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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第72章 Rlyeh的地下世界

第72章 Rlyeh的地下世界 (第1/2页)

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cthonic depths是一个由洞穴,隧道和地下空间组成的庞大系统,远远低于地表土地,位于伟大的古老克苏鲁的梦想领域。光不会到达这些深处,永远笼罩在原始的黑暗中,自凡人崛起之前就不受干扰。令人毛骨悚然的生物发光真菌和苔藓成簇生长在洞穴墙壁上,在这个阳光明媚的地下世界中提供了唯一闪烁的光芒。

三件事构成了cthonic depths的世界。首先是居住在无光阴影中的无数无名古代生物 - 可怕的无定形形状,只被视为模糊的轮廓,在感知的边缘搅动和滑动。其次是精华,一种神秘的黑色或物质,在地下矿脉中缓慢流动,充当深渊的生命线,在暴露的地方发出内在的光芒。最后,还有伟大的老人自己——在他们的地下墓穴中沉睡着,但散发着可怕的休眠力量,即使在睡眠中也能微妙地塑造他们周围的世界。


这是一个独立的世界,在生命与非生命、光明与终极黑暗、时间和永恒之间沿着剃刀的边缘保持平衡。一个地狱般的地下世界作为星体双胞胎存在于地表领域,微妙地随着沉睡舰队的节奏而变化,即将苏醒。这就是cthonic depths - 一个潜伏在下面阴影中的无尽恐怖和神秘的领域。以下是克苏鲁世界地下区域的虚构世界观:


在隐藏沉没的R'lyeh城市的海浪之下,是另一个领域 - 神秘的R'lyeh地下世界。在这里,在无休止地穿过地球岩石地基的洞穴和隧道中,居住着奇怪而古老的生物,他们崇拜的实体甚至比上面的沉睡者克苏鲁更陌生。









前往中央市场,他们获得了十个周期的旅行用品 - 成捆的面纱苔藓,真菌果实,水皮和纤维用于维修。K'nell还采购了分析工具 - 分光镜,指南针,藻类灯和羊皮纸。所有这些都固定在加固的行李箱中,以便运输。





K'nell 和 Yag'Lith 正在进行一段宝贵的探险之旅,以扩充我们对那个领域的了解。他们经历了许多奇妙的发现,比如发光生物和奇异的地貌变化。在一个巨大的洞穴中,他们发现了看似不可能形成的巨大结晶柱群,深入更未知地区。

这段故事很可能会继续探讨他们在接下来的旅途中可能面临什么样新的危险或发现什么样神秘的迹象。也许他们会与该区域的原住民接触,或发现更深层次的奥秘。无论如何,这个 setting 中神秘的氛围还在继续扩张,值得我们详加探索。

however, it seems that the man in her heart changed the spirit world to listen to Aliya's thoughts.

She was almost 90% female, but had blue scales on her skin, and her eyes were obsidian, but her hair was blue again, like the sea. the color is water. in the sun.

who are you?

Aria couldn't remember yet, but the woman in her heart said it with a heartfelt smile.

I'm from Inbo Gary and you're my soul, but it's a bit strange, it's like you've merged with another person's soul, but he hasn't woken up yet.

Arya's demon answered, but Arya couldn't understand it, it must be a copy of the book of Azathoth, why did it appear here?

Arya's demon understood her thoughts and said:

I said, I heard, this is the ocean of thought, your world and my world, I can't hide my mind from you, it's the same as you.

So stop thinking in secret and speak openly, I don't need it.

right? don't you also want to bee a buddha now?

Aria was surprised again, but her partner quickly answered. because it is a place of thinking, and when the brain is strong, it cannot think quickly, and the same goes for conversations. with all my heart. because we are not used to it.

Finally, he died at that time, but will he die when he returns to the human world from this world? Isn't it bad to exchange the lives of the living for the resurrection of the dead? I feel that we will meet again soon, but I will die someday.

but now that I'm not dead, I don't have such thoughts, and the urge to die is just like the urge to live, it's an instinct. live and die.

I don't know why your soul is suddenly weak, my soul will destroy you immediately, it's inside you, but I can't see it until I cry. the soul is weak, so divide it and awaken its power.

And Aria's voice got worse.

however, the best I could do was leave him almost dead like this. of course, life is better than death.

Even though majin Aria said that, his voice was like a dark cloud to Aria.

we will not dwell on these small problems. I know very little about the book of Azathoth or your non-reincarnated parts.

before demiya could speak to Aria, the ocean disappeared from her mind and Aria's mind returned to the real world, dismissing her thoughts at the same time.

