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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第69章 揭开秘密

第69章 揭开秘密 (第1/2页)

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在尤戈特的历史史册中,在虚无之地的阴影下,第 3 章见证了伊芙琳·哈特伍德博士的英勇努力,她开始了危险的探索,以揭开阿扎索斯血石的下落,这是一块具有巨大力量的遗物。这个遗物是挫败即将到来的灾难和恢复王国平衡的关键。







the magical path to immortality. Not pure green. deep sea floor

Arya does not want to take advantage of this opportunity, but this pure being, like the demon cthulhu, uses arcane martial arts to get the power of the evil god, and even use the power of the evil god. he wields extraordinary powers and bees the devil's secret weapon.

If this secret weapon is fully calculated, it can be controlled by the power of the afterlife and the thirteenth fear, but what remains is to enter the magic system and strong breathing. this is a great secret martial art based on tibetan qigong, where a magician tries to get the power of an evil god from an evil god and summon the god.

of course, that's what they say, but in reality, such a future does not exist; in the past, there was also a type of demon called the Elders. the secret weapon that turned you into a demon was trash.

Arya's body has developed an exoskeleton that is not her own, and various cthulhu-like tentacles that look like insects that burrow into the ground, far from human movement. without a doubt, divine power emanated from his body, and the essence of his scent was filled with divine energy.

translated according to christian mythology, it is called the trinity. Iblis (the pure children) is an evil god, and even Aliyah is in a state of divine transformation and is vulnerable under the influence of evil forces.

Aria had not yet moved forward, but the tail-like tentacles slowly twitched, and the female form was slowly covered by a monster-like shell, and finally Aria's left side became invisible, and his appearance changed. he has a more terrifying form than hell demons like Gotham city's two-Face, but half of it is the power of an evil god rather than fear.

Rally! yes! God, God! God cthulhu! hey, tulhu! cthulhu!

Von gul im gul nav kesrullah reev kaf na gul von thakur

A powerful unearthly wind mixed with divinity and miasma lifted the girl turned demon while singing a sad song, and the power of the evil god cthulhu descended on Aria. cthulhu.

Aria's mind and intelligence are pletely gone, and the power of the evil god cthulhu continues to flow through her body. when it reached 100, oriental monks expected to obtain eternal fruit and ascend to the sun. or it may be the Gnostic view that a being other than God acts and listens to the will of heaven, or it may be the buddhist teaching that all signs are invisible, that is, we see the tathagata.

Although she is not yet 100 years old, the evil power of cthulhu empowers Arya. A second later, Arya jumped forward, the ground cracked like a neck, the pieces bending and spinning, releasing a storm that could spin the sky. And the fragments, like meteors in the sky, collide with interesting insects and animals on earth.

Interestingly, the surface of the earth devil insect is so hard that even armored bullets cannot penetrate the shell, but stones penetrate the shell, as if breaking the shell with a stone under the impact of a weapon. flesh and blood.

when Aria lowered her body and charged forward, she not only changed her weapon's bullets into more powerful ones, but the stone was filled with terrifying magic power, even though it was just an illusion in general. physical strength. It doesn't exist, but thanks to the blessings of the evil god's power, that stone has an inparable power over the head of state in the world, and can unleash powerful attacks at once, like a giant who meteorite falling from the sky. hit the ground.

the tail of Aria's back is closed to a place where the worm can escape, and even if the worm goes there, it will be caught, and when its tentacles are closed, it will jump like a snake. At one point, blood erupted and bullets sprayed him, he was dizzy, but he was still restless.

Arya ran into the valley like a mad woman, and five seconds later a mushroom cloud erupted over the mound of birds, insects exploded into the open, and a strange stream of water poured out. . Until then, even if not. Any major live errors found will be visible.

Killing him did not calm him down, he jumped up and spat out of his mouth a purple liquid like the light he saw in his resurrection, and the whole house burst into purple fire and the ground shook. It is like filtering through earth, wind, water, and fire to return to the embrace of Nyarlathotep, the god of chaos.

