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第58章 埃尔德里西亚 (第1/2页)

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毫无感情的历史记录以细致的细节捕捉了第 8 章的事件,呈现了与克苏鲁的高潮战斗和恢复秩序的绝望斗争。它证明了人类决心的力量以及为保护世界免受黑暗侵袭而做出的牺牲。对真理的坚定追求和坚定不移地保护人类的决心与伟大的古老者的难以形容和未知的本质以及恩卡图尔的深处形成了鲜明的对比。第9章 最后的对峙







毫无感情的历史记录以细致的细节捕捉了第 9 章的事件,呈现了与克苏鲁的高潮战斗和恢复平衡的绝望斗争。它证明了人类决心的力量以及为保护世界免受黑暗侵袭而做出的牺牲。对真理的坚定追求和坚定不移地保护人类的决心与伟大的古老者的难以形容和未知的本质以及恩卡图尔的深处形成了鲜明的对比。

区域名称: 埃尔德里西亚




2. 耳语迷宫:在埃尔德里西亚的中心是一个巨大的、不断变化的迷宫,被称为耳语迷宫。这个迷宫是宇宙混乱本质的物理表现,不断重新安排其走廊和房间,以混淆和困住进入的人。在它的深处,无法言说的秘密和被禁止的知识等待着那些勇敢或愚蠢的人去寻找它们。


4. 梦井:散布在整个埃尔德里西亚的是被称为梦井的神秘井。这些空灵的喷泉从众生的集体梦境和噩梦中汲取力量,作为通往凡人无法理解的领域的管道。从这些井中喝水可以暂时瞥见浩瀚的宇宙知识,但它也带有吸引超凡脱俗实体注意的风险。


6. 伟大的古老邪教:埃尔德里西亚是邪教活动的温床。在整个地区,秘密社团和邪恶的邪教崇拜伟大的旧存在,寻求获得恩惠,权力,或者只是为了加速万物的终结。这些邪教进行黑暗仪式,牺牲不幸的灵魂,并深入研究禁忌魔法,以解开隐藏在面纱之外的古老实体的秘密。


8. 星星的拥抱:埃尔德里西亚上方的夜空是一幅令人着迷的天体挂毯,与传统的理解相悖。星星似乎以不自然的模式跳动和跳舞,在下面的土地上投下超凡脱俗的光芒。这些恒星不仅仅是天体,而是通往更远世界的门户,古代生物居住在那里并策划人类的堕落。

good things and it is only a good time.

In front of Aaliyah were two bad fried eggs, a piece of burnt silk, and a sausage, but no matter how you look at it, it was a nice breakfast. Jin cooperated with him. drinks can be hot water only.

Aria, a graduate of miskatonic University's \problems\ program, can't find a job that matches her qualifications, even though the \problems\ department is an inside secret even among miskatonic University students. it is not. most people know that the subject of a mystery is, as the name suggests, a mystery.

of course, \mysterious subjects\ is a regular subject for students, and Aria's main subject is \archaeology\, not a future subject. At least in retrospect, it should have been. Instead of making a decision, he thought hard about the issue he had to choose and he felt great passion.

Aria looked around the office full of laughter and couldn't help but wonder if anyone had e here. No, if it were him, he would never choose a detective agency like his, because all agencies are labeled as ``untrustworthy.''

After breakfast, Alia said nothing, plained that she couldn't cook, and didn't even ask for food because she was poor despite her profession.

No matter how you look, what you see in the mirror is very young. Aliya is in her twenties, but she doesn't look like that. In fact, the workers terminated him. when he mentally entered and opened the door, he realized that the policeman he was looking for was a boy. what should I do?

can a child who hears this say that he is an adult? Anyway, I answered the phone, went to a children's rights organization to plain about evil adults using beautiful children as workers, and the day went by as I apologized.

the thought pletely disgusted her and Aria just stared into the mirror. It was a young woman with dark hair wearing children's clothes. Even the blind cannot see properly because he is there. he looks like a boy but he has the behavior of a girl, he is not a pervert who likes to fall in love and is bad.

he thought he was disappointed again, but it seemed like it was the first time, and since it always happened to Aaliyah, who had been unemployed for the past month, he dismissed the bad thoughts. they have more time than children, no difference.

