
关灯 护眼
六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第24章 破碎的预言

第24章 破碎的预言 (第2/2页)

the other two top secret agents, who were mentally retarded, regained consciousness after being slapped several times by Shan wei, but only said, \It doesn't matter, do what you like.\ After that, they were pletely abandoned.

After receiving such an answer, Yu Lianyun also relaxed his mind and used his inspiration again to sense the source of the danger.

but this time, Yu Lianyun felt that a huge shadow was covering this isolated island. the great mist of the sea was his work, and the fishmen were his servants. he will lead the fishmen and attack them in a powerful way. closed corner.

It seems that Ankaijin has bee powerful again. Yu Lianyun feels a strong pressure in the air. Its weight causes the entire island to tremble, and the island is pushed into the sea with incredible force. please

After his emotional trial, they were given an absolutely safe option. whichever path you take, it's dangerous. In most cases, they can escape only from the greatest danger - the attack of the Ankai god.

After thinking for a moment, Yu Lianyun looked back at the bottom of the cave and said, \maybe we can find a clear path out of this cave.\

After hearing Yu Lianyun's words, everyone couldn't help but look at him in confusion, as if they didn't know what Yu Lianyun meant, but they had no choice but to follow in Yu Lianyun's footsteps.

Yu Lianyun led the three mysterious detectives deep into the cave. his watch turns on the flashlight function and instantly illuminates his surroundings.

Under the light of a flashlight, Yu Lianyun noticed that the deep walls of the cave seemed to depict and record all kinds of strange creatures, and were carved with twisted and strange symbols.

the mysterious detectives were deeply surprised, and Shan wei asked, \what was this cave used for before? Is this also the place where the island's natives worship the god Anhai?\ ta.

these written symbols may be holy scriptures to others, but in the eyes of occult detectives trained in various skills, they are not worth mentioning.

they recognized that they were all ancient hieroglyphics from the chugoku region, but what they recorded was mind-boggling.

``I don't think so. this symbol of wind and sky does not seem to refer to the god Anhai. \If the people who live here want to ask for blessings and pray for someone when they respect someone, they should have a different faith.\

``Are you talking about the sea monster that was chased out by An hai Shen?'' Shan wei quickly guessed.

this has no choice but to happen. Yu Lianyun nodded and said weakly. “According to the nature of creatures, we aspire to the powerful. worship can be made of desire and emotion, faith can be made of fear and hatred.”

Fear of violence is a biological instinct, and humans, who are animals that \know shame\ and \understand respect and inferiority,\ package and embellish the emotion of fear.

Sea monsters were monsters that tormented people at the time. If there was no way to see it and deal with it at the time, the first one would do the sea monster a favor and beg for temporary peace and trade peace. Forms of trade may be developed and \glorified,\ cult rituals such as sacrifices may arise, and strange and unexplained beliefs may develop. there are many parallels in human history, such as early nature worship, totems, etc. worship etc...

“then is this the place where the islands originally worshiped sea monsters?” Shan wei understood Yu Lianyun’s thoughts. he was shocked by this issue, but upon thinking about it, he thought it was a little reasonable.

Yu Lianyun read out an ancient document written on a stone wall. \It records the history of the relationship between islands and sea monsters. Sea monsters were summoned from another world by the ancestors of these islands at some sacrifice. originally, he he uses a summoning ritual recorded by the cult to fight the intruder, but accidentally goes berserk.

Sea monsters seem to be the dominant presence in this other world. the size is very large. In fact, the summoning ritual was only half successful, so only a small part of the sea monster's body was summoned into this world. All those who presided over the ceremony at that time, those who saw the true appearance of the sea beast and were afraid of it, those who heard the sea beast's voice, and those who were swallowed by the sea beast, all died. body

however, this small group was able to wipe out all the invaders at the time.

In the end, the islanders managed to save their island, but new dangers befell them.

In order to protect the life and safety of the island, they had to make a deal with a sea monster. the sea monster promised to sacrifice a significant number of animals and other sacrifices to him each year, and the sea monster also made a promise. . don't treat islands this year. Residents took action...

mysterious detectives could not help but tremble from head to toe when they saw the photos of various evil and strange ritual processes posted on the stone wall.

Suddenly everyone noticed a new change in the painting on the stone wall. A green gem fell from the sky and fell into the sea. the sea monster carried the jewel across the sea, as if he had found a treasure.