Everything crumbled, and countless rocks fell, some as big as a house, but when Arya slowly raised her left hand and made a sound, the rocks turned to powder.

Such myths have gods, immortals, and buddhas.

Even a huge rock falling from the sky could not stop him and he continued forward, creating a force stronger than a 5,000 ton nuclear explosion. It looks like a toy outside, with traps, ghosts, and dead creatures flying up and down, but the tail destroys them in the blink of an eye.

he cannot live under an evil god.

the place of God's destruction is 80, there is no way to stop the foolish will, soon a new saint will be born, it must be.

the evil god must die, but the devil must not die.

It is an evil that cannot be explained in words, but the only thing that can be understood is the human voice.

Aria will wake up, lose her mind and lose her mind. the evil god's power could not control his mind, and Arya heard human voices while half asleep and half awake.

the value of God's bite also continued to decrease, with 0.5 seconds left, and if there were no evil forces in his body, the danger would be less than 3 minutes.

Even a body close to an evil god will be pletely degraded and return to poverty. After that, until God's grace reaches 100, the body will remain as it was originally, and everyone will remain human. , but under the power of the evil god, this can only be done through his blessing.

without the protection of the evil god's power, he could only change his own form. this is because the evil god and physical power are not united as one.

Arya doesn't know who the voice is, but puts it together with a legend he learned while studying Sanskrit, the tathagata could bee a demon when he attained enlightenment. or it could be from a christian background. mythology. the child of God heard the whispers of Satan.

but why is this normal? is that black A big crossover? how can that be, if so, can it be exaggerated, how can that be?

Yes, the voices of devils in fairy tales are definitely the voices of loved ones. but why black?

does this mean I love Kuro? how can it be? It's just an illusion, yes, I must have heard wrong. Aria continued talking to herself.

Aria didn't know what was going on, but she pushed the thought to herself.

he never accepted what he got, but after going crazy, he slowly stopped planning fun. girl. After a breakup, some people get depressed and go out again.

thanks, I don't know who you are. but without you, the evil god will destroy me. In fact, it is not a good idea to suddenly try something without studying it thoroughly.

Aria said sadly, not knowing where the gunshot came from, but it was impossible to wake up from the illusion of God's evil power. talk to great saints, maybe evil gods, maybe old gods outside the world, maybe old gods who live in the dream world and don't dare to go out. but regardless of who he is, Aaliyah is thankful for the man for now.

Some believe it's good to be an evil god, others it's wrong, but in Aaliyah's case, if she's actually healthy, she doesn't believe she's real until the end of the story. You can't feel it. one is inappropriate. house Yog-Sothoth was recruited to create disaster artifacts.

Note 1: dr. pepper is a drink with a special taste similar to cola.

Note 2: Villains appear in six episodes of JoJo's bizarre Adventure, but they only appear in episodes 1 and 3.

Note 3: this name es from the hong Kong manga ``Fuun'', but since Ji-bori-maya is also a monster written in chapter 7 of Genzhong, of course I use this name, in my mind. It would be better if there were more chinese style arts. Use this.

*this voice is the hunter of the evil god <crow>, that is, the great cross Kuro in the time of dinfrases. After controlling the God of the Vortex of destruction, he used the curse of Karmic destruction to kill the alien gods and the ancient rulers of the world. All causes of extinction of various species are destroyed by the court of chaos. An evil god is about to take his body.

060 Running

After making a sound similar to Grancross Kuro, Aria felt an evil power linger in her body.

this is the divine power of the evil god cthulhu, and it is a power that is more terrible than the magic power that flows on this planet, and more terrible than the magic power that flows

mind-shattering powers and principles that are difficult for humans to understand.

but for now, this particular experience is like the speeding up of a clock, always passing at a perceptible speed.

Very little of the original amount is left, so it should all be gone in a few minutes, depending on your current loss rate.

