
关灯 护眼
六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第65章 埃尔德里奇谷

第65章 埃尔德里奇谷 (第2/2页)

Aria shook off her anger and decided to turn the letter over and read it.

does it hurt doesn't it hurt that you know you're a scary animal? I think it's good and I'm not a brother, but since I decided on this number you consider yourself a brother, if you want to talk about my birthday, let's start. he started talking about the disaster.

In my brother's mind, I killed, but the truth is the opposite: I have a devilish skin color, born of tragedy. the colors you gave me changed you from an earthly animal to a human being.

A relic of an evil god? where did it e from? why do I have no memory? by the way, I don't have much memory of the earthquake, what could it be?

Aaliyah felt her soul explode. with a breath, his head hit a bead of blood that spewed into the air. perhaps because she saw such a future, Aria felt cold.

he refused to believe this idea and, after reading everything, decided to make his own decision.

I'm always interested in the past and the future, so can you tell me about the future? well, maybe that's what you want to know, maybe not.

but sister, it doesn't matter if you like it or not, I don't care as long as I'm happy, it's okay.

Aria then realized that Aunt Aria didn't know anything about her. past events are nothing more than imaginations of the mind, which are not only real, but also imaginary and real. .

If you want to read it, I will write it.

In the future, brother, you will go to Arkham city and find Elu Egifu, the woman who piloted the dunwich machine and killed my brother.

Arham? Is it revealed that the girl's name is El Azif? wait, what's his name? Aria wondered how she could change that name.

---- El Azif in fiction is a magical book written by a mad Arab, it is the true secret book of the dead, a book with magical powers. It is a terrifying book that destroys God, a book of magic, and it is a book of magic that seems to contain the wisdom of the devil.

there is no way in the world you can get this book.

Arkham city is the center of all disaster. I don't know why, but it appears that this city is occupied by the forces of the East, the Force Awakens and the dark ones. Enough to beat them all.

of course, your sister didn't know at that time that you didn't have money to eat. Grand cross Kuro just summons you, then Kuro needs a magic book and you have a lot of magic books.

Aria regrets why she can't eat and research the elixir.

So please go to Alkan city and leave your dear sister and I in this hellish place.

Although he hated it, he lived here, but until he met xiaoyu, he did not know how to use the power of time and space, and until now he had not learned magic. this is very frustrating. Yeah, aren't people with problems and bad ideas more wele than university classes?

why are you crying, I have been fooled for years, I never plained. wait, you don't know how to use power? So I'm not fooled? So how do you avoid being so poor that you can't eat? was I born to pay for food?

Aria started to cry.

042 Letter (2)

Aliya wanted to cry, but could not finish reading the letter. If you start feeling sick now, it's worse.

Instead of this, it's better to read it first and make a decision after Aria calms down and continues reading.

Even if you want to express your feelings, you have to say them later. Now is not the time to do that.

don't cry, my sister is poor, so I can't say I have a rich aunt.

Aria suddenly felt the urge to interrupt the letter. Shame on bad people.

If Aria hadn't seen the real information, she would never have said it and written it down pletely. She has a big belly so she won't mind if it's smaller, but I'll put up with it for now.

this is a letter left by his brother, how did he break his heart, because he remembers? Aria couldn't do that.

Uncut? oh, it seems your patience is better than ever.

what happened in the letter was not important, but it was terrible.

Indeed, why is it interesting to read the letters carefully?

Aria didn't know when her sister got angry.

but this is the only reason, and the book of Azathoth contains it. - only God knows if this is true.

however, in Aliya's mind, Alice's sister is a beautiful, kind and attractive woman.

or how he gets upset about his schedule? Aria didn't remember raising her sister this way. well, that's irresponsible, but if it turns out that she taught her brother something bad, Aria's magic won't e back, and she'll hit someone else straight away.

brain memory) must be human, it is the past.

when you correct your memory, you also correct your past.

the world's past causes change, and changes in the past are influenced by the world.

Even though causality is changed in the book of Azathoth, past thoughts, feelings, and knowledge are never changed.

For people, whether it is real or not, it does not matter if it is a real memory or a false memory, because memory is just a record of the brain and only information. At the memory level, the ponents that make up memory are the same. In other words, there is no difference at all.

true thoughts are affected, but so are false thoughts. In memory, truth and falsehood are the same.

So Aria will never lose her brother's love or affection, it's called the removal of reason, so just remove the second half of the sentence and treat it like you didn't see it.

