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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第52章 警惕网络

第52章 警惕网络 (第1/2页)

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随着编年史的篇章接近尾声,读者心中萦绕着宽慰和惶恐。尼克托斯的威胁暂时被平息,但它回归的幽灵像阴影一样笼罩着阿卡姆。编年史证明了其居民的韧性和决心,永远铭刻在该镇的历史中,提醒人们已知和不可知之间脆弱的平衡。第5章 与黑暗的契约——历史编年史




带着惶恐和沉重的心情,卡特博士和格林小姐深入研究了神秘学传说的编年史。编年史记录了他们与深奥文本和古代手稿的相遇,他们的眼睛扫视着褪色的页面,寻找将他们与 xal'Keth 联系在一起的仪式。编年史记录了他们精心准备必要组件的细致精确性,这些符号刻在仪式工具上,与超越凡人理解的力量产生共鸣。








随着编年史的几页接近尾声,读者们感到不安和期待。与xal'Keth的协议,一个在绝望中诞生的必要联盟,像幽灵一样笼罩着阿卡姆。编年史证明了在面对难以想象的恐怖时做出的牺牲,永远铭刻在小镇的历史中,提醒着凡人和潜伏在他们无法理解的精灵力量之间的微妙平衡。第6章 后裔——历史编年史




his mouth could no longer taste normally, and he could clearly feel that his previous training had lost control over his hearing and vision, and that he was pletely out of control.

No one knows what the taste organs of the transcendental Lord are like. perhaps beings like him don't need to eat at all. they do not have, nor do they need, taste organs. of course, his taste organs may be beyond normal recognition and extremely plex. It's not something that people can understand, but no matter how you look at it, this was the trigger that finally led to a major change in Fang mu's current taste. he can no longer taste human food. his body is still able to accept and digest the food he ingests, he can be the \participant\ in food consumption, but his mouth rejects these \low level foods\. masu.

Unable to eat normally, Juan mu's health deteriorated. At the same time, the act of sharing his essence with the Lord who transcends everything caused other changes in his body. his body's daily metabolism was greatly accelerated and was already faster than that of an ordinary person. presumably, the energy cost of extrasensory abilities is double.

whether you consume a lot of energy or a little, your body will bee more and more exhausted, and you won't be able to bee a strong warrior who can fight bravely on the battlefield.

“Let me use the stupidest method to see if this sentence is true or if everything is still under your control,” Fan mu murmured in a low voice. he believed that what he said existed in time and space. outside, the Lord, who transcends all of the abyss, can hear his words.

three days later, homaki was discharged from the hospital. Although I have been forcing myself to eat for the past few days in order to maintain my basic energy intake, I am still visibly thinner and my weight is decreasing rapidly day by day. ta.

Fan mu was taken out of the hospital and was placed next to An Fan, a little surprised that he

wasn't in jail. It seems that they became part of An huang's team, lived and acted together, and asked him to do some things. Strange job.

\I don't know if you're arrogant or not really afraid of my misfortune, but you actually asked me to help you with this.\ due to physical reasons, Fang mu is forced to do hard labor. can no longer be engaged in. All he usually has to do is help An huang. I also do work such as approving documents, and I look at the contents of those documents. I can't say that all of them are important secrets, but at least 60% are.

An Fang sneered, “do you think there’s still a chance to escape?”

“there’s no need to run away, and I won’t run away.” Fan mu nodded several times. he didn't have to run away, just wait to die, and wanted to use this opportunity to learn more about the abnormality.

After hearing Fang mu's words, An Fang snorted quietly, hoping that the other party was not brave. he looked at the forbidden book that he had borrowed from the Forbidden Library under his name on Juan mu's desk, and only looked at the cover. After glancing at the text, his expression became uncontrollable, and he couldn't help but twitch several times.

All three books are forbidden books that distort the perception of the world for ordinary people.

If an ordinary person wants to read these books, he should read them in conjunction with the catalog and in a directed and targeted manner, thereby reducing the risk of mental confusion and mental distortion .

however, the familiar Fang maki read the entire book slowly and carefully, as if reading a novel, and showed no signs of losing control.

there are only two possibilities in this situation. one is that Fan mu is a person with a high degree of acceptance of the ordinary and the distorted. Another thing is that Fang mu has been a fool for a long time. his perception has long been distorted and only rational. A madman can find his own logic in madness and remain a \normal person\ until what he thinks is \logic\ collapses.

