
关灯 护眼
六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第25章 学者的策略

第25章 学者的策略 (第2/2页)

the houses here are clearly being investigated by a mysterious detective, and there is little value in continuing the investigation.

“do you think any of the mysterious detectives who came to investigate are still alive?” Li Nuowei asked, looking at drake.

drake thought for a moment and said, \they have a chance of survival. If we can find them, we can get more useful information from them.\

If any of the mystery detectives are still alive and investigating something else on this island, I'd rather them than spend their time here collecting old clothes and collecting things. It would be more efficient to ask for information.

the two immediately leave the ruined city and search for traces of the activities of the mysterious detectives in the mountains and forests outside the city.

while searching for mysterious footprints in a mountain forest, drake suddenly felt dizzy. then, the world in front of me suddenly turned a cool gray-blue color, and I felt a burning sensation in my throat, followed by a wave of heat and the smell of blood, and I spat out a mouthful of black blood. unknown body tissue.

the heart rate increased, blood flow sped up in the body, and metabolism seemed to change along with it. derek felt the kind of chills you only get when you have a fever.

Li Nuowei saw this scene from the side and did not panic. Rather, he said calmly: “will the disease progress to the next stage?”

“It’s terrible… it’s terrible…” drake looked up and wanted to say something to Li Nuowei. he was shocked to suddenly realize that his vocal cords were unable to produce human voices.

Li Nuowei reached out to touch the scale-like structure that appeared on drake's face, put her finger in front of the other person's nose, and asked quietly, \how are you feeling? Are you in the mood to eat?\

Added 114 strange ways to die (two in one) [Updated]

hearing Li Nuowei's slightly teasing words, mr. drake initially panicked, but soon turned into anger, and in anger, he slapped Li Nuowei's hand in front of his nose.

Li Nuowei laughed and said, \It's okay. I remember that you know sign language. I can understand sign language. You can use it to municate with me. , told me about one of my reincarnation lines about wanting to attract deaf people.'' the girl was taking a sign language course, but found out she had a boyfriend and ended up breaking up with him. ta. ”

derek looked at the other person in surprise, then looked annoyed. perhaps he even told him these embarrassing things, thinking how big a mouth he has on the reincarnation line, but this is also proof that the reincarnation line is online, I Li Nuo I really trust you.

helplessly, derek made a few gestures. \I think I know where these people are running to.\

After thinking for a moment, Renobel guessed the answer. \during the process of transforming into a fishman, your sense of smell has bee more sensitive, right?\

derek nodded. he is experiencing the power of the human center right now. It was a delicate emotion that he had never experienced as a human. Just now, he felt that his sense of smell suddenly became amplified and smelled like fish. Li Nuowei's strange smell of fish and human blood is almost inaudible. For him, it seems very close because it is very strong. when I smell blood, my appetite increases and my whole body gets a little...excited.

of course, it's not just the sense of smell. derek felt like his hearing was improving and his physical strength was increasing. the muscles in his arms and legs swelled, and his sleeves, which had previously been loose, began to tighten around his body.

Under drake's guidance, Li Nuwei climbed the hill and roamed most of the mountain, finally finding the cave.

the condition of the cave was dire, with a strong fishy odor on the face, fresh blood pouring out of the cave, and several mutilated bodies of fishmen lying around the cave. Some of the corpses had only half their arms left, while others had only one arm left. heads, minced meat, and entrails were everywhere.

drake's Adam's apple moved his neck up and down. his vision was shocked as he saw the cruel and bloody scene in front of him.

Li Nuowei was also visually shocked to some extent, but his attention quickly shifted elsewhere. he looked at the unknown slime and dead fishmen around him and was very surprised, wondering, ``how could someone die like this?''

\It looked like a very large animal had attacked them,\ drake said, gesturing to Lee Norway.

“I don’t think it’s something a big fishman would do,” Li Nuowei said with a nod. Judging from my many direct experiences with fish-men, fish-men do not engage in cannibalism. on the contrary, I have strong feelings that I cannot explain. collective consciousness. when he hurts a fishman, he attacks a group of fishmen in revenge.

drake was confused and asked with a gesture: Are there any other large normal animals in this normal event?

