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第67章 连接中的战斗 (第1/2页)

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在Eldritch Vale的编年史中,伊芙琳·布莱克伍德博士和塞缪尔·哈罗威教授发现邪教阴谋的故事以细致的细节展开。在1924年月亮的衰落期间,主角们发现了一个险恶的计划,威胁到人类世界和埃尔德里奇谷之间的微妙平衡。






在Eldritch Vale的编年史中,伊夫林·布莱克伍德博士和塞缪尔·哈罗威教授对玛拉基·达贡及其追随者进行的宇宙关系中的高潮战斗的记录细致入微。在1924年的月亮期间,主角们发现自己为埃尔德里奇谷的命运进行了一场灾难性的斗争。





在埃尔德里奇·维尔(Eldritch Vale)的编年史中,这一章标志着与黑暗侵袭的斗争的转折点。宇宙关系内部的战斗证明了人类不屈不挠的精神,因为布莱克伍德博士和哈罗威教授以坚定不移的决心与玛拉基达贡的阴险影响作斗争。

我们编年史的第6章就这样结束了,让后代思考宇宙关系中高潮之战的意义。情感的紧张、力量的冲突和主人公的果断行动证明了人类的持久精神,即使面对难以想象的恐怖。第7章 脆弱的平衡





在Eldritch Vale的史册中,这一章标志着与入侵的黑暗作斗争的关键时刻。布莱克伍德博士和哈罗威教授已经证明了自己是脆弱平衡的守护者,他们的行动证明了人类在面对宇宙恐怖时不屈不挠的精神。

magician really just wants money and uses it to steal from mythical creatures, can't Kang Na give away all his clothes? ?

As for Arya, the man agreed to help pay for her meals, and when it came to teaching people magic, she wanted to teach and learn from two different people, even if she wasn't very good at it. love it. In addition, he had been to some magic works and wanted someone to try them. of course, why not try it yourself? Until what age do you plan to do this? Aria wants to add a few more years.

No problem.

when we got here, the manager hadn't arrived yet, this is a city where wizards and heroes live, and being blind is a natural part of being a living person. If Aaliyah invites pochi out for dinner, the host will likely be happy to waive the bill, especially if it's a home-cooked meal.

this is for you.

Aria published a book called ``A cultivation Guide to the magical path to Immortality'' that even a fool can understand.

why can't it be trusted?

Kanna gritted her teeth and suppressed the urge to curse, but no matter how she looked at it, it seemed like a lie.

don't give a crap, this happened to me 3 days ago, it was a spell by a great magician.

has it been 3 days?

Kanna understood and her nerves began to waver.

don't worry, no problem.

Still not convinced?

Kanna started thinking to herself, this girl looks the same and has the same belly, can't she be trusted? Learning magic from him was a life-threatening adventure.

If you hate magic, practice martial arts in secret.

Aria published a book called \Song of patience\ where she had to change from a human to a deep diver and even dagon's secret weapon. this is a secret weapon that Aria created after observing the demon Arato, and it seems that she created it on purpose in the final manuscript of the book of Azathoth.

From a rational perspective, giving up on something you did in a hurry is definitely not good and dishonorable. but Aria didn't care. As mentioned before, he felt that teaching magic was really a sin. So, in Arya's case, teaching this pure profession is pletely different from teaching a certain type of magic. As bad as that is, why don't you choose something that will help him? After all, it's better to threaten someone else, because this is the one who asked Aria to mit the crime.

with this in mind, Aria decided to transfer these magical forms to another, allowing her to collect test data from the latter. Even if it fails, Aria keeps her promise. Even if the theory isn't true, it's still powerful magic.

According to the Immortality magic System, it is actually a work of art based on the life-changing art of the East and the black magic of magicians. the main purpose is to gain the magical power of the tao (evil god) through magic spells. It was developed with techniques derived from secret martial arts and sorcery.

All that exists now is the mark of dagon and the mark of cthulhu, and if they succeed, from the Eastern perspective, people will bee one with heaven, one with man, and bee holy, immortal, immortal. the cost of capturing the god was over 100, and he was successfully captured by the evil god. .

