三名年轻人在一次捕鱼旅行中失踪,他们的船被发现漂流并在离岸一英里处空无一人。搜查没有发现小伙子的踪迹,他们的家人悲痛欲绝,没有答案。大约在这个时候,老人乔赛亚·金博尔(Josiah Kimball)完全不再从家里出来,尽管里面每隔一段时间都能听到灯光和噪音。当警长应邻居的要求破门而入时,只发现了一个彻底破坏的场景......但我省去了读者那些亵渎神明和可怕的细节。



正是在这种奇怪的气氛中,调查员撒迪厄斯·索恩(thaddeus thorn)于8月23日带着县政厅的介绍信抵达。他是一个25岁的年轻人,起源于波士顿的某个孤儿院,他带着认真的天性,并表示有意发现我们小镇变化的根源。在水手休息处住下,他开始勤奋地四处打听,尽管遭到了镇民的普遍不安或逃避。

为数不多的提供任何援助的人之一是该镇的主治医生和外科医生玛莎·巴恩斯(martha barnes),她本人已经27岁了。她是一个精神抖擞的女人,从未表现出对危险的恐惧,她与索恩先生分享了她对她在工作中观察到的身体特征变化和非理性行为的担忧。他们一起开始汇编异常记录和记录,希望找到线索。

the Golden horse details the game, but the second paragraph reveals some surprising details.

After saying these words, Nancy turned away, but Ani saw that some people in the distance did not hear troyan's words, and troyan seemed to be the only one talking to Ani.

but what happens in the relationship between a deep thinker and a person who has not yet understood what the other person is saying?

Still not sure? Angel's golden horse seemed confused as to why Angel didn't understand.

In other words, where a party lives, the adults lead a miserable life, so in his eyes the children gradually attract his attention. because, even in Nancy, there is no such thing as India. Even in deep dives, he remains human in body and soul.

Nancy, who doesn't take well to adults, bees a brat who loves children.

According to tom, of course we can't stop it. because he couldn't see anything, and more importantly, he didn't know that what he saw was sinking. or that attitude just means that he is an outsider.

Furthermore, as residents of Innsmouth, they cannot leave their homeland, even if they have relatives who have not awakened, unless they are priests of the branch of the order of poseidon.

Unless there are special modifications, perhaps its ultimate fate will be a breeding tool for deep-sea divers.

the golden horse said everything in a soft voice.

And on the way, Nancy appeared like an evil ghost and raised her hand to slap the golden horse in the face.

the golden horse moved slowly and avoided the blows of the enemy.

he then reached out and touched Nancy's body with his fingers, igniting a blue lightning fire. Nancy fell to the ground as if she had been electrocuted.

why did they say that?

Nancy looked like she was going to cry, no, she really cried like a baby.

It's not that I'm hiding it, and Angel seems very confused, so it's my job to settle the confusion of others.

what did I not do? Nancy couldn't believe what the golden horse said and asked again.

No, like I said, that's my job.

the eyes of the golden horse are pure and do not need to lie.

As the ruler of this room, he should not speak and cannot understand the emotions and thoughts of ordinary people, because the trojan mind is different from people.

but unless the golden horse is a lie, this answer will reveal a lot of information.

however, Nancy, who was mourning at the time, did not understand the message from the other side.

If you look closely, Nancy's Golden horse points out the real differences between these researchers, which are not difficult.

but Nancy doesn't notice it now, but maybe she will when she calms down.

he thought about it too, but such a bad attitude meant nothing to him and he found this trojan attitude interesting.

however, this time, Annie was a little far away, her eyes were unintentional, and she did not look into Nancy's eyes.

After expressing her anger at the Golden trojan's sudden misbehavior, Nancy rushes to Angel's side in a masterful move, unaware that she is about to burn 4d6. when Annie realizes who he is, she kicks him to death.

Ann Yee soon learned that the black woman was innocent.

Sorry, sorry, I made a mistake, please forgive me.

Nancy immediately hugged him, pressing her face to his chest. Nancy's breasts are rated d.

help me, let me go, don't be angry, help me.

he panted until he couldn't breathe, and soon they were exhausted. God only knows how much stronger this woman is than the troll. well, ordinary people, because the power of angels is great in the eyes of ordinary people.

Ah, that was too much. Sorry, please don't kill yourself.

when Nancy heard that the man she was holding was not suffering, she immediately released him. the angel's body lay on the ground like a corpse.

