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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第42章 影子之舞

第42章 影子之舞 (第1/2页)

六七看书 67ks.com,最快更新克苏鲁地方志!


因此,我们编年史的第二章结束了,标志着与黑暗侵蚀的持续斗争的关键时刻。埃尔德里奇避风港的古老废墟见证了我们勇敢的主角们在摆在他们面前的危险道路上行走的脚步。他们旅程的回声回荡在我们的历史页面中,永远将他们的名字刻在我们城镇编年史的史册上。第3章 影子之舞(据《当地编年史》记载)











们的历史书页中,永远将他们的名字铭刻在我们城镇编年史的史册上。第4章 疯狂的低语(据当地编年史记载)












Ling Ling smiled and said, “Is this something surprising?”

when he Jian heard this, he was speechless for a while.

Yes, blessings have existed since ancient times, but I never had a clear understanding of them until now. Until Yu Lianyun bought the videotape here, was possessed by blessings, and witnessed it with my own eyes, they were only considered as a kind of spiritual food and were an illusion. only after seeing the manifestation of the blessing did he finally renounce his own inherent awareness and confirm that the \blessing\ was a force of being.

however, there is another reason why he Jian can't believe it. It was because he always thought that blessings would spread from the cabin in the forest. It seems that such power should not exist in this world.

but if that's the case, now probably isn't the time. Although Yu Lianyun's blessing has only bee widespread in recent years, mimiko's curse and hanako's curse can be traced back even earlier. .

\Excuse me, mimiko's curse, hanako's curse, and Yao Zhenzhen's videotape are essentially a kind of blessing. can the problem be solved in the same way?\ Li Jian'an asked humbly. this is what he was thinking when he asked this question. I'm not very confident.

he thought that following the resolution of the videotape blessing, he would find the root of mimiko and hanako's curse infestation, and then he would have to somehow release them all to the outside world.

what is the root of mimiko and hanako's curse?

the source of the video curse is the location where the deceased last dropped the video, which is actually easier to reason about and find.

however, the whereabouts of mimiko and hanako's bones were unknown. those too were dropped, and the source of the curse could no longer be traced.

Ling Ling didn't answer in the affirmative: \whether it's Yao Jensen, mimiko, or hanako, they are essentially just incarnations and manifestations of blessings. the negative factors they bring are not related to them. but that doesn't mean it is.'' origin. \

Li Jiang was surprised and asked immediately. “president, could you please explain it more clearly and simply?”

“well, let me give you an example.” Ling Ling thought for a while, clapped her hands, and seemed to have an idea, “once upon a time, there was a small town where there lived a famous fool. there was another town known for its famous scholars and knowledge.'' despite their differences, the two have been friends since childhood.

one day, the scholar suddenly passed away. he was murdered by his unfaithful and greedy wife and lover. when the fool heard this, he murdered the scholar's wife and the entire family of his mistress... ...Now let me give you the following example, do you understand?\

So abstract! Li Jia'an couldn't help but plain, but understood what Ling Ling meant and nodded. .Finally act. that's it.''

\I know what to do. thank you for clearing up my doubts, boss Lin.\ Li Jian'an said sincerely.

Ling Ling smiled, waved her hand, and said the most charming words in a gentle tone: \would you like to buy something?\

he Jia'an was a little moved when he heard this, but thought that he had already bought the New Year's red envelope, but while receiving blessings with the New Year's red envelope, he still didn't know how much price he should bring. did. . If he still had a contract with boss Lin, I feel like he could genuinely live a longer life.

``I'll see you next time.'' Li Jia'an took a deep breath and suppressed the urge to spend money. I will definitely e again if I have the chance.

“then, we look forward to your visit.” Linlin had no regrets and never forced money from customers.

\his\ Li Ka'an woke up, and the first sun stung his eyes, and then he felt great pain all over his body, especially the back of his head, which felt like it was being torn apart, as if his brain was trying to separate from his body. was. .

\Li Jia'an, a former member of china's mysterious group twelve branches, the mander of the tiger Group, and a first-class mysterious operative, is equivalent to the current S-class investigator. due to normal influence, Lord Yellow Sand, he was retired and working for a mysterious group specifically to deal with psychotic disorders.he was being treated at a mental health facility run by the group, but suddenly escaped two weeks ago... Is there anything wrong with what I said?”

Li Jiang looked around and saw a white-haired man with a fox-like smile walking slowly in his field of vision.

226 people chose the alliance

Similar to occult groups in the Shenzhou area, the Anomalous creatures Foundation in the New York area also has an investigative unit in the Limsey area that is responsible for anomalous events in the area.

