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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第104章 二神之兆

第104章 二神之兆 (第1/2页)

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上回三人在异空中生死飘零,获幸避开灾难。回程中, library罗克思索异象深意,认为涉及 something hidden于梦兆之中。有人感叹异象难形容,惟有破解石板奥秘或有线索。













次朝,三人远眺城东高岭,果然见钟楼形水晶建筑耸立山岭之巅。塔高数丈,光芒? radiation,能见度极低。












































\Am I safe?\

the owner of Ruri's eyes looked around, but what he saw was the corpse of tiberio, who had lost the strength to move and collapsed.

this corpse was supposed to be an Elite League guard, but magnetic Julius already recognized him as a clone of tiberius.

he kicks to the body, but the body has to miss.

Seeing that the body was pletely unresponsive, he didn't know if it was being played with or if the body was really dead.

to test it, ba dao Luli took a gun from the table. It was a magic gun, and the bullets fired from the gun had magical powers.

this is a very weak spell, and spells like Inverted cross have little effect.

but if it is used to check whether it is alive or not, it is good advertising.

Surprised, Luli's eyes were burning with anger, and he controlled his anger to make it disappear into despair.

the magic bullet hit tiberius like a log.

his body turned into flesh, unprotected by magic bullets.

\did you finally die? You should have been saved.\

witnessing the plete destruction of the body, the brave Lully finally decided to leave the body of tiberius.

he can't stay here, he has to leave.

\but where do I go now? No, where did winfield go? but most of all, the demon Slayer is a great sage. he has to go somewhere.\

Even if his heart is broken by fear, a strong Lurie can offer psychological advice.

whatever the reason, we cannot stay here; if things continue like this, a witch trial awaits us.

taking a deep breath is like letting all the fear out of your mind.

the next moment, the domineering Lurie came out the door.

Everything in his eyes was red.

the corpse broke open, filling Liuli's domineering gaze.

It's scary that Ruri has a magic gun, and there's no reason to be afraid.

I have never fought a wizard, nor have I seen the power of a backcross.

he takes his childhood wisdom and faith in the Sage, the demon Slayer.

of course, before the horror of the sorcerer can be seen, he can summon the consciousness to mand and fight the enemy without hesitation.

\what do I want to destroy?\

I don't think it's a good idea to throw up in a place like this, and I think now is the time.

he ran away, even though he tried to run away, maybe because of torture and fear, he still seemed to be shaking while running, and people were worried that this would happen in the future, and he fell down. FAILURE

\If I can activate the Great Sage demon Slayer.\

the proud Ruri, not yet aware that Kuro has awakened, rushes to the Sage of the devil's blade, hoping that \God\ will grant her wish and claim the Sage of the devil's blade.

however, this \hope\ is nothing more than a false hope.

he didn't have the ability to awaken his abilities or the wisdom to learn magic; he has no talent, and cannot use magic, let alone own a mechanical idol like demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.

If managed scientifically using only modern technology, it takes enough \heart in the furnace\ to be successful.

but now that kind of heart is gone.

originally, the \Secret System of the dead\ was planned to be used as the heart of the furnace.

but now it seemed impossible, and using it on the Great demon Sage, or relying on such a person to fight the black demon, was a dream.

\how could someone like that control the Great Sage demon Slayer and defeat the black Sanctuary?\

he doesn't trust either, so the actions of others model the dream itself.

After two battles, almost his entire body was cut off or fell asleep for a long time.

No chance of success.

the city of Arkan was destroyed from war to war.

Either way, it's a hopeless choice.

\but what else can we do? has anyone managed to activate the Great Sage demon Slayer?\

despair of the future, hopelessness of the future, and almost false hope lead the domineering Ruri to follow the devilish path of demon slaying.

however, this moral support and last hope was pletely shattered.

\how can you die?\

Lurie, who had been standing still, collapsed, seemingly out of energy.

he witnesses the death of a salesman named winfield.

\Are you here? but a transplant like you shouldn't go to a place like this. In fact, you should do it – you should do it 32 times.\

the nurse's body was hanging from a rope, and not far from it, a woman was leaning against the wall.

She was a slender woman with silver hair.

A girl about fourteen years old smiled.

the blue-green eyes also stared at ba dao Luli.

but perhaps the most noticeable thing is his hair.