Aria has never been a good person since she changed from a boy to a girl in her previous life. Fate did not create any magic that would allow him to prevent his reincarnation. Aria thought about him. did he use mind transfer magic after finding a body he was satisfied with? but the problem is that at that moment, the mother does not know if the child will be a boy or a girl, and this is her decision, so she must think about it carefully.

It is said that in his past life, before his spiritual transformation, he only learned magic on his own, relying on a manuscript of ``Secrets of the dead. third rate is also a word that means third part, but when such a weak child was not born, Aria's first idea ended in failure.

of course, even if she succeeds, Aria's personality will be pletely destroyed, and she will realize how bad her magic was in her previous life.

he held his limp body and answered the phone like a puppy, dialing a number he had never called before.

After a while, the phone finally connected.

hello, I'm da Shijiro (note) what do you want?

Run! I can't do anything here, I'm going to die, I can't pay the rent this month, and I'm going to run out of food.

Is that Aria-senpai's voice?

You will understand just by listening to the audio! ! Aaliya was pletely shocked. that's right, he never expected to be recognized so easily. I really think you need time to explain. that way you are easily recognized. Fortunately.

Aria had a professional smile on her face because Kuro was a student at the Secret Graduate School, so it's good for people who can enroll in the Secret Graduate School even if they've stopped studying. So that they can get something from the magic books and not do bad things to such people.

Alya wants to seduce mariam Leszinska, but chooses to ignore the dire situation she is in now. he can't even buy white rice. why not feed them bread and feed them bread and drown? sauce to solve the problem because it doesn't support the crust very well.

Sorry, I don't have any money, so I can't go to the church to ask for help with dinner.

the phone was then turned off and Aria accessed it silently.

No one is perfectly good, except for people like me who are afraid of mythical creatures and have learned the art of lying, the \secret of munication.\ If you want to lie to others, there must be limits. I don't want to help. tell me!

despite crying, Aaliyah is sad because no one cares about her because there are no customers, but this month's money still looks like a \deficit\. but that's it. he has to find a way to get to this month, but there is nothing more interesting than a \mysterious\ student who starved to death due to poverty.

Sorry, I have to try again.

Aria made up her mind, but there was a knock at the door.

the lightness of the bite scared him, and his whole body trembled, as if his face was about to be hit by a pill that was less than a centimeter away.

Seriously, why this morning?

Arya's teasing was painful because she was so well behaved. he didn't want to make a bad impression on strangers, considering they were strangers, and the girl was a perfect example of that. Aria sincerely hoped that the stranger outside her door was not just a stranger, but someone with bad taste. this researcher does not need to know, but the occult is very good.

who is the man at the door?

Aria tried to speak out loud, even though she was still milky and soft, because puberty was about to start, but the results were always disappointing. Inside everything is natural. A lot has changed.

I am Richard marwat, a lawyer. I want to know if dr. Alia darby is at home.

So what happens?

Are your brothers here?

Richard heard a voice from the door, it must have been a male voice, from the description it was a woman in her twenties, so maybe it was a man? And while the name change was unacceptable, and Richard had seen it happen many times, he didn't think about what to do next.

I'm not younger, I'm older.

the same voice came from the door again. Richard is a little worried because he doesn't want to check if the child is grown.

Aria also thought the name sounded a little familiar, she had heard it somewhere but couldn't remember, maybe she told Aria it wasn't a big deal, it wasn't a big deal. . anxiety.

Even if she couldn't remember much of what it meant, Aria could at least understand that it was something important and not something wasted.

Again, I don't remember doing anything the lawyer told me to do.

If you don't specify it, you won't be able to log in. Richard smiled heartily, it's not his job to make children happy, he's also a lawyer, now what? about it?

I witnessed the legacy of mr. Edward derby, and now this legacy

Richard didn't finish his sentence. because suddenly the door opened in front of him and on the other side of the door was a very small woman with long black hair. he took advantage of this and looked at her as if he saw something. . he stared. Among the messengers who brought wealth. hearing this, Richard was stunned, but in the blink of an eye he was looking at the house on the other side.

when Richard realized how dangerous it was, he understood why other people saw him that way.

please login. please login.

