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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第56章 潜伏的疯狂

第56章 潜伏的疯狂 (第1/2页)

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这一章接近尾声,让读者对潜伏在恩卡图尔体内的未知有着敏锐的感受。不带感情色彩的历史记录以细致的细节呈现了事件,捕捉到了伴随埃弗雷特博士和艾米丽坠入阴影的不安和敬畏感。它证明了人类好奇心的力量,以及个人在追求知识的过程中将不遗余力,即使面对超出理解范围的深不可测的奥秘。第三章 学者的议程






毫无感情色彩的历史记录细致地呈现了第 3 章的事件,捕捉了埃弗雷特博士和艾米丽揭示布莱克伍德教授恶意的真实程度时正在展开的戏剧。它证明了内识的力量,以及个人将竭尽全力保护世界免受那些寻求释放混乱和黑暗的人的伤害。对真理和正义的不屈不挠的追求,即使面对压倒性的困难,在一个受到潜伏在现实面纱之外的难以形容的恐怖威胁的世界中,它是希望的灯塔。第4章 阴影中的窃窃私语












ma: on dong wen's desk, there was a book with somewhat shabby contents. the text on the cover was written in Latin. I had seen Latin, but I didn't know much about it. he could only recognize Latin texts. So he took a photo of the book cover and sent it to Zhu Jingzhi to decipher and interpret.

After that, ma Yu checked the puter that had entered the screen animation, and saw dongwen's suicide note written on the puter.

Although it can be called a suicide note, it is actually more like an outpouring of emotions.

he died! hahaha!

he died!

he died!

die, die, die, die (omitting countless deaths)...

Logically reassembling dong wen's broken prose, ma You finally understood what dong wen had finally written.

ex-girlfriend, who apparently disappeared because of them. Just yesterday, his ex-girlfriend's parents called him and told him the news. Afterwards, dong wen Ye was unsure of his mood and finally chose to hang himself.

After further searching dong wen's puter files, mr. mayou also found some logs that dong wen had written on his puter. the log regularly recorded events since he became a hacker, including the origin of this old book on his puter desk. .

311 rich people

the origin of this ancient book that rivals dong wen in his pirate career is somewhat dramatic from dong wen's perspective.

this old book was not what dongwen originally wanted to find. At first, he only did information reselling business as a hacker, but one day he got a special client.

this customer's request was extremely unusual. the person he asked dong wen to investigate was not a big name, but a scavenger, someone on the fringes of society.

due to their special status as scavengers, they have no wealth and are outside of human society. It is also isolated from electronic products. It is basically difficult to search for each other's information on the large Internet.

the client had been investigating dong wen and seemed to know about dong wen's situation. the customer said that as long as dong wen was willing to investigate, he would always provide a satisfactory quote.

to show his sincerity, the customer actually helped dong wen pay off the huge debt he had inherited and paid him 500,000 yuan in advance, saying that he would pay dong wen an additional 2 million yuan when the matter was over.

Faced with such an incentive, dong wenming knew that there was a big trick hidden there, but he still could not resist the temptation and accept the contract.

how could a wealthy man who was willing to pay a high price for information about himself treat people so carefully?

the number of landslides in the entire Shenzhou region is the same as people don't want to know the number of survivors of ordinary disasters. No one would know that unless they bothered to check the statistics.

According to inplete statistics, there are currently 10 million pieces of garbage in china. currently, there are 1,000 cities in china. Each city has an average of 10,000 garbage collectors. this number is still quite surprising.

however, it is still very difficult to choose among the scavengers you are looking for in xiangyang, china.

Fortunately, the customer did not ask dong wen to find a needle in a haystack. he told dongwen about the scavenger's physical characteristics. Savannah was a man with a mole on his leg and only his left eye. he was a heavy child. he was raped 6 years ago. people witnessed it on the streets of University city.

dong wen felt that his client was well aware of the target, at least the identity and background of the target before he became a fraudster. however, the client simply wanted to disclose the information at this point, so he stopped asking.

If there's something you don't want others to know, sometimes it's better to pretend you don't know.

