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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第63章 现实的趋同

第63章 现实的趋同 (第1/2页)

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John's performance was certainly poor and it is difficult to explain his situation after leaving the club.

029 poseidon's treasure (22)

John was very tired and his heart was filled with the desire to sleep, and night came, and after suffering for half a day, John's body and soul were filled with sleep.

Even if he was imprisoned in a small prison, he could not stop the magic of the demonic dream.

John really wanted to please him, but at some point his mind was affected and it was difficult to stay awake.

All John really wants to do is go home and drink strong coffee, then watch the stock market rise and fall and ponder his fate.

but the truth is, he can't drink good coffee.

there is no regular water to drink or food to satisfy hunger.

the only way to get over your hunger is to get yourself a drink.

the stupid and foolish words of the seagull worried John so much that he had no choice but to kneel down, kneel on the ground, and straighten himself.

well, I want to hear the reason, not just the nonsense.

Under the attack of the demons of hunger and fatigue, and the rejection of all discipline and self-discipline, John spoke harshly but frankly.

Sigeth answered with a strange grin, then looked at John mockingly and ignorantly. As if mocking him, he was in hell, but there were some bad thoughts.

You don't know anything, you don't understand what happened in this city or this island, you don't understand what you will see in the future. because if I had known now I would have opened my eyes. his eyes were blinded and his ears pierced.

you too

John was shocked and angry.

but Sziget did not stop.

he closed his eyes like a frog, raised his cold hands, and said:

I know better than anyone what happened, and the reason you are like this is because I saw it once, and I understand the darkness and pain.

John Siges saw no logic in his words and believed that if he continued to think like everyone else he would be consumed by madness, and that he would not stand a chance against the madmen of the apocalypse. I believe there is. the same goes for speculation and believers.

he sighed and stopped trying to get any useful information out of Sziget.

this is because no matter who you are, you cannot receive information from your heart.

please note that John is not a psychologist, so he does not know these hard things.

waiting for his body to calm down, he decided to abandon the idea of talking to Seagate and sit with a friend.

what happened when I left?

Yahya wants to know if myrna is missing or what happened to Veroni, but Yahya doesn't know what that is.

because no matter what, John is not here, and John will not have the greatest power, such as the wrath of God.

this talent allows unintelligent people to think more clearly than intelligent people.

John cannot take anything from what he thinks is not given and should not be given.

besides, the insiders are close to him so they don't make unnecessary assumptions and if they have questions they can ask them directly, right?

the first person to respond was Veroni, who was in critical condition with severe injuries that made his ankles and above his knees appear red. It is unimaginable that metal instruments have signs of disinfection, but how can a terrible method be used to treat wounds?

however, when a kill is imminent, it can be a useful and effective way to extend the time just in time until the stars align.

Even men like John automatically rolled their eyes and stopped watching the scene.

And I thought: If I could go back, I would ask Aaliyah for help.

touka and Aaliyah were still on the boat when you left, the wooden building was so heavy that touka and I couldn't push it, despite our best efforts, it was beautiful and this is amazing Aaliyah. the result is the same.

his right leg was pinched and bleeding, and the blood flowed into the water, causing something strange to happen.

I felt and realized that in the middle of the sea, something terribly strange and inexplicable took my blood.

when I told touka about it, he just laughed and said, ``It was all a dream.''

Aria seemed to want to help, but to no avail, only peace with him. And he brought bad news - something strange, the creatures that arrived in the boat.

If there had been a little trust between us at that time, this would not have e.

Veroni's cough is recurring and her symptoms seem to be getting worse. John and myrna asked worriedly, but Veroni waved and said no problem.

I heard a strange noise, like something heavy.

that time with touka I don't know what happened, I couldn't do anything because of the pressure, she came out with a gun but Aaliyah was with me and I was afraid she wasn't.

the waves of the sea were so strong that we heard gunshots and screams.

She wants to see what's going on, but it's too dangerous to do so, so Aria grabs her gun and leaves.

then I heard gunshots and the sound of water, so I jumped into the water. I don't know what they are, but I'm afraid I don't have the courage to think where they e from.

I really didn't want to hear it, but I couldn't do anything about it until the strange footsteps got louder and the bedroom door opened.

I don't know how they got the key, but they didn't think about it. whatever the reason, my heart was filled with fear when I saw them.

As he spoke, there was terror in Veronie's eyes, as he remembered the horrors of that moment, and the horrors he thought had been forgotten were once again dug into his memory.

