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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第70章 月亮

第70章 月亮 (第1/2页)

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随着第5章接近尾声,编年史使哈特伍德博士与可憎的夏内尔月亮的斗争永垂不朽。她的胜利标志着她旅程的转折点,推动她越来越接近与塞拉菲尔的最终对抗和恢复尤格特内部的平衡。她胜利的回声回荡在大地上,提醒我们,即使面对未知,人类精神的力量也可以战胜最黑暗的宇宙力量。第6章 尼亚拉霍特普的卷轴

在尤哥特的历史史册中,在虚无之地的暮色中,第 6 章见证了伊芙琳·哈特伍德博士的危险探索,她试图取回尼亚拉霍特普的卷轴,据说这是一件禁忌神器,掌握着驱逐塞拉菲尔和恢复王国平衡的关键。







随着第6章接近尾声,编年史使伊芙琳·哈特伍德博士获得了尼亚拉霍特普卷轴。她的胜利标志着她旅程中的一个重要转折点,因为她现在拥有对抗塞拉菲尔并恢复王国平衡的手段。她的脚步声回荡在历史的史册上,证明了凡人敢于挑战深不可测的不屈不挠的精神。第七章 最后的对峙



throughout the earth despite the strength that wind blows. Inspired by this power, they all have sculpture is a strange, clothed creature with many tentacle-like legs, like the legs of an octopus, but overall it looks like a human, a living being. man.

In addition to this statue, there are also groups of giants, including one with wings on its back and another with an elephant-like head and mouth. .. Looks like a group of artistic robots with a burning world theme.

It is clear that all information has changed from living things to robots. Look closely - the sculpture that fascinated michel lost its original meaning and became a creature like a piece of meat, giving people a sense of madness.

he jumped from the body of the statue to the ground, ran to the east of the church, turned and ran to the west, once to the southeast, once to the northwest, and wherever the stranger was.

michel doesn't know what these runes mean or what kind of script they are, but one thing is certain: they are Greek, hebrew, or ancient Egyptian runes. that means no.

or is it really a language born from the Earth?

michelle couldn't help but notice that these words sounded very familiar.

In this way, although it feels strange, michel sees a special culture from these words, but it is like touching a blind elephant, only the scales and hooves are visible. , in fact, there is no difference. From knowing everything.

what is this text?

Just when he was thinking angrily, he heard the sound of metal scraping michelle's ear, and it hurt a little, so michelle turned around and woke up immediately.

michelle saw someone open the door.

hardegger opened the door, looked at michel with a serious expression, and said happily.

Good morning, wonderful girl, how was your evening? I'm sorry, but we don't have a soft bed here, so I'll sleep here.

but can you tell me why I fainted outside? Although it is a quiet town, spending the night there can be dangerous.

hardeg seemed very friendly and michelle was stunned when she saw him.

hardeg seems to be an old man, so michel believes that he can convince him even though he thinks badly of him.

Even if you are a secret warrior, your body will weaken and age over time. And no matter how good your secret is, it's not dangerous.

michelle didn't understand why he looked at him logically and didn't think that if the other person was really a hidden hero, he could be that person.

If they are not human, is it true that aging is the decline of the body?

but somehow michelle felt that this person was harmless. michelle, who kept running here like a lost dog from hunting, was still skeptical.

So, even though she hated him so much, he was the only person she could trust now, and as thought, michelle searched for the God of war's plan in her heart.

God of war, do you think you can trust this guy?

As expected, a cold Ares-type voice came out from the depths.

A god of war must have the vision to judge the good and bad of his opponent, and that ability is needed by a master who is the master of a god of war. Special tip: Your emotions and heart can be deceiving, but your eyes can never be.


michel said the words slowly, of course he still didn't understand what he was thinking about the God of war, but michel also remembered it.

but somehow michelle always felt that the statements of the war God system were directed forward rather than backward.

So you think I'm a fool?

did something like that happen? I have to think.

michelle consoled herself, but without realizing it, she had already made up her mind.

No matter how long you stay here, there is no need to rush to evict people or help those in need, this is God's guidance.

hardegger noticed that michel was silent, and after waiting for a moment there was no answer, so hardegger began to speak again.

Your honor?

michelle said that as she savored the name and replied with a smile.

I'm sorry, but I'm not a believer (Note 1), so I appreciate your understanding. I'm just going to leave for a while, so I won't bother you here.

yes? well, now that the decision has been made, I'll leave the judgment to you: do you need food? It's almost noon, and I don't think I've eaten breakfast since I woke up.

right? Is there breakfast here?

of course, the church did not lose these things.

hardegger said it in the shape of a heart, only he knew what was in his heart.

