
关灯 护眼
六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第82章 德尔弗斯

第82章 德尔弗斯 (第2/2页)

this will is more powerful and terrifying than babcock's.

If there is a reason, it is because this tao's will is the devil's will, which is as strong as, or even stronger than, Amy's will.

this great man slowly awakens to the horror caused by babcock and raised by Amy's magic.

In babcock's Gospel, fear opens the eyes of a brave soul.

there seemed to be infinite magic within him, but in this form the mind was invisible and he had not yet awakened.

Amy cried in anger.

Strange things collide, and the clash of wills produces strange changes.

these mysterious creatures use Aaliyah's body as a battlefield, and the battle between wills will destroy her body and will.

Amidst these dramatic changes, Aria feels something terrible is happening.

It's like a gospel full of darkness and innovation played out, something unimaginable horror.

A voice of fear.

the fire from Fomalhaut seemed to consume everything.

Everything melted into this magical flame, the impact of the collision curling them all into a ball.

that wasn't a good thing, and Aria knew it was counterproductive.

but there was no way Arya could ignore anything. this just happened.

Aria saw this strange thing and felt a surge of sadness.

then the dreams appear and are solved by despair.

who are you

Aria finally saw the most desperate person in existence.

his existence was a dream, something more plicated than a dream.

Aria couldn't see the man's face, her mind couldn't see the man's face in the confusion of her illusions.

but Aria may know that this terrible chaos has returned from a dark and hopeless world.

Step by step, we move closer to the real world from this eternal dream.

he returned to cause great fear and despair on Earth.

Nothing is eternally dead, but even death can die in a glorious eternity.

these words reached Aria immediately.

these are the two words written on the secret death of the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred.

Although he did not have the chance to actually see the book he wrote, he read it carefully because the doctor gave it to him. the Secret Art of John dee Necromancer.

therefore, these two sentences are not familiar to him.

Aria tried to speak out loud, but the sleeping monster didn't respond.

At this point, all other hidden objects disappear.

All doubts will disappear in the glory of this great creation and gospel.

It is the truth, the Source, the one, and the All, that is, the Supreme and Eternal Lord from the beginning.

Arya's realization of this has an unseen effect on her.

A very bright light shines like a living thing, and it moves around.

It was then that Aria realized for the first time that it was not a ray of light, but something disgusting, like a ray of light.

Aaliyah, the linchpin of this big election, will be embarrassed.

And suddenly an invisible and indescribable force collided with this light.

Aria lost consciousness due to the impact of the two forces that collided.

before his eyes, the dream became confused and scattered like bubbles.

A light entered his eyes.

Arya finally returns to the real world and realizes that she no longer wants to sleep or have a good life.

but like Rory, this twisted magical power will always linger in his memory.

when Aaliyah regained consciousness, her body was wet and sweaty.

the tremors in my body and the fear in my heart made me realize that this is not darkness, but a world where no one can stand.

Aria stopped thinking about it and tried to get rid of all the bad, scary, dangerous thoughts.

congratulations. Found what you were looking for.

Aria heard Amy's smiling voice.

Aria confirmed her return.

what was that? It feels so good.

when she didn't hear Alya's answer, Amy spoke again.

however, Aria's face at this moment was also extremely disgusting.

I feel like I've done something stupid and I can't forgive myself.

You are right, that is an indisputable fact.

Amy was not forted by Aaliyah's words and replied that it was true.


Aria had doubts and couldn't understand why Amy said this, but she couldn't help but see the kindness in her eyes, and Aria let out a deep sigh.

however, she was still confused by Amy, so Amy answered Aaliyah's question.

because this is the biggest stupidity, the stupidest stupidity since you came to me.

said Amy with a smile.

So I'm glad you came to me.

All the art I have is bad, and it's impossible to be happy with bad art.

Amy said.

So I am very glad that you are good with such knowledge.

Every time Amy said, Aria's face lit up.

babcock's existence may be recorded in literature, or you may learn of his existence from other people's legends.

Apparently, when Amy saw Aria babcock, she couldn't believe she knew her.