It seems that this one letter cannot answer all the questions, but should I express it as such?

If she's some kind of mind reader, she has a question, and the letter contains a concrete answer, a scary one, like a big question, and Aria has expectations for both of them. I looked at the letter itself. I don't believe it, I don't know if the answer will be revealed.

Yeah, if you keep going like that, I'm sure you won't want to read the book, sis, get down to business.

do you know you haven't reached the end yet? could you please write down the key points in the letter? After many rumours, this is the worst of the worst!

what happens after that? this is the city of Arcan, and as mentioned above, it is a city under the control of the black Sanctuary and the conqueror organization, but in fact, the organization is too much and they are gathering, so they cannot control it. A strict classification of demons. ─the demon God war has not been activated yet. without a war god, even a man-made god would be impossible to stop them. these magicians who can summon ghosts and car gods are called cross demons, but here we should say devils. instead of a mug. , you can destroy the evil god in exchange for talking to animals infected with the color of the evil god and bee stronger than humans. In fact, another interpretation of majin is the true mag. however, it has another meaning, like magic, although in the literal sense, it is also magic and sorcery, and for some people magic and magic are different. of course, you don't live there, so there's no point telling your brother that.

huh? or rather, will I die soon? A question popped into Aria's head, and a cold sweat broke out on her back.

however, the fingers still hold the letters gently, and at the same time the vibration level is reduced.

Aaliyah is afraid that if she pletely destroys the role, she will lose the way to her own heart, which she does not want to see.

So Aria suppressed the panic in her heart, took a deep breath, and looked into his beautiful eyes.

however, the stationery is almost plete and there are still many questions. but otherwise, there's nothing Aria can do, so I'll leave my doubts until the end.

the accident must have happened because I wasn't there, it happened when demon King tryon fell, ah, to explain, just like someone who lost their inhumanity. they were different, Lord tryon, he was not a failure like the whatelys, but there was a strange balance in his body, where he could not see the principle, the throne of truth, anything to know. masu. the Secret of Yog-Sothoth, the Seer Unlike me, who uses the power of color to disrupt time and space, Grand master trion is a magician who knows the truth of magic as an evil god of darkness. master, you don't know as much about magic as I do.

therefore, what I know is also limited, after all, I have the help of xiaowu to use my power like the original, but half of the song is only half of the song, and the magic No research at all. the truth of time and space, if I wasn't a descendant of Yog-Sothoth, xiao wu wouldn't have helped me. And I'm only human and there are some strange things. my body can't help me. this is unknown because he is the youngest in Innsmouth.

So who is xiaowu and you still haven't answered the question, who wants to know? Aria went through the letter to the end, but it didn't seem to say what she wanted.

well, this stupid sister probably wrote about all the little things, but she never wrote about the important things.

hmm, okay, brother, you're sitting in the wrong woman's chair in the ruling group, and the cross is knocking at the door, and the one who killed you is tiberius the cross. , you were directly defeated, then he forced you and tortured you, then placed you with strange insects that bite your internal organs, and he turned inside and out, where you died not very well. of course, the next Evil hunter, that is, Kuro daijukusu, he directly killed the Reverse cross, so don't worry that no one will help you take revenge, my advice to you is this be honest in the town and do nothing. don't go to other cities. Even if cthulhu es later, it doesn't matter. because he transformed himself into Lulich, the Great master later used him as a sacrifice to Yog-Sothoth. At that time there will be nothing on earth.

will cthulhu e? that is also very good.

Arya is a cthulhu researcher, but she thinks nothing of it, even though she meets a man who thinks he uses a fishing boat to meet cthulhu. , and remembering the warlike power of the machine God, we can see that this man has only met the familiar stars, and that their spiritual power still influences him.

In fact, cthulhu is a monster that cannot be defeated even by the magical spear called the legendary grimoire, or at least can be defeated.

Arya, a cthulhu researcher, is also sensitive to cthulhu, and there's no way she won't be sympathetic to cthulhu when the evil god Sorcerer arrives. It would be good if God's power enters or God's body is attached to it.

Arya was very afraid of death, but she was afraid of death. he is not afraid of death. because his spirit is free to take other bodies. therefore, unless the spirit is taken away, there is no death for him, never. the body can subjugate other bodies, open the door to dreams, and bring itself to dreams in order to survive.

considering what he said about the death that his brother talked about, this is self-acceptance. he never studied magic, so we can't rule out that possibility. he used magic to change the oute. when you think about it, life doesn't seem so scary at all.

but tiberius, will this man really be killed? back cross? well, as long as you prepare well, there is no problem.