In short, it is a technology created by researching real demons, and researching artificial demons.

Although he is not pletely honest, Khan Na is more observant of Aaliyah's sacred words and feels that maybe he should have more confidence in himself.

he didn't know what to think when he knew that this statement showed that he really wanted to deceive her. however, Ai Lia also referred to other books and wrote many Siddharas and methods of immortality that no one knows, such as ``cultivation of divine Skills'' and ``Scientific Skills.'' ' \A Guide to developing Your Skills in a way Even Idiots can't Understand\ this book is pletely bogus.

After all, we are from America, and when it es to unexplainable names, of course, we do not use all the magical oriental colors of fantasy stories. So, if you want to deceive the people of the west, you can use the East, and if you want to deceive the people of the East, you can use the west, but it doesn't matter if you don't understand, and who can? . Are you learning to say things directly? did you find the right way to write it? Aria was sure the regulars didn't know pinyin. maybe he doesn't know either.

Note 1: the main character of ``Lovecraft Unfinished'' was once a very shy boy, but even though he was dressed as a boy, hardly anyone thought he was a boy, he was just naked. . . She looks like a boy and is shy and physically weak, so people mistake her for a weak woman.

050 beautiful bookstore

As Kanna makes a decision, she realizes that the woman who was supposed to be in front of her has pletely disappeared.

All that was left was a meal and a pile of books on the table. God knows where to put it, but the girl has nothing to hide.

of course, these are just books and have no magical powers.

Kanna found a book covered in black, but she couldn't feel any strong magic power inside. but while his attention was drawn to her, Kanna felt helpless for a moment when she saw the title of the book.

that's because the title of this book is \A Guide to developing an Immortal magic System that Even a Fool can't Understand.\

because of this stupid title, Khanna lost the original surprise, and if it hadn't been unexpected, Khanna would have thrown this stupid book in the trash.

Kanna tried to open the book, but the book never moved, giving her a strange feeling, even though her fingers were white from the effort.

Kanna looks like a book, but when fully assembled or turned into a book sculpture, it looks like rubber.

but the letters that e out of my fingers are indistinguishable from the real book, and so are the letters between the pages.

basically it means it's a real book, a scary book made of real paper and the skin of an unknown animal.

when Kanna tries to open a boring book, a yellow page es out of the book.

Kanna heard something strange and put the book down, this strange book was crazy, and tore the yellow pages with her green and white fingers to see what was inside.

he knew it was a bill and saw the amount Khanna was trying to extort from him.

It seems unlikely, but if there was anything faster and more legitimate than robbing a bank, he would sell books.

Kanna felt that it was not too expensive to buy medicine. Isn't it strange that someone would claim to be trying to make money using a drug analogy? Even the brave mr. connor seemed scared to death when he saw this curse.

meanwhile, Alia leaves the hotel without paying.

because they chew, they are hungry and want to eat more.

Such thoughts ran through her mind like a devil, and Aria felt uneasy.

why eat when it is difficult to eat and the feeling of hunger is painful?

Aria walked quietly down the street.

Fortunately, she didn't spend a single dollar on the suicidal delicacy and the adorable Franklin was still in her bag. At least he has money to buy nice things now.

however, perhaps because her mind was affected by hunger, Aria felt that she had been walking for a long time, but she did not e across a restaurant.

A white mist continued to gather around him, and the smell of cider would encourage people to get drunk. Aria stood in front of an unfamiliar store.

As Aria looked around, the shop was shrouded in fog and she couldn't see anything she was hiding. where exactly is the road?

when you think about it, it's unimaginable.

but Aaliyah had no reason to talk now, the thunder was thundering in her heart.

with the noise es a desire to eat dirt.

Aria tried to suppress her embarrassment, but the smell of beer in the white fog clouded her thoughts.

Logically there is no restaurant here, so his body is not pletely confused. perhaps because she didn't like the new food, Aaliyah was finally punished by the sweet god.

the eyes of a wise man were full of drunkenness, and even though he was not drinking, a small smile appeared on baiji's face as he drank alcohol and opened the door.


A girl with long green hair and a beautiful face like Aaliyah.