An Fang and the other members of the mysterious group agreed that Fang mu belonged to the latter.

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Unconsciously, spring and autumn came and went three times. Fang mu is a severely mentally ill police officer who remained in Anfang's action team for three years without incident as a temporary employee of the secret team.

For the past three years, Fang mu has been adapting to his uncontrollable sensory abilities every day.

If you can't resist or control it, you can only adapt.

we still cannot underestimate the ability of humans to adapt to habits. At first, it was very painful, but now huang mu has bee numb to the pain and cannot feel the pain. At least he can handle the pressure most of the time.

At the same time, he learned his own cooking methods. I can't taste it, so I just eat it without tasting it. mix meat and vegetables into a liquid diet. Like him, he doesn't need to taste the food. Eat more food so you don't starve because it doesn't taste good anyway.

despite this, Fang mu still had a bamboo pole-thin, chiselled face. Looking at the crowd, it was clearly an anomaly.

After living with An Fan's behavioral team for a long time, huang mu did not show any aggression. In fact, most of the time it was very peaceful. Everyone still had feelings for him, but everyone gradually let down their guard against him. Although it is the last line of defense, unless Fang mu touches this line, most people's attitude towards Fang mu is actually no different from that of a normal teammate.

most of the time, Fang mu is not allowed to leave the branch boundaries of the mysterious group he is in. he can only leave the branch when traveling with An Fang, and An Fang must apply for registration in advance and pass all levels of approval. but only then. the limit following An Fang.

this day is a rare time for Fangmoku to go out. he and An huang's team were scheduled to investigate multiple mysterious disappearances of children in one location.

Fang mu notices that the team members have serious expressions and cannot show fort to themselves as usual, and realizes that something serious may have happened.

however, Fang mu was used to not asking aggressive questions. he just sat quietly in his chair, drinking energy drink after energy drink.

he is always hungry and can't eat anything. Although you won't be able to fully maintain your daily intake by drinking these energy drinks, they can help to some extent.

while the car was driving, An huang, who was sitting next to me, suddenly said, ``my niece is among the missing people.''

\oh.\ hearing the words, Fang mu nodded with surprise in his eyes, but had no other emotions, and was very dull.

Although An Fan knew that Juan mu's mental state was abnormal and that the abnormal events that had happened in the past had greatly reduced his ability to empathize as a human, he still felt that Juan mu's indifference. It was frustrating and disappointing to see such reactions. .

\So, I will do my best to find my family, and I hope you can help.\A Fang said to Fan mu.

As soon as Fang mu finished speaking, he announced his position and said, \I will.\ he looked into An Fan's eyes. there wasn't much emotion on his face, but his tone was positive.

Fang pinched his eyebrows. Even though he had been with Fang mu for three years, he still couldn't figure it out.

Arriving in the city where the incident occurred, homaki followed Yasukata's team and visited related parties and departments, including the families of the missing children.

“xiao Fan, please, please, I have to find xiao qing…she is still young…” A pair of parents held An Fan’s hands on both sides, one crying, the other strong. . . . he implored his sister to contain his excitement, but she declared in a slightly incoherent tone, ``the law must be enforced.''

Fan mu turned his back to them and sat in the corner as calmly as possible, trying to catch some air.

these parents are his stepfather and stepmother, who are the same age as An huang and even younger than his current appearance.

Fang mu still felt indebted to An qin and his parents. the tragic ending has not yet e to them, but it has not really faced them.

In front of them, he felt nothing but guilt and guilt.

“brother and sister-in-law, I will definitely do my best,” Fang said solemnly to the couple in front of him.

the two continued to thank each other, then thanked all the members of the secret team who were pretending to be law enforcement officers, and quickly came to Fan mu's side.

Fang wu could no longer pretend and slowly turned around, but lowered his head and did not look at their faces.

the couple did not pay attention. they grabbed Fang mu's cold, thin hand and begged again, \please help me.\

\...he'll e back fine, I promise.\ Fang mu hesitated for a moment, but spoke to fort him.

hearing this, the couple seemed to feel peace in their hearts, and their emotions gradually subsided. with tears in their eyes, they once again expressed their heartfelt gratitude.