\I don't know because I don't know the whole picture of what happened,\ Lee Noway said.

Not much is certain. he had never been to this island until his current reincarnation. his lack of understanding of ``the Life of a bronze Statue'' shows that he does not know everything. .


A strange clanging sound could be heard from inside, disturbing the two arguing.

they both trembled inwardly as they heard the echo of the ominous sound. derek wanted to hear more of the splashing of water and the sound of soft bodies hitting the stone walls.

drake looked at Li Nuowei and winked: do you want to go inside and explore?

“well, I can e back even if I die anyway,” Li Nuowei nodded. Although he resisted death, he was fearless and took the initiative to move forward.

derek laughed silently and followed his partner.

once inside the cave, Li Nuowei and drake felt the soles of their feet step on a large piece of sticky glue. the strange touch made her unfortable, and she found it difficult to walk. It was really slippery and sticky, and I was afraid of having to put too much pressure when lifting my foot. we had to control the sound to avoid hitting the mucus, because we were afraid of falling on unsteady feet, and because we didn't know if the thing making the tongue-licking sound was sensitive to our voices as well.

As I walked past the bodies and down the passageway inside the cave, I soon noticed a dark stone room at the end of the cave.

In this sense, Li Nuwei was about to turn on the light to see what was going on inside the stone room, but suddenly the hand that was in his pocket to hold the phone was covered in scales. It felt like a hand was grabbing me. confused, he turned around and saw de Lake staring intently at him with slightly glowing yellow eyes.

Li Nuowei was relieved and realized that drake, who had unknowingly had enhanced eyesight, seemed to be able to see something terrible happening in the dark stone room.

From drake's perspective, a stone room filled with murals of various strange cults, several dark green tentacles appeared in a hole in the center of the stone room. they sway, the tips of their tentacles split open, and each part of their petal-shaped mouth is filled with teeth. there are two pointed tips in the center of the flower core-like mouth part. At that moment, one of his arms was stuck in a dead fish. , these tentacles can easily tear apart the hard carcasses of fishmen and eat them separately.

Seeing this strange sight, drake finally learns that this unusual incident involves an unusually frightening creature, and that it is probably a normal creature from sea monsters, using fishmen as food. I used it.

drake held his breath and looked away from the tentacle creature. there was no one else in the stone room. he quickly realized the content of the murals in the stone room and the connection between the island's natives and the sea monster. As for the blessing ceremony, we learn that the island's natives believed in sea monsters before believing in the god Anhai, an alien giant fish. It is speculated that the people were later able to choose better beliefs and rebelled against the sea monster.

I then noticed that one of the murals depicted a sacrificial offering. It was almost a reenactment of the hunting scenes that took place at the time. the only difference is that in the mural, the humans who were eaten by the tentacle monsters were turned into fish. people

From this, drake was able to determine that the arm in front of him was another part of the swamp monster, probably under an air raid shelter. It was a sea monster often mentioned in legends of Ryuka port. then, Ankaijin could not pletely solve it. Release this person.

of course, if it is not a sea monster, it may be some ordinary animal from the huan family that resembles a sea monster.

Like the relationship between fishmen and gods in Ankai, although they look very similar, there is a world of difference in their powers.

drake wanted to test whether this eyeless tentacle was sensitive to sound. he picked up a nearby stone and threw it against the wall of the stone room.

For a moment, I heard the sound of stones hitting the stone wall. his two arms looked like a hungry animal smelling food. without hesitation, they immediately jumped out and smashed through the stone wall, making several holes.

derek's heartbeat quickened at the sight. the other person seemed to be very sensitive to sound. Fortunately, he and Li Nuwei were very careful when they entered the cave, so they didn't say anything more. Footstep sounds are also carefully controlled.

however, it won't be easy to get out of the cave now. these tentacle monsters seem to be very hungry and will not leave until they are satisfied.


As drake was thinking, he heard a dull roar from beyond the cave. the tentacles that came out of the cave grew stiff and straight, like hair that had burst, then suddenly shrunk and ran underground. Several bundles of water splashed out from the hole.

boom boom boom!

the cave began to shake and a strange roar was heard ing from below the cave.

derek saw the right moment, grabbed Li Nuowei's hand, and ran towards the exit of the cave. If he didn't run away, it would be too late.