In fact, it would be bad if he didn't have the maturity level to pete with a 10,000-year-old girl.

she is a beautiful woman

her long emerald green hair that reached her waist was tied in a ponytail with a hair tie. his skin is smooth and marble-white.

She wore a black suit that did not pletely hide her body and showed off her beautiful figure.

his right eye and left eye were as red as jewels.

his dark eyes, with vague hints of desire, stared at this stranger, Alya, who was already a bit drunk and not happy with her hot state.

Aria put her hand on her chest. I looked at the woman's chest, although the pressure wasn't too bad. It made his heart beat faster and gave him an eerie feeling of joy. he ate the food in a hurry, he was so busy that he forgot his hunger to feed his body.

Someone raised him with enough prejudice, which may be the best way to ensure a normal sex life.

I run a shop here in Naiya, but there are hardly any customers, especially at this time of the year, and I am still a woman.

Sorry I was born too young.

Alya expressed her dissatisfaction with Nia's store manager's words, then looked at one of her breasts with envy, and a second later she thought of something.

what did you say, your name is Naiya?

Aria couldn't go back, because this name made a strong impression on her and she couldn't forget it.

It was called Na Ya because the man who brought him to this unknown world brought with him a magical book called the book of Azathoth, which even his skill could not know or learn.

Although she is a black person, her name leaves a bad impression on people, unlike a woman who looks like a white woman.

In addition, powerful sorcerers transfer the soul to a new body.

however, Aria considers her body a haunted house, so she doesn't leave it unless she has to.

In Arya's case, her main method is seances, which are also difficult tasks when it es to dismembering corpses, capturing someone's dead body, and making a corpse dead. .

Even after reincarnation, there is a reason why a spirit enters the body and changes the state of the body, and even if the race changes at the same time, for example, if an evil spirit reincarnates in a man, it is his. Appearance and skin color can also be demonic. Leaving no trace of the original.

but this, the human body is not just a physical form (apart from age), and even though Aria is a perfect human physically, the actions of her mind affect her and she bees a normal person. having lived for many years as an abductee, he appears mature for his age, but his body is only human and he has made many changes to himself, which Aaliyah It is a disaster.

No, it's Naiya, not Naiya.

Naiya repeated her words, then looked at Aaliyah with those purple eyes as if she didn't suspect a stranger, and continued:

Everyone's life, no matter where they go or what decisions, is determined by fate, and even if it happens again, it will end before it begins, so nothing will change.

Sorry, I'm not into philosophy or anything, but I'm so hungry and I want to eat, I feel like I'm starving.

Aria called philosophy something she didn't understand, something she didn't want to understand, and didn't want to understand, because her stomach started to fight like a fallen angel pointing at a magic sword to God. . Like the thunder of Zeus, like the sound of a bomb exploding in her forehead, Arya realized she was hungry now.

his face was red, not because he was drunk, but because he was shy to speak in public.

yes? So, do you want to eat?

Naiya said on the floor and went to the table next to her, there was a plate of hot turkey, toast, pasta and caesar salad on the table, it was delicious, Aaliyah didn't want to hear anyone's opinion. that's what he thought. while he was walking. he accepted the food without thinking and moved the food in front of him in his stomach like a pot.

by the way, what happened to the magic book I bought earlier?

Naiya suddenly asked while Aaliya was eating, Aaliya tried to answer but forgot while eating and the food got stuck in her throat.

Yes, which books are magic?

Aria thought about it for a moment, but apparently she had never bought a magic book here. It was actually my first time visiting this store, and it was almost impossible to buy a magic book. however, Naiya's response angered Aaliyah a bit.

\Fragments of Seraino\

Nia read the title and Aaliyah just read the transcript of the miskatonic University summary book.

but that's not where Aria was surprised by that name. First time I heard bayley Kuryu.

Is this my magic book? how can this be done? how do I get the original volume as a grimoire? No, we are not talking about the same book. Yes, if Aria had focused on the magic books, she wouldn't have had to live like this, and she wouldn't have bee the third wizard. however, Alia cautiously asks about Naiya.

Is this really canon? You mean the original text of one of the six forbidden books?

