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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第99章 赛伦斯克

第99章 赛伦斯克 (第1/2页)

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虚构的编号、名称和地点:cK-381 赛伦斯克区域,位于克苏鲁世界的南方大陆。












3:30我们小心翼翼来到北壁,准备采集那块晶体。就在我即将伸手时,山壁突然发出轧拉声。数秒后整块山壁塌方。我们匆忙退让,但北壁崩塌形成了一股滚石 subsidences。凯文不慎被卷入其中。我们三人反应迅速,想尽办法拉住他。









12点,我们返回此地探讨下一步行动计划。经过充分讨论,决定摒弃原任务目的,先 tackle生存和寻找出路的问题,重拾因空间位移而断落的联络线索。我们只希望尽快返祖,重归文明世界的怀抱。更多细节,还需日后谨慎考证。





中午12点,我们来到洞窟深处。尽管使用了灯源设备,视线仍然有限。就在我准备转身回 retrace之际,忽见角落有东西动了动。我快速开枪扫射,顿时灯光大盛。一个人形正蹲伏在那里。



If she is mine, how can I say that she is not a perfect woman, but an immature one?

Furthermore, Grand cross Kuro is a lolicon and such a thing is impossible.

he began to doubt if this was really his dream.

but, after thinking about it, no one was found inside Kuro's house, so there was no other explanation than the collapse.

\what kind of light do you see on your face?\

\because honestly, it's just a trick and my dream isn't to be a cool older sister, right? why don't girls start growing up?\

Kuro narrowed his eyes in anger, but the girl's smile quickly changed.

there is darkness in bright eyes, especially evil intentions.

\what do you call a girl you haven't moved on yet?\

Kuro, who still didn't understand what happened, thought that there was no need to lie because everything in front of him was just nonsense and illusion.

when it es to fantasy, Kuro's actions are clear and there is no need to use fancy words like lies.

Life here is boring, if illusions are so boring, how can we live like this?

So Kuro stretched out his finger and pointed to the girl in front of him.

meanwhile, the woman was tied up, put down her lunch, and clapped her hands.

It seems that there is a great power hidden in the youth.

Kuro's effect on my stomach was strong.

It felt like an iron stick was stuck in my stomach.

It may be an illusion due to nerve damage caused by starvation, but it shows perfect arm strength.


Kuro, who hadn't eaten anything for two days, was shocked because all the water in his stomach seemed to have disappeared.

At this time, he should feel happy without food.

A strong impact causes real pain, it's real, not fake.

At the same time, Kuro's body turned into an arrow due to the force, and he collapsed onto the sofa he was using as a bed.

\wasn't that a hallucination?\

Jiuran changed his mind and realized that this was a real person, not the corpse I was eating.

the illusion of having an appetite makes it impossible to stop eating.

It was even more difficult for him to suffer such a severe injury.

this type of pain tends to be bright red and hot.

Kuro wanted to deny that possibility, but what happened now was telling Kuro that there was no such thing as a hallucination.


the food on the table is real, the air passing through your nose is real, it is not fake.

Simply put-

\You survived!\

As if he saw a god ing, Kuro bravely ran towards him in disbelief.

of course, the goal is food on the table.

Kuro, who hadn't eaten properly for several days, was no longer nervous.

the clan realized that at least they would not have to hunt for food that day.

this time, Kuro must not allow this powerful influence to be seen as an illusion, so he acted quickly. Immediately, the lunch box was in his hands.

\hey, how are you? I know it's not food, but how are you feeling?\

It's not an illusion, it's a real lunch box, so it's not prepared for you.

but let's think about it another way. this is Grand cross Kuro's house, so the food prepared here is probably Kuro.

tricked by the thief, Ninguro received the bento without effort and ate it in no time.

\I'm tired!\

he felt that he had found life again, and Kuro daishiro felt a great relief, as if he was safe again.

It is full gift from angels and good news from gods.

\I said.\

oshikushikuro is happy as a newborn, but for others it is a plete nightmare.

otisukuro was revived and finally regained his memory and consciousness.

In doing so, it's important to remember who the girl is that caught Kuro's eye.

Similarly, you can predict what someone will do.

\this is my lunch, so why did you eat it all?\

the sound became more frightening, and a large shape began to appear.

he immediately cried like a child.

mr. has a headache. Kuro and very worried.

the opponent's scream had no special magical power, but it was enough to break the spirit of the clan.

there is a reason for all this: chrollo is not good at dealing with children's problems.

