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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第78章 公开战争的爆发

第78章 公开战争的爆发 (第1/2页)

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编年史家记录,条目 6










编年史家记录,条目 8

第八个条目记录了阿巴登第三纪元的第 87 个周期,记录了城堡中发生的关键事件。








however, these reasons do not solve one thing: hardeg's call at this time is dangerous and important.

maybe this is the gender he wanted to invite in the first place.

A terrible and tragic demon slayer and evil life itself.

Aren't all gods the same?

Although he is not a being who can gain the power of a god, he is at least stronger than the gods that exist in the mythological world.

At first they were able to control hardeg.

Gastur, immersed in a sea of golden flames, also had this opportunity.

on the other hand, michelle has this ability because of her full focus on supernatural weapons.

If you focus on hardegger, you can erase that frustration.

Gastour is a man.

It was as if a messenger of death had e to his side, even though the golden flame tormented him and the fear of death continued to show strength in his body.

however, Gastur's will allows him to take the right and effective actions.

this will kill hager.

when he raised his right hand, the magic turned into a terrifying beam of light. It is not a static invalid ray, but something mysterious, like something emerging from a plasma state.

he knew that michel would not give him such a chance, so he used this intelligence as a means of attack.

but he underestimated michel's will, or...

his stupidity.

with his will, the chain turned into a fierce beast that attacked the sky with lightning bolts.

Aerial dancing also turned into a massacre.

Also, that would ruin the madness and bee a serious killing intent.

In the next moment, chains filled with murderous intent attacked Gastour's body.

Infinite golden tongues rose up and became a river of destruction.

It seems he wants to pletely destroy Gastour, both physically and mentally.

however, despite this hope, Gastour did not look back, rather to fight michel, who attacked him.

because pared to that, Gastour has something more important to do.

that is, he sent an attack on hadeg and sent a priest named hadeg into the fire.

Gastour felt a deep familiarity that made him forget the warmth of his body and the fear in his heart.

however, his physical weakness and mental decline also slowed down his activities.

So, that's it for michelle's new attack.

more chains passed over Gastur's body.

this golden flame made it seem as if he could not see his body and was bound by fire.

he has bee like a soul of fire, but if you see with your own eyes the condition of Gastur, you will understand the intensity of the pain that another person is experiencing at this time.

Strangely, it was not a flame, but a flame caused by orgomon.

this fire, more dangerous than the fire of civilization brought by prometheus, exists to torment others.

burning swept the body and soul of others who sympathized with their loved ones into the abyss of pain.

It is a fire that burns forever, a fire that cannot be stopped.

this is the wrath of God incarnate, the sinner bound.

Realizing that if he attacked again, hardeg would be pletely destroyed in mind and body before he could be killed, Gastur chose to avoid attacking his opponent.

then, in a chain of chains, hastur decided to run away from him.

the flame-kissed body also showed extraordinary abilities, and michelle's chains were broken.

As if expressing his anger, the sacred weapon struck the ground, releasing divine power.

In the next moment, the entire temple shook.

the temple, which is protected by magical miracles, has many cracks and looks like it will explode at any moment.

Gastour understands what the other side is like.

with her mind bound by Afgomon's chains, michelle is now an agent of God's weapon.

what is this magical weapon for? A weapon to punish traitors.

As for the other gods, the devils, they are considered traitors according to this sacred treasure.

the priest who died under this sacred weapon was accused of using the power of xanos.

because of this, Gastour knows that michel only has eyes for himself, the corrupt power of the Evil God.

he wanted the power to destroy it.

So, Afgomon's chain met his expectations.

the control that was destroyed by the Sacred treasure was further destroyed.

the power of the gods is also reflected in the elements of the necklace.

Gastur's body was burned, and he knew that if he was attacked again, his body would disappear.

It is difficult to bring the hearts of demons under God's control.

Even demons corrupted by God's power are not immortal. Immortality ruled the past and was only an external god.

but, of course, he's not just a demon with a little religious power.

thus hastur pleted his incarnation in abominable steps, and all eight appeared at the same time.

Each one has no meaning, and the divine fire that lives inside the body is just like a real living thing, and it uses its effects.

hardeg also realized that the only person who tried to kill him was the demon hastur.

So he had to help michelle.