At the same time, Aria's bite cost became 100% and she became an evil god, but a voice she didn't recognize returned to her human body and Aria was here. At this point, humans are not evil gods.

however, he is very close to the world of evil gods. If you use the power of this hidden weapon set again and use the power of the evil god <cthulhu> again, there is a possibility that you will lose that power and return to the evil god. Aria also felt that she couldn't be herself if she was subjected to such violence.

therefore, the power of the evil god cthulhu cannot be used, and if Aria uses it, it will always disappear, so even if Aria uses magic power, she cannot use cthulhu. dagon can only use his own power.

All Aria knows is the power of cthulhu and dagon, the first she met a chinese hermit and tasted the power of the evil god, and finally the demon she learned by using the demon . . the evil god (dagon) is a physical body.

the time is near, it is not easy to control the power of evil, this time I lost, cthulhu's power stopped him from using, dagon's magic system, in his field I am better than cthulhu is also better. I know the breath magic system.

Aria took a deep breath and thought hard, then regretted that the cthulhu demon system was more reliable than the other demon systems in the first place. because he is at miskatonic University and his research subject is cthulhu, the sleep coach. the sleeping god of the deep sea, the most ambitious and wisest of legends.

In ancient times, it was built by the cthulhu clan, and their priests were the elders called cthulhu, who were called the \old King,\ and in secular religion, the \old King\ was said to be the Reich race.

If she hadn't read Secrets of the dead and experienced the power of the evil god herself, I'm afraid Arya would have thought cthulhu was a race leader rather than a god. . we worship fools like thieves. , called by dr. John dee people who worship foreign gods or foreign gods \angels.\

No wonder we are often told that even if we have the chance once, it is impossible to try with our own bodies and that we should stay in bed like a mystery book. happiness is very important.

After thinking for a moment, Aria shook her head, and with the remaining power of the evil god, she became two earths, like angels from fairy tales, and when she touched the earth, a an invisible animal came out of it. immediately. . As if a weight had been shifted, Aria's body rose from the thin air with an unfathomable sight, and like a bolt of lightning she shot from the ground to the first mountain pass.

Even if the marble is crushed and bees a pile of disorganized pebbles, with the power of God, there is a possibility that there are not only stones but even a sword in the mountain of hell. It is as easy as walking on level ground.

two minutes away from God's evil power, at this point Aaliyah's body was as strong as God's armor, strength, or protection.

the whole place shook, everything around her collapsed, and Aria did not stop anywhere, ran like lightning, and within half a second, she crushed the ground with her right hand. stretching

Suddenly, the remnants of God's evil power shone like heavenly light, and a glorious light that surpassed the past and the future broke through the sealing wall, and the wall was confused by God's evil. Apparently the power went out and an exit appeared in front of him.

tower house

then a drop of water broke on a stone, Arya's body fled, mud and stones turned into water behind her, crushing everything that stood in her way, and Kor entered her, joining one of the their wombs. moving. It develops at an incredible speed, and although it is not a dangerous creature, it rushes like an apocalypse, making people think about the world and their fear of the forces of nature.

It is not surprising that in ancient times people took these disasters as the anger of God, almost the whole world tried to take your soul, ashes turned to ashes, and the earth turned into darkness. Very low.

Aria turned around, but didn't slow her pace. Looking at the dangerous forest full of dirt, rocks, and dust, Aria can only see the movement of daily events. the violence that interrupts this great cycle, the place where matter returns to its original state, the Last Judgment, the Great Assemblage that will shrink and collapse as the world unfolds.

If you get it, it's not the river of greatest danger, but the material that preceded the big bang called Sephiroth. the creator used the same method to bring about the great chapter of creation, where the ten springs from the infinite light, from the crown to the kingdom, from the sky to the root of the tree of life. only then will he have the chance to be reborn as a messenger of destruction who will take his own soul to a new world.

of course, the space the Space Eaters have created is very hot, and Arya realizes that it must be part of Earth where they cook food.

protection seal!

Suddenly, a golden divine light appeared and formed a seal of light like a pentagram on Arya's back.