Nancy cried and clutched Angel to her chest and stomach, trying to wake him up.

After the third punch, Ani woke up in pain and felt her body being crushed by her opponent.

book of madness 113 (6)

Nancy's crisis caused Angel to experience severe or well-known illness.

when he woke up, he felt a kind of pain in his body that penetrated his soul and felt as if his whole body was being torn apart, which excited him.

his body was very weak, and his abdominal organs seemed to be crushed by the weight.

As usual, An Yi felt the pain, but it did not affect his physical behavior.

there he was so tired that he almost fell asleep, but he returned to Raley's grave and woke up.

he even suspected that the lunatics had received some kind of message from the starbound humans, who they believed to be ancient rulers.

but when I think about it, is it too much for a poor child like me to accept the unity of these creatures? this is arrogant.

Angel tries to overe this foolish assumption and remember what happened in the present.


I have a headache.

As I remembered, the pain I had experienced before returned, and the pain caused a debilitating headache.

Immediately he wept profusely.

Angel <clock test>, number of appearances: 75, failure.

the most interesting thing is that he does not remember what happened in the past. perhaps it would be better to say that I don't know how long it has been since I passed out.

only God knows what happened before. one is confused thinking about it.

well yes, how are you? I'm scared to death now.

Looking concerned, Angel turned his attention to the speaker, Nancy.

At this point, Nancy showed her face, but she didn't know what happened, and Angel suddenly seemed faint and worried.

otherwise, you won't remember what happened and will face pletely unknown worries from the other person.

Nancy? what happened? I don't know why, no matter how I think, I can't imagine it now.

Angel's eyes widened in confusion and he casually asked Nancy what she was thinking.

It is not only an intellectual pursuit, but also an angelic one.

however, Angel quickly failed.

huh? ?Little angel, have you forgotten what happened?

Nancy's eyes widened in surprise, and there was a vague sense of hope. Nancy confirmed Angel's words but didn't try to explain it again.

Yeah, I can't really remember, it hurts just to think about it, so Nancy, please tell me what happened? I will be happy if you let me know.

there is no real need, but how would a normal person respond to another person's situation? the biggest gift is the most important, but Angel ignores it and talks to Nancy as if she were a friend.

but Angel's eyes were filled with anticipation, and Nancy gave a difficult answer.

is it hot therefore, it is not a good memory, it is better for children not to think bad thoughts because of pain.

Nancy's demeanor was like talking to a child, and Angel knew that her appearance was easy to understand, but the lead investigator couldn't see it.

Again, he did not know that the woman in front of him was the main reason, and thought about continuing to talk to the parties or changing his mind.

but this time, the new husband seems to have something to say.

in fact

Although the previous conversation between Nancy and Annie was not heard, husband saw what happened then, since the Golden horse did not hide anything from his sight.

he wants Annie to remember the guilty Nancy who left her unconscious for so long.

but before saying anything, Nancy stared at husband with murderous eyes like a ghost in a horror movie, the owner of this scene stared at husband from this position, but they are all very beautiful, but also sad. dangerous

It seems that he can't breathe, the soul is the inspiration, and if he continues to speak, the big woman in front of him will definitely find a way to kill him.

this revelation arose in bana's mind, even though he only felt it, but he proved it.

that's exactly what Nancy means.

In fact, this power is a branch of telepathy.

witnessing this situation, Li Jerin quickly realized that this newer had pletely confused the adults.

In fact, he does not understand that in such conflicts between adults, helping one can harm the other.

It would be good if bana could talk, but we are not here.

At the same time, Nancy was angry. I suspect that another adult would like to see the same behavior, but not be angry.

Lei Zhelin thought that he accepted the opinion of the elders and quietly expelled this person from his group.

In addition, Lei Zhelin has no intention of acting for other parties. Instead, the wise Lei Zhelin decided to work with the elite.

only the skilled can save their lives in this dangerous world.

the benefit of death may be lost a little, but when one experiences death, one loses one's sanity, death is more dangerous than physical death, and death is not a fear, but death itself. a fear. .

Lei Zhelin did not want to face this feeling, and felt that the golden trojan horse was hiding something with intelligent words, but if asked directly, he might not be able to say anything.

Lei Zhelin didn't know what problems the other party was hiding, and didn't even want to ask pointed questions.

how bad is it if he doesn't know what's best here?

meanwhile, Li Jerin coldly looked at bana, as if to show Nancy that she would not be a fool like him.

however, before Yi Lei saw Zhenlin, he immediately saw a sight he had never seen before.

