
关灯 护眼
六七看书 > 克苏鲁地方志 > 第8章 未知的面纱

第8章 未知的面纱 (第2/2页)

23 types of weapons are prohibited

when he Jian'an and wu Gao Jun heard the voices of these two giants, they could only bite the bullet and continue running toward the sound, even though they were trembling in fear. because the pathless vine was still chasing them with incredible speed.

within a second, they witnessed a crazy scene they would never forget. they saw several human corpses split into parts, impaled by hair-like roots, and bined with bright flowers on the other side to form flesh and blood. on the barrier fence, the faces of the injured people were blackened and torn. Flowers grew from the torn skin of their faces, and their roots connected to human blood vessels and meridians. humans nourished these flowers. It's bloody and terrifying, but surprisingly, it has an artistic beauty that cannot be described in words.

this horrifying and shocking image deeply stimulated he Jian'an and wu Gaojun's brains, and they had another strange experience with the power of foreign gods.

when the two of them mustered up the courage to break through the wall of flesh and blood, the vines immediately stopped their pursuit and retreated slowly like waves.

but that doesn't mean it's safe! Li Jian and wu Gaojun were convinced. Not far from them was a room with a bright red light. the bedroom door was wide open. this was the room where the sound had been heard earlier, and it was also the room where the woman's body was kept.

It was like being in the eye of a hurricane. they were only temporarily safe. If you don't know the direction of the wind and move with it, you'll easily be torn apart by strong winds.

the situation progressed in a direction different from what they had expected. they tried to search for survivors, but no survivors were found. they tried to burn down the building. they didn't even have a way out. the only way out was the room behind the front door.

\the rest is up to luck,\ Li Jia'an said with a sense of wu Gaojun. takeko immediately understood, remained silent, and after a while he nodded.

Li Jiaan looked at wu Gaojun, and the two of them simultaneously took out their weapons and held the cold iron weapon in their hands. bu Gaojun felt a little relieved, but he Jia'an still felt unfortable. more experienced, he realized that when facial abnormalities call to God, weapons are no longer tools to protect human life and face harm, but are a placebo equivalent to a talisman for mental peace. I knew. .

Gathering up the courage to walk to the front door, the two of them looked around the house. the sudden sight ahead quickly drained their remaining sanity.

the entire room was covered in flesh and blood. Something like pus or a bulge was constantly secreting and growing inside the wall. countless pellets were spinning around the room. black holes were dotted at irregular intervals along the wall of flesh and blood. the main body of this wall of flesh and blood was a large sara, and the flower on the other side was made of flesh and blood. the withered corpse of a woman wearing a red wedding dress was now embedded in the wall covered in blood and gore.

where is this room? It's just an animal's stomach. do they actually want to take the initiative and invade this unknown animal's digestive system? !

And this is not the craziest of the scenes, because in front of the flesh-and-blood red spider lily there are a pair of black squat figures that are not clearly visible. they look a little like humans, but their limbs are very long, so they are definitely not normal humans. their foreheads are swollen, their eyes are swollen, and their mouths are huge. the scariest thing about them, of course, is that they appear, like dead souls in a horror novel.

\Fortunate...\ Li Jian'an swallowed, and he vaguely saw a sign from the appearance of the woman's shadow. the unknown female reptile, dressed as a woman in a torn white dress, resembled the former Yu Lianyun. Yao Zhenzhen, this is the woman in white that I described.

\Yao Zhenzhen did not scatter with blessings, and who is that man's shadow?\ Li Jian'an constantly asked himself. his brain searched the knowledge base but found no answers. he just felt that the male shadow, Yao Jensen, had the same form of existence, that is, the male shadow was actually the same being as Yao Jensen.

two dark shadow flashes confront Flesh and Fresh Flower. A violent dark shadow is like a violent spirit torn from flesh and blood and a flower of flesh. Flesh and Flesh Flesh has extremely powerful healing abilities and can heal in an instant. It continues to extend its fleshy buds that control the environment into its arms, grasping the shadow of darkness and trying to tear it apart, but the shadow of darkness is not real, and its attacks have no effect at all.

the two monsters fight together and cannot be separated.