It is like the light of buddha, the glory of God in mythology. It's called the ``Ancient Seal,'' and it's a spell created by gods and sorcerers to counter evil gods.

It is as if the power of God descends from a sign of gold, a wonderful and noble person, with more love and affection than the statues of the church.

the waters of destruction fell again and again, the old seals made a sound like broken glass, and the golden seals appeared one after another, but they did not fall, but the waters stopped and the light of God covered them. ta. old stamp. the advances were reduced, but the noise and alarms and the number of explosions and explosions did not indicate that it would last long.

but that was enough time, and instead of crawling out of the wall, Arya immediately jumped up, landed on the ground, and stumbled until she stopped.

bonding technology. Seal of Asurana!

Aaliyah performed a miracle, chanted a spell, and a star-like light appeared on Aaliyah's body, acpanied by a mysterious aura...like a magic star falling from above. A star appeared. - the light turned into a meteor and found its way, and a piece of purple crystal-like skin was pressed into it.

then Aria drank slowly, the door below the sect disappeared, like a strong desert like a strong wind, the arrival of the evil god pletely disappeared, maybe he ate this place. I don't know. I love bikes full of dead bodies of family members.

At this moment, the evil power of God has disappeared, and there is nothing left. pochi wakes her up with God's evil power and moves inside Aria's body, making Aria unfortable as she wakes up. , Aria's magical power left her body like tap water.

the power of the curse is the power of the mind, and the greatest power of thought is found in the will, so anyone has the power to curse, but not ancient beings such as ancient gods, myths, or evil which are gods. Even the old gods. For 10,000 years, the ancient gods and humans advanced in science, but the technology to use magic was not developed.

therefore, the loss of magic power felt like the pain of a dream demon, and the body felt heavy, like the weight of lead hanging on the body of a dead person.

please sleep, pochi, I don't have enough magic power right now.

Aria asked pochi about her body, she knows that when they wake up, they eat sometimes, if there is nothing to eat, they go back to sleep, in other words, eat, eat please. in fact. Arya considers poe her family, she has no magical powers, and to them Arya is just food.

So, if you want to control them, you have to turn off the magic. of course you collect them, but if you don't use them, you don't need them.

Using words and spells, Aria's dog fell asleep, and at that moment she heard a voice.

I already said that there is nothing you don't like haha I warned you.

chisner's words are sarcastic, his eyes are emotionless, his expression is restless as if he is reading a speech, but his voice is very good if you don't look at his eyes.

but it seems he has done the same thing many times before.

what happened? does that mean you can't stop when you look into those eyes? wondering why you can't find a place to relax? that's fine with everyone, but if you're like that, I don't know you.

Alya's little face looks like a snarl and she looks like boiling water in her angry eyes, but chizuna doesn't like her at all, and Alya is even more angry with this person.

Surely they don't know each other, so why interfere so much? Alya's mind was confused, she didn't understand why the man stopped her.

No, e to think of it, Aaliyah seems to notice that the man is not doing anything, but why does she always feel like chizuna is holding her back? what kind of content is it? the same strange feeling happens when Victor runs the store, and it's even more so when he knows the people he knows.

however, it seems that this is Alya's first time here, and she doesn't seem to think about anything, and tries to ask about the ``book of Azathoth'', but it's useless because it's a fake. magic. book. Getting no answer, Aria decides to accept the book of Azathoth as dead.

well, pretend it's not, that's what Aria decided.

Aria barely looked at chizuna, but when she realized that chizuna had no effect on her, Aria turned away from chizuna and, feeling physically and mentally exhausted, decided to go back to the hotel and rest. Instead of arguing and fighting with God, take a hot bath and sleep. You never know how angry the other person is. It should have been a while ago.

If Aria couldn't understand the state of the group members, she wanted to put her soul into pochi's body for a while to see what kind of magic the group members possessed.

After that, if you use the myth that it will enter your body, you will be able to get a strength that exceeds your current physical strength. don't do that because it will pollute your spirit over time.

this kind of spiritual pollution is called the awakening of the mystical world in the East, but in the west it is called buddhism or the apocalypse. but it's good not to think of yourself as less than the average person.

