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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第50章 次元之舞

第50章 次元之舞 (第1/2页)

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(第1卷第9章 - “揭开谜团” - 地方编年史)第4章 次元之舞-地方编年史













``damn, it would be great if the frog god and his huan family showed up at this time and fought the dogs together.'' Juan mu was whimsical. Even though he hides his emotions and pretends to be weak, he observes his surroundings and observes them. during this period, he discovered things that spread across the globe. he secretly took the sharp stone while people were not paying attention and hid it in his pocket.

\we are here.\ Fan mu heard the change in the sheep's voice before his eyes, and immediately passed through the tunnel and came to a closed but empty underground space. the crew members smiled excitedly.

the fat man who was dragging the group put pressure on his wrist and threw the 120 kg block of lumber into the crowd. the sheep tried to avoid it in advance and sent Fan mu flying. he hit the ground hard and felt great pain all over his body.

the fat man said coldly. \You and these sheep will be left alone.\

while saying that, the fat man pulled out a melon knife from his waist. the silver blade reflected the cold light, and the others followed closely and took up their weapons.

the flat-headed man took out a gun, pointed the deadly muzzle at Fang mu's corpse, and sneered. the ground in front of me, I want you to open the door. ”, fall down with these sheep. ”

“would you like to e with me?” Fang mu said through gritted teeth.

\Ah, you and they are sacrifices,\ the flat-headed man said sternly, \daughters of evolution, feel proud as nourishment for mother Earth!\

“hehehe…” After hearing the buzz-cut man’s words, Juan mu suddenly laughed, and his laughter got louder and crazier.

\why are you laughing!?\ hearing this, the fat man became furious and tried to e forward and make Juan mu angry.

however, Juan mu, who was originally weak, suddenly jumped out at a tremendous speed. without taking a step forward, he took a stone from his pocket and stabbed the fat man directly, but then retreated to the first child. For his part, he pointed the sharp stone he had hidden in his pocket to the child's neck and scoffed. \hey, this kid must be very important to you. would you like to bet on what kind of power this stone has?\ Sharp? on the way here, I sharpened it until it was as sharp as a freshly sharpened knife. I can kill this kid with one shot! ”

Sure enough, the group of people who saw this immediately stopped preparing the explosion and froze in place.

``Even if that were the case, there is no escape,'' said the man who had slashed the crew member,

ith a dark expression on his face.

``So it's not my fault that the fish died and the net broke.'' Juan mu smiled and immediately understood the psychology of this group of people. \I don't know who the goddess you're talking about, but I think she must be someone else to you. big and scary, right? without any significant sacrifice. , either of us. must be sent to death, right?”

hearing that, the faces of the five people except the crew members changed.

Juan mu laughed and said, \Look at your face, you are so pious. You don't even have the courage and determination to sacrifice your life for the goddess. what blessings to you. do you deserve it, you bastard?”

Juan mu was still cursing, but this time his defense was broken.

``If you want to achieve your goal, listen to me now and e here with me. I will be at the front, you will follow, and the sheep will be at the end.'' Fang mu had 6 people. ordered.

there was resentment and unwillingness in the eyes of the six people, but they could only do as Fang mu said. Surrounded by sheep, I walked down the deepest underground passage with Juan mu, feeling a little scared.

277 different choices

Fang mu didn't panic in his heart. there were all kinds of distorted illusions and magic before his eyes, but he was not afraid to end here, because he knew that his life would not be interrupted here. meanwhile, the human-shaped animals in front of him, cows and sheep, all appear alienated, twisted, rotten, and broken in his eyes at this moment.

Fan mu predicted their death, and it will be in the not too distant future, perhaps here, today!

the flat-headed man and the others walked very slowly. Always aiming for Fan mu, he took a step and stopped, staring at Fan mu coldly.

however, as time passed, the crew members felt fear in their hearts. In his eyes, there were Juan mu's strange eyes that looked weak and kind, eyes that could not see any emotion, not even indifference or indifference. , like a black hole, containing everything, but also as if there was nothing. there is something terrifying hidden behind the other person's eyes, it seems as if Fan mu is watching them, but at the same time behind his eyes there is a pair of eyes constantly staring at them. It also has eyes.

the baby goat in Juan mu's arms was very well behaved. he seemed aware of his situation and seemed innocent and ignorant. the sharp stone in Fang mu's hand pierced the skin of his throat, but he didn't seem to feel any pain and remained still. Expressing his love for Juan mu, he licked Juan mu's cheek with his little tongue. otherwise, his body remained motionless and was left to Fang mu.