I don't know how to describe it, but they are considered strange, disgusting, evil, and violent animals. \It's nothing at all.

maybe I'm crazy, or maybe it's all just my imagination, or just fantasy.

No, you're right.

the bottle of Sziget wine was still in his hands, and his relatives here seemed indifferent to receiving it. mERcY

After drinking well, the man answered Veroni's story.

It is a cursed beast and a city separated by God.

don't get confused, these animals are real.

John thought of a way to calm Veronie down, but when he heard the truth from mr. Seagate, he was angry.

John saw that the spirit of Veronese was not very good, and the spirit of accepting the truth was still suitable for a peaceful people.

otherwise - the one who accepts the truth can be mitted to a mental hospital or cult.

It is clear that the priests and people who believe in evil gods really believe in the truth.

but doesn't John think that sending people to an evil God is something that normal people do, since there are very few people who believe in evil?

─ Strangely, John couldn't think why he was angry. maybe it was his friend's fault, and John didn't want to see his friend go crazy.

when John and Seagate start arguing, myrna es to Veronie's side and forts her.

You know, when I found them, I saw talker's body, his skin was torn off - he was alive.

I saw them cut my leg with an iron pig, used flames to stop the bleeding, and then threw me into the mouth of a well that led to another hole. It is called the evil god dagon. Roof, plete the concept.

Now in my stomach, in my belly, lives an evil demon, an undead demon with evil intentions and evil in my life.

Listen to me, then kill me, I have no way to do this until this demon is born, when I wake up it stops me, stops me, kills me I can't move its arms. therefore, I can ask: Leave me in your hands, Lord, place of light and glory.

Veroni secretly took out a knife and handed it to myrna, hoping that she would kill him with her bare hands if possible.

he seems to believe it, but of course he doesn't believe in the evil god dagon.

No, listen, it's an illusion, just an illusion, don't take it seriously.

myrna was right, but her voice was unconvincing.

Although he had just arrived, he lost consciousness and was thrown into this prison made of wood and iron.

but this does not mean that he is stupid, nor did he graduate from Umbrella University with a degree in psychology.

Even if the results are bad, at least Veroni doesn't seem crazy or delusional, and seems to embrace the new and the old.

I don't know what it was, but I also noticed that Veroni pletely embraced this new thing.

Veroni and myrna found out that it was not him, but an acquaintance or a thief disguised as a priest.

of course, she didn't know this, but myrna thought she couldn't make things worse.

030 poseidon's treasure (23)

Unlike John, who is imprisoned, Aria lives in a large house called bit Imboga.

today he was enjoying a wonderful dinner in the great room of the mansion.

Yes, it's his world and he wants to have an inedible dinner, it's satisfying.

that being said, really, if we want to spend on such expensive food, why can't we spend on education?

Studying and learning magic is not just a matter of talent, and certainly not a matter of work. the question is whether you can do the research.

Saving money is no different than spending money to learn magic.

but Aria also knew that she was the only one who found this food valuable. because the people here.

---- Isn't the precious seafood a gift from God? You don't need a gram of 98% pure gold.

It doesn't get any cheaper than this.

of course, this is limited to the locals, and if Aria wants to get food without following the locals, it won't be easy.

the Aria villas are very different from the old villas that have not been renovated.

the interior of the villa is very beautiful and it is clear that the owners of this villa are not only happy, but also want to spend money on decoration and do not think about spending a single dollar to improve their life. the people around me are very different.

I must say that this is a good attitude in life.

there are many crafts that can be worth a price just by looking at them, and many precious metals that are 89% gold or less than gold.

perhaps the most important objects of dagon's tantric worship may be the eternal relics of the sea and the large amount of gold unseparated from the roadside stones.

he heard that the Incas were very rich in the middle Ages.

Aria thought this habit was very good and drank the rest of her hot coffee.

Luckily we have good quality honey here, unlike the cheap barbecue honey at Aria's house.

It was a perfect heaven, and it would have been even more perfect without the book of Azathoth.

Alya was not happy with herself and picked up a spoon.

then he added literal spoonfuls of sugar, which ruined the coffee cup and wasted the quality coffee.

do people do that? It is unacceptable for a child to force himself and pretend like this.

however, he himself is not self-aware enough to consider drinking coffee unless it is for the purpose of increasing his caffeine intake.

Aaliyah prefers sugary drinks like whole sugar or honey brown sugar water to drinks like coffee.

It's so sweet that even kids can't resist it.

there is no doubt that this level of deliciousness, and that is also connected to the sweetness.

there were five dishes in front of me, but no vegetables at all, just different foods.

