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第59章 梦井的诱惑 (第1/2页)

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在埃尔德里西娅的历史史册中,第 2 章中发生的事件被细致地记录下来,讲述了好奇的学者伊芙琳冒险进入不断变化的危险旅程。这个故事突出了隐藏在迷宫深处的危险,以及等待那些敢于勇敢地走过错综复杂的走廊的人的启示。








在埃尔德里西亚的历史编年史中,第 3 章讲述了勇敢的学者伊芙琳在前往隐蔽阴影之城内抵抗战士的隐蔽避难所时所做的努力。编年史详细描述了她的到来和随后发生的事件,揭示了那些反对困扰该地区的邪教的人的韧性和决心。









第 3 章的历史记录让我们得以一瞥伊芙琳和抵抗战士在蒙面阴影之城的阴影中穿行时的坚韧和决心。

在埃尔德里西亚的历史编年史中,第 4 章记录了勇敢的学者伊芙琳和抵抗战士在踏上前往梦想之井的危险旅程时所做的努力。编年史对他们的追求进行了不带感情和详细的描述,突出了与这些神秘喷泉相关的诱惑和危险。





he ignores his brother because he wants to \literally\ eat his face.

Azathoth's book? It's the worst of the worst, it's awesome, awesome, awesome, so awesome, so I can watch it again and my brother can live with it like I want. true, Low, perfect, timely, book of Azathoth, and Naia.

Let's put the fools in the fire. people don't understand that. Even if there is a hole in front of you, you will enter it. Even though you know it's just anger, you follow it because it's not anger. All choices are meaningless.

to determine the value of the judgment 68 > 42 pass

1d6 = 3

= Find the value of 39

Aria spoke in an unknown voice, chanted a spell, and left.

but this time his eyes were different from dunwich's.

I don't know if it's a dream or not, but it's even scarier.

At this time, the cover of Azathoth's book emitted a bright light.

the light that appears above everything brings a fantastic atmosphere to the moment of encounter.

It is like the ten mandments of God in heaven.

Note 1: there was a mad sorcerer called \Yog-Sothoth\ who tried to create a child of God in a human body. only God knows how he was born.

008 the treasure of poseidon (1)

It seemed like a dream, so Aria made her way to the couch, which wasn't big enough for one person.

he sat on the press and sank like a drowning man, making a noise like something heavy.

Aaliyah's weight is no different from other skinny children, but she can be weighed down by this thing that no one wants to pick up, even throw it in the trash.

this made Alia reconsider whether it is time to lose weight.

or you need a forter and a new bed.

my stomach churned.

At that moment, Aria remembered that she had never eaten dinner.

he does not eat bread except for breakfast.

If you want to worship now and free food, the price is to pretend to believe and listen to the teacher's nonsense, but it will be too late.

Aria looked at the clock and decided that it would be better not to eat, so she decided to drink some boiling water and sleep when she was hungry.

but do you sleep because you drink a lot of water? Alia said that she does not care about small issues and should put the child first no matter what happens.

however, he soon regretted his decision.

water, sea water, very sweet water, Aria in a swimsuit in the sea, yes, this is a normal sight.

but Aria was confused and her mind remembered that she had never bought a water supply.

besides, how can you enter the water if you are healthy? Aria entered the water without hesitation.

- So it's just a dream, I dream of eating as much as possible.

Aria took her left hand and stroked a coral she had never seen before, feeling disappointed.

then he swam, kicking, felt the water squeeze his cheeks, was it a dream?

Aria hesitated a bit.

A beautiful woman is not sitting at the bottom of the sea in a suit.

by the looks of it, Aaliyah probably knows she's hispanic.

In the eyes of the locals, people are equal, but Alia does not understand ethnic divisions.

however, he soon realized that he was wrong. because Aria's lower body, which she thinks matches her upper body, is not her thighs, but ... fishtail?

It's not human, Aaliyah doesn't feel sorry for him, now who would think that he can't do a simple caste?

his soft, dark skin was pletely exposed under the sea, and his shape was not good, which made Aria jealous.

In his previous life, he was a child, but even after rebirth, only his thoughts and actions remained. didn't he die when he died in his previous life?

the dead are dead, and no matter how powerful the dead are, their influence over the living is limited.

