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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第34章 背叛之网

第34章 背叛之网 (第1/2页)

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卢修斯·冯·阿肯斯通(Lucius von Arkenstone)是一个有魅力和神秘的人物,他试图利用尼克斯泰拉的精灵力量来实现自己的邪恶目的。他对不朽和神一样统治的渴望驱使他操纵这个领域的能量,深入研究禁忌和奥术。





随着历史编年史的展开,第5章证明了伊丽莎白·布莱克伍德博士及其团队坚定不移的精神和韧性。对他们与卢修斯·冯·阿肯斯通的对抗、战斗和牺牲的不带感情和严谨的记录,描绘了他们与入侵的黑暗作斗争的生动画面。历史记录的公正性确保了清晰和精确,使读者能够沉浸在事件展开的过程中。编年史的接地气的现实与克苏鲁神话的难以形容的性质之间的鲜明对比增强了期待感和紧张感,为Nyx'terra中的高潮战斗和启示奠定了基础。第六章 疯狂之舞












\he's too quick-witted to understand.\ chen xiaolin rolled his eyes and said, \It's no use saying anything. As for you, I've already saved you. teacher Li, you. You said you were a rule follower first.'' those who follow the principles of trade, I will help you, and you will help me. ”

\what do you want to do?\ Li duojin looked at the other person for a long time and finally sighed.

hearing this, chen xiaolin also fell silent.

Li duanen noticed that something was wrong with chen xiaolin's expression and was about to ask, but chen xiaolin finally spoke up: \does your back hurt?\

Li duanen was surprised. he couldn't help but look back. Finally, he adjusted the car's rearview mirror and turned it over his head. he unbuckled his seatbelt, took off the clothes on his back, and looked in his side mirror. return

there was a large burn mark on his back, and the burn mark formed a pattern similar to the surrender to the demonic world of the sky, a ritual pattern other than human sacrifice.

\oji Jing? No, it's not him, it's the Upside-down creator, it's him!\ when Li duanen was fighting the Upside-down creator for wang Zijing's soul in the interrogation room, the Upside-down creator's he remembered the tentacles scratching his back. during this time, it seems that the other person's corrosive mucus fell onto my back, and from this moment on, I was in a burning pain.

\Guess what I want to do now.\ chen xiaolin looked at the other person and said, \I want you to perform this ritual.\

\Aren't you an idiot?\ Li duojin scolded, frowning.

“I’m not crazy, and I don’t really want you to do that. I’m just pretending.” chen xiaolin smiled casually, “heavenly demon is the most of the Inverted creator. You said you were a 'filial' descendant, right? If you wanted to summon his mother, do you think she would show up? I was already thinking of making a sacrifice there.'' , Just me. ”

Li duojin took a deep breath and said, “You are really crazy. Even if you do this, if it is successful, how should we deal with the devil in heaven and overturn the creator? have you ever thought about it? there are only two of us.”

“of course there is help, please call me now.” chen xiaolin smiled, parked the car in a detached garage, put the child seat on it, and lay down.

In fact, 172 bodies

Yu Lianyun was very tired. he looked at the people gathered there but said nothing.

An investigator who became a human sacrifice, a criminal on the run, someone who came back from the dead, and a crazy reporter who was preparing to summon the creator of the Upside down...all the \men\. before him, he played the role of a protector. It seems that the secret agents responsible for stabilizing human society will have to arrest them and take them to prison. No, I don't care if he gets killed on the spot.

his inexplicable personal conscience leads him to a cabin in the woods, and when he sees the other \guests\ who were also confused and dragged into the cabin, and boss Lin with a gentle smile on his face, Yu - Lian Yun had a premonition. that something was wrong. Until he learned of Li duaren's change and his crazy plan from chen xiaolin's heart, he couldn't help but tremble all over.

however, personal strength is not enough to resist people whose thoughts cause certain pathologies.

After hearing chen xiaolin's idea, drake and xin Junmao directly agreed without thinking.