“one day, a et fell from the sky and an unknown green glowing object fell on the island. Its green light was so bright and full of green that it was difficult to see its particular regular shape. the green light emitted penetrates everything on earth, and anyone who looks at that light for a long time will die.

however, in the presence of sea monsters, such dangerous jewels are easily treated as a funny game and used for their own purposes. Since then, the way sea monsters are fed has changed. before eating the sacrifices, he first exposes them to green light and dies from the fearful hallucinations created by the green light before eating them. Swallow it whole to enjoy even more food. ”

“No, this is a high-quality material, right?” Shan wei’s eyelids twitched.

hundred and Nine cave (2-in-1)

hearing Shan wei’s uncontrollable dissatisfaction, Yu Lianyun shrugged without menting.

the history recorded by the mural ends here. the rest are scenes of some evil and cruel rituals. If you film a movie with someone in it, it bees a globally banned movie. but nevertheless, these hideous ritual scenes were not without value, at least an unknown way out was visible.

It was a circle located at the center of an unknown magic circle. mural records of the ceremony show that this circle was opened and it was a dark, deep hole that led straight to the bottom of the water. It was like a funnel feeding the lazy. the original sea monster waits at the bottom of its hole with its mouth wide open, waiting for a victim to e ashore. If he can't have enough, he holds out his \hand\ and randomly selects a \lucky\ spectator for their after-meal dessert.

the vibrations are getting closer and closer and getting more and more intense. there isn't much time left for everyone.

the hole leading to the bottom of the water is menacing and normal, but wait to be charged by the fishmen to face the inevitable fate, so jump into the hole at the bottom of the water to get a chance. It's better. life. . I think people will choose that without hesitation as long as they are in their right mind. do not have.

Some people did not intend to explore the mechanism. According to the content of the mural, the method of opening the stone door of the cave requires many hands. It is clearly unrealistic to follow the example of our predecessors.

Next, since times have changed, I set up a micro-bomb that I had brought with me to destroy the stone door obstacle in the cave. with the help of a team of mysterious detectives familiar with fluid mechanics, they rationally make the most of their limited bombs. , detonation points were planned, bombs were placed and installed.

when he pressed the switch to detonate the bomb, a bright fire suddenly ignited in the stone room, and a large amount of stone dust and dust covered the fire, forming a huge smoke screen that spread all around.

\It's open!\ Sharp-eyed Shan wei noticed a black crack in the ground and said excitedly.

At the same time, all the murlocks notice the explosion, and the detectives' whereabouts are shrouded in mystery. Suddenly, a strange roar echoed outside the cave, and the sound of running footsteps was even crazier than the deadly chains.

hearing the footsteps, the mysterious detective, who was still hesitating and wanted to find another way, pletely abandoned the idea and followed Yu Lianyun and Shan wei into the hole, exploding one after another. .

After falling into the water, at a diving distance of about 10 meters, everyone will feel as if their whole body has collided with a physical object at the moment of falling into the water, and a great pain will be felt throughout the body, and everyone will be affected. It affected me.

beneath the dark, cold water, the mysterious detectives switched on a glowing watch and swam underwater despite the pain.

with limited time to hold their breath, everyone raced against the clock to find a way to get out of the water safely.

And God doesn't seem to want to stop people from doing things. After swimming an unknown distance of tens of meters, Shan wei was lucky to find an air chamber underwater. they continued swimming without hesitation and came out one after another. the water surface entered the air chamber.

``Go fast, don't stop.'' when Yu Lianyun reached the shore, he felt his calves twitch and tremble, but he still got up and asked everyone to go to the underground area leading to the air chamber. ``this fish. It's not that hard for people.'' monsters find us. ”

Fish are good aquatic creatures, and when they find a hole that leads to the bottom of the water, they don't hesitate to chase it. Going into the water is a way home for them, and it is naturally easier for them to breathe air. the existence of a bedroom.

the mysterious detectives who arrived on the shore were well aware of their situation and caught Yu Lianyun's legs by rolling and pulling.

they are in danger at the moment, not out of danger yet, but at least they can survive on the road. this is almost pletely inseparable from Yu Lianyun making wise decisions.

Now, everyone is inside an underground cavern with jagged rocks and strange ores stretching out in all directions. All the wonders of nature appear and the eerie howl of the wind fills your ears.

Everyone was in a tense atmosphere. Even Yu Lianyun was still nervous about what happened earlier. they did not have time to understand the unusual wonders of the underground. For, in their opinion, these strange stones of strange shapes are terrible crouching monsters, and the light spreading from the glowing ore is their piercing eyes and disaster, and the sound of the wind. And flowing water. It's the sound of monsters approaching.

did they escape? Is it safe for now?