\Sometimes I want to see special situations, but this time I will let you do it. You are not a hero. Now, a hero from another world is here, please don't stop us here.\

the magical power was unleashed and the proud Ruri was shot like a bullet.

198 dream teacher

In the underground space like a launch pad, Kuro, who had bee a mage, was standing, and in front of him was a large piece of metal that he had never seen before.

however, Kuro recognized the appearance of this giant.

however, this is something you should not do. In Jiuro's mind, this ghost weapon god must be pletely destroyed and there is no way to stop it.

Kuro must know this in his heart, with forbidden power like a curse, the Ghost weapon master is the Great demon, and the Iron Root cannot be saved. this is the metal that cannot be repaired.

Jiuran looked at the Great demon Sage, the Great demon Sage. he couldn't believe his heart, he couldn't believe what he saw before his eyes.

but if this is true, if what I see is true, then what it shows is that there is hope.

Even when facing the \inverted cross\ monster, Kuro stood up to it with courage and strength.

\what are you waiting for? what's the point of sitting here and not moving? It's time to do it!\

El's scream snapped Kuro out of his mind, and he realized he had to try again.

\can this ghost machine really be activated?\

\of course you can. You're a smart person who destroys animals, so you'll definitely be able to flip the switch. I couldn't break the curse at first, and I can't do anything about it, but it's the heart of the man left me. After that, everything was resolved.\

\this person?\

when Kuro raised this suspicion, Elle looked at him with strange eyes.

It was normal for a girl as beautiful as Elle to be happy, but Kuro didn't think about it.

\do you remember? You were the one who stopped that man.\

Elle tells Kuro something he doesn't know, but Kuro secretly believes Elle's words for no reason.

Not because Kuro believed L, but because Kuro's voice spoke to him.

Although the dream-like spirits seem to be telling the absolute truth, Kuro asks Elle another question if this idea reflects the truth.

\what is this man's name?\

Kuro never expected that name, but Elle said the name against Kuro's will.

- You don't know much about Alia devi?

Erjan smiled, finally realizing that the man in front of him wasn't ignorant, he just didn't think he knew.

Elle's mind cleared as she thought about this answer.

\Is that real? It's not a dream!\

\of course, that can't be a dream, can it? but now is not the time to talk about such things.\

Elle wanted to know the answer from Kuro's mouth, but now was not the time to discuss it.

here in the underground, the beasts of dreams do not e here, and this is a realm where peace is rare.

however, Elle is unhappy and cannot find peace and fort in this \safe\ place. And if Elle had any reason to think these animals didn't belong here. the animals here, the powerful animals.

In other words, they don't go where the dragons live, as they know about this realm.

there, Elle wants to find Jiuran and banish the demon slayer sage, the god of ghost weapons.

however, Elle's words e back to another reason, and her \hearing\ and \hearing\ are unfounded.

\Look, besides the animals, there is also a cross behind them?\

\I'm not blind, right?\

Kuro gave this answer without thinking about Eri.

of course, for Elle, it's not much of an answer; it only gives a response and has no other effect.

\Yes, no problem, but the magic he prepared will be activated in a few minutes.\


\well, the magic is enough to pletely destroy this place and turn it into a white place.\

\wait, those two sentences cannot be bined.\

\what do you think is wrong? dust also decays, that's why we use the word 'not dirty'.\

\but now we also need to understand the importance of this issue.\

before Elle could finish speaking, Krang surrendered his magical powers to the demon exterminator and activated the sergeant to exterminate the demon with his own magical powers.

\Actually, that's why we need to activate the demon Slayer Sage as soon as possible.\

\So do you have any good advice for stopping her magic?\

It only took half a second for Kuro to awaken the Great Sage demon Slayer, and he, El, also turned into a mysterious light and entered the Ghost weapon.

then, at the demon weapon God\/demon Slayer Great Sage training tool, Kuro asked this question.

\make sure to defeat it. this type of magic requires strong magic power. If the battle continues, the magic will end much slower. the way to turn it back is that it is pletely controlled by the magician. Standing magic\

Elle explains her plan and interpretation of magic in an easy to understand way, and also explains Kuro's values in an easy to understand way.

\It's a tough road, but it's the perfect fit for me.\

\then don't waste time here. Let's take this guy down. It's too much trouble for me.\

As Elle said this in a voice filled with excitement, it seemed that the devil's power to defeat the demon King responded to Elle's will. the venue emitted an intense light, and a large metal object flew straight up, reaching the top of the mountain within 10 seconds. there are many locations here.