Li Nuowei also followed drake and ran at full speed.

the two felt an earthquake and quickly ran out of the cave. they ran towards the pier at the base of the mountain with a clear purpose.

drake ran back to the pier, returned to the speedboat, drake unhooked the anchor rope, and Li Novi started the speedboat, turned around and headed left.

waves were rolling in the sea, and sounds that sounded like they were ing from a foreign land were constantly heard, so much so that they shook the sea.

``what did you see?'' Li Nuowei was steering the boat, looking at the rough sea and the waves constantly crashing against the boat. he asked out loud to derek, having difficulty controlling the helm and returning to the cockpit. he was a little worried. , he has a premonition that life is short and must gather enough useful information before his next incarnation.

drake probably realized he might never be able to get out of the water. he gestured with the fastest sign language of his life and told Li Novi everything he had seen in the stone room.

As she drove the boat, Li Nuowei looked at drake's sign language and tried to remember what he had explained.

\what killed murloc was a sea monster or a sea monster similar to it. the ancient islands worshiped sea monsters...\ Li Nuwei thought for a while, remembering the important information. I held it inside and repeated it silently. his heart.

pen bang!

Suddenly, a huge column of water rushed up the side of the speedboat. A large murloc, over 20 meters long, was biting a large octopus-like creature with multiple eyes and multiple legs. At the surface they were tied up and torn apart. they flew over the water and jumped into the sea. A huge wave arose and the whole ship rose and fell.

Li Nuowei took control of the ship's rudder and did his best to prevent the ship from going in another direction. he wanted to continue driving the ship with a glimmer of hope for survival.

however, as I felt a feeling of weightlessness beneath my feet, the boat, at full speed, suddenly rose from the water and flew into the air, more than 20 meters above the sea surface. Li Nuowei and drake were forced to keep their feet on the ground and their bodies glued to the cabin ceiling.

``the number of strange deaths has increased.'' when Li Nuwei felt the ship fall, he smiled and said this to drake, who had partially appeared as a fishman next to him, and then took his last breath.

derek smiled weakly and gave her a thumbs up.

when the ship fell into the sea, it made a loud cracking sound. Li Nuowei and drake were originally attached to the ceiling, but the inertia of the fall caused them both to shatter on the ground.

\wake up, wake up!\ Yu Lianyun pulled all the mysterious detectives floating on the sea to the beach and gave them first aid one by one. he hoped some of the recovered bodies would give him answers. press and beat your heart as you call out its name.

however, there were no results and several people went down one after another.

Yu Lianyun could only inject each of them with cardiotonic drugs. In the end, only a faint heartbeat could be heard from Shan wei. he immediately became ecstatic and gave Shan wei first aid for drowning.

\hmph, cough cough!\ Shan wei choked on the seawater and got out of the lake. his eyes were bloodshot and he was mumbling something inprehensible into his mouth. It seems like he hasn't fully woken up yet.

Yu Lianyun immediately slapped Shan wei several times, as if to dispel the sounds that were bothering Shan wei. Shan wei suddenly woke up, with a pig-headed face, and his eyes were full of shock and confusion. \Shit... where is this... where is this?\

Apparently, for some reason, it floated back to the countryside. Yu Lianyun breathed a sigh of relief, and a drizzle fell from the sky, making her beautiful face look miserable.

\Going back?\ Shan wei was a little incredulous. his eyes gradually turned red as he looked at the bodies around him. the rain hit his face and he couldn't tell if it was tears or raindrops on his face. \Actually, I'm back...\

thirty minutes later, they boarded a convoy the organization had sent to pick them up.

wrapped in a blanket, Yu Lianyun reported the details of the investigation to the team leader. \...that's what happened. my suggestion is to immediately upgrade 'missing persons of Ruka port' to Level A. we need more. we don't have any.\ I and the people in the branch organization can't solve this problem anymore because we don't have the resources to deal with it.

wei chengye listened to Yu Lianyun's summary report with a calm face and said: \okay, I order you to change the level of this incident to normal immediately, and at the same time send two groups of Zodiac teams near Liuhua port.\ \we will meet and act together. .As a witness in this case, you have the utmost right to speak out.”

