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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第102章 再无悬念

第102章 再无悬念 (第1/2页)

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中午12点,躲在岩缝间窥视,我见教授携数名助手正入山洞内设备 laid起未知结构。空气中弥漫着异常流质。







































5月25日,在层叠思绪积淀后,我终于悟透教授 心之深意——









however, Kuro had no desire to bee a buddha.

on the contrary, it caused so much pain that his blood boiled with fear.

\how would I know such a thing? but no other titan can resist the 'god' god of ghosts and weapons.\

In other words, we don't know if it's a ghost god or not.

Elle didn't know that he was the Spirit King, so what Kuro said was true.

this is the only logical conclusion.

what we do know is that greatness must be the result of imitating God.

In other words, although he is said to be the ``god of beasts and weapons,'' a man-made godmust be a miracle.

however, Elle cannot understand the magic that turns this demon machine into a god.

this strategy and system is diabolical beyond his prehension.

this is not an original skill and is different from normal ghost weapons.

but these are not just words, the important thing is that the strength of the petitors is improving every day.

he quickly reached demonbane, but was limited in what he could do.

the demon's body armor began to ache, and so did the giant's body.

however, the latter has the ability to transform people, and the Kishin demonban does not have that ability at all.

\It's a shame it's going on like this.\

before Kuro could finish speaking, the giant doctor appeared. west takes control and beats him.

demon Van received a punch, and his heavy body directly hit the ground, delivering a strong impact.

the armor they wear has cracks and can break at any time.

At this point, we all know that catching balls from the Giants is not easy.

In the control room of the Upper consortium, the strong Liuli was able to watch the live recording, of course through the monitors.

the lives lost in the war between them are incalculable.

It was the devil's power that controlled Ruri.

however, daichikuro is not very talented as a user.

her fingers gripped his palm tightly, her nails digging into his skin and bleeding.

\Grand cross master, please use your weapon. You can still use your weapon.\

\It's useless. Normal weapons have no effect.\

the clan inside the house reacted quickly and fired several rockets from its back at the same time, but these weapons did no more damage to this giant, turning the town into ruins.

the magical power that permeated the giant's body pletely blocked this weak attack.

the energy generated when the weapon explodes does not interfere with the opponent's magic field.

demonban's hand continued to attack like a missile, but even though it hit the giant's body, it hit an impenetrable demon realm, and with such strength, it was harmless. .

taking damage is not good or possible for a strong animal.

the Vulcan cannon on its head fired repeatedly, attacking Kuro's tall building like a heavy weapon, but in the end it was useless.

the three of them were destroyed, but the power that came from the giant changed the world into the Garden of Eden.

It is like dividing Alkan city into modern and modern era.

he should not be allowed to continue like this.

\then don't use normal weapons. demonbane can also be attached to magical weapons.\

\why can't I see it? wait, isn't this the crazy car again?\

In the blink of an eye, Elle wondered why she hadn't thought of a trick.

this is because this \magic\ is turned into electronic data and stored in machines.

please note that these forms must be placed directly into the magic circle of the tank weapon and converted into a magic seal.

what kind of idiot would do that? Elle wanted to find that artist and beat him badly.

Is there such a thing as the \lemur influence\?

Elle finds a trick hidden in the street.

however, he began to doubt the effectiveness of such magical weapons.

but after seeing the great giant, El persevered.

magic power flowed through the magic circle, the magic broke, and the runes gathered in front of Kuro.


\Even if you don't know if devil magic works, try it. If it doesn't work, forget it.\

\Even if this is the most powerful magic book, is there no useful magic?\

\Yes, I am, but I'm a novice when it es to 'magic'. can it be done if you use my servant's powerful magic?\

Kuro didn't want to admit it, but he couldn't deny it.

Kuro is a novice mage.

being able to fight with magical weapons was something Kuro couldn't imagine.

Soon after Kuro could no longer use even basic magic, and even though he was called the ``mystician of the dead,'' it was impossible for him to gain the knowledge to fully use a spellbook. .

