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六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第15章 看不见的力量

第15章 看不见的力量 (第1/2页)

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the woman in black secretly gritted her teeth and had a fierce look in her eyes, but it seemed like she was being controlled by something. he just grips the handle of the bag tightly and doesn't move in the slightest. then he could only stare at Lin Lingfeng qingyundan's face with unwillingness and resentment. I got out of the car.

A female college student who was upset on the train heard Lingling's voice \ing down\ and felt that she too could not stay here anymore, so she followed Lingling onto the train as if she was angry.

Eventually, the female college student suddenly felt a little disappointed when she saw the last subway train leave again and take her eyes off it. he got off the train early at this station, so he didn't know how much money it would cost to take the bus back to the university. but considering the embarrassing situation he had just been in on the train, he felt he had done the right thing.

\It's better that the horrible stories you tell are true. I sincerely hope that the couple rot in hell!\ said Linlin, a college student.

Female college students just casually plain. he didn't expect Lingling to give an answer that fit the subject.

but Ling Ling laughed and said, \they may not go to hell, but they will see hell.\

one autumn night at 11:11 p.m., a young man who always talked nonsense and had a stiff smile on his face stood in front of me. the college girl was further chilled by the cool evening breeze. he felt that the handsome young man in front of him looked like...something was wrong.

the female student stopped talking with Linlin, picked up the tablet, hurriedly went upstairs, and left the platform without intending to stay there.

Immediately after the female college student came out of the station, feeling more and more frightened, she took a few steps and turned around to see if Lingling was following her, and then muttered something like, \don't e.\ I whisper.

Suddenly, the female college student came forward and took a big step in fear. he looked at Lingling, who suddenly appeared in front of him, with frightened eyes, and his mouth trembled. “You, you, you, you…”

``Zhang xiaoxiao, is this your school emblem?'' Linlin looked at the inscription on the back of the school emblem and returned the xiangcui University emblem to the other party.

when Zhang xiaoxiao heard that the other party had picked up his school emblem, he looked inside his bag and realized that the school emblem had indeed fallen at some point. he was a little relieved, but still a little scared, and asked, \how did you run in front of me?\

\oh, that's easy. I'll run in a wide circle from the other side of the aisle at several times your speed.\ Linlin said seriously, showing off her sweat-stained back.

\...that's it.\ when Zhang xiaoxiao heard this, he felt that this younger brother was sick. Instead of chasing her, he took a long detour so he couldn't really see her cute little face.

\thank you.\ Zhang xiaoxiao received the school badge, waved Lingling with a smile, then passed Lingling and walked to the bus stop to call a ride-hailing service, but for a while, Lingling's face disappeared and could not be seen again. I could not do it. I had mixed feelings for a moment. he wasn't sure if it was a bad time to go out tonight to meet such a unique person.

Zhang xiaoxiao felt very unlucky tonight. In a fit of anger, he gets off the train early and takes the long road back to school near midnight, where he meets a handsome boy who is suspected to be mentally ill. Now, when I ordered a ride online, the driver was extremely slow to respond.

After waiting 17 minutes at the bus stop, the online taxi driver arrived late.

After getting on the bus, Zhang xiaoxiao couldn't help but plain, \teacher, you're too late.\

“oh, sorry, miss, this station has recently been renovated and is going to be expanded, and the roads have to be rebuilt to fit the size of the station platform, so there are roads being built everywhere. , turn to drive here, the driver explained apologetically.

Zhang xiaoxiao had never gotten off the train here, so this was the first time he heard about this, and he immediately said apologetically: \oh, it's really embarrassing.\

the driver's uncle smiled politely and said, \this subway station is inconvenient now. there is only one way up and down. It's not easy for everyone to travel. I also work hard to earn money. we both work hard. Let’s understand that. Yes,” he said. ”

“that’s what you said.” Zhang xiaoxiao smiled and nodded. then, when I tried to pick up my tablet again to watch the drama, my body suddenly froze up, my eyes turned red, and I looked like I was about to cry out of fear.

``oh, girl, what's wrong? why are you crying?'' the driver saw the female student suddenly start crying and panicked, ``oh, oh, don't cry, the platform is recording.'' \...\ he said.

“wow…” Zhang xiaoxiao burst into tears.