\Yes.\ Yu Lianyun nodded seriously, and then argued with wei chengye for a while before ending the munication.

Shan wei’s pale face looked like she had been hit hard, and her expression was numb and a little lackluster. then, as if he suddenly remembered something important, he looked up at Yu Lianyun: “by the way, this detective, what rank of amateur mysterious investigator in the FA, isn’t he still inside? he should stop investigating, he can't go.'' No more. ”

Shan wei was very emotional. he really didn't want to see anyone die because of this strange incident.

Yu Lianyun forted the other person, saying, ``First of all, please calm down. I've thought about it. I'll call you now.''

Shan wei's eyes were swollen and red, she nodded, and looked out the window with sad eyes.

Yu Lianyun sighed inwardly, found derek's munication number on her mobile phone, and pressed the button.

115 candies

At the moment of her death, Li Nuowei suddenly felt like she was falling down, just because the world in front of her was so dark. And he saw the light. there was more and more light, and the colors became more colorful. A whisper in Sanskrit reached his ears and he was stunned. his heart was pushed into the light in front of him.

this is a vision that appears when the ability of death and reincarnation is activated. once he is fully integrated into the light, he will awaken and return to any point in time since two days ago, but that point must be the moment of his final death. in front.

Li Nuowei made a choice, followed the guidance, and jumped into the light. After feeling his \falling speed\ stabilize, he slowly opened his eyes and became fully awake.

when he opened his eyes, he could clearly see the world in front of him, but shock soon appeared on his face. he looked around at everything around him, \I...why am I here?\

``wele again, classmate mr. Li.'' Li Nuowei heard loud laughter from those around him. he turned around and saw a man in red pants walking toward him, carrying a stack of storage boxes and a blanket over his body. , the other person tilted his head slightly in greeting.

Li Nuowei saw the person ing and hesitated to speak. he just felt like he recognized the person, but he couldn't remember the other person's name.

At this point, wei Jiang seemed to understand the other person's attitude, and said with a smile, \my name is wei Jiang. I'm the handyman here.\

“hello, brother wei,” Li Nuowei replied politely.

It was this shop that gave him the ability to reincarnate, giving him the chance to overe adversity and change his life. he already fully understood the appeal of this store. wei Jiang worked as a handyman in this small shop, but Li Guowei did not think that the other party had a small role and required full courtesy and careful treatment.

wei Jiang smiled and said, \If you need anything, please go to the counter. the boss is in the store today.\

“Agreed.” Li Nuwei nodded and gave up his position at the door, allowing wei Jiang to e out with the various items in the store.

Li Nuwei looked at all kinds of strange items on the shelves around him and was a little confused. he boldly came to the counter and saw boss Lin in a white coat sitting behind the counter typing on a puter keyboard, but he couldn't see what was going on in his mouth. It was. what happened?

Rin, the beautiful boss, noticed the arrival of a customer. his eyes were glued to the mechanically moving screen and finally looked at Li Nuwei. he stopped talking to himself, smiled and said, \wele to Li Nuowei.\ , do you need anything today? ”

“I…” Li Nuowei opened her mouth, but hesitated for a moment.

thinking back to the last time I was in the store, I felt a little silly until today.

the ability of \Reincarnation of death\ es from a short story told by boss Lin. After boss Lin told the story, he asked Li Nuowei if he wanted to buy the story. he thought it was a strange dream. After all, only dreams can be this strange. without hesitation, I negotiated the contract directly with boss Lin and bought the deal.

the outrageous thing is not that the strange story told by boss Lin can be bought and sold, but that this story can be bought with money, and he only spent 20 yuan, so it is not expensive.

If you think about it, he spent 20 yuan in exchange for a life-changing magical ability. he felt something was wrong.

As you know, free is the most expensive. Similarly, if something of apparent value can be purchased at a low price, it is clear that there must be a hidden price somewhere that he is unaware of.

therefore, when he came to this small store again, he hesitated when faced with inquiries from the store.

Li Nuowei did not directly say what he wanted to buy, but instead asked, ``president Lin, was the novel I bought the other day really only worth 20 yuan?''