Aria couldn't deny it this time, but she nodded in agreement.

All 12 demonic desires are in my body, and if I can use them properly, it will not be difficult to live forever or be resurrected.

but they also have their own desires and thoughts that are difficult for other creatures to understand.

Even as a member of the twelve Ghost moons, it was difficult to understand their thoughts.

It's unclear what they plan to do.

but nothing good happens.

but I can't give it to you because I want you.

Amy spoke softly, her sweet voice echoing in Aria's heart.

I am your brother, because you know that you will not be swallowed by his will, and if you are my relative, you will have no problem in reaching that status.

Amy seems honest, but cee doesn't think Aria is a good person.

the gods favor you.

hearing Amy's words, Aria was speechless and didn't know what to say.

he felt that Amy didn't understand something or knew an obscure secret about herself.

however, now that you have everything you need, make sure nothing new is left to the end.

No, it has already happened.

but Aria didn't know what to say.

Survival is never difficult.

Amy kindly told Aria in a soft voice.

but this time, Alya realized that it wasn't Amy who was looking at her.

the scene seemed to penetrate his body.

Life is not hard, but can you survive?

Aria seemed to understand the hidden meaning of those words.

Is this the end?

Aria didn't understand, but Amy seemed to understand.

No, this is the beginning, and only the beginning.

this is a simple fact.

Amy's words were sweet and seemed incredibly cute, but Aria's heart turned cold.

I quickly regained consciousness, but my hands and feet were cold.

Amy approached Aria and slowly raised her hand to touch her cheek.

the feeling was amazing, but Aria didn't want to experience it at this point.

Amy felt pity and passion.

however, try your best to survive.

however, this is a small gift because motivation alone may not be enough. hope you like it.

please be assured. there is no charge.

Aria felt a pain in her spine as Amy's slender fingers slid around her hips.

but strangely, there was no blood, and it looked like he had been injected.

A warm, strange substance rushes through your body and into your blood.

but there are no bad feelings, on the contrary, it creates strong feelings, emotions, people lose themselves.


Aria read the other person's name, but what happened was that her voice sounded like she was dancing.

Amy was confused when she heard this.

Yes, what happened?

Apparently he didn't stop.

No, nothing, I just wanted to express my gratitude.

Aria has been here a long time, and it needs to be said.

hey, thanks huh?

Not what you say, little love.

Amy smiled sweetly, but stepped back and put her hands behind her head.

oh, what the hell does that mean?

Amy's attention did not please Aria, and Aria's son was a little unsure of who he was in front of.

Alia expressed her anger when she realized how bad her image was in the minds of others.

however, the opponent touched his head with the palm of his hand.

Aren't you happy?

Amy didn't seem to understand why the other person had this idea, but she said it out loud.

but time is running out. If it were me, I would run as fast as I could.


Aria was shocked because she didn't respond to what the other person said.

but in the future he realized what happened.

the book of Azathoth appears.

Aria immediately understood what this meant, and the look on Amy's face meant that she also saw the book as magical.

It was so horrible that Aria wanted to cry.

but now was not the time, and Aria had no time to plain.

So without greeting, Aria immediately turned and ran.

Gwalgwadon also followed Aria.

Aria's face changed, and she could feel the power of the magic book's spell.

there are visible wrinkles in time and space.

Surprisingly, Amy actually follows in Aaliyah's footsteps, much to Aaliyah's dismay.

Amy, why are you following me?

why don't you wish I was your friend? I don't know what's wrong with you, but I decided to help you, so how can I see you alone?

I also felt an interesting aura, as if I had breathed into a magical book.

what? what would you like to ask in this magical book?

I don't know why, maybe because there is a part of my will in your body, he judged this, but xiao Ai, I have to remind you - these magic books are not my books, that is. Your soul expresses itself and is part of you.

Amy said something that surprised Aria.

Amy looked at Aaliyah and they locked eyes.

Soon everyone reached the road, and after carefully counting their locations, Aria chanted, the magic screamed, and a terrifying gap appeared in front of Aria.

this time, they both entered together.

the other side of Kale city can be seen in this void, but the magical power flowing from there worries people.

here lies the magic of the old Gods.