Li duanen remained silent and just looked at Yu Lianyun with lustless eyes, as if he had left his life and death in his hands, which was tantamount to an accusation.

No matter how much Yu Lianyun objected, it was useless. he had no choice but to join them. however, his only request was that the ceremony be held at least in a deserted location, and everyone agreed.

Seeing that everyone \agreed\, chen xiaolin decided to locate the place in a certain mountain on the outskirts of the magic city. It was an undeveloped area with poor scenery and few people, making it the perfect place for them to engage in dangerous activities.

\captain Yu, when will the order I requested be removed?\ drake spoke to Yu Lianyun as Li duojing arranged a secret ritual based on taboo knowledge that flowed in from nowhere. ta. road

“If you can't do that, you'll have to wait until you die.” Yu Lianyun said angrily, “If someone finds out that you did something like this just now, you will have to wait until you die. will bee even more intense and your appearance will change for the rest of your life. ``Live your life'' with a different name. ”

derek was surprised for a moment, but he didn't know what to say so he gave a dry smile.

when Yu Lianyun's cruel gaze shifted to xin Junmao, who was secretly smiling on the other side, xin Junmao also froze, lowered his head, and avoided his eyes.

“I’m too lazy to talk to you, you know your situation very well.” Yu Lianyun stretched out his hand, put it down with a sigh, and shook his head. \All I can say is that you can raise your parents on your own. I can help you more.\ Just a glimpse of El Lao's body tells you that you're in for a big deal. please don't think so. ”

xin Junmao lowered his head and looked at mr. Zhao’s face that appeared in his palm with plicated eyes. when he saw that face about to move its mouth, he quickly closed his hand and said: \of course I know I'm not doing much, but I feel like this is all I can do right now.\

As he spoke, he took out a colorful bar of soap from his arm and said in a low voice: \If he hadn't fulfilled my wish today, I wouldn't have lived until now...\

Seeing his hand suddenly covered with flesh buds and growing into a fleshy, bloodless female body, xin Junmao seemed to know it well and said calmly: ...and... he has his limits. ”

``there's always one thing you have to do.'' A layer of white, smooth skin appears on the surface of the female body, and she transforms into a graceful girl with beautiful features. he approached xin Junmao, gently raised his chin with his sharp fingertips, and said, \then live hard for me, or die for me.\

mr. Zhao smiled coquettishly, his limbs trembling with laughter, the corners of his mouth were open, and his mouth was full of canine teeth.

Yu Lianyun frowned as he watched the “sweet” interaction between humans and supernatural gods. It was a strange kind of \love\ that cannot even be written in a novel.

“Agreed.” Li duanen covered his forehead. As time passed, the strange markings on his back became hotter and hotter, and the forbidden knowledge that appeared out of nowhere and tried to fill his little human brain like a tide also disappeared. Slowly remove your human emotions and rationality.

he was still increasingly convinced that he could fool the Sky demon by \pretending\ to perform the ritual. he felt he might get carried away during the ceremony and \act it out\.

If it were just him and chen xiaolin, Li duaren would never agree to such a thing, and he would not hesitate to mit suicide because he would no longer be able to maintain his rationality.

the others also noticed that Li duaren was acting strange, but they saw it with their eyes and kept it in their hearts. Although they did not say so, they would continue to pay close attention to Li duanen's condition to ensure that he did not mit an unforgivable crime.

chen xiaolin took off his shoes at Li duaren's request and sat with his bare feet crossed in the center of the strange magic circle's eye pattern. he looked into Li duojin's strange and cold eyes and clenched his toes tightly. Let's stretch together.

he had the audacity to propose this plan, and even sacrificed himself for it. I'm not exactly open-minded, but this is the only way I can think of to find tenma. only when the devil appears can we drive him out of the human world.

Li duojin looked at Yu Lianyun and the others outside the ceremonial circle and said, ``From now on, I'll leave it to you.'' the last glimmer of reason shone in his eyes.