At least they got a lot of magical power to fight from the grimoires, but this kind of fighting couldn't pare to real power.

If it was the ``magical Lord of the dead,'' all the magicians who died before Kuro would cry.

Among the necromancers, Kuro was probably the weakest.

Kuro also understood.

Elle also looks like a wizard than Kuro.

\don't be discouraged, if you try a little, you can use good magic. After all, you are a magician who can do business with me.\

I don't know if I can call this a consolation or an opportunity for me to improve myself.

but it doesn't matter if it's the first or the last.

because that would put him to the test.

demon Van's right hand let out a strange wind and flashed, as if a powerful wind was gathering to create a disaster.

but there is something more dangerous than this world.

If it is released, it will be more tragic than the end of the world.

Even among demons, Kuro felt the horror of the technique.

demonban raised his hand and looked at the \god\ the doctor had created. west takes control but does nothing.

I hate to say it, but Kuro is very scary.

Kuro couldn't imagine what would happen if his opponent dodged this blow, and he didn't want to think about it.

\what are you waiting for?\

Although the voice of fifty was heard, the pace of the giant did not slow down.

the cold magic emanating from his body was like a giant disaster in human form.

the world was transformed by the Garden of Eden, and cities were seen as its source.

Even if the light stops there, the Garden of Eden will not change.

Elle couldn't understand what it was.

but there was one thing Elle knew. that means you have to fire the energy ball at demon Van's hand to hit him.

Elle didn't know how to explain the power she got from that formula.

this kind of power is pletely different from the power I hold as a magic book.

the core of the reactor was clearly a demon, but the magical power that El gave it had nothing to do with that magical power.

the rest of the power es from the demon itself, or other systems within the demon's body, because El's \furnace heart\ is actually responsible for illuminating and protecting the environment.

the only person who can master the power of this \mechanic\ is Elle, who can activate Eruen 100%.

I don't think it's possible for this \operator\ to generate that much energy if enough power is accumulated to activate it.

therefore, although Elle knew that this technique was not very powerful and was almost the same as the techniques written by other foreigners, the power that she could summon was unimaginable to others. .

I suspect that there is no way to get the right power and you get this result because the maximum capacity exceeds the power of the user.

It's better to let go of an ability you don't have.

Elle seems to understand why writers write.

As much as we don't want to admit it, this type of technology may be better suited to modern zombies.


\No, if it ends here, this city will definitely be destroyed. how can anyone but you stop it? Even if you can stop the enemy with missiles, 'hell' appears under this weapon, and that's you. do you want to see it?\ \

when Elle saw the black giant approaching, she immediately shouted at Kuro.

Immediately, a ball of light shot out from demonban's right hand.

It was a beautiful sight, like falling stars, and a mysterious light emitted from demon Van's right hand.

A great darkness collided directly with the light.

the light engulfed the darkness.

\Sir, I mean, if you had the chance to bring the person you love back to life again, what would you do, Luobo?\

\what more can I say? of course, this must be done at all costs.\

west, with his big black body, reacts to Elsa with an aura of madness.

As the \heart\ of the dark Giant, Elsa's main mission is to organize the magical power that es from \God.\

the \power of God\ has been passed down since ancient times.

As long as the positions of the stars in the sky do not change, the power of \God\ will not weaken.

As a vessel for a temple of immorality, I fear that although it is originally a temple, it will be taken away and destroyed.

of course, dr. the west knows this place, so there is a question: \heart of the Furnace\.

however, pared to the term \heart of the furnace\, controller is probably more accurate.

Android and dr. west first made this piece.

the power of \God\ produces unique characteristics depending on the knowledge of the caster.

I'm worried that this dark giant's power to turn everything into a \Garden of Eden\ es from the will of the doctor. west.

Instead of calling it the \Garden of Eden,\ it should be called the power to \raise\ from the dead.

dr. what the west has done is wake up to a world where people are killing each other.

that behavior is true.

dr. wants west that a man can e back to life and reconcile with the lover he killed because of a mistake he made in his youth.

the dead cannot be resurrected, and if dr. west believes in such nonsense, the results of research on the resurrection are inconsistent (Note 1).