Aria thought for a moment and decided to gather information. he handles the Summoning department and the psychic department, but cannot summon the weapon God (unless he is ready) because he does not have a powerful weapon. his magical powers are used as fuel for the demon Kuruma God, but are usually pletely self-inflicted).

Generally speaking, a ghost is an artificial god created from the attributes of a wizard and a grimoire, but in the case of a grimoire, it is the grimoire itself, and such a weapon ghost the gods can effectively use the magical power of grimoires.

Finally, all members of the Reverse cross will be able to summon the Ghost God.

when Aria saw the last sentence, her entire face turned pink, she put the paper down, and said convincingly.

of course, it is better to stop. Arcane city, black Sanctuary, consortium, nothing to do with me? better to open a fact-checking agency and sell fake magic books, and everything will be fine as usual.

043: magic book Guide (Game)

After reading the entire contents of the letter, Aria couldn't stop thinking about it.

As a magician, he knows that a group of magicians can summon a magic god.

It was scarier than the beast we encountered in dunwich. Alia still remembers how the animals used to be slaughtered. It was easy to slaughter a lamb. how to overe fear of Aaliyah.

At that time, El Azif easily defeated the monster with a divine device.

Aaliya is angry with this whole situation.

Yes, there is a big difference in magic power, and I understand why the future girl is written as Alice, although I can't see it.

thus he died.

Since Aria's magic machines cannot fight against gods, there is a big difference between magicians who can summon magic machines and those who cannot.

when you consider the awesome magical power that es with using a divine spirit device, you will understand the difference between the two.

It is not a path that can be rationally used, nor is it a distance that can be shortened simply. Fight the cartwheels. God.

this demon is stronger than God's demonic family (ie slave race).

Aria knew that on the battlefield, there was no difference between magicians and sorcerers because they used the power of spellbooks instead of borrowing spellbooks like normal mages.

the magic books that could destroy ghosts and machines were not at all the level of magic that humans could achieve, and there was a huge difference in the field of battle.

It cannot be overthrown by wisdom, such a magician has the power to destroy any conspiracy.

do you want to quit?

It was a strange sound, but Aria recognized it as ing from the book of Azathoth, a magical tome in the hands of an evil god.

Like a real powerful magic book, it has powerful magic power and even has its own will. therefore, this magic book is not suitable for talking to Aria.

but isn't it amazing? why did \the book of Azathoth\ suddenly bee so popular?

At first, Aria thought it was a bad book that was violent and had bad behavior, but it wasn't like that. Aria seems to see people in it, but is it a hoax? or again

Now, let's give the master a task.

who is the master, the priest, who mands the master? Is there something wrong here? the word structure is wrong. Aria felt a black line appear and thought about it carefully. well, the weather is very nice, very nice, Aria thought.

A ghost weapon that summons a spellbook like this must be extremely powerful. If so, that would be amazing.

but it is called expectation because it cannot be fulfilled. of course, Arya's illusions are quickly shattered by the book of Azathoth.

don't expect me to help you, sir.

this type of behavior can be very frustrating, but with a little thought it can be fixed.

Yes, it's not an urgent issue, but if you're not going to Arcane city at all, it's okay. because it is the center of everything. And that \sister\ Alice says at the beginning and end of the story. At that time, the place was occupied by a mysterious demon and Lord tryon's black staff.

Alia thinks that if the advice in the letter doesn't work, nothing will. that's true, and Aria decides to bee a NEEt and leave Arkham to meet God. Aria didn't want anyone to push her into the fire, so she decided not to go out.

however, the book of Azathoth seems to understand Aria's idea, and there is something important.

mission name: dark future

Job description: A special job planned as a reward, knowing that your boss has doubts about your future.

the past, present, and future are all connected in the twisted timeline of Lord tryon, the most evil person in the black Sanctuary, and even the next host dies in this episode.

to get into this big game, the hosts have to act.

mission pletion criteria: Survive for the duration of plan c.

mission failure conditions: Failure to reach Arcane city within six months or physical death.

Reward for pleting the mission: being alive is the greatest reward. Is there any greater gift in this world than being alive?

punishment for mission failure: this boss seems to want to say that he doesn't need any punishment even if he dies, but that's really rude, considering that he will pletely lose face in this rage, and have a life even after the boss fails. Go to hell and stay until the Soviet Union conquers the whole world.

the cold voice of Azathoth's book penetrated Aria's heart, causing deep fear in her heart.

he knows that this cursed magic book is not a lie but the truth, who is God the teacher?