So Aaliyah's love is normal and therefore dangerous, but at least what she says is true? who knows?

Although she has a fish tail growing from her lower body, she is not scary and has a dreamy appearance, like a young woman from a fairy tale.

there are barbarian-like creatures in Aliyah mysticism, but they are not human-like.

It's like a fairy tale.

he learned early that not only the animals of the world exist, but also other creatures and local gods.

but real-world creatures aren't as good as fairy tales. You know, a lot of fairy tales do that well.

Even though her mind was wandering, Aria understood her dream now.

cthulhu sleeps in Lillie's house, waiting for you in your dreams.

details about the beach and mythical creatures subtly remind Arya of these important details.

I've heard that Lurek seems to be a dream place, and there are rumors that Lurek's dreams e from Greek mythology.

of course, any sane person would say that this is nonsense.

however, Aria also realized that this was not a dream and that she would escape by any means necessary. So, it is better to investigate instead of running away in vain.

As people, we must know for ourselves that even if we do it, even if we know there is nothing we can do, it is not an effort, it is foolishness.

Arya didn't wake up, so why couldn't she wake up from the dream?

this is amazing.

he had to think about this strange situation before going to sleep, and his body was not cold.

I don't know if I can bear it when I encounter God's aura, but if I rarely encounter God's dreams, I must use them!

Aliyah, a graduate of miskatonic University, cannot go to a place dedicated to reading. God is the source of magical knowledge and ultimately the locus of magic.

After thinking about the possible benefits, a big smile naturally appeared on Aria's face, and as she took off her diving gear, she realized that it was a dream, and even if it was a dream, it still, nothing happens. change.

dreams are determined by the mind, even if they are God's dreams, if they are truly Luray, then thoughts, life, and death are all controlled by the sleeping god cthulhu. he.

So there is no need to worry about your heart. Everything the sleeping God wants you to know is true, even if free will is a lie, and as a human you must accept this part of God's will.


his means that everything in the dream is controlled by the owner of the dream, so even if you

001 daily life of the third wizard

breakfast, a good time - it shows the beauty that is in everyone's head, it is the beginning of all look for death, it is only in the dream and there is nothing.

maybe it means something.

Also, he is a mage, even if he is a dream it does not change here, the main difference between a mage and a human is that their body is not a mage, but a different source of spirit.

the girl made encouraging movements with her naked body and floated in front of Aria.

without waiting a second he did something and Aria kissed him pletely.

of course, this is not because of anything strange about the nature of sex, but for the simple reason that the use of the tongue under water is useless, and the human vocal apparatus is almost waterproof.

In other words, Aria originally intended to use magic to create a munication channel, but it was not good to use magic directly on others.

on the other hand, if it is the same as a kiss, it is the same as pointing a gun in front of an armed person, so that the other person's behavior is not bad.

Speaking magic through your mouth means that others can also perform magic through that channel.

physical defenses against magical powers are also blocked.

Apparently, the same thing happens with children killed by God. I've never heard of it, but it's just a novel I keep at home.

because he studies the languages of different countries, he may have books and ics from different countries at home.

but I don't understand what Aaliyah wants to say, or is there a special meaning to kissing between girls.

the woman opened her eyes and was very surprised, Alia heard something like tentacles ing from the mouth of a person, but she did not refuse the relationship, thinking that it could be munication with a person.

In the same way, a strange symbol was seen from the corner of my eye, but I couldn't remember what it was, so my mind went blank and my mind immediately became clear.

then Alia woke up and her mind was no longer in the underwater realm - \Re\ or forbidden knowledge, she put her tongue in her mouth, as if remembering something.

wait, here it is.

Aria realized that it wasn't her room, and when she realized it, she heard a strange noise.

this song is a good journey, you and your brother and their friends have seen what's inside this ship and rest easy, for hypocrites like you who made a lot of money by cheating and worthless. this is a good opportunity to clear your dirty mind.

when you wake up from a strange dream, bad thoughts e to you. the general theory of reality is in the movies, so your next trip won't be great, fun, or fortable.

Use magic and other supernatural powers whenever possible and enjoy the surprises of the next text world.