Regardless of his plan, there is a problem with his existence. In other words, as the devil of God, he cannot pletely escape his desires.

because of this, hardegger was very angry with michelle and wanted to destroy her pletely.

he wanted to be in the same place as michelle, he wanted to be next to michelle.

So he must live.

the only way to survive is to summon an original demon from another world\/time.

only by pleting the prescribed program you can live a good life, receive rewards from the person and achieve your goals.

the transmission of the human body or even its physical presence is not an issue.

then hardegger began to sing.

A part of his magical power disappeared from his body, creating a mysterious effect.

It seems that the real Gastour has e out of his body.

No, because the ponents themselves flow backwards, causing the force of the blood to flow backwards and slow down.

In other words, it's like taking all your internal organs and forcing the outside inside.

that disfort caused hastur to lose control of his body for some time and show abnormal movements.

that moment happens in just 1\/10,000 of a second.

but enough is enough.

Gastur shouted, and at the same time a great will came here, and the divine power residing in Gastur pleased the true evil god.

Verse 13 12 matthew.

At the same time, people are just animals managed by people.

but he probably felt the loss of his master.

the Yellow Seal beast was terrifying, and his aura and divine power were also prevalent here.

No, it's just fun.

because this means you can always implement it for free.

the first strange thing that came into this world looked like flesh and blood.

but it's like a special bottle of wax.

It is the blood and flesh of God and the blood and flesh of the beast sealed in yellow.

his body is made of material as heavy as a star.

then God's might and power appeared and everything stopped ing to God, just as the world stopped.

A divine voice like the singing voice of an angel, all praise his presence.

however, the magical power emanating from it was enough to crush a person's will.

however, pare it to the depiction of the animal on the yellow seal.

perhaps it was an evil act caused by an evil god to suit his circumstances.

this is because the sealed real beast is truly 100% related to God.

therefore, when the demon Gastur understood the nature of this formation, he also felt true fear, a form more terrifying than the fear brought by the messenger of death.

because if there is such a great glory of God, it shows that the true God is alive.

this is because it is not the separation of the spirits of the evil gods, but the union of the evil gods.

he is a devil with a divine bite value of 100%, and also a god.

however, they were not the ancient solar rulers who gained the power of God, but the demonic part of the ancient rulers.

At this time, the result of gaining 100% cost of Godbite should be an evil god or a branch spirit, but of course it is not about the god here.

After considering such a possibility, damon Gastur's rationality almost disappeared.

how is it possible that the evil god or evil god is not dead yet? the crow killed me. why am I still alive in this world? Impossible. I cannot tell when an evil god will exist. this must be the age of demons. how does that happen?

Gastour's words did not last long.

In the end he realized that there was a yellow seal hidden inside the animal, that God's calling made him mad, and that it was the image of God.

As a result, his mind seemed confused, his entire being fled, and he fell into eternal life.

their power es from a God.

therefore, the result of a yellow seal animal is some of the less resistant animals.

Gastur's demon power was very weak, very small pared to 100% demon, and his power was small pared to God's sight.

So what is the bond, this is the only chance.

he is not a miracle worker, but a weak man who defeats the evil gods slowly and covers all the evil gods that even Azathoth, the closest to all knowledge and power, cannot reveal. . God is old.

that's why I said you'd ruin the plan, damon.

haha, there are software issues, but it's okay. oh God, please answer my prayers.

hardegger laughed out loud.

then, the yellow sealed beast began to move and attack with its arms.

the eight clones left behind by Gastur simultaneously used their heavy thrusters, and the tentacles pierced their bodies.

the clone's body hit the ground hard, and its legs went limp, as if all its bones had been dislodged.

demon of hastur, what do you think about facing the Lord?

hardeg's visions are filled with strange madness, and his childhood is filled with turmoil.

Even though he knew that the real demon body was suppressed, he felt the same because of his position.

heart and spirit are still connected.

Although one part of it is united with God, other parts of the same mind remain unaffected.

because that is the ability to race in the name of God.

So, the clone also raised the Gastur Stone, but was attacked by michel's chains.

when it was burned with golden fire, it turned to ashes.

Also, the attack of the yellow seal beast was aimed at another clone.

but unlike michelle, it can be mild or just the process of food preparation.

It pierces the opponent's body with all of its tentacles, oozing blood even as it pierces the opponent's body.

however, the clone is not dead and continues to poison the human body, making its way to the brain throne.

the heat produced by this process is intense, and the water inside the tent can harm the soul.

