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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第46章 埃尔德里奇港的呼唤

第46章 埃尔德里奇港的呼唤 (第1/2页)

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(第1卷,第1章-“埃尔德里奇港的呼唤”-当地编年史)第2章 疯狂的低语——地方编年史








一天黄昏,当二人再次 sunk into a large tome of eldritch lore时,他们突然觉察到空气中的能量变得非比寻常地浓稠而腐蚀性。周围环境似乎也开始扭曲变形,书架上的书籍直起身子,悬壁上的镜子开始流淌。







二人感应到,这对来客似乎能够自如地操控周围的能量,他们的脚步声在扭曲的通道中回荡 yet 并未使周遭环境产生任何破坏。布莱克伍德博士和辛克莱对此暗自惊讶,但他们也意识到这或许能给自己带来某些线索。














在数以日计算的游历中,那对神秘人用悠远而匀润的声音向他们讲述着这里无尽的往事。慢慢地,埃尔德里奇避风港的真正生成、 it的辉煌与衰亡故事渐渐浮现。




布莱克伍德博士已被埃尔德里奇避风港的神秘深深吸引。她对神秘人命运的疑惑也日渐 towering,遂提出一个问题:















隧道延伸数里,尽头是一座巨大石室。眼前琳琅满目的金银器皿让人眼花缭乱,而最中心屹立一 objet d'art发出莹莹光芒。四人仔细查看,竟发现它图腾中心沉寂多时的灵魂,正苏醒于世。








the Sakurajima disaster subsided, the dark clouds disappeared, the lightning disappeared, the sky became as clean as if it had been washed, and only the devastated land remained, telling the people that the recent apocalyptic catastrophe was no phantom.

Although the people of momoki city were saved, their hearts were still unable to rid their hearts of this horrifying and abominable shadow, especially when they came out of the air raid shelter and saw the horrible sight when they returned to the ground. the weakest people went crazy on the spot and screamed in despair in the polluted land far away from the disaster, their voices reaching the sky briefly but never to be heard again. my heart was like that. please block it there. .

I don't know who this is. to be exact, I don't know how many there are. A tumor-like corpse bound with steel and concrete in the city. Surrounded by facial features flying around, ferocious and protruding, or something similar. Even within the heart organ, if the clothing and jewelry worn during life were still intact, no one would think that it was a human corpse, but rather the corpse of some kind of monster that died in agony.

there are countless bodies like this in unexpected places; for example, after a heavy rain at night, poisonous mushrooms so poisonous that their mere sight is terrifying, grow wild in the city.

with the arrival of a specialized team, people gradually realized that corpses that can maintain their \shape\ are extremely rare. In the broken city, an unknown slime and water collected in a hole are found to be the same after being identified by experts. A corpse determined to be human is an even more horrifying form of death. After disintegrating at the cellular level, dozens, dozens, or even hundreds of human corpses may be mixed with a mixture of other unknowns.

when many of the victims heard the news, they could not help but scream and vomit frantically. Some people suddenly took off their clothes, shoes, and socks in a panic, as if they had been bitten by thousands of insects. because, after returning to the surface of the city, most of them will inevitably step on, scrape or even accidentally touch these places.

No one here knew exactly what happened in the city they lived in when they were hiding from extradimensional forces, but some of these things may have led to an unknown disaster. It was enough to tell everyone that it was far beyond people's imagination. .

After the successful evacuation and resettlement of the victims in momoki city, investigative agencies from all over the world also came to momoki city.

this is the third large-scale supernatural collapse incident to occur in cuizhu city and Fengxiang city since this century. these three events essentially ended within the destruction of the city.

nvestigators don't know whether this is a tragedy or a blessing for humanity, he said.

the \purification\ of hosho city has not yet been pleted, and momoki city in Sakurajima has also e to an end. Investigative agencies around the world are also feeling an unprecedented sense of pressure. Even more unimaginable horrors seem to be approaching at an even faster speed. but they couldn't do anything about it. the feeling of helplessness was more suffocating than watching a bomb with a countdown to zero explode in front of me.

In an oppressive and dull atmosphere, investigators were \sweeping\ the city when they finally discovered the body of a \human hero\ crushed under the ruins of a broken wall.

\he is...\ the old man of the mysterious team could barely distinguish the crumpled corpse, but at that moment the feeling of sadness for his rade could not jump out of his depressed heart, and the fear of the unknown paralyzed him. the other emotions they had turn them into machines.