\It hurts!! I couldn't even jump into the Yellow River and wash myself!!!\

``I have to pass today's interview.'' the next day, xin Junmao regained his strength and came to the station again. he was at the entrance to the railway terminal, watching from a distance as the train pulled into the platform. he thought to himself that he was moving forward like a train. I had gained a lot of experience in interviews, and I was secretly encouraging myself that I had to pass the exam today no matter what.

I walked on stage with great energy, and... today's interview also ended in failure.

this was not because mr. xin Junmao was not prepared for the interview, but the horrifying sight he saw after they arrived at the platform was something he would never forget. A large shadow enveloped his heart. Scenes of blood and horror should be his next chapter. A nightmare with an inevitable fate.

An enthusiastic xin Junmao ran up to the platform. At one moment, he saw a woman dressed in black with a silver chain around her neck and a fierce smile on her face. he suddenly jumped off the platform even though the door was closed in front of him. Stopping the woman's violent movements in the darkness, she, like a happy butterfly flying towards the flames, ran into the station before the slowing but still speeding train arrived.

pen van

xin Junmao could not control his nausea and vomited while holding onto the floor in pain. my brain went into a panic and muttered, ``what the heck is this... what the heck is this... Jumping onto the railroad tracks to mit suicide... why would you jump onto the railroad tracks?'' suicide……\

the panic on the platform lasted a full 30 minutes. most of the trains on Line 3 in Suizhu city have stopped operating. All passengers who had just entered the station were consoled and persuaded to leave the scene. Unacpanied passengers with serious mental health issues had to deplane. they were all called to rest in the station's duty room until the escort arrived to pick them up.

Shin Junmao has been living in anxiety lately. After this incident, too exciting a scene directly frightened his heart. Now he is confused and confused, as if he does not know who he is and is slow to react.

“It’s true… it’s true… the legend is true…” xin Junmao vaguely felt like he heard someone whispering something next to him. he looked at the people around him. It was a girl with a bag. the bag bears the emblem of Shosui University, a famous university in the city.

probably a college student, he thought casually.

winter winter winter.

there was a knock on the door to the duty room, and a flight attendant came walking half-length to me, carrying a luggage bag. he asked quietly to the several depressed passengers in the room. \Sorry to bother you, but is this part of your bag?\

\Ah!!\ Suddenly, xin Junmao woke up to the screams of the college girl next to him. my fear disappeared, and I was left in a state of confusion because I was afraid of being transferred to a female college. I was confused.

I heard Zhang xiaoxiao retreat to the corner of the room in fear, crying and shouting, \don't take this too, don't take these things...\

51 bags

Everyone was shocked by the female college student's reaction, which was so scary. At that moment, everyone felt that the psychological shadows that remained in each of them were gathering together.

In fact, the other party's reaction was so exaggerated and the screams were so high-pitched that everyone felt that their own numbness and fear were temporarily washed away and replaced by shock and sympathy for the other person. .

they seemed to be witnessing a poor man, more cowardly and weak than any of them. people who were initially horrified after witnessing a tragic suicide scene now naturally sympathize with the weak and temporarily forget about them. pain

``Now, let's take out our bags.'' Seeing everyone at a loss, xin Junmao came to his senses and advised the flight attendant who had brought the luggage bags.

the flight attendant woke up as if from a dream and grabbed her luggage bag with a cold sweat on her forehead.

As expected, after the bag disappeared from the college girl's eyes, her mood visibly stabilized.

After a short episode, those who were still mentally scarred by now get back on their feet one by one, leave separately, acpanied by rushed family and friends, or leave alone to strengthen themselves.

xin Junmao did not tell his parents to e to his house. he did not want his inpetent son to trouble the elders again.

At first, I wanted to leave right away, but when I saw a female student stuck in a corner and heard a gentle voice saying ``thank you,'' I resisted the idea of leaving by myself and sat down.

\Are you sick?\ xin Junmao, who had not taken the initiative to speak to the girl for a long time, kept the four words for a long time.

the female student looked at her with a look of horror on her face, as if to say, \can you open your eyes and look at me?\

\well, what's your name? my name is xin Junmao.\ xin Junmao seemed to realize that his words were inappropriate, laughed awkwardly, and quickly changed the question. ta.

the other party was silent for a long time, and then answered hesitantly: \my name is Zhang xiaoxiao.\

\hello, Zhang xiaoxiao.\ xin Junmao said with a stiff smile and carefully observed Zhang xiaoxiao's expression.