After speaking the above information in a terrible voice, some strange information was also injected into Alya and what she understood, the curse of the \book of Liberation\ began and Aliya was left without knowledge. of what the world will know about him. knew what was going on.

Also, no matter what you think of the last sentence, if you follow his words, it definitely won't work. of course, Alya thought nothing of it and decided that if she couldn't use magic this time, it was better not to use it.

but it's been less than a day since I found this cursed magic book, so why did the curse start so soon?

this god who made my destiny can't wait.

how long does it take for a woman to lose legitimacy versus a woman or something, I'm a decent, mature 20 year old woman, why?

Aria gently wiped her forehead and looked around the room for a moment.

however, the scars on Earth show that this is not a soft place like the rooms on Earth, but a place where you risk your life on the scale of poseidon, and that even if you call for help, nothing will e. there

on the table was a laptop that looked like it was made by an umbrella pany, and it was a big puter, but Aria was literally a healthy person who didn't really know how to use a puter. I don't have extra money to buy a puter.

there he left the puter he rarely used to gather knowledge and looked at the bed of soft white snow, his whole body lying like a corpse.

this bed is heavenly soft, so it's no wonder you're addicted to it.

It took less than 3 seconds for him to be pletely asleep, and he was fast asleep.

there was nothing in Aria's house that could be called a bed except for the bedroom, just a custom-made $30,000 bed with extra magic she gave it. his sister only used it.

Even as I say this, I don't know why, but I feel that this feeling has been going on for a long time. how long does it take?

Loud, what is this crazy brother? Noise, how can I sleep?

Suddenly, a loud sound like a building collapsing echoed from her ears to her head, and Aria woke up pletely.

by this time it was past 12 o'clock and it was not time to sleep.

however, Aria felt it was immoral and cruel to deprive others of such beauty while they slept.

Usually, Arya puts these criminals to sleep and has the Lord of dreams (cthulhu) tell them about the importance of sleep.

but maybe because of that secret, Alya realized that even though she was very angry, she didn't want to let the child who heard the sound sleep. A little different from mine.

You can't do anything if you forget.

She was about to go back to sleep, but the argument was getting louder and Aria didn't think about it anymore.

the noise was so loud that I fell asleep even in my fortable bed. Aria felt she had to do something to calm them down and get them back to sleep.

Yes, it is the duty of the good sister, even if she doesn't want to sleep, she must sleep, even if God does nothing wrong, this is the duty that God gave to Adam, Aliyah. . he accepted it pletely.

people live to sleep, and to sleep is to go to heaven.

I just thought of this three minutes ago, but I added this general principle to the idea of not knowing the world for a while.

he opened the bedroom door and walked towards the bedroom door. the internal forces were so strong that Aria didn't hear them knocking on her bedroom door.

because there was a lot of noise when he walked there and he couldn't understand what happened there because he was innocent.

Yes, he said, he knows nothing because he is as clean in body and soul as he looks.

Also, he didn't close the door and Aria opened the door on the alarm and the laptop flew into her face.

right? Not true!

Aria's first impression.

009 the treasure of poseidon (2)

Aria is beautiful, kind and loving (by her own admission), but she does not want the sleeper to fall asleep and talk to the owner of dreams. the best evidence is a laptop that flew into his cheek at high speed, as if it wanted to kill him.

of course, with this kill, Aria reached out with her left hand and slammed the bottom of the laptop, turning it off and weakening it. You can track him easily with the help of powerful puters.

Aria had time to look around and see what was going on here. why did he bring a laptop? this is an expensive puter, so please take good care of it.

As a poor man, Arya would find it very difficult to accept such an act without considering wealth as money.

Aria's older brother, John bitt, is a young and talented investor who is said to have made a fortune.

pared to the wealth that Aaliyah has worked hard for and earned, the fortune that she has made from a career that adds up to her pitiful salary certainly means the world to Aaliyah.

In this world, Aaliyah is also rich, her ine is not low, and she can't even drink milk without honey (if she knows about the resurrection and has money). Elixir medicine, Aria will be rich).