At first, Richard tried to explain, but Alya weled him more than he weled guests, so Richard kept silent on everything he wanted to say and followed the girl in front of him to the same seat. with him. he had a history and when he sat down he made a strange noise and Richard wondered - could it be? but luckily that was the only thing that brought him back.


miskatonic University: A school famous for the cthulhu mythos, it studies magic with a \mystery\ theme and has a library full of magic books.

``big cross Nine'': the main character, demonban, is a poor third-generation explorer who lives in Alcan and dropped out of miskatonic University.

\Edward darby\: famous poet and writer. the most famous book is \Azathos and other horrors\, where his wife was a beautiful woman who drowned in deep water, but her best friend killed her because of her relationship with a witch. daniel was killed.

002 Unknown legacy

Aria can't remember who Edward darby is. because even though I know him in a different way, I don't really know him. but when I tried to remember, he found me and my thoughts increased again. I can't think of anything, but if I can't remember, I won't think about it. this kind of carefree thinking is one of Aria's strengths, so at least she won't worry. time Sun I have a headache like a wave due to stress.

of course, these little problems did not diminish Alya's interest one bit. his ears received another name, Gad, a good name. Aria drank a cup of strong coffee, felt so cold that she wanted to vomit, and drank three glasses of water.

Richard's appearance is not often described, but in the case of Aaliyah, although she is an evil spirit, she is an angel who brings good fortune, so it is a shame that she is so beautiful. In his eyes, she is prettier than an idol but on the other hand, if he grabs Alya's bag, even though she looks like an angel, in his eyes she looks like a demon.Sho.

Alia warmly weles Roya's visit, as she is not a person who judges people by their looks, but analyzes different opinions based on their true merit.

don't want to drink? oh, I forgot, we have nothing to drink at home except boiled water.

At first, Alia wanted to show her love and hard work, but because of the money and what was in the house, she only used the \xavi\ method, no, she had to do better. wele, rarely used. Aria is looking for a lawyer. Richard will not be happy about this.

by the look of confusion on his face, Richard realized what he saw. In fact, here you only use your eyes, you don't need to use your feet. You get a good look when you walk into this room. It's not that big and looks like an office, but Richard was really scared when he saw this photo. I understand what the value is, but what the client wants has nothing to do with it.

So Richard resisted the urge to talk about it and focused on his professional behavior, pointing out that he shouldn't be gossiping at that time, and that after he finished his work as a lawyer, for example, he should discuss inheritance issues. on top of it. And it became a rumor. Give the treasure chest on the left to Aria. It's time for him to do some secret work.

Under his will, most of the properties in his name were sold during his lifetime and given to friends. I heard that this friend killed my dear Edward, but that is not what we are talking about and there is no cure. the rest of the money, totaling $40,000, is in the bank and can be withdrawn at any time by going to a bank branch. And I will leave it to you to say that mr. Edward has some tools.

Richard went into business mode.

40,000 dollars? Alya thought for a long time, forget, after this person who did not remember who it was, he first received part of the money from Alya. She didn't want to admit it, the truth was more than she expected, and thinking about it, a sly smile appeared on Aria's face as she ate it, like a good child. Alia, a daughter-in-law, loves money more than an ordinary girl with teeth.

but, that doesn't mean I'm thinking about money.

Alya said something about how happy she was to get this unknown bed, even though she didn't remember it. this \device\ in the box always made people feel inexplicable anxiety, but he didn't want to think about what it was. not good.

when Aaliyah sent this lawyer, she thought she wanted to drop off this anonymous box to the students of miskatonic University. there too, Aaliyah learns the rules of life. Intelligence, that is, the unknown, is easily lost, so it is better not to study it too much.

of course, if they're going to hide it without giving an explanation, Aria thought, she should go and check, at least that way the insurance money would be fully refunded, since it was a normal death. , Alia believes that no matter how strict the insurance pany is, it won't hurt here.

Now that my official duties are over, I would like to speak to you personally about something.

Aria couldn't stop Richard's stupid words, but to be honest, he was worse than his servant, the third investigator, even though he thought he was the first, people. but he is also famous in the wizarding world, and there are many in the wizarding world as well.

For example, \Fake magic book dealer\ and \Evil pirate dealer\ refer to a useless \magic book\ (the magical knowledge is real, but all the powers in it increase. It is very weak) but tan -seems to be true). As any good magic book should have).

