
关灯 护眼
六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第38章 Nyxathoria

第38章 Nyxathoria (第2/2页)

the monster's pores and eyes emitted evil whispers that made people fall, and the attack became even more ferocious. clark followed the red shoes as if they were wandering through ruins.

while concentrating, clark suddenly felt an electric shock go through his body.

``Fourth, if you look down and see your foot inside the shoe, don't look up. Look until you can no longer see the shoe.'' In clark's head: As the seller of the cabin in the woods repeated his words, my heart became even colder than being chased by a monster, and my brain froze, unable to think.

the only thing he knows is that he must follow Li Jiahong's words, or he has no idea what terrible things will happen.

\clark, let's go!\ mirel at his side grabbed his hand and told him to run away quickly, but clark didn't move in the slightest and stood there as if he had given up his resistance.


Amidst the screams, clark saw the ground crack open and a large vine of flesh emerge from it. he couldn't help but squeeze his eyes shut.

there was nothing he could do but leave it to fate.

boom boom boom!

the moment I heard a loud bang, my feet fell into the air and I fell weightless. I almost screamed out of fear and ringing in my ears, but when I opened my mouth, no sound came out, and my consciousness gradually disappeared.

At the same time, clark saw the fusion monster tear its body apart and fall, swallowing the struggling millet. however, after a few seconds, the fusion monster's body expanded violently, and a wave of black energy violently opened the monster's body again, blowing the monster into pieces. As blood and flesh splattered everywhere, the other half of her body wearing red shoes fell to miraie's side, clinging to her as if she had bee one with her. together

Sensing that miraille was in danger, clark held out his hand to the maid who was trying to acpany her until the end, and tried to hold her hand again.

two hundred mirrors

clark didn't know how long he had been unconscious as he fell into the abyss. All he knew was that when he stood up, he hadn't hit the bottom yet, but he kept falling.

It's dark when you look down, and darkness when you look up.

clark panicked. when he fell into a a, he had dozens of very long and realistic dreams. No, it wasn't a dream, it was a real memory. but this memory wasn't just for him, it was for over 20 other people. people with different identities, one of their memories is that of Valente, hera, bluebeard, and miller, each plementary and plete, and that of a man named Eve.

Although Eve is a woman's name, it is the name of a man who suffers from multiple personality disorder.

Since he is the last survivor of this spirit world, it seems that his mind naturally contains the memories of those who died in this spirit world.

In these dreams, clark experienced their lives firsthand and understood their emotions. After pletely tracing the memories of these 20 souls, he felt that his state of mind had bee sublime to some extent. deep insight into life.

perhaps because of this, when he relived Eve's memory, he did not feel the panic and fear he felt the first time.

At first, Eve didn't have a name. this name was inherited from his sister. he was born into a crazy single parent family. due to the family's poor economic situation, the mother moved her two children to an old mansion where her ancestors had lived since before she could remember. In it he settled in solitude.

the mother pays attention to her younger sister and only her younger sister. She names her little sister, plays with her, and loves her. but...my mother also often hurts my sister. however, no matter how bad his mother was to his younger sister, as an older brother he was very worried because his mother only thought about him when she was cooking, and the rest of the time she lived like air. I was just jealous.

Although Eve herself would not admit it, clark often felt jealous of her sister.

Eve's feelings towards her sister are very plicated. he is jealous of his sister's ability to enjoy his mother's favor, but at the same time he loves his only sister very much.

Usually, his mother ignores him at home, but his sister always pays attention to him. In this vast, empty castle, he is her only playmate, and he seems to be the only person in the world who can notice her presence. A person who feels alive.

therefore, in Eve's heart there was always a desire to protect her mother and sister.

but luck and beauty are impossible in this crazy family, and my sister always dies.

on the day he died, his mother cried a lot with sadness, but she also felt happy.

From now on he is his mother's only child.