A change in magic power appeared, and a gripping beam of light shot through the sky, bursting into the sky from above like a torture, destroying the sky.

when Zanma Great Sage announced his presence on the land destroyed by magic, Zanma's huge body rose in the blink of an eye, and iron wings covered the sky behind him. the sun shines rays of magical power. grains

the Great demon King held a sword in his right hand, and the magical power purified from the demonic weapon poured out a vortex of magical power and visible mystery from the head of the sword to the long sword. . the cheek of tiberius, the god of swords, runes, and machines, was crushed.

\the great death Eater sage El Egif has finally appeared?

God of Ghosts and weapons - besshibut uses terrible magical powers to defeat all monsters.

however, due to the strength of tiberius's lightning, they were unable to capture tiberius' machine gun.

when beshibut raised his right hand and struck it hard like a meteorite, Kuran's face became more tense, and at the same time he blocked beshibut's swift foot with his long sword, the magic the power of the sword is released by the sharp edge of the blade. . the tip became a devastating force and directly hit betsugeto's long sword wound on his right hand.

the large demon Slayer corps was also thrown several meters away by the impact of bessamusha, and sparks flew from the demon Slayer corps pound due to its force.

however, the two attacks did not end there.

the great sage and betto of the demon Slayer corps fought with unimaginable courage, continuing to attack like a strong wind.

the demon Slayer and beelzebub have ghosts and gods of weapons.

but neither is willing to respect the weapon, and when the great sage defeats the demon dealer with disaster-like strength, he finds a flaw and strikes it directly at bessie with his wave-like hand bhutto

A great number of sparks shot out from betsugeto's body, and the place where it was emitted was as frighteningly violent as a bomb it was thrown from.

At the same time, Kuro realized that there was a problem with Sora circle's activities, and firmly believed L's words.

the Great Spirit weapon was swung down in front of beshibut with incredible skill, and its sword blades fell like a strong storm.

beshbut, manded by tiberius, was defeated, and the demon's weapon was broken by the enemy's sword.

he directly stabbed the demon slayer's sword with one hand, revived him with magic, and in the blink of an eye, the demon sword passed through his hand. .

Next, the second left hand struck at a strange angle, and the powerful blow hit the demon slayer directly in the head. Run and attack with the Vulcan Rifle from a few meters away.

however, even if that attack could reach the divine Spirit machine, it would be difficult to cause any damage.

beshibuto also threw a long punch with his long left hand, and the long punch original demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Sage landed under titorio.

\I can't do anything, I'm going to die.\

when tiberius smashed his long sword, a strange light appeared in his left hand, the spell ended immediately, and the magic was fired.

Since the demon slayer didn't have a sword on his body, he could only defend himself with his hands, but due to its power, the demon slayer's wrist emitted sparks that threatened to shatter it. two hands appeared.

\but at that level, Elle has no problems.\

\my magic is useless.\

the demon slayer's powerful magic continued to burn, and the severely injured arm returned to its original form. Jiuran controlled the demon Slayer Sage and continued his approach to beshibut.

however, besshibut destroyed the demon Slayer Sage with less than a single punch.

\has the magic been so destroyed? Surely, this damage cannot be undone.\

when tiberius pointed, besibut also kicked the demon Slayer from five meters away.

\what's going on? please don't stop? then let the violence begin!\

tiberio's voice was full of malice, which almost added to the malice that pervaded the atmosphere here.

Suddenly, the sun seemed to open his eyes.

I don't know when the sky was filled with stars.

however, if you look closely at this star, you will see that its eyes are shining, full of anger and malice.

however, even though tiberius didn't notice it, the fallen demon Slayer Sage and the two people riding the demon Slayer Sage saw it happen.

I saw this amazing sky and the amazing things that appear in this sky.

\then what was born on Earth?\

\I don't even know, but one thing I do know is that we're not in the real world. It's not nonsense, it's all real.\

\but to be fair, it should be a real-life angle that draws attention to this crazy world.\

\Something like this?\

Kuro felt suspicious about Elle's words.

\oh? I don't know if this world is what I expected, but if it is, I have my opinion. this might be a fantasy world.\

\I've never heard anything like that before.\

As El spoke with a rather serious expression, Kuro said this sarcastic ment.

\didn't you say you have the ability to 'read magical books'? why don't you know that?\

L cried without knowing that it was Kuro.