As times changed, this organization merged with dozens of smaller organizations in the surrounding area, centered around the tengenkai in Sakurajima, so the organization came to be called the tengen Alliance.

the fox-faced man who appeared in the ward at an unknown time was from the Korean Alliance. Li Jian was fully aware and mentally prepared. Looking at his activities in Sakurajima, it will be difficult to avoid the eyes of the Korean Alliance.

Li Jian'an did not answer the other party immediately, but felt his condition. my whole body was hurting, but I was strong and generally in good spirits. It appears that the experience of traveling to the afterlife did not leave any fatal effects on him. hidden danger.

the fox-faced man didn't seem to get angry when he saw this, and humbly smiled and said, ``Excuse me, but I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm an S-class investigator for the Korean Alliance. my name is Gin matsumoto.'' is. . ”

After listening to the other party's self-introduction, he Jian finally noticed the smile and said, \what I just said was a little wrong. I didn't run away. I left a note and was discharged normally.\ told.

Gin matsumoto opened his eyes a little, and with a strange hint of play in his small eyes, he said, \I think you were discharged from the hospital normally, so I guess that's the case.\

\where is the high school student I was with?\ Li Jia'an looked around and realized that he lived in a high-class ward.

Gin matsumoto said with a smile, ``don't worry, misaki-san is doing well. She may be eating breakfast at the hospital restaurant right now. I hear she's a good eater.''

Li Jian'an felt a little relieved, looked at Gin matsumoto, and said, \So, what is it that mr. matsumoto would like to discuss?\

``It's enough if you call me by your first name.'' Gin matsumoto replied, ``Actually, there are many things I want to ask you, but first of all, I would like to know what happened between you and misaki-san the night before last.'' but, what's going on?'' he said in a gentle tone. . ? ”

\the day before yesterday? It's been a long time.\ the fact that Li Ka'an created a small border meant that it wasn't long until Naomi mizaki fulfilled mimiko's curse, and there were less than three days left. mr. matsumoto was absent for a while. Jin briefly describes his strange experience when he visited Kisaragi high School at night.

Gin matsumoto nodded, \I see, misaki-san is right.\

Li Jian's face was the same as usual, and her eyes were undisturbed. he was telling the truth, but I had some doubts about what he said.

\So, how did you escape?\ Gin matsumoto asked curiously. \After all, you were chased by this being before you escaped, right? how did you escape?\

``e to think of it, it feels a little strange. I was about to eat it, but it ran away first. but even if I avoided the fate of being eaten, I'm still half-dead.'' I lay down on the bed. Li Ka'an raised his arm, which was covered in wounds and bandages.

Gin matsumoto: “have you ever thought about the reason?”

\I don't know.\ Li Jia'an nodded and said thoughtfully, \maybe it's because Naomi herself was affected by the blessing.\

\blessing?\ Gin matsumoto opens his eyes. In fact, his eyes weren't too small, but you were used to that smile. hearing this familiar but \cool\ concept immediately caught his attention. “may I ask what kind of blessing you are talking about?”

``did you know that mimiko's curse has also reached Kisara high School?'' Li Jian'an asked.

matsumoto Ginsu stared, \I just heard that Saki-san is investigating this matter. It seems that the night crawl to Kisaragi high School yesterday was also about this matter. please listen. please tell me. can you give me that?’ what information did you gather with us? ”

“Your Excellency, thank you for your cooperation. thank you very much for your help.” After cross-examination, matsumoto Yun expressed his gratitude to he Jia’an and said frankly before leaving the ward. \please rest here. oh, and by the way, we are allowing misaki-san to visit. You don't have to worry or be afraid of not seeing her, people. well then, I'll go.\ take a vacation now. ”

Li Jian'an took her eyes off the closed door of the ward, stared at the ceiling and the water needle in the hanging bottle, and secretly planned her next move.

he couldn't stay in the hospital bed, whether it was for himself or Naomi misaki. he decided to find an opportunity to escape.

Shortly after Jin matsumoto leaves, the door to the ward opens again and Naomi misaki walks in, still alive, wearing a hospital gown. when the girl saw he Jian awake, she ran over happily.

\don't jump, it hurts.\ Li Jian'an was well aware of misaki Naomi's actions and immediately stopped her.

misaki Naomi immediately stopped the car, ran to the hospital bed, squatted down, held he Jia'an's right hand with both hands, and put her forehead against the back of he Jia'an's hand and rubbed it gently. I hope it's okay. ”

\of course I'm fine.\ Li Jian'an changed the subject and asked worriedly, \how about you? there was no injury to your back.\

In the end, he was half unconscious and didn't know whether Naomi misaki was in danger behind him, but in fact, even if he didn't want to, xin Junmao just sat silently. I knew they weren't going to ignore me when I appeared in front of Naomi misaki. the body also secretly provides protection.