After a long period of silence, one of the crew members became restless and said out loud:

\problem?\ mr. huang mu smiled slightly and said, \my body has too many problems, so I'm not afraid of itching. believe me, my body has too many problems. but I’m not afraid of one more thing.”

besides, your animals are very interesting. obviously you were the one who provoked me in the first place, but now you have told me not to bother you. haha, I wonder if the goddess you're calling me hates us idiots. ”

hearing Fang mu's insults that he was a beast and a fool, the people around the moner couldn't resist and wanted to roll up their sleeves and attack him, but Fang mu pinched the wound on his neck. the child was surprised by the force. the goats immediately let out a cry of agony, and the men's expressions hardened and they immediately stopped preparing for action.

\Let me guess. the 'goddess' you call her probably likes to eat all living things. She has no taboos about anything, including her followers like you.\ huh?'' homaki guessed, paying attention to the difference in level under his feet. \If not, can we bring victims like me and this sheep down by ourselves without having to send you all the way down?\

the six people turned black and stopped talking.

Seeing their expressions, Fang mu knew that his guess was correct, and sneered, \he really doesn't want to believe that.\

\what are you talking about!?\ the fat man said, shocked and angry. his eyes showed panic and enthusiasm. \You don't understand what a goddess is. She brings wealth and eternal life! how can you understand this kind of garbage!?\ he said angrily.

``why do we need to understand what animals are thinking?'' Juan mu said sarcastically with a gentle expression, but in his heart she was the daughter of evolution and called mother Earth. I was thinking about what a goddess is.

my colleague Fan mu also secretly pares Evolution Girl to Frog God. which of these two animals is stronger and which is weaker? If he angers both at the same time, can he fight with fire?

As long as you don't get hurt...


when Fan mu was thinking about the goddess deep underground, a clear laughter like a silver bell could be heard from underground, and the persistent sound was like a graceful girl with countless faceless clones. was. my breath is like an orchid in my ear.

Fang mu saw the six people looking at him with expressions of fear for a moment, but before the fear reached its peak, their eyes quickly became dull and lost, their nostrils dilated and a certain he smiled obscenely, as if he had seen something amazing. A beautiful woman seduces them.

the difference is that Fang mu heard other sounds from this burst of laughter, sounds that ordinary people couldn't hear. the \woman\ was laughing and speaking a language she didn't understand. I couldn't understand it, but I did. but Juan mu could hear the excitement of the hungry refugees at the sight of the food.

Fang mu was heartbroken, so he seized this golden opportunity. he suddenly threw the child forward, took a step forward, and with one kick he flattened the man's head, and then punched him so hard that his legs weakened with desire. the fat man hit him directly, then moved closer and squeezed the sheep, pushing them down as they ran back.

the sheep that was thrown down the stairs bleated loudly and \tumbled\, knocking the crew members down the stairs again.

the flat-headed man collapsed in pain, but quickly got back up due to the \magic\ of his laughter earlier. Seeing Fan mu running away, he immediately fired several shots at Fan mu in anger, but he was different from Fan mu. he has exceptional eyesight, and in his earlier fall, the flashlight he was using fell out of his hand and tumbled down the stairs. In the darkness, he could not drive away Fang wu's presence, and all the bullets were almost empty, but did not hit him. take a shot at your opponent.

they wanted to chase, but the falling and rolling sheep became the only obstacle, which also turned into a rolling stone, forcing them to run towards the place of the \goddess\ of food.


Fan mu heard a scream from below. he turned around and suddenly felt scared. he saw that the sheep seemed to be under the influence of laughter and began to go crazy. they started biting people. A small man with strange goat head markings was mutated in the same way as the one seen in the car. the head split into flowers of flesh and blood, covering the fat man's head and eating like crazy.

Seeing this scene, Fang mu's legs felt a little weak, so he just stopped looking back and ran as fast as he could until he ran back to the ground far away from the cave hidden in the forest. ta.

Fang mu was lucky enough to find a one-story sheep truck hidden in the forest. he just hid in the car, closed the doors and windows, sat in the driver's seat, and rested, breathing heavily.