As she had wished, her mother's love for her sister grew stronger and blessed her. he inherited his sister's name, he inherited her sister's clothes, he inherited her sister's identity, he inherited her sister's evil...he pletely replaced her. that's me.

however, he felt that he was an unlucky man. Shortly after his sister died, his mother also died of illness, leaving him an orphan. he lived in the castle with the two corpses for over half a year before being discovered by a nearby villager. Send him to an orphanage.

the orphanage soon discovers that Eve is mentally ill. An investigation revealed that he suffered from multiple personality disorder and antisocial tendencies, and he was sent to a psychiatric hospital.

Years later, someone needs to use patients like Eve in an unknown scientific research project, so someone pays to buy her and other patients and secretly transport them to china.

maybe Eve really was the star of the end. the organizers of the secret scientific research project had just received the experimental materials in the Shenzhou area, and were immediately captured by the law enforcement agencies and occult team in the Shenzhou area, and all of them were captured.

At the time, the mental hospital in the New York area where Eve and the others were being hospitalized had gone bankrupt, and the New York area was refusing to allow smuggled immigrants back to New York based on their status. the unknown Shinshu region had no choice but to accept them and house them in various psychiatric hospitals within the region that could acmodate them. of these, Eve was admitted to a mental hospital in Fengxiang city.

however, soon after that, something strange happened at the mental hospital in hosho city. the remaining three Riches attacked the location and kidnapped other patients and medical staff, including Eve. I don't remember much of what happened after that. Some flash memory fragments.

In these intermittent memory fragments, the remaining members of the three Riches vaguely revealed that they were once again used as experimental materials, vaguely revealing the truth behind the experiment.

this is a world built by the minds of more than 20 people, and this world seems to be falling apart.

\how long will this last? will we be able to go back to the real world?\ clark grumbled.

I looked around in confusion and suddenly spotted a delicate face. he was so surprised that he couldn't help but shout out the other person's name, ``mi Lyle!''

miraie didn't answer, just closed her eyes tightly and felt weak.

clark struggled to get closer, but it wasn't easy. It took some time, but he finally \swam\ to miraille.

he held miraille's hand, hugged her tightly, and listened to her heart. I don't know if the heartbeat is proof that a human is alive in this world, but I still breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, a ray of hope bloomed in front of clark's eyes. when he looked up, he saw the end of the valley \all the way\ away. It may finally end this fall.

\I hope you're okay, I'll be leaving soon,\ clark said softly, hugging mi Lyle's small waist.

clark was a little happy when he felt Renkon's arms slowly grasp his head. when he looked up, millet was smiling gently.

two people who have shared the same adversity can finally look at each other without hesitation in this moment, without worrying about the passage of time.

but soon, clark seemed to realize something, and suddenly his breathing began to quicken, and his eyes showed great pain and despair in disbelief. All this happened when his ear was attached to the jewel on miraille's soft belly. Sometimes sequins.

his body sinks into miller's body, which is gradually deforming, and his own spirit breaks down.

According to the story of Valente and hera, only when only one individual's consciousness remains in this world will there be an exit to this spiritual world.

but miraia didn't die. As a member of Eve's divided consciousness, if she did not die, why did the door to escape from this world open at this timing?

the answer is already clear, miraille is not Eve's split consciousness at all.

It's mine!


darkness swallows clark's vision, fear suppresses his fragile emotions, and the truth of the incident and forgotten memories bee like a boiling tide, easily drowning clark's personality...

times have changed when clark is kidnapped by the remnants of the three Liches and taken to a secret underground fortress.

\clark carter, a prominent thinker with the New York Area Supernatural creatures Foundation, has successfully survived 33 prefectural-level supernatural events over his 40-year life, and his mind is unnatural. ...there aren't many smart people like him in this world.'' brutal mouse looked at clark, slightly drunk, and smiled strangely. is.

he is a stabilizer and a perfect character to deify. the other reorganizers were very happy with mr. clark.

In response, the cruel rat sneered and said: \we cannot decide whether he is the ultimate object of supernatural transformation. Let us wish him the best of luck.\

In this spiritual world ruled by multiple-personality patients, dr. clark must stay sane and not die too easily...hahaha. ”

the rest of the Santomi madmen burst into laughter and, like hatching an egg, skinned clark alive in an instant. In the end, only the smooth brain remained. to maintain brain activity, first the brain was bathed in black goat, which is filled with rare active substances. clark's brain was soaked in her mother's amniotic fluid and electrodes were inserted into her brain. clark's brain was placed in a special laboratory along with other brains that had undergone the same treatment.