Ling Ling closed her puter, folded her arms on the table, and said with a smile, \the products we rent and sell are all of high quality and low price.\

Seeing boss Lin's \good heart\, Li Nuowei didn't believe his words. he was silent for a while, and suddenly the test felt pointless. At least he didn't think he could survive in this store, and he probably never would.

the capacity he provided in this store. You can give it away or recycle it.

the effects after recycling are still unknown. moreover, he does not want to regain the ability to reincarnate death now, since all subsequent actions will depend on this ability. Losing it means he loses it forever. A chance to turn things around.

In this regard, Li Nuwei can be said to be very grateful to boss Lin.

Li Nuowei felt that he might be able to make a deal with the legendary devil, or that he might have met a real being in heaven. the other person was kind to him, but at the same time, they gave him this trial to test himself.

No matter what it was, Li Nuwei had no choice but to accept it all.

As long as the devil acplishes his goal, he can get whatever he wants, including his soul, body, and life.

Especially if he is God. he is willing to accept the challenges his opponent imposes. once the test is over, no matter what the results are, you just have to be able to successfully acplish what you want to do.

Li Nuowei feels that she is facing some difficulties now. the reincarnation of death is a powerful ability to change fate, but it has a certain limit, and that limit is itself a limit. he is just a person with limited energy. with limited energy, his perceptions, knowledge and skills are all saturated and limited.

therefore, Li Nuowei felt that she really needed help. Relying on the ability to reincarnate death was not enough. he also needed something else to help pletely resolve the abnormal situation at Ruka port.

\boss, I'm sure you are a powerful person. what do you think is best for my current situation?\ Li Nuowei thought for a while, then asked the other party a question and asked the expert to answer. I did. .

hearing this, Ling Ling looked at Li Nuowei from top to bottom. Seeing him, Li Nuowei felt a little nervous. he stood there awkwardly, holding his neck, as if he had been punished by a merciless instructor for standing in a military position.

Ling Ling smiled and said, \personally, I think you might need this.\

while speaking, he held out his hand to Li Nuowei. when he opened his closed hand, there was a pink candy ball in his palm.

\candy?\ Li Nuowei looked at the other party in confusion. Last time, the other person sold me a story, but this time I directly gave them candy.

well, the strawberry flavor must be quite delicious. Ling Ling said with a smile and handed the candy into Li Nuowei's hand.

Li Nuwei took it with some trepidation and held it carefully for fear of breaking it.

\don't you want to eat?\ Linlin asked with a smile.

``what will happen if I eat it?'' Li Nuowei swallowed secretly.

Ling Ling looked at the other person with a puzzled expression, \You just ate one candy.\

“Is it really just a candy?” Li Nuowei was surprised.

Ling Ling smiled a little and said, \If you don't like strawberries, we also have blueberries. would you like to have some?\

As he spoke, he picked up another candy in the same shape, dark blue.

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when Li Nuowei saw the two candies on the table, she instinctively felt that it would be better not to eat both, but she heard a seductive voice in her heart saying, \please choose one and eat it.\ ta. this made him hesitate. decide.

Red and blue……

which one would you choose?

“I choose red.” After hesitating for a while, Li Nuowei trembled and picked up the so-called “flavor phrase” candy.

It seems like you like the taste of strawberries. Ling Ling smiled a little and picked up the so-called \blueberry flavor\ candy. this seemingly unconscious move pletely cut off Li Nuwei's escape route. this was because Li Nuwei felt that he could no longer be allowed to change invisibly.

Li Nuwei took a deep breath, looked back at the death, and shoved a strawberry-flavored red candy into his mouth.

Strawberry flavor, hard and sweet fructose, and a lingering aftertaste on your lips and teeth...Is regular strawberry candy delicious?

At first, Li Nuowei wrinkled his face in pain and closed his eyes tightly, but the taste of fructose was there, so he couldn't help but taste it. the more I tasted it, the more I realized that this sweet is very mon.

when he opened his eyes, he saw boss Lin looking at him with a slightly amused smile on his face. Li Nuowei felt that he must have thought about boss Lin too much and felt too bad...maybe the other party really just wanted to invite him. he eats candy

\Is it delicious?\ Linlin asked with a smile.