In addition, this dish seems easy to prepare, just use the right ingredients and the right amount of sea salt.

but on the other hand, courage is valued, and Alya enjoys her dinner and ignores the gentleman.

but like a dark cloud, this bad thought never disappeared pletely, and the delicious food it brought did not make it forget, rather it was magnified by the speed of time.

It is like the beautiful ticking of a mechanical clock mixed with pebbles.

In addition, the noise is getting louder, making it difficult to concentrate.

No, it's not just a level, you want to isolate people to see where the problem is.

Unfortunately, Aaliyah knew during the disaster that in this case she was the one who wanted to be destroyed, and now she can't wait to destroy her own soul. Find out where the problem is.

that acceptance reached the point of alarm, where he wanted to mit suicide and made himself a tool to destroy this human body with human hands.

So Aria guessed that it might be hard to enjoy it.

because of this horrible thought, it took Alya two hours to finish the dinner.

Aria pletely lost her posure because of the crazy noises that sounded like a premonition, but when she saw the bination of vegetables, she couldn't think of not eating them.

So he ate in front of her as if he was chewing, his face was very ugly and he wanted to throw up all the food in his stomach as if he had eaten by mistake.

this meal is slow and long.

─ he usually takes about 5 minutes to eat a bowl of food.

cook for 3 minutes and eat for 2 minutes.

being able to eat several dishes at the same time is very interesting from a daily food perspective.

however, I got sick while eating and my memory is good.

So Alia made an important decision in her heart.

---- he must make these terrible emotions seem like a rush to the extinction of humanity and spend the rest of his time experiencing the taste of food through memory and then eating it.

So, after taking a hot bath, he took a red umbrella and went out.

when he went to the front door of his house, the guard at the door was a proud old man who could be seen in the distance.

If they were that deep, they would bee immortal mythical creatures that not only grow but never age, pletely defying biological logic.

he was immersed like Uncle Aria, and more than ever realized that this world was different from his previous life.

when Arya arrived at Inbo, she saw her father in the distance and immediately ran to him, and the same behavior was on the other side - she eagerly followed him. .

however, when they saw that he had broken his ribs, they saw that that attitude was gone and instead weled him respectfully.

this confused Aria a bit, but she thought it was one of the changes.

the diversity of culture and art makes people feel like they are witnessing magic.

but like those who see magic and do not understand anything, they are like foolish believers who attribute all mysteries to God.

Rename ad.

Aliya, on the other hand, uses and understands above the madness and then quietly takes over the culture of God.

Aaliyah, who is used to change, was greeted with joy by the gatekeeper, who opened a red lemon - half white, and cut it into eight equal parts. walk

Since I was wearing new clothes, I took a very hot shower.

Aliya is louder than before, he is also said to be drunk.

because of these thoughts, which can be considered a mental illness, Aria walks very fast, her heart beats like a voice recorder, and she can find the words even if her eyes are closed.

the clothes he wears are the colors of dagon Esoteric buddhism, and unless you are crazy enough to wear these clothes, you can freely roam the island and the countryside without being attacked by mythical creatures. And a trip to the beach.

So at least there is no problem with rotation.

Alya's ears, or her heart, felt the direction of the sound, and as she got closer, she realized that her feet had turned to stone, unable to move.

however, the noise from the soul can cause depression and headaches even for an intelligent person like her, and without proper treatment, Aria will no longer feel the meaning of life.

he knew this could be the cult's secret location, or he wouldn't have made such a ment. those were not his words. priest

It's a rural area so should be fine.

As it turned out, wu xia couldn't believe that her daughter-in-law Arya believed that they were related to magic.

If the blood source is telepathic and can meet in dreams, then Aria's daily life is meeting her sister in dreams every day and doing romantic things with each other.

however, when Aria remembered the aura that came from the sea floor and the divine power that was strong enough to penetrate people's souls, she immediately became the incarnation of a demon or an evil god.

Aria decides that the threat to the island is a god still awake in the sea.

Aria didn't want to be close to him, she felt a false belief, she wanted him to rest, but that thought was impossible.

I trusted the strength of iron to control my legs, wanting to be like iron, but soon it stopped.

this time, my legs didn't hurt again, and the loud noises I was making now weren't like hitting my head.

It looks like he is wearing a mechanical watch with mud on his head.

In fact, when I arrived at my destination, everything seemed to be united in front of me and I heard beautiful sounds and voices.