Finally, An ii turned her attention to bana.

If you know, tell me, are you afraid of me and can't say anything in front of me?

there was a little disfort in his voice, and he realized that bana knew something from the other person's words, but he did not speak, opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

he even showed me his breathing.

Angel surprised Nancy and she never saw Nancy, she thought that bana was afraid of her and she was not happy.

this was said as Angel turned and slowly looked at Nancy.

of course, it is not dangerous.

In other words, what scares people is Angel himself.

he couldn't stop the idea, but he didn't notice that Nancy's demeanor changed and her expression suddenly darkened.

however, this aura and fearful expression distracted from An qi, making An qi unable to sense the other's fear.

Angel is an adult, so he can't feel what's going on behind the scenes, but if he can hear it clearly, he won't be afraid of Nancy.

that is because he himself has no malice.

he didn't know if he should smile or not, because they put an evil spell on him.

then, Lei Zhelin immediately felt Annie's pleading eyes, Lei Zhelin couldn't believe that he didn't know this at all.

In fact, he saw in Lei Jielin's eyes that he was confused by his words at a glance.

he knew the other person knew something, but he didn't say it.

however, An Yi is not very happy because he was accidentally favored.

malaika knows that not everyone has to follow her and doesn't get angry when others don't follow her.

because we are human, it is impossible for us to live as we want, and it is impossible for any person to live as they want. As he wants. he wants

he openly offers help, but hates those who give it. Also, he doesn't get angry even if no one helps him.

Yi's eyes were full of hope, but Lei Zhenlin still refused to speak.

Are they all children? Lei Zhelin could not bear such a judgment in his heart.

In fact, if you want to know anything, just ask the master, the trojan master over there, and he will know everything.

please call me angel.

Annie answered softly and looked at the golden horse.

however, Lei Zhenlin knew that Jinma couldn't even say half a sentence.

At this moment, he realized the true nature of the Golden horse and what kind of person a beautiful woman like a golden fairy is.

It is an animal without any emotion, but has a beautiful cry and smile.

Ray Gelin believes that the other side exists, although there is no evidence, but because he found such a myth, such a person is good, but he is good. No emotion at all.

but he did not know who the golden horse was.

because the Silver trojan he knew was a legend who lived contentedly and as he wished.

Annie thought she was so jealous because she wanted to be like that.

but he knew that if he asked the golden horse, what the oute would be, it would probably be a disaster.

the trojans he knew must be like them. the only difference is their attitude towards others.

If he looks so amazing, he's probably like an elf who can grant other people's wishes, but how can he make wishes e true in a dangerous game?

Even the other person's beautiful appearance made An Yi think that the other side was the body of an unknown demon, an evil god.

In fact, all demonic bodies are human.

Forget it, I don't think they'll tell you even if you ask.

when Nancy saw the evil golden horse, Angel seemed to cry.

of course, the reason for this thought was that An qi began to suspect that this was exactly what the Golden trojan was doing, and he knew its purpose and warned himself.

this could also be the reason.

he cannot think randomly.

Seeing this, Nancy shaved her head.

don't think too much about it. In any case, yes, it's good.

of course he was guilty, but Nancy herself seemed pletely insane.

I don't know if I should describe it as pure and ruthless, or as inherently dark.

however, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible for researchers who have experience in fighting legendary demons and monsters.

how can a veteran in his third game stay pure?

when the light meets the truth of life, a person loses his \heart\ based on illusions, delusions, pride and lack of faith. It is enough to turn an innocent person into a demon.

Annie couldn't help but wonder at Nancy's appearance, but she didn't really know if it was Nancy in front of her.

he hopes that thanks to the latter he will be able to municate peacefully with other people. Unfortunately, resurrections are rarely monsters because of despair.

but in another room of trojan, Ani wants to trust others.

well, time is almost up, so it's time to talk about ways to repair and improve our friendship. the next exciting time of the game, very exciting and exciting, the game begins.

A woman who looked like a golden fairy said it on the stage, and her voice was so beautiful that even simply explaining it, it seemed like she was singing.

however, not everyone there was fooled by the beautiful voice.

but that won't save anyone's Iq.

what? At the same time?

bana was surprised that Lei Zhelin declared himself a bad thinker.

Lei Zhenlin naturally turned his head and said that he had never met such a fool.

dear explorers, it is time to step into another world. hey, have you been waiting long?

but I don't know how to write. I still don't understand what this means.