Although the two escaped, it was not easy to get in.

Everything but his head was separated, and even his clothes were exposed.

Ancient gods are ancient gods with physical bodies.

Although he was weak pared to the demon God, the old God overcame the demon God with his miraculous power.

there are places called courtyard of chaos.

the inability of the ancient rulers and foreigners to leave this place is called the barrier of the ancient gods.

Aria doesn't know her formal name, so she just uses her name.

In her mind, Aria plans to use the miracles of the old gods to seal the book of Azathoth in this universe, ending the curse of the book of Azathoth.

Aria thinks that this is the only way to live peacefully.

--In the next moment, that romantic illusion was shattered by cold, honest reality.

Arya and the others passed through the wall of the Ancient Gods, but because of this, all the clothes on their bodies disappeared, and because of this, they were forced to wear anything that was not theirs and if it was foreign. managed to prevent it. the ability of ancient rulers and others to escape using abilities such as possessions.

of course, we are talking here about real bodies, such as the spirits of evil gods or people incarnate, and magicians often use magic to summon the limits of ancient miracles. only god. the evil god's body still exists, but because it was created through projection, his will is unstoppable.

there is a serious problem here. I mean, who says a magic book can't be an independent entity? It is a spiritual and physical entity.

No, there was clearly something wrong from the start, even if it was where Aaliyah's soul came from.

Aria also cried when she saw Azathoth's scroll pass through the barrier.

wise book 108 (1)

An oriental philosopher once said:

there is no such thing as a miracle or an effort. It's like time travel, but it only exists in human fantasy.

what happened in the past, what will happen in the future, they are all part of the beast called tao, in which the past and the future coexist, and even the creation and destruction of the world, everything has happened and has been determined. from the beginning. did it. . .

there is no freedom, it is the devil's game.

Neither the magician who calls himself immortal, nor the fanatic who believes himself to be a god, has a destiny of his own choosing; their birth, end, and development are all predetermined.

those who have attained tao are no exception, and they are all under the control of the demon called tao.

those useless and embarrassing words flashed through Alya's mind, and although she wasn't sure who had said them, she remembered them.

those negative words suddenly appeared in Aria's mind without warning.

It was as if he had entered the inparable space which is the source, the truth, the beginning and the end of time, and the infinite space.

but these are only illusions, the so-called roots have not been revealed before Aliyah, and the truth has never shown people its true face.

Aria, being chased by the beast called truth, understands the magic book in front of her.

this dream became a reality in an instant.

this is rude!

Anyone who cries like this, except for Arya, who rejects the old idols, has nothing but to go out naked. because clothes and such cannot take care of him, and some of his things are impossible. take it away

but after that sacrifice, his body had no clothes to cover the poor man's chest, but because of following him and leaving the old gods, he got a magic book.ta.

the book of Azathoth returned to reality, and Aria, who was the first to realize the true nature of the book, stared at it with desperate eyes while crying her heart out.

he trembled under the terrible light of the magic.

the good thing is that it is a suburb so no one will see the two women naked here.

Amy also came out from the old Gods, but all the clothes on her body were gone, although the Lord God realm was not exempt from its restrictions.

but he's not afraid like Aria, no, he's not afraid either.

he stared at the magical edge of Azathoth's book and reached out a small hand, but it did nothing.

You accidentally stretched out your hand and looked up at the starry sky, covered the sky with one hand, grabbed the star with the moon, or did something meaningless.

Amy is in the same situation.

Amy stared at the magic book, her eyes widening in confusion and excitement.

he had never seen an existence or situation that could chill people to the core, he was not a demon, a demon, or a monster.

It's hard for someone as smart as Amy to understand what that is.

but when the magic book came out, he knew no pressure.

At least from Amy's appearance, her heart was full of joy.

Amy then looked at Aria and asked confused.

what happened? xiao Ai, did you see something wrong or eat something wrong?

Amy can't understand Aria's fear, and she can't understand why her partner is acting like that.