Aria's plan to save herself is now cut short before a moment of events takes place.

It's called the big toy, and in the first scenario, if you die and I resurrect you, you have no freedom.

well, the chinese level of this interesting book is not very good. I want to find someone who can teach me properly, what is chinese? Aaliyah has unrealistic thoughts and is not content

what does it mean to say that there are no conditions for the end of the USSR?

In other words, if a miracle happens, it ends.

the book of Azathoth didn't react well, making Aria a little angry.

will plan c prevent this from happening in the future? what is this? I don't know what plan c is.

however, this time there was no answer from the book of Azathoth.

hey, are you there? can you understand the words when you hear them?

Alya didn't stop and asked again, but she was disappointed with the result.

At this moment, as if Azathoth's scroll refused to stand in front of him, as if he no longer wanted to look at it, Azathoth's scroll turned into light and instantly disappeared.

however, the book of Azathoth is so vast in spiritual guidance that it is truly a magical book with a purpose.

ria sighed, knowing she had no real answers and didn't want to be here. Subconsciously, the place began to get a little warmer. Surprised, Aria opened the door and stepped out.

however, all the people that Aria should have physically resurrected with the resurrection elixir have disappeared.

If it weren't for the mysterious discovery that this place is inhabited by strange creatures, I would worry about Arya being there, as I do every time Alice watches the volume of the story. what is the beginning of world history? Aria didn't know.

the book of Azathoth is effective, but by rewriting it, most people will remember past events as false and meaningless, and learn that there is something wrong with their memories. It is original though.

because he rejected his original knowledge and created a foggy memory, which confused him even more.

If possible, Aria wants to pretend that nothing happened and that if she goes downstairs, she will see her dead brother. wouldn't it be fun if everything was the same as before? Aria thought it was interesting.

but whether it is a gift from God or another gift from God, it was originally created by the servants of God, the devil or demon, so let's return everything to its original state. It is also impossible to return. Even if it es after the birth of the body.

Ignoring the base that had lost its original function, Aria took in the sight with her eyes.

there is no need to e here because this is the last time, and there is no one left to stay here, so is this building still necessary? Is there still room for improvement? No, I don't want to sit anymore because I can't, and I get scared if I sit for a while.

Aria didn't feel anything wrong, painful, or normal in her body, but she felt that if she stayed here, something bad would happen.

then he hurried up the stairs, telling what he saw.

he took one step at a time without looking back.

In this silence, Alia clearly heard his voice, so she hurriedly left. because there was a man who did not continue a step, but one who reached half his step, and he stepped on the ground.

Also, as Alya walked fast, the distance between her steps became blurred, but she didn't call it an illusion.

Aria wanted to ask the gods of the world how it was done. but he felt that even if I could really ask, I wouldn't get the answer I wanted. because people have no value to God, and all their faith, respect, and sacrifices are ridiculous.

when were people able to question God? If you have such power, you must refuse to change your own destiny. how the gods use the power of the Lord and how they use their will to determine the fate of others is the right of one side. If you have the ability, please eliminate this nonsense.

Arya heard snickering, as if the girl was laughing. Alya took a deep breath and hurried out the door, knocking loudly. when I closed the door, there was a loud noise. there are echoes.

Is it time for Arya to change? but, just when she thought it would never go away, Aria thought it would be a good idea to put a protective sticker (an old sticker) on the door.

I took a glass bottle from the table. Inside the bottle there is dust, like a dream, and the color is not very transparent, it seems to be constantly changing, like something in a dream.

I understood the reason when I saw it with my own eyes, but when I tried to explain it, I could not find the explanation, or even the mystery of it.

Aria reached and put the powder in the bottle in her palm, but at the same time she felt pain on her face. because these things are so expensive I have to use half a gram. It's really sad. without the bottle, the dust is only 205 grams. Very expensive.

Aria chanted the spirit word that created her a beautiful voice and controlled her magical power to create plex spells. the dust gives off a disgusting color.

when Aria buried her head in her palms, the dust slowly fell, and at the same time, Aria was relieved, but at the same time, she did not see the black energy that came out of her body, this demon came out . - As if hit by something powerful, a face appeared, the air relaxed, the demon's face collapsed, and the black energy pletely disappeared, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

huh, maybe that's enough.