Zhang xiaoxiao hid his face under his knees, looked outside, and shook his head.

xin Junmao continued, ``Actually, I went for an interview today.the working conditions at this pany are not particularly good, but for me, who couldn't find a job for a year after graduating, it's nothing.'' please...I've been preparing for this interview for a long time because I always fail, but unfortunately it didn't go as I expected...'' he said to himself, and said, the more he talked, the more lonely he became.

Seeing xin Junmao's sad expression, Zhang xiaoxiao couldn't bear it and forted her, saying, \It's okay. there are many opportunities. You can always look for them.\

“It’s not that easy.” xin Junmao shook his head with a bitter smile. \Soon my new graduate status will be taken away. Now, most panies are hiring new graduates this year. I'm very interested in these panies. As far as panies are concerned, I'm saying no.\ It's not like fried fish or rotten shrimp. If you don't have the status of a new graduate, you're the same as an ordinary person with no work experience. ”

Zhang xiaoxiao thought that the other person might make up a story to fort him, but when he saw that xin Junmao's worried and pained expression did not seem to be a lie, he immediately believed the other person's situation. but that's not the case for him now. I was only a sophomore and had just graduated from university. he plans to continue studying for graduate school in the future and can't wait to get a job.

thinking of this, Zhang xiaoxiao gritted his teeth and said, \Actually...we actually met.\

\huh?\ xin Junmao was a little confused, looked at Zhang xiaoxiao who began to tremble again, and asked, \he?\

\the woman who died this morning...\

xin Junmao was surprised and guessed, \Is he your friend?\

\No!\ Zhang xiaoxiao nodded, her almond-shaped eyes looking like two small ships in a sea of fear, and said, \when I took the last train back to school from the city last night, my girlfriend and I sat in the same car. I did...” he said.

At this point, Zhang xiaoxiao began to speak incoherently. It was as if the memory of last night had been magnified with a magnifying glass and became even clearer. he discovered incredible details in his memory and was horrified to think about them.

“there was also a very strange young man on the train. he told urban legends on the train, which at first were not very scary. ``I said I could do that.'' the people were later affected by something like a curse, and in order to return what was lost to a person who had long ceased to exist, he himself would soon die. ” Zhang xiaoxiao tried to calm down and explained to xin Junmao. then, someone was riding in the carriage. A couple found a diamond necklace that had fallen inside a carriage...

Zhang xiaoxiao told xin Junmao about last night's unusual experience. In one case, the man got into an argument with a hateful couple, got out of the car in anger, and then noticed that the stranger who got out with him looked dirty. Everything was like bitter water. Zhang xiaoxiao continued to talk to xin Junmao.

Zhang xiaoxiao knew that he shouldn't be too honest with the person he just met, but the pressure was like a balloon with a hole in it. once it starts, it will be difficult to stop.

beside him, xin Junmao was stunned for a while. he opened his mouth, but was a little speechless. because he himself did not believe in the theory of strange forces and chaos.

\I know you don't believe me.\ when Zhang xiaoxiao saw that xin Junmao didn't speak, he knew that the other person didn't believe him. he said in a deep voice, ``the bag that the flight attendant just took was a bag worn by a woman wearing black clothing.It's a woman's bag...that's why I was so scared when I saw that woman's bag.'' I did.

xin Junmao pursed his lips, coughed a little, and said, \the luggage bag may belong to this woman, but didn't you also say that you should leave your forgotten items on the train?\

the point is not the luggage bag. Zhang xiaoxiao said with a plicated expression: \do you still remember the couple I told you about earlier?\

Just when the flight attendant came in with the bag, I noticed a detail you didn't notice. A silver pendant had fallen into the outside zipper pocket of the bag. It was a long time ago, so I remember it clearly, but it was a necklace that my husband and I used to collect! ”

xin Junmao was stunned and seemed strangely excited, saying, \maybe a couple picked it up? why was it in the bag of a woman dressed in black?\

“this is what scares me.” Zhang xiaoxiao took a breath, rolled his eyes, and said, “what happened to that couple? No, what happened to the people on the bus last night.” I really want to know if he did that. I'm also really curious about the identity of the woman in black. how did he e to be like that?\ please take that necklace and why did he do it? did you suddenly jump onto the tracks...\

\Shit!\ when Zhang xiaoxiao and xin Junmao tried to push the topic into greater suspense, a few exclamations and curses diverted their attention outward.

hearing the motion outside the house, xin Junmao and Zhang xiaoxiao looked at each other and reluctantly came out of the duty room to check on the situation. then I saw people gathered in a circle outside, expressions of fear on their faces.

when xin Junmao and Zhang xiaoxiao mustered up the courage to e forward and check it out, they witnessed a scene that almost caused them to have a nervous breakdown again.