If so, please provide me with all copies.


hardegger didn't seem to be able to hear him clearly, which probably meant he didn't expect her to say anything else.

michelle blushed and raised her voice.

I don't know why, but when I woke up I was very hungry and it seemed like there was a cow in front of me ready to eat.

Is it like this?

of course, even after the start of secret training, michelle never reduced her diet. there was no fat on his body, and after the transformation everything became pink muscles.

that's why she lost weight, but michelle was stronger even without using breathing techniques.

got it.

hardeg asked quietly as he turned around and pushed the door as if he was getting food.

michelle sat on the chair, let out a tired breath, and began to practice the golden light that shone like the sun.

If we don't forget the abominable witches, as long as the sun shines, the curse of the dragons will return, and even the people will show signs of being consumed by fire.

the sun is not hotter than fire, but strictly speaking, the sun is not like fire.

therefore, the power of that force is stronger than fire, and it has not only the power of God, but also a divinity more powerful than fire.

michelle also thought that her mind was not empty when she solved the puzzle.

what happened yesterday?

I lost consciousness because of the shock of God's plan.

So was he really a good Samaritan? well, I don't even know your name, you are a very kind person, you picked me up when I passed out, can I ask your name even though you didn't pay me?

michelle thought about it and when she woke up she started to feel that her actions were wrong.

of course, as expected, things must be limited, michelle sighed in her heart, she just wanted to go back to normal life.

but even though you are a good person, you worry a lot.

Again, is God asking me to see with my own eyes his battle plan, or is he letting me know that my feelings are wrong?

what michelle didn't really understand was that these things are like reading exam questions, and it's not about reading literature, but about judging psychology, that is, understanding the mind of the questioner and answering it. that's it. I have a question to the contrary. this is more than an answer to the questions in the article.

therefore, the mere understanding of the text is meaningless. what michelle needs to do is think less about the word game and more about the concept of God of war and its actual oute.

but michelle knows nothing but her sadness and grief.

when the system detects that the host is disrespectful, dissatisfied, or even making assumptions about the system, it determines that the host needs serious treatment.

right? did the god of war say anything?

It was discovered that the owners do not respect the system, are not satisfied with it, and even have assumptions about the system.

of course, this is no illusion.

michelle suddenly wants to die, the human world has bee hell because of this system, and it is clear that she wants to live a life that includes everyday life, but why? he almost cried.

Now the owner can go to such places for regular exercise. For electricity, this system uses level 6 electricity. he respects his parents.

warm reminder: the last energy shock is the first energy level

when michelle heard this, she wanted to die with the god of war.

And all the scenes here are in the eyes of a man.

Note 1: this refers to non-believers, unbelievers, pagans, those who do not believe in the Lord in your mouth. but here there is no evidence that the man was a pagan or a believer in any other god.

065 Ruins

At least Aria didn't know what was going on with chizuna, and she wasn't telling the truth, so was she lying? Aria can't understand other people's lies, but what is the truth? Aria lost her mind as nothing seemed real.

but when you think about it, it seems like you don't have a choice, and you didn't have that luxury in the first place.

Aliya believed that whether her answer was yes or no, there was no way to stop another person from doing this, so it became clear and then Aliya also showed her anger, but it was done. Aria thought.

(No matter how you answer, the result won't change, it's better to answer seriously. At least, not because everyone is worried, but it's okay. thank you for your cooperation.)

Yes, that's a good name. Even if it's a lie, it's better than not having a name.

At this point, Aria left the small room and headed for the small hill where she ran for her life. In other words, Shudhi meru worshiped this insect god.

however, the cosmic cocoon believed to be parasitic in space was pletely destroyed, and small fossils similar to thermally vaporized ice were also discovered. once it disappears, there is little sign of its presence.

Arya also believes - this strange alien space is fodder for some strange things among the universes where the gods and their families live together.

It is like a house where a spider lives, or a sanctuary built by an insect god for his temporary family.

It is said that some magicians and monks use it or even cultivate it, but no one knows if it is a trap created by mythical creatures. .

however, despite her many shortings, Arya uses magic, although she does not know such magic and is very jealous of those who can.

Furthermore, if such magic exists, it can only work in a place like this.

but it was a thought that suddenly came to her mind, and she thought it was amazing, but even if Aliya knew how to do it, she wouldn't do it herself.

we now know from information circulating in the magical world that these strange places of aliens are full of danger. he is interested in the mysteries of alien space because he does not fully understand its dangers.

huh? this should be done.