“this world is very dangerous,” Juan mu said to himself with an evil smile. Apparently, from the time he first came into contact with the abnormal, he seemed to have a connection to the shadows of the invisible world, and no matter what he did, he felt it. exist

It was obvious that mankat wasn't very careful or knowledgeable in this area. After parking the truck there, they didn't even receive the keys and were not afraid that someone would drive the truck while they were gone. walk

“It doesn’t matter, it’s mine from now on.” Fang mu wiped his sweat and found a pack of biscuits and two bottles of water in the car. After eating and drinking for a while, we set out again.

the car continued to the junction and stopped for a while as there were no cars nearby.

You can drive on the left in the southern part of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and on the right in the northern part.

Juan mu thought for a moment and turned the steering wheel to the right.

Let's go to Yanping, a nanny town where the second Anqin couple moved, more than 2,500 kilometers south of Guangxi, where there is also a belief in the frog god.

maybe this time I'll be able to find something and find something.

278 pieces of advice

more than 20 years later, the city of Yanping in the 1970s is even more vibrant and waiting for everything to be renovated. Everyone felt that there was hope in life, everything was done with light in the eyes, everything was prosperous.

the atmosphere in society is better than it will be 30 or 40 years from now. At least those who walk through the alleys and streets where sewage and sewage flows are the ones pursuing life. In subsequent generations, it was soul and desire that animated all buildings and great buildings. Life or death.

From Juan mu's strange perspective, the people in this city were all rotten and changeable, but he felt that they were all more alive than he was, and that made him feel happy. ta.

to understand the culture of a place, the closer you go to the center of urban development, the lower the level of education. but in this day and age...it's the opposite.

After Fang mu abandoned his car in a forest on the outskirts of the city, he walked to the city center, rested for the night, and then left.

“Uncle, do you know where I can find professor wang Zheng?” Fang mu straightened up a little and smoothed his hair. Although his clothes were not pretty and a little shabby, he seemed generally in good spirits. when he spoke, he puffed out his chest and raised his head, his voice was loud and he deliberately used a tone similar to that of a broadcaster, and he called out to the security guard at the gate of Yanping University.

Fang mu's performance is very characteristic of this era. Also, I don't look old to begin with. wearing a small dress will make you look like an active youth of that time.

the uncle just saw Fang mu and felt that this person was very healthy and safe, but out of professional ethics he still asked, \what are you doing?\

\there are some things I don't understand about horse research. I heard that professor wang Zheng is excellent in this field, so I came here to ask for advice.\ Juan mu's eyes lit up.

the old man shook his head. Apparently there were quite a few people like homaki. “e here and register,” he beckoned.

“Agreed!” Fan mu shouted as he followed.

After recording, the uncle saw Fan muchai's name and read it as \Fan Sen...\.

\I am here!\

\...It's not that loud, I'm deaf.\ Uncle finally got tired of Fang mu's performance and felt a little pain in his jade. he quickly shooed her away and said, \You have e at the right time. today, professor wang just happened to be teaching the worker and peasant brothers from outside. Go back and teach in the office right now. You need to prepare, you can easily find someone,” asked a random student on the street. ”

For the first time, Juan mu put aside his poor acting skills and smiled and said, \thank you.\ he then enrolled in the school.

After asking around along the way, Fang mu couldn't find a specific path, but met a group of \similar\ students. Surrounded by enthusiastic students, he felt lost, and together they headed to wang Zheng's office.

mr. wang Zheng's office is indeed very clear. It is located on the right side of the first floor under the teaching building closest to the basketball court.

when they first arrived, Fang mu and the others didn't even have to knock on the door. the door opened from the inside, and a young woman in her 20s with a handsome face greeted her.

Fang mu was a little confused and looked at the person who came out of the office for a long time. perhaps the girl did not expect that a handsome man would pay so much attention to her, so she turned red in the face and immediately ran away, and even her friends did not try to greet her.

“xiao wan took the time to bring food to dad again.”

“xiao wan, if you have time, go to the secretary. the secretary has something to ask you!”

Everyone saw the girl running away in a panic because she was embarrassed, and everyone was playing.

Fang mu nodded secretly and thought humorously in his heart. more than 20 years ago, ouma was very young and naive. I really don't understand why he became such a careless person later on.

the girl with the beautiful face mentioned earlier was the wet nurse that Fang mu II hired when he settled in Yanping city. She was still a smaller version and hadn't quite bee the aunt she was used to.