Aria realizes that even though the lawyer bought the magic book he created, he was tricked, and he came to take revenge even though he didn't have to. the sale of \magic books\ should not be carried out, then it is impossible.

Aria felt sad and couldn't control her voice.

So what happens? please understand that I don't know how to make money. So don't e near me.

don't worry, I'm not here to ask you for money.

when Aria asked for money, Richard understood the other's fault in his heart, looked at the studio and the room, and smiled softly, realizing that he also understood the other's part. 'poor man. , there is an increase, but in this he is different from the adults, none of them talk about money.

however, that's why Richard is confident in the future \personal use.\ As a lawyer, he has no shortage of money, lives a rich life and enjoys a high social status. Rich and successful people probably don't think that problems that can be solved by money are a big deal.

however, he is also concerned and, as far as he knows, does not believe that Aaliyah's current actions are her true actions.

No one knows what the students are doing in the \mystery topic\, and even if the students want to talk to each other, it is very difficult to keep walking silently due to the lack of information, and actually do said Richard. It is also very difficult for students without \hidden research\ to find \hidden topics\.

Aria, are you a \mystery topic\ student?

! ?

wondering why it was opened? Aria thought for a moment. As a miskatonic student, Aria knew very well that these things were not supposed to be written down, and if they hadn't said it, she wouldn't have known, because it was a plete secret. . Aria could have said nothing.

there is no need to explain it because it does him no good.

Aria thinks that if someone doesn't understand, there aren't many excuses to use, and if she finds out that someone is a book pirate, she can hide in a corner. the cthulhu star is set to start work right away, but luckily Richard doesn't want Aria Familia to have a desire to kill people.

there, Aria quietly listened to mr. Richard, knowing he was the \mystery subject.\ Aria felt like she was looking at a beautiful fat lamb waiting to be used by a beautiful butcher. If you do not receive the blessings of the knife and the fat lamb, you will not see God.

Aria smiled patiently, waiting for Richard's words in her heart, wondering what the future price would be, as she found something to hold onto. this is Aria's career.

Related magic books

the so-called books are not books that write magic, but books with magical powers, and all magic books have a form, and maybe they are dragons. A creature that cannot speak, determined by the gender of the prophet who wrote this grimoire.

the highest level grimoires are the six Forbidden books: Necromancer's Secrets, Lulich's papers, Nect codex, Yellow King, Sera, and Ino. \Fragments\ and \the Untitled book of proposals.\

of course, these six magic books are the most powerful magic books known today, and some of them have lost their origins. however, in addition to these six books, there are other unknown books.

the most powerful magic books are called forbidden books, and the weakest magic books can only be obtained through books, but are still powerful, and their power can increase the power of the magician or reduce the power of magic. . can. must cast spells and develop magical effects.

but that is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that they can call various gods from the magic book, and as the source of their power, it is used by leading magicians and other magicians. their difference. In battle, you can create powerful machine gods.

Although it has powerful magic power, it is not strong enough to be used as the power of a ghost weapon god, and there are no special weapon gods. , he can easily help the magician to summon the demonic idols, but he uses the magic powers himself. therefore, a mage who can summon a demon god machine without using an advanced spellbook can suddenly bee a first class mage when he es face to face with a truly powerful mage.

Returning to the lowest level of magical books, which are books with little or no magical power, these magical books are usually apocryphal books, fake books, books, etc. As a mage's basis for learning spells, but as a panion to magic? In fact, it is a book of magic, and if a book of magic dies here, it is gone. therefore, some magicians are lucky enough to be able to grow powerful magic scrolls from here, but it is difficult. (this also applies to the magic book sold by the main character, but it appears that it has strong magic power.)

003 magic book

huh? Nothing wrong here, but so what? or rather, does it have anything to do with your opinion on whether or not I am a student of the Secrets of Speech?

Aria points out that Richard asked her in front of her, so that's enough evidence for the other side that the so-called question is an attempt to bee human. It's also a good idea to have an honest conversation as an open topic, instead of talking about your family before getting to the main topic. Aaliyah is also a woman who likes to get straight to the point.

well, my daughter recently received an invitation to miskatonic University.