Naomi misaki shook her head and laughed. \thank goodness everyone came back alive.\

“Your business is not finished yet,” Li Jian’an reminded seriously, unable to relax.

“It’s okay, there’s still time, right?” misaki Naomi grabbed he Jia’an’s hand, placed her palm on her head, and softened her beautiful eyes. now. \

``hey, uncle, will you be happy with Naomi for the next few days?'' Naomi mitsuzaki requested with hope, ``I'll leave the next problem to the people of the chosen alliance to solve.''

\I can't believe what they're doing. I said I'd save you.\ Li Jian'an didn't agree immediately, but said seriously, \what you said back then. I remember asking you to wait until you graduate, what's going to happen next?I didn't hear it clearly, but it became something I wanted to do with you, and I made sure to acpany you. I'll make it through...but before that, please don't give up and wait for me to save you.''

“Uncle… It’s obviously an uncle, but he knows how to be really cool.” Naomi masaki suddenly puffed out her cheeks and shook hands with he Jian, looking a little angry and a little happy.

Episode 227 Return to Kisaragi high School

wearing a windbreaker and khaki hat, he left the hospital with a relaxed stride. After a while, he walked into the crowd and quickly disappeared.

In response, in the alley opposite the hospital gate, several figures emerged from the darkness of the alley. one of them turned and said, half hidden in the darkness, to the man leaning against the wall, \matsumoto-senpai, are you sure we don't need to catch up? please leave us alone?\

\ha, he's definitely going to e back here anyway. Instead of trying so hard to chase him, let's all get some rest.\ Gin matsumoto walked under the sun with his pocket in his pocket, a gap widening in his eyes as he smiled. there was fear and confidence. this is the true identity of the dark clouds that have been gathering over taom city recently. It’s really dangerous.”

After passing through the endless stream of people, he Jian turned to a slightly less crowded street corner. After many turns, he finally entered the street and let the people loose.

he looked back at the ill-fitting hat, its flapping handle in the corner, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

Li Jian realized that someone was chasing him and chased him for a long time, but he did not appear and did not care.

he didn't seem panicked that someone was following him, and he didn't seem to be panicking to chase them away.

``hey, isn't school closed?'' Li Jian'an walked around for a while, then came back again. he read the notice posted on the door of Kisaragi high School with blank eyes.

the reason for the school closure stated in the notice was that the school's water pipes had been damaged, making the connection unstable. As a result, the school as a whole was unable to provide normal instruction. we have been informed that offline classes will be canceled for three days and will be switched to online classes.

however, the real reason for the school closure is, of course, not the content of the notice, but the fact that the night before last, not only Kisaragi high School in another world but also the school in the real world was attacked. the cause is unknown, and some people were injured or killed inside the school.

For the sake of the school's teachers, students, and the school's reputation, Kisaragi high School will not begin classes until the crisis is resolved.

Suppose that the three-day suspension of classes is destined to continue for three days before the people of the Korean Alliance resolve the school crisis. It is difficult to know the exact end time.

Nowadays, there are no security guards at the school, so they are probably well-informed and have heard rumors.

with only a few hundred covenant coins per month, you don't have to risk your life.

of course, we cannot rule out the possibility that the Korean Alliance did this intentionally.

Li Ka'an entered what is now Kisaragi high School as if he were in a deserted place. No one could stop him, no one had the courage to stop him. Li Jian'an confidently entered the school and left the security room. part of the key.

``that biology classroom should be there.'' Li Jian'an thought as he returned to the chemistry laboratory where he had been until yesterday and opened the laboratory door.

the empty chemistry lab was a little hot and stuffy, and the smell of chemical reagents that was hard to distinguish still lingered in the air. he went inside and took a closer look at the environment here.

``the structure of the classroom here seems to have been considerably improved pared to Kisaragi high School in the Showa era.It's about a quarter of the size of the previous biology classroom.'' Li Jian passed the classroom podium, but it was It was actually the wall of a biology classroom. , and now that wall is being pushed even further.

Just like the night before, Li Jiang tried to pass through this door to another dangerous world, but it seemed that the spatial passage only worked at night, and had no effect during the day.

``After all, during the Showa era, hanako's mother, Eika takayama, held a ritual related to the thousand phantom moons in the biology class.that's why Eika takayama did something to apologize to the students. ” Li Jian'an thought about Gaoyama huixiang's slightly twisted sense of revenge, who played with Zhu xiuyi and directly cornered the student. he felt that his guess was pretty accurate.