If possible, I would like to be like a machine at this point, but not super high-tech like artificial intelligence. the voice is very simple, it just bees a kind of tool to lose your thoughts.

because they could not think or understand, and could only do what could be considered a kind of luck.

this is probably the first time that an ordinary person can understand what it means for a genius to be ``intensely intelligent.''

through basic munications messages sent by several members of the mysterious team at the time, investigators deduced what kind of heroic sacrifices the investigators made during the momoki city disaster, and used puters to the site was roughly reconstructed as it existed at that time. only then did I have a rough understanding of how the disaster could have been prevented in time at the critical moment.

however, for those who are paying attention, it may feel strange.

one of the basic accessories needed to prepare a seal is an important part of the supernatural divine body system. how did these people prepare all the sealing accessories at this critical time?

the sea monsters recorded in ancient chinese books are just small incarnations of qian huanyue's body. In order to seal it, the ancient people needed to bury it with the help of another supernatural god, but this time, qianhuan, who invaded momoki city, had to fill the moon with a body so large that it was unimaginable. I made it a part. how did mr. he Jian and his colleagues succeed?

could it have been stranger or more powerful in that moment?

If I think about this step by step, I feel like I'm falling into an icy abyss...

\boss brother, why did the lake and river outside our store suddenly change color? It wasn't like this last time I came.\ Li Youning stepped into a small chair and pushed the counter. I propped myself up and looked out the window with my eyes wide open. I was very interested in the changes in the forest outside the forest hut.

Ling Ling slowly sipped the freshly brewed fragrant tea and answered Li Yuning's question without haste: \It's because the quality of the water has changed.\

``Isn't it dirty?'' Li Youning's face changed and she said, ``Recently, we had a science class, and we shouldn't drink contaminated water.''

he looked at the tea cup in Ling Ling's hand, and after drinking the tea made from the lake water, he looked at Ling Ling with a worried expression, fearing that she would suddenly die in front of him.

It will make him sad for days.

\hmm...it's really dirty,\ Linlin thought for a moment, then answered, \but actually, it's fine. once boiled, it's delicious. Some people use it to make soup.\

``would you like to make soup with this water? Is it delicious?'' Li Yuning was very shocked. he had witnessed the darkness of humans since he was young, and was also very interested in the taste of the soup in Ling Ling's mouth.

Linlin said with a smile, ``I may not be able to answer the question of whether it's good or bad, because people who have tasted the soup don't remember what it tasted like.''

“It will be very difficult to drink. It will be so unpleasant that you will lose your memory.” Li Yuning licked her lips. the girl seemed happy to try it.

Li Yuning turned around and continued to look at the river in the forest and asked innocently. \brother, the fact that someone used it to make soup means that this river has existed for a long time. does that river have a name?\

\Yes, her name is Naihe.\

252 chances

on may 20, 2023, the weather was overcast and raining. mr. Fang maki was standing by the window on the floor of the ceiling, watching the rainwater outside the window dripping in a line and hitting the glass. he put his hand on the window, not realizing that the glass was shaking due to the heavy rain. my hands are still shaking.

he saw people running down buildings, heard the cries of children and young people playing, but felt no life in the world.

maybe you turn on the air conditioner too much and it's too cold. Fang mu sat on the sofa and hugged the air-conditioned shawl, barely feeling warmth, but it wasn't enough to calm her anxious heart.

to tell you why he turned out the way he did, you have to start from when he read the diary and the yellow paper on the coffee table... well, even earlier, when he read the yellow paper on the coffee table... You have to go back a year.

ten years ago, homaki was not a novelist, but was already a junior high school student with an interest in literature. At an early age, he was influenced by his family's culture and was an avid reader. by the time he was in the second grade of elementary school, he had mastered a vocabulary dozens of times more than his peers and read more than others, and was about to start writing children's novels. text, practical articles.

Another reason why she loves literature and writing may be related to her fragile body. he is often bedridden, and living at home for a long time has formed an unsociable personality and does not like socializing, which allows him to put all his emotions into the world he writes.

once you start loving and being passionate about something, you won't feel bad about losing something or losing a skill.

however, because of his weak body, he had trouble during the physical education exam on may 20th 10 years ago.

he remembered that it was also a rainy day. during the 1-mile distance test, I ran as hard as I could to get a perfect score.

Fang muxing fulfilled his destiny and won first place in this group, as well as a perfect score for sports. however, because I was pushing myself too hard, I suddenly felt severe pain all over my body and was immediately rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment.

the rescue efforts were quick and the patient was temporarily out of danger, but his family was told that his heart was dying.

doctors told the family that if huang mu wanted to survive, the best thing to do was to have a new heart transplanted.