Richard said this proudly, but as he said it, he was worried, even though Aria had already decided, to believe that it was worry that he wanted to propose. I was there. he speaks his mind openly, but isn't it better to let the other person speak openly and honestly?

that way she wouldn't be embarrassed after making a mistake, Aria thought to herself, then stood quietly and waited for someone else to speak. After a long time, Richard hesitated. Getting out.

however, since this is an invitation to the \Graduate School of occult Studies\, I would like to know what it can do for you.

So, Richard, are you only concerned with the dangers of the occult? As a graduate student, I can tell you that dropping out of school is not something a normal person would do if they want their daughter to be crazy about magic, disappear, and seek out fairy tale. If it's a living thing, you can't do anything about it.

Aria wants to be rich as a graduate student, but she doesn't want to see poor people enroll in the ``department of occult Studies,'' which has many risks, including Leah's love. It's heartbreaking, but it's enough that we don't send innocent children into the fire to slaughter the fatted sheep.

No, that's not what I'm talking about. I want to know because my daughter is very talented and also interested in this field and has a passion for magic.

oK, oK, you found the right person for you, why don't you read this book?

Aria realized what she was looking for yesterday. Is this a magic book? Is it because of my daughter? Yes, Aria appreciated it so much that she published and sold the book of magic.

You may notice something, but you have the wrong intentions. because I want to find a magic book for my son to read in the future.

Richard said that ``mystery topics'' are so mysterious that it's very difficult for anyone in any field to get information about them, and it's too late to read them in the classroom, which is what we should be doing. . . Looking ahead is a standard way of learning.

And the easiest way is to find students in \mystery subjects\, which is much easier than magicians. please have the courage to contact him. I'm sure there aren't many witches who can do this in my area.

Richard stared at the magic book in front of him, not noticing the erratic movement of Alya's eyes. because Aliyah hates the people who kicked out her family. If she had to choose a man from the fire again, she would prefer this. Instead of going to the \occult research section,\ go to the history section.

From that time, she became interested in magic, and as a result of studying the ``book of decian'' and the path of heaven evolution, she became a woman who never grew up.

however, as a professional magician, Aria is no longer able to run her current business.

this book is actually based on an essay I read in college about cthulhu research.

Richard picked up a magic book and explained it to Aria at the same time, but his idea, Richard could not understand, Aria spoke quickly and went to the bookstore to buy the book.

however, it tends to be very detailed and is best used as an introductory study.

Aria received a paper version of ``Secrets of the Necromancer.'' of course, this original version was inplete, the esoteric parts were pletely missing, and even some spells were missing. the book Aria had in her hand was plete non-magical junk, perhaps perfect for tricking strangers.

It's \Secret of the Necromancer\, of course not \Elu Aziv\, it's a simple document, but it's a good start, at least there are no problems. the audience went wild. but a book about magicians? well, it's in the university, you can find it yourself, you don't need to buy it from the store or from me, but not many in the university library, but they have a lot. magic power. A magical book. According to the magic books that I have personally collected, the magic power is not that great.

It is based on the idea of slaughtering fat lamb, but if you go too far you will definitely find the problem, but if the truth is revealed in this small part, there will be no problem and you can use and slaughter. . price this is the price. but what is the market value? how will the other person know? Also, Aria has no intention of passing this on to her juniors at school, and if her name bees known at miskatonic University, it will reach the level of impurity.

but at what cost? As usual, even rades were killed. And gay?

he exaggerated with a happy smile on his face. Aria said it without hesitation. She resigned because her father wanted to send his daughter to the \Faculty of occult Sciences\ without shedding blood.

Aria isn't rich at all, and even though she has a daughter to help out with, she can't seem to live long enough to make ends meet. otherwise, you have to travel. bina, the invisible myth he uses. the creatures e and cause trouble and then play with the merchants for money.

that's the price

that's natural. If you're not sure, see where you can buy an inexpensive magic book that doesn't include traps, mind transfer spells, invisibility curses, etc. If you don't want to buy it, you can wait until miskatonic es out and get the magic book. Actually, it's just a hobby, and there are no magic books, so I don't remend buying it. It is very easy to understand.

Aria spoke the truth, her voice and demeanor filled with hatred and mon sense.

but that's normal, people don't understand the amount of knowledge about ordinary magic, they are called \poor people\, it takes time to understand magic, but magic is called \pc\ except for ordinary people. No man can understand it, and no one who can understand it is the man of all.