At last Arya saw two silver pupils, like rust, like the eyes of God, looking at her across the rivers of time and life and death, and her soul was dark, Arya. he found himself unable to think of what had happened there.

this time, hadeg became a good old man again.

So why did you e here? Is this village beautiful?

when hardeg said that, Aria felt a cold shiver on her skin, as if she saw the entrance to purgatory, and it seemed as if a plane flew in front of her straight to purgatory, and the cold wind rose. he tried to hide his voice and speak, but nothing came out.

A strange magic came out of his hands. It was a magical book, Arya herself, the book of Azathoth.

what he could not reveal was the magical power of this grimoire.

of course this fake book is bad, Aria is there.

this magical book calls Arya her master, but the real teacher is this magical book.

Aria can't speak because of the magical power of the book.

hardegger looked at Arya's face and wanted to tell her but couldn't and started to cry, scared. there was anger in his heart, and he snapped his fingers again. then, the pain Arya hated hit. memory is like a wave that spreads from the roots to the head.

Aria couldn't cry anymore, her body continued to shake like someone who had been electrocuted, and her lower body went limp.

After Arya passes out from the pain, hardeg grabs her head and casts a spell on her to wake her up again.

Alya looked at the old man's face again and remembered the moment when he was beaten unconscious because of the pain he experienced, and in fear he stood up, but because his body was tied to a cross , he erected a cross. It looks great from the side.

what do you want

Aria can't say a sentence, if it continues it will be a short story.

this person

hardeg uses magic to form a doll, which is michel.

did you meet him?

Aria nodded and hardeg said.

did you catch it? who caught him?

hardegger knew this, but asked him.

No. he runs away, but it turns out that the people who captured him are members of the black cotton consortium, who sent people here.

Alya doesn't know what's going on outside and thinks that hardeg needs to know where michel is and wants to know who forced michel here.

Aria then shows resistance, explaining that there are some things she can't tell anyone, even if she's sick and impatient.

delivery notification

hello, this is not my first time, but this is my first time to write a review. maybe they never wrote it because they thought no one would read it even though they wrote it for the previous book.

I tell you, this time it looks like a game, the number of pages is the same, zero. Although there were ments, most of them went to the recital and no one read them.

right? this is clear evidence in this book, but why are you so angry here? well, let me be clear: if no one reads this, no one will write it, and even if someone does, no one wants to see me plain.

well, once it's released, the main plan is to update it twice a day, at about 3,000 words per chapter. however, it has been difficult to update twice a day lately because it also serves as an exam, so please be careful if it has stopped updating twice a day recently. Anyway, the exam is next monday.

Let's get to the main topic here, but let's talk a little. It doesn't matter what happens next.

Now that I think about it, this book is a big failure, and it's too late, but why would I hesitate to sign a contract, especially since it's only been 5 days since I wrote the book? honestly, I knew I couldn't send it by regular mail, and it took over a month to send it, and it was returned, so I was very worried after that. that didn't happen. I have a webmaster asking if I still need to sign a contract.

but fortunately, it is better to let go of the past slowly, and this book gave some advice without remendation, but Sanjian huqing did not find it. please help me more, the collection here is small, about subscriptions, there are 10 people subscribed 8 times for one book, it is more than 100,000 copies, the book is sold, don't worry. If you're reading, it should be at least 1 million words, no matter how bad your score is. don't be afraid to be reviewed after publication. So don't worry about me being a eunuch. poor performance or other reasons. but it's okay if you're not chill.

075 Lord of war (part 1)

when michelle wakes up and realizes what the God of war system has done to control her body, this idea is clear in her mind, but a lot of information is clear in the mind. At the same time, michelle's head became very hot. Although he is a mysterious hero, he is still human.

however, he had no idea what kind of power he would release, and his power was invincible, the same as a god, and his bat power proved that he was a quarter-player.

but now michelle's body is experiencing severe pain. this type of pain is excruciating, like throwing your body into a meat grinder. then bathing with high acidity can be a good habit. At least it's not hot.

She took a cold breath, and despite the intense pain that came out of her body, michelle never dared to relax, even though every cell in her body hurt michelle, she was there and I didn't want to stay. here he could not move, but still insisted on moving and, without slowing down, continued towards the city.

there are two enemies on this hill that have just spawned, each prompting michelle to play a little card battle style.

It was enough to make michelle want to cry, but now she was defeated by two enemies. but only God knows when these powerful enemies will appear and follow him, right? michelle doesn't want to think about the meaning of magic, and just wants to live happily without worrying about magic.

then we can leave, and maybe the city will be a safe place.

At least it looked like civilization pared to this kind of desert life.