\As I said before, I'm just ignorant!\

Although they were filled with a sense of tension that could almost be described as dying, none of them were worried.

the sky is like an animal, the sun is an eye, the moon is an eye, and all the stars in the sky are eyes.

If so, what is the seemingly invincible monster that attacked this place?

\perhaps nonsense, Kuro. Everything in the world is meaningless, and nothing in the world is meaningless.\

\You can say that most things in this world are meaningless.\

\It is the most useless to find the meaning of something that really has no meaning, and it is difficult to find the answers.\

\So you did that? 50.\

\maybe I don't know what the meaning is. I never thought to look for meaning because it's stupid to look for meaning.\

\Stupid things still exist and stupid things like this have to be done.\

El uttered words so painful that they could not bear the power of the god tiberius beshbut.

but it does not wait for death.

mysterious events in the sky, mysterious star shapes, the miasma that surrounds them, and the monsters.

It shows that something is happening.

beshibutsu was still standing in the sky, and the magic circle was connected to the magic circle again.

\Next time, let's destroy everything. I don't want to live in a place like that.\

the magic circle heated up, something strange happened to tiberius' body, and signs of pain appeared in the magic book ``mysterious magos'' itself.

\e, primal fear, return from the realm of darkness! cthulhu, the eternal sleeper, god of dreams from the depths!\

A loud voice rang out, a terrible transformation appeared in the magic circle, and black magic flowed from it.

At the same time, the situation in the world is getting worse.

\Actually, you made my ghost like this for God. I'll regret it if you don't give me everything to God.\

- please e back, tiberius.

but at this critical moment, Lord tryon's voice was heard from heaven.

\why, master, there is one last step left. I want to get rid of the blockers of plan c. why should I stop this? why retreat after such an insult? maybe .\Great master, I will not turn back ! \

\that's an order, tiberius.\

Ignoring tiberius' stupidity, Lord tryon repeated his orders, but the enraged tiberius did not listen.

Even so, tiberius' body involuntarily trembled in fear of the great leader.

Even though he is dead, he has evil thoughts that only the living can have, and this can be said to be the weakness of the dead.

Lord tryon was absent.

Elle also smiled sadly.

(that's it, tiberius on the cross, the end is over. because you don't understand the evil of this world, it's only natural that you accept defeat.)

cruelty boils over and this fantasy world does not hide the evil in its face.

the stars disappeared, the sun went down, and there was darkness without light.

the beast that came out of the evil one was a corpse without a head.

Although he is headless, he looks like a child, but his beautiful figure and low body show it.

the body is not wearing any shoes and its feet are bare.

but the walking corpse is no joy.

darkness covered the corpse, swallowing even the magic of the evil god that tiberius had summoned.

\who are you?\

the severed head of the girl who embraced his body rose again, and here she appeared as a living being.


\No, Kuro, look closely. It's just an animal, an animal in human form.\

Elle dismissed Kuro's words.

Aaliyah's right eye is empty and filled with eyes of different colors.

when wearing Sidabal's clothes, his mood seems to wander between fantasy and reality. but maybe it's just a dream.

the whole place seemed to be chanting, and Aria, listening to the mantra, stretched her arms to the left and right and began to chant.

A storm of spirits and a miasma attacked him, and his skin glowed under the weight of a force that could tear a man's heart apart.

\this is a new water devil.\

As Aria sang, the water devil soul came out of her body, her colorful eyes stared at the lightless sky as she sang, and the dreamlike spell also showed her power from in the sky.

Suddenly there was a strong wind of 10 degrees, and Aria floated in the strong wind like a sleeper.

\Elle, what happened?\

\don't you understand? Your world is his world. he wasn't human at first. he was just an animal pretending to be human.\

\I don't know what kind of beast this is, but it has a strong aura of water magic, so I'm worried that it might be the tie of the evil god cthulhu.\

\Are you talking about God?\

\It is about God, but it is not a sin for a man to be equal to God.\

El explained quietly.

however, Giulo could not receive this information.

\Are you calling me God? Are you mocking me?\

the Aria that Kuro knows is a simple and poor witch who has no talent and is not good at taking care of people.

he looks like a child, but is he now called a god?

dream \gods\? what should I do? Games have their limitations too.

\don't joke, Giulo. this isn't a place we can work in right now, but it's a good thing the 'gods' have a grudge against tiberius. It's already happened. , that's not true, that's what we do.'' back , the wizard is finished.”