As long as you don't cry or get confused, it's okay.

but it's horrible when he cries or bees a big mess, because Kuro has nothing to do with it.

he didn't know how to change something like that.

So Kuro-san is unemployed now.

\don't cry, don't cry, I'm sorry, don't cry!\

\Are you not an adult? why are you crying like a child?\

there was no way for Ninguro, he couldn't do it.

Neither the power of the ear nor the power of words, Kuro has no power.

\Sister Aria, please stop crying, even if you cry, I can't do it. I don't even have money to buy groceries.\

Kuro would rather use real words than say nice words in a false space - of course, because he knows that even if the person in front of him says nice words, it won't work. that would be really bad.

because in front of him was not a little girl like her, but a big witch.

he is different from Kuro, who dropped out of miskatonic University after meeting wilbur whatley and became disillusioned with magic and divine control.

this girl who looks like a girl is a real magician who graduated from miskatonic University.

he was a witch who achieved inhumanity in a human body.

there was no hatred towards this girl, but if she used magic, it would not be a result the clan would accept.

No matter what kind of person Krul is, one thing that doesn't change is that he is not a magical person.

Kuro the Great cross, who left behind the truth of magic, did not leave even the most basic magic.

\please stop crying.\

\then this is my breakfast.\

Aria cried in anticipation, looking up at big cross with happy eyes, and at the same time her stomach churned.

\I can't do it.\

the honest Kuro replied that of course he couldn't give such a good answer.

Aaliya seems to be crying again.

Shame as an adult can be ignored when used to solve a problem.

And apparently it sounds like a baby's voice, which is a great tool.

Aria was never ashamed of it and she didn't take the behavior too seriously.

\but let me tell you, sister, why did you e here? If this is not my dream, this is my home, so why did you e here without knowing that?\

Kuro, who had originally intended to change the subject, suddenly realized an important point.

I stopped crying when I heard Kuro's question.

there are many reasons for this.


In an instant, Kuro's strength and weakness returned, and he stood there with a mysterious aura.

\Um, can I stay here for a while?\

\You scared? what do you mean suddenly?\

Kuro was stunned by Aria's words.

In other words, staying in a hotel is expensive.


\that's why I think it's worth living in a little girl's house.\

After saying that, Alya looked at clan with a serious look.

\but I don't want to do that. You graduate from miskatonic University and you're poor and you don't have water. It was a big dream. Like me.\

Aria suddenly said.

\I swear to God, if that's the case, why not now?\

Just thinking about this problem makes my head hurt.

this wall of understanding appears again.

Aria herself didn't know why.

Aria remembers these things well: Inboga, windmill town, and the crazy, horrible books.

but for some reason, Arya always felt that way - no.

there is no rhyme or reason, just simple logic.

\hey, are you okay? You're starving.\

the pain caused by the mental crisis gripped Aria's head and she almost fell asleep there.

the cut face, broken arm, broken leg, and countless scars on his body all show how bad the fight was.

As a symbol of a powerful sorcerer, the appearance of the god-like demon chariot god seems to herald the end of sorcerers.

Losing their human form and being destroyed, the demon machines fell into the mud, creating demons, madness, and miasma.

Sudden gusts, abnormally strong winds, strong winds that defy the laws of physics.

the papers that were scattered like cherry blossoms were united by the strong spiritual wind and became a magical book.

however, the contradictions do not end there, the main body of the book shines like ignorance, like a stain between heaven and earth.

In this strange light, the book was again torn into pieces of paper.

the paper flew in a strong wind and turned into a woman.

She has blue eyes, long hair that shines like silver, and wears a white dress with lace trim.

the girl put her feet on the ground and landed in front of this castor god.

the woman who got off the ghost car is suspected to be a messenger of God who is trying to obstruct the path of the devil.

but the answer is no. An important part of the source of magical power is not the magician, but the book of magic.

the girl slowly opened her eyes, showing a despair that belied her beauty.

his teeth bit down hard on his lip, and his small hands shook with anger and lack of self-control.

Anger, despair, and all kinds of negative emotions became demons that took over the woman's heart.

terrible emotions raced through his mind, and his skin turned red like a demon waking from a dream.

Ivan, the god of soul weapons, seemed to act as if he was angry with the girl.

but this movement shows the light.

the flesh made a loud noise, but it was not the sound of God's power in the flesh, but the sound of something breaking.

