
关灯 护眼
六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第74章 觉醒后

第74章 觉醒后 (第2/2页)

084 water God Ketite

Aria and michelle looked around the room. Although there is no breath of life here, there is no sense of darkness, like an animal's hole. but all the rooms were burnt. I'd be lying if I said there was no reason for this change.

As Aria walked through all the rooms on the first floor, she noticed that there was no sign of movement except for the lights that were on, and that the lights seemed to be turned off. No one lives in this room, so why do you need light? or do you want to use these lighting tools to create something unique?

Nowadays, we don't have much information, and even if we think about it, in the end we can't do anything because we don't know what the other person is doing. but this angered him and he thought that the beast would attack from all angles. he looks very good. michelle always says that living here doesn't smell bad, but it's nothing to worry about. however, Aria pletely ignores michel's words because she is also a mage and as a mage she cannot believe that his views are true.

but now it seems that someone is turning on all the lights in the room aimlessly, as if trying to let others know that there are people in the room. but it is strange to have such thoughts. because unless the animal engages in some kind of secret war or uses magic that brings miracles, the signs of concealment are obvious to the animal. If you do that, isn't it like deliberately setting fire to your room and inviting others?

So this strange event made Aiya confused, but at the same time alarmed.

however, after checking all the rooms on the first floor, no animal was found. It also shows that Arya tricked herself into thinking the room wasn't a trap and wasn't magical.

(So, did you really forget to turn off the light? No, that's impossible. there's no sign of life at all. that means there's no other way to do it than to turn on the light. So, what's the purpose? , what is it?' ' ? It doesn't seem to be a trap, it's magic (it's not a function, in which case it's not matter if it's strong).

thinking of that, Aria ignored the people who tried to kill her, and after making sure she was safe, she went back to her room and sat on her bed.

Fortunately, these things are still there, and it will be very wise if they disappear, but there is no need to give courage now.

when Aria looked at her bag, she found that the security spell was not broken. that is, since no one has opened the bag, there is no need to worry about the contents being added or left behind. other than that. . Added something to the content or stole something. thinking that this would surely satisfy her, Aria took the plunge and opened her bag.

Aria took her wallet out of her bag first.

why did they take their wallets in the first place? It looks like a magic weapon with little use. It's lighter than being cursed by the dead.

Yes, why do I need to get the magic weapon first? but, when the time came, I packed all my backpacks. make sure it is full. otherwise, you will worry about losing something important when you use it.

Aliya replied with a shocked face and opened her purse. I must not have counted the money left in my wallet, it was all cash and coins. the rest is money. It was a waste of time and cost less than $30.

Aria looked at the photo in her bag.

Ah, it's still there, it'll be boring if it's gone.

Aaliyah picked up the bag and michelle also looked at the photo inside the bag.

Very nice, this is a picture of me and my brother.

(who is my sister and who are you? I can't say anything.)

michelle noticed that the two men looked alike in the photo except for their different clothes and hairstyles, which in reality were no different. It looks like a photo taken years ago and michelle doesn't even know who it is.

oh, what are you talking about?

Aria was angry after hearing michelle's words.

So, is your sister left-handed or right-handed?

Aria paused before answering.

Is it blind Faith? of course, the best person on the left is my sister, and the pletely anonymous person on the right is me.


michelle screamed in her heart, but she didn't know what to do. because there seemed to be no difference in the appearance of the two of them, and they did not know what to do with such a big difference, so they doubted themselves. . the problem is that the other person's vision is pletely different from your own, or what kind of vision they have.

You think your little brother is cute like you, but maybe you don't know people like you?

michelle was also a bit confused, but remembered that now was not the time to talk about it, and quickly went to remind Aria.

So, do you have all the photos of your brother in your bag?

huh? how is this possible? how could something so valuable be released by accident? Anyway, I don't take much with me when I go out, so don't be surprised what happens next.

Aria smiled and took out a book from her bag.

what is it from?

when Aria took out a magic book from her back pocket, michelle pointed to it and asked.

Arya's book is definitely a magical book. It was different from the magic book I used before, and it looked like a new book.

Yes, it's new, not a write or upgrade. because this magic book vibrates and emits strange energy. It's supposed to be magic, but it has a life force like the living dead, which seems strange. I don't know if it's life or death.

michelle has what appear to be veins floating inside the covering that looks like human skin.