As special sound waves flowed through the laboratory, strange and strange scenes appeared in the laboratory. A reddish-purple light appeared in the room, and the brain in the laboratory also changed due to the influence of sound waves.

but what people don't know about these reorganizations is that what they think are \stabilizing factors\ aren't actually stabilizing. dr. clark carter, who has a gorgeous appearance and a successful career, actually has a terrifying \devil\ lurking deep within his heart. .

this demon kills their families and eats their friends. they are inhuman, good at disguise, and tend to be self-destructive and anti-social. he's like clark in the mirror, the plete opposite.

back then, when people were talking nicely, they didn't know that the evil hiding in clark's heart had already heard all their plans.

when clark's consciousness entered the spiritual world, his opposite consciousness also reached the spiritual world, as he expected. And since he was able to still be awake when he entered, he was the first \born\ and \born\ in the entire spiritual world. one of those who stood up.

when he first came to this world, he stood barefoot and free in the ice and snow. he felt unparalleled happiness. Seeing clark still waiting for him to wake up, he made a decision in his mind.

he wants to act freely and responsibly.

Let's call it her mirror because it's her mirror.

miraille realized that her own strength was weak. he could not act recklessly and had to prepare for the final hunt, like a patient snake or an ambushed wolf. For everything to work out, he must bee the proud protagonist in the final scene.

For this reason, he carefully observed the spiritual world and recorded its laws. he knew about the existence of memory objects before anyone else. these so-called memories are what everyone carries with them when they are \born\ into this spiritual world. the most unusual items have no rules regarding form or function, but are usually things that their owners cherish deep in their memories.

miller's memory object is a fake jewel. It was the best gift his friend gave him. he will cherish it in his womb, just as he did when he was a child.

what's interesting about millet, however, is that clark, who has lost this part of his memory, is unaware of the \value\ of a pocket watch, the only thing his biological parents gave him as a child.

the time on this pocket watch seemed to show the real world time. miraille was confident that her other half, clark, would sooner or later see through the anomaly in the pocket watch and see through the world's lies. this is exactly what he expected and planned. party

clark was her assistant and relied on her for help.

clark is not the only dual personality to enter this world, there is also a dual personality named Eve.

As a result of miller's observations and confirmation, it turns out that count bluebeard, who \rules\ the world with his identity, is one of Eve's dual personalities.

In order to find out who Eve's alter ego is in the castle, miller es to the castle as a traveler and ends up joining the castle. It was finally discovered during an investigation while doing \work\ within the castle.

Eve has four separate personalities. count bluebeard represents Slaanesh, gluttony, and laziness. Valente, a butler who symbolizes anger, arrogance, and greed. the chef's spatula symbolizes jealousy. And Eve represents the vile side of goodness. Kander Garden.

what puzzles millet is that the relationship between the four dual personalities is not as special as the one between millet and clark. the four personalities are unaware of each other's existence. perhaps because of that, they won't have the same sense of \one-way life and death\ as he and clark did.

miraille can sense clark's feelings, which means that when clark gets hurt, she gets hurt at the same time. clark's death may mean his death. what makes him unhappy is that he can't get clark \in sync\ due to injuries.

mirel surmised that if the split consciousness of the spirit world knew who the homolog was, they would share in the evil. If the other party is xiao or higher, this \sharing\ will be one-sided.

therefore, clark must at least live to the end and be killed by his own hands.

miraille was well aware of the abilities of her other \self\. In order to be passive and avoid being discovered by clark, he made a bold decision.

After learning of bluebeard and Valente's misdeeds in the castle, he deliberately induces Kander to reveal their secret.