At this time, Li duojin's head suddenly fell like a lost soul, and he started biting his mouth inprehensibly and breathing out. Finally, the vocal organs in his mouth began to move chaotically, and long, strange syllables were heard. the bination formed a whisper that seemed to e from the depths of the underworld.

the whispers grew louder. he gritted his teeth and opened his eyes. he suddenly took a dazzling silver dagger from his waist and walked towards chen xiaolin.

Yu Lianyun, derek, and xin Junmao stood aside, observing Li duojin's dangerous movements and paying attention to the movements around them. Yu Lianyun secretly clenched his fists. he knew he had to calm down now, but he didn't interrupt the ritual right away.

\the heavenly demon can escape to another dimension and move to another dimension that is invisible to our eyes. however, this other dimension is not the inner world. I couldn't see it.\ xin Junmao said. nodded. As a man with five senses, he could only sense the inner world. they were undead living in the real world. he didn't see anything unusual.

drake gradually shows the characteristics of a fishman and relies on the superhuman senses of fishmen, but he is unable to grasp the movements of maten.

“It must be here, I have a feeling.” Yu Lianyun scratched the pores on his trembling arms, inspiration alerting him.

\there!\ Yu Lianyun instantly released his own inspiration. he was guided by a strong, sharp, unknown sensation that seemed to exist but didn't.

It was also at that moment that the evil animal smelled delicious food and seemed to be unable to suppress its nature any longer. he became restless. the sun, which was supposed to rise, was suddenly covered by a huge black cloud, followed by a huge fall. From above the cloud, the body gradually tore apart, turning into a large stomach bag that looked like it had its intestines wrapped around it...

173 cases of corruption worldwide

``when the tenma reveals his true identity, people will swear that the act of melting through the world wearing his body is a great act of kindness. when he takes off his elaborately woven robes, people will witness the destruction of the world... ``these words were written upside down in the sacred treasure of the sanctuary, the forbidden book ``Evolution of Shedding.'' It had been.

Faced with such a crazy and rare scene, the expressions of everyone present pletely changed.

big, twisted, rotten, evil, terrifying...what other adjectives would you use to describe this blasphemous thing that seems to have been born in purgatory? this being, which should not appear in the real world, appeared in front of humanity in its true form for the first time. to be precise, this is just a part of the sky demon's body. beyond the thick clouds, a magnificent and chaotic other world spreads out. A space in which most of the rest of the body is hidden.

“Li duanen, please wake up!” derek said, when everyone was about to lose their souls to this abomination, Li duojing didn’t seem to notice, and his reaction to the murder became more and more serious. I realized that. the violence became more and more intense. he grabbed the handle of the knife with both hands, pointed the tip of the knife at chen xiaolin's eyes, and ran towards her. he was the first to be released from his helpless state and immediately ran towards Li duojin to stop Li duojin's actions.

Li dajin, who had collapsed, glared with white eyes and struggled desperately without fear of pain. Even though drake had a firm grip on his hand, a lost instinct to break free tugged at him. both shoulders moved, but there was still no sign of pain or irritation from the pain.

Yu Lianyun knelt down with a pop. his plete release of inspiration also meant that the sensitivity and perception of his invisible \organ of inspiration\ was amplified to its practical extent. what he felt was beyond anyone else.

It seemed to capture the full picture of something dark and twisted, created entirely by the devil, based on the greatness of animals and the blasphemy of natural beauty. he could even hear the secret voice of the devil in the evil and frenzied sky.

he wants to e to this world, open the door to the mother dimension, turn the Great creator upside down, rule this world, and enslave this planet.

he also collects and eats the animals of this world, hoping to find their bodies and make them his own. when he possesses the bodies of all living things in this universe, he will be eternal and the only being in this universe.

he wants it, he wants it...

this evil and perverse man's heart is as ugly and black as his face, and he has a voracious appetite.

due to Yu Lianyun's powerful inspiration, his soul momentarily collided and resonated with Kong mo's voice, immediately causing a strong reaction in his body. the seven orifices continued to bleed, causing an unexplained failure in the body's mechanisms. he began to twitch and his mouth uncontrollably mumbled the sinister words that filled his mind.