And the wang Zheng he was looking for today was wang ma's father, who worked at Yanping University and taught philosophy.

being able to be her father's daughter is probably the most honorable and fortunate thing in ouma's life. when talking to An ching in his free time, he often talks about his father and always seems happy, but still feels sorry for himself. his father died too early. otherwise, even if he had no future for the family, his children could still stand out under the guidance of their father.

today, Fan mu, who has traveled through time and space, has the opportunity to meet the father that wang ma talks about.

wang Zheng was sitting in the corner of the office. he wears almost the same clothes as Fan mu. Although she is poorly dressed, she has a very energetic appearance. he wears glasses. he is lean and elegant-looking, pletely at odds with ouma's temperament. It's not the same in the slightest.

the students who came with Fang mu hurriedly spoke to wang Zheng and asked. they were hungry for knowledge and pushed the innocent Fan mu against the wall.

Fang mu was a little disappointed, but decided to stand silently against the wall until the class bell rang and the students reluctantly left the office.

After all the students and teachers who were about to go to class left, only Fang mu and wang Zheng remained in the office.

wang Zheng finally noticed Fang mu and was a little surprised. \hey, this is...\

As for Fang mu, he seemed a little unsure of his age.

\I'm not a student.\ \my name is Fan Sen. my father was a soldier who died in glory. I'm very interested in the study of horses and always try to understand something. ``e on, e on.'' when I arrived in Yanping, I happened to hear someone say that you are very capable, so I came here to ask for advice. ”

wang Zheng suddenly realized. After hearing Juan mu's identity, his eyes became more and more kind, and he said patiently: \I don't think I have the ability, but if you have anything you want to ask, please ask.\

Fang mu immediately asked the other party for advice, and wang Zheng answered fluently.

wang Zheng gradually realized that Fang muti's question had a deep meaning. many of the questions were not superficial questions that the average student would have, but questions that came after thinking more deeply. he had to think carefully about many questions before giving an answer. then he looked at Fan mu. At that moment, his eyes brightened a little.

however, wang Zheng quickly realized that Fang mu's questions were being more and more strange, and could even be called a little normal. they gradually touched the \field\, and even he was so scared that he panicked and wordlessly gestured to Fan mu. , then look left and right to see if there are people around.

wang Zheng was not a fool, and at that moment he knew that Fang mu was not only thinking about something, but also looking for trouble.

he lowered his voice and said in a deep voice: \who are you? what exactly do you want to ask me?\

\Actually, it's just a few simple questions.\ Fang mu looked at wang Zheng in surprise. the power in his eyes was once again uncontrollable. he recognized that wang Zheng's death was a \normal death.\

this \abnormality\ does not mean in a general sense, but specifically refers to the extinction of a special abnormal factor.

Although wang Zheng had a grim expression on his face at this time, he did not know that he would soon die a violent death. when he died, his body was covered with sores and pustules, and his whole body was swollen. his tongue was so long that it could hang from his mouth to the ground, like a brutally wounded animal. Like playing with a dead frog.

travelogue of 279 nights (two people alone)


wang Zheng pushed open a secret door hidden behind a bookshelf in the Yanping University Library. Lighting the flashlight in his hand, he looked at Fang mu with a gloomy expression and said, \Follow me.\

Fan mu followed closely behind.

when Fang mu also entered the secret passage, wang Zheng lightly tapped the wall on the right, and the secret door that opened behind him randomly closed and closed automatically.

\I didn't expect there to be a secret passage here.\ Fan mu was surprised. Yanping University was more strange than I expected.

wang Zheng looked aside and said quietly: \during the war, this was a secret base for a secret agency. After the war, no one knew about it.\

“So, how did you know?” Fan mu was curious.

``before I became a university professor, I worked here as a librarian for a long time, and I happened to e across the school's architectural blueprints while cleaning. to be honest, I am very knowledgeable about geometric spaces. .talent, I said, ``the data in this library was a little strange, so I got curious and took some measurements, and found out that there is a secret passage hidden here.'' wang Zheng curled the corner of his mouth a little. I raised my chin.

Fang mu could tell that professor wang was really proud when he discovered the secret passage, and that attitude continues to this day.

