
关灯 护眼
六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第29章 转折点

第29章 转折点 (第2/2页)

there must be a reason! chen xiaolin remembers a strange story that Zheng Yu told about his daughter's painting at the wine festival.

they believe that Zheng Yu is not a person who mits terrible atrocities for no reason, so there must be a special reason why he became this way, and cheng xiaolin believes that it is Zheng Yu. we speculated that it may be related to abnormal factors in the family.

At the banquet, Zheng Yu said that her school's art teacher had given the students in her daughter's class the task of drawing an imaginary paradise. As a result, his daughter painted her attic just because Zheng Yu mentioned the sky. It was the place where the dead ended up. So did her daughter see anything in the attic?

thinking of this, chen xiaolin became even more anxious.

what terrible secret is hidden in the attic of Zheng Yu's house?

when chen xiaolin turned around, Uncle wang was gone. he felt a little unwanted. I wish he could ask more questions.

Suddenly, the wind blew, chen xiaolin smelled the fragrant incense floating in the air, and saw cloudy smoke and yellow paper flying in the sky, similar to the bell bell and \operating\. I could always hear the sound. originally from southern Fujian province. language family.

he followed the sound and when he reached the base area of the amusement park, near the whitewater ride, he saw a strange sight.

A tall, handsome young man is performing a ritual in front of a table covered with yellow cloth and covered with offerings, flanked by a pot-bellied man and several men and women in professional attire. I saw you looking at the. then he mumbled something.

Seeing this, chen xiaolin's journalistic instincts arose and she could smell the news. he took pictures and recorded the scene with his mobile camera.

then he put down his camera and walked up to the big, fat man.

when the fat man saw the beautiful young woman who suddenly appeared and came to him, he was momentarily surprised, but he did not say anything and just silently watched the beautiful young man's actions and waited for the ceremony. It was pleted. .

After the beautiful young man finished exercising, the fat man first looked at chen xiaolin, and then came to the beautiful young man. he respectfully clenched his fist and said, \mr. Li duashen, thank you very much. You have traveled thousands of miles to e here. please cleanse our little amusement park of evil spirits.\ told.

when the young master named Li duanen heard this, he smiled and replied, \It's just a little effort. boss Zhang paid a lot of money to invite me here. our relationship is just that. It’s a relationship. I don’t have a job or anything. thank you” for you. ”Yes, I just collect money from people and help eliminate disasters, it's very easy. ”

After hearing Li duojin's words, boss Zhang just smiled innocently. then I turned my head to look at the bodhisattva statue placed on the table and prayed over and over again, ``Lord bodhisattva, please help me survive this time as well.'' the difficulties have passed, my JoJo amusement park can regain its former strong popularity.'' etc.

After the service, director Zhang nervously asked Li duojin. “teacher, after the ceremony, do you feel that there is something wrong with this amusement park?”

Li tajin understood boss Zhang's meaning. Although he looked young, there were many changes in his eyes. After a quiet fire, he heartily said: “there are some restless and ordinary elements here, but don't be afraid. You will no longer be afraid of. Again.”

when boss Zhang heard that \there are normal factors,\ his smile froze.

If the normal factors cannot be properly resolved, the amusement park will never be able to open again.

Li duojin forted the other party again and said, \don't worry, they are under control. Unless it's artificial, there won't be any other strange things happening for a long time.\

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do people do?

boss Zhang was shocked and asked with a skeptical look, \didn't this madman accidentally kill someone here?\

there's no way to know that. Li duanen shook his head, \I just felt a strange and dirty atmosphere in this playground. It is not naturally formed, so I have no choice but to bring it in. boss Zhang, this is probably the madman you mentioned. Influenced by lesser-known sources.” power. \

when boss Zhang heard this, he was moved and felt very sad. JoJo Amusement park, which had been in operation for many years, was still very popular, so why did something like this suddenly happen?