In addition, michelle felt that she needed pain medication.

when michelle walks, she emits a powerful energy in addition to attacking and transforming basic items. he's more than just a vampire, he talks about being reincarnated even though he doesn't die, turns into a stick figure, burns his whole body to ashes, and of course everything. he can breathe even as a spirit.

however, it was not what she expected, and michelle not only felt the ability to change like a vampire, but also felt that she was licked by tongues of fire, and her whole body felt abandoned. . It was like an oven, my muscles, bones, and internal organs being roasted by fire.

honestly, I don't know why I don't feel as good as before, and the pain in my body seems to be getting worse. Fossil necrosis of the skin of thunder.

this scared michelle and she stopped using the strips. of course, the signs of cell necrosis did not spread, but the strips stopped when they closed.

what's up

michelle thought well but, unbelievably, focused on the necrotic parts of the body and destroyed the power of the bush. pain, shortness of breath, pain.

I don't understand, how can cooking hurt me?

haha, it's really a hallucination.

what kind of damage does Ripple Immortal dao's power cause to the human body? michelle's body is human, so how can Ripple's power harm her body?

After thinking about it, michelle suddenly screamed in the air like a psychopath.

Ares System! what are you doing to my body, why is it like this, it doesn't make sense, how can my secret weapon betray my body?

At this time, michelle, who was in a bad mood, moved quickly, and a strange scene appeared behind her, not in the field of eyes, but in the field of mind. For the five senses of the heart.

Some call it spirit, while others call it holy spirit or shikigami.

In the world of western mysticism, it is called alternative.

No one can see the virtual scene behind michelle. only the person who created the virtual scene or people they trust can see it. Interference with material things.

however, he has the ability to strike directly to the heart, and if you accept it, your soul can be crushed.

michelle controls the virtual environment and shakes vigorously. there is no doubt in michel's mind that this explosion must be inflicted by the God of war, because the virtual version cannot harm itself, it is a reflection of his thoughts, and therefore they are the same. is correct.

In his mind, the damage was not that great, but at least it was clear. because Ripple was a spiritual paradise for him, and now the God of war took away his paradise.

but this system of war means nothing to God.

It doesn't make sense for homeowners to do this. Additionally, this policy does not apply to personal electronics.

As for the bat system, michelle doesn't respond, but Avatar's attacks are fast. the Spirit is, and immediately it begins, as the Spirit of nature moves the winds of truth.

however, due to the generation of qi, the cell necrosis in michelle's body also increased rapidly.

of course, a virtual appearance shouldn't hurt him, but michelle's appearance would hurt it again.

but michelle did not stop attacking, this time trying to attack her own life, activating her spirit and creating magical powers outside of herself. the thought bees reality and actually manifests in the physical world, taking the form of a great golden man.

michelle understands the power of virtual systems, their ability to perform precise tasks. his state-of-the-art secret weapon can perform precise tasks. that means in this virtual time michelle can use it to perform countless hidden martial arts techniques. It doesn't even have a chance to be used or pletely cover the opponent with just one glance.

but will such power be useful in the Ares system? michelle thought hard about the answer to this question, but it seemed useless. but michelle did not think about it, she did not believe that she had reached this level and did not believe that the God of the cruel war system did not appear in front of her.

one kick, two kicks, each kick hurt michelle's body and soul. I don't know how many turns I can bend my arm, but I know I can't unless God's battle plan shows up. Everything changed, even death did nothing.

on the fifth shot, michelle finally saw what she wanted to see.

who appeared in front of michelle, a woman who looked like a man ...? No, you look old again. of course, she is only a person, but michelle loves men, women, old people, etc. turns out they all have normal faces, but michelle can't figure out their most basic genders.

the only thing that is known is the appearance made by the human eye, which is what we can see well, and the appearance that people cannot make, and that is not the appearance of man, but the appearance of God. however, it depends on God. , when michelle saw the eternal glory, suddenly a lot of information appeared in her mind that seemed to destroy her personality.

this system is visible to the owner. please stop this nonsense. otherwise, the system will punish you according to the rules.

did he finally show up? mars

michelle is depressed and her mind seems unstable until she goes crazy, but this time, michelle showed a smile that was different from her heart and she would never show it to the public. A small smile. there was a crazy glint in his eyes, as if he had been banished by the god of war.

For him, everyday life is the essence of life, the meaning of life.

because of this, michel did the great evil of destroying the God of war.

but at least the sense of mystery that es from playing football gives him the fort of being in a natural environment, which is so intoxicating that at the same time he sees the meaning of life.