Similar to Yu Lianyun, another person who is in a bad condition is chen xiaolin, an ordinary reporter. when he first saw the Sky demon's true form, he felt as if he had been run over by a speeding truck that had gone out of control, and he lost consciousness. , his face was full of blood, as if he had died, leaving only a hard, taut \corpse\.

xin Junmao was also shocked by demon tian's true appearance. his body trembles in fear as it gradually bees covered in bloody flesh. Soon, mr. Zhao, who was twice his normal size, temporarily swallowed him into his body. , Lady Zhao, who looked like a small giant, roared at the heavenly sky as if to vent her frustration at hurting her beloved slave.

Instantly, mr. Zhao's body expanded and transformed into a gigantic fountain of flowing matter. his body had numerous fangs and mouths, and his limbs were made of all kinds of curved biological limbs. his body rose from the ground. beneath the drooping sky, countless sharp teeth were digging into the intestines and stomach.

Feeling the pain of provocation and attack, the walls of the intestines hang upside down beneath the black cloud, and the spines hidden within the black cloud rush toward the mass of the source of large animal matter. the two monsters, whose bodies continued to expand, tore each other apart. Let's fight together...

drake suppressed Li duanen with all his might. he discovers that those affected by the inverted creator Sign have terrifying powers. he felt the strength of the struggle under his control gradually increasing. what was even more strange was that Li duojin's body also seemed to be affected by some kind of force. Some strange changes were occurring in his body. Swelling in his muscles was just one of the symptoms. Inflammation and edema, like blisters, began to appear on the body, and the skin became almost swollen. It was so translucent that you could almost see the acid-corroded body and blood beneath the swollen blisters.

bang bang bang -

Suddenly, the swelling burst, and a large amount of foul-smelling acid gushed out, immediately eating away at the fish-man drake's body covered in blue-black scales, making a burning sound as it ate away at his body.

the acid was like the destruction of many small, sentient insects, easily breaking through the armor of his carapace and tearing through his body, biting and gnawing at his flesh and blood.

Suffering a lot of pain, derek temporarily relaxed, while Li duojing also suffered from the corrosive effects of the acid, and his body was almost incinerated into a skeleton covered in acidified fluid. but he actually grabbed it, almost ignoring the pain. . when given the opportunity, he resisted drake's suppression by rising from the ground, spreading his arms full of corrosive acid, and hugging chen xiaolin as he fell to the ground.

mr. drake reacted immediately and hugged mr. Li tajin's leg, holding back the pain. there was a cold indifference in the golden fishman's eyes. he smiled showing his sharp teeth and said in a hoarse voice. “please don’t blame me this time, Li duanen.”

derek grabbed Li duojing's leg, opened his mouth, and bit into the other person's thigh. blood flowed from the wound as it bit with its sharp teeth, followed by a sharp sound. with a crackling sound, he forcibly pulled out one of Li duanen's right legs.

Li duanen still couldn't feel the pain and wanted to move forward.

drake followed suit and ripped off Li duojing's left leg. In the end, he bit both of his arms and threw him far away.

Although Li tajin was finally unable to move, he continued to push forward by pushing through the friction between his body and the ground, biting the grass roots of the ground with his teeth, and relying on this slight force to move forward. \things\ were required. he killed chen xiaolin in the fall.

drake fell to the ground helplessly, unable to move, his mouth turned black and smoke from cooked meat and fat continued to e out of his mouth. he removed Li duanen's member, but there was an unknown cause in other parts of the body, and the acid from it corroded the entire mouth, and some of the acid leaked into the body through the esophagus.

drake looked up at the dark clouds that dotted the sky and thought, \with something this big, there's no way anyone would miss it, even in the suburbs, right? may those who see it stay sane.\ ”

174 fates

being sane is a luxury for humans.