Feet are private parts. with the exception of special occupations or unique hobbies, this characteristic is not very suitable as a search keyword on the Internet. however, the left eye is very useful.

After doing some research, dongwen gathered ten candidates from all over china who were children with only a heavy left eye. Six additional suspects were eliminated after survival tests.

the remaining four suspected targets are either dead or missing.

dongwen summons the figure of the target photographed in University castle. After some parisons, he found someone who matched him in terms of facial features and body type. the identity of this person was surprising.

Li Li, whose ancestral hometown is Fengxiang city, china, is a senior consultant at a well-known real estate pany in china. twenty years ago, he was ranked among the 12 richest people in the world. Shortly after being listed as the richest man, he suddenly abandoned his wife, children, and parents, and disappeared voluntarily, leaving behind no family property. there has been no news from the latter, and he is missing...

Looking at the information on the surface, dongwen felt a little numb. he did not expect the scope of this investigation to be so large. however, I knew that once my understanding deepened, I would get stuck and it would not be easy to get out of it, so I had no choice but to be determined and continue my research.

After more than two months of research, dong wen finally made a new breakthrough.

At that time, it was the last surveillance photo taken in a city very close to the one where dong wen currently lives. Let your customers know about this important sign right away.

Unexpectedly, after hearing the news, the customer paid the full amount directly to dong wen, and dong wen said there was no need to continue the investigation.

tobun was confused, but didn't dig into it too deeply. After all, all he wanted was money, not the secrets behind it.

however, just half a month after the incident, the wealthy customer approaches dongwen again. this time, the customer asked dong wen to look for clues in books instead of people. the customer also suggested discussing the issue with dong wen. wen met on the field.

dongwen tried to refuse at first, but after the customer said he wanted to meet, he didn't say anything more and didn't even mention the meeting place. because of this, dongwen at that time was confused. he knew he couldn't say no and that the other person would e to you at some point.

I didn't expect the meeting to be held so soon. Early on the night the client requested to meet, the client visited dong wen's house.

this was also the first time dong wen saw a customer. the client's appearance was pletely different from the image of a noble, dignified, rich man he had imagined. he was just a thin, middle-aged man, with a sickly and pale face.

the other party's name was wang Yong, and he was Li Li's cousin. At first, he gives up and asks dongwen to look for Lily in order to find an explanation for his missing cousin. of course, tobun felt that the other party's true purpose was not simple. however, he still did not choose to expose it.

half a month ago, wang Yong succeeded in finding the trashed Li Li, relying on the clues provided by dong wen. As a result, Li Li didn't say anything and directly handed wang Yong an old book written in Latin, and the next day, Li Li mysteriously disappeared again, and this time Li Li disappeared even more pletely. ta. he suddenly disappeared from public view under the supervision of special bodyguards.

wang Yong feels that all the answers are in this book. but the book's content is plex, including ancient Latin and even nearly lost orphan languages. Since it is impossible for ordinary scholars to decipher it, he feels that it is better to first investigate the origins of the book rather than focusing on the content of the book.

So wang Yong approached dong wen.

dongwen still had no way to refuse his partner. wang Yong's ability to find him meant that his men could also find him and easily threaten his life. moreover, this time, the other party came to meet me in person and conveyed his sincerity. dongwen knew that no matter where he came from, he had to take this job.

there, dongwen began working under wang Yong again and researched the origins of ancient books.

this time, wang Yong's people actually cooperated with the investigation, and the pursuit of the origin of the dongwen ancient books became much faster.

After 10 days, dongwen came up with some rough basic findings. twenty years ago, Lee took a photo of a small island in the northwest of the southern continent at a global charity auction attended by the world's wealthiest people. then he sent people to the island to investigate. while cleaning, they discovered a stone house hidden deep in the mountains on a deserted island. most of the items inside must be old antiques, so I asked them to collect the items they found in the stone house to find out their value. please return everything, including old books.

320 taboo studies

these strange things started from researching this old book. while dongwen was investigating the origin of ancient books, the investigation of the origin of ancient books and the study of the contents of ancient books were carried out at the same time, so a team of scholars called by wang Yong also investigated the origin of ancient books. So. progress.