If this leads to disappointment, it is because human skills are low.

there should be no such elixir except resurrection.

``my character hasn't changed from the beginning, and the reason it hasn't changed is because I've been that kind of person from the beginning. 'no one knows what will happen in the future.''Nare. \what does God mean by 'we know'?\ (Note 2)

\but now I know what I'm doing and what I have to do, so I have to keep going.\

\well, the doctor is Luo bo, the smartest person in the world, so he doesn't understand anything.\

Elsa was able to speak quietly at this point.

but I can't do it next time.


then, the power of the magic increased rapidly, and Elsa's body could not control the magic, so strong that cracks appeared on her body like a human.

\does that mean I can e here?\

dr. west his hand.

\If that's the case, that's the only way.\

\Run, demon, unleash all your power and manipulation, madman, unleash your desires, and fight against my greatest ambition, dr. west, the most brilliant man in history.\

however, the inner space of the destroyed statue was filled with the flesh and blood of ``God''.

(I look forward to seeing you again, Elsa-senpai)

God's body is corrupt and devours all without distinction between friend and foe.

After losing his controller, the black giant pletely transformed into a monstrous beast.

but it is in these changing times that the strategies of the devil can be revealed and revealed.

After all, if the enemy is not in serious trouble, where is the opportunity to negotiate and change the tide of war? I think the enemy killed him directly.

No enemy in the world will wait for him in his last step.

If there is, this itself indicates that the condition exists.

In the light created by the ``Lemuria Shock'' technique, the black giant's body seemed to melt and disappear.

After the light disappeared, only 20 percent of the black giant's body remained.

If you think about it, he should be dead.

however, before such a hopeful thought came to mind, Elle was startled by the sound of a heartbeat ing from somewhere.

And the flesh and blood continued to scream.

Yes, I screamed.

the flesh and blood without vocal cords made a loud movement sound, like a drum, which put Su xia to sleep.

this seems to indicate some level of fort.

\Is this the last time?\

\Is this what it feels like to defeat an enemy with one blow? I have a bad feeling about it.\

Elle held her breath as she spoke.

\try again and this time get rid of this abomination for good.\

El offered again.

however, this hope of pletely eradicating the giants failed.

the remnants of a great flesh-and-blood ``god'' are constantly being reborn, and what will arise in the future will be worthless for humans to touch.

It is not like an animal god, but equal to God himself.

these gods are imperfect and evil beings.

Elle carried this thought to her heart, while Kuro couldn't help but wonder what was going to happen.

\It's late, please listen to me.\

\made of gold!\

there, Kuro saw the miracle of the sunset.

It is a magical mobile fortress called the dreamheart mother, and home to an organization called the black Sanctuary.

here is the magnificent \god\ of Arkhan city, who rules the entire black Sanctuary.

Venus trion, the dragon known as the Sacred beast and the supreme advisor of the black Sanctuary, sat on a bench listening to a report from a man who called himself ``Augustus.

behind Lord tryon, a woman with red hair was sleeping in his arms.

If you want to describe it as deep sleep, you better feel that you are sleeping.

without the hair color, hairstyle, and clothes, this girl looks like El Ejif.

however, this girl is actually an elf that appears in ``Nect code'', and is also called an elf in the magic book ``Esedrita''.

\Is it like this?\

After listening to August's report, Lord trion strained his eyes, and let his dreamy golden eyes appear.

\but good master.\

\then please e back. well then, Yuu has something to talk about with his friends.\


August laughed loudly before reacting to what happened.

Its voice is beautiful, like a mermaid in a fairy tale, but it also has a mysterious power to drown people.

the man next to me was a sharp man.

She is a girl of about eighteen, with an evil beauty, like a goddess from a fairy tale.

If you listen to what others have to say, you want to follow.

It is a source of fear, and at the same time dangerous, and no one tries to understand what horrors are hidden under this beauty.