Realizing that there was no sign of the alien, Aria calculated it carefully on her mental calculator and used a red pen to indicate the location of the calculated result and the location of the gate. exists in the universe.

Aliya was sure that this amazing building was pletely destroyed, but she had better go and see for herself.

thinking of that, Aria quickly moved away from her drawn mark, and when she was more than 30 meters away, she was convinced that she would not be able to reach the goal now.

of course, although she thought this in her heart, the calm and careful Alya chanted and called the spirit of those words, and an invisible barrier appeared in front of her, protecting her from all sides with of ultimate destructive power. . when a certain level is reached, the power of intelligent protection will be released automatically.

but why do we need to set the right force to create the desired force field after implementation? case it can be. taken directly from the ground without asking anything.

Even if there's no such thing, you'll die and be blocked by air, and the parameters of proper magic are plicated and hard to understand pared to game magic. better to have a function that automatically adjusts the math magic.

but first, Aria needs magic. You need some magic to make sense of it all.

bring the action!

Aria's eyes flashed with this strange light, and soon she saw him go to the hole, saw where he had placed the sign, and Aria was able to read strange thoughts.

bonding technology. cleaning!

First, the wall above it suddenly disappeared, then an invisible door turned into a giant mouth, a brown stream gushed out, everything in the space collapsed, and I vomited. Get out pletely.

(Seriously, it's not ing back yet? thankfully, it's back this time. here's hoping the legacy of this great system lives on for a while.)

because of this, the money-hungry Aaliyah is back here, but the situation seems a little out of place.

the water fell from the sky, which was controlled by the power of the earth, and fell like a meteorite, creating a fall zone in a 25 meter radius around it.

Suddenly, there was a loud sound of countless large objects falling to the ground, like thunder.

Aria covered her ears, this time she heard and answered loudly.

please remember to use the fire extinguisher next time.

Aria secretly looked at him, wondering if he had fully revealed his position.

there were at least 20 rounds, counting from front to back, and Aaliyah knew it wasn't the right place.

After all, how could the book of Azathoth be a safe place?

there is such a thing as a safe place, but it is relative.

As a surprise job, Aria attracted a lot of attention this time.

So there is an enemy here. Go ahead and kill him.

At the thought of this possibility, Leah's regret grew like hot water, and her mouth became bitter because of it.

however, this thought did not affect his actions.

Aria used her skill and talent to avoid the rocks falling from the sky, and after halftime, she went to the center and activated her magic again.

Light emanated from Aria's fingers, and the light flashed into the sky before rolling to the ground and landing next to her.

If it wasn't for the loud noise, Aria wouldn't have used this magic. this is because it costs nothing and the light it emits is bright and brilliant.

Nothing is very clear in the darkness of the night.

when the light fell on the ground, it turned into colored stones, the ground was covered with debris, the ground began to melt, the debris and debris that fell from the river began to disappear, and it began to crumble. in its original form. . those who were swept away in the river died. his teeth are also visible.

due to the constant use of magic, Arya's face turned pink as well.

It's been a day since I used the Sacred heart's Four Root magic, and my magical organ has relaxed and is full of energy, but my magical power does not recover easily.

As a result, his magical power was almost at its lowest level after it was exhausted.

he uses this type of magic because he knows there is a secret, because he can get what he wants quickly, or because he is not alone.

Until I find him, whoever es, it's up to you, chizuna.

As Aria said this, she saw the colorful beads slowly running on the ground, and as the countless pieces dissolved, her eyes began to register what she could find.

of course, if some advanced magical twist tells Arya that this is a valuable item and she can get it and sell it on the market, that's better than working as a pirate bookseller (which in this case is the masu). It is wise to escape from poverty hell.

with that thought in her heart, Aria couldn't help but smile lovingly.

this is a unique statue, which resembles an insect-like statue.

the statue depicts a gray shape, over a mile long, that appears to be oozing acid, and although it is intricately constructed, it seems to be constantly changing. the good news will appear before you like a revelation.

A stone statue that emitted such a wise aura was definitely one of the stone statues that had the same effect as the Sibibright Stone, and what's more, it had to be a true elder baptized god statue. . dignity

It is not expensive.

however, next to this statue there are many corpses as if they were cultists, a quick count suggests that there may be a dozen or more, but surprisingly, the bodies are very similar. Ellie doesn't seem to be using it, and her violent signs seem to be alive.

however, no heartbeat could be heard from these corpses, so they were dead.

when Aria confirmed it in her heart, she never thought that she killed them, and at least in her heart she didn't regret it.

because a truly repentant person would never do what Aaliyah did.