Li Nuwei bit the candy, crushed it with her teeth, and tried to swallow it into her stomach. he smiled dryly and shook his head, \It's delicious, it's not bad... it tastes like a child.\

Ling Ling nodded and suddenly asked Li Nuowei a strange question. \do you think reality is cruel or beautiful?\

hearing this, Li Nuowei stopped and thought for a while. memories of countless deaths flooded his mind. ``Reality can be cruel,'' he said with a wry smile.

\hahaha, let's go back to the beginning. what did you think of reality, assuming you didn't encounter all these strange things?\ Ling Ling said with a laugh, trying to force the other person to follow his thought process. he was good at it.

Li Nuowei had no intention of resisting Ling Ling. he only thought along the questions Ling Ling posed, without giving any challenging answers to Ling Ling's ideas.

hearing Ling Ling’s words, Li Nuowei had a puzzled expression on her face. he opened a thick photo album in his head and seemed to be trying to find himself, someone who had always been an ordinary person and had never encountered anything extraordinary.

Recalling her past before she turned 21, Li Nuwei's eyes sparkled with nostalgia. he laughed and said, ``If that's the case, I think reality is neither bad nor bad, and can be cruel.'' despite things like this, you can always live with hope. ”

“oh, you seem to be the majority, an optimistic pessimist.” Ling Ling smiled and clapped her hands before expressing her opinion, “I have met most people, and their 's opinion is the same as yours. Likewise, only an unfortunate person who has experienced all kinds of suffering in the world would say, \that reality is cruel, that reality is a hell of suffering.\ ”

while saying that, Linlin reached out into the darkness of the corner of the store. hearing a meow, a large black cat that had been in a dark corner jumped up onto the counter. Go up and take the initiative to rub yourself against his outstretched fingers.

Linlin grabbed the cat's butt with both hands and began to massage the soft black fur and flesh between her fingers in a rhythmic manner. It looked soft. the black cat was lying fortably on the counter table, its thin tail wagging unfortably. .

Linlin continued as she stroked the cat. “human beings are creatures that seek bright hope, but are trapped in darkness and despair. A tragic fate resonates more with people, so when most people like you are affected by it, they don't listen or listen. when you see someone else's suffering, you remember your own painful experiences, and painful memories always leave an impression on you, so don't hesitate to harbor some prejudice in your heart, It's really real.''

however, when a person talks about his beautiful life in front of everyone, it is difficult for people to understand it logically. they just think it's fake and staged. 9 out of 10 things in life are unsatisfactory, so why does this person receive only good things? Secretly, in their hearts, they are envious or jealous and think, ``this is a lie.'' ” I console myself.

therefore, I believe that when people's thoughts are integrated, the so-called reality consists of \cruel reality\ and \beautiful illusion\. ”

After listening to Ling Ling's opinion, Ling owei only felt that Ling bos' idea was very unique. Although it was sophisticated, it was surprisingly in line with people's ideas, and I felt it made sense.

but at that moment, Li Nuowei felt that the sky was about to collapse and heard Ling Ling say: world? \Even though people can see reality or only illusions, can they really distinguish between true reality?\

Ling Ling looked at Li Nuowei, gritted her white teeth, and said, \And now you need to see the true path clearly.\

Li Nuowei’s face changed. he felt that the sweetness of his lips was the most hidden poison in the world. her throat was so dry and unfortable that she hoarsely said, \this candy...\

\candy is just candy.\ Linlin said with a smile, \Aren't you eating it now? doesn't it taste authentic?\

Li Nuowei heard Ling Ling’s words. It was indeed a very simple way of judging reality, but it no longer seemed to apply to him. In such a short time, he was again unable to determine exactly what he had bitten. whether it's candy or not, it could really be candy, it could be poison, it could be nothing at all...

the so-called candy was defined by boss Lin from the beginning, he thought it was candy because he ate it and tasted the texture and taste of candy.

however, is there a \poison\ exactly like candy?

No, no, no... this texture and taste may be due to boss Rin planting a message in his subconscious that says, ``this is candy,'' so that he can experience this feeling... no, no...

Li Nuowei suffered from an infinite loss of self-confidence. his mind, which was already chaotic, went a little crazy at this moment.


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