As if creating a pattern, the screams continued until Ivan's body collapsed, leaving a \holy\ response to countless voices.

the girl stared blankly at the scene before her, but she couldn't do anything.

before his eyes, Iban's weapon God was pletely destroyed, and a ghost weapon God that could be called the Necronomicon was pleted.

In that case, even if you get new magic, it's a waste.

Even if you have the most powerful book of magic in the world, ``the Secret of the dead,'' it is useless to a non-mage.

but despite this, there is hope and nothing is lost.

(this happens when there is a new wizard)

holding on to blind hope, even if it's just a glimmer of pure hopelessness, is something to take seriously.

Understanding this, the woman stopped looking at the figure of the horror machine God.

women don't have time to be sad and remember the past.

\Your master, god of ghosts and weapons, who would be so cruel as to abandon him when he is no longer useful?\

\how many doctors have you stopped this time? You probably won't know the answer to that question.\

After the woman, another woman appeared.

A snow elf-like woman with long white hair.

\Yes, you are.\

\It's been a long time, El Azif, that's what you want to call me.\

\the Secret of the dead, the most powerful book of magic in human history\

the white haired girl said that there was no problem with the others.

\who are you?\

\Alice darby, no, whatley, brother of wilbur and the dunwich monster you destroyed earlier.\

the white girl replied with undisguised malice in her eyes.

the aura of pure evil and evil convinced Elle that this man was evil.

173 the cemetery of God

A mysterious light illuminates a devastated world. Rays of divine power collided in the sky. A strong wind blew from everywhere, increasing its destructive power.

El Eif is able to determine the true identity of the enemy as the Necromancer's Secret, a magical book that has existed since the time of the gods and destroys evil.

of course, what we are talking about here is the line between evil and reason, and the point is that you can only tell if someone is human or a monster by looking at them.

You can't hide evil in warcraft.

Such smells are only spiritual, but not the result of smells.

\who are you?\

the question was asked again, not because Elle didn't hear Alice's answer, but because she didn't believe the other side of the answer.

the wortley family is an evil beast that El destroyed before, and El knows what it is.

but of course I can't show the woman in front of me, that's not true, it's impossible.

If there's a reason, it's because this little snow elf-like girl has the \smell of books.\

I mean, the other side of the book is magic and you can't deny that.

And human shapeshifting is a privilege that only great grimoires can do.

And in the case of a magic book like this, it is more self-aware and can operate without magic, and uses magic spells to do so, which makes it difficult to be anonymous.

what Elle wants to know is the identity of the witch that Alice is hiding behind.

what does the magical wortley book represent?

Elle found this strange and unfortable.

An earthly evil feeling came over her, and when Elle said these words, the woman who called herself whatley became ill-tempered, and indeed, became serious.

\what exactly do you suspect?\

the powerful eyes stared directly at Elle's figure, and despite the loss of her magical and ghostly weapons, there was no sign of defeat in Elle's eyes, if you had a reason, Elle was pletely there. Yes, there was nothing. reason to bow. bAd

his body was torn, his body did not destroy anything, but it remained the same.

A black shadow spread out from Alice's feet, and countless small hands screamed in defiance of the laws of physics.

the \black hand\ has many strange eyes, like living crystals with animal eyes. witnessing such an entity can cause some people to feel intense fear. love

A country touched by the \black hand\ is lost in coal, and even powerful weapons cannot resist such magic.

As evidence, the fragment named Ibaan eventually disintegrated and was engulfed in black carbon dust.


Even if the machine God is crushed and incapacitated, the machine God has no chance to survive as the mouth of the devil, but at least it can be his panion as a weapon. Elle was someone who had been attached to him for a long time, so he wasn't as worried as he thought.

he turned with determination and quickly stopped drowning in pain.

but sadness and pain made Alice dig again.

the evil look on the other side engulfed him.

Yuu could no longer hold back the terrifying emotions in his heart, and a silent anger burst out from his emerald eyes, and it turned into a flame that reached the sky, like the blaze of a huge burning fire. sword that cut down the world tree. .

It was so scary that just looking at his eyes made people shudder.

Accumulated negative emotions will be released like a fire pistol in a short time.

despite her terrible life, Alice is still a newborn being, and she gets more from her time with Elle than Alice can remember.

Alice recoiled at the sound she made, and she couldn't help but smile.

\don't worry about Elle. She's one of the thirteen terrors, so there's no need to worry too much about her. I won't stop you.\

\Are you afraid of the number 13?\

Elle's anger had not subsided, but she felt mistrust on Alice's behalf and was a little sad.

but his voice continued to echo.