Looks like you still remember. Aria.

when did I tell him my name? Aria thought in shock. have you passed the exam? but he had no idea.

Note: the most famous of Lovecraft's six unfinished books is therano Fragment, an original book of magic that controls language and all forms of munication. he was awarded the order of the black Goat. he destroyed the original rule of God under which a thousand generations of Shubh Nicholas ruled. of course this is an Unfinished Girls secret, but here we will use the Unfinished Girls set.

Note: the woman in green here is one of the demon slayers, one of Nyarlathotep's creations from this time. And each of them is a final product that can invoke God, two varieties from the apocryphal library.

051 Naiya manager

do you remember that wasn't true, Aria used her head to think of memories, but there were no memories.

however, the manager of the bookstore, xiao Kliu, discovered a history that they did not know.

but the two sleep together?

Aria had no pride, so the manager said nothing.

xiao heiyu is a magician who can only summon the car god.

the current Aria did not have a spellbook suitable for demon Lord promotion, and even the ruling class could not find such a spellbook, so there was no chance.

Aria didn't say a word, but her whole face looked like she didn't know anything. Even people who do not understand psychology can easily understand that from his words. After that, his words were easy to understand.

yes? do you remember but there is nothing else

what do you know in the world?

Aria asked hearing Naiya's words.

I don't know about this, but maybe the white fog came to my head, and my whole body smelled of drunkenness, but I didn't have any bad thoughts. Like children, when faced with a problem they don't understand, they ask questions. because this time, Aria's mind became simple and clear.

If Aria hadn't been drunk, she would never have asked such a question. his choice was to leave immediately and make the decision directly.

Arya values loyalty more than love, so many reasons to join fairy tales often cause madness.

however, things like alcoholism are really demons, and at this point Aria is old physically and mentally and can be said to be in a transition period, so I hope that Aria will not help her. I didn't. because he was worse and never loved, even though he had no intention of developing love himself.

want to hear more?

Naiya looked at Aaliyah curiously and saw one of her faces blushing from her ears and realized what was going on and continued teasing her.

but if you were, you'd be happier not knowing, because you are, and if I told you all this, I'd be sorry.

regret? Is it still there?

So, are you drunk and crazy?

Nia sighed and she knew the man's voice was dripping with the smell of alcohol, but he was so serious that his words didn't even register in her head. , no longer interesting, but still playable.

If you remember, there might be something here that you need, but it's not available. Let this meal be your thanks for what you have done in the past.


Aria answered with a question mark on her face, but the anger in her eyes slowly disappeared, as if she had woken up. but even that had its limits, and Aria's eyes were confused. Nighty Eyes smelled of alcohol during the day, but he was a bit nauseous, a sign that he would take a long time to recover, but at least he would.

Nia saw and said:

Yes, this is a drama that will drown and destroy every sound that the people of this town make. Even if you want to talk, you have no words, and even if you record what someone is saying, you sigh. there is no way to write words. because even if you want to understand the circulation of information, munication, or dissemination of information, there is no way to destroy a civilized city here, even in ancient times. this drama is similar to the good works done by God in the bible. You can change not only words, but also writing, sign language, and all methods of munication. the power of magic books is interesting. .

It's like inserting a joke into a fairy tale that reminds you of a forbidden book kept in a secret library on the moon.

Nia's voice was suddenly excited, but after a while it calmed down again.

It's definitely a good drama, but there are some interesting ones out there.

Very interesting, what is interesting about it? before entering the door, Aaliyah felt a little dizzy because of the white fog smell of alcohol, but she didn't know what to do, but it was actually normal.

Furthermore, Aria's heart itself is unknown.

Aria didn't understand why it was called a drama. I thought there was no plot, no special effects, no special effects, nothing. what strange idea did he have that made him think this was a drama? got it?

Alya doesn't understand it and doesn't want to understand it. because I feel like if I really understood this kind of behavior, I would be in trouble. Arya had no intention of doing this. do

what is this universe? I'm sure Aria never knew this. but like I said earlier, satisfying someone is like throwing yourself into a hole - or maybe worse, hating them with all your heart.

when the smell of alcohol disappears from the brain, this desire refuses to fulfill the desire to return, this is the old master of the body, a movement beyond human desire - this is fear.