Li Jiang removed his uncontrollable eyes and calmed himself down. he was a little confused why the blessing would appear today. he also jumped to attack people and directly attacked the body, which was even more difficult with blood Flower.

maybe it's Yu Lianyun's fault? Li Jia'an thought.

Yu Lianyun is now the only person who has broken the curse of the \seven days of death\ and did not die, and is also the only person who has taken the initiative to bless the whole world. his presence must be very special to the blessings.

think about it, the mystical forces behind the corpses of the colleague and woman who died last night also brought blessings, but they passed away without any obstacles or help from the blessings. this is enough to show that Yu Lianyun is indeed very important in blessing. Same status.

could it be that Yu Lianyun has bee a human spokesperson like a blessing?

Now that Yu Lianyun is in danger due to the influence of the female corpse's power, it seems unreasonable for blessing to fight other forces for his own representative.

\Look, his team, the transfer booth is still there!\ Just as he Jia'an thought, bu Gaojun made a surprising discovery. he pointed to a corner of the room that wasn't full of blood and gore for some reason. there was a mouth. the rectangular body, resembling a coffin, was originally a transport shed used to transport a woman's body. \can I...can I get out of there?\

Jiaan Li also nodded with a twinkle in his eye, but looked at the two parties who were fighting fiercely. \the only problem now is how to approach them without being detected. Remember, they are all hostile to humans.\ malicious Anomaly. ”

wu Gaojun gritted his teeth and looked at he Jia'an and said, \please tell me what to do, or let me be your bait.\

\don't be foolish. we are not qualified to be decoys. Look at their strength, speed, and attack range. we are weak humans, so if we receive a blow, we will die.\ Li Jianan ``but that doesn't mean there aren't other options,'' he said, laughing and patting Fosuga on the shoulder.

Li Jian'an held a test tube-like object in his arm, which was three-quarters full of a green oily liquid.

``Isn't it green oil?'' taketaka looked shocked, as if he had seen something terrifying. he swallowed and said, \this is one of the forbidden weapons recorded in our mysterious group's book of taboos. It was excavated from the forbidden treasury left by alchemist Liu Zhongyuan. It is said to be a mysterious treasure.\

I don't know what kind of ingredients are included in the green oil formulation. that's what makes green oil so scary. It is said that once you light a fire, even your soul will be consumed. ”

\It's a treasure that I worked hard to obtain from my team leader. I never thought I would end up using it.\ Li Jian'an spoke with deep emotion.

24 powerless (2-in-1)

In the parish there was a corpse that had been beaten with a sieve, its whole body crawling and blood flowing all over the floor. the corpse's eyes were empty, and its entire body was wrinkled and torn, like a deflated balloon.

Yu Lianyun fell to the other side. wei Jiang, Li Yingqi, and others who were having a hard time finishing the battle sat on the ground and sighed.

wei Jiang and Li Yingqi continued to ask for help tirelessly.

A total of 12 main bat teams reside in the home of the mysterious group known as the \Zodiac.\ the captain of each of the zodiac teams is a mysterious detective with an A-class title, but there is only one A-class team currently stationed at the headquarters, and that is the tiger Group led by Li Ka'an.

the leader of the mysterious group is not at the headquarters. the other party always municates with members of the organization, either in the form of remote conversations or by finding another spokesperson. So far, no one within the organization has seen the true identity of the leader.

It's not that the mysterious team doesn't want to arrange for more personnel to remain at headquarters. Indeed, talent is rare. In the vast area of Shenzhou, ordinary events occur every day. there is a limit to how much one of the 12 main troops can remain in the garrison.

the sudden change in the evacuation center due to the woman's body was unexpected. After all, no one expected that the risk factors for female cadavers would increase so rapidly.

In general, it is possible to determine the degree of risk of an abnormality. An anomaly such as a female corpse can be rated as Level b of the internationally recognized Standard hazard Level System based on its capabilities, triggering conditions, and dimensions of destructive intensity. this is normal to cause a small danger area of losing control. the forces behind the corpse woman have suddenly changed the invasion target, raising the risk factor. however, except for he Jian'an and wu Gaojun, no one knows what level the female corpse can reach.

“don’t you feel a little cold…” Li Yingchi suddenly asked. As I wiped the sweat from the back of my neck, I felt my body temperature drop rapidly and my surroundings became colder.