Seeing michelle's words and question, Aria laughed and then said two words.

Even death dies in this eternal miracle.

what does that mean?

in simple words

Aria pointed her finger at the body of the magic book, and as she jumped, she released a magic spell, causing the terrifying book to collapse inside. For the first time, michelle felt like she was messing something up.

the book in Aria's hands was cursed with death, but that wasn't bad; the life force that emanates from the grimoire is mixed with miasma, magic, anger, malice, and hatred.

when the evil energy was released, the pages of the book seemed to be turned over spiritually, even though there was no wind blowing from anywhere, and the pages turned white, but it was not like paper. . they look like strange animal slices cut with a meat cleaver in a factory and seem to have the potential to extend life.

Not only that, but its face is scaly, and the gills between its faces are like the gills of a shark.

In fact, it was difficult for michelle to call what she saw a magical book. I mean, does it look like a book? this beast is as alive and sinister as a magic book in the hands of a witch.

however, wizards and witches must be members of the wizarding munity.

It is the living dead and the dead, a magical book in the hands of a wizard and a monster that must be used. of course, this is a magic book that I created. despite such difficult measures taken, the lack of raw materials prevented the work of this magic book, although it has the ability to appeal to the gods, not to mention the goodness book of magic. It's not a story about machines, but it's different pared to books with magic that can summon gods with a special weapon. of course, if conscience and humanity are not given, then any magical weapon made will be as good as this one.

Aria held a spellbook in her left hand and squeezed it with five fingers. he seemed to be trying to escape from the demon's hands, but Aria's power was pletely beyond his reach, and the innate resistance of the grimoire pletely ignored him.

of course, michelle's words were not cold, and before michelle could ask another question, Aria continued.

It is an Apocrypha that imitates the original Apocrypha, but unlike the original Apocrypha, it has more powerful magic than the codex.

Ketayat, the god of water, is the name of the book in my hand. the magic power was stronger than the one I used before, and it was difficult to calculate.

It was not a very good choice as a power source for a ghost weapon god, and there was no special existence of a ghost weapon god. So, even if it is stabilized, it is a high quality power supply. , the power of magic. Even the standard Ghost God Grimoire isn't perfect. besides, I don't have the magical power to summon a ghost god, so in the end I have no other choice but to trust myself.

Aria explains things endlessly, but michelle doesn't want to listen; he wasn't a wizard and didn't understand anything about magic books.

Needless to say that. do you think this book is real?

of course, this book is still alive. because this book is a devil's book made of the flesh and spirit of evil people. but even in prison, you can get what you want. they must know that they are on death row. many So, no matter how many magicians try to inflict punishment, they will inflict punishment, and if the magician's magic is used in a killing way, it will be appropriate. Killing is illegal, but the death penalty is legal, and I was killed a long time ago. therefore, it is not surprising that many death sentences are carried out to select inmates on death row.

If this priest later forgets and says nothing. If he hadn't quit later, he wouldn't have bee a boxer, even though he used puppets to bee one.

michelle then saw Aria's face and got a little scared.

teletubbies killer? what about the guy who went to a boxing match wearing this ridiculously named tourniquet and it turned into a magical weapon?

Speaking of black boxers, michelle recalled an incident that happened in Geta three months ago.

oh, you know?


michelle nodded and gave him a strange look, as if to say, \Are you one of those people who never watch the news and don't understand the latest financial decisions in Africa?\

It might not be surprising to see this on the news, but Aria saw it from the other side's perspective, so she didn't react.

As I remember, it's all about a man who knows he's cheating by using a weapon to fight a boxer, the seller refuses to pay, and the criminal kills the boxer and takes all his money. . . bad.

michelle remembered what she saw earlier and expressed her gratitude, but this time she was embarrassed by Aaliyah's words.

but it's nothing, it doesn't concern me, it doesn't interfere with my daily life, but aren't magic books made of paper?

Is it made of paper? there are no rules about that. According to legend, it is the crystallization of all magical books and is the original canon of the original canon. there are also magic books that change numbers, but there is no information on whether it should be written on paper or not.