075 Lord of war (part 2)

the constant tension was driving him crazy. In michelle's mind, the real world has bee so fragile that when she steps into it, everything will fall into the infinite abyss because of the broken world, and the whole world has bee extremely dangerous. and everyone believes that life has bee very dangerous. danger...every second is a kind of punishment for him.

At this point, he stopped practicing secretly because using Ripple again made his body feel like a battlefield.

when the hollow force caused by breathing hits the German's body, he feels pain even while breathing.

he felt that since then, the pleasures of everyday life disappeared and what michelle did became easier.

he seeks to use his secret weapon to destroy himself, and together with him must destroy the god of war who once stole him from everyday life.

when michelle waved the god of war who was about to fall down but still appeared, suddenly a loud sound was heard and a strong wind hit the god of war as if something had happened. the final blow was like a punishment from God, and michelle put all her strength into it.

the strong wind that was blown by the hand was like the wind from the flame, and it ran with a force like a disaster, destroying the road they were on, cracking the ground, and scattering countless stones. the trees were destroyed and abandoned.

the wind created by michel's hand immediately passed through the general's figure like a spear, and his hand immediately followed, and as if there was no obstacle, the small hand flew straight out like a piece of metal. , like a powerful bullet that went through the human body.

but when he entered the other side, michel felt a strong cold. this sensation, his hands were as white as jade, and the body temperature was A', as if frozen in the refrigerator. It's not temperature, it's energy.

After a while, michelle's spirit seemed to be in a a, her whole body fell into darkness, and even in pain she could not wake up, because she was already suffering from severe pain, severe pain.

his steps were unsteady, but he actually hit the ground twice, and the reaction force came from the soles of his feet, and michel jumped five meters, staring at God's battle plan with half an eye. open eyes.

hey, what's going on in the world? If not you, then who are you?

michel seemed to know immediately who the God of war was, and that his opponent was the incarnation of the old one, but then he remembered the wisdom of the old one. All that has been forgotten in michelle's head, and no matter how much she thinks about it, she cannot remember the true identity of another person.

however, michelle determined that there were either humans or god beasts at the party. And he is a creature of an evil known god.

the God of war looked at michel with his mechanical eyes, then held and intertwined their fingers. Suddenly, michelle heard a sound like thunder in her ears, and her mind suddenly went blank. extent

the demon warrior's body flashed before michelle's eyes, and she slowly waved her hand.

however, all of michelle's kicks seemed to go through the shadows, and every time the God of war, a large amount of her physical strength was taken away. Even though I had the strength to say it, I was stunned and fell asleep about 30 minutes later. they are unconscious. Nothing would wake him up unless he went on time. the God of martial Arts knows this because he knows magic.

Even if the knowledge of ancient mantras is as much as they want to know, they will not know it. that is, their knowledge will always grow and reach infinity, except for the incarnate evil god. It is not of physical origin, nor is the number of spells known to humans limited. he also understands magic.

So do you sleep well, forget everything when you wake up, have a good day, and then try to impress someone? the origin is false, but the purpose is not. In this eternal destruction, perhaps this is the only happiness that can be brought.

Even saying that, the general's eyes and face looked like a dead one, and his voice did not change at all, like a mechanical voice. those are the words of a man, not his kind.

After saying that, he disappeared. It's like disappearing into the fog, but you can't really see the color of the fog, and if you concentrate, it's dangerous, you'll go crazy and you won't understand. the rest of the party left.

but if it goes away, you won't see it go away if you look at the ground. For there was no shadow on the earth from the time it was created until it ceased, and there was no shadow without a shadow. It still left a mark on the ground.

Like a ghost returning from the world without a trace.

After about 30 minutes, michelle stood up, heavy as a gun. despite michelle Suar, I gently hit my forehead with my hand and used the power of the pain to wake me up. , but there is no part of his body that can't feel pain, so he can only feel pain, so he can't feel it or have a stroke, that's what's left.

what happened?

when michelle wakes up, she finds herself lying there, with no scars, the necrotic remains of what she experienced during her humiliation.

A spiritual light illuminated michelle, awakening her soul into the form of dharma, and the pain immediately arose from her body, but michelle also realized that the virtual form was something else. You will also see a virtual shadow at the bottom. From a fleshy shadow to a solid body, it was not easily done and it quickly became powerful. .

After the second time, he lost his mind on michelle.

the smell is very nice but it is very hot when I use it.

Like a child with a heavy hammer, michelle believes it can be done even if it doesn't work very well, with the weight of the hammer itself being the biggest challenge.

Although every Secret warrior knew that this was a misunderstanding, there was no way that michelle did not know about it, but at this point, she decided not to accept it even though she was still a novice. And he had no doubts. .

when the God of war reawakens michelle, we see that the God of war changes michelle's mind.