Fang mu's family has a certain background and financial resources. After listening to the doctor's words, they immediately sent someone to examine Fang mu's heart.

Fang mu also had good luck. In less than half a day, fresh heart organs suitable for transplantation were available.

the origin of this heart is a little unclear. I heard that after Juan mu's surgery, his family used their connections to buy him on the black market. Although he may be worried, he believes there is nothing worse than seeing homoku die, so he decides to buy it at a high price.

the heart transplant surgery was so successful that even huang mu was surprised. If it weren't for the surgery scar on his chest, he never would have thought he would receive a heart transplant.

the heart transplant had little impact on homaki's daily life. Fang mu was curious and consulted the surgeon.

there was a look of shock in the other person's eyes as the doctor answered and explained that he was truly lucky and had received an incredible heart that was almost perfect for him.

homaki still clearly remembers the confused look on the doctor's face at that time. Rather than saying I was disappointed, I'd say \terrible if you think about it\ would be more accurate.

After passing through the gate of life and death, Fang mu gained a deeper understanding of life. After being discharged from the hospital, he actively asked about ownership of the heart in his body. he wanted to know if this person had any opportunities or connections. what kind of person is this foreigner whose fates inevitably intertwine? why does his heart reach his body?

Fang mu knew that what he was doing was no different from finding a needle in a haystack. After all, his heart had bad origins. the black market also had its own rules for survival. Even sellers may not know the origin of some of the items they are selling.

In the minds of these black market traders, the source of the goods is not important, the business is more important.

perhaps he felt that he had experienced some strange luck, or he was very interested in this kind of plot, which can only be found in books. he was the same every time he asked or looked up a little information about the master of his heart. It was my first time to secretly read such a taboo book, and my blood boiled with excitement.

Almost 10 years have passed since this survey.

It was six months ago that Juan mu received final confirmation of the heart's owner's identity from the detective he had missioned.

After reading the news about the private detective, Fang mu felt a little embarrassed that he might never hear the pleasure of reading novels again, but he was still very happy. At last he found his savior.

the original owner of his heart was called Fang Jianhua. when he was 20 years old, that is, at the beginning of 2013, he suddenly mysteriously disappeared, as he ran away from debt with a large amount of debt. my sister Fan Jingjin is in my city.

when Fang Jianhua reappeared in people's eyes, he became very wealthy, but he produced countless works, each of which was expensive.

this is the human condition; if it is plete, it is worthless, but when it is broken into pieces, \value\ appears.

thanks to her relationship with Fang Jianhua, Fang Jingjing's life was satisfying for a long time even after Fang Jianhua's disappearance. his academic life was so frequently harassed by debt collectors that he had to drop out of high school before graduating and go to work in another country.

Fang Jingjing came to work in the town next to Fang mu. he was uneducated and tried almost every job, but was unable to find a steady one and was often worried about making a living.

After suffering from hunger and cold for a long time, this strong girl collapsed to the ground. Just as he was working hard for his physical education exam, he was struck by an illness.

As soon as Fang mu thought of paring himself to Fang Jingjing, he felt embarrassed and wanted to slap himself in the face. he always felt that he was shameless.

Aocyanin lost two kidneys and suffered from kidney failure.

After hearing this incident, Fang mu became very emotional. he just felt that this was probably fate and that everything was a cycle of cause and effect.

he owes Fang Jingjing's brother his heart, so he planned to donate one of his kidneys to the family to repay the debt.

Fang wu felt that since Fang Jianhua's heart was almost a perfect match with Fang Jianhua's heart, his organs had some patibility with Fang Jia and should also be suitable for Fang Jingjing. .

Just to be sure, Fang mu still asked the agency to conduct a patibility test between himself and Fang Jingjing. As expected, his kidney was patible with Fang Jingjing and could be used for transplantation.

So Fang maki solemnly visited her door and announced his intention to donate his kidney.

253 hatred

At first, Fang Jingjing was surprised and moved by the sudden appearance of a kind person, but Fang mong was unable to hide it and revealed his true purpose.

After learning these things, Fang Jingjing fell into a long silence.

From the shocked expression on the other person's face, Fang mu felt that the girl had not known about her brother's death for years. his eyes showed confusion and sadness, and his thin face, plagued by illness, looked a little pale.

Fang mu tried to fort the girl, but noticed that Fang Jingjing's body was trembling slightly. only then did I realize that Fang Jingjing was afraid of something.


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