\then did you find the source of this power?\At this time, chen xiaolin suddenly came down and asked.

when Li duaren looked at chen xiaolin and was about to speak, boss Zhang's angular and fat face tightened, a smile line suddenly appeared, and his eyebrows looked worried. he looked directly at chen xiaolin and said, \miss, you are a reporter, right? the amusement park is currently closed. It is not open to the public. If you have nothing else to do, please leave. \said.

chen xiaolin was not surprised that boss Zhang could tell her occupation at a glance. people like him who act erratically and abruptly, with purpose written all over their faces, are either mentally ill or have other motives. At this time, he dares to invade the place of good and evil. people with bad ideas are likely to be journalists, like the plaster of paris in the eyes of capitalists.

As soon as boss Zhang finished speaking, several employees behind boss Zhang came up to him with cruel expressions.

chen xiaolin didn't want to be treated roughly. otherwise, you will destroy what you just recorded. he immediately raised his hands in surrender. “okay, okay, I’ll go, I’ll go, but before that… nice guy, can you add me to wechat?”

“do you still want to add wechat?” president Zhang rolled his eyes.

Li tajin was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed out loud, shook his head, and said with emotion: \today's youth...\

Seeing that there was probably no chance of knowing Li duojin's contact information, chen xiaolin took a few steps back again, being pletely obedient and honest, and did not dare to make any more mistakes. he was surrounded by several amusement park employees and left in silence. Always look back at Li tajin three times for every step.

Li duojing smiled happily and didn’t care about this little prank.

chen xiaolin was kicked out of the amusement park. he was standing at the entrance to the JoJo amusement park, where there was usually a long line. he looked at the employees of the amusement park with a cruel look on his face. he hummed and walked away. he came to the parking lot and found himself. beetle

he remained seated in the car and immediately drove away without starting it. Instead, he sat in the driver's seat and waited quietly.

As a professional journalist, he has thick skin and is patient. he can endure hardships and work hard to get news. I was just a little happy that I was targeted now. It wasn't a threat, and it didn't stop him from seeking the truth.

he wanted to wait here until the young master came out and ask carefully.

A young master named Li duojin is anything but simple. chen xiaolin thought to himself.

the big boss of Jojo Amusement park, Zhang haoquan, is different from his rough and fat appearance. In fact, he is a sophisticated and thoughtful person. how could someone as cunning as him grab a man who claimed to be a \master\ off the street and do it with all due respect? Asking the other person to help solve the problem was not an easy task for Li duanen no matter how he thought about it.

Either Li duojin is a clever scammer or Zhang haoquan has enough genuine skills to admire him.

however, chen xiaolin felt that the former possibility was low. boss Zhang was indifferent to a harmless young reporter like him and didn't even give Li duaren a chance to ask in-depth questions. he was so cautious and cautious that I don't think any con artist would be able to swindle money from someone.

And if it is the latter, the nature of the problem is different.

chen xiaolin attaches great importance to this murder case, and reporting is secondary. he is primarily concerned about what happened to his insane friend during the short period of his disappearance, and more about the usual factors that persist about dead friends. whether he can find it or not, and whether it has something to do with the paradise that his daughter talks about.

After waiting for about 70 minutes, chen xiaolin finally saw a black car ing out of the underground parking lot of Jojo Amusement park. with sharp eyes, he looked at Li duanen, who was sitting in the back seat of the car. he immediately started the car and quickly followed.

After following for a long time, chen xiaolin finally noticed that boss Zhang’s car was parked in front of the five-star hotel black Jasmine, and Li duojing also got out of the car.

After watching boss Zhang's car leave, Li tajin followed him to the door to help him carry his luggage to the hotel. chen xiaolin immediately gritted his teeth and followed her.

when Li duanen checked out and was about to go upstairs, chen xiaolin stopped him.

“teacher Li, I’m sorry, but may I interrupt you for a few minutes?” chen xiaolin opened her bright eyes and asked her to wait.

Faced with the female reporter's intentions, Lee dajin seemed to be expecting it. Not only was he not interested or surprised by the female reporter's actions, he happily invited her to sit with him in the hotel's tea restaurant and talk quietly.

Although chen xiaolin was a little confused, he accepted Li duanen's invitation.

After sitting down, chen xiaolin ordered coffee and Li duanen ordered green tea, and the two began talking.

chen xiaolin followed up on his previous question by asking, \can you find the source of this strange power?\

\without clear signs, we can't make any inferences.\ Li duojin nodded.

\but aren't you a master? You have to rely on reasoning to solve problems. what kind of science and logic do you need?\ chen xiaolin pursed the corner of his mouth.