In fact, it is no wonder that magic books are made of human materials, but the power of the book is determined by the spells written in the magic book, which determines which magic is more powerful.

the skill and investment required to create a spellbook determines its value, which in turn determines its level of development.

however, this grimoire was left there with the intention of finding the souls of living victims, so it has a strange smell, but to get back to the topic, this grimoire has the power to magical. manual the power of magic involving negative emotions or evil spirits has no effect and is inferior to the power of magic generated from the heart of the believer, but when used as a point of consumption, it bees a great power.

After all, people like me can't get jewelry that requires such procedures. After that, even if the will of 6 billion people is united, without unity, the tiger is a piece of paper, just like the false idol of the tribe, and so is this magic book. Are you a little scared?

Sure, it's a little scary, but I don't think you mean it.

michelle looked at the magical book ``Ketite, the water God'' that she always defeated, and weakly said that she was not afraid of fear.

because she is a woman who is very afraid of the devil. however, his degradation is based on the level of killing he achieves.

After that, proud people know that when facing a large battle force, the fighting force is small and cannot break through the defenses, but knows how to bine strength and steel. , like an energy bomb.

however, it was not a question of fighting ability, but a mental one, so michelle took a few steps back, as if there was a dangerous beast in front of her. human emotions cannot be changed by force, so even if you have power, you will hate what you don't like. Even the immortal Jason Forsyth (Note 1) is afraid of water. michelle worried that nothing was wrong. Like a demon. he was almost sick to his stomach.

If michelle had known such an abomination could be found elsewhere, she would have left without saying a word. Furthermore, the evil that came out of the grimoire covered the entire room, as if surrounding the room. In the world of ghosts.

Should I be so scared? my body trembled.

this does not mean that you can avoid fear if you are not afraid.

michel exclaimed, as if seeing something like that gave him courage, although it was a way to forget what he was thinking, it wasn't strong enough.

Yes, no problem as long as you have a spellbook.

Aria closed her eyes and tried to speak, but she seemed to understand that the boy in front of her was a small child who was afraid of the dark, and that he needed to be strong and brave, but he was still there. this is no parison of courage.

Aria secretly prayed that michelle wouldn't do anything worse than panic and bee helpless.

Save fast!

michelle replied nervously, it was like dropping a sword, Aria didn't want to waste time at this time, she would lose control of her movements and who knows if the opponent did it on purpose or not, I don't know either . . heart?

he didn't want michelle to wonder if he was as good at eliminating fear as he was.

when Aria returned her left hand, the magic book disappeared like a magician, and her figure did not grow, as if the magic book was not in her body.

michelle opened her eyes, looked around, stretched out her fingers to touch Aria's body, but found nothing, so she asked:

where are you taking him?

this is a secret.

Aria immediately answered michelle's question without thinking or waiting for a second, but that was no different than giving an answer.

Aria ignores michelle's questions and the dolls eventually use their magical powers to try to convince them. , a simple magical contract was pleted.

magic books are like nuclear reactors that produce energy, and Aria's body is like a power plant that uses each other to convert energy.

the evil magic power of the magic book bees a big source, and the two sources flow into each other, as if Arya's small source is pushed to the other side, and if Arya wants, the two sources can be united. It can be instantly transformed into magic, but this transformation is not of a demonic nature.

So Arya, as an iron boxer, picks up a book of magic, which is very important, but not necessary.

At this point, michelle took Aaliyah's hand, looked at each other and said,

well, there is nothing extraordinary you can do.

to say it was amazing would be an understatement.

Note 1: \black Friday\.

call 085

chizuna waited on the ground for a while, and Aaliyah and michelle climbed up together, but there was something in their words that didn't feel right. they had landed on the wooden floor leading to the hall, and when the wooden stairs had reached their limit, the man standing between them made an angry noise. Alia suspected that this move would suddenly collapse.

when chisner saw them ing down, he stopped talking to Victor and waved at them. Aria raised her hand in response and asked as if she had thought of something.

by the way, do you know each other?

You said you don't know who your partner is. If so, don't people feel like they've failed?

After hearing Aliya's question, michelle, who was next to her, mented: As an outsider, michelle felt that the organization was pletely unreliable and suspicious. You can't build a team without knowing anything, but how can such a person make a living as a wizard?