Soon, the investigation into the missing Eucalyptus took shape.

the results of the investigation...I should say that the results of the deduction are most likely to take everyone's breath away. Fang whispered to himself. \Fortunately, it's not that damn rat. If it's just a witch, we'll be fine.\

when I say witches, I don't mean old magical witches from fairy tales, but really ordinary creatures. to be precise, the image of a witch in the story is a glorified version of an actual ``witch.''

Yes, witches in fairy tales are always depicted as very ugly, but in reality they are many times more beautiful than they are in real life.

According to legend, people who continue to eat only the flesh of dead people gradually turn into normal animals. this rare animal is now called the \corpse disciple.\ these corpse disciples lose their human form and bee hideous animal-like creatures. Ugly and hideous monsters, they fear the sun and prefer to live underground. most of them have bee crazy and wild due to excessive attachment to their loved ones. only a few or enough zombies are able to slowly regain enough intelligence to municate with humans.

Among them, many of the corpse disciples who have intelligence parable to that of humans and who have studied alchemy, magic, magic books, etc. are called witches because they are female corpse disciples.

witches love to take children, but they do not have one purpose. they can eat and cast evil spells. It is also said that human children are kidnapped in order to raise them as new witches.

the danger of witches is obvious, but pared to other beings often made of bronze, zombies are one of the few normal creatures that humans can confidently confront head-on. It's \impossible\. created, regenerated, immortalized. that's very dangerous. ”

\You shouldn't have sworn to my brother and sister-in-law like that. have you ever thought about breaking your promise? It will be painful for both of us.\ Anh Fan's psychological pressure eased and began talking about distraction topics. .

Juan mu smiled uglyly. \I don't break my promise, I want to do it for them...I mean, I want to risk my life for my promise.\

two hundred and ninety people desert me

when the car stopped at the entrance to the abandoned mine, huang mu got out of the car with the others. As expected, strange footprints were discovered near the abandoned mine.

the footprints basically have human characteristics, but what makes them unique is that they are extremely large, twice the footprint of an average adult male. Unlike humans, their toes are triangular in shape and have sharp claws. the front of this footprint is deeper, meaning the owner of the footprint walked on tiptoe.

Another footprint of the same animal was found about 3 to 4 meters away from the first footprint.

this discovery is very interesting because it means that this animal's physical strength is beyond human imagination. they can run through the mountains at a speed of 3 to 4 meters per step, and their speed is parable to that of a wild beast.

what you need to know is that these things are wise and may be right. they are only more frightening and dangerous than the beasts of the human heart.

they speculate that the ordinary animals that have been preying on children and adolescents these days may be zombie witches. An occult team led by An huang briefly transmitted information about them.

paring the photo of the footprints in the information with the footprints at the scene, it is almost certain that the monster that left the footprints was the corpse's servant.

Fang mu looked at the footprints and suddenly felt a little confused. In the blink of an eye, the surrounding scenery changes to night. A hairless humanoid monster with slender limbs and a curved body, inhuman green eyes, flew above the walls of a mountain forest. without his special eyes, it can be difficult to follow the opponent's movements.

when Juan mu came to his senses, he was stunned for several seconds and sweated profusely.

Fang's eyes rarely left Fangmu's for long. he always noticed the changes in Juan mu's expressions, and after being friends for three years, he also learned about some of Juan mu's special abilities.

For example, Juan mu sometimes suffers from \visual and auditory hallucinations,\ but these are not plete hallucinations. his eyes can only see scenes that happened at some point in the past or future. plus, his eyes are amazing. If Juan mu couldn't hold a gun, he would be a formidable marksman. the same goes for his auditory hallucinations.

Fang mu's relatively stable mental state and these extrasensory abilities are important reasons why he was allowed to remain in the mysterious team. At present, china has too few scientific and technological recognition methods. detecting and investigating some anomalous events is not easy. wood is a very useful accessory.

After An Fan instructed everyone to be ready to enter the mine at any time, An Fan also took the opportunity to approach Fan mu and quietly asked: \what did you see again?\

\hairless humanoid monsters were running through the forest chasing a man who was passing through a hunting area at night. the man was not dead, but his limbs were broken. 't. dragged him to the bottom of the mine and, as Fan mu said, led An Fan to the place where the footprints of the corpses appeared. I let them pass, and when I opened the bushes, I found a person covered in carrot food.