Although it seems that the souls have not yet escaped the thrilling experience on earth, in reality they are indeed still walking on the iron ropes of high altitude.

Yu Lianyun often stretched the back of her hand into the air to feel the flow of air. this is the crudest way to determine a road from underground.

despite this, Yu Lianyun and others followed the air currents, but still had no hope of finding an exit.

As they walk in silence through an underground cave, a mysterious detective suddenly cries out. he seemed to see something and stepped back in fear.

Everyone saw his frightened expression and immediately looked in shock and extreme fear.

I saw the red cave full of white rotting and dry bones, like those of people, fish, and other unknown animals that had just been dumped in the cave.

\maybe this is the fishmen's hideout? Is this where they dump their bodies for disposal?\ Shan wei couldn't help but tremble. It turned out that they did not escape, but the goods were delivered to the door for free. , he himself fell into the trap.

\calm down,\ he said, forting everyone, even though Yu Lianyun's entire scalp was crying silently.

Alas, it turned out to be a sea monster.

the teammates who had been forting him felt even worse, feeling even more in dire danger.

Yu Lianyun wanted to laugh dryly to express her embarrassment, but she felt like she no longer had the energy left to make any other facial expressions. he just sighed and said, \Let's continue.\

After that, what everyone saw became even more bizarre and inexplicable. the pit had erosion marks that could not be repaired over time. there were irregular and distorted lines on the ground and walls, ignoring the delicate and sensitive nature of humans. I am nervous. Looking any further is an affront to hundreds of thousands of years of human aesthetic concepts, and a major destruction.

Yu Lianyun heard a gnawing sound. he looked to the side and saw that it was a panicked teammate who had unconsciously bitten his finger. he didn't seem to be in any pain and was walking while chewing. the falling flesh and blood was filled with blood.

Yu Lianyun stopped the opponent's actions, and the screaming teammates finally realized his crazy self-harm with a puzzled expression.

his eyes trembled with fear and he screamed, spitting out all the blood, flesh and bones in his mouth. he was losing his mind. today, the mysterious detective who mitted suicide vomited up all the digested food in his stomach and collapsed to the ground.

Following the principle of never giving up and never giving up, the survivors, after some hesitation, decided to take their teammates on the verge of collapse. he simply dressed and bandaged the other person's wounds, and also covered the other person's mouth. cover it with a cloth so that others, especially the person carrying it, do not unintentionally chew on these things again.

but this episode doesn't end there.

Just 10 minutes later, Shanwei, who was carrying an injured teammate on his back, noticed that the other teammate was very hot, and it was suspected that he had a fever. when I saw my teammate's injured hand, I immediately realized that another teammate had an injury. In addition to symptoms of infection and suppuration, the inplete wound was covered with an unknown sticky substance of green, blood, and white color, and the strong fishy odor was pungent and unpleasant.

As a precaution, everyone cut out the wounds of his unconscious teammate again, but as time passed, his condition deteriorated again, as if he had been cursed by someone, and his body became infected with smallpox. things like this appeared one after another. the hands began to spread out all the way, eventually covering most of his body.

this situation made everyone stop and take stock. they tried to wake up the unconscious opponent, but the opponent only woke up for a while, murmuring strange and dark words in his mouth, and then fell into a a again, unconsciously coughing up blood. , difficulty breathing.

At this point, there is nothing anyone can do. they can only watch as the living die from super-fast wound infections, and then watch others die and bee pools of unknown fluid.

there was excitement in the hearts of Yu Lianyun and others. No one knew who killed this poor mysterious detective and how he died so clearly and pletely without hope.

the only thing they can guess is that on the next road they must remain calm and pay attention to each other's actions and movements. No one should be influenced by the stressful environment around them. when they find someone behaving strangely, especially when self-harm occurs, they must watch out for each other and stop each other after changing.

otherwise, the teammates who quickly got the corpse had the same predictable oute.

So the two of them walked in the darkness and passed through a long, narrow tunnel. when they came out, they were down one out of three. only Shan wei and Yu Lianyun were left walking forward like zombies.

got it -

Suddenly, Yu Lianyun heard a familiar strange whistle sound, and her brain suddenly woke up. when he stopped, Shan wei’s face turned pale, his mouth wide open, and he walked in a twisted and strange posture. Every time he walked, each step seemed to tear the bones from the joints.