Aliya stopped looking at the corpse, stepped on it with her little feet, hugged it, and then walked past him.

oh, wait a minute.

chizuna screamed and ran behind Aria, suddenly reaching out her right hand, hearing a gust of wind, and was about to grab Aria's hand.

however, Aaliyah didn't look back as if she didn't notice and immediately ran towards cheese.

After that, chizuna wasted his chance. the other man might be in front of him, but he couldn't catch him. this does not mean that the other person's body suddenly disappears.

when chizuna tried to grab her, Aria stepped forward and waved, pletely avoiding chizuna's hand and returning with her left hand.

Aria's left hand hit Kizuna, and the moment he tried to stand up, Aria's palm came forward and hit Kizuna directly in the neck.

chisner coughed and fell to the ground.

he didn't notice Aria at all, there was no sign of consciousness in his eyes, he was confused by this image in his mind.

Aria looked at the statue, it was still staring at her, and a strange magic invaded her mind.

Great magic like this doesn't happen instantly.

Now that he was about to use all of his magic power, it meant that his mental power had reached its lowest point all at once, and his sleeping soul had been deceived by the magic power.

therefore, the following steps are taken:

It's bad, I know he shouldn't have been allowed to do it himself, but it doesn't seem to have happened, so what happened? who is involved?

when Arya's hand touched the statue, it broke and a strange shadow appeared in the sky.

humans, not human gods or imaginary gods, created this indescribably horrible image.

who is this figure? Aria didn't know, but she knew that it was the source of the underground bug demon.

he is an evil god that is worshipped.

the terrible spell pletely destroyed the magic in Aria's mind, and when she thought about what she had done, she wanted to destroy herself if she could do it back.

but if you can't do that, you can't plain.

And half a second later, the earth shook, and the gods who slept in the truck fled from him, fearing the sea, the earth, the sea, the sky, the underground.

wow, that's true

before Arya could finish her thought, chizuna caught her, it wasn't magic, but she didn't really have magic.

how are you

does it even need to be said? of course I'll take you, but if not, do you want to stay here? was he buried alive?

chizuna fell to the ground, but Alya didn't stop, she quickly grabbed his hand and left with him.

After running far, the hill starts to collapse and chizuna is running down the hill and Aria is also angry with him.

can you please let me know before I do anything? If this continues, I will be buried alive.

when the chizuna started to plain, they probably fled to a safe place, feeling a little embarrassed as they were inevitably hit by mud and rocks as they fled.

I apologize.

Aria apologized and said with sparkling eyes.

but I know what happened here.


Kisner suddenly couldn't help but think of others.

but what they didn't see was that when they came down from the mountain, the dark red lightning flashed on the edge of the city, and the lightning turned into a red fire that stayed in the air and fell on the evil god. . city. Like a holy spear.

the evil shadow of God cried out, but suddenly the world left him, and when the tears of blood fell on him, he lost the power of his sacrifice, and they lost the magic that bound them to to leave God. ta. the magic is gone, and even the shadow of divine evil has vanished from the madman.

when the sacrifice, the roots of the earth, are used to municate with God and get his attention, an earthquake occurs and not a blade of grass can withstand the weight of the ball for the next 15 years. .

Even if you don't have the magic to summon a god, that doesn't mean you aren't worthy of summoning one. Even if Gatanosa does nothing, he will send an evil force that will capture even the Itai people. stone. . .

this is also the case with Sudi meru, who is called the victim of the earthquake and desperate, but his contact with God cannot be said to be flesh or the flesh of an evil god. God's will will be broken because its effects are not clear, so of course anything related to it will be lost, and if anyone thinks that consulting God will call God to war, it is the person who must. he who bees a fool is also a fool.

Since it was not intended for war, destroying magic was easier than expected, and the evil will of the gods could be prevented only by using the defense system installed in the city.

the gods will soon awaken, so the gods of power will soon disappear, there is no place for your party here, soon my wish will e true.

A man dressed as a monk said this in the wilderness.

066 Illumination

At this time, it is night, and the moon can be seen in the dark sky, there is no heat, not as hot as the sun, but the little light looks like a light in the sky. Very hot.

At this time, michel left the church and was not familiar with the place, but he took the name of the good priest and received more than a bag of food from him. Ready to eat.

there are daily necessities such as biscuits, bread, and milk.

michele hoped that the kind priest would later find out that she had done well - michele accepted the food without asking anyone.

but doesn't the church say that God loves the world?

Yes, that's good.

but contrary to what he thought, michel did not have time to consider the situation and quickly walked like a thief and his victim.

michelle looks like a thief hanging on her back.