Li duojin smiled and explained, \Not everything is suitable for these methods. It takes a lot of energy to do so.\

chen xiaolin didn't really joke, and said, \If this strange power source is near Jiji, can you find it?\

``Looks like you got the answer, huh?'' Li duojin laughed and took a small sip of pure green tea.

chen xiaolin did not answer immediately, but looked seriously into the other person's eyes and asked again, \can you find it?\

``I think it's okay.'' Li tajin put down the tea, thought for a moment, and answered seriously.

``then I'd like to ask you a favor, and I'll give you 20,000 yuan.'' chen xiaolin stretched out his scissor hand, his heart pounding. For someone like him who doesn't usually save much, 20,000 yuan is a lot of money.

Li duojin smiled, agreed directly without thinking, and said, “okay.”

when chen xiaolin heard the positive answer, she looked happy, but felt disappointed.

too expensive, too ignored...

139 prophecies

As soon as Li duojin got out of the car and returned his luggage to the hotel room, chen xiaolin pulled him back into the car.

Li duanen looked at chen xiaolin helplessly and said quietly: \Fortunately, I'm a young man now. otherwise I won't really be able to keep up with your pace, so can I take a break first?\

``the situation is urgent, and your life is in danger.'' chen xiaolin said with a serious face, whether it was to get revenge for the 20,000 yuan or because he really wanted to, ``I have to take her to be checked immediately. No,” I said.

Li duojin slowly looked at him, leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, \Is it far? If it's not far, I'll take a break first.\

\It's not that far, but you should take a break. I'll call you when I get there.\ chen xiaolin nodded. when he saw Li duojin resting, he suddenly felt a little unsure whether the other party was really capable.

No problem. Since I spent 20,000 yuan, it would be better if it had some reputation.

with this thought in mind, chen xiaolin suddenly wanted to test the other party's origins. “I already introduced myself at the hotel, how about you?”

hearing this, Li duojin slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were full of confusion, and his expression was expressionless, but he still said: ``my name is Li tajin. I live on mt. Gyoge in qingyang. this is my place.'' A quiet temple. temple blessings. ”

“hey, qiaojueshan…I remember it being a scenic place.” chen xiaolin was a little surprised and very confused. how could a blessing from a temple I had never heard of deserve so much respect from the rich and wealthy? .

After all, it is a 5A class scenic natural area. Li duojin smiled slightly and said, “do you have any other questions?”

“there is something else.” chen xiaolin felt that the handsome miao Zhu in front of her would answer all her questions, and she didn’t bother to hide the questions she was interested in. I just asked what I wanted to know most. magic. Such a special ability? otherwise, why does Fatty chan go out of his way to invite you, respect you in every way, stay in the most expensive hotels in the entire magic city, and treat you with the highest hotel standards? Is not it? ”

he was curious on the one hand, and wanted to confirm the specific location of Li duojin's temporary stay on the other hand, so he went with him to Li duojin's hotel room, which was really strange. I found out something.

Li duojin smiled and said, \boss Zhang was exaggerating. I just happened to meet him at the temple and untied the lotus for him. that happened to save his life.\ ta.

\what's your name? what do you mean?\ chen xiaolin's curiosity grew even more.

\he visited qiaojue mountain with his family. by chance, he went to Jingjing temple to burn incense sticks. he sought wealth and wondered if he could build wealth with his future business partner. As a result, he said, ``he has very bad luck. he asked me, so I signed for him and from now on, to avoid bad omens, I will not be traveling by train or train.'' I said it would be better for me to find another partner instead of taking the train or any other form of transportation.”

then he really believed what I said. he did not go to meet this business partner, avoided disaster, and survived the night of the destruction of Suizhu city. Li duanen explained:

“hong Kai Night?” chen xiaolin was stunned and gripped the steering wheel. he looked at the other person in surprise, \did you really foresee his danger?\

\I didn't predict it, I just interpreted it.\ Li duojin nodded.

“It’s impossible that a blind cat happened to e across a dead mouse, and I said something nonsense, but it turned out to be true.” chen xiaolin spoke rudely. Just like his profession, the pen is a sword and the little pink face is a mouth and a cannon.