\where are we going? Shouldn't we just follow the air flow?\ Yu Lianyun's mind was clear. he looked out into the desolate underground, with its strange, winding lines. cold sweat poured out of my body like a tide, making me wet again. whole body.

he quickly moved forward and grabbed Shan wei, who was caught in an unknown hallucination. he slapped him many times and finally woke up Shan wei.

Shan wei looked at Yu Lianyun with a bloodshot face, her eyes frightened, “I...what’s wrong?”

“please wake up, we are about to go crazy now,” Yu Lianyun said.

“I understand, your expression…” Shan wei swallowed and looked at Yu Lianyun’s wildly distorted smile with some fear.

Yu Lianyun, who was pletely unaware of this, finally realized that she was out of control when she touched her face. he worked hard at kneading and tapping the muscles in his face to loosen them again and eventually flatten them.

Yu Lianyun rubbed her sore face and said with a little numbness, \I won't be chased by fishmen anymore.\

\that's right...that idiot might not be as rational as us if he walks in a place like this.\ Shan wei said, coughing, and suddenly a violent and exaggerated amount of blood spurted out from his nose, making him bloody. I quickly covered my nostrils.

\persist.\ Yu Lianyun saw the changes in Shang wei's body and could only helplessly encourage him.

Fortunately, Shan wei was eventually able to stop the nosebleed, although she was a little weak.

``Let me give you some strength-enhancing medicine. this will last you for a while.'' Yu Lianyun gave Shan wei almost all the strength-enhancing medicine he had brought with him.

Shan wei received it with a dumbfounded expression. After drinking two potions, his expression brightened a little, and he regained some consciousness and strength.

they continued walking through the vast underground space. Strange and twisted lines have seriously affected people's perception. we began to not even know if the path we were taking was the right one. do they walk or crawl? they just know they have to keep walking until they find a way out.

“there is…a light…” After walking for an unknown amount of time, Yu Lianyun seemed to see a bright light appear in front of him. he suddenly became excited and shook Shan wei’s arm, who was at his limit.

Shan wei nodded, her eyes cloudy. he didn’t react to Yu Lianyun’s words, but silently followed Yu Lianyun a few steps. then suddenly he fell to the ground and fell into the gap between the lines. Swallowed into the cracks.

Seeing this scene, the sadness in Yu Lianyun's eyes did not last long. he just gritted his teeth, bowed his head, and continued walking step by step toward the light at the end.

he smiled and reached out to touch the light, but a cold wave of wetness washed over his fingertips one after another.

“does it feel like this when you touch it?” Yu Lianyun thought blankly, and he also fell forward.


Yu Lianyun suddenly woke up, as if his brain had been hit hard. he wanted to breathe, but his mouth and nose hurt, and salt water and sand spewed out uncontrollably.

her consciousness clouded, and Yu Lianyun looked around blankly. half of my body was submerged in seawater, and my fingers dug into the wet sand. he was lying wet on the shore. Several floating bodies were floating on the waves of the sea. Adrift, broken wreckage piles up on the shore, helplessly absorbing the waves of the sea...

111 escape route

``Are you still healed?'' drake stared in shock at the pale young man in front of him, and saw hope in his partner's affirmative nod to bee human.

drake and Li Nuowei were walking down the stairs leading to the basement. drake couldn't help but feel happy, but Li Nuowei's heart was still calm.

Li Nuowei was already a little paralyzed. In his thousands of incarnations, drake always died of various misfortunes. he tried many times to avoid drake's path of death, but was inexplicably unable to do so. death always es on the other side.

Li Nuowei has witnessed all kinds of strange ways of death for drake, and even if he dies in the mud's hands, withering away his human body and merging his soul into a part, he has a long history of how he died. I was used to it. In the mud. he had no idea it was weird and scary.

As he headed to the basement, Li Nuowei was thinking and summarizing his thoughts in his head.

the current situation is a ferocious murloc chasing the soldiers above, and soul-eating mud blocking their way below.

After 129 death checks, there is no effective way to deal with murlocs and there are too many murlocs. If they e back and confront you head-on, there's no way you'll survive. therefore, murloc can only run away.

After 212 death tests, the stuffed animal cannot be destroyed by force. Faced with the stuffed animal's absolute power and defense mechanisms, even if you try to outwit or hack the green light gem, you won't be able to hack it.

the only thing that made the stuffed animal smaller was the treasure trove on the other side of the stone wall. Among these treasures there seemed to be special objects that instinctively aroused disgust and fear in the magician. this was something he only discovered after his final death. case.