\I think someone from the past took his memory and he didn't realize he was an evil god. he was supposed to be the guardian of the evil god.\

Elle also explained the reason.

199 you

\I really don't want to go back. It will be nice and perfect if I don't remember all this.\

Aliya is confused that they cannot understand what she is saying.

\Now I can go back, but this is representative.\

As if those words were in a dream, the aura of the water demon next to Aria began to appear in chaos, and this world was filled with chaos, including her magic, everything in her eyes, and everything on his fingers. there. If you touch the top, if you look at it too much, it will distort the area you touch, making everything look like a dream.

\when the caster dies, the spell pletely collapses without a guardian. the presence of the player will not be detected. the person who previously gave me the spell is also dead. haha. \Great. So sad, all of it. \die for me and sleep in your dreams forever.

when the sleeping man's face showed an evil character, all the creatures he saw became distorted creatures.

At that time, no one knew that this man's heart was full of evil.

\but pared to us, this wizard should be the first target.\

Elle knew the answer immediately and had no problem.

\there may be nothing wrong with you, but you will surely die and there is no way you will live.\

A strange smile appeared on Aaliyah's beautiful face, and she moved.

due to such a strong force, the demon weapon god beshbut and the ghost weapon god struck several meters like lightning.

As it landed, many sparks flew, and the weapon shattered on impact.

Aria just threw the barbell, but the impact was stronger than an attack from a weapon like the great sage, and could not be absorbed by human hands.

however, this is not a human domain.

\You don't believe that an inpetent witch like you tortured me to death? haha, that's unimaginable. e on, I'll show you my fate again.\

Aria continued kicking beshibut, and even though her opponent tried to stand up, his legs were slammed into the ground like a rubber ball, and he couldn't stand up.

\Sorry, don't brag too much.\

tiberius maneuvered the devil's device and tried to stand on the fulcrum again, but his opponent's lightning-like attacks made it impossible for him to see the device.

the power of God's magic tools had no effect against the opponent's strong speed, and the only thing that could counter it was a punching bag.

the magical power was released, and a wind-like force appeared from the surroundings, centered around beshibutsu, the god of ghosts and weapons.

A powerful spell blocked Aria's attack for half a second, enough time for beshbut to adjust his position, but tiberius, now in bat mode, deftly attacked Aria.

however, Aria doesn't seem to have any intention of defending herself, and uses this tank weapon to fight her own flesh and blood, only for the two to collide, making a loud noise. and blowing in a strong wind.

It was a battle of lightning, and the speed of Allah and Alia's demon vehicle was invisible to their eyes.

however, surprisingly, Kuro and Elle only witnessed the fight between the two with their own eyes.

\maybe he meant it. It's pletely unforgivable. besides, as an evil god double, he still continues this kind of body worship as a means of war. Isn't that true?\

\he's probably calmer than hanging himself.\

Kuro understood the enemy's position faster than Elle.

\what's wrong? what's wrong? Are you okay? Is it 'God'?\

As tiberius laughed, Aria hit his body with beshbutsu's right hand.

It is thrown into the air and can be seen for an hour from miles away before it hits the ground.

\hahaha, really? that's it? well, hell for a bad product.\

tiberius casts a powerful spell and immediately shoots Arya.

the spell releases a destructive force, destroying everything in it.

however, the black shadow turned into countless black hands and flew away while holding beshibuto's body.

his body began to turn black, and in the next moment, his black hands were torn apart by magic, but the black parts became weak.

\Actually, I don't want to use that kind of power. that kind of power is not suitable for me. the fact that I can use it now means that he is dead, so that the power will return to 'me'.\ be\

\by the way, enemy, how do you feel now? Even if it is a dead body, the magic of the black hand can destroy the soul, destroy the eternal life, divide the soul, and the remaining soul will bee a soul. . magic book, take his soul, he is weaker than an ordinary magician, and he is even more crazy.”

\what do you think 'I' is that you want to destroy?\

Aria's foot directly collided with the Ghost God's body, making a heavy sound like metal breaking, and besshibut directly hit the deep hole.

\e, fight, attack me, destroy me if you can - destroy the world.\

\well, you see, this is my world and so is his.\

Aria smiled sleepily, but the teasing was funnier.

It's like mocking someone else's weakness, and maybe he's mocking himself.

\Kill me and hurt me like before, okay?\


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