\It's a bit like that.\ wei Jiang was stunned for a moment. the smallest pores on his body made him feel the temperature around him gradually drop.

the other two mysterious detectives also sensed this, and unconsciously drew themselves closer to each other to feel each other's body heat and relieve the cold.

At the same time, the building began to shake and it felt like it was collapsing.

Inexplicably, many felt like they were in danger...

``chen Jinshan is the only one who can escape our investigation, but are there others?'' Li Yingqi heard footsteps again from the dark hallway outside the ward, and her heart immediately tightened. he grabbed the pistol again.

``I don't think there's any need to speculate.'' the veins in wei Jiang's temples pulsed. this indicates that when the radio wave detection ability was activated, it suddenly detected a large amount of radio waves or too strong radio waves. At that time, there were three people who were just as powerful as before. chen Jinshan's three-armed ice giant is charging towards us.

Suddenly, one side of the wall exploded, and a male police officer with a deformed body crashed into the wall. the third arm on his back supported the soft medic's body. the force of the large hand twisted and deformed the head, crushing the brain.

before everyone's expressions changed, two more monsters possessed by three ice giants burst through the wall. the three terrifying monsters advanced step by step, slowly forcing everyone into a corner and a shadow covered them. the numbers for the four people are...

boom boom boom——

the flesh of a red spider lily has invaded the headquarters building of a mysterious group and is eating away at the cement and concrete. the battle between him and the bliss Incarnation overwhelms the entire building, causing it to collapse.

mr. he Jian felt that the building might collapse at any time, and felt it getting heavier and heavier in his heart, and realized that he could not wait any longer. After giving Fo Gao a look, he immediately took action and activated the mechanism on the bottle that had sealed the green oil, and threw out the green oil. .


A green flame suddenly exploded and quickly rushed through the living human's room. higanbana seemed to feel the severe pain that penetrated her bone marrow due to the sudden change, and let out a shuddering roar.

without hesitation, Li Jian and Fo Gao went straight to the coffin-like transport hut.

the father of the two blessed incarnations, Yao Zhenzhen and Yu Lianyun, who had a fierce confrontation with the flesh and blood flower, continued to exploit the flesh and blood room that covered his body, biting into it, just like the flesh and blood flower. I don't feel threatened at all. .

belief in life promotes human potential. the two people who were in the living room quickly ran out. Li Jian and wu Gaojun were hardly attacked, but quickly entered the transfer cabin without any problems. two adults were crammed into a small space.

Although it felt very awkward to be pressed together, he Jian'an and wu Gao Jun felt more fortable than before.

what's the point in enduring this shame as long as I can survive?

the green flames ignited from the green oil became more and more intense, and in an instant the entire room was engulfed in a sea of green fire. A flower of flesh and blood, the incarnation of a god born from the corpse of a woman, writhes madly in the sea of fire and groans in pain. You know, even the lacerations caused by the incarnation of the blessings of the previous generation did not make him cry so much. who would have thought that a vial of green liquid thrown by an ordinary person could cause so much harm?

Apparently, as written in the ancient books, the flames caused by green oil have the power to consume the soul, and directly harm the soul of the god behind the woman's corpse.

Seeing this, the two evil spirits transformed by blessings laughed strangely and slowly turned into two black smoke and disappeared into the sea of fire. this seemed to be a confirmation from the side that the blessing was not changed by the soul. reality


A violent explosion suddenly occurred on the first floor of the evacuation center of the xuanmi Group headquarters building. A sea of green fire enveloped the entire floor. Flames roared from the walls and broken windows, like the roar of a dragon.

the entire building shook violently. Li Yingqi and others, who were facing three holders, instantly seized the opportunity. with Yu Lianyun lying unconscious on wei Jiang's back, the surviving mysterious detectives quickly broke through the three surrounding enemies and fled.

I couldn't understand what was happening in the sky, but now was my chance to escape.


Just as Li Yingqi and the others were about to escape from the safe passageway and descend, the ceiling of the hallway suddenly collapsed, and a huge piece of flesh and vine blood poured down, as if a train had gone out of control, and they were directly swallowed. a. the unfortunate mysterious detective who acpanied them.

this terrible shock was also the direct cause of the Earth's collapse. Li Yingqi and others had no time to express even the slightest bit of sadness, anger, or sorrow. Fear occupied their entire consciousness, and everyone lost their footing and fell into the ruins of the collapsed building.