Li Nuowei thought of going directly into the tunnel and breaking through the stone wall. but strangely, that narrow tunnel is now blocked by these Green Light beings. without disturbing the mud, these green light life forms will not make any move or move until they feel the threat of death posed within the mud. You can't tear down the wall.'' build the stone wall in advance.

So generally you need to do three things.

First, we have to get rid of the persistent murloc, but the only escape route is this spiral staircase, which contains a dungeon that swallows all souls. I have nothing to say. this is not a choice.

the second is to eliminate the danger posed by fillings. however, you cannot sit and wait for death without opening another escape route for the soldiers to pursue you. they can only move forward, as remaining where they are is death, and another escape route is available. In order to open an escape route, contacting the mud head-on is a necessary condition, so contacting the mud head-on is unavoidable.

third, ensure drake's safety in the process of opening a hidden escape route and never let him die a mysterious death again.

these three points are the basic tasks that Li Nuowei must perform every time he is reborn, but the first two points are already familiar to Li Nuowei. You can do it with your eyes closed, but the third point is the most difficult because there are so many unknown variables.

drake is still the same drake, but he still walks through unknown variables.

\this time, I caught it and it flew to a safe place to land. Even if it got injured, I came to support it so it wouldn't die easily.\ Li Nuowei thought to himself.

Everything seemed to be written and the two arrived underground again. drake is once again seduced and confused by strange phenomena, and is then awakened by Re-Novi.

he Novi led the drake into the long, narrow tunnel again, and together they crashed into the wall, pulling the drake in front of him before the stone wall broke pletely. And those who act as support will fall into a golden sea filled with precious treasures.

drake was still a little surprised when he was dragged to the side by Li Nuowei. he could not understand the actions of Li Nuowei, who took the initiative to bee his subordinate. In which line of your opponent's reincarnation did you move like that? , what kind of great debt do we owe to the other person that allows us to treat him so well?

Unfortunately, this is something drake thought of on the fly. pared to the tracking of Lee Noway's actions, it is possible that he himself does not even remember it, since the tracking of these \cords\, with mud splattered from cracks in the stone wall, took place. doubt and fear about the reality in front of us are actually more disturbing and cannot help but impress.

After feeling the \power\ of the gem, quanquan really stopped and retreated weakly, letting out an unwanted roar of anger.

drake landed safely. Even though there was a person on my back, the pain of falling from such a height was not small.

\Li Nuowei, are you okay?\ drake turned his back and asked Li Nuowei, who was groaning in pain behind him, to check on the other person's condition.

the paleness of Li Nuwei's face at this time was a little more pale than that of an illness. he pulled from a pile of gold treasures and jewels, then silently stretched his head back and placed some items inside. All sharp instruments were pulled out.

drake couldn't help but be shocked when he saw this situation. Li Nuowei couldn't imagine how he could stand up after being injured like that, as if he had a monster's life force and will.

\I'm fine.\ Li Nuowei grabbed mr. drake's offered helping hand and crawled out of the circular hole he had made.

drake looked at the treasure at the scene and felt his eyes hurt a little. he wondered if he was affected by Jiao Ren's changes in illness. then, it was as if I could see the scenery of another world. he saw the scene before his eyes. In this treasure trove, each treasure shines in a special way.

derek then looked at himself and was shocked to find that his body also emitted the same light as those gold and silver jewels.

In this respect, drake took no pleasure in his improved social status. on the contrary, he was filled with unparalleled anxiety.

And it didn't take long for his fears to bee reality.

derek felt pain in his wrist. when I bit into the gauze wrapped around the wound on my wrist, a large blue-black scab formed. the original wound on his wrist had long since healed and was covered with a scab. but it transforms. It was a strange claw unique to fishmen, and the cause of the pain was scales that were popping out of the pores at visible speed. they were hard and sharp. Every time drake transforms, he feels great pain. Severe pain.

``Am I going to turn into a fishman?'' drake was shocked. he looked in the mirror at home and tried to take a selfie.

drake soon realized that the cause of his accelerated symptoms was the treasure trove in front of him that emitted strange radiation.

death repeated 111 times

mutations proceed simultaneously from the inside to the outside. drake immediately felt physical disfort. he fell to his knees and continued to vomit an unidentified yellow-green liquid. her throat sometimes swells and sometimes constricts uncontrollably. he made a strange repeating sound: \...haha...cough...\

Li Nuowei was also surprised. he never expected these treasures to have such a strange effect on drake. Also, he and drake had never been able to survive at the same time before, so they had never experienced it before.

drake's death means that the \reconciliation\ has failed and must be restarted.

but if he dies first, he has to ride the bike.