In fact, there are some interesting traditions that only Aaliyah can recognize.

It was because I felt the blood connection with the magic book at that time.

A terrible feeling ran through his body, an indescribable fear ran through his bones.

Aria looked dazed and confused, her breathing ragged.

Although his physical state excited him, his mental state was even more terrifying.

Aria was lying naked, walking on the floor, tears and dishes ing out accidentally.

Under this magical power, everything bees negative.

She makes the same change that Amy feels, and magic turns into magic, affecting Aaliyah.

Amy's magic made her body warm like she was sitting on a stove.

my body seems to be healing.

Aria rose from the ground, her arms and legs gone, but mostly on her knees.

So Aria couldn't speak at this point.

I didn't eat anything bad, you know? what I felt when this magical book was released was a sick and disgusting feeling, as if it was part of me.

there is no such feeling, this is your fantasy and your little love. Stay calm and listen carefully.

that can't be done! !

Aria rejects Amy's advice and screams until she throws up.

he felt that something was wrong with his body.

At the same time, he gave Amy a sharp look.

Even if you look at me like that

Amy stopped and started talking again.

but you can try to use this will. Now you have to control babcock, the force from the sky of hatred, with difficulty.

Amy finally gave me some serious advice this time.

Aria also heard the possibility behind it, so she tasted it.

the next moment, it was like a tongue, almost unimaginable, all over the body.

but there was nowhere near that and Aria knew it was just a lie.

chaos roared, and its roar curdled the blood.

but then something terrible happened again.

A cracking sound could be heard from the walls of the old Gods, and Aria realized that the grimoire was inplete and only half open.

Aria gasped and heard a loud crack.

the sound appeared on the golden fence like lightning.

Gradually, the magic book appeared, and at the same time, the disappointment of the release increased.

two powers of God collide and have an unseen effect.

it is

Aria looked at the increasingly dangerous situation in front of her and had a look of disaster on her face.

At this point, Amy started to feel terrible.

the power of the evil god seemed to shine brightly, as if the power of the evil god flowed through the magic book.

Although the power of these evil gods was very weak pared to the demonic gods, it was enough to attract the ancient magic gods.

Apparently he wasn't attracted to the palace itself, so why all of a sudden?

Aria did not understand or understand why such a situation happened and did not think to analyze it in detail.

the stars were out of place, and the chambers of the old Gods never seemed to disappear.

Finally, like a miracle, the barrier of the old gods did not appear before Arya.

Azathoth stepped through the barrier.

how can that be? how can he escape? what are the old Gods doing in this world? It's not appropriate.

Aria looks like she's gone crazy. Amy laughed beside him.

the first despair when the book of Azathoth was created, the hope that burned beyond the barrier of the old gods, and the despair that led to the destruction of hope.

Such violence and cruelty gave Arya a lot of experience and put her in a bad mood.

but this emotional turmoil was the end result, and Arya was left speechless.

the dark place was filled with a strange atmosphere.

In a world as bright as the stone room of the Relais, I slowly heard a heartless whisper that sounded like the devil's mockery.

but despite these strange and inexplicable noises, it soon became a clearly intelligible sound.

the sounds of talking devices, the sound of a cat wiping the screen with a towel, and more.

that unpleasant voice woke Aria's will from her stupor.

Amy, the world, everything disappeared like a bridge.

Aria stared in awe at the dark world.

Again, the body seems to disappear, and no physical presence is felt.


Aria knows that this is the world of Azathoth's books, and when she regains consciousness, she finds herself in a new world, another universe.

but in the new world, this is not the case at all. this is not a dark, formless world, a strange world where nothing happens.

In fact, it is also a question of whether we can define it using the world.

Nothing is visible, and everything seems to disappear, including matter and time.

thoughts are also timeless, and future and past thoughts merge, as if all thoughts from birth to death are pleted in an instant.

however, Arya's mind can still survive, and when she explains that normal people would destroy themselves because of this eternal thought, Arya still seems to be able to control herself.

but he didn't know how long.

the second here is a thousand years. A thousand years is like one day.