Aaliyah felt good for a while, but the phone she thought she couldn't buy turned out to be some kind of cosmetic product, and after 30 minutes she realized it was the person on the other end.

chapter 044 black panther party

cable? I wonder why there are people calling at this hour. At this time? with that, Aria immediately took action. he looked at Azathoth's book, but it was doubtful. because Alya knows that the book shows all the changes that have damaged her life, from birth to now, dedicated to God as God and cursed as Satan. .

If it weren't for this magical book, Aria would be happy, but not poor.

poverty itself is bad, but once you get used to it, it's good.

therefore, it was impossible for Arya to have a positive opinion about the book of Azathoth, and even if it was in her mouth, she herself would die in the process - no one in the world would agree. he is grateful to be a human trafficker and will even stab someone in the heart if possible.

No matter how well-intentioned self-destructive demons are, they don't want people to befriend them or let them go.

but no one will think that the good that the devil has done to them is wrong. however, this change does not affect one's desire to kill demons.

the book of Azathoth was silent, as if it were dead, or like a normal grimoire.

It's not like this, but it's a book of shocking magic, Alya muttered to herself.

but time didn't stop and the phone rang. In fact, it is an ordinary ringtone, which has a famous name and is called an old ringtone.

Aria thought she could exchange the ring for another one, but she felt more and more disappointed. the ringtone that touches you like a curtain is the best. Aria decided to hide this evil ringtone. because I don't like noise, I don't like it, and I force myself to use it. You will hear a magical break that summons the pieces. Everything is in a bad mood at this time and the sky is dark.

oh, and Aaliyah's ringtone from the christmas song is being used today.

Alia couldn't take it anymore and slowly walked towards the phone and picked it up. he immediately drank it, but did not hear it until he fell asleep. Achieving this simple wish may seem difficult. filled with anger and started talking in the ear.

hello I forgot my environment today. please leave a message after x.

Aria is so tired that she doesn't want to work anymore, so she decides to use her voice as a phone recording. In any case, think of it as customization, because the phone can be configured with many inputs, sounds, speech, etc. Aria wants to sleep well at this time, so even if there is an important event and someone wants to visit her, Aria doesn't want to disturb. we can achieve buddhahood and go to meet God for the things that are important to us.

then he trembled as if he had been taken.

For a moment, the situation cooled down. Aria doesn't need to wear headphones yet. It's confusing, but I don't think anyone on the other end of the phone would be foolish enough to think that the person answering the phone was just a text message away.

God, should I act like nothing happened? I'm sure someone has heard that. So who would set a record that ends up being thrown in the trash here?

Surely no one was fooled. the store's reputation is about to be tarnished, and that's a shame. with that in mind, Aria thought about what to do.

well, you've heard it all, you've heard it, I don't know if a lazy person using a phone would think of that and call, so it's better to stay home. It is natural for vegetarians to eat meat.

So please open the door now, xiao Ai. I don't want to wait too long.

who is xiao Ai? bastard, just a moment, I heard this voice, Ai Lia felt a little cold, hung up the phone, and asked her heart.

pop, pop, you heard that, right? this is the sound.

pochi, the mythical creature that Aria raised, answered with a loud voice.

Living inside her own body, Aria has full control over her magic like a normal person, and can use it with confidence. to Aaliyah, pooch is just a friend, family, and more. because, whether blood or friendship, there are so many of these things, and the former has no power at all, that after that the reading can be interrupted. within hours each time.

but cute pochi is different, she has confidence and trust. due to her contract with magical powers, Arya no longer has a family, but poch is more loyal than what she calls family.

So, when pochi's answer caught Aria's attention. Alia knows that she is not fake and she is not a star. of course, it is not a dirty device like a phone. Aria was so happy that she picked up a small hammer and smashed the phone with one breath. but his heart would not allow it. because making phone calls is not cheap.

before Aria could calm down, she heard the phone go off.

there was a menacing knock on the door, and Aria put her small hands to her face, trying to act like she was truly homeless.

No one here, please knock on the door.

God, what did I do, I'm so sorry!

Aria is sorry, but doesn't that mean she doesn't exist?

hmm, I admit that the man outside the door is a bit smarter, but when he thought he was wrong, a whisper from the door and Aria felt like a demon, a terrible voice.