As a magician, it is very important to control your desires. otherwise, excessive desire leads to death.

Sorry, I don't want to know.

Arya spoke sadly after leaving the last bite in her stomach. he put the food aside, picked up the bottle, poured some wine, and drank.

Even if they don't like drinking at first, if the smell of alcohol lingers, alcoholics will always follow the path of alcohol like idiots and keep putting wine in their mouths.

I used to hate alcohol.

In fact, for those who have neither the desire nor the courage to fulfill their desires, no matter what they know, no matter how much they hate it, they probably don't want to know. A fairy tale, well, you meet it, because it was planned from the beginning.

what do you mean?

despite her condition, Alya's eyes changed quickly, as if she was not satisfied with Naiya's voice.

hearing Aliya's appearance, Naiya got angry and laughed, but people like her can survive even if taken to space, despite the presence of Aliya and others. Air is not really a dimension of life, there are many magics that can replace ordinary air, Aria will not disappear, and she will not disappear.

No, it doesn't matter. I will not destroy such things in front of others. that's not my style. Isn't this the most interesting of unknown plots? No matter how interesting, no matter how interesting the twists and turns of the writing or the beauty of the special effects, it's not something I value, like chaos It's all I see, when the unknown is there or not. No matter how funny or funny an article is, we treat it with good intentions.


Aria began to ask, pouring almost half of the bottle from her mouth into her stomach. I smell alcohol on my breath, fruit and sweetness at first. Although they are lunar carnivores, they also taste like fruit beer. the reason why people are called carnivores, of course, even if they are not carnivores, why does the human body smell red? heart?

Just as a fly-eating flower emits a scent that attracts flies, so the hunger of a monster that seeks to devour good people is a child's cry for help. If there is an interesting or delicious smell, like a person who eats people, it means that they are a monster that wants to eat people.

there may be exceptions depending on the case.

Yes, we are. but what you need to know is that here es some thought-provoking writing from an unknown person. It doesn't matter if it's interesting or not, it's more interesting to be anonymous. maybe you and others like you just don't understand.

I didn't ask you to understand, I didn't ask for it, just for us, that's it.

Naiya kept talking and Aaliyah didn't answer, but after Naiya finished speaking, Aaliyah had many questions in her mind.

but Naiya didn't give Alya a chance to speak or ask, she held out a finger, thin and white, it seemed to be something supernatural, a realm that only nature could reach. Like God.

of course, it's not the leg that the man can't find. At that moment, he suddenly smelled alcohol, and Alya looked at him in surprise as if he was looking at a fog. So much so that he immediately broke out in a cold sweat.

there is nothing here that you need, nothing that you want, nothing that your heart desires until you find him. today is that day.

this day? what a time.

I don't know, I don't know, but I'm sure this day will e, and regardless of the oute, the world will be very different after this day, and here you are too. change only happens at the right time.

hearing this, Aaliyah was more afraid of the fear of the other side, and as she was restrained and shouted at, she began to understand the woman's situation.

his fingers that were soft at first, stiffened in fear, and he retreated when he saw Alya frozen, but he lost his footing and he fell to the ground, landing on the button, but the expression on his face while he was looking at Nia. nothing can be done. do not approach them even if you are walking.

It's really funny, it was more interesting then, I don't want to play it now.

when Naiya said this, Arya turned and chased after her like a man-eating beast. fog.

Naiya ran and Aaliyah didn't turn around, she was still standing motionless, the only thing that changed was that her eyes were empty, maybe she saw something, I think there was something in her eyes, of course she didn't. public perception.

Note: cosmic Library literally means the library hidden in danteria's library jar. . the unfinished world of female healing. there is a book called ``the magic book of cthulhu Four,'' and this seems to be related to that book.

Sure, this place is based on the story of the cthulhu mythos, and the main plot involves demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba and the Unfinished woman, but the real world is now the world of demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. there may be other settings in the modified version of cthulhu, but we will make decisions based on the situation at the time. In addition, copies of the book of Azatot also require the original.