Li tajin laughed. \that may be true, but the main reason boss Zhang survived is because I believed in him.\

chen xiaolin pursed his lips and nodded, his expression a little playful, but his heart was depressed. Although he understood why Fatih Zhang respected Li duanen so much, he was even more convinced of Li duanen's abilities.

If Li tajin really did help Fatih chan in some capacity and avert one of the most vicious ordinary disasters known to the world, then Li tajin is certainly unpredictable and strange. A person.

but if not, 20,000 yuan will be wasted and time will also be wasted.

\You haven't answered the previous question yet. do you have any special abilities?\ chen xiaolin asked.

\Yes.\ Li duaren nodded, his eyes fixed on chen xiaolin. From his point of view, chen xiaolin's body was entwined several times with the feeling of black flesh ing from everywhere, and he couldn't feel it. ``I can see things that others can't see'' as he sweeps and leaves slimy marks on his body.

Yin and yang? chen xiaolin plained, ``I don't keep statistics, but I have met most people who claim to have special abilities.''

\It's not that kind of ability. It's just that I can see where there are traces of unclean activity.\ Li duojin didn't really explain, and said, \have you had any personal experiences recently? \has anything strange happened?\ I simply asked.

hearing Li duojin's words, before chen xiaolin could answer, he had already applied the brakes and suddenly stopped the car on the side of the road. he opened his eyes and looked at Li duaren, \did you see it in me? what?\

\don't be nervous.\ Li tajin was injured by his seatbelt during a sudden stop. he wasn't angry, but said reassuringly, \there's nothing wrong with it, we just happened to e into contact.\

chen xiaolin was worried and asked persistently, “If you see anything, please let me know.”

\well, the tentacles of an unknown creature are wrapped around you. Judging from my point of view, the daily events you encounter are related to the sea.\ Li duojing had no choice but to continue explaining. . \but that's okay. Now the visions I saw are distant. And they can't affect you in the first place.\

chen xiaoling couldn’t help but grab her hair. he remembered drinking at the Good Fortune bar half a month ago, and finally heard a strange story from the mixed-race bartender. wudu gets scared and runs away.

this story happened to have something to do with the ocean. when Li tajin said this, he suddenly began to believe that something unusual had really happened that night. he felt as if he had walked through the gates of hell.

Li duanen's words had some credibility, and his claims to see normal elements in his eyes were also confirmed to some extent by him.

chen xiaolin took a deep breath, calmed down for a while, and then the car started again. he decided to solve the immediate problem first and then solve his own problem.

thirty minutes later, chen xiaolin and Li duojing arrived at the garden munity. chen xiaolin took Li duojing to the 10th floor of a certain unit.

when I arrived at the 10th floor, the elevator door opened and I was greeted with a black cloth, white flowers, extinguished candles, and lingering incense, a scene of mourning.

Uncle wang 140 people

After bypassing the museum with the painted beams and painted buildings of paradise, passing through the house of intrigue and horror, Uncle wang came to the deep road. As you move on, you'll find dull green grass that's no longer paved, and you'll walk along a yellow, trodden dirt path. You can see a dilapidated wooden house tucked away in the forest, which is Uncle wang's staff dormitory.

I had some colleagues who lived here, but they all moved out because they could no longer bear the cold and dampness of the wooden house in the spring and summer, and the frequent harassment of snakes, insects, rats, and ants in the summer. . of that place. only Uncle wang always wanted to live there. there are no dormitory fees, and no utility fees.

Uncle wang returned to the tin house, worked and lived there for 10 years.

when you open the door, the light from outside seems to be blocked, making it difficult to illuminate the darkness inside. with a tap of his slender finger in the dark room, the lights in the room turned on, illuminating the spotlessly clean dormitory. , and also only illuminates the dark and wrinkled old man's face.

he stood in front of the door, looking at his familiar surroundings and listening to the sounds of insects hiding in the corners. the corners of my eyes started to get wet, and I couldn't help but cry, thinking I was saying goodbye.

what he was most worried about had finally happened. the amusement park director asked for a lecture in the afternoon and directly informed him that his employment contract would expire at the end of this month and would not be renewed.

however, the truth that made him sad and bitter was that the reason the amusement park did not renew his contract was not because of poor management, but because he had reached the age where no one wanted to hire an old man like him. that's what it was. Also.