At the time, dongwen didn't know what they had discovered, but he knew that wang Yong and his team of scholars were so excited that wang Yong quickly sought out foreigners like himself. I decided to invite them to the celebration. new discovery. .

there was no one else at the party. After wang Yong made all the preparations for the party, wang Yong evacuated the villa where the party was being held. only he, dongbun, and the team of scholars who assisted in the study of ancient texts remained. .

the excited eyes of wang Yong and the scholars did not blink, revealing terrifying ecstasy at every moment.

dongwen was the only one there. he stood on the edge like a timid penguin, but wang Yong seemed to have eyes behind him. he quickly found dongwen and pulled him close. In the middle of a crazy crowd.

In fact, dongwen did not clearly hear what wang Yong said. he only remembered that wang Yong had said that he had discovered a miracle that would change the world. It was an absolute force capable of shaking the entire human society and changing the process of civilization. this is truly an irreplaceable treasure. No wonder his father wanted to abandon everything and remove this old book from the world. She would have made the same choice...

wang Yong probably didn't know how excited he was at that time and accidentally revealed the secret, making dongwen think for a while.

he didn't care about the power wang Yong said. the mental state of wang Yong and his team of scholars was very poor. he asked if these people had changed because they couldn't quit their boring academic studies and take illegal drugs. I was so excited that I went crazy and lost my mind. what he was actually worried about was that wang Yong had just called Li Li father. It turns out that the relationship between wang Yong and Li Li was not that of uncle and nephew as he had claimed. No wonder the other party was determined to find Li Li.

dongwen's doll-like dull expression made everyone a little happy. they thought that toon could not understand their joy and did not believe in the results.

In order to convince dongwen that what they said was true, wang Yong and a group of scholars pushed dongwen out of the banquet hall, walked to the villa's study, and walked into the basement through a hidden hallway on one side. . In the study hall.

tobun hesitated, but there was nothing he could do. what he saw next in the basement made him regret it for the rest of his life. he was horrified to realize that he had e out of the basement alive.

there are people who still believe that humanity is vile and flawed. but when dongwen saw the beast in the basement, he wanted to deny them out loud. If they had e to see this scene, I'm sure they would understand. how ignorant and shallow what I once said!

It was a body that swelled greatly, and a body that shimmered between illusions. An unknown liquid was flowing out of the big, smelly body of the meat. the meat bowl had an ugly head and four open valves. Its mouth is full of human-like teeth, and every time it roars, it releases a strange, smelly gas...it's a truly blasphemous creature. If there really is a God in this world, why did he create something like this? Are you an ugly, depraved animal?

Seeing this horrifying sight that could shatter people's sanity, dongwen couldn't help but remember the city that disappeared from the map of china and the night of its destruction, filled with endless pain, despair, and death.

during the countless late nights he spent, countless tragic and soul-shattering scenes repeatedly shattered his delicate nerves. It was clear that every part of the city was familiar to him, yet every part was strange. And dangerously, there is the unknown fear of killing someone with one blow.

dongwen was so frightened that he cried on the ground and almost collapsed. he ran away with his head in his hands, running madly out of the mansion and back into the tiny 9-foot room he had rented. he was wrapped in a blanket, his head and face covered, and placed in a small corner of the bed against the wall, suffocated and starved of oxygen, sweating cold from the suffocating heat. only then did he slowly regain his timid sense of reason.

Since then, toon never contacted wang Yong again. he basically organized the information he had collected so far, listed the logic, wrote a summary, packaged the information, and sent it to wang Yong. I deleted wang Yong from my contacts and wanted nothing to do with him.

