
关灯 护眼
六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第87章 被诅咒的地下世界

第87章 被诅咒的地下世界 (第2/2页)

don't worry, we have a solution this time.

he shot another arrow at the monster, but this time he suffered. he put the muzzle on the animal's chest and fired very hard. this time, the bullet went through his opponent's body and hit him directly in the heart. In the next moment, the animal's body turned to ashes and disappeared.

pearl, I need an explanation, but do you know where it came from?

Yes, I knew it was on sale, but I didn't know it was on sale for so long.

At this point, he considers all the information and reveals what he knows.

have you ever heard of magic? Its name is \search of the heart\.

I have never heard of him.

Annie was surprised by Nancy's reaction and she had no choice but to continue explaining.

So this spell is used to control corpses, every corpse has a missing part and needs a new heart to replace the missing part, but inside there is a dead person. therefore, he can only eat meat and blood.

but we are different, we are alive, so what he needs is to kill us and give us a chance to clear our evil mind.

the dead body revived by magic is weak, but the body is as strong as a heavy weapon, so it seems like a kind of magic effect, but the body is the price to pay it, and even if something like that is done. , it will not live again. poor. It has no healing power. If injured, the wound will not heal and the body will rot.

It's hard to see even if your eyes are weak

when Annie said that, the blade spun.

of course, these creatures don't last long, and when they die they return to dust. because that's what a dead body is worth, and so is a heart when it's found.

once their body is cut to a certain point, the flesh of the living corpse disappears and even my gun can penetrate that body-even the killer's heart, because a new heart is needed. You can enter. Even if you haven't received it yet, it is a weakness of magic.

but for the poor, there is no way to fight it, just run away, and when the working time is over, it will be dust.

the important thing is that this type of magic is basic magic, and it is not difficult for a magician to create these walking corpses.

(of course, this should be based on actual performance.)

his performance is very good, and the appearance of the devil means that there is a magician who controls everything behind the scenes.

magicians have always been strange people who know strange and strange magic. there are spells that have offensive power even if you fight fair and square, and there is no benefit to playing dirty or face to face, there are just too many of them.

of course, writing this story doesn't end happily just because you found someone.

magic? does it exist?

You see God, so why don't you believe in magic, be careful in choosing your faith. before you believe in God, you must understand very well that the relationship between magic and God must be discussed in the famous ancient Egyptian mythology.

well, okay, I don't understand, so you shut up.

Nancy has no interest in listening to popular science.

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well, you don't need to know anything.

he sighed again, but the look he gave Nancy didn't match his words.

It is not necessary to know the principles of science or history as it is today. but is that \man\ a good man?

Nancy was surprised by the angel's words and looked around.

For Nancy, the truth is that she doesn't need to know these things in life. You no longer need to know why your tV works or what features it has. You just need to know how to operate it.

As important as the history of life is, knowing these things seems pointless unless you are an anthropologist or a teacher.

Nancy didn't understand Angel's words, she seemed hurt, she didn't think there was a problem, but she didn't understand why Angel could ask like this.

An Yi immediately turned around like a fool, but before Nancy could get angry, An Yi immediately turned around and quickly changed her attitude.

okay, okay, you don't need to know the rules of magic or anything. because factory workers can produce technical products without knowing the rules.

I am sure that there are many books of magic, texts of magic, and other methods that clearly describe all the steps to take against foolish acts, and they exist.

but what if it was easier to understand the meaning of magic?

he paused again, as if wondering how to say it properly, and resumed speaking after half an hour.

If knowledge is trying to understand, control, and master things, then that is it

And so-called magic creates new phenomena, and this kind of phenomenon can be understood and explained, but when the magic ends, the phenomenon disappears, unless something changes first. otherwise, when the magic is done, so is the magic. the action disappears, but the effect it produced remains.

So don't think this is a trick or anything.

don't ask me how magicians do it, I don't know, it's their secret. but maybe they don't know, and the truth will soon be revealed, just like the scientists can't. From there. the magical truth is not discovered until a certain stage is reached.

they said

Nancy asked.

why have I never heard of this before? why do I know this?