Aliya immediately accepts him even though he is not of this world, but this is really suspicious because his actions and even his past life do not allow him to accept him.

but that idea was overwhelmed by so many other ideas that it was unable to spread.

he had no choice but to accept it - the career tree had opened.

Aria's brother puts her real friend myrna civil in a weird, maybe crazy, situation.

Aaliyah wanted to explain it, but they fell a little, but quickly got back on track, the puter slowly woke up, and Aaliyah entered.

Yes, it's a coincidence.

however, this information is false to the boy, and Arya looks at Jon.

She had to admit that John was a handsome young man whose youthful face made people his own age think. her hair was curly and fresh like a child.

he worked hard to grow a recognizable mustache, but it didn't seem to matter and he cut it off in anger, never to return, blending his aura of youth and wealth.

this should make her more attractive and attractive, but it doesn't matter to Aria.

So Aria set her sights on Uncle John's friend myrna. myrna has blue eyes and long hair and looks like a doll - even a busty doll. this is frustrating.

with slender legs and a figure like hers, Aria accepted the type that other boys liked, or at least no one liked her.

As a self-taught mage, the key to changing her mindset is that Aria never enjoyed her past life, as if she was a person in two different worlds.

therefore, he was not affected by the sexual behavior of his previous life and his older sister.

do you want to kill me? did you know that early morning noise can affect your sleep? If you don't sleep well, you won't wake up.

No, no matter how you say it, it's not morning.

but Jon kept saying that the way Arya looked at him and the way the heavy laptop almost hit him in the face made his heart ache. I thought it would be better to have less conversation.

At least he has patience in this regard.

what are you doing? If you want to play a special game, why don't you go somewhere else, my room is next to yours, if not please understand my feelings, I'm still young.

Aaliyah's size made her story convincing, and at least I was surprised that myrna and John didn't do anything else because myrna started to turn around.

It's not dirty like Aliya said, it's not a joke, it's a normal accident. because myrna was going to throw that damn puter into the ocean, and John was using it to monitor it and buy stocks. ?

Lord, they are here for fun, not work.

You are the same

You are not young, you celebrated your 20th birthday last week.

this time, John immediately showed this truth.

Johanna understands how this younger girl feels like a girl but doesn't know what it means to be a strong girl, and she wants people to sympathize with her by always behaving like a girl.

there are two possibilities: you think I lost my memory, or you are crazy.


myrna can't believe that a girl in grade 6 is 20 years old.

Aria's voice is similar to a child's voice without changing the voice. So myrna couldn't believe it.

myrna heard that Johanna has a younger sister and she is very young, but she knows that she is 20 years old.

I really couldn't believe it.

that's it? I have a younger sister

but he is 20 years old, still young, I don't think he is 10 years old.

hearing Joanna's words, myrna gave an answer she had never heard before.

In fact, he did not recognize Aaliyah's face, figure, or voice as if she was more than 12 years old instead of 9 years old.

It is supposed to be short for elementary school students.

this was not the first time myrna had seen Aliya, but this trip was the first time she had seen him.

At first, mirna asked Aliya about her age, but she replied that it was a woman's secret and she seemed to be a woman, so mirna did not ask.

Although Johanna did not show the tenderness of a young man, myrna thought that after this pleasant trip she had bee a man.

meanwhile, Arya is unhappy that Jon revealed his true age so soon.

he smacked his lips, like a child who doesn't like something.

Are you too excited to reveal your sibling's age in front of others?

So is it fun to act like a boy in front of your brother and his friends?

John wisely responded with a rhetorical question instead of a direct answer.

of course, Aria was understandably not satisfied with Yahya's answer.

but he was looking for something to say and couldn't find anything to say, so he found a better place, or at least it wasn't good and seemed strange. there he sat.

John sighed when he saw that his brother was no longer arguing. because if your sister really argues, there will definitely be a problem.

then he returned Aaliyah's puter and secretly prayed in his heart, no matter who he was praying to.

there are two possibilities. one is that stock prices will fall and business performance will suffer, and the other is that everything will be fine.

he then turned on the puter, but Aaliyah followed him without knowing what happened, then he stopped himself and pressed the puter screen hard and manipulated the keyboard.

I don't know why, but Aria is interested in it. At least I don't think about what adults are supposed to do. Aria spoke her mind openly and fiercely.