Finally, Aria knows where it is and what this nameless lump in the rafters is.

this is the outer world, this is the mind of the devil, this is the world between time and time, this is the sky above the tao, this is the inparable mass, this is the foundation, this is the truth, this is up to the sky. the road. way

A monstrous, restless creature that breathes like a living thing.

Everything has changed, the past and the future, and time has no meaning before him.

Such thoughts meant nothing to Aria, who was in the outside world.

there is no need to think because you know everything, no need to analyze because there is no question, and no need to act because there is no need.

because he is omniscient and powerful, he is blind and foolish.

but next time, this existence connected to the kingdom of God will disappear.

Aria returns to her thoughts, forgets what happened in the outside world, and bees the Source.

At that moment, Aria heard a beautiful woman's voice.

to my mom

From the beginning, your fear and decay gave me strength.

that's what they call me - the baker Street devil Slayer.

my reign of terror became the stuff of legend, people forgot my real name and thought I was just a fictional character in the minds of others.

but that's not true, I'm back from the land of the dead.

I want to be born alive.

but when I die, I want to return to my mother's body.

that's why I became everyone's dream

o dead, give me infinite power and beyond death.

I am Jack the Ripper

It sounded like an announcement conversation, and when the woman's voice finished speaking, a voice and a deep, dream-like voice followed.

the time is bad, and the judgment begins.

It was the voice of Azathoth's books, and Arya would never forget that voice.

Fear is the first human emotion, and all emotions are based on fear, but the root of fear is unknown and unknown.

because we fear the world, we fear the world, and as a result, a good human civilization begins to develop.

people know how to be afraid, understand their shortings, humble and grow by learning.

but suddenly it was over.

the heart of human slavery has sensed something strange and wants to give the entire race the power to grant almost any wish.

this is how the myths of making gods begin.

myths have captivated mankind since the creation of the myth of science, and many fools believe that they see the world, that it has not changed, that it is all truth, and that they see it the way they see it. this. .I think I saw it. they understand that they are in conflict. It is assumed that it does not exist.

Science fiction addresses the idea of fools that there are more fools than smart ones, and therefore human knowledge will not improve or develop if it is directed at fools. the news broke it.

Science was once an idea, but due to the will of the devil, it eventually merged with the human mind and became a monster that attacked and changed the world.

Losing the fear of uncertainty and denying it means that it exists and you are affected by it.

It is a dying civilization.

(this is pletely impossible and ridiculous.)

(what does this have to do with me?)

Aria thought she didn't know the origin or meaning of this heavenly voice.

however, the noise from above didn't seem to stop much to Aaliyah's confusion.

the order is still in progress.

From this dark and scary environment, he radiates an inparable aura of danger and sounds cold and pitiful, like the darkness of a deep valley.

For this dying civilization, fear is the only way to survive, and you bring it all.

Foolish thoughts corrupt the world through Satan's power, and only when foolish thoughts are corrupted will Satan's power be destroyed, even though it is Satan's unconscious work. this is hard to do. It's hard, yes, the devil gives people a chance to choose what their world will be.

his voice was filled with pride and arrogance, but Aria heard it filled with malice and pity.

I want to pierce his ears, but he has no sense of his own body right now.

Aria looked up and down, somehow overing the worry and disfort in her heart.

there can and must be irrational fears that are not patible with human thinking and understanding.

the true measure of this world is the celebration of humanity, which knows how to overe fear and despair and move forward even if it bees inhumane.


Aria felt the love in this voice for people. Even if it is a voice full of sadness and anger, it is impossible to understand the strength and pain inside it.

It wasn't hard to understand why Aria knew that, but she also didn't understand why these voices were talking to her.

the reason is a mystery and difficult for him to understand because he is young and ignorant.

In fact, Arya didn't even know who she was talking to.

Aria knows nothing except that he is not an ancient alien god.

however, the voice on the other end was like a hot iron carved deep into his heart.