It was all because wang Yong forced him to see this that night, and the psychological shadow that dongwen had finally escaped was torn from his mind every night.

he had to turn on all the lights in his rented house before he went to bed. the curtains in the house should not be opened before dawn. because the reflections spreading into the house from the windows under the light of the moon remind him of a bird in the shadows. It was so ugly that he had to cover his ears tightly. he didn't want to hear the sounds ing into his ears in the middle of the night. because it reminds you that objects are spinning, twisting, and grinding.

dong wen blocked wang Yong's phone number, but wang Yong still sent messages every day. his message was included in a message dedicated to harassing intercepts. there can be no recall unless it is dongwen himself. only then, when something unexpected happened, did dongwen begin to reflect on the message sent by wang Yong.

the sudden change was that wang Yong disappeared and the team of scholars who were studying the old books with him disappeared the day after the banquet.

dongwen, who was aware of this change, finally learned what was going on when the lawyer who carried out wang Yong's will, who had gone missing after he was officially declared dead, came to see him.

when dongwen learned that wang Yong had disappeared, he was shocked, but not surprised.

cruel fun ultimately ends in a cruel way. Research into anomalies will always be influenced by anomalies at some point. the taboo that no one should touch eventually brought disaster to this man.

wang Yong not only left a large amount of property to dongwen, but also included the villa and everything in the villa.

dongwen was excited, but he got scared because he unexpectedly got the forest. She didn't know if wang Yong considered her a friend. he felt guilty in his heart for refusing to contact wang Rong without permission before he disappeared. I feel a little regret for my actions.

For this reason, after dong wen received the inheritance, he also began to look back on the information he had intercepted.

Starting from the message intercepted earlier, the first messages wang Yong sent were all sincere apologies, saying that he was temporarily too excited and should forget about dongwen's pain, and ask him to see what made him. It wasn't something that I should do. beautiful. scene. I hope dongwen can e see me at the villa and apologize properly for this matter.

After that, he stopped talking about apologizing frequently and started investigating the consequences.

dongwen also learned at this time that the ancient book was a magical book that recorded a lost civilization. a>vas>div>Scan the qR code to download Red Sleeves and xiaoxiang and get a special offer for new users. Free for a limited time div>div>div>

321 hundred


\the text on the cover of the book is ancient Latin. the translated text is 'the Secret of the Shadow of Insects', and the optimized translation is 'the mystery of the Shadow of Insects'.\ because Zhu Jingzhi accessed the munication signal, dongwen I was concentrating on reading my diary, but was interrupted. horse journey.

ma You was able to see the part of the old book that revealed the truth, and I saw that wang Yong and his team of scholars also translated the book's title with the same kind of meaning as \the Secret of the Insect Shadow\

Let's consider ``the mystery of the Insect Shadow'' translated by Shu Jingzhi. \we were able to find the record of an ancient book in dongwen's diary. this is a magical book that records a lost civilization,\ maari said in a munication.

``A magic book?'' Zhu Jingzhi was surprised to hear this. ma I can imagine the shocked expression on the other side of Zhu Jingzhi, and then I heard Zhu Jingzhi say in a solemn tone, \this is a forbidden book.\

In this world, not only magic books, but also books of mysterious power such as magical secrets, cultivation techniques, and shamanic books are widely distributed. however, this knowledge is actually forbidden knowledge.

they are considered taboo not because they are powerful forces that change existing social systems, but because the high costs behind them are not as simple as people imagine.

these powers do not e from empty air or the potential of the human body, but from blessings left by unknown gods to believers around the world.

Even if grace is given, there is no guarantee that a believer will be able to bear the \weight\ of that grace. this is not their concern. they don't care. being able to respond to believers is their greatest reward.

of course, such forbidden knowledge is dangerous, but human desire is limitless. they know that there are tigers in the mountains, but they go to the tiger mountains just to make contact with the tip of the unknown iceberg, hoping that one day they can realize their ambition to be better than ordinary people.

Like wang Yong, a group of scholars, and later dongwen, were also obsessed with the power of this extraordinary force.

ma You took a photo of the first page of the book and asked Zhu Jingzhi's team to try to decipher its contents. that way she could continue reading her diary.

through the tireless efforts of wang Yong and the scholars, they discovered the first deciphered spell and tried to learn how to master it, achieving a truly important and wonderful achievement.