\I came to say hello today, but have you forgotten? this is one of the thirteen fears.\

\but it doesn't matter if I forget. or should I say I'm jealous? I can forget everything, I can't forget anything, I remember what happened. that's very lucky. I can do something really beautiful. \Eternal please sink into it. \

\I'd like to live like that if I could. there's nothing wrong with turning your life around.\

\did you write this on a whim?\

For a 50-year-old, Alice's words are pletely crazy and full of surprises.

there is no answer, of course, unless the other person is angry.

Elle didn't know what the other person was thinking, but with a crazy beast, it wouldn't be surprising if the other party suddenly attacked.

therefore, Elle took a defensive stance and gradually released her divine power, being a protective shield.

the shield has a jewel-like luster and appears to have been cut and polished.

however, it is not as dangerous as a gem.

It is powerful pared to gems, and a shield made with divine power can withstand even the most severe blows.

Such a strong magical barrier was like a fragile rock in front of the beasts, which was broken by the slightest push.

It is true, and thanks to the power of gods and monsters, such a simple veil cannot be called a magician's trick.

If you want to use this type of magic as a monster bat card, it will be disappointing.

being whatley's monster, Alice laughed her heart out at Elle's silly act, but she didn't show it to paige.

the divine power was trapped in the hands, instantly turning into a ball of light, with terrifying power that could only be released by forcing and crushing 50 shields. may be empty.

It's like a \god\ is judging, and Alice's fate is in his hands.

this act of controlling another person's life made Alice very happy, and a hearty smile appeared on her face.

but soon the smile pletely disappeared, and the ball of light in babayen's palm did not disappear, but disappeared because it trembled before being released. his magic increased.

It was like an electric shock, and the nerve shock caused Alice to lose consciousness immediately.


Alice let out a strange sound and tried to leave as if she was on fire, but instead of jumping away from Elle, she ran towards Elle.

but his mind was never on Elle.

I don't have time to spend the night here but I still have many questions in my mind.

Elle doesn't want to stay in this broken world.

there is no time to stand here, there must be new magic, that is the most important thing.

According to \50 magical books\, without a magician, life has no meaning, and if you want to understand the meaning of your existence, you must bee a magician.

Fighting a monster with a grimoire body is not a logical or practical solution.

Instead of making unnecessary sacrifices here, it is better to find a magician first and create a new \teacher of the Secrets of the dead.\

If there is no way to do it, there is no point.

Elle didn't even think of fighting warli's monster and immediately disappeared from that space.

\who is this? Get out of there, you gay.\

this feeling like an electric shock is not from your body, but from another dimension.

when Alice organizes her mind, she realizes that the root of it all es from her own \heart.\

It was a \black hand\ that was drawn from his shadow.

At that moment, someone grabbed one of the familiars, and the demon's hand broke the mechanic's tools into pieces, trying to play with him like a cat.

however, some people are not allowed to touch the owner.

Even if someone you \know\ is playing it, you don't have to feel that way.

\It's been a while. Are you still okay?\

the sounds ing from there were familiar to Alice, and at the same time, feelings of love and other people began to develop in her.

It's normal to feel this way. As whatley's pet, it was normal for Alice to feel this way.

because what the other person shows is the main thing that I, as a believer, should worship.

—— Yog-Sothoth

but if he goes by his name, he will be called.

\Infinite errors?\

\You talk too much. can you call me 'xiao wu'?\

A blue smile appeared in Alice's eyes.

this fiery disciple has an unstoppable madness.

the other eye is covered with white.

She wears a normal uniform like high school girls from other schools.

but the great emotion and the stupidity of one of the party ignored these words.

In addition, it is difficult for ordinary people to pass through this wonderful world.

this is the grave of the demon weapon \Ivern\, and what happened here was like a battle between the gods.

It can be said that these areas have bee marginal areas for ordinary people to live in.

Alice's alter ego is later revealed to be non-human.

In fact, a woman named Yog-Sothoth, who is an alien god, cannot be an ordinary person.

\why are you here?\

there was a tremor in Alice's voice, an emotion she couldn't explain.