After regaining his confidence, the kind-hearted Kander overes his cowardice and steals and seals the Shadow Stone, admired by bluebeard and Valente, preventing them from harming others.

mirel then exposed Kander's actions. he steals Kander's memory object and plunges Kander into the abyss before an angry bluebeard and Valent find him. Killing him and replacing his identity, he bees what bluebeard and the others consider a \homologue.\

200 Useless plans (2-in1)

the plan worked very well. mirel conceals the true cause of Kander's death and deceives everyone in the castle by making it appear that he died by jumping off a cliff in desperation.

Additionally, he succeeds in removing Kander's memory object by pretending to have accidentally misplaced it, forcing butler Valente to pick it up, thereby discovering Kander's memories and discovering that Kander and he came from the same split consciousness. It made me think. having made Valente aware of this false world, he had the idea of getting rid of this false spiritual world and wanted to bee Eve's main consciousness himself.

the moment he learns part of the truth, Valente's brutal nature kicks in and a terrifying plan emerges in his mind. he wanted to kill everyone in this fake world...

And since Valente had read Kander's memoirs, he believed that mirayer and he came from the same split consciousness. both miraia and he are \on their own,\ so they didn't really understand the situation. what kind of repercussions will it have if he kills \himself\?

Valente was so unsure that he thought he could at least drive millet to the rear and kill him. therefore, during a period of castle-hunting operations with count bluebeard, Valente consciously \protected\ millet. You won't get hurt. this indirectly ensures mirel's safety in the castle.

At the same time, mirel is channeling the other split consciousnesses that created Eve, and hela is also one of her targets.

hela's pursuit of beauty and her hatred of being used by count bluebeard. millaire has him discover count bluebeard and Valente's misdeeds within the castle.

After hera discovers what these two perverts are doing, hera, a smart woman with great acting skills, pretends that nothing happened and learns the magic of increase and decrease. I secretly followed them.

After all, he also wanted to carry out God's will and fully realize his desires.

Just because the stone carvings are lost doesn't mean the magic tricks can't continue. count bluebeard, who had studied and mastered magic tricks, said he could do another magic trick. however, the manufacturing process was not simple, and progress in magic tricks was slow.

As time passed, count bluebeard gradually lost his patience. It will still take some time for the new stone carvings to be pleted. A crazy idea occurred to him. he and his assistant, the butler Valente, had made an agreement to bury most of the servants in the castle at once on the festive christmas Eve, so they had set a large trap outside the castle in advance.

Just when these servants thought they could finally go home and see their loved ones, they unknowingly enter into a death feast carefully prepared to protect them from madness and end up It became the material needed to create magic.

count bluebeard specially preserved them in special storage vessels so that they could be sacrificed all at once once the new stone carvings were pleted.

bluebeard was very excited because he knew he was just missing the last ingredient to plete his magic spell. he intended to kill everyone in the castle and the loyal butler Valente, and take advantage of Valente's management. If you are not ready to kill them, they will finally be able to enjoy their wishes alone.

hela's behavior was even worse than bluebeard's. he believed that he was the one who could counter all conspiracies and seize the fruits of final victory.

Valente, the butler, was also very excited, but his purpose was not to do magic. when he learns that this world is a lie and that millet has a split consciousness just like him, he knows that magic is real. Even if you are born into this world, it will never end because there will never be a shortage of people who need it. . his goal is to eventually bee the ruler of this spiritual world, leave the spiritual world, and return to the real world.

but the person who is really in control of the whole situation is miller, a little maid who everyone in the castle pays no attention to. he knows that none of his plans will succeed. As long as they wait for the other \self\ to arrive, the two will join forces. the magnitude of victory must be on his side.

but just when bluebeard, butler Valente, and cook herra all thought they were the last oriole, something unexpected happened. clark came to the castle.

when clark arrived that night, bluebeard had already decided to take action that night. If possible, he would acplish his ultimate plan tonight.

Likewise, hera and Valente knew what bluebeard was thinking. In the end, that night, bluebeard ate dinner earlier than before and had less patience for clark's arrival. After a few words were exchanged, bluebeard asked to return to his room. After resting, they all knew that the man was just rushing to prepare his final magic trick.