\then you don't intend to sue for the discovery here?\ Fang mu said meaningfully. \You have to know that if one day someone discovers this place, it will be difficult to clear the name.\

wang Zheng's breathing became even heavier, and after a few seconds of silence, he said in a hoarse voice: \If you want to hide something, this is the perfect place to hide.\

he looked back at Fangmu and said, ``most people outside are crazy now. before understanding real science, they blindly pursue ``scientific progress'' and ``social development,'' and then , a plete denial of all history. In extreme cases, I would like to do that.\ \Kill me with a knife. If there are no more people like me to keep track of time, this cultural heritage and past culture will disappear. I don't want people to regret it when they wake up.\

You know, aren't they just waiting for someone like you to e along? You want to know the past history of this country in Yanping. ”

hearing this, Fang mu's expression became plicated. what he was looking for was not ordinary history or culture. It was trash and taboo. If possible, I didn't want people who seek taboo things like me to e out. knowledge

when Fang mu told wang Zheng his real purpose, wang Zheng was very shocked and even asked if he had let Fang mu go fishing from there. however, after municating with Fang mu and carefully observing Fang mu's words and actions, I felt that the other party should not e from there. this man who looked like a well-dressed ``scholar'' actually had the same ``rebel'' heart as him.

Although there are similarities between the two, this is not the reason why wang Zheng takes the risk of taking Fang mu to his \secret base.\

the most important thing is that wang Zheng felt a strange temperament in Fang mu. behind the gentle illusion was madness and danger. he always seemed calm and slow, but all his questions were urgent. desperate to find answers.

wang Zheng didn't know what kind of answer Fang mu was looking for, but he thought that it must be related to the other person's life and must be quite dangerous.

descending the deep stairs, the two arrive at a secret room. wang Zheng took a match and lit the surrounding oil lamps, and the light revealed a panoramic view of the secret room.

Ancient books, cultural relics, and other items deemed contraband by outsiders were kept here. Fang mu stood in front of the bookshelf and discovered that there were some manuscripts written by wang Zheng himself.

he took one, turned it over, and put it right back. these articles were not suitable for publication at this time.

``You can find what you're looking for on your own, but you can't stay there for too long. An hour at most.'' wang Zheng said to Fang mu, ``If I disappear for too long, I won't be able to find it.'' \people will be suspicious of me,\ he said seriously.

\okay.\ Juan mu nodded and carefully examined all the bookshelves in the secret room. wang Zheng pulled out a chair and sat in front of the desk. he picked up the open books scattered on his desk and continued reading. he raised his head and watched the movement on the other side of the tree.

thanks to wang Zheng's book classification, it is now very easy for Fang mu to find books about local customs, culture, beliefs, etc. A book about half a meter high sat down next to wang Zheng, and he began flipping through it under the light of a kerosene lamp.

wang Zheng was a little surprised when he saw the book Fang mu picked up, but didn't ask. I just expressed my opinion, \If you are interested in occultism, I remend reading the third book in the second row from the bottom. Near the left side of that row is a book called 'black travels.'\

Fang mu was surprised, quickly thanked him, and ran to get the book again.

Fan mu, who received the \Night travel memo\, turned over a few pages and realized that it was not the original, but a translation. the original translator called himself \Ye Gong\ and was an ancient man from hundreds of years ago.

the original author of \Night Journey\ is unknown. It is said to have been written by a wandering taoist based on his own experiences. he mainly collects magical things from all over the world. Its nature is somewhat similar to the \Shanhaishu\ of the \hainaijing\, but its content is more deviant and secret.

this book may have some mysterious power. when Fang mu touched the book, he felt a tremor in his fingertips that touched the book. All his senses seemed frozen and numb as he immersed himself in the world. half

Fan mu turned the pages one after another, and the first unusual event mentioned at the beginning scared Fan mu.

Zhao Nu calls herself Zhao, but she does not know her own name. Its appearance differs from person to person, but it is always beautiful and attractive. he likes to eat all kinds of things and also likes to eat people. he is not human. In fact, it is a gourmet monster. According to legend, she is the daughter of evolution, mother Earth.

“daughter of Evolution, mother Earth…” Fan mu thought about the “goddess” mentioned by an unknown group a few days ago. when he saw a book that described a special symbol - the unusual \Zhao Girl\, he immediately remembered the strange runes carved on the goat.

he confirmed that this Zhao girl was a \goddess\.

``this book...is real.'' Fang mu felt his heart pounding. he saw the thickness of the book and suddenly felt very desperate.


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