I don't know how long it took, but Li Yingqi woke up in the dark. the cold was still there, and the pain around him and the strong smell of blood stimulated his brain.

he fumbled, fumbled, and fumbled in the dark, cramped space until he finally found his cell phone, which had exploded. he used his phone's flashlight mode to illuminate the ruins he was in.

You can tell that he really loves this time.

his hope was not for eternal damnation, but because he wanted to see Lord tryon's goals fulfilled.

he knows that everything in this world is suffering for him.

he was born into the wrong world with the wrong power.

Everything is wrong and everything is doomed.

however, fate did not go as written by the evil god, and Nyarlathotep wanted to destroy the Nurlat polyhedron. we will also see Eternal calamity released from the seal of the old Gods. he himself was also destroyed.

- teacher, what is happening in the world? Vespasian uses his magic to escape from the conflict between the evil gods and appears next to Lord trion, who looks at him with suspicious eyes.

\we?\ Lord tryon seemed to hear something strange and said, \No, that's just my plan.\

\It's very interesting to recognize a program that repeatedly goes through this endless tragedy. I can't stand it. \Venus trion said, \So I decided. I want to change. I want to destroy the familiar. the unknown. I want to draw people's attention.''

his words were foolish, and he was angry with Vespasian.

he had no way of understanding what the man was thinking, and Vespasian had no way of understanding what Lord tryon was thinking.

\Either black Sanctuary or plan c, that's our only hope,\ Lord tryon said with a smile, \but Yu Ke has no interest in your interesting plans.\

\Shouldn't the power of the evil god cthulhu be used for such interesting things? And to control the evil god? that's impossible.\ Lord tryon said, \I only use it to control the evil that god. \the program is ahead of schedule, it's not a big thing, it's a small change in the weapons intended for the program.

``Are you dressed?'' said Vespasian. he had a bad feeling in his heart. As for what Venus trion said, she was pletely insane. he knew that this man was crazy.

\Yes, this time it's not a clone of the evil god, nor is it a 'psychic doll' that he can control. It's a real evil god. I feel lucky.\ \pared to the new world. we see, neighbor cthulhu did it. Isn't ``the Last Story'' better? besides, there's no place for humans in ``the Last Story.''

\You are the whiteness of Adam!\ Vespasian has no personality and is rude like a drug addict.

he then sang to the God of Arms.

the wizard and the god of weapons bee one, and Vespasian immediately attacks Lord tryon.

however, Lord tryon raised his hand and blocked the Ghost God's attack.

A loud voice rang out, the divine spirit device hit Lord trion's protection magic, thunder roared, a blast wave erupted, the waves swirled in the blast wave, and the entire sea swirled. It seemed to be torn and cut by the power of God.

\there's no need to use the Ghost weapon God to stop him. Such a weak attack. what are you going to do? Are you going to kill Yuu?\ Venus trion said, \then give it to him. I'll go down me. , I don't want to waste your time.''

Venus trion, expressionless, maneuvered Liber Regis's arm, one of the Ghost God's arms, and directly hit Vespasian's Ghost God, striking the Ghost hard.

In one blow, Lord trion quickly killed Vespasian, the advisor of the black Sanctuary.

\Is the Grand cross Nine Lang here?\ by Venus trion.

\Yes, master, he is indeed here, but unfortunately, master, he is not as far away as you think.\ Etedratus was told, like a faithful servant, though he had no selfish motives. I answered. As for Elder cross Kuro, he looks pretty scary.

\Really? then it doesn't matter. I don't want to give my best if we fight again.\ Lord tryon said, \well, Esedrata, let's face the real truth. God is king.\ I answered.

- teacher, teacher, do you really believe? Etheldratha looked worried, \Life is worse than anything we've seen in Narlathotep.\

his speech was interrupted.