Yong-hwan frowned and said, \dead disciples have a habit of hoarding food. It just so happens that winter is approaching. they don't like cold or intense heat, so they don't kill animals right away. maybe this is the reason.\

Fang mu nodded, looked at An Fang, and said softly. \maybe that's not all. I saw the look on this animal's face. he was happy and he was enjoying the desperate cries of an animal when faced with a hopeless situation.\

hearing this, Anfang clenched his fists. he had no doubts about Fang mu's words. he gritted his teeth and said, \I'm going to kill those damn animals!\

Fang mu was silent for a while and asked, “wait a minute, what do you plan to do with me?”

\As always, stay close and don't take your eyes off me easily.\ An Fang looked at him and gave Fan mu a swinging stick, \this is for self-defense.\

``what you say is no different from the president of the ruling party.'' Fang moku rarely plained to his opponents. he picked up a swinging stick and waved it in the air. the sound of the bat flying through the air was a little scary as it hit the human body. It must have been very painful, dig said, ``It's better to have a weapon than not.''

\don't even think about fighting zombies with this. they're scared of the cold, but freezing doesn't kill them. It just slows them down. Fire is the only weapon to kill them.\?Fan picked up the tip of the weapon. A magazine appeared from the pistol inside, and Fan mu saw a special bullet marked with a red circle.

Simply put, zombies are afraid of bright light and extreme heat.

these bullets are explosive bombs specially developed to deal with normal animals that are afraid of light and heat. It would be a waste if you got used to interacting with people. After all, a regular bullet is enough for a fragile animal like a human.

``didn't you ever think of giving it to me?'' while the others were still getting ready to clean, Fang mu was joking and chatting with An Fang.

An Fang didn't seem to think these words were a joke. he nodded and answered seriously. \I want to give, but my application won't be approved. I really don't know when I'll lose control.\

the corners of Juan mu’s mouth rose, and his smile slightly lowered. he said as seriously as the other person. \then, if you can't see the direction of attack, I can only specify the direction of attack for you. do you believe me?\

\I believe.\ An Fang nodded affirmatively.

once everyone was ready, teams of 10 lined up in two lines and entered the abandoned mine.

being a secret agent is a high-risk profession, and money cannot be changed easily. All are fully armed and wearing night vision goggles. the body is all made with top technology in china.

Except for not having a weapon, Fan mu's weapons are no different from those of any other mysterious detective. of course, his special eyes mean he doesn't have to wear night vision goggles. Even when working in dark mines, he works with the naked eye, but he is better than them. people wearing night vision equipment can see even more clearly.

\Stop!\ Juan mu was walking in the front row. After turning through several mine tunnels, he called for everyone to stop.

\what's wrong?\ the mysterious detective stepped forward to ask in confusion, but was stopped by Fan mu before he could reach shoulder height.

Fang moku saw the dissatisfied look on the face of the mysterious young detective who had been transferred to a local secret team, and said quietly, ``there is a deep hole ahead. If you take one more step, you will die.'' I did.

when the mysterious detective heard this, his heart pounded. he quickly removed his night vision goggles, lit a light stick and threw it forward. In the blink of an eye, the penlight emitted a red light, illuminating the landscape in front of me.

here the path suddenly stopped, and five meters away there was only the entrance to a cave, and between those five meters was a deep hole. the red light from the ignition stick continued to fall, and no sound could be heard until the red light disappeared.

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the problem was how to get there.

Fan mu finds out that a suspension bridge was supposed to be built here, but it was destroyed.

It is presumed that people who once tried to escape from here had severed it to stop the monsters, but it was unexpected that they had underestimated the monsters' physical abilities. Even if the bridge breaks, we can e quickly.

In such a situation, the only solution is to build a temporary bridge.

there were some good rock climbers on the team. together they quickly built a stable rope bridge.

the mysterious detectives safely crossed the broken road and continued exploring the mine tunnels, looking for any trace of the dead apprentice.