It might be a small sound to a normal person's ears, but to Aria's ears it vibrated like a demon's voice.

hmph, you're back, xiao Ai, if you want to open the door now, I'll show you that nothing happened.

oh, of course they are all magic books, so why do I have to go back to hell after ing back from this hell?

At the very least, it's a memory that people don't want to remember, and in this memory, one person will be happy without the other, but Aaliyah will never be happy.

All Aria could do was stiffen up and move towards the door on her hands and knees like a demon.

I don't know if it was a long time or a second, but for Alya, every step she took was like walking through a tunnel in the abyss, carrying her soul and the feelings of pain. . .

Arya was a witch, but now her reputation as a witch is gone.

Aria came to the door with a big smile on her face and put her finger on the door handle and opened the door.

Seriously, xiao Ai doesn't want to see me?

the woman at the door said, Aria didn't know if she should tell the truth or lie. Now, if you want to live well, it's better to lie.

the girl next to me had long, curly black hair that reached her waist. her skin is beautiful and beautiful, and her healthy color shines under the light. however, the most attractive thing pared to them is the eyes with such a powerful power that they seem to create people without the ability to think or rule.

She has a beautiful figure that is different from Aria, which has no development, regardless of her height or breast size. this is an amazing woman, her height is 1.76 meters, and she is at the level of c. heart

well, what a mess! Aria felt the same way. of course, he didn't want to believe that this girl was playing with him until he felt like he had gone to heaven. e on, don't remind anyone of these stories of dark history, it's better to go to the dustbin of ancient history, especially if you have a weak and young daughter. Saying things like this doesn't make you more attractive, and your history is full of bad things.

meanwhile, Aria wanted to use magic, so she picked up the phone in one breath. his mind told him that he knew nothing of such magic.

the girl wears a white dress, which looks very fashionable and does not fit modern styles.

Even if the people in the town didn't think so, this man's bad attitude came to Aria's mind and was her first thought.

Kuroba Shirei, this girl is from the East as her name suggests, and although she looks German, she is the wife of the head of a huge conglomerate like consortium. Alia doesn't know why the Eastern Group has found a foothold in the United States, and the problems of black asylum and jobs are enough to bother her.

Also, aside from her dark hair and eyes, she has nothing to do with the East, so I'm assuming that Aria wears colored lenses and braids her hair.

the name gives the air of falsehood, Aaliyah will not accept a single letter of English in her speech, but she wants to express it, this is her freedom, Aaliyah has no choice, even if the magician does not make money Even if it is a surprise you paid. beware of human blood. magicians who do not have parts of mythical creatures in their bodies can only be seen in the bodies of minors.

this may be a change due to the limited power of some mythical creature. Although improbable, Arya's descriptions of herself are sometimes accurate.

however, even though it is called a bination, it is more like a bination of the two.

Also, the black cotton consortium, the group behind the black Sanctuary activities, is someone I don't want anything to do with when I hear about it.

of course, such conditions did not exist when Aaliyah was studying, and the world at that time was not very good.

Unfortunately, Aaliyah was in the same room with him and this guy treated her like a toy for four years. Aria can change her personality every time she walks into a room, and she is a barbie doll. Not only does this doll have many costume changes, but all you have to do is touch her face.

She is restless in bed, rarely sleeps well, and always changes clothes. Aria feels like her school life is like a doll, at least at night in the dormitory.

And while they are both women, the others sometimes use themselves to express strange desires - God, is there anything else?

She had planned to not let bylian play with her unless he found a place to sleep outside of her room, but now, four years after they last played, Aria felt the same way. I cried. this is not a job.

of course, the most important thing is to what extent Aria's physical, magical, etc. is not enough to fight the enemy. bai Lian is a truly powerful mage summoned by a god with a true weapon. She's different from someone like Aaliyah, who isn't very loud. Although this is a sign that Arya doesn't use these amazing magics. but even if it is used, some parts remain dead.

wow, how is this possible? Kuroba Senpai.

I said that we are in the same grade, same class, and same room.

bailian said without stopping, picking up Aria and burying her face in his chest.

please, I can't breathe, I'm dying, oh, I'm dying.

Aria started to fight the pain, but it didn't help, instead she felt better, her oxygen was faster than usual, and Aria started to miss the fresh air, she wanted to rest. however, he was punched in the chest by a 1-year-old girl. It's not a decent way to die.

oh, sorry, I just didn't notice.

bylian suddenly let go of Arya because he didn't notice it and he didn't adjust his force properly causing Arya to lose her strength and fall to the ground,


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