(No, in that case, both of them are ready to fight at any moment. Is there any problem with such a team?)

michelle didn't think about it anymore, especially since Ripple Immortal dao was currently in a dying state, forcing her to think about her future. but the more michelle thinks about it, the more she despairs, feeling she has no choice but to finish the team. If there is a creator in this world, this conspiracy is terrible.

Although michelle wanted to plain, she thought that saying something serious would make things worse, so she said something and kept quiet.

Aria and chisuna both ignored michelle's question, but maybe they both realized there was something they needed to know. If they say something, they will definitely fight.

Furthermore, none of them were willing to trust michelle, but they didn't get to the point. therefore, this team is not a team that can sympathize with each other, but a pletely unmotivated group that constantly kills each other for mysterious reasons.

chisner didn't have to speak, but Aria felt like she should have listened to him earlier. You can't go wrong with the soundproofing in this hotel.

Even though it was only a short distance away, I felt that Aria was so strong that she had bee a monster. Although it is full of sounds, I think it is worth studying more.

but chisner's opinion is wrong. being from this small town, michelle hears the same bad situations and bad sounds all the time. If you consider them, you will understand the intention of the Son of man and you will be truly mad. . the sorceress Aria distinguishes such behavior and gives the signs of a crazy animal, but madness is not true madness, and true madness is what she cannot control, and she herself is one of eternal love, it has power. .

It is madness beyond reason, power beyond reason, an evil will that does not understand human intelligence or principles, and it is like a miasma in the forest that no one notices.

therefore, Aria did not hear what chizuna said. poverty isn't the only thing keeping voices from being heard here. there are countless voices.

however, perhaps because he realized that Aaliyah did not hear anything, or because he was confused by michelle's thoughts, he spoke in a tone that could not believe ordinary people.

No, I don't know him, just a random story.

Is it like this?

I still doubt in my heart, because that's how others answer, if you don't agree and ask, you won't get the real answer, maybe he and he will bring . dissatisfaction: this is the right answer, but some are not happy with it.

but the main reason is that Arya doesn't care about other people's actions. If he was really controlling others, he wouldn't have planned it in the first chapter. did he borrow from Kuro oshiro because he wanted to check on someone else and realized that this person was poorer than him and couldn't buy water or water, so he came to borrow from him? this is plete nonsense.

that's why I don't get angry even if I get rejected, and I'm looking for someone to talk to that I have no intention of knowing.

okay, okay, let's not talk about it here. we've all been here a long time, and we'll see what happens. I am afraid that if we stay here, this will bee our grave, or we will be buried alive. All of them can be beaten and there is no hiding even if they want to.

michel did not intend to listen to the old atmosphere of the hotel here, he said a curse, no, it was like a curse.

of course, this is not what a good woman should do. A member of this group, she is a woman inside and out, lacking the innocence and charm of a child. when death es, people die, so who cares about abnormalities?

the danger is getting bigger and bigger, and michelle's heart has no sign of improvement, and michelle runs towards him, not knowing that she will die if she runs away alone. out of breath. All desires and moral conscience must be freed from the will to live, and its futility will be well considered after michel has secured life.

It's not hard to understand that he said this because he was in a certain situation, but it was disappointing. At least that was the case with Victor's director. because this horrible hotel is from Victor's factory.

however, whether such a thing makes sense is an open question. Victor's face is red at this point, so this is not a sign of good health, but a way of describing how a drunk person's face turns red.

how can a person whose behavior has changed so much from alcoholism listen to others? Even though I could hear it, it was hard to understand what was happening to my heart, which was damaged by alcohol.

of course, it's best to skip the prehension work and just throw it right at the speaker.

As if she saw such a future, Aria immediately stood 3 meters away from michelle and ensured michelle's safety.

but Victor's old wine was so good, he said it in front of michelle with drunken eyes, and because it was in front of others, michelle was scared.

oh, I see? this is the child they want to find.


michelle stepped back as if there was a waterfall in front of her, and if she took another step she would drown in the water from above.

by the way, Victor's boss, you are from the village, do you know anything?

when Aria discovers this new world, she reflects on how many of her movements have been lost since she arrived here.

Although concentration works, it is limited by input; Aria can use magic like mind control to get information, and doesn't have to use such primitive questioning methods. You think not. he.