Angel, who are you?

Nancy's eyes lit up as she said these words.

pearl stood up before answering.

haha, yes, magic refers to the magic of the cthulhu mythos.

Are you talking about Kushulf?

when Nancy heard the unexpected answer, she was filled with doubts and wondered what it meant.

Nancy feels that you should know about that word and what you should know about it.

but Nancy didn't think that at the time.

Nancy's Inspiration check, Appearance: 24, Success.

Suddenly the light flashed and information appeared in Nancy's mind.

Nancy immediately remembered the legend of the cthulhu mythos.

this is the title of a book, different from the current meaning created by the word \story\, which is a story that was published a few years ago but has e out in recent years.

this is not a typical story format.

when it es to cthulhu mythos content, Nancy knows it's a long series.

there is no continuity between the stories, and there is little connection between the stories because there is no connection to their original lives.

Even if you don't know about other people's life, it doesn't affect your knowledge about other people's life.

maybe it's a story from the cthulhu mythos.

—— Events that happen in the same world and different people who encounter them.

besides that, Nancy does not know what their relationship is.

however, he believes that there is a proper structure between these stories, that they are two worlds that take place in the same world but different from the one we live in.

basically, the world of stories should not affect the real world, and whether the world of human imagination has atomic mass is an issue that also affects the real world.

however, if you think about it carefully, if the now dead monster in this story is an animal, it means that it has been added to the real world story setting.

this is not a story situation, but a real world situation, and a situation mon to the world they live in.

the interpretation of the story bees true in this world as well.

when you think about it, one person's opinion can change the world, right?

It is not enough to call a \person\ that makes it a person; its meaning is \God.\

he is not a god who lives in a dream, but a real god who can change the world at his will.

Nancy's greatest legacy is the trojan war.

Nancy suspects that there is a dark story in this system and is close to despair.

Nancy <medical examination>, appearance: 55, passed.

Nancy's \happiness test\, Item Number: 34, passed.

Nancy silently chanted the name of the author of the cthulhu mythos, which she had memorized, but the next moment the world felt strange. it's the same.

but luckily this big creature didn't seem to have time to pay attention to Nancy.

Nancy took a deep breath, and her fear and apprehension immediately disappeared.

when it es to information about the cthulhu mythos, Nancy only reads the ments online, but what is happening now shows that this is not an easy task.

however, there is no doubt that Nancy already knows by this time that what she is writing is not only a horror novel transferred to the category of fiction, but the story itself is not a story at all.

It is a story full of supernatural powers and ancient superstitions.

but even if that's easy to understand, it can't explain the fear that appeared in front of Nancy's eyes and the coldness that exists now.

Nancy thought it was a normal story, but now it was so unusual that it shocked Nancy.

however, unlike his physical condition, his heart was very high.

Nancy herself is also interested in this animal and its mysterious demon.

there must be salvation and mercy in God, Nancy, because such ignorance can be a place of salvation.

he looked into Nancy's eyes again, and they were unlike anything he had seen before.

this is from a fan's perspective.

there is no difference in the eyes of cultists who believe in the devil.

Also, there is no gap between his eyes.

there is no possibility that he will be reborn as a great man by giving his love to the poor, but his desire for salvation is also the reason why he chose the trojan horse.

(of course, the other person is the same person? haha, that's good. All researchers in the trojan Room are the same, as crazy in their goals as I am.)

through her own darkness and purity, Anne realizes her true nature, a person driven by the devil's will and madness to escape, and is able to accept the existence of the other side. .

how can we be friends if we are not the same? how can we be friends if we don't want to reciprocate?

Killing that person, even an enemy, is like killing yourself.

Such people can be anything when used to describe the same species, regardless of skin color or ancestry. Like the world created by trojan horses, there are many \looks\.

before Angel could solidify his thoughts, he was interrupted by Nancy's words.

the other person's expression and eyes returned to normal, but Annie knew the true scene under the clothes.

