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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第158章

第158章 (第1/2页)

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wang qiang deeply felt the hostility of this group of people and knew that there was no way to continue it. So wang qiang clenched his fists and said, \Since the big guy doesn't wele me as an outsider, let's say goodbye

wang qiang simply withdrew if he couldn't!

this is thanks to a precious book called \Grandpa's Art of war\ that was unearthed from Lao Zhao a few days ago. the article recorded in \Grandpa's Art of war\ states: \thirty six strategies, walking is the best strategy.

when it es to this book 'Grandpa's Art of war', wang qiang finds it rare. Although Lao Zhao is regarded as a treasure trove, wang qiang feels that this author has no integrity and even claims to be his grandson. however, since brother qiang has read it, his grandson also needs to change his name to Grandpa. there is no saying that every person is three levels shorter, and brother qiang will not suffer from such losses.

moreover, in this \Grandfather's Art of war\, there are 36 profound strategies, which seem to have hidden mysteries and are difficult to understand. with brother qiang's current cultivation, the only one that can be memorized and applied is the last one.

Applying what he has learned is the time to showcase his knowledge, and wang qiang felt a surge of pride in his heart. the only regret is the beautiful little apple, which will have to be separated.

the big man A Niu looked at wang qiang coldly, neither greeting nor speaking, but with a special silence. Everyone also put on a look of sending off the God of plague.

wang qiang felt bored. he glanced at Jiang Yun next to A Niu da han, and Jiang Yun also looked at him. wang qiang knew it was not advisable to delay and turned away.

At this moment, wang qiang faintly heard the roar of the motor.

Yes, the sound ranges from far to near.

the speed is very fast and sounds like the sound of an air cushion motorcycle. Using an air cushion motorcycle in plex terrain is not a good choice, wang qiang thought.

Finally, even daniel and others heard the roar and took up their weapons to guard around. however, by the time they reacted, several hoverbikes had already approached.

the person on the air cushion motorcycle who was the first to charge in front was Lin Er.

At this time, Lin Er was like a lost dog, with all his bat equipment abandoned, and even his signature Gatling was nowhere to be found.

Lin Er drove the air cushion motorcycle to its maximum horsepower, pletely disregarding the possibility of hitting a big tree or something else.

the hoverbike utilizes kinetic energy and airflow to achieve suspension, resulting in extremely fast sprinting speed. without the constraint of friction, this thing has reached the level of an aircraft.

Lin Er crossed the field like a whirlwind, with several city defense team members following closely behind, causing a wave of anger, but unfortunately it happened.

A city defense team member was clearly not good at driving an air cushion motorcycle on the hills, and running so far was already a fluke. As a result, he fiercely collided with a big tree in a sharp turn, and an explosion ensued.

the accident affected the number of motorcycles behind them, and more people were unable to avoid falling or falling off the motorcycle.

Lin Er made a turn and the killer came back. his face was filled with fear, urging everyone around him to quickly get on the intact motorcycle.

wang qiang saw that it was his own person from the lower city base, and his heart was filled with excitement. he quickly shouted, \captain Lin, I am here

Lin Er looked up and saw wang qiang waving to him. Lin Er shouted, \qiangzi, e here quickly, retreat immediately, there's a big guy behind


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