Games are always different, and you can see that when you attend a game. of course, spoilers are strictly prohibited.

but once you e to this world, you will really understand, so don't doubt that it is necessary.

If you think about the children in the room of the Silver trojans, I can say that the good children should not be surprised.

when the gold medalist said this, a bright light, something extraordinary with a great light, directly hit An Yi's body.

he immediately took defensive measures and even used his magic powers to create a magic circle, and before he was caught in the light, he became a temple, a temple that could resist the curse of death.

It is a temple of non-witnesses, and it is a magic created from the magic of ``self-protection from serious attacks'' (flesh protection magic), and is a profound magic.

however, the light entered the temple and directly hit An qi.

the other screamed, but soon realized he wasn't hurt, or even burned.

this is very unusual.

when An Yi found out that it was a daily light, he immediately changed his personality.

I'm sorry, please make it dark.

Ann II plained, and the voices of Golden horse and trojan horse came out. once again he noticed that the light shining on him suddenly softened and his whole body felt warm and fortable.

So, can you introduce yourself?

the people are quiet and the atmosphere is cool.

right? It seems that not everyone likes this part, but I find it very interesting.

what a beautiful place! Although An qi's heart cried out like this, An qi also understood that the Golden horse was simple and that he should believe in the truth, goodness, and beauty of the world.

As for why I lost consciousness, maybe because of the advertisement. Vani remained silent and did not give himself space.

Let's skip that part.

As a bodyguard, miss Golden horse is weak. hearing his words, An Yi threw him and even laughed at him. but considering the terror of the Silver trojans and Gold trojans, it won't be easy. Such a short-sighted thought quickly disappeared from An Yi's mind.

Ah, time for more interesting information.

Nancy closed her eyes and spoke quietly.

for example?

asked another curiously.

don't have this mand in your room?

Ray Gelin saw the conversation between Nancy and Ani and intervened.

Yes, if there was a silver trojan, it would.

Although Angel shows bad behavior like a silver trojan, he is still beautiful, just like Nancy who wants to hug Angel again.

hahaha, what's in this game? right? do you want to ask this? how do I know? this time, of course, my favorite child will decide, \wheel of Fortune\, e on.

he hit the device with his fingernail and the program started. only God knows what is inside.

As if paying attention to their conversation, the Golden horse said nothing and, like a strong teacher, waited for them to finish, in different places the Golden horse told them that I am afraid that I am not will sound to remind me. and so on. best of all, the Golden horse has unlimited time.

what is the truth?

Lei Zhelin screamed in fear.

oh, I didn't tell you - the Silver trojan was actually made of a silver unicorn - after all, he was as crazy as a horse with a horn on a big stick. Although it looks like a horse, it has a richer language than humans, which is definitely a bad character.

Angel, who has no sense of pride or belonging to team Silver, casually talks about the Silver trojans. It's not a big deal, it's the Silver Legion's unique and unpredictable way of fighting.

this is really bad.

It's really fun.

Ray Gelin began to express his opinion. then Nancy expressed her opinion. their view is pletely opposite.

burna also joined the conversation.

So, malaika, why are you in this room?

Let's look at this Silver trojan question. his actions and thoughts are unclear.

Again, he raised his hand in ignorance. do not question yourself about the personality of the Silver trojan.

Golden trojans, are there games in other rooms?

After not receiving an answer from An chi, bana changed the subject of his question to Everyone's Golden horse.

most likely, after the third game, you will enter a room with trojan colors, that is, a room occupied by other trojans.

For example, little Nancy, you will also visit other trojan rooms when the game ends this time - once, of course.

this time the golden horse spoke to everyone.

of course, which room you go to depends on the appearance of other trojans.

right? does that mean you e to my room because I need you?

her cheeks flushed and she wasn't sure if it was true or not. but it's probably the latter.

book of madness 114 (7)

Actually no. Jinma's tone did not change, and he said such disgusting things in a cold voice.

Annie was confused, but she also felt a little sad when she heard those words.

Isn't it? why am I in this room?

Immediately, Yi spoke, and the Golden horse answered An Yi.

reason? It's simple.

the golden horse had a beautiful smile on his face, but maybe it was just an illusion; his eyes have no emotion except good will, and he has a wicked and strong personality that overes the turmoil in his heart.

It is not an emotion created by a living being, but a vision from the future of consciousness.