It is selfishness and self-centeredness that trumps desire, reason, and holiness.

Now, what you want to tell me is the story true? Are all mystery stories true?

Nancy's words were harsh, but Angel couldn't feel the pause between them.


(but what kind of demon is this human body?)

(only demons can do this, if not high demons).

(but whoever he is, he is no different from \Allah\ as the secret group calls him).

however, in this situation it is better to remain calm. when black people are like that and dying before their eyes, not even trojan dirt can save you.

this time, if the shadow kills you, it's a real death.

(If you fear death, you will die now if you face a monster. It will slow you down if you face a black person.)

(So what are my choices?)

(what else do you need to think about? Look on the dark side and have fun, of course)

his voice was as calm as before, even though what was happening inside him was a little louder.

Nancy didn't even notice Angel's excitement.

I'm glad you used the word \real\ to describe it, without saying that everything in the cthulhu mythos is real.

Angie bit her tongue.

right? Is there a difference between the two? Isn't it different?

So you don't understand the difference between these two?

Again, I didn't expect this answer to go beyond the chinese level.

Nancy might have said she knew the difference between the two.

however, the former is unlikely, and if it is the former, it is different from mr. trojan.

well, stop focusing on things that don't really matter.

As if fearing that An chi would know what she was thinking, Nancy quickly changed the subject, trying to get them away from the myths and demons of cthulhu.

Nancy said to Angie.

does this mean I really need to investigate?

Nancy points out that she doesn't know if she should consider him a corpse.

No, it's just a beast, God should know that the history of the cthulhu mythos is confirmed.

No, I didn't feel it at all.


No, is he the only god who does this work before troy, and in a sense, systematically tells the story in a real way?

why did he choose an evil god to represent himself, but he was willing to negotiate. Is that what you mean?

what a group of smart people. Are you using the settings? well, you can't let it. You need to use the settings correctly. the angel made a decision.

of course, this was a huge misunderstanding, but Nancy didn't help the other teams clearly explain why.

yes? So if I don't say this, they must have decided themselves and your efforts were never included in the investigation, where God sent you here to protect me.

Angel said the last, but Nancy shook her head in response.

I found no such intention, and no one said that the reason I came here to protect you, I will protect your opinion.

Nancy looked confused as she said this.

this made An Yi very embarrassed, because this person had tears in his eyes.

As mentioned before, Angel does not like to be around women who cry. Angel's sexuality is normal, so there is no way to deal with monogamy.

I think that is a mistake, then please e back soon, I need to repair my damage as soon as possible. the only good medicine is what I have at home. these are specialized drugs, drugs that are not available in public hospitals, and panacea drugs made by pharmacists at the super high school level, so they are super. belongs to the class.

he added this medicine kit that he brought from another world and made it available in this world.

Facial pain is not fake because it is not included in other tests.

Fortunately, this reason is not excessive and he can recover the lost amount through future work.

In parison, his habit of getting a magic knife is even worse.

but now qi didn't have time to use those useless drugs in the hospital. It takes a lot of time and greatly affects the effectiveness of the war.


cause and effect are determined by the power of the discoverer. therefore, Angel's main plan is to make it understandable to beginners. because even if you get the trojan Gift, as a beginner, what you get is weak.

better to die pletely in this opening.

Unless you're a trojan enthusiast, there's no such thing as the same thing as trojans.

otherwise, An qi wouldn't know what the gifts of the two newers were, and he might not be very enthusiastic.

the talent of the angel is not weak, but the cost of using it is very high, so you find another reason to use regular magic or magic, and do not want to use the second-level talent you received.

It is enough to make oneself a monster and destroy one's personality, and it should not be used wisely.

Even if you are lucky enough to avoid serious consequences, you may soon experience temporary insanity.

In general, watching fairy tales drives researchers crazy. First, because the monster looks like a pretty girl, and second, the dust that explodes when the monster dies is out of place.

therefore, you cannot judge by seeing the animal die.