I saw that the luggage bag being carried to the duty room broke open and several vacuum-packed human heads came out. those heads belonged to the people who were on the last train that Zhang xiaoxiao took last night.

No one expected him and everyone else on the train, not humans, to die.

52 hidden routes

the police in Suizhu city are currently struggling with a strange and difficult case.

huang chen, the head of the second team of the cuzhu city police department, who is in charge of investigating this incident, stands in a dark interrogation room and interrogates the helpless Zhang xiaoxiao, who is being interrogated by the police officers.

the unusual nature of this case can be summed up in one word. A woman uses unknown means to kill everyone on board the last train, then mysteriously mits suicide by jumping off the tracks early the next morning.

As for the identity of the woman in black, huang cheng already had relatively clear findings.

the woman in black is called xie Li. his occupation is a former hairdresser. Although he is said to be cold and indifferent at work and has few friends, he is extremely talented.

As a barber, it is normal to carry some barber tools with you. but when law enforcement officers later searched Sherry's belongings, they found a dead person's head stuffed in the bottom of the bag, as well as beauty tools, as well as weapons including an ax, hammer and bone cutter. . knife

Law enforcement officers found bloodstains on the gun and Shelly's long-term fingerprints, all of which pointed to Shelly as a perverted murderer posing as a barber.

but everyone was surprised too. whether it was an axe, a hammer, or a knife for cutting bones, it was never light. Although the deceased xie Li weighed less than 100 kg, she was able to use these items easily and casually. this was truly incredible. .

Also, the smooth and smooth cross-sections of these heads make it almost certain that the heads of these people were cut directly with a knife. this is neither practical nor scientific. If Shelley were an ordinary person and \tonned\, he would not be able to do these things.

therefore, police officials speculated that Sherry had an acplice. however, when law enforcement officers attempted to investigate the surveillance of the last train of the day, they were unable to conduct a real-time on-scene search of that night train because the cameras on board that day's train were malfunctioning. there was found.

therefore, law enforcement officials could only determine, in bination with autopsies, how many people boarded and exited the last bus of the night from the various entrances and exits of the final bus arrival station. A plete analysis and estimation of the approximate time of death is determined by the deceased himself\/herself.

Zhang xiaoxiao got off the death train in the middle of the road, got off the train before Sherry could take action, and ran away perfectly, so everything finally came to Zhang xiaoxiao, but he survived last night's bloody night. tribulation.

It may be a coincidence for Zhang xiaoxiao, but in the eyes of law enforcement, there seems to be something wrong with this girl.

Law enforcement officials now have reason to suspect that Zhang xiaoxiao had advance knowledge of the plan to kill xie Li. he is xie Li's acplice, helping xie Li on the final train of death, and then clearing the murder plot. chin suspects they got out of the car early.

Regarding this, Zhang xiaoxiao shouted, \wrong, wrong!\ Yesterday he obviously did not leave the scene alone. there should be a young man walking with him.

but even stranger than the fact that the last death train's surveillance camera was broken yesterday is that no one can find the young man on the camera at any station.

Zhang xiaoxiao almost cried, but was depressed. how can one e to the conclusion that a criminal kills a person when, given his psychological characteristics, he clearly does not even feel fear? Additionally, it targets groups of people who have never met before.

but law enforcement didn't think so. on the contrary, he felt that Zhang xiaoxiao's suspicions were getting deeper and deeper.

most people who can cooperate with perverted murderers are perverts.

of course, Zhang xiaoxiao really didn't admit it, so he wouldn't admit it, but the law enforcement agencies didn't believe what Zhang xiaoxiao said, so they had no choice but to fear being burned in boiling water.

Law enforcement authorities believe it is not important for Zhang xiaoxiao to plead innocence now as the investigation continues. As long as the traces of Zhang xiaoxiao's accident were found inside last night's death train, law enforcement officers can convict Zhang xiaoxiao.

At the same time, the most important thing for the police is, if the heads of these corpses are in the bag, where are the bodies of these people?

the strange thing is that the place where the body was hidden on the train was never found, and there were no clues or methods of investigation. Additionally, most of the evidence on the cars was destroyed by routine train cleaning and maintenance and wiped down with disinfectants and other cleaning agents. , few clues were left behind.