It is inprehensible and difficult to analyze this feeling using psychology or anthropology.

If anything, this should be a test of inspiration.

however, another feeling arose for a moment, but I did not realize that it was an illusion.

maybe, just maybe, this dream was the result of the impurity of An Yi's heart.

No matter how much the angel's thoughts influenced the formation of the Golden horse, the Golden horse responded with a voice and a soft voice.

the Silver trojan offered it to me, so I accepted it without asking my browser. So, I came here for one simple reason.

hey! ! doesn't that make me sound like a pletely unnecessary child?

An Yi looked at him, but in truth, An Yi thought that he knew the other party's purpose for ing here and what he wanted to do.

but after seeing it, a qi should remove the Golden trojan.

As kind and beautiful as the trojans are, they are not good and strong. the contradictions and wickedness of this world prove that Almighty God cannot be kind.

but how can you make your dreams e true without the power of the trojan horse?

therefore, the trojan will never be kind, and it is clear that the trojan does not think of himself as a kind person.

Just because he doesn't have that kind of life doesn't mean he has a bad life, and maybe he's someone who knows things like a normal person.

but if he was a trojan, he wouldn't have noticed the priests doing evil in his playground.

For some reason it scared him, but he didn't have the courage to think too much because he didn't know if the golden horse knew what it was or if it was a warning to him.

If so, it should be kept and the answer is the opposite. As Annie thought, the trojans saw through her hypocrisy.

therefore, An Yi was stopped from thinking, forgot his purpose, and met a golden horse that looked like a woman.

maybe this page, Golden horse, wants to hit something instead of publishing the page directly.

maybe it's because the \golden horse\ wants to see something interesting.

For some strange reason, the Golden horse did not change its position.

there he is slowly as if he is looking at a child.

I can't say that. hELLo

the girl looked at An with a thoughtful expression while wiping her sweat.

because I need you until the end. Again, I don't think Silver trojan would remend you to me unless you have a specific need.

this is amazing. the maniac maniac Silver trojan actually provides a browser. I wonder why you are attracted to him, but are there any characters that you are attracted to?

the soothing words of the Golden horse did not seem to have much effect. because he really knew that An qi came with a strange purpose and that was the purpose of the Silver horse.

however, he didn't care about his opponent's goal, but he wanted to know why he was chosen to fulfill that goal and what qualities attracted the attention of the Silver trojans.

the other Yi understood the meaning of the golden horse and transmitted the correct information with little concealment.

that is, he wanted to see what a healthy golden horse could do, and that desire took precedence over other considerations.

these clear words forted An Yi, but he knew that the conflict was not resolved.

because we don't know how long the golden fairy named Golden trojan will last.

In addition to this information, An Yi heard some words that he found strange.

For example, is justice a fool?

Is this bad guy from Silver trojans fair? did you laugh? or are God's mercy and human mercy really two different things?

(when we talk about sleep, we have to think about it in dreams. hahaha, how true?)

Some do not understand how this man mands the word of justice.

If this evil man is righteous, is he evil who does not recognize God's grace?

but how can someone so beautiful and mature be so evil? he does not know the meaning of shame and thinks there is no shame.

So, do you want to know more about this copy or do you think it's better to find out yourself?

Lately, the Golden horse has been reluctant to explain, but he seems to have given it another chance for parison.

but this is just to give you a sense of the text. perhaps, in the case of the Golden trojan, the content of the copy is the only place where the information is provided.

the golden fairy held her hands in front of her and placed them on her chest, looking sad.

however, to An qi's ears, even that sounded like an angel's song.

that was because qi could prove that his knowledge of the Golden horse was not as deep as a newborn child.

It is best not to have such high expectations.

Nancy whispered in Angel's ear. It was obvious that he could not understand the information that the golden horse was telling him, or maybe the golden horse's powers made it impossible for him to understand what the girl was saying.

well, he didn't expect this and immediately got scared.


they all jumped in fear.

this event is controversial.

pearl, that's great.

Nancy didn't mean to scoff at her words, but Angel couldn't help but blush.

It's not out of love or shame, it's out of shame.

As a senior researcher who had just finished the fourth game of the module, this situation made him nervous. this incident made An Yi very embarrassed.

these kids say I'm short or ugly.

this is a little sad.

conversely, if the speaker is a better person than you, you will feel that someone is telling the truth.

however, it is clear that Nancy Angell is not a good person at heart. therefore, he is very shy and shy and does not want to talk.


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