Forget it, don't worry, it's okay to think about it after you run, whether it's exercise or whatever, so let's start running. then we went but we didn't arrive yet.

I prayed that my wizard wouldn't e and stop me, otherwise I wouldn't be able to kill him.

but the truth is, I don't want to listen to what the war master has to say. because it is God's fault that you did this, and if you follow God's plan, you will be assured. this is bad.

So instead of breaking his heart and allowing him to bee buddha, he beat him to death and threw him into the river. If the god of war had not sent a messenger, michel might have sent Aria to bee buddha immediately. After following God's own war plan, michelle was really bored.

because of this, michel is now very passionate and wants others not to cause him trouble, but when the God of war defeated him, he never killed him. he refused to obey God's orders in war and killed people when his will was right. Although killing people is not a big deal, michelle doesn't like the way others control her, especially michelle's instincts. Lee felt threatened by the God of war system. In other words, God of war has no good intentions.

however, the fact that you are responsible does not mean that you are innocent. the bat system is that killing is killing, even if God gives you the power to do it. michelle has no idea about the murder and will not do it again, the situation is unbearable.

considering that, there should not be a plete mental burden.

076 werewolf Village

michelle sat there for half a second and then walked away. he was running, but after a few seconds he stopped and turned his head from side to side as if staring. is there anyone else?

After making sure I was the only one here, I looked at the grass nearby and found that it was one of the places where hakuryuu's battle was close but didn't receive any damage, so the grass was also tall. It's hard to escape alone, but it doesn't seem to be difficult for michelle.

due to his small size, michel has the body and appearance of an elementary school student, and although michel himself does not like to admit it, he is not a boy in appearance. Like a child, he cannot hide from anyone.

however, in the face of difficult information, michelle has no choice but to accept the truth that she does not want to believe. In addition, the mysterious hero michel has almost plete control over his breathing. It couldn't be done yesterday, but michelle, who thought she won against miu, felt she could do it.

because of this, michelle's breathing is light, and even if someone approaches her and puts their ear in front of her nose, they may not hear her breathing.

Ripple is a secret weapon that strengthens its power through breathing, and as long as it does no damage, it can be used freely. therefore, the body feels intense heat every time it es into contact with copper, but the techniques related to secret martial arts, such as the ripple control system, are also not far away.

As for the mysteries, it is the extraction of life force, the secret weapon, which controls the transformation of life force into the power of the old seal through thought and breathing techniques. If you can control your energy in one direction and have nothing to do with change, michelle's body doesn't seem to hurt. he had bad thoughts, but he kept all doubts to himself. because thinking is the enemy of peace, and if you want to hide your power, it's better to act like a corpse. the need for thinking skills.

therefore, in order to strengthen the body's strength and achieve strategies such as the destruction of the body's strength and loss of certificates, you must know the essence of this method. this magic is not real magic, but refers to the magic used by actors.

meanwhile, michelle is looking at things under the grass.

Suddenly, many footsteps were heard and the sound spread, but the crowd seemed to be large, but they had no military training and were walking slowly.

however, these steps are difficult, if not useless, because they are difficult. It's as heavy as an armored car, so it's hard to tell what information it has, but it sure doesn't weigh like a person, and even if it's fat, it can't be that way. . there is no such burden. Especially during pregnancy. the other size is the same as a normal person.

In michelle's eyes, she saw many villagers walking towards her.

the eyes of the villagers were bright red and shining like wild animals, and their behavior was strange. Although they were standing upright, I felt that they were some kind of wild animal.

All the villagers have torches in their hands, this time the sky has e, the sky without light will reduce human vision, and without fire light the visibility will not reach 3 meters.

but with a flashlight, you can see more.

he is really a leader of the townspeople.

Not far from the battlefield, that is, it should be near here, so do not forget to find this girl and send her to the church.

Even though I said it, none of the villagers under the village chief answered.

because the villagers' eyes are red for no reason, just like the green-haired people under the sky, but the color is slightly different.

the village chief took the clothes that resembled the children's drawings, put them back, and said:

So action!

when the village chief finished speaking, a sound like thunder echoed from the dead body of the villager behind him, and then his body grew, white and silver hair appeared on his skin, and the man's face was covered of silver hair. . , it collapsed, and soon it became like a branch.

his arms were thick and strong, his hands turned into claws, and long black nails sprouted from his fingers like thorns.

their strong bodies and changes in body shape made it impossible for them to wear village clothes, and their muscles were torn, turned into weeds and scattered in the wind.

their long ears move slowly in the air, like smoke in the wind.


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