As expected, bluebeard's dinner time was earlier than usual that night, and he actually called him into his room over an hour early.

hela warned and prepared for this anomaly.

bluebeard's behavior of requesting food in advance was a red flag for hera. he was very worried that bluebeard would make him his next hunting target. due to the current situation and the limitations of his personal abilities, he doesn't want to bee bluebeard's enemy right now.

when hera arrived at bluebeard's room that night, she was even more enthusiastic than before. he even put hypnotic drugs in bluebeard's food and was always on guard for what bluebeard might do. they persuaded others to eat the food while mitting murder.

what happened next surprised hera and made her feel relaxed. bluebeard did not intend to kill him, but rather confronted him, stating that he and Valente had killed a man who had recently disappeared from the castle, just to kill him. If you cast some kind of magic and plete the ritual, your wish will e true. he also said he rarely showed sincere expressions and would never hurt her. After he and Valente butler take care of the others in the castle, he invites hela to join his ranks and joins forces for the last time to kill Valente butler and enjoy the fruits of their final victory. that's what I was thinking.

perhaps bluebeard's confrontation was too unexpected. hera could barely think at that moment. his mind went blank and he was stunned for a long time. Seeing that bluebeard had almost finished eating his midnight snack, when he was stunned earlier, he realized that the other person had not actually killed him. , he finally couldn't help asking, \why don't you kill me?\

but Earl beard smiled at him and said, \You'll see later.\

hera, who had doubts, left bluebeard's room safely, and bluebeard fell asleep without warning due to the influence of the drug.

After leaving bluebeard's room, hera thought about bluebeard's past actions and realized that after a certain amount of time, bluebeard's attitude toward her changed.

there is no doubt that bluebeard is a pervert with serious sexual fetishes. he's usually a noisy and unpleasant guy, but lately it seems like he's been a little more restrained than before...

when was that? hela recalls that after Kander died, when bluebeard and Valente were looking for what Kander had hidden in the castle, bluebeard seemed to have raided his room. Since then, bluebeard's attitude towards himself seems to have changed a little.

hela felt that there might be something fishy that she didn't know about. Even after returning to my room, I couldn't sleep at night. So he musters up the courage to go to bluebeard and find out.

however, when he came to bubble's room again, he was surprised to see that bubble was dead. the saber, which originally hung on the wall of the room, was now pierced straight through count bluebeard's heart.

Seeing this, hela realized that she seemed to have bee an unwitting acplice in the murder of count brebre, and guessed who the culprit was as well.

however, the incident is over. After seeing count bluebeard's body, hela has a new plan.

In fact, he knew what the antique treasure Kander had stolen and where it was hidden. because he was the one who hid it.

hela is the most attractive woman in the entire castle. this is well known and unanimously recognized. beautiful women naturally have no shortage of people to love and pursue. Kander is just one of those who admire her.

hela \accidentally\ meets count bluebeard and butler Valente when they follow him around the castle after Kander steals the All-Seeing Shadow Stone.

Kander didn't expect to meet hera either, but he was very happy. In his eyes, hela was a kind-hearted, good and avid cook. In desperation, he decided to seal the stone away. he taught hela how to hold this book, told her not to open it easily, not to tell count beard blue and Valente where it was, and to hide it.

Kander didn't have time to explain at this point. Seeing that count bluebeard and butler Valente are about to catch up to him, he has no choice but to keep running, eventually mitting suicide by \jumping off a cliff.\

why couldn't hela open it and see what was inside? when he sneaks it open and sees that it is a necessary tool for magic, he suddenly bees excited, but quickly calms down and decides to keep it safe.

therefore, when count bluebeard and butler Valente began searching the entire castle, hela sealed the statue, as she knew that the two had scavenged Kander's room after his death. the book was hidden in Kander's room. the so-called most dangerous places were also the safest, and in fact they were never found.

In the end, count bluebeard and butler Valente had no choice but to believe that Kander had fallen into the abyss along with the stone...

At that moment, hera saw a fresh corpse in front of her. he has already secretly mastered all the steps and details of magic spells and for the first time in his life he decides to use this corpse ready to plete a magic spell.

miller sees all this clearly.

but what he didn't expect was that butler Valente did something unknown at the end, causing him and miraille to bee alienated and join the regular monsters, almost reversing his plans.