In the end, Li Nuowei accepted drake at the most difficult level ever, but he did not expect something unexpected to happen to drake.

``Let's go, stay away from these things here.'' he Novei pulled the weakened drake out and took him out of the usual sphere of influence of gold and silver jewelry.

however, before he could take a few steps, mr. Li Nuowei was grabbed by mr. derek's head, and mr. derek supported him as he walked.


Under Li Nuowei's startled gaze, the drake's face stuck out like a fish's head, and suddenly opened its mouth full of fangs, bit Li Nuowei's neck, and casually tore off a large chunk. meat

Li Nuowei was surprised, but he didn't see any pain. he remained silent and calmly accepted his death.

\I believe that the root of a superhuman disease is buried beneath the tunnels, and that there is a treasure cursed to turn people into fishmen...\ on the way to the tunnels, drake gives his speculations about it. ta. It was hidden under the tunnel. .

It was as if Li Nuwei was once again listening to drake's thoughts. he heard it in one ear and out the other. he has pletely memorized the content and no longer needs to listen carefully.

on the way to the tunnel, Li Nuowei looked out at the coast from the car window. A thick fog covered the sea, and there was a misty silence.

Noticing Li Nuowei's strange behavior, derek frowned slightly and asked, \have you thought about it?\

\I don't think the tunnel is the place for us to go now,\ Li Nuowei said. he made hundreds of attempts to go through this \checkpoint\ route in the tunnels, all ending in death. Finally, he saw a sign of success and found a treasure cursed by a fishman, as a result of which drake's human cross disease condition worsened and he soon became a lost murloc .

Not finding a good solution at this time, Li Nuowei thought it would be better to change the route instead of exploring the tunnel route.

\why?\ derek felt that Li Nuowei knew something.

Li Nuowei looked at him and remembered what drake had said to him. he didn't hide it. he told derek about his ability to \reincarnate\ and how he had lived and died many times. the other side.

Like the process, drake first marveled, then thought, then finally accepted. but it took me less than three minutes to almost accept this surprising fact.

\So we can confirm that there is treasure and a merman curse hidden beneath the tunnel, and that there is something underneath that can lift the 'travel sickness' curse,\ drake said. taking a closer look at Li Novi, Li Nuowei pointed out the information analyzed, \but it is very dangerous below. there are sealed treasures and a scary crowd guarding the swamp, and people are afraid of the possibility of dying due to hallucinations. A being of green light.'' And then there's the all-consuming sea monster, the terrifying thing that eats away at the soul of the earth. ”

Li Nuowei nodded affirmatively: “Even if you can find the final answer you are looking for, if you get even a little closer to the answer, you will still die a miserable death. I think going down that road is enough to prove it.'' If I go into the tunnel again, I'm sure I'll die. ”

\where is the missing boy?\ derek asked after a moment of silence. this was also the reason why he wanted to go through the tunnel.

Li Nuowei sighed and shook her head.

derek gripped the steering wheel tightly and said solemnly. \okay...then let's investigate from another direction.\

“So, where are we going now?” Li Nuowei asked, looking at drake.

drake: \Among the information sent to me by a mysterious group, I noticed that Jinren disease first occurred on a small island off the coast of Ruka port. It's the people of that mysterious group. I went to look for this small island. he must have gone.”

“do you want to go to the island too?”

\I just hope we get something out of it this time,\ drake said.

Li Nuwei understood, but looked at the gloomy mist over the sea and said, ``but now is not the best time to go to the sea.Although the reef near Liuhua port has been cleared. , there are still risks that will not be addressed.” clean. \

drake: \that's a little difficult.\

Li Nuowei laughed and said, “okay, let’s try it.”

mr. drake turned his car around, took the ramp and headed directly to the beach at tenya Kaijiku.

\Leave the task of exploring the road to me. I will use death to help you overe the difficulties of navigation,\ Li Nuowei promised drake.

derek looked at the other person with a confused expression and asked, \Aren't you tired?\

drake had asked himself this question many times, so Li Nuowei was surprised when he heard this. on nearly every death row inmate, derek expressed this idea every chance he got.

Li Nuowei fell silent and clenched his fists. he didn't want to hear this question.


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