In his left hand he held a paper fan, on which there were strange runes and strange words written in the hands of a child. but if you look closely, there is some kind of madness there.

\don't worry, I'll e with you.\

the beautiful woman said that, but she said it as if she were telling the truth.

\but that doesn't matter to you now.\

At that moment, I heard a young voice, followed by a woman with silver hair and a slender body.

\Sure, you can be one of us someday, but you don't deserve to know now.\

what came was a tall and dark haired woman.

\how rude! master, who are they?\

Although Augustus hated the three men, this vision matched Lord tryon's vision.

they are all as disgusting as anything in the world.

\Everything in the world must be calculated according to my intention. You can say that everything in the world exists for me. don't you think it's pitiful for people who don't know the reason for their existence?\

the beautiful woman said in a beautiful voice, but the content hurt everyone, and this arrogant look was unbearable.

August wanted to say something, but he followed his master's order and left.

\there are three people this time?\ Is God “interesting”?

\Since there was a special event that happened this time, the reincarnation will be interrupted, but as tryon-sama, shouldn't you be grateful?\

the silver haired girl spoke the words in an innocent tone that could not be called innocent.

\Yes, you should feel lucky. In the midst of eternity, you found the stage where you can do your best work. the stage where you are not overwhelmed.\

\can I do my best?\

Etedrasa nodded slowly, and Lord trion said:

\but trying not to destroy this whole world is wearing me down.\

\Friend, you think it's because your level is low, but this time is different. because we 'gods' have already made a level suitable for reincarnation. I'm afraid of that. Even if you do your best, you can die at this level.”

the beautiful woman answered Lord tryon's question seriously.

Ethedrasa, the woman sleeping next to Lord tryon, finally opened her eyes.

Note 1: In the cthulhu mythos, western Resurrection succeeds, but in demon Slayer it fails, and the current result replaces the first, so even this time there is no loss of the dead. resurrection

Note 2: As mentioned in the previous article, the change in time did not happen at first, but it happened later.

184 Etedrata

Lord tryon's woman is not a monster, but an elf transformed from a magical book.

there is no magical power to fear. pared to Lord tryon, Etheldratha, who has a spellbook, doesn't even have the skills to counter it.

It is a \true classic\, but there are gaps in the workmanship.

Etedrata does not have such magical power pared to El Ejifukai, and although he is a representative of the ``phantom Gods'', he relies mostly on Lord trion to use his magical power.

this is pletely different from the Grand cross cross.

when Etedoretta opened her eyes, what caught her eye were three ``gods.''

\boss, who are they?\

his voice was cold and emotionless. pared to dr. Elsa west, I don't know what kind of android she is.

Etheldratha looked at the three people before her, but there was no doubt that there was some kind of emotion in her eyes; 'seeing' people is a simple matter.

\For Yuu, that is parable to 'god'.\

\King of the gods?\

\maybe you can figure it out that way. No need to think about it too much.\

Venus trine does not seem to want to seriously discuss this topic.

- So what is your name now?

the three members of Lord tryon should be called \one man.\

this is an evil god called Nyarlathotep.

It is only a body, but it does not have infinite powers, it does not have an infinite mind, it does not have an infinite body.

Even if you want to describe it as \God,\ it is something left in the human world.

however, if they agree to free themselves, they will return to evil.

he is an almost powerful \god\ who can change everything in the world at his will.

Now he uses people's looks and bodies to hide his appearance.

he is Lord tryon appearing here in human form.

All humans are animals and only animals.

\Name? maybe I'll try to change it a little next time.\

that's what the silver-haired woman said, but in reality, these \gods\ changed their names every time they were reincarnated, and even their appearance and body pletely changed.

It is not an exaggeration to say that regardless of gender or body type, everything but appearance changes.

Lord tryon had seen this kind of change many times, but it had reached an interesting point.

therefore, he was not interested in asking questions and worked slowly.

but unlike Venus torione, there is no love or zeal, and like newborn babies, these \religious\ beings love everyone.