\Space and time mean nothing to me. the past, future, and present are in my mind.\

Ji wuxian said, but of course this kind of answer is not the answer Alice wants, let alone the answer the party should give.

but Alice's doubts lasted only a moment, and were soon replaced by uncontrollable joy.

with slow steps, the figure disappeared as if it was not connected to anything, and in the blink of an eye, Alice appeared in front of the sender of the endless machine with her head resting on the chest of a man, and he winked at her. . many meat groups pressured him.

\Soft and sweet.\

Alice did her best to express this feeling.

\can you hear me?\

Ji wuxian wasn't angry, but he didn't seem confused either.

If I can say anything, it's stupidity itself.

but if we use \God\ as a standard, it should be a normal level.

If we are right, at least that is the level at which munication is possible.

of course, in Alice's eyes it was an interesting life.

\how can this be? I have a lot to say, but I don't mind if you ask me.\

\but now that I think about it, xiaowu, why did you e to me?\

\If it were you, I wouldn't have done anything stupid. From the day we met, there would never have been an accident. From the beginning until now, everything has been intentional.\


Jie wufeng slowly shook his head.

\It's wrong to think like that.\


\to me it's all meaningless and just a coincidence.\

\Never before has there been such an inevitability that the past, present and future may change.\

Ji wuxian stretched out his hand and placed it on Alice with a gentle smile.

\what's the point? cause and effect by themselves don't exist, and time is not linear. that's why I don't have your account. besides, I don't want anything from you. \No, please find it.\

After saying this, Alice felt her hands and feet get cold.

\So you didn't say anything?\

\well, if you want to know it, that's fine.\

Just thinking about it, Ji wuxian uttered this terrifying reply.

\there is nothing like the meaning that others do.\

After thinking for a while, Ji tetsu wuxian didn't seem to understand what the person in front of him was thinking, so he continued.

\but to me, it doesn't mean anything.\

Ji wuxian hadn't finished speaking yet, so he wasn't the one to answer her words.

\So, if I were to make a wish e true, it would have to be a doll from an evil god. An unfamiliar toy that transcends everything and reaches the universe. that's curiosity, isn't it?\

Alice got the message and said,

\Yes, it is, because the gods themselves are already in chaos, and the future defined by their future is chaotic, contradictory, and unpredictable. Until the goal is reached, for now , interesting.\

car Unlimited delivery has its share of opinions.

\So, you're supposed to be interesting this time. that's why I showed up.\

\but you need advice?\

chiche smiled softly. his expression was very calm, but they were very cold.


\If you act without knowing anything, you will fall into someone else's plan, and if you talk too much, it's boring.\

Ji wuxian didn't care about anything, but there was a negative energy in his eyes.

Is this the status quo or is it real?

but that's not the case, it doesn't exist.

\hint? Is that the answer based on your knowledge?\

however, for Alice's question, there is no need to send an infinite number of machines to answer the question.

this time it's not \Kuro\ but \Karga\.

\Snow? Even a crow?\

I purposely use the Japanese version because the pronunciation of Kuro and the sound of Kuro are similar to Japanese.

of course, Alice did not understand why the other person suddenly switched from English to Japanese.

Although I don't understand why unlimited cars would do this.

maybe what he said was a coincidence.

maybe it's because of the secrets.

If the latter.

\Is there a difference between a crow and a crow?\

\No, are his words different now?\

Alice learned for the first time the importance of learning a foreign language.

At that moment, the Infinity car is pletely gone, and only Alice is left in this virtual world.

- hey, are you hungry?

\If you scream in my ear, I'll be in a a. when I wake up, I might say something terrible to the police.\


``For example - I was knocked unconscious by a man named Kuro daishiro. when I woke up, I didn't know why I was in that man's house, and there was something important that I couldn't do. I opened it again. '' ”

\there is no truth in these words.\

\oh? true, I heard no one saw how I got into your house.\

Aria said innocently.

there was no sign of anger in his eyes, but the other man was.

Jiuro's spirit understood this.

If a normal person would do this, Kuro wouldn't go out of his way to use violence to show the truth.

however, if the person acts and looks normal and is still able to perform magic, the best method is fort rather than violence.

of course, there was a reason that Kuro was embarrassed to eat all his food.

Kuro couldn't do something so drastic as to take his bento and force him to do it at the same time, and no one worthy of Kuro would do something like that.

his hands must have been spinning, and this realization showed Kuro's will.

Kuro will never accept the opponent's magic because if it is used too soon, it will put a great burden on the Kuros or be exhausted.

\what's your plan?\

Kuro might lose his mind if he was scolded with gentle eyes and voice, so I decided to be honest.


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