If the Afgomon chain dies because of the pain on the other side.

And yellow seal animals are only there to hurt other animals.


michelle chanted the evil god's name and raised her hands. Afgomon's chains behind him suddenly extended, trapping Gastur and the other clones.

prison house

Aria entered the room and opened the door to find two rooms decorated for her.

Aria looked at herself lying on the bed, closing her eyes and reading the novel.

oh, I'm here.

Arya says this in the prison.

he raised his hand to greet Aria.

Aria in the prison doesn't seem embarrassed and seems to know that another person is ing here.

You look good.

Aria said as she looked at him in the room, but the others didn't care.

of course, I know what will happen because I know what will happen to me.

what do I remember? I like to use my soul? pochi.

human nature is similar, but the lack of empathy is so severe that we don't remember it being hidden because we don't know what it is.

he was afraid of what Aaliyah said at home.

No, you don't need to show it at this time.

A person named Aria also begins to disappear, and a spirit hidden in a false body appears.

however, his body did not change into an animal.

when was it discovered?

pochi said that it was on Aaliyah's face.

however, her voice did not sound like a woman's, but had an iron accent.

Aria replied, \Yes.\

the first is pork. I believe in demons, but I don't believe in my own demons, so I only believe in the demons that control my magic.

pochi, you are my family, so why don't you understand family? I know the wisdom that es with playing when you know how to control your magic.

more importantly, don't you remember Azathoth's first mission?

At that time, no other animal that I called was brought except you.

Aria said again, remaining indifferent.

but since you live in my body, I can take you there.

however, it was later confirmed that the body there was not mine, so I thought that maybe the book of Azathoth transferred me to this world without revealing my true identity.

but my dragon house did not ply. Even if it was a magical change, it really came from a magical change, pochi.

So isn't the result even simpler?

pochi, you have your own will. this is not some magical forbidden will, this is your true will.

So I tried it. For example, this time horcrux.

If there is human will, the life span of the physical body will be short, so it will naturally return to me. You probably don't know about the magic of corpse reincarnation.

So you should e back here too.

hmm, that's easy. Is it your intention to kill me and take this body?

Aria just told pochi her plan, but pochi shook his head.

No, I don't want to do this, your great soul is with me. It's the devil, you know it's there.

Aria shook her head in confusion.


In other words, it would be fine if my soul polluted your Great Spirit, but your soul is not pure and has a demon guest, so there is no problem with another demon. .

then Aria smiled.

the mon sense and moral behavior of cannibals is different from ordinary people.

Also, cannibals have different emotions than normal humans.

So, Aria didn't think there was a problem with pochi's anti-mon sense attitude.

however, pochi's words made me unfortable.

A feeling of conflict and misunderstanding arose in Aria's heart.

So I don't have to kill you, I will merge my soul with your great spirit and dissolve the body, it's easy.

polchi still looks like Aaliyah but her face is normal.

It was not a lie, and there was no darkness in his eyes.

It is the same as human happiness.

but what should I watch this time?

Aria seemed to fall into darkness.

when I looked at my face, my suspicion grew stronger that something was missing.

this lost thought quickly turned into a bad dream into reality, allowing the deep darkness to fully manifest here.

Aaliya will return.

however, pochi acted quickly.

he held Arya in his fingers, but the strength of his hand hurt her.

my whole face came close to Aria and she kissed me.

pochi turns into a black mist mixed with oxygen, and Aaliyah searches for it.

the great soul returned to Aria's body.

but, strangely enough, since pochi doesn't exist, no conflict of wills has to happen.

right? Nothing seems to have changed.

Aria touched her head and thought again, but she didn't hear anything, and as she thought, she felt like she was being hit with an axe.

Aria fell onto the bed clutching her head, spinning from side to side and hitting the wooden floor.

what is this world created for? please don't let that happen.

It looks like a lot of insects crawling inside, outside, and inside the body, and they are always moving around.

cthulhu mythos hotworth

Fragments like fragments flashed through my mind, some knowledge uncertain, others seemingly unknown.