At first, Aria took the lead after asking a few questions. Are you stupid or stupid? I think the main reason why he became like this is because he fell into chaos without thinking about it.

but it seems too late to think about this question. It seems that there is no one to talk to a drunk. Even if you control your mind, it's actually not a good idea to ask now. .

well, to be honest, I know very little.

contrary to his appearance, Victor's words are clear and methodical, and he is not drunk.

If there was no smell of alcohol in the air and the other person was clearly drunk, Aaliyah would not believe that the person was actually drunk.

of course, when we got here, there was nothing. because the powerful magic energy of the sky indicates that the unknown evil people are not far away.

but as he heard them, Victor turned and said:

however, there is little point in talking about these things at this stage when we have started to act, and even if we say it now, in the future it will bee mon sense.

So don't listen to the old man's nonsense here, we don't have time.

Victor said pouring the rest of the wine into his mouth. then, as if someone had hit him with a hard stone, his consciousness immediately left his body, and his body lost its divine grace and collapsed. the strange sound of the nose must have been sleeping under the alcohol before.

It doesn't seem like a big deal.

michelle notices that Victor has fallen asleep without speaking, and a childish voice reminds him that it's time to go, that he doesn't have anything to do with him and that he has time. It's gone

very unusual

what happened this time?

michelle asked, looking over at Aria and seeing her serious expression. because now they are theirs and michelle doesn't hate him anymore, even if someone wants to kiss her, it's okay. You will remember his prayer at that time as the last prayer after finding hope.

michelle's daily life should be her top priority, but it is destroyed without a trace in the God of war system, so she has no choice but to do it, but that does not mean that she has lost her love. For everyday life.

therefore, no matter who he is, if such an opportunity prevents him from successfully living every day, his hands cannot be saved.

So, the weather is here, haven't you noticed? there is no reason why the point is not here.

Alya said something strange, but answered the question herself.

that's it

If you listen carefully, you will notice that there is nothing original here. I don't want to lose my mind just because of the smell of alcohol, but if you want to understand. I couldn't do the way I am now, and as time went by, I felt something was wrong with my body.

Aria stretched.

Now it seems that the strength of the body is decreasing, although there is a decrease, it is less than 1%, it is there, and our body is also paralyzed.

the so-called essence is the existence of the world, which is the most powerful according to the power of what constitutes it, and the essence of living and dead things is different, and even different kinds of life are different. Although they differ in nature, they can all be classified as original. .

the sounds you make when you walk, the smell of alcohol in here, and the hotel being destroyed because of it.

Aria seemed to have finished speaking.

the main reason, of course.

when Aria sang the song, it turned into a stream of magical energy that exploded in michelle's eyes.

hey, where did that e from?

right? it is

when she was hit by Aaliyah's magic, michelle screamed in surprise, seeming to think it was a conspiracy. however, I realized that it was not an attack or a curse, and at the same time my perspective changed, but I could not understand what it was.


Aria smiled.

Simply put, it's like onmyoji's ability to see ghosts, but you can use your sight to see the energy of all things, and you can use this magic even if you're blind. to get different things. of course, that doesn't matter; the origin of this magic seems to be used by magicians to explore its spiritual roots.

why do I always feel that this kind of magic is not very effective? or rather, if it is so useful, shouldn't we use it in the first place?

therefore, it is the ability to see the devil, and the devil represents a strange cosmic animal, which is not wasted after death. this is a spell that attracts animals.

michelle could not understand what was happening, but soon realized what it was.

does this spell give the target the ability to attract animals?

what is equal?

michelle's body trembled, how many animals were at the door, she didn't want to know how desperate the situation was, but did she say that this witch can attract animals? God, wouldn't that kill you?

hey, don't worry about that, though, this monster's real target is you, and we're running out of time.

Not much? what does that mean?

have you not seen the truth? You will notice that the center here is always flowing to another location. what happens to the fish when they don't have a source of water?

You could die of dehydration.

It can almost be felt.

Aria nodded in agreement to what the other person said and said that they were now face to face.

So how many are left?

this time chisner asked.

maybe about 3 hours. At the very least, human life is dependent on the environment, and it does not take much time for one to attain buddhahood, like one floating aimlessly in the deep sea.