Aria knew very well that the \hidden\ students who understood magic and quietly studied the intellectual industry were the most valuable, even if they progressed to the world's elite. It is also a level of education that allows you to quickly progress to higher education levels.

If you are poor, no matter how much you work or study, you will not get any results. If you have magical results and poor man's wisdom, you will be pletely isolated from people physically and personally. be careful: it's just a monster.

Richard listened, and at the same time, instead of thinking about how to expel his daughter from school, he thought of finding a way to make her study well and include her in \yin\. \occult division\ he understood the fate of this division after he saw the value of the magic book.

All right, I'll buy it.

Actually, I bought it, Aria didn't intend to buy it, she said she had no conscience, it was already used, Aria decided to play safe.

thanks for your help.

Aria had a big smile, Richard left so many magic books, and after counting the money carefully, she was very satisfied, she still had no conscience to save the girl who was about to go to school from hell, but she was just an artist. he. at night.

So let's get rid of these ugly things first.

Assuming Aria wasn't looking, she took the box and jumped into the river to throw it away, then went home, but there was no water in the dam and the line was visible again.

Something happened to him this time.

Arya tried to grab the cthulhu Star by her forehead, but three seconds later the box hit her directly in the face, causing Arya to scream in pain.

At that moment, the book fell out of the box and Aria did the worst thing of her life.

\book of Azathot\?

he read the title of the book.

004 curse

Aria had done the worst thing in her life. If God had given him a choice, he would have cut out his tongue, gouged out his eyes, and split his voice. he could not pronounce this name.

\book of Azathoth\

At this moment, Aria couldn't understand why she didn't think of foolishly pronouncing this name, and, full of regret and conviction, she opened the magical book called the book of Azathoth. because Aria read his name.

the pages of the book kept turning, and when she reached the next page, Aaliyah saw something she hadn't expected. her name was written on her body, but not her name, Aaliyah, darby was a fake name.

I thought the name was correct, I forgot my real name, why is this name? It's just a joke.

Aria is quick to tell this lie, but even though she is 3 years old, she can't understand why this happened to me. but why did this happen in front of me?

Aria asks herself if she is really a sincere and loving merchant who sells magic books pretending to be top-notch, but in reality, the magical power of the books is limited to what she is, a student, it can be mastered. however, at least we don't sell anything that affects people's mental and physical health, and the knowledge of magic books is not a trick.

A book of magic is not a book written by magic, but a book with magical powers. the former is the same, so it is the latter. It is possible. Although it is considered a tutorial, the latter is a fully automatic magic tool.

on the surface, Aria is a charismatic professional who has never killed anyone, even when looking for deception, and is an honest and beautiful Al-A agent. . he is also a person who is seen as a ``good guy'' by the public.

therefore, a terrible and sad thing should not happen to him.

Arya's efforts went pletely unheeded, and even if they did, it was in vain. because not even heaven could save him from the book of Azathoth, which he apparently had never heard of. ben's magic book.

No, I can't even call it a \magic book\, it's more of a series or something like that.

Legend has it that the book of Azathoth was created by an alien god named Nyarlathotep, and that terrible things will happen if his name is added to the book's contents. there are only two bad attempts. the first is to bee Nyarlathotep's perfect toy and love him physically and mentally. In general, the latter is unheard of.

Even in fairy tales, Aria never felt that it was possible, especially in the magical world, they were all called evil fairy tales, especially in the hope that they would ascend to heaven one after the other. because I was there. this is not a shortcut to the world, the only way is to get a ticket to the bottomless pit, and the return ticket is unthinkable.

Aria seems to understand that she got a cheap one-way ticket and now it's time to ignore everything and get on the train. when the time came, Aria borrowed a small knife from the table and stabbed him in the neck.

but after half a second, Aria's small face showed a sad look of \despair\, and the dagger stopped half a centimeter from her neck, and she was not afraid, but she move the water. In his hands it was only a millimeter.

my hands and fingers also turned white from a lot of practice, but the blade didn't go forward, it went back, and then I heard a shrill sound, and the whole blade was wrong. physically, he impaled Aria on a wooden pillar behind him.


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