\I understand, Esedrata,\ Lord tryon shook his head, \because no matter how it ends, it won'thappen again. At this point, the evil god will be destroyed, but there are only two consequences other than destroy the evil god. .In other words, there is no other end for the three, and Narlathotep is wrapped in polyhedral light, and there is no way to change it.\

\Sir, however,\ Esedrata seemed to want to convince Lord tryon to stop this foolish act, but he also knew that he lacked the strength in his heart to do so. , was of no importance in Lord tryon's mind. And there was no way to stop him, he realized earlier: \No, not yet, you want to do it, master. If you want to do it, give it to me. \You can't do anything to stop it... \You . . .

\I really need to help you and help you, master.\ Etheldratha seemed resigned. No, he stopped thinking about convincing this man. because he can't do anything. the only way to change what you can do is to have the master's sword.

A prostitute must do this, she must not interfere with her rival, and she may not interfere with her husband.

this weapon has no such power, and Etheldras has no such power.

\haha,\ laughed Lord tryon, \It doesn't matter. If you have something to say, say it. this is the end. there's no time, no future. we don't need Yu bing.\

``but doesn't it make a difference?'' cried Etheldratha.

\perhaps. If you don't try, how will you know the oute? the last battle, it's over, finally,\ Lord trion said, smiling happily.

\whether we reach the kingdom of the gods or perish in the kingdom of the gods, we can finally escape the fate of the evil gods. there is no greater joy than that,\ said Venus trion while wiping herself. So . Etedereta wiped her tears and said, ``don't cry, it's okay to be happy.''

\but,\ Etedoretta couldn't say a plete sentence.

Lord tryon entered the Ghost Engine, transformed into a red meteor, and flew towards cthulhu's location.

cthulhu still sleeps, but the world is changing, the laws are being rewritten, the laws of the world are being twisted and replaced by new laws.

he is the guardian of this universe, and this world was originally created according to his \rules.\

however, while cthulhu slept, Nyarlathotep took over this world. Although sealed within a polyhedron of light, Nyarlathotep's \reason\ pervades the world.

It can be said that the existence of the eternal Aion is the true \cause\ of Nyarlathotep's existence, and is the result of his creation when he was born into this world.

however, this also leads to destruction when the true master of the universe returns.

cthulhu was still awake and Arya was thinking about him.

Already in windmill town, when he seeks the divine power of cthulhu as a weapon, the oute is over.

Using the evil root of God will make you very dirty.

the power of evil gods and evil men cannot be purified, and impure souls cannot be revealed.

Arya's soul had been with cthulhu for a long time, but had never entered Nyarlathotep's domain, so it was always an unconscious result. No more.

however, by this time it was too late and cthulhu's spirit was pletely separated from his soul.

You cannot bee human again or remember your past.

the ghost became a man.

Although this has happened in the past, it is only a human phenomenon.

written or not, these interesting things cannot rewrite a person's character.

memory is the basis of morality, but the power of evil gods can change everything.

Now it's just a wretched animal.

there is no need for pity or self-pity for this monster, even God cannot show mercy.

\So, where is it?\ Aria said, \this place feels familiar and warm. It's just a feeling.\

\It's like a relic,\ he said.

- brother? Aria looked, but there was no one there but darkness. Immediately he noticed that the speakers were dark.

It wasn't a person, it was a voice from the darkness.

\It's time to say it in human language. this is the first time I've met you. I'm sorry that I have to meet you like this. Su xia's evil god is an ancient immortal.\ the darkness spoke to different voices. different, he said. REEd

Aria's voice was filled with doubt.

``Not even the soul of the evil god cthulhu can swallow, and even the evil god Su xia, who is an extreme being with the essence of a god, cannot swallow the power of the evil god.''`` whatever. have you just created? You are not human. You are part of a unique, eternal being. Now you are part of the Evil God.\

Aria said, \well, I don't know what you're talking about.\

\hahaha, don't you know? don't you still want to know? I'm also curious about the evil that Su xia did by sending you to this world, but I don't have the energy to think about it. right now.\ dark ting said, \It is unfortunate, o Great one, that this is the polyhedron of Light, the God-wurm, the Garden of chaos, and now you are here.''

\So?\ Aria asked.