052 Show what happened

the store manager, Nia, isn't malicious, but she doesn't look like a monster.

however, as Aria slowly woke up, she began to realize that the handsome clerk in front of her was definitely not her husband.

All he heard was the chaos in his mind.

this mess under the human skin is not very fun, and Arya might think about strange things from the evil gods, but she doesn't have to. miracles do not e to people, so why do they only happen when the body of an evil god appears? what is this game? Aria is different.

but when Arya heard about this dire situation, she half ran and half fell.

behind the door is a white mist that smells of alcohol, like a cannibals hunting ground.

Amman Arya stopped thinking and, without pausing, took a deep breath, as if enjoying the delicious breath.

but strangely, as he walked, he looked at the wall, but he did not see any change in the body of the wall, as if he was standing there, and his mind immediately came out, as if he was the only one there. feeling cold. . Stuck in the fridge.

he turned, but on the other side he could not see the lighted bookstore or the store behind it.

this was not a place where people could think clearly, so Aria ran forward, stood up and didn't look back.

I don't know how long she ran, but Aaliyah's body was sweating, maybe she was scared, maybe the muscle movement from running, maybe both, but no. many years have passed, and it is impossible for a fool to concentrate on unnecessary things at this point.

Suddenly, a cold wind blew, cold wind like a knife, Aria's skin eyelashes suddenly collapsed, and a hot and cold wind blew, Aria thought she wanted. he opened his eyes and looked, but his bag was open, the wind blew in his face, and he could not see in front of him.

he took the bag from his face, closed his eyes, and turned around. I saw a familiar path and craned my neck like a devil. And I saw the fear in his eyes. what did I see? chinese restaurant.

In other words, he had not gone far from the dining room before he entered this strange place, Alya was very scared, his heart was shaking, and Alya was holding a briefcase in one hand. , when he walks it is definitely his home.

on the way to her house while explaining what an investigation agency meant, Aria closed the door with her small hand and played the harp loudly, shocking everyone that something like this could happen. Suddenly, a door appeared that served a person for many years.

Aria carefully dropped her briefcase on the table and sat straight in her chair. It's also a nice place to sleep, and you can see the (old) security seal that Aria used there. seal) closed. the front door is a beautiful place that can be considered a magical meeting place, but now I am afraid that it will bee a place where strange things gather.

If it was released to the public, it would be called a haunted house by ordinary people, but the ghost here was definitely not what ordinary people expected, but an annoying ghost that recovered from the dead. I love cosplay in the air. I believe that when dead animals are angry, they can return to justice, and even magicians can do that.

Such people are no different from those who think that if they spread themselves, they will go to heaven and meet the 72 beautiful virgins sent by God.

Aria didn't even look at the door, trying to make sure it wasn't there. Escape is impossible due to the magic effect of the security seal (old seal).

he is a mage and knows what animals are, but he can use the water of Resurrection to make the undead bigger than the walking dead. Unlike a resurrected body, it lasts for a while, but then the body decays. Although he lacks reason and thought, he is perfect and flawless, and even if he falls on a 50,000 pound rock, he will remain pletely unharmed.

Although it has no cause, it transcends the human body, returns from the void, rises from nothing, returns from the dead past, and is eternal beyond the boundaries of life and death. there are also some flying stars and starlings. these are worshiped as the ancient rulers of the water palace in Luray.

but now there are no discoveries, and there seems to be no life there, unless Arya sees something strange.

After taking a shower, Aria blew hot air on her hands to warm them up and looked at her briefcase in concentration.

I don't know what it was, but it was empty, and like a bag, the cold air came out pletely.

but Aria felt that special bag feeling she always got from other people's bags, like hers, and she knew it was worth it.

Aria took a knife, cut open the bag, and carefully removed the contents. the first is like a card, like one thrown on a trip, thin and generous. , then there are free coupons for one person, similar to free coupons for tour groups.

It doesn't seem like a valuable thing. maybe I'm wrong? Aria turned slightly and thought for a moment, and the ``book of Azathoth'' appeared again.

please return to the location where the ticket was submitted within 3 days to resolve the internal issue.


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