Nancy was fearless; the magically controlled doll is a living corpse that resists the ways of ordinary people.

there is no basic skill in breaking hearts. As a high school student, there is always a lot of work to do to develop good judgment before you find the right skills.

Another Yi thought about it and realized - and the judgment made earlier, and of course, the unclean aura that appeared. .

Isn't that important?

Nancy doesn't seem to believe that if she gets hurt, she has to go to the hospital, so how can she go home and use the medical equipment at home? does it have to be cheap?

Nancy seems like a smart person. Angels also like rational people because they are mentally controlled. but not now. Angel must first explain to Nancy that some mon sense can be ignored.

how can that be a problem? If you think about it, has any high school senior been this simple? As a high school boxer, you are a super high school boxer. Everyone has that kind of talent, but is this talent popular? No, it's a made up event, it's magic.

the same goes for the elixirs made by the pharmacists in the super high school class, and the super high school class is a group of high school students. Superman, on the other hand, never goes out of the mainstream and can't be pared to the things people do to get crazy. You believe in your own talent, so what's wrong with believing in the talent of others? don't you think these doctors and medical technology are amazing?

I'm sure these inpetent doctors will give you over-the-counter medicine and throw your wallet away like a sheep. that means you need smart home remedies. It's the doctor's job to diagnose, but you don't know what's wrong with you? You know that, so don't let the doctor tell you, okay?

Angel said seriously while walking home. A confused Nancy followed.

An chi took an elixir from the house and gave it to Nancy, and after drinking it for a while, Nancy's wound suddenly healed.

Let the magic happen. It's time for magic, what is magic? what you do not understand is magic, and even if it is a trick, you can call it magic.

In fact, the apothecary is good magic. to the average person, even though it is science, it is no different from magic and they are used to it. the power of human action is truly amazing, and such apparent power is also mysterious.

Are you a psychologist?

Nancy was confused.

I don't remember being used to speaking my mind.

Isn't what you say is the voice of your heart?

After drinking the medicine, Angel took the doctor's bowl. pepper handed it to Nancy.

oh, thank you.

Nancy opened the bottle of liquor and took a sip, but the taste was indescribable, like coca-cola, and the taste was different. he didn't know how to explain it. however, the taste is still acceptable.

Yeah, it's not that bad.

his eyes became half-moons because of his smile, as if he wanted to drink wine.

by the way, is it really okay to drink it after taking the pill?

how can that be a problem? As you know, I also use dr. medicinal pepper.

the angel did not answer.

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Annie seemed to be talking, but things suddenly changed.

For some reason, his face turned red and he looked nervous.

but this is not due to psychological reasons, but, as Annie said, something external.

It doesn't take much brain power to see this huge difference.

At first I thought it was just Ani. but in the next moment, Nancy felt strange.

right? what kind of content is it? why am I like this?

Nancy realized that something was wrong with her body, but she didn't know why, but after thinking about it for a while, Nancy also had to have an answer.

Annie looked like she was drunk, but there was intelligence in her eyes.

he didn't seem to see anything strange in this strange event.

So why do we show these words? Isn't it fun and exciting?

Is this treatment more effective than \legal treatment\? Yes, it is very valuable.

his words are full of delicate qualities. I thought about Nancy.

(what medicine did he give me? drugs or what?)

but Nancy seemed to understand his thoughts and explained them.

please make sure it is harmless.

At this time, don't you feel the food and beautiful music of the \angel's voice\?

(the sound of a song?)

No, I never heard of it.

Nancy, unsympathetic to Angel's explanation, answered Angel.

he was worried again.

didn't you hear the song? Remember, it's not a big deal.

So let's briefly explain what this solution is.

this drug tastes better than melon-flavored candy, tastes like watermelon, and is more fun to drink than \legal drugs.\

however, it is harmless and does not make any changes to your body, what it does is affect the human psyche and from that perspective you can feel that you are filled with magic. It's exactly the same.

however, this feeling is more than any physical feeling.

the most important thing is that he is not a drug addict. If you are really attached to him, it's not his fault, but as a consumer, the desire to find happiness is strong.

people are interested, and it's not hard to see why people are interested in such a good feeling.