Such desires are neither good nor bad.

No one knows what these \gods\ are thinking.

of course, if you want to understand what you are thinking, you probably won't understand.

because there is no one wiser in this world.

\Yes, I'll do it first!\

the girl then raised her silver hair in her arms in excitement.

\my name is Nayako. my mom doesn't have a name. I don't have a name either because it's not finished yet.\

\You don't have to say that.\

the donkey woman hits Nayako on the head.

Nayako quickly walked and stepped on the place where her hand was hit.

however, it seems that this is the use of divine power, and the pain does not go away easily.

\why do you want to hit me?\

\because I wanted to spank you, but you said something you shouldn't have said.\

said the actress.

\Alright, I'll talk.\

the woman continued.

\where's my name? I didn't think about it at all, but nothing happened. Nothing important.\

\but what should we call her? Let's call her Red queen. what do you think of that name? It sounds nice.\


Unlike the \gods\ born of these spirits, Lord tryon has no desires.

but you are a bit curious about this so-called \omnipotent level of potential\. In fact, there is something here that you have experienced many times since childhood, and that is exactly it. this is not the case. A desire may arise.

this has happened many times, including the plan c and Reverse cross rebellions.

You can do nothing but script-based development.

Even if the world collapses of its own accord, it will not defy the destiny determined by \God\.

this strange event happened in the presence of Venus trion.

Everything is different from the previous text, this is a new world, a new era, a new future.

that's why Lord trion didn't even want to talk to the three people in front of him.

\boss, what is this?\

\Esedretta, you don't need to understand that, and there's no way to know.\

As for Esedretta, Lord tryon did not want to explain.

both have the idea of living in eternal reincarnation, which cannot be replaced.

there is no special reason for what is said above.

things that the other party does not know have not been explained in previous cycles, so of course there is no reason to explain them again until now.

Everything is the same as before, there is no difference.

(but I don't like it. I don't want to be like the first one. If it happens again, God will do it.)

For Etedoretta, it was impossible and unbearable to leave everything.

Etedoretta always wants to prevent this ratio from changing.

but every time I took it I was disappointed and I couldn't take it anymore.

there is no way to see or save, but an inparable power will judge everything.

because of this impossible miracle, there is no chance to change, no chance to live, no chance to repeat everything.

Expect a miracle to happen in the future.

No matter how small something is, if you do it over and over again, it will e true in the future.

however, such \endless\ repetition is impossible for humans.

without time, without the possibility of rebirth, nothing is possible.

It is impossible to derive hope from something infinitely small.

therefore, a person who can do this and use the title ``man'' cannot be an animal or a ``god.''

It was as if a coincidence had brought about this coincidence, and Etheldratha's heart, written in a different way than before, seemed to be dyed with the colors of despair and hope.

According to the appearance, there was almost no light in his eyes, and the light had been there for a long time, but the ``god'' in front of him witnessed it.

In her previous reincarnation, she was a tall, beautiful woman named \Naya.\

``the opening scene is also different this time, because dr. west is supposed to be the star, but he's already left the stage, so it's impossible that he's in the background,'' he thought. So. \

Lord tryon still didn't show up.

\cause and effect have changed, history has changed, and everything is different than before.\

\but sir, you are the same as before. there is no difference. You will understand the changes caused by Allah and you will not be affected by the power of Allah's magic.\

You can feel the joy of knowing the only ``God'' in this world.

\So, what's the reason you're here?\

Although Venus trion does not want to talk to another person, her words and actions show that she wants to meet the stranger.

however, Naiya didn't seem to hear anything and took issue with it.

the one who answered him was not Naya, but a woman who called herself the \Red queen.\

\why? No, there's no reason whatsoever. Nothing like this has ever happened.\

he spoke these words with such utter stupidity and incredulity that if the speaker had been a poor man, he would surely have been considered a fool.

there is no need to explain why something is so obvious.

but for animals like \gods\.

Lord tryon ignores her prophecy and realizes that the woman who calls herself the Red queen is a monster with thoughts close to God.