A magic called Shadow Eater.

this is a surprising discovery. trying to follow the book's onerous requirements, they first arranged the scene by singing and chanting spells. he then gave the scientists who volunteered for the experiment the necessary props, blood and a handful of insect eggs, and asked them to cast a spell over a magic circle drawn with paint mixed with human blood.

then, a shadow-eating insect that shouldn't really exist in this world was summoned. when the shadow-devouring insect was summoned, everyone was shocked and frightened, so no one could react when it was summoned. the shadow-eating insect devoured the scholar who summoned it.

this book describes how to protect yourself from shadow-eating insects. After the shadow eater devoured the first person and heard the scholar's pitiful lament, they reacted and hurriedly arranged to surround the shadow eater. he was inside a barrier restricting his movement, and this shadow-eating insect was what dong wen later saw in the banquet villa.

Afterwards, wang Yong and his friends became obsessed with magical knowledge and actually wanted to research shadow-eating insects. they were so bold that they managed to discover a lot of knowledge about shadow-eating insects.

but what they don't know is that the road they are walking on is not a highway, but a cliff leading to the abyss of despair.

wang Yong and the scholars who have been studying shadow-eating insects and living with them for a long time began to exhibit unusual behavior. they became lethargic and weak and gradually developed symptoms of neurasthenia. they often hear or see voices and have hallucinations. I had a nightmare about a shadow devourer. Roshan's demonic insect cries are clearly full of dissonance, but they have a kind of addictive magical power, and I gradually feel that they are very beautiful.

on the fifth day of researching Shadow Eater, wang Yong and his team discover that several members have suddenly mysteriously disappeared. Even after examining all the surveillance cameras inside the villa, these missing persons were eventually found to have disappeared. their place is in their own room.

we don't know how these people disappeared from the chamber of Secrets scene, but we all know this must be inseparable from the beings they are being tortured and studied.

the day after one person went missing, wang Yong found many people missing.

After the third day, wang Yong realized that out of his original 26-person team, only three remained, including himself.

Unable to bear the fear, the student frantically drove wang Yong's car, which was parked in the garage of the villa, to escape, but wang Yong did not let anyone chase him.

the scholars who did not run away with him knew deeply and decisively that no one could.

on the third night after people disappeared one after another, the only scholar left in the villa jumped into the room from the balcony with a translation notebook in hand. he fell to the ground himself and died at the scene.

wang Yong was scared. he wasn't scared because of intellectual suicide, but when he learned of the situation he was about to face, he was so scared that he still trembled.

wang Yong stepped over the scholar's torn body and wrote down the translation notebook the scholar had left behind.

blood's translation notes recorded other information related to insects eating the shadows of old books. he writes that the presence of shadow-eating insects makes people feel relaxed and peaceful, but that this kind of sleep is like an anesthetic. once it is accepted to a certain extent, it not only creates dependence and has unimaginable consequences.

this feature of shadow-eating insects is actually their normal feeding routine. the restriction methods included in the book only restrict their actions in this spatial dimension, and are ways to temporarily restrict their defenses.

when a person sleeps near it, it transcends reality and enters the dream, ending the dream owner's life in the most gruesome way, using its ability to erase the real person's body. the person appears to have mysteriously disappeared. .

Later, wang Yong saw another newly translated spell recorded in his notes. It was a magic that controlled the summoning of shadow-eating insects. however, he recognized that casting a spell requires a rigorous process and that it all needs to e together. After doing the spell, I became very sleepy at night. he knew it was already too late.

wang Yong could only do his best to make a last stand. he decided to write a small will and leave a special legacy to dongwen.

he regrets his desperate actions to explore the unknown. because dongwen was the only person who resisted the forbidden knowledge from the beginning. he thought that after receiving the inheritance, dongwen would know how to deal with a city full of evil and wickedness. the villa is dirty, a taboo truth that shouldn't be known.

however, wang Yong did not underestimate human nature.