061 chizuna

Although she was in a dangerous position, not only was Aria's body exhausted due to the influence of divine power and the loss of her magical power, but she also used her own special magic, which she used to develop his physical strength. must. magic. . It takes a lot of effort because it was not originally designed for human consumption.

So, in this space battle, Arya din was tired and exhausted to the point of wanting to die.

his magic was dominated by basic magic, and no matter how much he learned, he could kill enemies with spiritual power like him, and even the evil enemies of God, with a single glance. there is magic that can kill people, but it is impossible. therefore, I must say that it is only natural that magic is developed using the human body.

however, due to the lack of salary, in addition to being extremely tired, he stopped using his magical organs.

his eyes, blood, and heart changed, so after using the magic, he looked dead and I didn't notice.

Now, it seems that what these organs produce has reached the sleeping world.

After staring at chizuna with his eyes for a moment, he chanted a spell without saying a word and immediately disappeared in front of chizuna.

however, Aria is pletely ignorant of advanced magic like teleportation.

Again, these are not things that can be solved by singing songs; you need to know different things that require mathematics as well as new methods.

otherwise, you may accidentally land in the so-called \between\, a world taken over by the \old Kingdom\ and the \outer God\.

Aria is a space scientist who doesn't understand space science and has no desire to learn, but with the death of her brother Gilmer, she soon learns that space magic can be dangerous.

the answer is very simple: Aria uses the magic of her telescope to break the illusion of his presence, making him disappear when he is actually walking everywhere.

If there was nothing wrong with her now, Aria would not waste her precious magic power on this occasion.

however, due to some physical problem, Aria's eyesight is very low, and the state of the body's touch is very low, so Alia met her walking, even though she climbed a strong of wood. Aria didn't cry in pain because she didn't know the pain.

Also, the magic has been changed to match \Spirit hunter\ (Note 1)

Aria ran back to the hotel, she felt so strong that if her body wasn't so sensitive, she definitely wouldn't have used that cursed magic.

but why this kind of magic did not attract anyone's attention when Aliya returned to the hotel, his magic made him look like an archer.

when Aria returned, she entered the bathroom, turned on the water, and was about to take a shower when her entire body felt like metal, from the neck up and down. It's hard to drown.

his eyes were open like a fish, but they were not closed, because they were not closed, and the black pupils and whites of the eyes were moving freely.

I was able to move freely, but my vision didn't improve at all, and the magic that seemed to change worked in my eyes.

but, fortunately, Aria has a magic that allows her to get the effect of seeing things using her senses such as sight and vision even though she has poor eyesight. It's the same.

Aaliyah's house rarely has a hot shower, and in fact, her water is almost always turned off because she doesn't have enough money to pay the water bill.

however, this time, Aria's blood flowed like a demon, and her skin was as hot as ice. Aria didn't feel the heat of the water, did she? this conclusion may seem unrelated to the previous story, but the problem is actually on the magic side.

It's really stupid, if I had known, I would have taken a shower, but it's a shame, I don't know why I got into this problem. Am I hurt by Lux's malice?

Aria couldn't stop thinking about it, she felt so much happiness in her body recently, and after receiving the pure heart spell, she started thinking about it.

of course, if I find out that xiao heiyu changed its magic names, I will delete all the hong Kong ics in my house and replace them with good ones. And he took it from miv.

but Arya would deny this and would probably say, ``If jobs can be thought of, can't they be used to trick others into ignoring themselves?'' Reason for doing so.

his body was not happy with his bath and he didn't even have time to shower or take care of his hair, but luckily this hotel has a hair dryer. taking care of your hair is not difficult and you can dry your hair at home.

As he came out of the bathroom, he stopped, paused and stared at the bed. his eyes are very low, but that does not mean that he is blind, but with some people who help him, he can see well.

why am I working here outside of my bed?

when Aria screamed, a ruby-like flame appeared around her. this powerful flame emitted intense heat, but it did not glow, was it controlled by magic? or is it some kind of strange magic?