It seems smart, but in reality there is no intelligence in thought, only nonsense in munication.

And no one wants to do such a stupid thing.

Lord tryon had no intention of doing such a thing.

when he slowly waved his hand, a great amount of magical power immediately came out, and it became an invisible force that directly hit the woman who was speaking.

however, before it hits the target, the magic power is cut off and bees nothing.

\If they don't accept you, we can leave.\

\but I want to inform you. the installation process is plete. but now is a good time to dismantle everything and get out of this situation.\

\It's a simple word for you.\

\in operation\

Lord tryon shook him.

the demonic realm of the gods was destroyed in an instant, and a great power hit them directly.

however, no matter how powerful it is, it can destroy the body, but something like the body, especially something that cannot be separated from man, cannot be as powerful as \God.\ call this light flowing from an infinite source.

their bodies were destroyed, but at the same time they were reborn in front of Lord tryon.

All these organs cannot be called new, because they are no different from the old ones.

\that's really rude. I tried to leave, but you can't attack right away? but you know this level of magic can't destroy our bodies. I'm not like that.\ , it doesn't mean anything. .''

\Your thoughts are really hard to understand. why do you always want to do such stupid things, whether it's the Ancient Gods, or animals like you, or the people living in this world? \It's hard to understand. , even for those lucky enough to be there. what a crazy thing to do.\

Such a thing is said to be ridiculous, even from the mouth of the Red queen.

In fact, what he does may be called \inprehensible\ or \pletely meaningless,\ but his actions appear meaningless in the eyes of others.

Should this idea be called God's foolishness?

with no need or reason to continue the conversation, the three people in front of Lord trion disappeared.

Abandoning his plan to attack again, Lord tryon used all his magical powers.

by releasing her magical power without any strategy, dream heart mother's system was pletely destroyed.

It was constantly falling apart, and the whole mother dream seemed about to collapse at any moment.


After softly chanting the name of the elven magic book and hearing the Great master's call, Etheldratha took the entire structure of the dreamheart mother, dispelled the evil magic and restored the strong magic.

As the \dream heart mother\ of the magic Fortress, she has the characteristics of a \hidden\ being.

by adjusting the Imaginary heart mother's order of operation, the flow of magical power and the traces of the magic circle were fixed.

this magic keeps the mother's heart alive in dreams and removes all faults.

It took about five hours for dream mother's state of mind to stabilize.

however, if you want to restore past actions, time is not fast, but it is stable.

It will take at least a full week for it to pletely change.

After pleting the basic magic adjustments and the spell, a cold sweat appeared on Etheldratha's face.

For him, this task cannot be called easy.

Even without Lord tryon's magical support, Etheldratha might have fallen.

Lord trion is the reincarnation of Nero, the most powerful magician of mankind and the first \tyrant\ of Antiklos. 9 of the moonchild project and the expansion of Yog-Sotho's influence.

but Etheldratha was torn from the tyrant's grimoire and emerged from the great master's magical power.

It wasn't great to begin with, and its qualification as original canon is due to Nero's residual power.

As for the quality of the original text, it is not good. Also, the magical power required by mythical creatures like the dreaming heart mother exceeds the magical power required by ghosts and machines.

the power required to adjust the spell is to support the flow of magic in the Ghost Engine and activate the magic seal.

dissatisfaction with ``slander'' is not at a controllable level.

but it was too easy for Lord tryon to do it alone.

mr. Etedoretta was satisfied and approved.

because he is the most powerful magician, sinner, and beast that came out of the prayers and curses of the gods.


\Esedret, you want to know why west died at this time? or you want to know who the 'god' came at that time? or you want to know what will happen to Yuu afterwards?\

Lord trion's eyes remained the same from the beginning to the end, and he had no feelings for anyone.

It was a shooting star miracle.

Although the shape of the sun was unlike anything she knew, its immense power and structure told Elle the truth.

this is what has fallen before you, the true sun.

there is no difference between the stars except their size.


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