If he was smaller, he would have been mistaken for a thief.

this does not mean that young people do not know about robbery, but it does not mean that there is no such opportunity.

this is like saying that a 3-year-old boy can lift a 50-pound iron wall, but it also means that there are great talents in the world born from inparable giants such as the mythical hercules. .

but from a rational point of view, is it absolutely impossible?

however, michelle quickly stole it.

therefore, michelle thought that many people should understand this mon sense, and thought that there would be no problem, so she brought food while walking.

Even though she has suffered through God of war's system before, it seems that michelle's sealed armor is not easily broken.

As long as she has breath, michelle can use it wisely to get back up, no matter how sad she is.

perhaps only such people can survive in the so-called sacred war system.

In fact, not many soldiers lost their lives at the hands of the God of war.

of course, michelle had just received the plan and had no idea what it was.

michelle didn't really want to think about these scary things.

wonder why is that strange when you think about it?

It's time

michelle's left hand gently cupped his forehead, giving him a strange feeling of pleasure that quickly relaxed him.

In retrospect, michelle felt that everything was clear.

Is it like this? Funny person?

michelle has already thought of a name for the spell, she is also a senior magician.

however, he never practiced magic because he felt unfortable doing it and his whole body became ugly.

For michelle, this was pletely unacceptable.

the site was checked and found to be 69% pliant, and the project was released.

the voice of the God of war System was cold in michelle's heart, and michelle felt that there was a bad idea in her heart.

After a while, michelle realized that her dream had e true.

For this is what the Lord of war has said.

purpose: God's wrath war

mission description: As the next God of war, the master must have the heart of a God of war. the master is now being chased by a group of ignorant magicians, and they are even fighting over small magics. Is there anger in the master's heart?

pletion conditions: Kill everything the master is envious of (actually, the master must do this even if the system does not provide action; the warlord needs a firefighting mission.

Failure conditions: None (Actually, there's nothing to do even if you fail the mission, so it's an unforgiving system.)

Reward: After pleting the next God of war quest, the Next God of war must do this. do you want to receive a gift from the God of war? If you, the master, still feel this way, the master may have to go to another world to calm down and think about his duties as the God of war. (the system will happily help you with this.)

Answer: None (Actually, it is not necessary to have this system. however, penalties from the system are not necessary for owners who experience disasters, but for cases where the owner does not reason for doing this. the system was not going to work) because of him the owner mitted suicide. )

Is this the God of war system? can you stop my heartbeat this time? , and why do you always kill yourself? how long do you want me to die?

michelle was not happy. I almost thought the voice of the God of war was my own, and it felt like it was disappearing faster than it could be real.

why did this happen to him? he seems to be doing nothing, but what does he have to do with the plutonians, Jugme, or the god of war demonban? that was never going to happen, but michelle had a lot of work to do to survive.

does that mean something? michelle is sad, but the violent atmosphere around her must be telling her that if she doesn't listen, she won't get anywhere.

michelle feels that the future is pletely dark and there is no light at all.

but the god of war did not understand his attitude and continued to say:

the master should not doubt the operation of the system, because the purpose of the system is to make the master a god of war. therefore, any opposition or questioning of the system is considered a provocation by the God of war. Seriously needed. It is assumed that the owner making the judgment does not know this golden rule. this system makes decisions

Although the God of war had said this, michelle didn't know why, but she suddenly felt that a disaster had e.

he hoped it was just a trick, but the war God's plans pletely crushed his hopes.

the hosts trained by jumping into the river every day and received eight episodes of electric shock.

hey! ?Shall we go? oh, no.

michelle's Reaction the war God cult responded with a powerful action, giving michelle an electric shock.

Suddenly, many currents flowed through michelle's senses, but she couldn't explain it.

the electric shock lasted for three seconds, and michelle fell to the ground as if exhausted.

then the god of war spoke quietly:

the owner said we cannot contact this system.

michelle now kills the dirty system very quickly, but she doesn't have the confidence to say it out loud in her mind, afraid that Ares' system will use electric shocks to heal her.

however, before michel could breathe a sigh of relief, the God of war spoke again.

wake up, housekeeper, you still have training left.

this time michelle did not react, but the god of war took control of her body again, and she went to the deep river, or not so deep river, stepped into the water and made a water palm. there was electricity on his skin.

Aliya also entered this river and planned to take a bath, but the hot water felt very nice, but if she drank too much, she would return to hell.

If from heaven to hell, why not stay in hell first? At least it doesn't hurt too much.

Aria was not very happy. the main reason my device broke was because when it was good it wasn't good, but now it's broken and I'm very sad.

So Aria could only enjoy this idea.


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