God knows what this means, but it has nothing to do with the situation.

Aria covered the opponent with magic, and when the opponent did something bad, she fired these fireballs like a gun until the opponent's head was pletely burned.

Although Arya has the ability to create flames and knows how to use some devastating spells, this rain of fire is also terrifying.

he had never tried to take another person's life, but unlike the Inverted cross, who killed people just for fun, in his eyes such an act was as strange as the joy of lying. wine these vases aren't even yours.

take a moment and relax.

chisner quickly raised his hand and began to speak, hoping that the party would calm down, and quickly got off Aria's bed, but his eyes were on her like a magnet and she separated them.

what Aria saw was chizuna. he didn't expect her to be here. Even though I returned with an invisibility spell, I wasn't kicked out. why does this happen? Aaliyah, wondering who would betray her, looked at Kizuna like an eye in the sky, and was understandably scared.

fear? what do you mean? No, what were your last words?

Aaliyah asked as the firemen began to approach Kizuna. If Aaliyah wants, the bombers will attack the enemy suddenly like fire. And after the explosion, he was released and went to see God.

the power of each fireball is reduced by the amount of dispersion, but it does not change when aimed at a human body like a sniper rifle or 45mm machine gun. Killing someone, if you get hit, you die, you don't stand a chance.

Scattering the bombs increases the size and is easier than making the bombs into fireballs at once.

Aria frowned and waited for him to speak, but he didn't, but the fire was getting closer. In fact, the process of approaching death is not good if, on the contrary, you continue it. what's more fun than being scared to see what you're doing?

can you please change before we talk?

Kizuna said this with his voice gone, but Arya realized her situation and ignored him due to the weakness of the contact, but she felt her embarrassment was like a demonic pain that she couldn't bear. . Laria's face was red and all she thought about was death and silence.


Aria pushed her left hand forward and, following the firebender's orders, took on a beast-like form and charged chizuna with lightning speed.

chizuna let out a strange noise, probably scared, and reluctantly raised his hands and casually hit the fire all over his hand, but the ball didn't fly, just like a ping pong ball. there was a thunderclap, a crash against the wall, and then the firing stopped.

of course it was not violence, but what did this man do? Aria smiled shyly at each other, feeling even more angry, but a new magic happened, and suddenly the lights could not be counted, and she felt that she had forgotten someone. there's nothing wrong with forgetting, Aria concluded.

did you say that without thinking about your outfit?

chisuna spoke again, this time his words were like an arrow that pierced Aaliyah's heart, she screamed, and immediately all the fire hit her, but one was the same as before, created, and when it is removed, it remains. the silence seemed to turn into a cold flame.

Remembering what happened, he undressed quickly and returned to the bathroom. at the moment. I can't see my way home. can it be magic? No, the spell does not change anything, and there is no magic spell field.

It's not magic. Aria thought so, but she also knew that it was a spell to cleanse the place, and it was customary to use a small amount of fire to kill someone.

Is it not magic but a secret weapon? Aria thought about that possibility for a moment, then looked at the fool's face and couldn't help but think, is this really a martial art? this secret martial art can only be practiced by those with mon sense.

when Aria thought about it, it never occurred to her that the secret weapon must have been used recently, and that something had happened to make her own weapon.

however, when criticizing others, he never thinks of himself, but knows it, and therefore always feels that he has no right to say good words.

Although it has a cute shoulder look, it goes well with white sportswear and hairstyles.

hey, are you a pervert?

Alya folded her arms, bowed her head, and looked at chizuna with a wicked expression, but her words made Alya unfortable.

No, it's more honest.

better to be honest than this, let's talk about it, what's the point? in surgery

Isn't that what you call a deviation value?

right? Are you a so-called pervert, you hear me?

Aria looked at him as if she had discovered a new world.

Note 1: the name of an invisible beast created by magic.

062 series?


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