Aria will never forget all the words he said to her. he himself is meaningless and powerless in the face of mystery. Like a child before his parents, he lost obedience and approval, and then he changed, he had no choice but to accept. work

Aria heard the fate of that voice and accepted her fate.

however, just as Aria was about to accept the truth of the situation, the voice disappeared, as if playing with someone else's mind.

Aaliyah then realized that the purpose of the voice was to torture herself.

when Aaliyah heard that it was over, she sighed angrily.

I saw light, a strange light, a bright light, a light of desire, a light that shows the truth of the world.

If you look closely, you will see that the only light is from the oil lamp placed on the table.

maybe it es from my dark space, which isn't even dark.

while thinking about this, Aria started reading the letters for the first time.

he was sitting on a wooden chair, and in front of him was a table that was about 200 and 75 centimeters long and almost as tall as him.

there was an oil lamp on the table, which gave off a soft light that illuminated the letters in front of me.

Next to the table was a medium-sized trash can, and on top of it was a large white piece of paper with words written on it, but since he couldn't read, he didn't know what it was. he wants please keep it up. writing

Aria looked at the note on the table and seemed to realize what the paper ball was.

In part of this novel, Alya reads the script on the table - some terrible stories are not written.

when Arya thought about it, she felt that she was beaten hard, whether it was a memory or an input.

Aria calmed down, but her right hand was too stiff with pain to turn the letters.

did something like that happen? It must be an illusion.

Aria wanted to deny it, but no matter how she shook her head, it reminded her a lot, especially the name she used in this world.

Aria said her name.

Joshua philip Lovecraft

why does he have a name? wasn't this his real name before he was reincarnated?

Although Arya has little memory, she remembers his name from her previous life before she was reincarnated as a man.

Even if you didn't know your name 10 seconds ago, even if you didn't know that your memory was mysteriously changed, the devil can pletely change the world with just one thought, create the world , and destroy everything. do it normally. hi Aaliyah. he could not understand the impossible, he could not understand the changes that the devil had caused.


Unfortunately, his real name is Lovecraft.

but no one needs to know that.

thinking so, Aria tried to ask the book of Freedom, but found no answer.

Amy wagster did not e into this world. At least Aria couldn't see him. because he came naked and carrying magic books, magic items, etc.

of course, what is left of him?

- babcock

wise book 109 (2)

At that moment, I heard a loud knock at the door. the knocking was loud and loud, something like that wouldn't happen unless there was something urgent.

of course, the person knocking on the door has malicious intent, and while trusting the door, he is trying to vent his anger, strange thoughts, and misunderstandings by knocking on the door. the people inside the door were hurt.

Aria had no idea what was under the door and was confused as to what was going on at this point.

the light made it clear that there were other people in the room, and the light shining on the glass in the door made it clear.

If the person at the door is bad, the next step may not be as gentle as knocking on the door.

So Aria put aside her thoughts of exploring the room for a moment and walked towards the door, looking out the window to see what was happening outside the door.

Aria saw a man at the door, looked at him in shock and shook her head.

her face looked like she was crying and she was so sad looking at him that he couldn't understand why she was asking such a question.

his hair was full of grease, short black hair that looked like it hadn't been taken care of for days, and the messy dust showed how neglected the man was.

but in any case, he doesn't want any trouble.

there was nothing suspicious in his hands, and he was not hiding a book of magic.

considering what we said before entering this field, it seems that such a profession as magic does not exist in the world, and even if it does, only magicians can describe it.

Aria, a mage, does not have her own magic book, but she does not lose the ability to cast spells and is not afraid unless suddenly attacked. Strange malice.

on the other hand, they seem to belong to the group of failures in life, but this outward feeling does not discourage Ali. because until now, Arya also belonged to the group of people who failed.

Aaliyah saw who it was and slowly opened the door and saw him outside the door.

At first, Aria tried to ask, but didn't, and even after saying the first letter, a ment came to her mind.

this information shows what kind of person he is. because I really know this person all over the world.

Aria didn't know if it was true or not, but she saw what he was doing as stupid.

maybe he thought he wouldn't open the door.

Frank bagli, the name of Aria's partner.


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