Uncle wang took out a mirror from the table by the window and looked at it. he looked in the mirror at the face of an old haggard man, dark and rough, covered with brown spots. his hands trembled a little. he never expected to be so old.

Age is a very mysterious number in this busy society. only when it is mentioned will people realize how much they have lost.

Uncle wang was no exception. he lamented that 10 years had passed so quickly that he didn't know what to do next.

the family still needs money, he is not old yet.

Uncle wang put down the mirror, took off his shoes, and sat cross-legged on the bed. he looked at his ankle with bright red eyes that still had burn marks and muttered, \Is it your fault that I'm so unhappy??\

As he rubbed the scar, it clung to him like a stubborn leech.

I rubbed hard, hard, hard until I gritted my teeth, and the bed plates vibrated, and it felt like my skin was going to separate from my flesh... the slightest touch turned my burnt skin bright red; I covered it further. . the thumb is attached to a small droplet of skin.

Uncle wang came back to his senses from the pain. he looked at the scar, which was still damaged but had a mysterious symbol on it. the shock and anger in his heart gradually turned into pure fear.

\what on earth is this? what does this symbol mean? why does it appear at my feet?\ the doubts in Uncle wang's heart made his inner anxiety even worse.

All he remembers is that the maniac who carried out the knife attack that day grabbed his mysteriously scarred ankle and bloody hand, muttering about the mission's past and its legacy before dying. ta.

but it doesn't make sense, he doesn't.

Uncle wang knew well the meaning of the fool's last words, but the fool's last words were like a devil's whisper. they continued to appear in his dreams and wanderings, urging and tempting him into unknown depravity and eternal damnation. In hell.

Uncle wang, who was in pain, subconsciously picked up a picture frame from the table. the photo in the frame was of a family of three. he hugged his young, sweet wife and happy daughter in the photo, curled up on the bed and surrendered. blood from his ankles oozed onto the sheets, yearning for the quiet strength his family could give him.

Jingle bell……

the vibration and heat of the mobile phone in his pocket woke Uncle wang. he sat on the bed and looked at the desk, bed, lamp, and wardrobe in the dormitory. Nothing has changed inside the dormitory. , the sky outside the window is already dark, and the crescent moon is hidden in thick clouds.

Uncle wang picked up the phone and looked at the caller Id and the clock in the corner of the screen. only then did he realize that he had been asleep for a long time without realizing it.

Seeing the caller Id showing the caller, Uncle wang didn't have the courage to wait any longer and answered the phone.

\hey.\ Uncle wang's tense and bitter face suddenly melted away, and a gentle and simple smile appeared, like a spring breeze. \tinou, what's going on?\

``dad, it's almost summer vacation, are you ing back?'' hearing his daughter's soft, dry voice, he felt like he was embracing a clear spring, enjoying it as much as sweet wine, and his eyebrows loosened.

Uncle wang was silent for a while and said with a smile, \when I get back, I'll always be at home from now on.\

Uncle wang seemed relaxed, but the daughter could hear her father's heartbroken voice. he asked nervously, \dad, is there any problem at work? I saw the news...\

\It's okay.\ Uncle wang interrupted his daughter's question. he took a deep breath and said, \how are you doing in college? I'm graduating in a year. how are you preparing for your graduate school exams?\

when my daughter heard this, she was silent for a while and said in a dry tone, ``dad, I don't want to go to graduate school anymore.''

\don't worry about money. dad still has some savings here, enough for you to study.\ Uncle wang's tone became serious and said, \don't worry about me. please, your father is not capable, but he can pay for your education.''

``could you at least let me work part-time and study?'' my daughter eased her mood.

Uncle wang didn't agree right away, but he knew that while his daughter inherited his wife's kindness, she also inherited her stubbornness. he knew that his harshness might lead to further rebellion from his daughter, so after some thought, he backed off. taking a step forward, he said, ``As long as you can continue your studies without any problems, it's okay to study while working part-time.''