It was as if a highly contagious virus called fear had spread throughout the world, spreading dark clouds. when the people living in the city noticed the sky northwest of the magical city, they saw dark clouds gathering over the city. huge twisted black organs and amorphous masses of flesh and blood of unknown position writhe and tear through heaven and earth like moving pillars, and blasphemous and abominable filth rushes towards them like a tornado. ta. .

the frantic howls, desperate screams, and terrifying sights quickly ate away at the weak human senses. the instincts of self-destruction and failure invade the heights of consciousness. collective madness and collective suicide are occurring in the streets and alleys of the city. It goes on and on.

the city is collapsing...

buzz -

Suddenly, a shockingly loud and sharp sound rang out, the heart-pounding sound of a violin frightening almost everyone in the city back to their senses. before the fragile nerves are again distracted by the strange landscape on the horizon, suddenly a full cycle of violins enchanted by the heart of the witch's medicine seduces everyone's heart \beyond the sky\ . they will arrive at a grand concert and find a great violinist in sharp gloves waiting for them to arrive at the center of the stage.

they temporarily forget the despair of reality and no longer have to suffer from the cognitive destruction unwittingly propagated by an alien god, but on the other hand, the strange and maddening effects of a mad musician in pursuit of the ultimate musical theory. You also have to listen to the sounds. . .

You have to pay a price to survive.

the earth is torn apart, the sky is twisted, the light is swallowed up, and life beneath the dark clouds is rapidly dying.

\captain Yu... wake up...\ drake looked at the two giant gods fighting together to destroy the world. he couldn't help but sigh inwardly. he was helpless and could only fall to the ground and scream over and over again. Yu Lianyun's name, I hope Yu Lianyun wakes up as soon as possible from the cognitive destruction caused by the sky demon.

Yu Lianyun is different from a group of heterogeneous hybrids mixed into the norm, who can freely abandon the concept of life and death of ordinary people. he is a normal person. they briefly agree to a decoy plan proposed by crazy reporter chen xiaolin, but Yu Lianyun Yun ultimately agrees. If you don't have the confidence to repel the tenmashin's abilities, you will never agree to it from the perspective of protecting humanity.

therefore, drake is sure that Yu Lianyun has a way to deal with this situation.

but now, knowing that the solution lies with Yu Lianyun, Yu Lianyun took the burden first and fell to the ground.

As if hearing derek's call, Yu Lianyun, who was still in a state of numbness and madness, suddenly relaxed her twitching movements and got up from the ground. he put his hand on his arm and said in a trembling voice, \I don't belong in this era...\

drake looked at Yu Lianyun’s actions in surprise. he didn't fully understand it, but he did understand that Yu Lianyun seemed to be chanting some kind of mantra, as if he had summoned something or provoked something. did.

he looked at Yu Lianyun expectantly. If he can do miracles, let him see it!

After the spell that Yu Lianyun cast ended, Yu Lianyun regained his strength and seemed to have regained control of his body. he stood up, his face pale but his eyes steady, and he took the piece of bronze in his arms. A black goat's hoof wrapped in a chain: \It's out of this world!\

when the black goat's foot appeared, the demon in the sky, which kept revealing itself in the spreading black clouds, seemed to smell something terrifying. the intestines and belly hanging in the sky were tense and motionless, turning black and rotten. the color of his face became even darker and he seemed to bee smaller.

mr. Zhao showed his gourmet attitude and seized this opportunity. Suddenly, the whole body split into a large mouth, and the sharp teeth suddenly clenched, cutting through the folded intestines and belly, biting and chewing madly. Grinding, digestion.

the seriously injured Sky demon stood crying miserably, and the part of his body that was exposed outside the black cloud immediately retreated into the black cloud. In the end, all that was left was a stagnant lake hanging upside down in the sky. In the center of the lake were waves, pain, sadness, anger, and resentment. the screams continued to echo from the dark clouds.