\Su xia, I really like this place,\ the dark voice said like this, \cthulhu swallowed you here. It shows the same thing. cthulhu is outside. It shows the world. It is. in the form of a polyhedron of light If it is destroyed, we will do it. All are free.\

``I don't like it, but I don't remember anything. I don't care where I'm going.'' Aria is very human, and as a human, she can only be afraid. It was something that had always been hidden within Adam and that Arya ignored. \Su xia? have you been there?\

\No,\ answered Nyarlathotep, \I have not been to the place of Azathoth, Lord of the throne. Everything flows from him, but there is no sign of him. Even if he is evil, there is no way to get there. God is infinite and even .''If he continues to flow from his world to his world, there is no way to get there. the lock will never be opened.\

the atmosphere is sponge, air, and steel.

the current body of a god is not great, but no one would think that the body shown by the evil god cthulhu is the limit. the truth is, no one knows the answer to the question of whether God has a concept of \limits.\

however, Venus trion could believe that the evil god had no limits, that he was a plete monster who could do things with his own mind that ordinary people couldn't, and that there was no way to defeat him. , so he defeated him. . \Infinity\ is power.

his magic can be described as being able to change the heavens, turn the stars, and spin the world, but he is powerless against the unimaginable power of cthulhu.

If he is not weak, how can he be subject to the \endless reincarnation\ created by Nyarlathotep, the god of darkness and chaos?

this outer God was sealed by the Ancient Gods and banished to unknown darkness, deep pits, and unknown places before man was born.

but the signs of the heart that we are leading from here put the whole world in a state of irreversible fate, and no one can escape this choice.

Even death cannot bring salvation. because when the eternal disaster es again, the deceased will return to his way of life and return to the time before everything happened.

therefore, it can be called the Gospel of God. because what happened, what he didn't remember, what didn't happen can't be returned. Such things cannot be understood or prehended by the human mind.

however, a Venus trine does not have the same chance of happiness or good news that the average person has. because he is the demonic beast Yog-Sothoth, known to the world as ``son of the evil god,'' he can see the future without knowing what will happen.

\Eternal reincarnation\, caused by God's evil magic, is the return to a state that never existed, but Lord trion sees things that never existed. In short, tryon knows everything that has happened in this endless reincarnation, he has seen everything countless times and fully understands, it is a great repetition and nonsense, leading to a stupid life. whether he is a powerful mage or an inhuman.

tryon was angry, mad, and never recovered. the desire to destroy this eternal scourge was pletely integrated into his soul that from that moment, when the positive and negative influences of the polyhedron of light ended, there was no hope. And trion's heart was filled with such thoughts.

From the point of view of his nature, this is a departure from desire.

he became a beast of destruction, destroying everything and trying to kill everyone in sight.

trion raised the waters of the gods to end the eternal plague and escape from it all.

the holy meteor chariot rushed forward, the short distance was faster than his nervous reaction speed, and his right hand in the form of a one-handed sword, like a holy sword, like an unclean sword, which came out of heaven. In the light, as if from the distant air, Lord trion and his ghostly weapon dashed before cthulhu like arrows.

Like a powerful demon destroyer, the blade of the weapon turned into a sword light and pierced cthulhu's huge body, and the damage dealt by the God weapon was updated endlessly. they are pletely removed.

there are two possible outes.

overing the pressure of the gods, the threat of death, and the pulse of eternal disaster, he went to the kingdom of God and became like the ancient Great cross Kuro, who experienced the cycle of eternal disaster and reached the bag disaster. ta. thE woRLd

those who are absorbed into God's body and bee part of God, no matter how powerful their consciousness is, cannot bee anything by God's will, and even Nyarlathotep's law has reduced him from an eternal one. Evil gods, take your souls.

If this is possible, Anya and the Grand cross Kuro who have reached the God Realm will be able to return to their original world without being taken to the world outside of eternal reincarnation.

Some people cannot understand tryon's actions, and those who do not know the eternal danger and cannot endure the eternal despair will not understand his actions and motives.

why should we, the most powerful magicians and great beings who can control the things of the gods, fight against the gods?

only trion understood such a thing, this madness and insanity.

In fact, Etheldoretta did not understand that the trion, as a magical book, was the most important thing that answered the master's actions. So Isedreta Reta followed him, even though she knew there was no hope ahead. First.

the feeling of an evil god entering your body cannot be called a \miracle.\


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