Luckily, clark stumbles into some sort of coincidence and the red shoes protect him. Strangely enough, the Red Shoes seemed to know about his and clark's relationship, so they protected him as well, which allowed him to ultimately escape death and save Eve's last two consciousnesses. was able to kill two bodies.

At last, his plan has reached its final stage.

miraille looked at clark with a look of fear in her eyes, and thrust the sharp wooden stick she had originally hidden in her hair into the back of clark's neck. he was so excited and his face was full of excitement as clark slowly sank into him. Flushing with excitement.

he made the right bet. when only he and clark remained in the spirit world, he was able to kill clark without being affected by \synchronization\, thereby truly replacing the main personality's status in consciousness!

miraie stroked her partner's face and said with a smile, ``didn't you think it would turn out like this?''

mr. clark was speechless and could only stare at the other person with hopeless eyes. Just a while ago, I also read the memories contained in the fake jewel in miraille's stomach, and finally remembered my lost childhood memories. .

milea is indeed a dangerous dual personality whose personality is extremely vicious and frightening.

\hahahaha...\ mirella laughed madly. clark's body pletely merged with his own, and her body gradually transformed into a humanoid monster made of colored bubbles, heading towards the edge of light. away


his mind was suddenly shaken strangely, and millet's wild laughter suddenly stopped. he saw a black dot appear in the light and he was running towards the black dot in both directions.

the black spot grew bigger and bigger, moving closer and closer to him. Slowly, his plete form appeared in mirai El's eyes, and mirai El's expression changed dramatically.

wearing a suit and leather shoes, his slender limbs are pletely out of proportion to his torso, his face is hairless, and he has a weak black tentacle tucked away on his back. this is apparently the face of a lanky ghost that's been circulating in urban legends in the New York area.

when mirai saw her, he immediately remembered the night he set the house on fire. In fact, there were no hallucinations on the days when I fell into a deep sleep. he really succeeded in summoning the shadow incarnation of all these things, and this terrible thing, which he was always spending the night secretly in the depths of his consciousness.

A praying mantis chases a cicada, an oriole chases it, and behind the oriole there is a hunter with a gun.

while miraie hesitates to roar, the faceless man, whose limbs have been torn apart, collides with bubble man, who was transformed by miraie.

the slender ghost hugged miraie tightly, and the arms that appeared behind her spread out like spider legs and surrounded miraie.

miraille cried strangely, but could not resist. I gradually lost consciousness and felt the bubbles in my body burst one by one. his eyes became even more frantic than clark's as each bubble became visible to the naked eye. After a sudden explosion, all that remained was a thin black figure spinning ballet-like in the air...

205 first year students

when! when! when……

the sound of bells and horns came from heaven, and the sound traveled through the clouds for thousands of miles. It was like an omen that could only be explained by myths and legends. An angel announces the destruction of the world.

Yu Lianyun stared at the brain still splitting into black pieces of flesh on the horizon. they were put together in a chaotic way, gradually depicting something bigger. At the same time, the inside of the brain has not yet differentiated into other things. , Suddenly, a spring spouted out, and a black torrent erupted, flowing like a waterfall, forming a water sound on the reinforced concrete of the human city.

the stream of black water continued to flow endlessly throughout the city, making a roaring sound. wherever he passed, everything dissolved, all vitality disappeared, melting into part of the black stream of water. the thick pillars of flesh, like large candles, became even more intense when exposed to the black liquid. It was thick and hot fire erupted from the top, like a volcanic eruption. It shot straight toward the sky with black smoke, covering the entire sky.

Yu Lianyun realized that the situation was getting serious. A gigantic monster that appeared in a human town was a supernatural god.

Yu Lianyun could not escape from this dark torrent, and watched as the sky became black with black smoke, and the fantastic light and real light gradually revealed the cosmic landscape with different colored lights. however, all I could do was run to the roof of a large building. Flashing in the dark. , they blend together to form a beautiful dream-like image.

these landscapes are so irregularly arranged that humans cannot understand them, but they


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