322 animals

dongwen did indeed think of burning these dangerous things at first, but still could not resist the temptation when he saw the spell recorded in the notebook that could control the behavior of the shadow-eating insects. he chose to hold, learn, and control.

he used two spells he learned to summon and control shadow-eating insects. having mastered great strength, dongwen felt that he was already superior to humans.

but at the same time, toon was afraid. he was afraid that someday he would end up like wang Yong and the others. Every time he cast a spell, he was constantly reminded of his psychological shadow, which he did not dare to reveal. he uses this power often. Also, the remaining humans who have not been swallowed up by desire will also tell you that this power is not actually necessary for human society to exist. they don't bring good results, only bad ones.

but one day, dong wen happened to meet his unforgettable ex-girlfriend in a cafe in the city, and his first love released the evil and anger that was in his bitter heart.

his ex-girlfriend did not recognize him, looking scruffy and shy, beaten down by life and society. he sat next to her. he suppressed his inner feelings and did not dare to admit them. It wasn't just because I didn't know what to do at that moment. on the other hand, the way to deal with it is also because the girl who doesn't love him anymore is on a blind date with another stranger.

on the blind date, he was curious about his ex-girlfriend's love story and was asked about it.

his ex-girlfriend said something about him, but seeing her strange look he fell into an ice hole. he said in a tone of defeat and contempt.

\meeting this person was a real disaster and the shame of my life...\

dongwen knew that he might not love her anymore, but he didn't expect to be treated with such contempt.

Although I understood the reason and attitude of my lover who broke up with me, I couldn't understand how the memories of people I thought were important would be trampled on in this way. As the difficult days continued, it was his faith and support that sustained him. power!

From that moment on, dongwen began to despair of the world.

because he knows the real cause of death of wang Yong and the missing scholars, he has a powerful power that he doesn't know where to release, and he wanted to take revenge on his former lover dong wen when he was young. . his mind was corrupt and he had crazy and bold thoughts. he wanted revenge. this woman!

As the person closest to the woman, dong wen deeply understands most of the lifestyle habits of his ex-lover.

he is prone to insomnia and likes to listen to videos that help him sleep. he doesn't know if these videos really work, but he does know that he's somewhat addicted to them.

So let's start with this aspect.

dong wen used the Shadow Eater's abilities to create hypnotic sounds and prey on the behavior of those hypnotized by the sounds. he decides to create a sleep aid video using the sounds made by Shadow Eater and post it online so that someday a woman will die from hearing that sound.

Shadow Eater's hypnotic audio is certainly full of powerful effects. Along with the release of the video, it has bee a video with excellent sleep effects. his account is being more and more popular and his audience is also increasing.

Although dong wen closed the ments section of his videos, he couldn't help but get excited when he frequently received enthusiastic feedback from viewers in private messages.

Until one day, when he suddenly receives the news of his ex-girlfriend's death, dongwen does not feel the joy and pleasure he was expected to feel when he vents his anger, but only has big plex emotions. I noticed that. then, as if he finally understood something, he chose to mit suicide.

\I go crazy in love, and I go crazy in anti-social situations.\ ma I couldn't help but sigh as I read the story of dong wen's diary and ranking.

dong wenming can take revenge more directly. he has mastered a spell to control the Shadow Eaters. he is able to secretly summon the Shadow Eater to his ex-girlfriend's house. If you don't accept it, you can vent your anger right then and there in a cafe. he directly summoned a shadow-eating bug and swallowed his former lover on the field.

however, dong wen chose the most rounded and crooked way to kill a person, and chose to create an unusual video for sleeping, not knowing when the target of revenge would hear it. he never considered the probability that this method of revenge would succeed.

however, on the other hand, tobun's thinking is probably quite corrupt. In fact, he knows that making such a video will kill many innocent people, but he still does it regardless of the consequences and doesn't care who hears the video. he even ridicules those who fall into the trap he has set beforehand.

\carriage team, hurry up and find the notebook that recorded the two spells. the movie and tV bugs who lost control of dongwen's spell should be out of control. they definitely heard the sleeping video. It will eat up the viewers, you must eat.'' dong wen currently has more than 200,000 followers on his account across the network!'' Zhu Jingzhi said that if he does nothing, he will definitely asked, which would cause a global cataclysm.

ma Yu and the other team members carefully search for clues in dong wen's room. when maou passed by a corpse, he would sometimes get angry and kick the corpse.

we can't abuse this beast!


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