Like the mad kings of old who often drank the elixir of mercury, they did not need to want.

Even though Nancy was still full, she felt that the woman in front of her was about to get drunk.

It is not difficult to understand this from what the other side is saying.

this is a heavy metal product! he plays heavy metal.

Nancy immediately responded to Angie's words. because there is something about his example.

modern man knows what mercury is.

Even though Nancy looks like she's drunk, it's not hard to remember that part of the story.

huh? what is this? heavy metals are said to be a panacea.

It is a drug that removes all narcotics and negative effects and leads to paradise, and if taken in large quantities, the soul and body will be separated and you will not see anything from there. .

It's not just about eating the dead!


the experience was no different from death, but Nancy didn't want to try it either. I don't like the feeling of dying.

Seeing that Nancy is about to break down, Angel realizes that what he said was wrong.

Annie quickly came up with a new example.

For example, some Eastern fantasy stories are filled with \spiritual energy\ and are more sensual than sexual.

please stop talking, I knocked.

Nancy said that she did not want to hear these random, strange words, and that if she continued to hear them, she would surely hear that it was the joy of death.

his power can be destroyed by the explanation of the angel.

please stop, believe me, it is safer than this drug.

this is \super high school level\ medicine, and even if you don't believe me, you have to believe the science.

how rude of An chi to say that it is pletely scientific.

this is also an elixir that is rarely used as a healing potion in the monastery world, please don't spit it out, it's garbage. or is it better? there has to be a limit to that.

Saying this, Nancy noticed some conditions in her body.

despite the unusual and euphoric sensations, the physical weakness has almost pletely improved.

After his explanation, he struggled even more.

maybe it's because my brain is fine.

his words were unexpected.

Nancy seemed to be asking again.

A monk? what is an elixir? what are you talking about, Angie, are you into it?

huh? Are you still not convinced of these things? please, you see the gods clearly, but as a magician or sorcerer, why don't you believe that these supernatural things exist?

these mythological gods have long existed in the dust bowl, and they are still here. It is better to believe in the power of guns than the heavenly training of these ancient gods.

the truth is always in the ball!

the words of mr. Yi clearly disagreed, and his face was red.

he drank from another can. Apparently chili contains alcohol.

then he went to his puter, opened the screen, and clapped his hands on the keyboard in a dancing manner.

there should be people who can move freely without any problem now. After that, you can move your hands freely without any problems for now.

So, Nancy, as a person who receives instructions from the Lord, I think you should be ready to do all these strange things, you know, I can't really say because I'm going to die now . .

that's why I never leave the house to deal with these strange creatures, I want to live.

\Super high School boxer\ Nancy, you're so different from me that getting these mythical creatures wouldn't even be a problem.

when he finally said that, Ani appeared fully awake in front of the puter screen, but at a very low level.

because such thoughts cause a person disfort.

but somehow Angel doesn't seem to be seriously injured at this point.

Nancy stood there silently.

this strange sight made An chi unfortable, but he didn't say a word because he had no intention of going into battle even though he was unconscious.

the angel was still working, and the puter screen was showing a lot of information.

All of these materials relate to the mysteries of the cthulhu mythos.

Fortunately, they are part of the story of this world, so they are not hard to find.

he also analyzed the information he received and revealed information about the demonic beings he knew.

however, this was different from An chi's understanding, and An chi was convinced that it was just a story made up by someone.

After thinking about it, An Yi began to calm down a bit.

however, even if his existence was special, it was not something that people could stop, and there was no way that the people of this world were a group of magicians.

of course, when the devil appears in these stories, the whole process ends badly.

please take a look.

Another way is to pare the original situation with the current situation.

during this time, the small town of Innsmouth, Lileach, and even the dream homeland of the witch were discovered.

what do you know about its meaning? Nancy.

the other person looked at the large amount of information displayed on the screen and said to Nancy:

do you think, if these places, no, these buildings were suddenly transferred from living to living, it would have no effect on the whole world? Is it suddenly more land and space? , or has it changed from the original location? where are the locals in a place that is just a dream for others? or is it not found?

did it happen or did he escape from this horror story and bring something into the world that never existed?