Fan mu continued to expand his hearing range, and deep inside the mine tunnels, in this dark and damp place, he heard a strange roaring wave creeping silently like an ambushed animal.

they may have the same powerful hearing abilities as him. As Fang mu sensed their presence, he also heard the footsteps of people invading their habitat.

It was the sound of food falling into a trap. Fan mu heard the excited cries of a herd of wild, cruel and cunning beasts and began to trace the source of the sound.

the mysterious detective behind him has not yet sensed the impending danger, but Juan mu is still tensing his muscles and concentrating.

\be on guard, we can hear them approaching.\ Fan mu reminds everyone that there was an incident where a broken circuit was discovered before anyone else, and they I gained a new understanding of superhuman sensations.

After hearing Fang mu's words, they believed him and were immediately alert.

\do you know how far they are from us?\ asked Fang, walking slowly as he came to Fangmu's side.

“probably 100 or 200 meters,” Juan mu replied, calculating in his mind, “of course, the mines here are spread out in all directions, ruling out that there are no shortcuts or secret passages here. You can't. You can e out of the black hole at any time. our attack...\

As soon as he finished speaking, loud animal sounds joined the echo.

If it weren't for Juan mu's amazing hearing, all the mysterious detectives present heard the ravenous roar, and everyone felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

After taking about five steps, Fang maki, who was still on guard, suddenly heard the sound of quick footsteps passing through the hole to the left in front of him. his eyes lit up and I saw a dark shadow passing by.

\they're ing!\ Juan mu reminded everyone once again.

the mysterious detectives who heard the sound immediately set up a defensive formation and set up lighting poles around the area.


the penlight illuminated the surroundings, and the zombies hiding around everyone were stabbed by the penlight. the weak eyes suddenly let out a scream and powerfully charged towards the people.

A sharp roar was heard from above the crowd, followed by a wave of animal roars. A fire broke out in the darkness, and gunshots quickly covered the roar of the raging monster and put it down.


Fan mu seemed angry and walked towards the zombie corpse lying in front of him. Unfortunately, it was too thin and not strong enough. he can only walk on the corpse of a monster with developed tendons. he himself was tired.

but that doesn't matter, it's okay to be disappointed.

mysterious detectives have high production firepower, and no matter how much they work together, nothing is perfect. In the fight against hordes of zombies, they always revealed some flaws. two of them were unable to fire their firearms in time. the trained bodies that followed them were like pieces of paper, easily torn apart by the necrophiles' claws. one of them suffered a heart attack and died on the spot. the other person did not immediately die, but he was also seriously injured.

\Leave me here,\ the wounded mysterious detective said faintly to An huang, knowing that he was probably hopeless.

\I'm not leaving anyone alive,\ Fang said firmly.

\but I...\ the man looked troubled.

``It's nothing. In a place like this, even a dead person like you is useful as bait.'' homaki interrupted the other person's thoughts with resignation.

hearing Juan mu’s words, everyone looked at him in surprise.

this person is truly a psychopath.

A Fang gave Fang mu a light elbow blow to silence him, scaring his panions to death.

Fang wu said nothing. he had planned it, but after seeing everyone's reactions, he realized that it was really inhumane to do it, but there were other ways.

he collected from everyone the thin flesh of corpses crushed by bombs. he led the way with a hand full of flesh and blood. Sometimes he threw a thin piece of meat in front of me. Spread the bait.

what I have to say is that Fang mu's method is effective. Fools swallowed by appetite will jump on themselves. before he can attack them all, they are blown to smithereens by a mysterious detective's explosive and coke-filled attack.


An obvious sound of swallowing reached An Fan's ears. he couldn’t help but get nervous and quickly approached Fan mu. he alerted those around him and said, \I can hear the hunger and thirst of these Necrophiles, dummy.\ I'm closer. ”

hearing this, Fan mu looked at An Fan with plicated eyes. he quickly wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth with the sleeve of his upper arm.

the sound I just swallowed was his doing. For some reason, the zombie meat in my hand suddenly tasted delicious. despite the stench and smell of blood, he felt like normal flesh. Food is handled pletely differently. From a human perspective, nothing tastes good, but for some reason, my long-closed appetite suddenly opened up.

Fang mu realized that this was an uncontrolled activation of the taste organ. my taste buds, which had not opened up even after trying different foods, were still salivating for food because of the exotic animal meat.


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