``okay, I promise.'' when the girl heard that, she laughed happily. hearing his daughter's cheerful laughter, Uncle wang also felt happy from the bottom of his heart.

before we knew it, the conversation continued into the night. Uncle wang told his daughter to go to bed early. he also had to do his laundry early and prepare to end this physically and mentally exhausting day with some sleep.

After taking a shower and lying on the bed, the tired Uncle wang immediately fell asleep.

that night, Uncle wang had a strange dream. he dreams of starry skies, colorful and ever-changing dimensions of time and space. he was like dust, floating uncontrollably through vast and infinite time and space. , these pictures, beyond mon sense, strange and inprehensible, deeply stimulated his brain, and suddenly he heard the fool's whisper again, but this time the fool's whisper was especially like the vast sounds of Sanskrit. It was fantastic and deafening. he was deaf and took a direct hit. heart.

when Uncle wang woke up from his dream, he lost his face in fear at the sight in the room. All he saw were snakes, insects, rats, and ants turned over on the floor, exposing their bellies. they died one after another. they were everywhere. ...as if he was scared to death.

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“Good morning, Uncle wang, we have a lot of garbage to clean up since early morning.”

Uncle wang threw the big black plastic bag into the trash can. my lower back groaned from the weight. he bit and hit his hip. Suddenly, I heard a male amusement park employee talking to me as I passed by. shout out loud.

Uncle wang trembled when he heard someone calling him. he looked at the man passing by, his eyes wide. he answered stiffly, \oh, yeah. I wake up in the morning and there's plastic, leaves, etc. Yes, it's everywhere...\

Facing Uncle wang's direct gaze, the employee felt a little embarrassed, but also felt strange. “that old man,” he murmured, and with a dry smile replied, “that old man.” \what? I'm going to eat breakfast, goodbye.\

As if to confirm that the other party had not discovered anything, Uncle wang continued to stare at the face of the employee who panicked and ran away, then removed his nervous and wary eyes and muttered to himself. ta. i will do it ...\

chen xiaolin got up from the sofa, her hair wet with cold sweat, but her pale face still showed the fear of disaster. As he looked around at the devastation, he was convinced that last night's experience was not just a nightmare, but something more disturbing than a nightmare. Fear aversion does exist. they live secretly in the corners where people can't see. perhaps even if we can see the edge of it, we act as if we have not noticed it, and we twist and multiply there. It doesn't seem to exist.

``Are you awake, young lady?'' A young man in a plain t-shirt and jeans came out of the kitchen with a friendly smile and a bowl of fresh meat porridge.

Looking at the other party, chen xiaolin felt as if he saw a living god, his tearful eyes widened, and the real memory of last night was reflected in his eyes repeatedly.

the drive lasted a total of 1 hour, much later than expected. many strange things have happened on the roads, such as roads being blocked due to traffic accidents, and on rare occasions when it rains and visibility bees poor and the roads bee slippery. I had to slow down.

Faced with this strange phenomenon, chen xiaolin simply muttered, \It's bad luck,\ but Li duanen, who was resting in the passenger seat with his eyes closed, at some point opened his eyes and said with a mysterious expression: . destiny. \You don't want us to go there, it seems like there's a big problem with where you want me to go.\

Li duojin’s serious expression caught chen xiaolin’s heart, and he couldn’t help but flinch. he was actually braver than an ordinary person, but when he saw Li duanen's eyes beyond his appearance, this strange and absurd feeling when an elder was talking to him made him realize that he had the same personal experience. they seemed to feel that it was something only those who had it could experience. that.

“maybe it’s just a coincidence.” chen xiaolin still instinctively preferred that these were just coincidences.

Li tajin looked out the window at the pouring rain and said with deep emotion: “Everything has cause and effect, and every coincidence is connected by necessity. those who are in it will not know whether they are connected to this necessity or not. ” is working. \

chen xiaolin only felt strange at what the other person said, and he himself felt that the identity of Li duaren and \master\ matched well.

however, after that, chen xiaolin was once again frightened by the reality on the ground, and her belief in ``coincidence'' began to waver.

only on the road leading to Zheng Yu's house, I saw a road closure sign that I had never seen before. he said, ``You are prohibited from proceeding on the first floor.''

chen xiaolin looked at Li duanen in shock and realized that Li duanen was also looking at her. he suddenly couldn't find any reason to argue.


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