And this type of actual excavation is a temporary ecological change that makes the site unsuitable for living organisms.

of course, this is limited to the soul and flesh, and in some religions we know that flesh and blood is a cursed life. but in the case of living beings posed of unknown or obscure things; For something that cannot be explained, we call it a fortable state.

why is science only half popular?

mr. chisner sighed and, as he concluded his report, said:

I mean if we don't solve this problem within three hours, we will all be destroyed.

So, do you have any questions about this question? but the host here gave us 3 hours mercy and left us many hours.


michelle tilted her head in question, not sure where her sympathies went, which was bad no matter how she looked at it, or at least she couldn't feel any part of it.

Aria said:

the speed of release is no longer benign, and the true destination is as clear as an invitation.

Invitation? If this is true, is the person who wrote this letter the kind of person you want to explode when you read it?

michelle blushed and replied that she was not satisfied yet. All I could think about was the wolf I met in the forest. the wolf said it was a sacrifice to God and he was happy about it.

If it's really an invitation, it's hard to refuse.

well, saying things like that doesn't change the truth, and what's stolen doesn't disappear, so if you catch it in time, you won't die.

but then again, is there no way out?

It wouldn't be difficult to escape if we could move quickly from here, but then, we don't need to stay here.

Aria answered michel in a loud voice, singing the spirit of the words. In front of him, the waves rolled gently, like water hitting the rocks. A hole is visible, but it is cosmetic, not physical.

From this virtual perspective, everyone can see the image above.

is that so?

this is where the real stuff es together. Also, no magic is done. to others, it seems intentional. of course, the recipient is more likely to recognize it and get it. So, all in all, I wouldn't dare use a spell as crazy as sending myself to Luray.

when michelle asked a suspicious question, Aria revealed the reason for her going around the place.

After answering michelle's question, Aria said:

but where do we hide? this city is an enemy and if you are in the right place it won't take long to find us. due to the rapid transfer of energy, it manifests itself no matter how much we try to hide it. No, I had no choice but to go and try it, so it didn't matter if my house was empty.

(It is better to say that there is no escape from this city. It is better to say that there is no place outside this city. It is not a city that pushes people like a bomb. the city bees a Fish. tank? It is an inseparable tank of fish. the method works (although it suggests the hard way that this is an independent world, not the one we used to live in).

(however, this is only a possibility of bad behavior. maybe it is just a magical effect. You should think positively and save the bad ones for the worst.)

086 body and mind

Suddenly, as a response to Alya's words, two white lights shone from the opposite side mirror.

the white light was like a bow and arrow shot from the hands of a mythological hero, sending the force that the sky split, and before the light hit the air in a terrible panic, and it is said that there is oxygen in the air.. As released, it can easily destroy the human body even in the air.

And his speed is so fast that it's even hidden, even if you can actually see the rest, if you see the white light, you can't do anything because you're too fast on the clock. At the beginning, he had reached a certain point, but due to vision problems, he still saw the white light of the opponent and did not find it.

So Aria couldn't understand it was an attack. he stretched out his left hand in front of him, preparing to counter the ining attack. Suddenly, the white light from the venue hit his body. my hands, left foot, and side were engulfed in white fire, I was feverish, and I heard a terrible and heartbreaking sound, like the sound of an earthquake. It is very questionable why such sounds can be seen in the recorded human body.

Suddenly, a strong impact erupted. Aria couldn't stand this situation. Although he became a monster, his body was not as strong as a god. Even if you're ready, the immediate blast effect doesn't seem to help. Like a strong wind across the sky, it swallowed young Arya in an instant.

his whole body crashed into the wall of the hotel, and it wouldn't have been easy if he hadn't used some arcane techniques to deal with the damage caused by the collision. I'm worried that if it hits the wall, it will hit the air and reach the sky.

however, the growth effect is still not suppressed by the affected wall. therefore, when it hit directly, countless cracks appeared across the wall, which literally grew like living things and slowly covered the entire wall. It broke like a model, and the residual force caused Aaliyah's body to fall. After crashing into the wall, it fell to the ground three times and stopped.

Aria seemed to be buried alive in the broken wall.

If you know this magic is so dangerous, why not just invent a card instead of using it?


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