- Yes, these assumptions are correct.

In front of him was a place with a beautiful face.

It looks like a pig.

however, I didn't hear any animal sounds, probably because it was ignored.

Aria woke up with this thought, but the thoughts in her heart woke up like a sleeping lion, the sound of beautiful teeth disappeared and was replaced by a beautiful voice, cold but crazy, that's it. It bees an illusion that connects all the contradictions of the world.

If wu xia is here, this song of dagon, the unchanging silence from the enchanted heart, those who do not know how to evaluate him are like ignorant intellectuals, and what is Arya? You will understand what happened. he has no ability to play music and no idea how to appreciate art.

So, in dagon's Song, Arya is like a pirate on a plane, hearing the beautiful sound of sirens and knowing very well that there are dead people in front of her, but she cannot walk.

the saddest thing is that we do not recognize the beautiful siren-like divine voice mixed with the good sounds that make us scratch our ears, but only the evil sounds.

At that moment, Aria's soul entered her as if angry, and a strange silver color appeared in her eyes.

It looks scary but beautiful at the same time, unnatural color but has an old charm with metallic shine.

the shape of what should have been born inside the natural eye socket now looks like a beautiful car rebuilt after more than a thousand years of destruction, and the silver color is not perfect, but that is true. the rust-like color creates a realistic atmosphere.

the most amazing thing is that the light of God is like an eye. Its eyes are not like human eyes, but like the eyes of God. God does not see people; God created them. there was a scary look in his eyes, like a toy.

hello, who's there, who's there?

John heard the footsteps, it was different from the footsteps of the deep settlements, it was difficult to tell the difference, but it was possible to recognize, and it was clear that it was a shaking from the sound of voices, John was clear. In addition to the half-murloc beasts, he heard that a third person had brought them. So John heard the story from the other side and asked what he wanted to know.

however, there was no reaction, even though there was no sign of the owner of the fish and there was no friendly feeling.

If your intentions are really good, how can the answer be \no\? John believed that a person should have hope, but he tried to explain it, but others did not hear it, the reason was simple and unknown.

And John said it out loud.

hello! can you hear me? does it make a sound when you hear it?

when John spoke in an almost broken voice, myrna, who was next to him, suddenly put her hands over her ears and pressed them hard against the sound.

be sure to listen to it. John knew better. If you don't have an answer at this point, it's either a mysterious person with malicious intent or a difficult person to talk to.

but even though he still hoped that his ears were not too sharp, when he got there, Yahya didn't believe anymore.

Veroni's acting was not very good; he laughed as he heard approaching footsteps, but it wasn't a happy or redemptive laugh.

It was a voice filled with madness and evil, and it was difficult for Yahya to understand that it came from a human.

John thought it best to send Veronie to the doctor by the time he got back.

but John was never sure that he would recover.

If John knew that the ocean here is a breeding ground for dangerous animals that people don't understand, he probably wouldn't think of going back.

Imagine what it's like to live on this small island.

however, unbeknownst to him, John still has an intention to stop the matter and end it.

Listen, if I'm like that one day, remember, kill me.

what do you mean unexpected?

Johanna, startled by the footsteps, suddenly heard myrna's request and did not understand. I don't think Johanna understood why, but how could she accept such a mocking request?

but when he turned around, he saw two big eyes. this is no joke.

Yahya saw it in myrna's eyes.

At this point, Johanna wanted to say something to stop myrna from thinking, but like an invisible animal, she ate all the words before they left her mouth.

he opened his mouth, but no words came out.

thoughts about the language quickly disappear, as if you have forgotten what this language is.

when Joanna herself remembered the language, she realized that she was indifferent.

before he could regret or realize what he had done, the sound of footsteps stopped him in his tracks.

John turned and saw two glowing silver eyes with an ominous color hidden beneath their pupils.

It is not new, but it has its own charm.

At that time it seemed something strange, strange and terrifying, but there was a strange purity of terror, and there was a being above men, maybe it was God, maybe it was the devil. Angels

John's attention was immediately focused on the students, looking at them inhumanly.

mon sense requires one to ask whether modern animals see anything through human pupils.

when Yahya realized the meaning in his eyes, he continued to scream without stopping.

my head hurts like someone is operating on me with a wooden stick and a rusty knife.

- and no drugs

he didn't know that he had many cracks under his ribs.

It's not like a seal cut with a knife, it's like a breath, it's like fish inside, but without fish scales.

All the cracks that show it in the process of expansion and contraction are alive.