Looking Glass: Alice's soul, horcruxes, remnants of a disaster, a revolver, and what happened next?

pochi bined these rare items and inserted them into Aria's memory.

here, pochi's heart acts as a trigger to get this memory, and your own heart is also involved.

the two soon bee one and Aaliyah notices pochi's presence, but it turns out to be her.

there seems to be no difference between the two.

on earth

Gastur's character is gone, as are Yellow Seal beast and Afgomon's chain.

blood dripped from michelle's body, and every drop of blood on the ground radiated heat like molten metal.

however, these hot flashes did not leave any traces on michelle's body.

you are not the devil.

hardeg's body was torn.

huh? what did you say

I'm curious, why is my body so ugly?

michele reached out and held it with his gaze, and saw that his arm and hand were glowing with indescribable heat, and as he placed his hand on the metal block, the gold instantly melted. I feel like I could be iron.

however, michelle herself is not happy with this idea, on the contrary, she is very happy with it.

tell me, what's going on in the world?

xiao heiyu, how long will you brag? has your soul landed in this body? After all you've done to share this horcrux, what are you going to do?

black Rage? who is he?

michel bowed his head in confusion, as if he didn't understand what the man was saying, but hardegger couldn't see the lie in the man's eyes.

then hardeg laughed.

what are you laughing at?

Nothing, you are making fun of someone, I gave up even knowing the evil will of the devil and God.

wouldn't it be better if we stopped all this?


After all, the spirit of this power is not good. Isn't it fun to live in ignorance? why, why insult them?

oh, you said that as a branch of Avgomon? happiness? how fun is that? Isn't it a great tragedy that people die without knowing?

So you just stay here and mourn your helplessness. what else can I do?

how can someone as interesting as you get the attention of these creatures?

So, you are not considered his friend.

because he hated this power and this desire, but he had to have it because this superior person defined him from the moment he was born.

michelle continued to speak honestly.

If not, what do you think you're doing?

It does not take much intelligence, strong emotions, and a general understanding of the situation to hate God. because if they are there, it is difficult to take action against God. he is like a god.

this sharp edge must be applied to the Self and cut the chain of cause and effect from the Supreme.

If you don't know, this is an anti-god blade preparation tool, and if I remember correctly, the main body will be killed by Rokkin coil.

Enjoy your last moments.

it's just you

No, it's not me, I'm michelle, michelle buenato, I don't have another brand.

when hardeg heard this, his whole body was broken and turned into dust.

096 trucks (1)

Sonta city is a world loved by wizards and criminals, and is a true wizard's paradise.

If you have a reason, please explain.

this is necessary because the rulers here do not deny magicians the right to work here.

For example, the freedom to kill, the freedom to use magic on others, etc.

Although they are not banned, they are not a dangerous group like the black Sanctuary.

the magicians here have also never studied magic in a systematic way and work on their own, because the poets of the story seem to be very powerful.

of course, this is not the main problem. this city is what it is because of the failures of its rulers.

No, in fact, this city was built on purpose.

Even the magicians of this city are only a test of the rulers here.

Yes, even heroes and villains make perfect test subjects.

An experiment to bring the dead back from the earth.

city of the dead, this is the name Sonta city gives to the outside world.

but the residents here don't seem to know anything about it.

Its ruler is a giant corporation known as the black cotton consortium.

In his villa in matsuda city, Kuroi Umere was sitting on his soft bed, fast asleep.

At that moment, he felt that the last traces of divine power had disappeared from his body, and this was also where the causal link between the devil and the Supreme was severed.

byrian felt really happy - Afgomon's power as an evil god was gone from his body.

his need and power to bee one of the thirteen demons disappeared at the same time, which meant that he was released from a group of terrible demons.

this makes me happy.

that's what he thought.

bailian, a demon, feels tired of his own powers, because he believes that as a mage he is no better than the powers of a demon.

Even though he became a devil, he believed that he should not rely on the relationship of evil gods, nor just rely on God's power from above.

to reach the highest level, it is better to trust your own magical reality.

the most powerful magic of mankind, like Nero's conquest of the cross.

bailian didn't think that his skills were weaker than hers.

bailian smiled innocently, realizing that his demon was not an evil god.

this must be the first time since he reincarnated across time and space.