Law enforcement officials began speculating. they speculated that the body might be dumped directly somewhere on the railroad tracks. the investigation team then began searching the railway lines.

through this investigation, hwang Sung realized firsthand the seriousness of the problem.

After receiving a report from the investigation team, hwang Sung discovered the train hidden in the middle of the subway. It was usually covered with a blindfold. In fact, there was a hidden train going straight underground.

members of the law enforcement investigation team entered the undercover area of the railroad together to begin the next phase of the detailed investigation.

Initially, huang cheng was still able to receive news from the investigation team, but after 10 minutes, huang cheng realized that he could no longer contact members of the investigation team by phone. All he knew was what the team leader of the investigation team asked him. After sending an mmS message from a humanoid in the lake, he pletely loses contact with the members of the research team.

huang cheng saw this and was secretly worried. he didn't know what would scare a group of well-trained law enforcement officers, so life and death were now uncertain. then, he seemed to think of some possibility and suddenly changed his expression. After the sudden change, he immediately called.

At that moment, several mysterious figures wearing black uniforms came to the police security room. the police officer who questioned Zhang xiaoxiao was replaced, and Zhang xiaoxiao was interrogated.

Zhang xiaoxiao did not expect that the conversation would be so smooth after changing people. No one would intentionally repeat the question in different ways to verify the truth of his words, and no one would use pressure. After circumstances forced him to honestly tell the mysterious people about the strange events he had encountered and their disturbing speculations, the men in black ordered law enforcement to release him.

Zhang xiaoxiao felt very happy when he finally regained his freedom.

huang cheng, an apprentice who had previously interrogated Zhang xiaoxiao, learned that such an important witness had been released, and began to look through the information materials collected so far. he asked the master in a bad mood, \Sir, is this okay? Interrogation is not very professional, they are like thieves, please search.\

huang cheng replied, \You don't need to worry about these things. I won't tell you who they are or where they e from. It's not time for that yet.\

\overall, according to current reasoning, most of the bodies of the murdered people are hidden within the subway line, and at this moment only the driver is allowed to enter this subway line.\ mr. chen said, ``Let's leave it to them now and call a driver.''

Fifty-three dream shop

when you ask Zhang xiaoxiao where the air is cold and sweet, Zhang xiaoxiao will tell everyone that it is the entrance of the police Security bureau without hesitation.

If you were to ask me when is the coolest time, it would probably be at night in front of the enforcement officer's security office.

the moon was shining but the stars were not, insects and frogs were chirping in the flowerbeds and grasses along the streets, and the streets were as lively as ever. that night, Suizhu city was peaceful. on the way back to the university dormitory, Zhang xiaoxiao felt an indescribable sense of relief in his heart. .

In addition to last night, a series of plicated, strange and unusual incidents happened during today. In fact, each is not particularly frightening when taken individually, but what is chilling is that each may be coincidentally related. together

the key element that connects the two is precisely the response that police officials disagree with and adamantly resist: the town legend of ``something left on the train'' as told by this strange young man.

A former female assassin who was good at killing people kept stabbing people in a horse-drawn carriage for unknown reasons, and then mitted suicide by jumping off the railroad tracks early the next morning...no matter how you think about it, this is impossible.

Furthermore, Zhang xiaoxiao did not have the courage to recall even for a moment the expression on the female murderer's face when she mitted suicide by jumping off the railroad tracks. when the scene before the suicide was captured on a surveillance camera, the female murderer was seen smiling eerily as she took her last breath. It was as if he had seen something so exciting that he would have given his life without hesitation.

If he truly knew his conscience, his good intentions were still intact, and he was willing to die for his past sins, he would not have made such an expression before mitting suicide.

therefore, Zhang xiaoxiao wants to believe that there are ordinary unknown factors secretly influencing and even controlling this series of events.

Zhang xiaoxiao actually had a way to prove whether the strange \urban legend\ was true or not, but during the interrogation process, he did not educate or instruct law enforcement officers or men in black to verify it.

the method is also very simple: see with your own eyes a diamond necklace whose owner has never been found, and see for yourself whether the horrors of the urban legend e true for yourself.

however, Zhang xiaoxiao did not dare to do it and did not want to do it. he was actually afraid someone would die from this.

Female murderers deserve what they deserve, but law enforcement should not.

when Zhang xiaoxiao felt that he could not bear the pressure, fortunately the men in black appeared in time and believed his words without hesitation.


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