As the black clouds slowly disappeared, the roar from another dimension also gradually disappeared, and the sky turned into a bright blue sky.

the devil of heaven is banished from this world as a tragic fate that even God cannot escape, as if this is his fate and reincarnation, just like his fate when he last appeared in the human world. it was done.

one hundred years ago, on Jinma mountain, a mad bachelor known as Ye Gong turned the \hoof\ of the black forest goat, the messenger of the creator, upside down and attached a bronze chain to it. there is no need to transcend all things and set special restrictions. In order to repel the ancient Sky demon Seal, it is possible to pletely expel the Sky demon from the human world by bining it with a specific spell.

the miracles created by our ancestors have been inherited by their descendants.

when Yu Lianyun saw Gong mo cursing and leaving sadly, she laughed with relief.

“…Are you okay?” Yu Lianyun fell to the ground again. his mind was slow and incapable of plex thinking, but he still did not forget to care about the situation of others.

\haha.\ the huge pile of meat that rose from the ground disappeared without a trace, leaving only a faint sound of laughter, and gradually disappeared. mr. qiao left mr. xin Junmao with protection on his body.

drake patted the dry ground, making a sound to prove he was still alive. his eyes fell on Li duaren, whose limbs were formed from blood and flesh, and chen xiaolin, who was withered. he was a little surprised and remained silent.

Yu Lianyun also saw this scene, sighed, and quietly closed his sad eyes.

Li duanen and chen xiaolin passed away.

Yu Lianyun felt that although the heavenly demon was no longer here, it was still a terrifying presence peeking through the invisible crack. he reached out and took away the precious souls of Li duaren and chen xiaolin. but he had no power to stop it.

the magic circle was damaged, the sacrifice died, and the sacrifice disappeared. this whole ritual wasn't perfect yet. the upside-down, perfectionist creator may never return, but he still stole their souls back. It sows the seeds of evil in the world, biological evil.

the spores parasitize everything and bee an alien species that roams the human world...

In the dark, damp space of the dark forest, where ghostly cries echo, a large, thick, twisted tree with many eyes like the hooves of a black sheep appears in the distance. he was standing in the middle. a. the pair of trees look like vines, but they are long organs covered with small suckers, cut into small pieces from the main body of the giant tree, and tightly grip the souls of the two men who have lost their spirituality.

when a black forest goat with cheeks similar to Zheng Yu's on its trunk saw the two souls, it suddenly laughed bitterly and said, \You've e, you've finally e!\

then, from the ``trees'' of the dark, silent forest, I heard the sound of sheep's hooves and the sound of strange sheep calls one after another.

the giant black tree, the mother of the forest's black goats, and the upside-down creator gazes at the souls of men and women with cold yet forgiving eyes, and wraps \vines\ around their bodies.

boom! boom!

Suddenly, two giant red fireflies took to the sky and stared at the trees and vines in the void. the souls of Li duaren and chen xiaolin were bound by a pair of chains, pulled out of the dark forest in the blink of an eye, and suddenly appeared in the dimensional vortex of the dark forest and disappeared.

the giant tree roared into the black whirlwind, and out of the whirlwind appeared a young man with the smile of a buddha with his hands clasped behind his back. he seemed indifferent to the sounds that could destroy all life, vibrating and shattering space with just a roar.

\It's too noisy.\ Linlin punched his hand, and the giant tree and its size were sent flying to the edge of space, leaving behind a chaotic mist. It turns out that behind him, in the dark forest dimension closest to the center of the universe, was actually a chaotic mist mixed with purple and black and strange stars.

hmm, hmmm…ah…#¥@#

Inprehensible sounds emerge from the fog of confusion, like the instinctive cries of an awakened baby.

“Shut up and go back to sleep.” Ling Ling smiled softly, but his words were indifferent.

hearing that sound, the fog of chaos subsided.

\hehe, this bald old man wants me to be his successor, let me be his...hehehe, nanny. but I haven't had enough fun yet, so please sleep a little longer.\ smiled kindly and turned to the black whirlpool.


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