As a child, he was pletely different, rude and did not know how much in the world he hated his brother.

won't you have more fun when you e? I always face these kinds of challenges, but I'm not really interested in them.

have you forgotten all your work?

Aria sat down at the table, adjusted her position, and began to speak. I don't know how to do that because I feel like a child if I can't look at the people I'm looking at or ask questions. the truth will e.

however, John was able to act accordingly.

You won't lose your job just because you quit, but my promotion will expire at any time if not processed in time.

myrna's stance on this issue is in Arya's favor. because he wants to get rid of his puter first.

he doesn't want to make things difficult, but after quitting his job and starting a serious relationship, his girlfriend can't do anything but sit at the puter and he can't stand it.

they don't e to work for a pany, they e to travel or cruise.

So, is this lot your entire land?

of course not. who will invest their wealth in a transaction?

Although it was a small investment, it was predicted that after saying something like this, Aria would directly receive the puter next time, directly give it to the table, and directly turn the puter into the a buddha. there

Jon thought about what he could say to make Arya understand the importance of hard work.

what is more important, work or dating?

Finally, we can carefully teach them that being a singer is not a good thing, but how can they have the ability to think?

Juan does not believe in God, nor does he believe in God or any other gods, so he does not believe that there are stupid people in this world.

for he saw nothing, and was not so foolish as to attribute his success to the grace of God.

As Jon thought about this, Arya smiled wickedly, her eyes wandering sadly. John felt a bad feeling in his heart and couldn't understand... why is his cute little sister in such a bad state?

but before Jon could answer, Arya picked up the puter with one hand, remembering what had happened before that made her feel and feel her heart.

how do I set it up right away?

please don't worry. I haven't done anything as daring as restarting the puter pletely.

Again, don't tell if the Grim Reaper likes to eat apples (here apple means Newton, which means gravity, so see pig God). (death wants to Eat Apples) If your puter falls from a height, will it go to sleep immediately?)

Aliya happily answered John and then took myrna's laptop.

You're my brother's friend, right? You decide what kind of puter it is

there are two ways: you don't understand the law, or you do.

John did not finish the conversation, not because someone interrupted him, but because the man was too shaken to speak.

because myrna decided to do something she had never done before. he sent his puter out to sea for a hug.

010 poseidon's treasure (3)

Now, John beath is cursed by the gods and his luck is worse than ever.

this is true. that's because your laptop with valuable information stored on it and the stocks you bought for trading could go underwater. that means puters and stock prices will all go down.

John was sure he wouldn't get his money back this time.

but at that time, Yahya did not know that the real disaster, the disaster that will end his life, is now.

John knew that everything was back to normal, that his girlfriend myrna had taken his puter, and everything was over.

Johanna hopes that these bad predictions will not e true.

Luckily her sister Aaliyah didn't e out and stop her this time, but it was a blessing in disguise because God blessed her.

Jon quickly left without thinking, leaving Arya alone.

he squeezed some milk and put it on the table.

Aria still prefers sitting at the table to the chair.

then, even if you are sitting on the sofa, you will not face the problem of getting what you want because your arms and height are not too thin.

Even if it is right in front of you, it is always difficult to achieve something extraordinary as a child that a normal teenager can do.

he pulled out crystal-like brown sugar that sparkled like a gem in the light from his waist bag.

Aria admits that it tastes really good, even though it's milk and coffee mixed with brown sugar and honey...it's like offering herself to someone. . A dream world away from fantasy.

the hot and sweet hot water is so beautiful that it looks like a sacred spring in the sky.

Aria quietly sipped milk with honey and brown sugar. It is so sweet that it makes people's teeth hurt when they eat it.

moreover, he does not like milk, even if it is as bad as defiling the eyes of those who love it.

what is for whom? As long as it's delicious, it's okay?

thinking of that, Aria felt warm.

In this pleasant warmth and silence, warm as the light of the sky, he realized that he had forgotten something.

Aria struggled to turn the pages of the book from memory.

As he turned to the other side, something suddenly occurred in his mind, which suddenly rose, causing confusion and causing thoughts.

by the way, I left this laptop in my room.


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