Keisho takayama is obviously a little crazy. there are always people who do bad things to creditors. Shuichi Kiku, a twisted and cowardly school counselor, has done something that will make his daughter regret it. If you target just two of them, everything will make sense. however, he did not seem to consider the feelings of innocent people.

perhaps in his opinion the whole school is not innocent and wants to drag everyone into the water.

both campus ghost stories, ``the biology classroom You can't Escape From'' and ``hanako-san in the toilet'', were all created by Keika takayama.

As for takayama huixiang, he Jian actually conducted a relatively detailed investigation on takayama huixiang in the past before ing here, and the day before the media announced who the real culprit who murdered his daughter was, the other party It was discovered that he had mysteriously disappeared.

If he Jian's guess was correct, takayama huixiang would have planned to sacrifice himself to a foreign god in exchange for equal power, but that was the rumored curse.

``Are you the source of hanako's curse? teacher Keika takayama?'' Li Ka'an thought to himself, and then he wanted to find traces left here by people who no longer exist in this pletely different time and space.

According to boss Lin, the source of the curse may not be the person himself, but the person who started the curse had a close relationship with the deceased and must feel the same way.

As for who is angry and resentful towards hanako, and who has the greatest motive for intentionally using the power of the blessing, it has to be hanako's family, hanako's only mother. .

Naturally, when you have a predictable target, it's easy to shut down and take action.

Li Jian had planned to conduct research in a chemistry laboratory that was once a biology classroom. After walking around the lab and getting used to the pungent smell of some chemicals, he finally senses a strange odor in the environment.

``does this smell like blood?'' Li Jian'an sniffed and breathed hard, occasionally tracing the scent of blood. only then did he finally discover the cause of the smell of blood. dry, sticky blood was falling at the foot of a certain laboratory table. there were also unknown burn marks that burned a figure from the floor.

Li Jiang was silent for a while. perhaps he can guess who died here.

when he arrived at his private office next to the laboratory, he found an open cowhide notebook with only half of the sacrificial ritual patterns drawn on it, and half of the plete patterns erased.

the name ``mano daichi'' is written on the cover and among the useless pages of parchment. If you look at the handwriting on the painting, you can confirm that this painting was drawn by taichi mano himself.

228th year suspect

daichi mano used the magic circle of the blessing ceremony for unknown reasons, but he probably did not anticipate the consequences of pleting the blessing ceremony. by the time I noticed something strange, it was too late to erase the magic circle pattern. .

In another world, a \ghost\ believed to be daichi mano appears in the director's office. Li Ka'an is now convinced that this person should be mano daichi himself.

\Unpleasant smell...\ he Jia'an was rummaging through mano daichi's desk drawer when he suddenly felt a burning, pungent smell and an inexplicable pungent smell. when they traced the source of the smell, they found it in daichi mano's desk drawer. Inside the mobile storage room, a pile of neatly arranged reagents and chemical experiment equipment was discovered.

\No.\ Li Jian's nose hurt. Not everyone had the chance to search as carefully as he did, so after sniffing carefully for a while, he finally discovered the scent clue. \the smell should be ing from a little further down.\

Li Jian'an pushed open the storage cabinet, pulled back the carpet under the desk, looked around, and realized that there was a hidden partment here.

I tried moving it by tapping on the floor of the hidden storage area. the floor tiles could be moved between the gaps, but the gaps were not large enough for me to put my finger in the gap and dig through the split floor.

Li Jiang suddenly thought that he seemed to have found two special iron bars in the storage room just now. the lower ends of one side of the two iron bars were flat and slanted. As long as the lower end of the iron rod is tilted first, the narrow end will be tilted first. place it in this space, rotate it and tilt it up to the hooks on the inside of the back and floor without any problems. to tilt the two iron bars, you just need to find a fulcrum and lift the iron bars vertically, so that the specially cut floor tiles will be caught.

once the tile has been successfully removed, what was hidden in the secret partment is no longer visible. As soon as the space opened, a strong pungent odor and a terrible odor suddenly gushed out from the floor, making people feel dizzy and almost driven by lust. faint.

he Jian'an covered his mouth and nose, held his breath, and looked closely. the frown between his eyebrows deepened.

Several jars and jars were seen placed in the space of the secret room, all filled with rotting plant and animal carcasses. they had been soaked in different bottles, and the bodies all showed different degrees of chemical damage. most of the animal carcasses had been rotted and burned by caustic chemicals, while plants were deformed and withered from being soaked in chemicals.

Some animals don't have a specific appearance or are barely recognizable. there are cats and dogs, brightly colored reptiles, and even some scary-looking birds.

``Are you specifically targeting these beautiful creatures?'' After continuing his observation, Li Jian'an noticed the characteristics of these plants and animals. Almost all of them looked great and were relatively popular. he suddenly closed his eyes, \Are you a sociopath who likes to destroy beautiful things after all?\


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