031 the treasure of poseidon (24)

the inmates don't care what John thinks now.

when you are stuck here, acquaintances suddenly appear, what do you think?

It's not about talking.

In the rusty gold halo, John felt a sharp pain in his heart, and a special memory came back to him, as if someone had stabbed him in the heart with a knife.

but the saddest thing is that after John ate he realized that he didn't remember anything, he seemed confused but the pain was intense.

If I remember, I didn't feel any pain that time, but to be honest, apart from the headache, nothing good happened.

John was lying on the ground in so much pain that he wanted to call an ambulance to the hospital. If it really was possible, John would do it in the next moment.

Aria? You're not locked out?

myrna didn't notice the strange gold rust in Aria's pupils.

myrna recognized the other side by the shape of his face and body, and knew he was outside the gate.

myrna considered calling for help for half a second, then decided against it. how could a woman leave them all?

And since it was locked and there was no way to open it, myrna remained silent.

Yes, because I joined the order of dagon, which is a wonderful place.

myrna was also surprised by Aaliyah's answer.

Veroni answered in the name of the order of dagon, which is not surprising.

he looked at Aria with fear, as if he had seen the devil.

Aria shook her head, full of questions.

what happened? In this line of thinking, if I were not part of the indigenous population of this country, don't you think I would still be alive and would be dead before you?

well, anyway, if I have a bad opinion, I can't do anything about it, right?

Aaliyah answered this and entered the gate.

one day, a strange button appeared on his right hand.

It's not metallic or plant-like, it looks like a living thing, and it's quite transparent.

but maybe that's just an illusion. because Aria can put the key in the door lock and turn it the other way.

the sound of the door lock is soothing and forting. It was the sound of freedom, the sound of life.

Just release the door lock and the wooden door will open automatically.

when you hear the sound of a heart breaking, it sounds like there is no danger.

It's like if you're out, you're out.

however, this did not directly anger Johanna, she did not allow the others to leave.

why not go? by the time these monsters arrive it will be too late and this will be your last chance to escape. You have to understand, brother, that you are stuck in a cage and no different than a Swarovski sausage stuffed into a hot dog.

Arya looked at Jon with his eyes and heart, but she still couldn't build trust when Jon saw the dark gold among his followers.

he was afraid, and now he was afraid of his brother.

John didn't know why, but every cell in his body was sounding the alarm.

once you get into it, it's like an endless hole.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with that idea, but the person in front of me definitely has a happy smile on his face, and his attitude is not bad.

however, Jon took a negative view of this man's actions, and as he looked at Arya's students, a vague idea occurred to him.

this is a pletely unreasonable assumption.

however, John's mind pletely surpassed his reason.

he was scared, but he still watched his sister and Aliya.

Really? your presence here.

what does that mean? Is this your attitude towards the man who gave my life to save you?

Aaliyah got a little angry and raised her cheeks.

but when it es to saving people, no matter who you hate, the saved person has many reasons for procrastination and self-doubt.

then discard the thought that he died, if you don't want to be saved, don't be saved, with these doubts, go straight to heaven and ask God, otherwise you will sleep forever.

As I recall, your key is not the correct key.

what does that mean? Isn't it already open?

Arya faces Jon's wrath, but Jon is patient.

but because of his condition, that patience must die quickly like a falling fish.

Indeed, there was no enemy in front of Yahya who could stop him from going out, and there was no door that would not open even if his bones were broken, so Arya performed a miracle and the lock opened, allowing him to go out. . So it's not like a trap.

but no problem. Aliya removed the metal lock and placed a no-problem sign. As John prepared to go down, the joy that swirled inside him did not stop. , the wind felt strong and Yahya's every breath felt very heavy and required a lot of effort.

this key is amazing, you've seen it.

myrna wanted to say she saw it, but she was too tired to really think it had sunk.

And John is the only key breathing creature that only appears in books and movies, and he doesn't get scared just because he's not in a good mental state.

besides, myrna thought it would be suicidal to stay here.

You never know when these animals will arrive. And when you arrive and see the cage open, you know the damage it can do. So myrna thought about it, no, she had to think about it a little bit. .

he believed that the correct strategy was to prevent Yahya from going insane, so he left early. Although the location is not far from the beach, myrna still remembers that there is something there with a boat and a walk. the plane launched the car.

No matter how cursed the lock is, the key's job is to open the lock, and it's safe at work, right? have a question?

therefore, myrna did not know the reason for the refusal.

If he is saved, he will not hesitate to give his life to the devil.


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