Avgomon, endless. Although the old man can be said to be a powerful god, of course he cannot be called an old man, but there is no other god as powerful as this breath.

however, such a cruel God es from his power, but he is not worthy of people's love or relationship.

with such power, the Evil God hunters will not notice him, Raven has already started to move, and I am afraid that it will not be long before the Vortex Lord moves.

but don't worry, I'm not a genie so the crows will ignore me and trust me. chumo and Infinite can only feel despair.

bai Lian seemed to be explaining such things to others, but in fact there was no one around him, no one but himself.

It means something to a person, but that person is in this life, not in the next life, especially in the past.

bai Lian, a great magician who travels between the universe and the time of the Elders, speaks to him.

this is because when this man was young, he believed that he was a demon, and when he lost his demonic powers, Vailian felt the need to explain to him.

Even he might be angry.

this kind of sentiment could not be understood by bailian. It's like the hatred I feel when I see people willing to bee animals.

he understands, and at the same time, if another person is angry with him, bailian will also understand and accept it.

but he was very afraid, afraid of God the destroyer, who would enter the kingdom of God and destroy the evil God.

bai Lian knew that this was not a myth, but a creation, and that was all there was to it.

And now, as a servant, the crow began to act again. this means that the whirlwind of God's destruction that will end the time of the Lord is near.

It's all flying around in the media.

however, even in a world where God did not appear, neither he nor those around him knew of his existence, so no one knew what to do with him. there were no so-called high-level devils in front of him.

No one can escape the final darkness, not even the Ancient Gods, the Elders, or the great alien gods.

bai Lian really believed in him because of [INFoRmAtIoN ExpUNGEd].

but, an uninvited guest arrives.

bailian heard another sweet voice.

his voice is so beautiful, it's like he's singing in heaven.

to the space behind him.

what appeared was a woman with long golden hair, beautiful as an angel, and speaking with a sweet voice.

human emotions, whether good or bad, cannot be seen on a child's face.

however, what came out of that voice were good words to be positive.

the so-called power of God depends on how you look at it, but I think it's different because people who don't have the ability think that they don't have the power to control the power of God.

Inexperienced people believe that their efforts and lazy skills are rewarded.

Fools who hold such opinions are blind and stupid.

one of the thirteen Great terrorists, I never expected to be this stupid.

can I take that as a pliment?

bai Lian was never embarrassed or ashamed.

the virgin Lamb did not seem to hear God's message of destruction.

to test this, bailian deliberately spoke in front of him.

but the woman did not answer.

bai Lian realized that there was a mysterious power in the world that made such information inaudible.

we don't even know his name.

- he is ignorant, please forgive him.

byakuren knew that his opponent did not understand the danger beyond the age of the gods, and that he was tolerant of ignorant people.

If so, take it as a pliment.

the girl's clothes fluttered in the wind, her blouse was slightly open, her long honey-golden hair was blown in the wind, her red eyes were turned away, and her skin was white and soft like silk. when he touched bailian, the heat of the human body spread throughout the human body.

xiao heiyu, your actions are according to plan and you have done well...

can you tell me about this thing called God of war?

he said in a low voice, as if he had no good intentions.

however, in the second half, the soft voice disappeared and turned into ice.

there are also terrible disasters.


mr. focused. bailian was smiling, as if she understood what he was saying.

In the next moment, his figure disappeared in front of the girl and reappeared about two meters away.

If you ask me that, I can't answer that, Seraino, because I don't know where you e from. Sometimes I think it's an evil god idol, my evil god card. , but it's a little weird on this show.

but this is a mistake, it does not belong to the evil god, but a monster that absorbed the power of the evil god, and even the old power is the one who took the power of the evil god from him. .

Yes, but I think not now, because like the evil power that God gave to michelle, like the threat of 13, I thought from the beginning that xiao Ai, the heir of the tabel demon, could do it. . however, expectations seem a bit high.

So e to me, Seraino, if you are not mistaken, there must be some nice changes.

bai Lian seemed to be telling the truth that he knew, but his expression remained the same and the tone of his voice doubted his sincerity.

A beast that consumes God's power? how does that happen?

Seraino does not trust another person, and sees the darkness hidden under the other's beauty.

he is pure evil.

Even if he wears a beautiful body that looks like a fairy, the darkness and pain in his heart will not change.

Even as a grimoire master, I was unfortable.

And when God lost his power, the other side was revealed.

bailian, who was not a demon, felt more dangerous than ever.

the celestial bodies, the darkness of the heart, and the power of magic are like animals.

they have been rejected.


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