Isn't that amazing?

Seeing these scenes, Nancy's memory suddenly disappeared and her face became hot.

it is

At that moment, Nancy did not know what to say or how to explain the confusion and surprise in her heart.

of course, this is a strange thing, an abnormality in every way, a strange phenomenon, and it has no meaning.

what can you do? what are you going to do? If I say it is normal and not appropriate, can I return something that is not normal?

would you understand if I told you that this is mon sense?

Angel seems to have read the information for a long time and set up the conversation from the beginning.

however, he now thought that these things had already been done before Ani came.

It is impossible to know at this point if Ani has a secret history.

but as strange as it was, Anne II could not speak.

Even if the strange phenomena do not fit your mon sense, the theories and scientific principles written by people, they are all facts. this planet does not reject the heliocentric theory just because it contradicts it.

First, scientific principles that people think are scientific principles will be ignored by people in the future, so I don't see what's wrong with thinking that some scientific principles are invalid. For modern people.

it is

Nancy wanted to deny it, but she couldn't think of a good reason.

Angel understood what Nancy meant. he continued.

things cannot be solved by the will of man, the mind of man, or the heart of man; only God can do that.

but you are not God, and as a human, no matter how stupid you are, you do not have the power to deny what is in you.

Is there nothing we can do but learn and accept it, no matter how stupid it is?

After saying this word, Nancy was a little confused. For some reason, he shook his head, but the confusion in his eyes did not disappear.

he seemed to be thinking about what Annie said.

Angel ignored Nancy's question at this point. he does not hesitate to talk about the legend of cthulhu, a new god that requires scientific knowledge.

however, if the God we meet is not a lie but a true God who gives us salvation,

If we find the author of this story, we can conclude that people have no chance to fight against the gods, but it must be said that the enemy side is not easy, because the gods themselves are needed.

he said to himself again.

otherwise, how can we say that a story written by one person is true, but a story written by another person is not? when something inappropriate happens, it is probably God's fault in the best light.

Nancy has a different opinion.

what does it do well that others don't?

For example, by opening a pig farm, some people bee rich, while others bee bankrupt and declare the end of their lives.

If you do something successfully, that success is transferable; the same person can do the same thing and achieve the same success; such a world is as unrealistic as a myth. .

Some may succeed, some may fail. the world is as it should be.

that's why this man can realize his story and others don't because everyone is a failure and he's the only one who wins and he's the only one who wins.

Like An qi, no one else can see or understand the information you provide. For example, I still don't understand anything when I look at the information.

Even if everything were perfectly replaced, genius, luck, and the miracle of chance would not prevail.

Nancy's words are more interesting than Angel's.

So do you want to say that this amazing event happened because of his talent, success and miracles?

when Annie said that, she saw a vision similar to what Nancy saw. this shows that he is hoping for a miracle.

then Annie asked Nancy why she said that, because she believes that God is the creator.

therefore, he only accepts God's miracles.

the talent may not be special, but only that talent can reach this level, and if that talent dies, no one can inherit it. however, from ancient times to the present, Lovecraft is one of those people who continue to write novels that subvert the real world.

clap again.

It's fine if you say so. Anyway, I thought. I am a NEEt examinee. Even if you are at home, with a puter and Internet, you will know what is happening in the world. SKILL

he turned his new God-given knowledge into the ability to hide his true talents.

So, I work from home, you go to the office, and I give you instructions, you know?

right? this is not true.

what happened?

Another person asked skeptically.

You know the need for division of labor and solidarity in this world, and you agree that managers should only work in the office, while low-ine workers should quit their jobs and work outside. but why don't you believe that I work from home? Need to work outside?

when I think about it, my talent is research, but what do I do? You want me to beat someone up, look at my body type and think I'm good at it?


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